xmukK IIMAIT ist, ioss '-J' "<1/w A/ewcadle [Gardon Agnew, Editor, "The Light of Lfe"" Cantata is Presenied hy Orano - Kirby Chairs -';special musical service was presented by the Orono and Kirby Vnited Church Chairs at the 7 i.n. service in Newcastle United ~hurch. Sunday evening. The Cantata entitled "The Light of Lite" was under the direction of -Mr. Wý E. C. Workman. with Mrs. Workman at the organ. The solo, duet. trio and quar- tette renditions were presented with skill and feeling. bringing out the beauty of the Cantata. During several of the numbers, trumpet calis, played by Mr. Carias Tamblyn, added to the beauty of the music produced by the chorus of more than 30 voices. The minister of the church stat- ed that despite the clamour and din of an unsettled world, lave- liness was still ta be found and1 enjoyed as evidenced by this fine1 presentation of sacred music He1 said that this evening o! fine tel- lowship made a delightful fin- ale, coinciding as it did. with the last Sabbath Eve of 1952. At the morning service of wor- ship the regular order of service prevaiied with the minister speak- ing an the subject, "Herod Out- maneuvered". The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed at the 11 o'clock service zext Sunday morning. The ushers for January will be Messrs. Lorne Johnson, Murray Patterson, John Scott and Sidney Ferguson. Recent Sabbath visitors to New- castle United Church were Miss Beryl Ci&nell. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickey, Aurora; Mr. Brenton Hellyar. St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hellyar of Bowmanville. Social and Personal Mr. Loftus Bellamy \vas in St Mary's on Wednesday af last weeP attending the funerai of his cous. in, the late Mrs. David Hew. Mr. and Mrs. Waodham, Toron. to, visited with Mrs. Samis lasi week. Miss Mary Margaret Bonathan Toronto. spent the Christmas hol:. days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan, Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hare had Christmas Dinner with Mr. Hare5 aunt, Mrs. W. Blakely, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew * spent Christmas Day with Mr and Mrs. Donald Williams and I amiiy, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wynr, Bowmanville, visited with Mrs. D, B. Simpson on Saturday. Mr .and Mrs. Herbert Toms spent Christmas in Toronto witl their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Reid and family, Shannonville, were weekend vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson and family. Mrs. Merkley Clark. Belleville, has been visiting with members of her family in the village anc district durnng the Christmas holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Jâck Nesbitt and John Paul spent Christmas Day with the former's mother, Mrs. Nelson Nesbitt, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Megit and famiy visited in Toronto on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Megit and family. Mr. H. T. Manes, Mrs. Embley, Miss Oldfield and Mr. and Mrs, rTracey Embley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gray, Oshawa an Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Davies and Trevor have returned from a trip to Coppercliff, Ont., where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rider and other friends. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephenson and family spent Christmas Day with Mn. and Mrs. Clintan Bun- ley in Toronto. