THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAVTLLO____A_ Goodyear and Factory Employees s~ New Con tract .Shown here are officers of the Goodyear Tire & Seated are: Ivan Hobbs, President of Local 189, signing for Rubber Co. of Canada Ltd., and of Local 189, United Rubber the union, and Charles Cattran, Goodyear plant manager, Workers, Goodyear Unit, at the signing of the 1952-53 con- sigiaing for the company. Standing, lef t to right are: C. tract between the company and the union. The contract Rankine, D. Kemp, O. J. Presson, H. Collacutt, R. Watt, H. runs f rom October 1, 1952 to October 1, 1953, and provides Henning and Norman Allîson, representative of District 6, for a pension plan and an eight-cent-an-hour wage increase.1 United Rubber Workers. COSIUINLAC DVIES FIRST ALL-CANAOIAN 170RONM 5"rTEET5 oOLAMf<RAWNDEREP5 CANADA INTO UPPER AND RADIO BPOADCAST LIT 8y ffl F012 DEFEATED 1OR01O OTAR1051NH E12,~ 1791. 1928 FIRST TimE, 1841. 1HE SEARSWOPENER(M .KW1î913 ONE OF A SERIES 0F WEEKLY CALENCARS FRESENIED EY M4n L.2 CANADIANS TODAY. ~Us1 ((~ ~ !2SOME 0F THE fNTERESTING EVENTS FIRSSTM 1H PPER CAADABOTH GRAVE AND GAY ESrASLISMED RYA FOWPPEWA b CIMICJENCY ADPTE D MR IN OU CUN TORYS MANr1 Ru% ET[MQ TH<J1E PUBLIC ACC0W4FTH ~ 1ECOURU MD eF ME MMKE.tff I798 PQCINCE OFC(ANADA, 85 7 IAPPY NEW VEAR --v Y'.r~ - GeorgtheTuffords withmthe San- Guine inPor Hope. heSan Mr.nesandPMrs. Gore. Ba n Msr. n r RowenPort Hopen ands Merander. ClPGrroeso, adptonandsited Mrl andrMrs. C. Payne on Friday. Nesileton Station Mrs. George Proutt, Caesarea, visited Mrs. John Proutt and Miss Ruth Proutt. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers and Larry, Oshawa; Mrs. Crockett and Miss Ilene Crockett, Bowman- ville; Mr. Herb Luke and son, Ronnie, Toronto, visited Mrs. Jas. Samelis and Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Vleiger, Frank and John, visited Christ- mas night with Mr. and Mrs. H. McComb, Moira and Raymond. Mr. W. G. Philp and Merlin Business Directory_ LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, -A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanvile Phone, Office 688 - Residence 553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan 9 ½ King Street E., Bowmanville, Ontario Phones: Office 825 - House 409 CONANT & CONANT Barristers and Solicitors Gordon D. Conant, Q.C. Roger G. Conant, B.A. jOffices: IOshawa, Ont., 71,1_ Simcoe St. S. Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25 DEIlTA L DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jùry Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday - Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 House Phone 3609 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S., Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmranville1 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 CHIROPBACTIC G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor 1Office: Specialty Paper Products Building 63 Temperance St. Phone 509 1Office Hours: Tuesday and Saturday REAL ESTATE H. G. (Hap) GILL Real Estate* 8 Second Street Properties Sold Rented Members of the Canadian andi Ontario Real Estate Boards H.G. Gi, Realtor Phone Bowmanville 3514 ARCHITECT Before you build, consuit an architect HERBERT G. COLE, M.R.A.I.C.: Telephone Bowmanville 3653 A UD IT 1N G MONTEITH & MONTEITU Chartered Accountants 37 King St. E. Oshawa Mr. Gordon W. Riehi, C.A., resident partner. OPTOMETRY KEITU A. BELLETT 74 King St. W. - BowmanviUlr Optometrist Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Monday to Saturday excerit Wedinesday 9 - 12 Evenings by Appointment ..*~.- I. PAGE 'IMMe WEDDING , DUNN - STORIE In a quiet ceremony in M4rrison St. United Church Manse, Niagara Falls, Ont., on Saturday, Dée. 27, Rev. G. C. Quigley united in mar- niage Edith Patricia Storie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Sto- rie, Niagara Falls, and Murr'ay Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn, Bowmanville. Mr. Quig- iey is a former minister of St. Paul's United Church here. The bride wore a street length dress of navy blue taffeta with matching bat and accessonies, and a corsage of American Beauty roses. She was attended by ber sister. Miss Mavis Storie, Niagara Falls, who wore a navy blue en- semble. Best man was Mr. Wm. Jaynes, Newcastle. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, River Road, Niagara Falls, after which the happy couple left on a motor tnrp to Ottawa and points east., Odn their return Mr. and Mrs Dunn will reside in Niagara Fais where the groom is an enginee1r on the Hydro Electric Power pro- ject under construction there. MORRISH There was ali tendance of 58 on Dec. 21 at Chistmas servi Superintendent, and Mrs. }Trarry1 the Mission Bar attraction. The of the Mission Bý spent Christmas with Mr. and deotoniperi Mrs. Norman Philp and family, enently by reac Toronto. music presented Mr. nd rs. aurce Bad-Nativity whîch Mr. andMrs. Marice B aial. Thene wasa burn and Miss Liflian Lawson, Bible class andj Toronto, visited Mr. and Ms classes wenev Bruce Heaslip. Collection amou Mr. Russell Nesbitt visited Mr. At the close I and Mrs. Manvin Nesbitt and Mr. generously banc Elmen Nesbitt.1 and oranges. A very enjoyable neunion was Holiday held in North Nestieton hall on Mr. Neil And Friday evening when the R. W. with his mother Marlow family and friends wel- derson, brother1 comed Haviland Marlow Who r.FCon flew home for Christmas aften an Mers. F.ndCor absence of five and a baîf years Mer. and fan. in Aberta. Mn. Herman Wil- r and Mrns. son's orchestra supplied music for adBno.w the evening with square dancing Frank Taylor a and a few round dances. Mrs. A. at Oshawa. Mackie, aunt of the bonoured Mrs. M. J. O! guest gave a splendid demonstra- of Mr. and Mrs. tion of the beel and toe dance Onono. wbich was greatly enjoyed. A Mrs. D. Hair sumptuous lunch was served by Roy, wife and the ladies, and friends were boath Toronto. to part after the very happy Mr. and Mrs. occasion. Guests were present________ from Toronto, Oshawa and from the West. Mr. and Mrs. Manvin Nesbitt and Mr. Elmer Nesbitt v.ere at a Toronto funeral home wbere their cousin, Dr. Harold Orr, Edmon-c ton, was resting. Dr. Orr was president of the Canadian Med- c ical Profession and bas been on a wonld tnip these last three When bi montbs in bis new office. In Oc- Finance! tober, in Athens, Greece, he suf- past fered a heart attack but was past anxious to return borne for or stopi Christmas. A member of the medical profession came by boat 25t to New York with him. Dr. Kelly of Toronto went to New York to bring him to Toronto and lie was apparently improving in Toronto General Hospital ahd lhad enjoyed a happy Christmas with bis fam- 111/2 SlMCOO i]y in hospital. Mrs. Leon Bray- ley of Toronto wbo is his sister and a medical friend are accomp- PORTHOI anying the body to Edmonton for burial. Tlost a rec»ord àt- at Sunday School wbicb a special ice arranged by Miss M. J. Peters Beckett, leader of d, was an added aSenior members 3and took over the od and very rev- Iings, hymns and the Story of The was enjoyed by a very large adult most of the other .vell represented. ,nted to over $5. Mr. I. McConnell led around candy ,y Visitors lerson, Brantford, r, Mrs. Frank An- Chris and family. ish witb ber son nily at Cornwall, R. Bebee, Lorenza ith Mn. and Mrs. and grandcbildnen )sborne was guest sBrook Cowan at nes with ber son 1twin daughters, sWm. Henderson 1Z1UrêOL>IA, J1iNUZA.XXIgt, 19~5 -iKey tbink that FreddieS Qumte a Smarty Secause he crashed Their New Year's pirfY, j You can't reallY read about o plumbing! You're aPt to mý1' I things worse rather than b, It's always best to eall ai able plumbing establishme'l 'was ours ln emergency. In th 'jIcon- you can be sure of saA.V the resuits. .~hc u )inted A H OWN VIé n SIGMATUMk is very S ~have ef- ills pile up, get $50 to $1000 fast at Househoeiinan of Loans made without bankable security. Repaym , on cer- fit your income. Up to 24 months to repay. Pho> I1 would in totiay for fast, friendly, dependlable sery&i.'e r that >ers are th VEAR IN CANADA é hc 4"f11owing ~4kthe var- IOUSEIjOLD FIN aW Wenever Il wth omt-e 4 St.South, second' fl@or, phone 0i~ltewcommit- O5HAWAŽ<1ýNT. ý' OPE BRANCHe 71 Walton St.,-,2nd fiee.', p nianv prob- _______________t decide. FANCY DRESS c R AT THF Memor"ial SKI 18 ATING - 9 p.m. m PRIZENI 1'~ s y w" or- ans *Arena Io 1 a.m.,e d0> .LP Prize for Best Dressed Girl 'Prize for Besi Dressed Boy Prize for Best Dressed Lady Prize for Besi Dressed Man Prize for Besi Dressed Couple Prize for Most Original Costume Prize for Oldesi Person Skating Plus 10 Miscellaneous Door Prizes FUN MAKINO FAVOURS FOR EVE1DvýY Admission a a- « -0 50c per p - MAKE THIS NEW YEAR'S EVE FAMILY NIGHT AT THIE MEMORIAL ARENA 'Y 11 person -r j - T ~ Il t, Day, Mr. and Mrs. Trunman Hien- derson, Bobby arnd BiIIy, grand- children of Newtonvile. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ashton with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Locke and John at Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert McHolm, Jimmy and Mrs. Wm. MCH-olmn were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melville McHolm of Wel- corne, Christmas Day. Mr. Gerald Beebee, student at Ryerson Institute, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beebee. Miss Phyllis Parker is spend- ng Christmas holidays with ber parents at Norwood. Cost per man of Canada's arm- ed forces is $17,000 per year, high- est figure of any nation in the world. PARKER 5. 1 la