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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1953, p. 10

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r ~;~-7-~ ~T~7~7 1' 7~ j J; e Tff CANADAN TATSMA. OWMANVItlLE. OTARTO LWANTAP$ i v --w_ W- Mur- -.1 A ~ ~ ~ A rticles For Sale N otices ea Es c e Fo S ieH p W a t dOshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J àtI'Murray ONTARIO potatoes, 50 and 75 lb. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS GO in busineks for yourself at CLERK (girl) for general. store. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brent were tea le O o ot~ ev ano e hObgs dlierdinBomavll. nydo repasigon my pre- 454 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Sleep in or out. Write Box 913, get hita a ihM.J àr~ Htt onpt, Bowmae, Phone 2473. 36-tf mises will receive the same Store wil be vacant. as of *Jati- c/o Canadian Statesman. 1- . Sleernan, Pshawa.T h opt. ma-treatment a ydo sffrd. uary Ist, 1953. See IL V. Bate. Miss othSkneTrt; 2t,12,8ls,1ozMNSsaes±',goco-E. D. Knapp, main,' 410'Athol St E., Oshawa. WOMAN of above average abil- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy, I_____________ ______________ '4 1 for Valet-la and Gregory. dition. reasonable. Phone 2947. Middle Road. 52-4 45-tU !ity, for permanent household job Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. N. Wood- drv rinhe~ -6 iv r o , ' fine Bowmanville home, pre- ley,Mr an1 D .a d s J h 1 ___________________________ Mr. and M rs. L. J. Goodman, d r sugh Jh n Herle o A n a d Mr n r. WILL the dieoftecrpark- 60DAYS Possession - fieroferably middle agedi Canadian. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner spentPeroouwtherpensIwi-ihMranMr.Fd N r.and Mrs. Clif.. TWELVE tons Timothy and Red ed opposite the Post Offire Mon- 1% storey, lovely brick home, Wages are good with full room Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Riddl. Lyet 7 P.bliïon are happy to an- Claver, new hay. George Va day morning kindly phone 720 close to schools, churches and and board. Apply in wrïting to HarodSinr Congratulations to Mr. adMs r n r.Gog utr oe the birth of a son at Dam, Potpo.and thanks for taking magazine transportation. Has 41-piece bath, P.O. Box 89, Bowmanville. H rl SkinMr. G îo a James Wannan, Kirby. ih ee eespe get eeéml~~~~~~r~~1- 1omnil, Pnyol'etePs fie .1 fireplace, où furnace and môdem.M.adrsJ.G Ellîtt, Lake brated their Golden Weddnc n r.Gog otn l7h jc, ,~hp. ntrato-kitchen. Apply 175 Church St. FEMALE-Make money and win hurst; Mrs. M. Oliver, Margaret qityo c inber ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ niesr quietl on52 Dec 17.