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce were Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stinson, Marilyn and Linda. Cheslev; Mrs. E. Patterson, Mn. Elmer Fowier and Johnnie, Bowmanvilie, and Miss Peggy Pearce, Toronto. Mrs. H. R. Pearce has retunn- ed from a six week's visit with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stinson, Chesley. Mr and Mrs. D. W. Jose and famiiv spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Graham Crawford, Sr., Brampton. Mrs. Jose and the children rernained for a visit with ber parents.1 Mr. and Mrs. C. J,% Agnew and t. family, Peterborough, were Sun- k, Iday visitons with Mn. and s s- Gardon Agnew. Mn. and Mrs. R. H. Davies and - Ti-evor, spent Christmas with Mrs. st Davies' mother, Mrs. Fleming, Oshawa. n, Mn. Franîcis Jase, Kemptvilie i- Agicutural College, is spending id the Christmas vacation with bis parents, Mn. and Mns. J. H. Jase. d Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Porten and s Bobby wene Christmas guests a! Mrs. Ponter's parents. Mi-. and w Mns. Phiiip Veale, Beaverton. r. Mn. and Mrs. Irwin Colwiil and d farniiy spent Christmas with Mns. Colwiil's sisten, Mns. Kerr-, Bow- manvilie. >. Sunday evening guests with Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Turner were ,S Mn. and Mns. Sam Dickie, Aunai-a. h Word bas been received from iGrand Coulee, Sask., that Mn. N. T.' Selby, a former nesident of' j, Newcastle, bas suflered a stroke and is in hospital in Regina. d Mrs. Janet Laird spent the Christmas season witb ber daugh- *ter, Mns. Clive Hatch, Wbitby. 'S. Mn. and Mns. E. M. Wicks spent d Christmas at the home of Mn. Sam Powell, Lakeshone. Miss Edna Fenton spent Chnist- CI mas with ber sisten, Mrs. Irene y Caldwell, Toronto. Mns. L. A. Garnie bas been spending a week with ber daugb.. 1te:'Mrs. Ted Spencely, Toronto. - Mn. Bill Hatcb, Wbitby, called 1 on bis grandmother, Mns. J. Laird, Miss Florence McMilian visited with lien aunt, Mrs. Mai-y McMil- Ian. A weddîng o! lorali nterest took 1place at the School of Missions in Toronto on December 20 when 1Dr. A. B. B. Moore, President of Victoria Cailege united in mar- iage, Catherine Edna Tueker, daugbter o! Dn. and Mrs. J. T. Tucker o! Lisbon, and Mn. Lance LWilliam Ward. Catherine, it wiii he remembened, lived witb the Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Patterson at the local pansanage whiie attend- ing Higb Schooi. Miss Eileen AI- lin, Nr .vcastie, was a guiest at the wedding and on netunning ta To- ronto toliowing thein baneymoon, the young couple calied on Mn. and Mns. George Allun on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Harold Burgess, Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. Clan-j ence Burgess and son, Murray,1 Oshawa, spent Christmas Eve with Mrs. Caroline Burgess. Mn. and Mrs. Matt Harrison, jBowmanviiie, visited with Mn. f and Mns. E. M. Wicks.V Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hannah, C Baltimore, visited witb Mrs. Mary McMillan.V Mr. Frank Clegg, Bawmanville, a Christmas Programme is Featured AI Evening Auxiliary Meeting The Board Roomn of the New- by Mrs. Glenney and pictures castle Uniýed Churcb lighted by pentainirig ta these sclîaols were cand es. '"h an attractively dec-1 passed amoîîg the members. orated sCh 1tmas tree ini the foi-e- The President, mns. Muriel gnourid a~ ate atmasphene Allin, conducted the