~i~urirmunr" ~ - r'- ~ is being rep .th a supper Carol, "What is this Lovely Frag-~ Ganaraska Authority S and progran Friday, Jan. rance" arranged by Healey Wil- Y for by the à Branch W. A. sang a solo part, and (2) the Hur-2r.Teifbeated aninwchMs MyteHlBU-130A es oe adeery jéff . is to be made on Carol. "Jesous Ahatonhia" aiso nL rh i County *WS to make tt1is a gala affair.' arranged by Healey Willan in____ 8' __________- t aChrstms-tde aptsmwhich Miss Nancy Smythe and1 The Ganaraska River Conser- service at St. John's Church on Miss Carol Gibner sang solo parts., vation Authority in Durham With almost 100 per Cent at- Sunday afternoon the following The Rector, Rev. Warren Turner, County now has a total forest tendance of pupils and with many were received into the fellowship preached a short sermon from the area of 5,850 acres following a Parents also presented the Begin- of the Church and given their text, "O corne let us sing unto recent additional purchase of bers and Priniary Department of Christian namhes: Victoria Louise, the Lord: let us make a joyful 1,350 acres of sub-marginal farm -St. John's Sunday School enjoyed infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. noise to the rock of our salva- land. Much of this latest acquis- ,tto the full their annual Christmas Barry Mason; Wendy Louise, in- tion", (Psalm 95:1), outlining ition is covered with farm wood- ýparty on Saturday afternoon. Ar- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. something of the history of Christ- lot an.d requires no planting. rangements were under the super- Byron Bridges, Richard Lawrence mas carols as an expression of Oro date 2,200,000 trees have Vision of the Dept. Superintend- Archer, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. the joy in men's hearts at the Re- been planted in the Ganaraska *ent, Mrs. Chas. Betties, assisted by Lawrence Little, and Jon Michael, demption of mankind in Christ Forest. It is planned to plant an Mvesdames J. G. Park<er, E. G. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Milne. Jesus. dionl4000tes urg Weïsells, C. Hall and Miss Violet Rev. Warren Turner officiated. * ath oinl 0000 tresduin -McFeeterN The General Super- ***"Little Helpers" Christmas Part y The Aomgri n oeroe bitendent, Mr. W. 1. Tait was CHRISTMAS SERVICES The "Little Helpers" of St. third of the waý, to its objective of diairman for the programme, dur- It was a joyful and reverent John's Church, the children of a 20,000-acre forest as planned ing which the boys and girls dem- congregation that welcomed the pre-school age, with their moth- when thue Authority was formed Onstrated their mastery of the coming of Christmas at St. John's ers, met Monday afternoon (Dec. in 1946. Weil known carols, recitations and Church on Christmas Eve at the 29) for their Christmas party. .Uongs of the Christmas season. Mid-Night Eucharist. The Church Their Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. After a sumptuous tea of sand- itself was beautifully decorated Howard Smythe was in charge of B A K T C Wiches, cakes. ice creamn and with evergreens, poinsettias and proceedings. B A K T C ê0coa, each of the boys and girls masses of white and coloured ____ réceived a Christmas gift. The 'mums given as memorials to loy- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp &ector thanked the teachers and edaones. The well-known Christ- Lake Shore, Clarke and family held a family party *ll who had contributed toth en-ma hymns and carols, the fa- Cristmas Day. The guests were: joYment of the occasion and dis- miliar words of the Holy Coin- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp, mnissed the party with a Christ- munion service and the anthemn, The Lake Shore School was fill- Glen and Arthur; Mr. and Mrs. nmas prayer and the Blessing. "While Shepherds watched their ed to capacity Dec. il when the A. L. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- The great number of Christ- flocks by night" by Roland Smart pupils of the school, six in num- ford Van Camp, Doreen and Rich- mas parties and the difficulty in were fine vehicles for the expres- ber, presented their annual ard; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry, arranging a date which would be sion of the Chr'smas loy evident Christmas concert. Their teach- BihÏ and Ted; Mr. and Mrs. Bey- *generally convenient has led the in the con rc aion. The solo part er, Mrs. S. Powell, is to be con- erîey jeale and daughter Jackie teachers of the Junior and Senior in the an. assun byMrs gratulated on the way the child- o ikadLk;M.adMs .Depts.*of the Sunday School to W. J. E. ý - _._1 ren performed the plays, songs Norton Van Camp and famîly andt try an experiment this year. For Two o.n. oly Communioni and recitations. Miss Jane Ben- Mrs. Glennie, Listowel; Mr. and the Junior and Senior Sunday :evc~. h a.Tefrt nett, Newcastle, was pianist for Mrs. Stephen Saywell and Mar- School the usual Christmas party at 8 a..:. w;.s w-hout music and! the evening. After the concert a garet, Oshawa; Rev. Dr. and Mrs.1 _____________________ its qu-ec cverence seemed to hand-hooked rug made and donat-1 Fred Riding, Paul and Barbara,l Ibrea,.e ýthac peace of Christmas cd by Mrs. W. Holmes and a wool-, Union City, Penn.;* Mr. an-d Mrs. I nawyLc o ui ol vren blanket were drawn for. Miss W iig saa h eert rLRVAnAILNI .nmauccce hain onmuhsccod eat Margaret Brown, Newtonville, W iig saa h eert suce ndig.Tescna ed their 5th wedding anniver- PER M I ENT 1:30 an-i, was choral with the won the rug and Mrs. Geo. Skeld- sary on Dec. 25; Mrs. W. A. Van W AVESo Choir being assisted by a ing won the blanket.CapndJcVnCm. W AVESsmall choir from the Sunday Mr. Bill Jaynes attended the Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers and Desgne fr Yu lon .chocl. ? hese young voices stood wedding of Mr. Murray Dunne, I Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers with Thatis nd oilrih oluione out e-lec.*vely in the two hymns, Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain. prepared for "your own" "wyi agr n Oc r n r.S oel r n Mrs. F. C. Marlow and Joan, paricuar ypeof air No in Royal David's City" which Mrs. A. Wade, Nëwtonville; Mr,.I and Miss Ruth Marlow, Toronto; partsiulatpeof air. No were sung during the Communion and Mrs. E. Tonkin, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Clara Marlow, Napanee: Mr.0 exesiv ha -a uk- of the Congre-ation. L. Laverty, Oshawa, had tea Sat- and Mrs. Ivan Thompson, Eliza-ç Swarm process. The Chrisc'rnas Festival was urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. contnuedon unda wih th Be Jayes.beth and Bill with Mr. and Mrs. cotued Sunday with the BeyvJaynes. Wallace Marlow, on Christmas - usalSuand1-ay and weries at Mr. George Skelding Jr., had Day.M Complete 81..adi .m n iha the risfortune to break his ankle IJr. and Mrs. Tom Hodge, Mr.b aunt, Special, Carol Service 'n the ev-, just before Christmas. We wishanMr.raAgeMs.dadI Mr.~ ening. The latter, - v ,Stor ,-of lnim a speedy recovery. ad M'. IanAge r. dadt spet' Cod W vethe Christ-Child told nrir , Mi. and Mrs. Aif Brown and Darcy, M.ad Mrs. CecilHyde apnt Mr od . eSong and Prayeîr v.as very ofam il n r n r.Bl aePatsy and Linida, Toronto, withu Sandly Mrs. fective and well-d.c.- _. B?-innn,!' n amilyd reunday v, iitors Mr. and Mrs. Russell Spinks. n aMr. anB$----- wîth the firsL a of 1Lvenin; ih r and M wres. Lloy Sinneor, Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer withA Bowmavi1 omplte Payer inc-.