- Mr.P andk, Mrs Robert Stewart,1t rens elngorecusv n aroiBbeyen pe M.adMr 'for Dianne and Beth. 1-1 ai engine, good running condition. L'blouses, nylons, lingerie. Satis- Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. S. 51-t fri nds seling our xclsive and arjrie, Bob ayge n, Pen rst n d s. Hearyg Juk1 r r. C lil v n n lit- ahn lcsok7r3 -*Tws io SCOTT REAL ESTATU'P faction guaàranteed. No invest- E. White and Mrs. W. T. Elliott. Prestospn Boxin Da wu sn ih ise Cthrly To e Whie r.n andnc thM LXIISrtbrusroe WIII be closed until ment. Good commission. Sten- Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman Mrs. I. B. Noden and IsVil MranMsW.Ccre wh of their son at Memorial begonias and hyacinths. now In Donad St, Renarl 5tat 1953 bersrbtn CApve3.atne aml ahriga oe, Toronto at thei home aof Mei. airby with Drn andfo hehli ilng Wa , Bowm anville, on Dec. stock. Stewart's Seeds. 1-tf FIRST SITTINGS F 78 K ing St. W est, Bowm anvilleh om s n C uri e a d M .a d M .a d M s P M HO T 1952, a' brother for Fred- COR l~ItV Phone 663 or 2251 after five DEALR L start 1953 the rig Mrs. Norman Leach, Taunton. berHilM.anMs.EJoswthr adM.O.Ca. ou l1 MAN'S long, warmi overcoa-t, in COUR OF a>aa EVS N11 a.Dntb stife wit erHilM.anMs eco godcniin ieaot4,go . a.Dntb aife ih Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and and family, Bowmanvile r. M.adMs .Fgnadfm gecd codtinEATHaot 0 go small income when you can earn children spent Christmas with Win. Uglo, Newtonville; ec D A Hcloth, price $10. Phone 2200, O. TAKE notice that the f irst REAL ESTATE FOR SALE more money wit our complete Mr. and Mrs. -Ted McBride, Mrs. Don McHolmi andbbiîs.O opr uiP. Hertzberg. 1.1* sittings of the* COURT 0F RE- A 6-room brick and stone bung- line including gift sets, cosmetics, Brampton, and visited other re- Newcastle, with Mr. andMs r aeRbis r n dii ER-At the residence, R.R. VISION ta hear and determine alow, oil heating and ail modern culinary extracts, tonics, etc. Getlaie.CclJnshrtmsDyMs.W.BdadsowreS- ýe r am pton, on Sunday, Decenber QUANTITY of table turnips for the appeals filed against the conveniences on No. 2 H1,,,Ay yo rsl al], li e 4fr t o e M .a d M s a m n l p r n . G o g nia 1952, Charles F. Parker, sale, waxed and un-waxed. Jîm Assessment RaIl of the Munici- close to Bowmanville. Reason- $$$$$. Write now for details. Mm. nda fMrs. gaymornd ~.apph w M. and Mrs. GeoreMrtn.ayges fr.W.. pairýd 69 years, belove4 husband Moare, R.R. 3, Pantypool, Ont. pality of the Township of Cart- able cash down payment. Familex, Dept. C, 1600 Delanîmier, home of Mr. and Mrs. D.. G. Raitsn I-L Jessie Veitch. Selvice was Phone 62--9 Orona. 1* wright for the year 1953 will be Montreal. Hooper, Orona, Satunday evening. ris. ose rs . e janita,,et the Marris Funeral held in the Community Hall, Service Station on Simcoe St. - Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Burk- fromn Memarial Hospitalu a' r n r.K .WoHn ery efti Bowmanville, on Tues- CONTEST Rallen Canaries: hiens, Blackstock, on Tuesday, Jan. l3th, North, Oshawa. This is a new mn.wt r n i.Vni would t.cemben 3Oth, at 2 o'clock. $ 1.50; also 6 gaod singens and and Thunsday, Jan. 15th, at 10:30 building 50' x55', brick with Nursi"ng Service etan; Mn. and Mns. Alex Perger, manville. make nynt Zion Cemeteny. 1-1 bneeding cages. LoveIl, opposite o'elock in the forenoan' of the hardwood trim, ail heated. Sit- J.adBin r atrCc-Ms hrtnWlo necéssar Shell Station, Hampton. 