PAGE EIGHT Celebrate 451h Anniversary Mrlî. and Mrs. Edward Wade, R.R. 2, Bo'wvmanv: celebî'ated their 45th wedding anniversary recently at evening party held in Varcoe's Hall when they received gc wisheý and congratulation- -f large gathering of relatii and friends. BERNARL - MUNDAI rdumphrey v,-ho xvoîe e navy bl In aquit ceemoy atthesuit and navY bat witlu red trii '. b a qietcermon ettheHec accessories were ced, and s orne of lier parents on Thucsday wore a corsage of eream 'murr Ivening, Dec. 18, Jon ges Best man was Mr. Donald Berl wughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivisoiu ard. Munday, Bowmenville, xvas ted in marriage %vtb îIvan Weclding refrcshments wec Wde Mattbexvs, son cf Mc. and secx ed folloxving the cecenuor: D. M. Bernard,' Newcastle. wA-bon the brides mother wore ýe. R. Nicholson perfocnued dries cf navy blut-. She wasa ýernony, and Mrs. Ray Mun- sisted ini receiving 1 *fvlue gîoorn \ster-iîu-law of the bride. nuotlier, whe xveie a wiiue di'es \he xeddiug nuusic. Follo«?iîug tlue receptiemu, tf 1 iîu macriage by huci bride andi gi-oem left onu thue bride wvore a gree-n ienooiîttip te St. Jean, Qu. IreY bat witb touches-,cfI bec% On thei- returmu tlue lupp p. and grey aceessories. H-er'c outule xiii rceide et Trentei -cage w-as of *yellow roses. Hlec *w-bre the groomn is stationed wit 1--attendent w'as Miss Mary the RCAF. Ini the very heart- of Santas pack is aur great, b;g Lundle of brighlt, CHRISTMAS GREETINGG to our frienucs and patrons! HO OPER 'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP held the position of stenographer SOLîîMA tcnded a farnily party at Mr. and played the Hallelujah Chorus A f Beforethe Marri Lage. the bFre .adMs .L.Pso t iete rait le ason.' i. raul's Sunday School Chiflr k wIth thne CM.aple lubua.lNrFire cDewells, Hampton. then the choir entered singing Insurancel wCo.battColumbus. M r.Icry* c olcnetFithe carol "0 Corne Ail Ye Faith- Soin hl ws eutful dc- Brioy SholcocrtFr-fuI". Rev. Empey presented fine EniOVC ik nPi iC rsi a a t orated by Mr. W. Lycett, Solina day evçning in the hall was also:1 messages in stories. The choir's JOHNSON - GRANT sehool teacher, and his pupils, for; elatne n uhcei l eetoswr h nhrs" their Christmas concert on Dec. ieduetetede dMucshJocedit- 1setlet m"onsdwreThe Fanthrist-A'0tflcikn i u-drtespevso tMs . A quiet wedding took place in 17. The duties of master of cere- i due the tacher Micins oc Chrs on" n ihe ist-o S.Pu'UntdCucMasmones were very capably yadm'scintutoms on. nethrsdeo1 per was enjoyed by about 125 Bragg. Mrs. Jack Hately and Mrs. St.Pal' Uitd huchMase forrned by Lorne Tink, one of thei1Ross Metcalfe for the splendid per, the pulpit stood Christmas trees children of St. Paul's United V. Jeffery, sang several riumbers Bowmanville, Dec. 12, at 7:30 scholars. The Splendid progran-, formance throughiout the~ operetta, with their coloured lights lending Church Sunday School and also which met with enthusiastie re- p.rn. by Rev. Harold Turner, when ossigo eittos ilge rouble i ola . Helen their beauty to the service of wor- members of the choir last Friday sponse. Everyone took part in cShsrleyngloferecitation.diaoguesKnox acted as announcer for the ship. evening. The ladies of the con- carol singing, led by Mr. Car- Ms.Al ratBo njd bycalthmersla g adinc progran and appeared as Trouble Next Sunday there will be a gregation provided and served the ruthers, with Mr.Bggtte mavit Ronad Wtein mJonsoa- nod icld thesre numerse in the operetta. The rernain4ng White Gift Service during the delicious meal which wvas com- piano. wih oa Wlri JhsoOpenin chClu programi included: recitations by Sunday School period. plete with cake, ice crearn and Mr. O. F. Ropson kiixlly brought Jolnson o