-il "10 £yrone. Mcaan MrSa Mr and Mrs. Elmer Archer, Whit- ' B. Smpsni which was sun 1- into sev- Mr.JmMKyad r.Si by. Marilyn and Ronald returned- Mr .an u uc ings inuW- e- . prayers end with Mr. and Mrs. Robin All- the holidays. theirnt esnth mst tinscaroîs. '_- he _r read selec- dred. Mr. Roy McKay, Bronte, Mr. Murray Werry, Toronto, Mher sn ten of proph--y fromn the Old, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. and Dr. and Mrs. John Werry and Mr n , advanced meth- Testament which pointed to the Alîdred. Anne, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mr. and rmanent waving coming Messiah.- Mr. J. A. Liv- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner Mrs. Rupert Werry. Shannonvili 4tting.,,will be at ing read the story of the Annunci- and Miss Dorothy Skinner, Ty- Ms ainGaaVnov itors with, , ranv ileon ation. Mr. Keith Wood that of the rn a e StraMvnîgewis attion GToroVnouni-j ed.andFriay ourey o Bthlhem and~hewith Mr. and Mrs. Alf Brown. versity, visited Rev. and Mrs. C. Mstephensr. /~alwee>ç Birth of Christ, Mr. Reg. Harding Mr. and Mrs. Ian Corry, Ham- W. Hutton. has ben vi~li~#m*~ <j read of the Herald Angels and the itnwr iioswt r n of ber famTily in t Shepherds and Mr. Lionel Parker Ms. Alf Brown. Ms uhrMutoMs district during the Ch * the Story of the Wise Men. Fa-. Mr. and Mrs. Don Coulter and Grace McGill and family, Osha- das 1 miliar carols were sung b hi family, wr yhî Downsview, wr Sunday' wa, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs . âck and congregation. The choir un- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam; Swaîn. Vernon McGill stayed - JoiiPal pet hra HOop der the direction of Mrs. E. V. Powell. with his cousins for the holidays. with the former's n' .e Luck also sang two less well Mr Aif Brown visited bis Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Venning Nelson Nesbitt, Por#<- known carols, (1) an old French mother, Mrs. H. Brown at the and family, Mr. and Mrs. Maur- ',r. and Mrs Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toron- ice Samelîs and Sharon, Peter- fainily visitedi to. borough, with Mr. and Mrs. T. day with Mr, and > - Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson Samells. Megit and fami]y. and famîly, Oshawa, were vistors Mr. and Mrs Ray McGill at Mr. H. T. Manes, Mr with Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskerville. Burnt River with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Oldfield and Mr. M Christmas Visitors Henry Armstrong.j -Tracey Embley were gue S of Mr. Mr. Murray Dunne, Ni agara ~ ~ Aci etn end Mrs. H. A. Gray, 0shawa on placý Falls, with Mr. and Mrs. Bey. -M r. and. .Mrs. Aci ef Christmas Day. Tr Jaynes. ooo with Mrs. George Craw-i Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Davies and Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skelding and ard and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Trevor have returned from a trip Vict- fa,.Auiily with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, -cýaîce.I to Coppercliff, Ont., where they ra> I13SkeŽ'Ing Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Hutton and, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry dat iV'rs. Arthur Bedwîn and fam-' fa.-iiiy with relatlives at Smithsi Rider and other friends. T" ily with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tay- ails and Iroquois. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenso lor, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. George Staniland and family spent Christma ii1~ Mr. A. Souch, Shiloh, and Mc. with :.,Ir.an Mr. ame, with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton P- and Mrs. R. Rutherford, Orono, '1ontrcaÏ- Iey in Toronto.