1-1* aforesaid days. uated on a lot 70 x 350)', large STRATHAVEN Restholme, Home rane, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. tawa, the guest of Mn. ai r. Ms hee a oSgnw itemet a)n-tai ho meia, Dac.- T~'~TRALL persans having appeals ta gaîlonage. for the Aged, Invalids, Bed Pat- Ronald Rahm and Kathryn with Jack Wilson.Mihsvitng rs itrs)naio rdy e.come before the afonesaid Court - ients, 264 King St. E., Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mn. and Mns. Robt. CoopradW.Syoradfins sets we',be;loved wife of Thomas the afonesaid time and place. plement shed and hog pen, gar- C..5-ftwi iiigMr n r.J alTnat 555. 52-tf. o, Car Cenast. Tonont aiiigtei agt Droepuly as, Ineld rm er Retreaded in Given under my hand this age, milk cooler; 6-room frame Mrs. Chas Awden andby n. rn nde n SUBURBANITE 29th dayd oo Deebe,192 hause, hydro and creek. Close reenily wt M.a also ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Mdl fetti.ndy Villabe A9hSBRAIE2t a fDcme,15. toNwate il sag. Mdl re Mrsla Irwi, Oshitwa, issd Menrlle, Toito .anMsfmi also eit Mond y, D cemb r 29t, te Newc stle Wil seli as a go- U R SI G H O E Mms Ann Philips.Miss Alma uttel wil sp nd M sisCh s.lMmaer and amil wit of the Torment in Union Ceme- STUDDED SURE GRIP *HENRY THOMPSO.N, ing concern including about 30 N SI 10 EMr. and Mrs. Leslie Delaney NwYa' nDtotvstn m n r.Cro aby n money tk.mnus. 1-.and Clerk, good Holstein cows. W ith liberal and girls, Por Ho e;M .etrosicusn.taiiy that cç,".-In Vancouver, Sat KOBY- RE Township of Cartwright, ______s A n Home Awa fo r Hom L. Marm, Welland; Mr. and Mrs. Mm. and WIrs. L. Pear; n ogauain aM.adMs for at'ý,.27th, 1952, Ida Worth,- County of Durham. 5-omhouse, with 1-acre of landA.HksnLidawr oiLya B mnvleM.i rt. teltMran r.600 x16 $13.40 1-2 adjoining Newcastle on paved Approved by Doctors. day visitors with Mn. and Mrs. Ken Bahl, Kirby; Mrs.RoetsntMmoalHsilB- rate. Ithe late Mn. and Mms PHONE E. AUSTIN, Jr. James Delaney.Pat m o, K by Mm afd M s m nvle Cu -4~h and wife of the moad. Wiil accept as low as POEE UTN r atroKry r Cordn.Fnnlsn ~N.TT- $750 cash. Immediate possession. Bomnile27 rs.V iloBwavleHryMrewt r . ~, nn. Vanvera Mon- ~ 6$6.65 CO IN EVENTS Mw omnhl 94Ms .Mlsn o onrle. Hamryres , wihM. n rs nan r. ene ut V n o v r Mo -T o miles East of Bowmanville w th M . and Mrs. Leon M o e. J m s B .in T r te n T e da ta te d tnoWe have sexPeral Service Stations 44-tf Mrs. Otto Virtue spent Christ- Mrs. Neil'Smith is uea0fteaeMr.Go 4, ultîme job, jpterment Bow x - 1tgese tha t70 Th wmnvll aato for sale; also farms, large Tonil the~~~~A m t.M hol the annual and smalM.adlr.R nld Rh. ~ frs Wiloan lMr.dB T f n fd~W ~ ~ î hall_ __ b ma e it anW th N g t S rie D em e e s a M .a nit Mr. Rad R ab.indl and Ms a mt n a gt icel h a rq e~ hall bet mah e intof a ra 1 l a H C. Iew l l a n d t h a t h a l l b e _ _ __r c ,.M N e c s l 1 5o n C l r k $36 5 i h e v c e e b8 S S L H Y e s n lK a t h y n w it h M r . a n d s . e n s Wai l l owMr . aa e . v i s i t o Lo O o o a d Se clud lao in agtet the goony efl d p sp i li ev n r . E . L t n aude alsookn anwein phe Naof GF St. Jaseph's Church card parties