business o! the an n,ýChitmas meeting period in which the Mission Band of the W.M. venuîmg Auxiliar. leader reparted a successful par- W,~ith Mis ""3--n G raham's ty at Christmas for the members. Gnoup ini cha'r\w, the pragnam, It wxas also neponted that the Mis- the devotio a ' iad was con- siaîî Band had a balance o! $70 ducted by Mrs j v Br-own and in its accaunt. Mrs. Helen Pt t(rn, including Foiiowing the meeting, mem- tbe singing ao, iismas canols, bei-s o! the gnaup in change senv- and the nead i s!t Scriptunes ed nefreshments ta the membens. dealing with t a o! Jesus and Some a! the menîbens of the commerits on various scnip- Auxiliaî-y met on Friday after- tures selected, ti nonî, Dec. 19th, ta pack randy A cliapter- o die Study Book bags for the 'Sunda.v School dealing wth t. Angolas school Christmas Concert. each o! the system was re r nby Mns. Liilian membens binging a gift for the Gienney, assist E by Miss Isobel pancel ta he sent ta Miss Eva Allini. The van i-s sclîools ax'ail- Virisan, wbo is in the Cobourg able fanor.iec ren wene listed Home. I Ç ~loi 94efLeftde4 Phone e3111 visited with Mr. and Mrs. George 20C ide Smith. 20C ide Mrs. Kuprey is convalescîng in Greet Santa at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville,b following an emergency operation Lions Club Party on Friday.1 Miss Betty Allun, Peterborough; More than 200 children from Mr. Morley Allun, No, 9. and Miss the village and district turned out Peggy Pearce, Toronto. were1 on Tuesday evening, December Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 2.3rd to meet Santa Claus at the Stanley Powell and family. annual Christmas party sponsor- Mrs W.J. . ickrd nd r.ed by the Newcastle Lions Club ndMrs. GarnetS Rickard andr in the Community Hall. family, Shaw's: Mr. and Mrs. Several cartoon films were Stanley Riekard and family, Bea: shown on the screen while awaît- vertan; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buxton ing the arrivai. of good aid St. and Patricia, Agincourt, and Miss Nick who distributed bags of Marion Rickard, Barrie, with Mr. candies and goodies ta each child and Mrs. Brenton Rickard and present. family. Following Santa's visit, refresh- Mr' and Mrs. Dick Anderson ments were served in the base- and Ritchie, Oshawa, Miss Hattie ment of the hall to al present by Mason and Mrs. Stella Anderson members of the Lionettes Club, with Dr. J. A., Miss Cora and Mr. bringing tc~ a close a most enjoy- George Butler. able Christmas party. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bellyou, Trenton; Miss Laura McQueen, S ~ g s'A uc Wodsoc;Mr adMrs. H StG og 'sC uc Bonathan Ruth and ary rýIar. Christmnas Services garet, with Mr. and Mrs. George -3 uorg s 'nucil was oeaut- 1 i CU11iÂ1, i.eiad iIXva, £Ennîî 1Mrs. Fred T. Coucli, ifullv decorated with trees andi killen; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lan, s. Samis with Mr. and xvreaths for the Christmas serv-, maid and Marlene, Mr. and Mr es Alidread and family. ices with loveiy white 'mums G. Heal and Jerry at Mr. Rc Mrs. Howard Bellamyv adorning the altar. Langmaid's. Leskard, with Mr. and There were ceiebrations af thîe Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlak sBellamy. Holy Communion at 8 am. and Il Sr. at Mr. N. Fice's, Tauntan. V. Williams with Mr. a.m. which were well attended. M r. and Mrs. Chas. Langrna, Zobert Williams. On the Sundav in the Octave of1 and Mariene