- with Mc. cand Mrs. W. Adams. Mrî. and Mrs Stan Rahm, Paul! Holiday ..ii s wîth 1(1~ Mr. and Mrs. R. Shupak, To- and Carol, with Mr. and Mrs. Ai-. Mrs. Ale * ir JAX EUE - 2 p il ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. thur Ralim, Tyrone. Mrs. Or:h Holmes. MVr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson, Linda AY --Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes and Bill and Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. %ýRID ý ATURDAY DEC. 2 3 farnily with Mrs. W. Clemence,I Lloyd Wright and Donald, Mi.1 Bowàgn a'. and Mrs. Bill Forder and Joyce PeasV>-UNIVERSANTKIRNATIONAL prfflrtS Mr. and Mrs. Ait. Brown and willh Mr. anîd Mrs. Garnet Wright.j family with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris and edrM ~ - Lake. farnily, Mrs. Flett, Mc. and Mcs.1 her9 4ýU * ~ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch and Carl iVl'Laughlin, Miss Aileeni Stin 'à WtU Mrs. N. Samis, Newcastle; Mc. and MacMillan and Mr. Don Pargeter aMr l'""' i Mrs. Les. Alldred and family, Or- with Mn. and Mrs. Mervmn Grah-, famîy' . ono; Mrs. R. Woodhams and fam- am. and A'P ji~.-- ily, Toronto;. Mr. and Mrs R. Ahl- Rev. and Mcs. M. R. Sanderson,1 Brampt IN drdadfmiyadM.Le l-o, ar n eTrno chîidrenl' ,~ lin with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ail- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mairlow wîth ber parents, --.~ dred. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mariow. 1 Mr. and l~- HppyNwYa oA Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swairî held a family party on Saturday': Mr. ableforme c'~*evecyone joining in singing Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin,j mas carols and a recitation by Nestleton. Joan Dalby followed with the Mc. and Mrs. Herman Hooey IW beginners singing -Awav in a with Mc. and Mrs. Foster Ferg- CARTOON Manger"; a recitation I'Jack and uson, Orono. Jill" was given by Rickev Gat- Mc. and Mrs. Howard Trewin DAY THU SDA - DC. 7- 8 chell fol]o\ved with a duet by and son with Mr. and Mrs.Br .b fr' - byDorth Baber I eMedite ary dithMs. Howard Baiiey and NIVEN i gave a stocyavChnistnuMs.famynCrstmasey Day jTo *L~~EU * -~~~ 1LcitaDoins"followed with a cosreci- M. adMs ehBabr J' tobyejanitorbeir. Accski On adf with M n. and Mrs. D on i-1 *V MD'à%walso gioeby ntBerediat edys, n.aondtMo. LsieMun 1y * Johnny rook, ohang as ,M. and Mrs. Nil Wrrerand aftcee to uainossothltoew ich Wd er ediganie Sanota CausaperIteditearolwith M.Hoad Mn. ilertnd TgELLooREKa beng evlldewith geifts Mc. and Mrs. Gorsie in with, fioc yJae aI llilrîesei"nt e Mand ml hMrr. nad rin s- ýT iJý th~~~e Air d na Trat" fron g Sa in a d T oawa.Nete bR0wa is e n y ntrrs. ý o , M r.s Nrand M a lie olm T ntoy, f vi,' 1' with Miss Grace Graham. Miss Mabel Van Camp, Toron. to; Miss Helen Van Camp and Miss Jessie Van Camp. Oshawa; Mr. and Mns. Ronald Drinkwaten, Ottawa; Mn. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Rev. and Mcs. George Nicholson, Mn John Hooey and Mn. Jack Smith with Mns. William Van Camp.t Mn. and Mrs. Norman Mount- joy, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and family, Mr. and Mns. Bruce Mountjoy and family, ýLangstaff; Mn. and Mns. Ivan Mountjoy and family, Mr. and Mns. Edwand Mac- Neil and Douglas with Mn. and Mrs. Murray Byens. Christmas Day. Mr. Glen Larmen, Kemptviile Agricultural College and bis room-mate, Mn. Victor Henry of the West Indies; Miss Beryl Lan- mer, R.N., Peterborough, with Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer. Mr. and Mns. Harold Martyn and Ronnie with Mn. and Mns. Sidney Martyn, Osbawa, on Cbristmas Day and on Boxing Day with Mn. and Mrs. J. Kench- en, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Lanmen, Sharon and John, witb Mr. and Mrs. Heben Snowden, Maple G*rove. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmen and family witb Mn. and Mrs. Elgie Taylor, Solina. Mn. and MVrs. Alex Johnston, Mr. and Mns. Roy Avery and Marie. Tilbury, who are hax'ing two weeks' holidays; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell, Nancy and Leanne with Mr. and Mrs. Eari Donreil and Stuart. Miss Pearl Wright, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow, Mr. and Mcs. Dalton Dorreil and family with Mc. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mr. and Mrs. -Frank Playfoot, Bryce and Bryan, Lindsay, witb Mr. Henry Thompson and Miss Ethel Tbompson. Sympathy is extended to Mn. Tom Venning, Mr. and Mns. John Venning and Joan on the passing of Mrs. Venning on Dec. 26. The second meeting of the Girls' Sewing Club was beld in the High School with Mrs. Lorne rhompson in charge. The roll cahl was "One point to consider when buying cottons." It was decided to have a colloection of five cents each meeting. Indîvidual meas- .rements were taken and we pin- ned patterns on materials taken. AXt the next meeting Miss Noble. is to be present.,1 SPENCER CORSETIERE (Registered since 1931) Mrs. j.* E. Richards ]BOX 33, ORONO Telephone 27-r-16 ZION <Intended for last week) A pleasant Friday aftennoon was spent at the Zion Public School wben the annual Christ- mas concert was beld. Hecto- gnaphed programmes, attnactively deconated by the pupils, wene dis- tributed, then, with Mrs. Raby at the piano, the ententainment gpt unden way, as follows: O Canada; Welcome necitation, Patsy Sun- day; Chonuses: Christmas Belîs, Magic Sleigbride, Toyland Town; Exencise: The Seasons, Jean Best, George Raby, Patsy Sunday, Sam Uutnyk; recitations, Elaine Cas- well; Mike Szalawiga; chorus, Teddy Beans' Picnic; recitations, Donna Abrams, Pat Harness; Dialogue, Christmas Surprises; chorus, The Jolly Old Man in the Bright Red Suit; necitations, Mac- jonie Fannel, Robent Farrell, Gre- edy Peter, Gerald Best; girls' chorus, Christmas Cake Song; Dialogue, Making Believe; recit-, ations, Christmas Doîl, Elaine Caswell; Santa's Garden, Zosia Lesnik; When Santa Was a Boy, George Raby; Dialogue, Dad's Quiet Evening; chorus, Rudolpb the Red Nosed Reindeen; choral neading and tableaux, The First Noel; closing necitation, Elaine Caswell. With the distribution of the presents by Santa Claus who at this moment mnade his jovial ap- peacance and the singin gof the Queen, the prognamn camne to an end. An unusual but very pleasant innovation was a social half bouc to follow, generous portions of heavily iced Christmas cake and cookies accompanied cups of hot fragrant tea, and so ended an- other Christmas concert. The teacher and pupils are f0 be congratulated foc thein fine ef- forts. LONG SAULT Mc. Valentine Totb was a Christmas Day vîsitor with Mr. G. Kovac and Gabriel. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sim were supper guests on Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley and Mc. D. B. Farrell. Glad to report Mr. Farrell doipg as weil as can be expected. j Mn. and Mrs. Hilliard McClure, Happy Valley, were afternoon cailers with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and Grace. Mrs. Orme Miller spent the holiday weekend with ber par- ents at Tara. Mr. and Mrs. William Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Orme Miller were dinnen guests of Mc. and Mrs. Earl Duvall, Leskard. Mc. and Mrs. Harold Murphy, Mrs. Edith Murphy wece Christ- mas visitors with Mc. and Mrs. pu ý 7-1 QUICKLY! You can get $50 t. $IWXO withot bankable secunity. QUIETLYI Loans made promptly on your own signature. CONVENIENTLYI Select your own repayrmnt plan. Up to 24 months to repay. Remnember, more people borrow