W. J. Warren, Aglneourt gaads) maldpstadi lan Rv adMs d.Lt n Tuesday with M.adM.adMs adnWne an asoanwein p Nom G F JMUnO ito Halls 8f 10,5c Jackpoy t, sealed envelape with price list. family, fommenly of Jamaica, spent Mns. George Morton.M.anMs.Jm ajr fire malsatn he fra ec Unoofl,8p,3 Jaapyt- Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. the weekend with his brother, Mr. and Mns. Don, Menr ad M.adMs i tro n fine amsat nîgh. fora Dec. Tire Shop prize on last night. 11Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- Rev. and Mms. D. Lute. Mm. Jack Mencer with Mm? n iky oonwt n n caeakrshudbcawhrKing and Silver Streets WSltèd .ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Mr. Marshall Miller and friend, Mns. Bruce Mercer. Ms .M itn able ta make repains -& en f 1t 1-52 Tomonto; Miss Dawn Miller and Mns. Jamnes Dicksan is vstn n n n.E .Hnesn en f5-f Work Wanted DEAD STOCK removed fnomn Mr. C. English, Peterbrough, hmr daughters, Mr. and MisJh saa iiigMs et hp hat * For the Latest Papens yaum farm promptly for sanitany spent Saturday with Mms. W. Mil- eiin angson man. Town Councl îfat * For the Finest Paints YOUNG girl desires housework. disposai. Telephone Collect: Ca- TYRONEý ler and Dûglas. ad Mrs. Tuly Otevtr.W.PaFewha.ase Phone_____________ co5 -*bug 26o ootoE -66r. n r.W . eiW Mr. George Mitchell aidMs wyi saaGnnlHsia Se po et *For the Best Workmanship -Gordon YugLmtd t-2ce;Mr. and Mms. J. A. Rey- .m nchll Torndao Dc8iehs8n UBJ oug, S. G. PRESTON & SON DUTCH girl desires damestic Yugiitd 52Christmas News Inold and Doris, Pont Hope, spent WM. *adMitchell, Touotocer oy Ritsou onR. N., Oshr.A. BncoMr. and Mms. W. King, Oshawa, Christmas with Mn. MndMr . adMsE .Smeswn ue' n$st n e i 1-1 PHONE wrktn. WriteOMmawA. Benc1 LÔ'st ýor Atae Ralph Glaspeli. Tt n MsE H aU 2417 912. visîted Mm. and Mrs. Arthur caree asd ars iute SusOirTroto To Co-ordinaif Flano2r - 9249-tf FOR bulldozing, grading, excavat. ON Rgistered Shorthorn* lidrhMr. Am elwesadg rlszne. and Davi D.n Lhrtma Su.san Mms. H. Prescatn ChsinChc ni8FU- ingsse et. i l T 'yo Irs. wîth Mn.n an.dt, 15j tttod M s li oo iie r Mm. Ia n Lue amily with M .and M s ngs. ed _ G1Ms gins, ndM. n Ms Gro Bowmaîiiville*s new DepaA~-[Pr. T 1 L E awa 3-3831 on Whitby 2687. 18-tf AFO 10 in the night ean. W. r. Chas. Wood, Orno, an Sun- Leaside. CuteerMn. and mesroaeeriwsi etL tetI~ie ment of Recneatîon ta replace t1- rFAI LSI DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ols eteon nai. dy Mn. and Mms. J. Deianey and Carthmneand James sMr. hncOhwWensa ton, for custom kiliing. Phone 52-2 Mr. and Mns. Walter Park and Douglas and Mm. and Mrs. L. hsms ih. Powe ' eno t130Iiereti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __th e_ _ _ _ __32 4 ._ _ _ _ _ c h iid me n s p e n t th e w e e k e n d w ith M a rr, W e lla n d , v is ite d M n. n d M o th e n, M ns. E . J a e , O h - N w a k t C m t r . H i s r a f i . 