at M , . Ray Goyne': ir Abar, Toronto, witlh Christmas, the Christmas music Prestonvale, for Christmas suil rs. Robent Walton. was repeated. In the evening, per. Mrs. George Watkins, carol singing took the place of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Mi Ir. and Mrs. Douglasthsemn and Mrs. Harold Moore, Heathe i the sey Onmon. eeinand George, Bownianville, atM . aml and Mn. and O odyeeig the an- Frank Westlake's, Sr-. ay Walton and famiiy nual Christmas concert of the Mnr and Mrs. Frank Westlak id Mrs. Eanl Waiton. Sunday School was pnesented in Jr., Pýhyllis-Anne and Joan at Mi th MacArthur, Kings- the Parish Hall Canal singing and Cynil Smith's, Fleetwood, on Sa' diss Verna Miiiigan. two plays wre presented by the urday. ý MrtiaTornt, ad'senior class. Dancing and songs Mn. Ross Cook, Prairie Siding MantnaRobtollam v members of all of the classes Master Edwin Cook. Mn. Fi-an] [ns. Robentas W im and a lovely pageant "Mothen Cook, Bowmanville, al Mn. Fi-an] md rs.Cha. MgitGoose," which included almost Westlake's, Jr. every nursery nhyme in exis- Mn. and Mns. Wes. Yeliowleeç Mrs. Jack Wade with tence, was presented by the en- Harold and Murray, at Mn. Clari nis. Irvin McCuilough tire Sunday School. Allin's and Raiph Davis on Christ Great credît is due ta Mrs. D. mas Day. Gray, Betty, Jack,' Cunningham and Mrs. D. Brooks Mr. and Mns. Harvey Yellow ndCharles with Mn. for the costumes and scenery as lees and Karen at Messrs. E. Tay fred Gray and Mn. andl wcll as for the training of the lor's and Ralph Davis'. tAlldread and famîiy. childi-en, As usual., Mrs. J. Gan- Mn. and Mns. J. E. H. Davi: /ns. Vance Sutton and nod was a great heip, accompany- Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Davis, Mai mnto, with Miss Bea- ing at the piano ilyn and Peten, Oshawa; Mn. an( )h. Santa Claus made bis entrance Mrs. Walter Davis, June, John an( Mrs. Tenry Ganwood at the close of the program and Harley, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs.J J. Garwood, Montreal; there wene gifts and bags of can- Yeliowleès and Gladys wene ais( ,rs Orval Stinson and dy and fruit for ail on the beauti- entertained at Mn. Raiph Davis' dey; Mn. and Mns. Ai- fuily decorated Christmas ti-ces. Mn. and Mrs. E. Lai-mer, Mi Sand family; Mr$. H.î and Mrs. Ralph Lari-er, Shano VIns. Norman Rudmnan1 and John. Blackstock; Miss Bei-y JolI with Mr. and Mrs. OLN'Lai-mer, Peterborough; Mn. Glen. weIl and family. S LI Lai-mer and friend,- Kemptville 1Hancock, Mr. Thos. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville sE. Awde and Miss The Y. P. Union met Monday at Mn. E. R. Taylor's. uch with Mn. Herbert evening with Bruce Taylor, presi- Mn. and Mrs. Harold Patter and dent, conducting the opening ex- famiiy, Hampton; Mn. and Mrs i-s. Tom Reid, Detroit encises. Stewandship and Train- Jim Patter and sons, Maple Grave Id Mrs. Joseph Astles, ing Convenon, Gladys Yellowlees Mr. and Mns. Roy Middleton, To. sh, with Mn. and Mrs. then took charge for the Christ- ronto; Mn. and Mns. Wm. Culling ýth. mas programme. With the Na-i Oshawa, at Mr. Alec Potter's. Mrs. Fred Cowan andl tivity Scene illuininated byl Mr. and Mns. Russell Gilbert by, with Mn. and Mns. candieiight, fonming the worshipI i/isl Velnia Gilbert, at Mn. Ther- son and family. centre the woi-ship service xvasî on Mountjoy's, Hampton, ai ns. John Edwards and conducted by Gladys. The scnip-I Christmas Day. igston: Mr. and Mrs.' ture passage, Luke 2:1-20 was, Mn. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs and and family, Leaside; r e a d b y Kathleen Gr-aham. i Carol at Mr. M. McCarrell's sMilton Wight, Bow- Christmas carols were sung with Omemee and Mn. A. Hilis', Tyrone r. and Mrs. Howardl Jean Montgomery al the piano, for Christmas. daughter, Kingston, A reading "The Christmas Story' Mr. and Mrs. Rass Cryderman dMrs. W. F. Rickard was given by Bruce Taylor. Ac- at Mr. J. Wnay's, Oshawa, and Mr, with Mn. and Mi-s. condion rnusic by Olive Cryder- E. Cryderman's on Christmas i ad fmil. ar was enjoyed. The closing Day. .\tis. Henry Dicksoiî, nber wvas a most appropniate Mn. and Mns. Allan Balson and d Mn. and Mrs. C. R. i-eading by Edna Jaques, -~There'll family, Kingston; Mn. and Mrs. ,h Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Alwvays be Chr-istmas". This was Russell Balson and girls, Cour- well given by Jean Y-ryderman. tice; Mn. and Mrs. Harold Balsor Mrs. Harold Hockin Recreational Convenon Ewart and chilciren, Hampton. al Mr. A. Newtonville; Mr. andi Leask led ini several games after J. Balson's for Christmas. ;s Walton and familvj which the friendship cii-cIe was Mn. and Mrs. N. Yellowlees, id Mrs. Ross Embleyformed. "Blest be the tie that Hampton; Mn. and Mns. Franki with Mn. and Mrs,.'bînds", was sung and the Mizpah Wright and childi-en, Bawmnan- iht. Benediction repeated in unison. ville; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicoti \Ins. Chas. Wood and Symnpathy is extended to Mrs. and childi-en, Peterborough; Mn ey, Orono; Mr. andiCharlds Parker and daughten, and Mns, Don Yellowlees and od and faînily, Lake- Mrs. Robb and granddaughter Gneg, Toronto; Mns. AIma Yellow- nrs. Walter Ci-owther Sharon Robb on the death of aj lees and girls; Tyrone, at Mn. Enn- d Mrs. W. George loving husband, father and grand- est Hockaday's for- Christmas. id Chai-les. father. Dr. and Mrs. George Werny. 1I Conneii, Toronto, Twenty -foui' young people wereý Carolyn and Donald, Mrs. L. Met- ýH. and Mns. Turner~ entc-tained at 'a most enjoyablel calfe and Larry, Mn. and -Mirs. [arie. party at the home of Mr. and1 Noble Metraife, Oshawa; Mn. Mrs. Cecil GI ass and Mns. E. R. Taylor and family on Chas. Shortridge al Messrs. S. E. I ~ I Mn.Mlo oi n- Surday night. The men's pnize anc Wes Weri-y's. nd Mr. and Mrs. Gea. for highest scores o! the vanlous Mn. and Mns. Wm. McGee, Mn. d family, Newtonville games was Ivon by Harvey Yel- and Mrs. Jack Tracy, Toronto, dMrs. George Smith.L lowiees and the lady's pnize wys visited Mn. Bill Camnes at Mn. W. gi-s. Ted Hoar and awai-ded ta Giadvs Yeliowlees. Weri-y's. lGrave and Mn. and Consolations were given Gai-don Mn. and Mns. J. Baker and Miss Uoan and family with Pascoe and Mrs. Wesley Hilis. Heicri Baker, Toronto, at Mrs can. Mr. and Mns. Wes Yellowiees, Ethel Couch's, Bowmanviile. tins. Joe Quigg and Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and s. Vic Patteison, Mrs. Mns. Ralph Davis attended the family at Mn. Edwin Oirniston's, r. and Mns. John funemral o! the late Han-.v Westiey Ebenezer. iily of Toronto with at the Earle Eliiott Funenal Home Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrinden and igg. in Toronto on Satumrday. They Helen at Mn. Jack Large's, Baw- - visited afterwa-ds at the home o! manville. Miss Ida Reynolds. Mn. aînd Mns. I. Hardy and ire wood'-tlie wind Hampton United Chunch