Mr.and Ms. Wilfrd png orswn"Antea laus Lau Bowman and Jean Han- Mr.. and Mrs. John Leger, Dur- tarts, and the gift of candy, nuts his movie projector and sound Jonon owavil.Cores tooGnraAd ea1gils, el- cock; Christmnas Story, read b3T ham Road South, Oshawa, enter- and an orange from Santa Clam:s. track and showed four films which Give in marragebyh coMre y GhrdenIGibrs. Sheag Billv Bail, interspersed with car- tained several couples at a Lost The Sunday School room was were much enjoyed lbr the chilcl- father. the bride lookcd lovelv Westlake. Doreen Hamer and ols, recitation by KnY Kox Heir Party et their home Satur- gaily ecorated ihsraesrn hywr:Sak h o i rn aeiesoiesit p and rageo fmas-earksMr. W. L. air- og by pupils of *Grades 1, 2, day evening Prizes for highest and evergreens, and a huge Adventures of Burny Rabbýt, brownaccesoriesand orsag of mn*s emark-Mr. . L.Lycett 4 to 8. Mr. Bowman of the school scores were won by Mrs. Harvey Christmes tree sparkling wvîth Bauy Prince Carles and hlr,' pink carnations. The bride was' ns; Gae nd2 We board expressed thanks to the Yellowlees and Charles Lang- ornements. The bnuttbe of Switzerlend. attended by lier sister-in-law, I Arn Big Sorne Day", and "Sante hall board and made brief re- rnaid. were also decorated with red and The evening was brought to Mrs. James Grant, in a navy suit Claus"; recitetion, "Small Speech- marks. Visitors-. green streamers.coluinwt th rva with wvhite and nevy accessories es", by Larry Broome; piano solo During the Sunday School Mrs, D. Barton. and Clifford With Superintendent Wilfrid Santa Claus and a gift of cany and corsage of pink carnations. -Edgar Werry; Junior's chorus, period a special Christmas pro-Oh 1a r.H ars. 'Cruhr atn sceraaada rnefrec boy aty The bride xvs attended by lier All I Want for Christmas"; vocal gramn arranged by Jean Montgom - OMr.wandMrs. . HBroome" and fineragra ngwas enjoed baila girl. ane o echbo sister-in-law, Mrs. James Grant, solo-Sheron Robb; Juniors play, ery, Mary Cryderman and Gladys sonsaad Mr. WaLace omnds present. The Primary Class, un- in a navy suit with wvhite and "The Blind Man and The Ele- Yellowlees included these num- Mosaple rv. WallaceMunday'M navy accessories and corsage of1 phant"-~ two-part songs-"'venice" bers: piano solo by Ileen Balson: Ml rs. ena Wslk. isVlaGlet ootJ.LLL.LL white carnations. Mr. Roy Mid- and "Little, Lamb"; folk song and Carol "0 Corne Ail YelFaithful"; Diane. Miss Ola Westleke, Mr, and withl her parents.____ dieton, Toronto, brother-in-lew of dance-Sophie Vanderzwet, Marie recitations by Dianne Tink, Carol Mrs. Fred Crome, Oshawa, at Mrs.1 Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Ken M.adMs ril re n the groom, xvas best man. end Betty Courte; dialogue- Stainton, Phyllis-Anne Westleke; ChsMlnhr' n etrTnEeee;Ms hlrend OshaOv M reeand Ms After the ceremnony a reception 'Yessuh Boss"; vocal solo- song, "Away in a Manger" by the Miass Ia Sthns. M. and MrorWalec e Oshawa:Mrs. A. rent shwah Mr. and Mrs. we ed tte oeof thue C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S, Patsy Davis; Beginners' Cless; recitations by rence Squair, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Addie Tink et Mr. Harry Knox's. Walter Bryant. bride's parents. play-'The tiger, the brahmar Ronnie Baker and Edgar Werry; Squeir, Mr. and Mrs. L. Preston Mrs. E. Spircs wit r.Pry M.ed Ms e.Rhe The happy couple xiii reside in end the jackal": Dutch song- vocal solo, "Star of the East"- and Gary, Boreenvi.lanat Mr. Bent, Oshewe Boxvmanville. Sophie Vanderzwet, Mary and Patsy Davis; reading-Kathleen 1Roy Langmý-aid's. Miss Evelvn i Taylor. Toronto. Blckwater: r Prtnd ry Mrs.o Betty Courte; piano solo-Anne 1Grha;story by Patsy Knox; 1Mr. adMs.HJevHrY, ssedigteCrita