1 y o g n r d a t e f m t f J B I t A R O E M 3 4 .3 - fL s M r . a n d M s . J a m e s P a r k , P e t e r - M m i . W . P o l m e t e e r a n d B r e n d a , w a . v v d b i i e a d f i e c i d co ye meng of the -nieatiir o. Heal INSLAIO mJ.o J._________________ cila meig oft th tlar kn G..a NSLTO - Blowing metç), ______________ bomough. Bell'eville. Mms. Polmeteer and Ms.JJ.C nihCa enndr . 4W4ng and paîiing of the b, Phone 290 Bowmanville Wihrock wool; womkmanship IN vicinity of Port Per;nSYag -Mn. 'and Mrs. H. Philp and baby Keu.e home ith hem ,-R-rvdn for îts establish 4tlguananteed. Free estimates. Harry two, male beagle haundi. Mid Emntly Masd Enean witP hemn dauote M Mm.and »néent. d~atetist~pL. Wade. Phone Clamke 2420. please Phone Oshawa 3-4442. Christmas with Hon. and Mns. W. Mr. Erest Gadier, Eglear,; wtlirduhe, Mmi. .M - M.Wila gc. ndMs Ti eatetlstu s EVANS space heater and pipes, 49-tf A. Gaodfellow, Codmingtan. Mm. and Mmi. Jack Fuller, Tor- ilton and Mm. Hamilton..BraaMCrnlwt un wtha eqei mdcbytIo niy used 3 months, owner mov- Mm. and Mms. Ewamt Bragg and onto; Miss Florence Gardiner, Mm. and Mmi. E. A. VirtueadMs ei oeOoo Annn c ih eu maew ; bsing. Cash or temms. Phone 827. MGaae ON December 22nd, black and tan family, Bowmanïille; Miss Doris Bowmanville; Mn. and Mmi. T. John spent Christmas withM.M.adMs 'ryLnDn Mai Srvce '~ayJan. DRY hardwood, $18 cord; dry BODY and FENDER REPAIR - Mn. and Mrs. Walte Park, Smiaill and aie Mi. Lloy AdeadMJns MalSrievy cedan, $10 cord; saftwood siabi, Christmas. M.adMxnM.O ekt n m n m.Gro mt Loc l L ~ets f tinkng$10 cord. Re-sawed inta stve Duco and Dulux Refnishng F u dM m. Richard Marchant and and Caolyn, Lakefield; M. Fred Arvilla visited Mr. and Mns on S. Mayad MsýA ns Dn Local Lf ts ofthinking lenghschildmend PhomanvlareeGeMm.aandeMoomeo Bawmanvîdcîe;dMm. andwaBeckettMrcundogooseandwonviSat- MrngtdoneckettnSigog IslthdMn. are ever near. 2e5gt0. deliered Phane Clfk Gcnî am - i Mrs. V. C. Malette, Toronto, wene Mmi. Leon Moore and family, Mmi. umday. adM.Jc ivr nob nrya. LINOLEUM-Jaspe, Mamboleum, Phn 7.~J. H. Malette. Mr. and Mmi. Russell Vintue. family, Kenneth Rahm, Mn.W ewt m n m.Ot pn m ie; p inetetdscin for AT CHRIS3TMAS> parceýl, Liberty St. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Richards Callers at Mm. and Mmi. George T. Worden spent Chmistmaswt lien Trno be vnard. 1.1 te; a ie inate ctin foesAT S. Ownem may have saine bywith Mr. and Mms. L. Hooper. Alldmead's and Mm. James Ail- Mr. and Mmi. H. Spragg, Ha1 - Ms agrtOdITmno use I lorving memomy f layn suppled. H. G. Hea, dentifying and paying fan ad. Cecile Park visited at the home dead's Christmas Day wee: M. ton, Stuart remained for az oi ih hm pret, M. ad M i augtean sîte Pone 2902. 39-tf SIAIÈR GPhane 611. 1-1 of Mm. and Mmi. A. Covemly, and Mmi. 'David Alidnead and day. dl uhean si rBowmanville. Russell, Mm. and Mmi. J. Welsh, Mr. and IVrs. Henry Woadad Ms ineRnalwtce dei lIpased away Jan. lit, HARDWOOD - Chaice body Latest Equipment fer rRntMr. and Mmi. Don Mauntjoy Laurlyn and Bmuce, Mr. Cecil family, Mm. Kenneth Chambr. rtè,M.Eue adic C mpl; ardan sftsla wod Arifcil ce.Fo Rntand family spent Christmas with Alldnead and Clifford, BoWFman- lain, Oshawa; Miss PhyllisMa- sh a. an a" ndbrthr. -1Behày.5-4 G F AMESN TWO unfumnished noomi. Phone Mr. and Mns. C. Bigelow, Mr. Mmi. J. Alldmead, Salem; Mr. and manville, with Mr. and Mmi.Ry îr'dtgeraOta. sa tu~ S_ __ _ __ _ __ ___M =_ __ 3384 Bowm anville. 