Cir- Stanley, Mn. and Mns. Joe Snow- 1: cuit Bnotiîerhood will visit thein demi at Mn. W. Glaspell's, Peter- whistle as it wiil. brethi-en at Courtice Church on borough. mmi- Christmas meirry ThLinsday right, Jan. 8th, and fui-- The Staîntons had a famiIb Sir Walter Scott. nislî the programme. gathering in the bail on Satunday The White Gift Service was night. held Sunday afternoon at Sunday Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Mr. [NE 3303 School when giftsç of money Bruce Tink, Mrs. Addie Tink at- for amouniting ta $25.40) were receiv- tended the 6Oth wedding aniîi- ed and wmll be a domnation ta the versai-v celebration for Mn. and MIAN STATESNIAN less fortunate peoiples of the Mns. 'Herman Pascoe, at their, SIFED DSworld. H-arold X'ellowlees, Olive home in Columbus on Monday a!- ilFED DSCrYderman. Donna Vice, Mns. Joe tennoon. luick Resuits Snow,ýden and Kathleen Graham Mmss Patsv Davis entertainedl assisted in the service. sevenai lîttie'playmates and school1 Miss Velma Gilbert wlîo last chums at a party on Monday a!-1 stimmer emjoved a trip via train tenooni. ta tlle West Cýoast xviii show beau- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe spent tmftîi coloured pictures taken en- Christmas at Mn. Dean McLaugh- route, in the hall on Friday night. lin's, Oshawa. Plan ta attend. Communion service wili be Christma Visitorsd held n ext Sundav afternoon, Jan. Mr.and',\rs.Harr *v Jrin,4.a the church service. Mr. Donald Jardine, Kingston; Mn. and Mrs. Harvev Yellow- 'In. and Mrs. Ernest Ravnient, Mi-. lees and Karen visitedl on Sun- amnd Mrs. George Catian, Toronto, day at Mr. E. Lai-mer's, Black-, al Mn. Frank Gilbert's. stoc(k. .Mr. Bah Johnson, Toronto, t M.ad rsHrYKnxv- ',Ir Rusell ilbet's.ited al Mn. Hilton Tînk's, Ebenez- ,Miss Maril ' ni McCarrell, Ome- er. and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Hai Knox at Mr. H. Jebson's, Calu bus, for tea on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgo ery and Jean. and Miss KathlE Graham at Mr. Lloyd Fergusai Oshawa. Miss Kathleen Graham w: Miss Miriam Montgomnery. Ost wa. Mrs. Geo. Hamlin and Nancy Mr. E. Yates, Milton., Miss Miriam Montgomery, Oý awa at Mr. Bruce Montgomer3 Mr. George Hamlin at Mr. G( don Hamiin's, Green River. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith a' Anna, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Hi old Pascoe, Lyn, Don and R and Miss Dorathy Dyen, Oshav at Mr. E. Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. George Knox a, Carol at Mr. H. Farraw's, Star ville. Mr and Mrs. H. Malcolm, N~ and Mrs. Bob Malcolm and bo: Mr. and Mrs. Robent Miller, Me garet and David, Brougham; hr and Mrs. Grant Glover and gir North Oshawa; Mr. and M: Raiph Crawford and sons, Wh byý Mr. and Mrs. Tommy AndE son and girls, Toronto, at IV John Knox's for Christmas. Mn. and Mrs. C. Pascoe, 1V Gardon Pascoe, Kingston, at Xi/ Ciifford Nayior's, Columbus. Mr. and Mns. John Law, T ronto; Mr. Elmer Crouse, Oshaw Mr. and Mrs. A. Wotten at Mr.. Spires'. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lunn ai Teddy, Peterborough; Mr. ai Mrs. Lloyd Preston and Gar Bowmanville; Mn. and Mrs. Rf REDI. Low Down GE MUR! PHONE 811Bw l- S. S. No. 9, Cli mn- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Ri( een family, Beaverton; Mr. ,nS Albert Youngblut and L Catharines; Mr. and M~/ ith Pedwell and Carol, Toi ia- and Mrs. Keith Pedwell, and Mrs. H. Pedwell an( at Mrs. Maurice Pedweli. ýs- With Mr. and Mrs.1 Y'.over the holidays were ýor Mrs. Dave Geddes. Di IMrs. Geddes, Toronto-, adMrs. Harny McBaln an ýa-Ida; Miss Betty Allun, F ýa Mr. Stan Allin and Gai] ia, Morley Allun and Jane: Mrs. Maurice Pedweil ai and Mn. and Mrs. Ervin AI rk- and Bob. Sorry ta hear Master1 Mr. son of Mn. and Mrs. St ýs, 4th Line, was scalded pr ar- iy but is pragressing ni [r. hope hie will be better sc ils, Mr. and Mrs. Calvert1 Irs. Ken and Bill, Whitley, it- mather, Mrs. Alice Fisk. er- Mr. and Mrs. W. Bi Ur.~ Donna spent Christmas &.and Mrs. Bill Gordon a [r. my, Newtonville. On Dec. i6th, the pupi ro 9 schooi put an theii va; Christmas concert. Mr. comed parents and ail ,d especially the new Ci nd. The Juniors sang sever rbers and put on a few s ýymain part of the prograr ýis_ operetta of Cinderella ig- Prince. The leading rol rs. played by the followi >oy Prince-Fred Fisk; his Alan Hancock; Cindenel îe garet Martin; the wicke -Helen Hancock and iid Bothwell; fairy godmothý 'ie Kent and lier helper-- ip- Martin. The singing an were very good with F r. and Margaret Martin steý [r show. nr. Mr. Neil Stewart pha piano and Gail Armstrc :e sented himi with a gift o I. of the teacher and pupil! t- help in putting the ripei Everyone joined in singir 9; until Santa arrived to ak everyone. k May we take this api of saying congratulation as former teacher Miss AIli re patrick who has ]eft ai it' and is ta be manried early A-uany. y- We welcame Mr. Dû vi er of Rickway, Ont., whc i ig over cluties of teache ý schaol after the New Yea id Mrs. F. Bowen, Mn. Bf id en and Miss Mary BOWE j. Christmas with bier sisti so E. B. Stockdale and Do: S.onto. Ir.Christmas guests with )nMrs. Austin -Turner anc ylvere Mr. and Mrs. Chas. in and boys, Lakefield; Mns, eand Miss Julia Truitt, Or( ,and Mrs. Fred Lovekina Annie Wnagg, Newcastle. id Visitors with Mrs. F. 7.were Mn. and Mrs. Jan- evock and boys, Bowr (_'Mns. Aima Kitchko and. gMrs. Jack Gibson and bo, awa. ., With Mr. and Mrs. Rus r- borne aven the holiday n Misses Betty. Lenone anc line Osborne, Toronto; 'iBelman and Miss Maio sman, Mn. and Mrs. Cec ie ANNUAL Eleci are rnany patterns fnom e are a numben a! Corn- have been dasialyrducwîich Will be appointed rast cay re ics evening. A coîîsiderable for aur new spring of detailed woi-k is ne- ta these committees and ,uently their work is very COME IN TO-DAY WHI'ant if we are ta have e!- A LARGE ASSOF administration. Sa often easien foi- the Chai-mari of committe ta act aioîîe on cen- tsof ain matten, and quite often it iso!s just as efficient, but 1 wouid ~will like ta point out the danger that irin doing so, te members are Paint and fW niittees res'u-ieboin N4G ST. W. yeail. Therttpre,, I ask the van- bus Chairmien that Wheneven psblthey carisuit with the iother members o! thein commit- ýtee.s Sa that ail will lie wellini.i -ring tii, yean, rany proli. "jil no doubt couic up edifficult to decide. w t. the decision, S wien same- be hurt. We in oui- dis. Seven) There al nanville w Mr. and DysOsh- J seli Os- iy were: id Made- Mr. A.' 85 KI? [n Bell- il Bell-- -OF trical Applian nendous stock oh - REFRIGERATORS WASHING MACHINES RADIOS 'wlich position RADIOS tinction and SPACE HEATERS rtYofe- CHESTRFIEL a storehous,ý CHfROME KRITCHEN SE, LadnB.E. le presenta- AND SMALL APPLIANCËOWl ibe-ip ail have been FR ai rock boltam prices Payment - 24 Nantith mnerous Trade-in Allowanc pllylS FURNITUR APPLIANCE manville I Oh 52 KING ST. W. PIIONE 3-8634 117 u"t ycar 's po'st-, QIglt. ,,o$t otlincd ff hii1Rted wuthî O2,1'Ibnd xvas i' 128. In k 9. -. -lb May you mnjoy your holidj wvi:h the same heartlil:pleas. uro we tuks in servng jiout Pluubing and lHealing NEWCASTLE Iman and family, Bowmanville:. Chas. Fallis and MT.andM4.Z, Mn. and Mns. Barrett and Bill, Joblin. Kingston. Mr. and Mns. Wng. Jackmmn, Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Maliey andt Toronto, visited Mn. 