from Household Finance than any other company ini its field. Phone or stop in todayl "hYEAR IM CAMAA e HOUSEHOLD FINAINCE 111/s Simcoe St.South, saond flnor, phone Oshawa 5- 1139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT NfOPE IMANCRi 71 Wofton Et., 2nd floor, phone 3050 E LUMBER EL.L cou Mr. W. E. Adams Takes Pleasure in Advising thai He Has Sold THE ADAMS LUMBER COMPANY., NEWCASTLE ta Mr. P. G. Newell Mr. Newell, eslablished and has managed Ihis business since ifs inceplion. N EWC AS TLE We wish you A Good New Year -BEFORE YOU BUY SEE OUR SUPPLY On Orders We Accepi Long Distance Charges Phone Newcastle 3456 CANDILSTATMAY. BOWMANVTLLE. OfTARTO --- ---------------- ?TJRSDAY, ANUA" lut 1ton Roy McLaughlin, Blackàtock. ley, and Mr. and Mms Ronaldi Mn. and Mrs. A. McLaggan, Pomeroy, Peterborough, wene Toronto, vîsited on Christmas home with their parents, Mr. and with Mn. and Mrs. A. J. MeLag- Mrs. Clarke Pomeroy for Christ- gan.. mas. Miss Helen Partner, Oshawa; Guests with Mr. and Mrs PercYl Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Heal, London, Mantie for the weekend were Mr. and Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Partner and Mns. Donald Mantle and Miss wene Christmas visitons with Mr. Dianne Mantle. Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pantnen.- and Mrs. Ray etinson, Oshaîrr_ý Weekend Visitors Mn. and MrsMilton Fafliftgad Mr. and Mns. Roly Tbompson, Mn. Gordon Fallis wene with. Mns. Haydon, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmaen Rowan and Ralph Rowan Harvey Pantner. for Christmas Day. Mc. and Mns. Earl Duvall, Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Bolton, and Mrs. Gerald Duvail and Toronto, visited with Mn. and Mrs. family, Leskard, and Mn. and Charles Reynolds on Fniday. Mns. Orme Miller wene enter- Mrs. Isabel Fallis spent Christ- tained at a turkey dinnen at the mas Day with Mn. and Mns. Ro home of Mn. and Mrs. William Downie at Raebono. * " Miller on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Jack Palmen an4"" Fred Smith, Bowmanviile, visit.. Miss Jean Palmer were home foi ed bis parents on Sunday. the weekend with Mr. and Mns. The mumps have nearly made Reginald Palmer. the rounds of the community Mr. and Mrs. Robent Sisson and and sevenal new cases bave family are spending the weekend broken out since Christmas. It isli Thamesville, to be hoped that with the frosty Mns. Winnifred Fitzgenald,'Pet- weathen all the dîseases wîll be erborough, spent Christmas with cieared away befone the new ber brother and sister-in-law, Mr. yeac. and Mns. William Hannah. Mn. and Mns. H. Ellison, Mrs. ]BETHANY Ross Hall and daughten, Lynda, Whitby, were guests witb Mr. and Mn. and Mrs. John Cobunn and Mcs. T. J. Jackson, Fniday. themr chîldren, Peter and Sally, Mn. and Mcs. Cecil Hughes and visited with relatives in Toronto daugbter, Wendy. and Mn. and on Friday. Mrs. Hugh McDonald, all of To- Mr. Milton Weathenilt was tak- ronto, were home for the week- en to St. Joseph's Hospital, Pet- end with Mrs. Richard Fallis. erborough, early on Christmas The sympathy of the commun- morning for an emecgency ap- ity is extended to Mrs. James Mc- pendix operation. Latest reports Kinnon, xvho TFeceived word o11 are that be is improying. Satundav of the sudden death of Pte. Hilliard Bristow. statîoned hec bi'otber, John Smitb in log.er- at Ottawa, was home for Christ- soîl. Mrs. McKinnon left immned- mas with his wife and family. iately for Ingersoll and will ce- Miss Helen Ward, nurse-in- main until after the funeral ser- training, Ottawa, was home -for vice. Christmas with hec parents, Mr. Mr. Leonard Cavano, Belleville, and Mrs. Thomas Wand. spent the weekend with Mis. Miss Bevecly Pomeroy, Bewd- William Cavano.