1-* and M m. A. Richards wee dinner M rs. Lloyd Alld ead and M axine. M aynad Christm as Day. M s lc e b t, T m ne ______________-_______to onnew Tire ShpAPARTMENT for ment. Appîy guests Saturday evening whth Mr. Mm. and Mmi. S. McCay, Mnî. G. Mm. and Mmi. Alex PengeJrithesienMi AneN- bel mw>_ fN s h rev ersib le, B r ad lo o rn ru g i m ad e f i s L ask aris. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a dn . M m. am r n ay h r an d M m L. e P a re s Cw i , M n. dmi C cil a h m , un ke a B uMoi, t n 7nl nd M i% M . G raham wi h fmm youn ad w o llens, clothng, 48-tf Lo idLoan snd . Du nMae o , H y hr e and M .Ln e Jha me s ow i llM r and. B cin W aer own Mm btt w hîil theie relatives fniendi carpets, etc. AlI the 'lateit UNqFURNISRED room, heated, Mr. and Mmi. C. Taylor, Bow- and Mmi. G. McCoy, Bowmanvilie, Dameen Rahm, Mm. Walter'Cc-adMi en alw ak lard bocu e fo thei 4l t!orto shds Phn 46 central. Phane 982. 1-if manvîlle; Mr. and Mmi. Lloyd for Christmas. reane, Bowmanville; Mm. and m.wrhÉihM.m m.Wiis ee 1 es______________on______________OZIG AN Webb and famiiy, Pontypool; Mr. Mm. and Mmi. Alex Sytnyk and Ronald Rahm and Kathmyn setJns .C gallnivemsary; spec- TWO noomi and thmee-piece bath. and Mmi. Hemb Cameron spent fmlWhitby; Mm. and Mmi. H. Christmas with Mm. and Mi thdht who arangedi VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 differemit LAICAVATING Apply il95 Liberty St. N., Bow- Chnistmas with Mm. and Mmi. A. Grant and Danlene, Oshawa; Miii Walter Rahm.otowihemprnsate .Foi~ .1*coloumi of tapes, 15 siat colouns, manville. 1-1 Wood. Gwendolyn Hilîs, Toronto, spent Mm. and Mmis. Walter Prpnoae Flexa]um. Aluminum or Steel, BY Hour or Contract FU-omaatet eta Mr. and Mri. R. Penwarden, Christmas with Mr. and Mmi. Cecile and Douglas spent Chit M.adMm.enWrad 'thank ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FURmo apatmnt cyfins esrdadisaldfe f FeeEtmtc ie oain dlso.Poestnt. Pnyool; M.and M Chas. John Hilis. mas with Mn. and Mmirhs. duheMîPtWnTrno -Nio an reltve myo ent ceared ahn in1t21e freer of 459Etia~sGvn lcton diso. Protesat Penwarden, Long Sault, with Mr. Mm. and Mmi. Fmank Colbary, Murney, Peterborough. M.aum..neiSee- 01 ý ndflowers or who Fabric Centre., 17- '1'rp rt PO and ion, Roobertle wlthon Mong andh r adMs t M.adMs SalyR g$ O 1he occasion of my 9Oth P7U' '~~ ______________ m.Rh n an asoduin Y LUBIGHatngan ql PORT PERRY R.R. 2 ATTRACTIVE thnee-room, heat- Mn. and Mns. Raymond Clapp Pierre and family, Maple Grave, family, Blackstock; Mm. andMm.miGereves $10a duin my PLMIO etn n O]POE19r4d apartmnent, for two aduits. spent Christmas whth Mm. and wîth Mr. and Mmi. K. Calbary Stanley Hall and chiidrenwihGog hmha Durhams Cantye Rasnablerats14t Phone 2436. i-i Mmi. Gardon Clapp, Bellevhlle. and Frankie, Christmas Day. Mm. and Mmi. Arthur Rahm. ntbe nom eyge Xi.S~.~rkendail.. Durham____________ Mmi.ty A.snal ,ake hadt Mr an Mm an Mmi Gado Hi- an Mn n m.T eiho aei n Mm helpful.