'rank Jackl Wanda with Mn. and Mrs. Tom imaanM.AturJc a. IWilson and family, Brown's. mnand M.nsArt Jcanpb Mn. and Mns. Bruce McClure, and Karen visited friends in To>- Port Credit, with Mn. and Mrs nto. Ray Branch. Betty returned foron. a hioliday with them. Mrs. Bruce Heaslip la enter- Happy New Year Eveiyone! taining the W.I. Jan. 14t,h instead _________________ of 7th on account of othýer plans. - A numben of aid friends and NEST ETONneighbours gathered at Cf.P. Haviiand Marlow who is home Christmas Vîsîtors: fromth "t for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Middîeton His sm ~ss Marie Maxlow, and son Gardon, Maiton; Mrs. planned %% 'Vt for him at Nest- Fîniayson and Miss Tnudy Fin- leton. Cars and dancing..wene layson, Port Penny; Mn. and Mns. enjoyed, also a bountitul lunch Wifred Vine with Mn. and Mns. was senved. We were ail glati to Herbent Vine. welcome Haviiand back again and Mn. and Mrs. George Johns and see him looking so well. Re htd Billy with Mn. anîd Mns. Marwood not been home for 5 yean;. Chapman, Miiibrook. Cangregatianal meeting lor the Mn. Reginaid Nesbitt with Mn. United Chunch wiil be Monday and Ms. Cecil Hamilton. night in the baserent. Allthos, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Emerson interested will be very we .1 and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boe We will be giad ta see th «o and family, Toronto, with Mr. 1er famiiy out again soan. rta and Mrs. M. Emerson. have been quanantîned for ýBw M. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm Feve. Bw and family eth Mr. and Ms. Rae Of'___________ Malcolm, Janetville. te Mr. and Mrs. Lavene Suggitt, All Mn. and Mns. Alan Wilson and Stafforad Bos. Tow Glenda with M. and Ms. Sidney cane- M. and Ms. Kenneth Samels, M nm na sl Melville and Anna with Mn. and Phone Whitby 552 Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy, Hampton. I \Van-. Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Joblin 318 Dundas St. E., W')sid- with Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Hurîten, FINE QUALITY 'fi-on- Pont Penny. MONUMiENTS ANDto bc M . and Mrs. David Jons witb MARKERS . Mr. and Mns. John Mappin. MRES 3 i1 Mn. and Mns. Robt. Sadien, Precise workmansh *il19'52 Bowmanville, and Miss Vivian ,areful attention ta d il b)te Sadien, Tononto, with Mr. and are youn assurance1r. but lie Mrs. Ralpb Sadien. you choose fi-arn tht'mu.t tliis Mn. and Mrs. George Johns selection of impo-t.écOî. wene suppen guests with Mn. and domestic Granitesý'o,,L.* C. Mi-s. Robt. Stinson, Lotus. Mai-hies in stae Lý)dMr-. Mn. and Mns. Norman Malcolm, 1 Oii2iLmtla- Toronto, visitpcl Mr. andi Mrs.1 - :ih-'nit Cle a Ris Inaugural aiCo-operalian Corne in to-day and see the trejj of Lasi Year 1-1- -à. Ollu lvilb. 9 5,i. 1,T he M uincils is be- ut i-&s time saud, "and U A L csomu who he the -- ail wmcl M *'i eh the T"~ CA1NADYAN STATESMAN.. BOMANVTLLZ. ONTAMO _PAM m*