eaned nsp eciler. Port anrry:Mr The bride lhas belon the recip- id chorusarMyveprdi is rpeam; lthesChristmas a ndMs ec!Ra-adAa ient of two lovely showers. A Werry; senior cou-"yShee pin solo-Harold Yellowle oman\l'île: mr. and irs. Fred tion et her homei. B\mnil;M.edMs et imiscellanelous showeî' given by Were Grazing"; debate, Grade 4 recitations by Helen Perrinder Hardy, iNciw Toronto, et Mr. I. Mir. and Mrs. Wesley His and er Rem, Tyl r.ned Mrs. Doreen Mrs. Roy Anger and a pantry girls-"Resolved thet Santa Claus and Kenny Knox;, song, "Silant Hardy's. Carol, et i\Tr. A. HuIs', Tyrone. erRame nd froied we re et sheif showver given by Mrs. John shouid be streemlined'; chorus by Night" by Junior Girls and Boys MrRedMr.TonBkr n' r.adnd om\esikeit Rehme Taylor and Mrs. James Grant, senior girls-"Beeutiful Seviour""' Cless; recitation -Marie Flett; familv at Mr. Keitb Ormiston's, Hampton, et Mr. Frank West--__________ vocal solo by Damaris Thompson; piano trio-Barbera Hooey, Hel- Ebenezer. leke's, Sr. clsngnmbr "eeCons nen atyKox toy "od Misses Elmia end Jean Crvder-i Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, School examninations are one- L1HTVORSente Claus'. During this song Frankincense and Myrrh" by Ev- i man, Oshawa. at their homne. Oshawa, Miss Betty- King, Toron- sided. it is not so much ecademic C'HRISTMAS CANDLE Sente appeared with his pecki of elyn Taylor; song. "Christmaes Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and' to et Mr. Ralpb Davis'.edcto.aamrlansii- Lue, Wiî cend and te chilren esisted in So"b h rmr ls. Cerol et Mr. Wmi. Knox's, Brough- Mir. Clifford Ferguson. Brock. tial culture. xvhich lifts one high- an yil ouI ight your Christmasl distributing gifts from thtre As a prelude to the church ser- am. ISask., et Mr. Harold Pascoe s. er.-Mary Baker Eddy. Frmthe Star of Bethlehem i_ ives Let it guide you to the manger Where the engels sang theirý - hymn. G lory to God on high, O n eerth good xill to men. H ark, down the corridor of time The engels' song, egein. Sing the songs oui' mothers teuglbt à us, Sing them with elI sweet accord. Unto you is bone Seviouir, . Wbo, indeed, is Christ the Lord. NLighit your Christmas candlc early Keep it burning, ever brightj werd Seeking now a friendly light. lue Humbly kneeling et the manger m. Pour out there the gift of love bhe Look to where its reys are point-* ns. , ing, -o- To the Father's home above. re-(Wm. Willton, R. R. 4, Bow- 1y, menvil le). a ir Famforums the S. S. . No. 4 FORI S. S. 4 For'um muet et the huomue, o' f Mr'. and Mrs. Jerî'y Peterson onu 'n, Dec. 15 witlu 22 present. The sub- ith iect for discussion xvas "Building -or Peace". l Te Uîited1 Nations bas not. b e jua succ essful as boped foi',x btprogî'ess is definite but slow. Peace program should start et home. Ceauada bias set an ex-' ample with ber unguerded[ Amer- ican border. Our surplus food' sbould be used by the starving peopies of the world. We are dublous abou.t e woi-ld! government. If the governuentsj were united in the U. N. there' would be power to put into effect.... the motions passed since the in- Sdividuel must pess these motions before enytbing cen be accomp- e lished. To- settle the variety of problenus of a large country li k i Canada. a i o d for 0e 'g*v- ernment let alonefo the whle.- lie hmen of Mr'. anud Mis. Allen )own. For every dollar of taxes Cen! adians paid in 1939 they'paîd PAEO A $.5 et wartime peak, 1944,and .this yeer will pay about $450. Teewere aàriiqrterofab Merry Christmas! ' to add aur best wisnes for a very Merry Christmas! S. IR. JAMES M INSURANCE ROY Wu NICHOLS I GENERAL MOTORS DEALER -COURTICE BOWMANVILLE -i 1' - TUE CA-RADIAN STAMMAN, SOWMANVTLLE, ONTAMO TMTRýl;'nAV- nVf' 9IL IM2 -