~~nu1' Store. Ch&40nSe.tioe. kasC ~ ~ ' ~ , ~ . 4 0 0, S e c. S I .. ~n i r p e n ~ ~ a i e s D T E D a t B o w r na n v ille , O n t .,a d M i a e t i t nM i s C m i R i h a h s e t t h t o g s S o e ~ o e 1-If Creditors md others having the 22nd day of Decemben, hs, BowmhMranîe C. .n Mi y adMSuna ms Genog hois ay o w eithMmi. H eTosRe.EmnsStBhay dlaims againît the above estate Rear1952. Mmohns d Momi.iLle aoob d tai , Mmi a G. . SeGht, g O h- Newcastle Dyem' Drug Ttm' ewate ar euiU o edprt'lrsRpi Lawrence C. Mr.ihts an .s LsieCome Swcas Ms.G SegOs-Necste By are fcuilmedo ta edo patcln thMasontret. and family had Christmas dinner awa: Mm. Luther Stainton, Mr. Miss Jean Wade, Toronto, wt .7 nd fin d o pm of te reo t ae 2the ]R u b er' a n prs2 1 BamK inSt re et., st w ith M r. and M m. R. M . Cale, and M m. Don Stainton and boys M . and M m. Hary W ad .S. B o n Ne t n i1 e One pair of unesge no eaete2t inr 0Kn tetWs, Bowmanvhlle. with Mm. and Mmi. Henmy Stain- Mmi. L. Pattemion, Omono,wih CPehcEpkien '~~day o! January, 1953, aftem which Bowmanviile, Ontario, Mr. and Mmi. H. Bment, Mn. and ton Christmas Day.M.mdMm.CntnBonT..SIlo, lhklen * P on ~ sedteshe m oes !thee sttestîate will SoloicitcitroheMm.rG rd n fenord tmiye is I ene Ro ie, To onos ii Mail n eek, oro to F L. By m, yr ne 1-*be distnibuted having regard. ta Executons. 52-3 Mr. and Mmi. A. H. Brent, Mm. Ispent the holiday with Mn. andi with Miss Glomia Lame. .A ama,,mtn r live poultny the Will amd the ciaimi that have . he and Mmi. Lamne Phare with Mr. Mmi. A. Hamilton. M ns. Chas. Reid and Miss Hazl Nwo aln<Bneo higher. M then been received. She epair Wcjnted To Rent and Mmi. Rosi Pooley, Oshawa, Mmi. W. Hughsom i spc-ndimgiReid, Toronto, with Mr. and Mm.H1.Syel,~aktc any Phone DATED at Bawmanville. Ont., 39 King St. W. Bowmanvllle Christmas Day th si.e wihM.1dMi Wi]fmed Wood. 1-_tf the lth day a! Decemben. 1952. 48-tf COUNTRY home, imal acreage Mr. and Mm. Hary Jons, George Arnold, Gonmley. M r. and Mm. Wesley Gilban et mdeotpo Lawrence C. Mason, pre!cmred but mot essential; Bow- Toronto; Mm. E. A. Rosevear, Gwcn Davey, Bowmanville ýand boys with hem parents,Mm H.KReolKdi. ~ t,<,gooe Bamister, etc.. -manville, Newcastle, Omono dis- Cobourg spent Christmas at Mm. Keith Davey Part Credit, spent! and Mmi. Logan, Bethany. J .Jwl,.J er set-hpiron,30 King Street West, Livestock For Sale trict. Excellent references furn- and Mrs. J. A. Roseveam's. Christmas with Mn. Robenrt Me- Miss Dmury, Toronto, with M.HweC cimr Ra uqand Bowmanville. Ontario. ished. Consider purchase at laten Miss Ada Pascoe, London, Ont.; Cullough mnd Brenton. and Mmi. Ernest Eley.Jry& vi 3-af4l Qs'wa Solicitor for Executar. ONE ganden. Phone 2985. date. Write Box 912, c/o States- Mr. and Mmi. C. Johns, Bawman- Joan and Joyce Dave-v bav'.' Mr. and Mmi. Gamwood Da-ESgeHmdnIad tz 4-tf ~51-3 1-1* man Office. 52-3* ville; Mr. and Mm. Archie Keith, had a bad attack of the mumps. nard, Kitchener, with adThSttOIcw* 7 1~ x i 1? - 1

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