ýA" moi Current x and 0 Con fidential IQy Elsie Carruthers Lun.ney THIS MAGIC SEASON e christen their famous cow. after listening to the per! In Oid E'kiand there .were w ords of the "spieler' for twelve days of Christmas, and in show, three times over. w) the great houses and castles feast- mrsî uce o ing and revelry went on through- were' able to resiFt temptati, out, with lxeals corisistîng of many byot or more properly 9 courses of meat and gaine, pud- t, hw dings and sweets, Ail we can say th hw aiter eating our Christmars din ner, Trough this column, ai] contemplating another at New thou ts and feelings on th Yetr's, and nibbiing constantly ~in ect of names, camne to the between, is, xno we know why tion of Mr. J. W. Lawrence '.. hydied off at the age of 40 in lic, Relations supervisor of Umoe days! But no doubt life was en 's. He wrote a very nice -pleasant while it lasted. to Editor Geo. W. James, in * he expressed a perfecti Though the carols have bren standing of our feelings. li uung and St. Nicholas has corne1 that one irate lady even w and zone, it is still the Christmnas 1 far as to start proceedings season. and so the Christmnas trees j awsuit, but dropp ed it. tlll send their twinkiing message Well sir, as they say of peace, goodwill and cheer toi te1îiiig a good story like this passers-by. The magic beauty of do utik apndt *the Christmas tree will f'orm the ibdof6re Cnhrîa? Aingct centre of aur homes, holding fain-pakg yersades ily and friends beneath its îovely pcaeb xrs.ade SPeil, at least tili New Year's, and l Elsie"' at the Canadian l for many, until the traditional; man, and after hastily renr Twelfth Night. the Christmnas xrappings We teasre his easn ~ found in a lovely gold box, r warrnth and friendliness, and aretan on ackagses of BcS reluctant ta sec the sparkling tree fa scess ihS and reenbougs gofroi ourGreeti ngs froin Elsie, Elmer, andgren bugh gofro ou jah and Beauregard, "and homes. The front door withouti us at Bordon's." It 'vasE its wreath or garland wilIlook bY Mr. Lawrence. On the -_ bare; the living-room shorn of its of the card is depicted a *t decoratians and candie light, duil train callcd Elsie's Good -~and prosaic; so for a littie while Line", xith Elmer at the thi we treasure up this season of love, Elsie hanging a Christmnas w and laughter, which we hope has on the headlight, and the aiso touched most hearts with its Beauiah and Beauregard, he sacred origin and meaning, the to boal gaily wrapped packag birth of a Babe in Bethlehemn, Who 1 the train. *was ta be the Saîu ftel Well! Who woulcln' wold *1 caled Elsie? We guess tl THE PLEASURE IS OURS ronin for al O! US girls tagE We have another naine. If iighter vein, but stili on the are any more little girl cal subject, we must say that ditions to Elsie's familv, Bor cted gifts, or gifts froin un- might just like to have ai d sources. are verx' excit- handy, so we'll tell ihei nom me of you may remember Kathleen. ,âadian National Exhi- express aur sincere thanks t( bemoaned the fact that Lawrence, Elsie, Elmer, Be lCampany should have Beauregard and "ail o!fiu r naine, out of ail the Bordens" for that very thot otfgirls' naines, ta, fui gesture. It was veryi j? ç -appreciated, and we'ii think with W dur Ray Taylor and family, Donald, gave me a new subscription or re- Reason and- experience botli Ipleasure of you, ýMr. Lawrence, ecember W digai INewcastle Jack and Ross, Oshawa, with Mrs. newai for this paper. I will en- forbid us ta expect that national and a! Elsie and her famiiy, and ,A T. Taylor. deavour in the future to serve you Morality cý'n prevail in exclusionl ail of yau at Borden's, with every -v Mr. and Mrs. H. Beaton and as best I can, and wish you al of religiou i principie.-Washirig- tasty mouthfui. Our friends think Ian, Mrs. L. Pascoe, Miss Bessie the very best in 1953. ton. those snacks are mightv good to, ace shw;M.an .T P. S.-The Editor was mot for- Pasc . owa,shakak; Mr. and .T 'l gotten. After ail, we used his Mrs. W. Pascoe, Marion and Ev- ii paper ta air aur views, s0 it was ~\ elyn at Godfrey Bowman's. fljonly fitting that he should re- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prescott ceive an exciting package toa, to<' and Marion with Mr. H. Smith's, with Seasons Greýetk"ngs from- Hamnpton. you know who. His present was Mr. and Mrs. F. Samis and aiMost attradtîve 5-lb. package of family at Mr. R. Griffin's, Union. Even "Borden's Old Wine Cured Cheese ssieHeart". Elsie's What's in a nairie, Shakespeareï- hiile we said. Well, right at the moment PONTYPOOL Iog, we we'd say a nice flock of cheese. --.f9 P C A I A onad * .We were sarry ta iearn cf the ircott, THE END- BUT A death o! Jonl Harold Syer, Tor- NEW CHAPTER IN 1953 ~ - onto. Prior ta moving ta Taronta Ilteedeceased operated a farin east 0 u UT It desn' sem posibe tht aof the village. He received his e sub- vea r has Pass cd since we wished puli F seveuatontrs- !atten- -~- r acr ePub- you al a happy New Year, and cadiden's Sho, o evrlyer 1Bard- thankeri yau for your kindness in 4 he served on the Toronto Poli ce letrcommenting on any subjects whiçh Force. He is survivdbhiwi, twhich interested yau. year, so long a Mildred Mae McMurray, Toronto; une-time in childhoiod, xiow passes in two sisters, Mrq. T. Carscaden le said swift fiight. Many o! us are for- (Nellie) and Miss Jean Syer, eets uate enoughthaepasn Lindsay, and two brathers, Dr. 'entie oftu thyave stplast ' '. d for a meoisoEh yadutps. Syer and Ernest Syer, Orono. Our sympathy is extended ta those We extend oaur sincere sympathy who have had anxieties or sar- ta the bereaved.SEWHT ANTN whnrows. We extend aur congratulations 3what Thank you for your interest in ta Mr. and Mrs. Ray Penwarden DOES FOR YOUR SUITS: edytis column in 1952. We'Il try t on the arrivai of a son. aine a do as wclI, or better, we hope, in Christmnas tree buyers are 1 oos Drl 3sed to 1953. And sa, with the first issue scarce the past few days. 0Ioos prl ~tts-of the New Year going ta press, Mr. Roy McGill has sold his Spt aisL n-oving we would like to share a thought farrn to a young Dutch coupleSptvfln s, we for this seasoii, this time o! end- who will take possession inBeerPs Lssone dn lesngs and new beginnings: Mai-ch.Pes uss one )e ' Nover a Christmnas morning, We were pleased to see Mr. and*FieFnihigRsos ýason's Nover the old year ends Mrs. Gordon Youngman in aur Bu- But someone thinks of someone, community again. Gord., wi!e aIl of Old days, old times, old friends." and baby are down froin the West L3 signed visiting local friends. inside Christmas passed with its usual bitie T1~~7round o! concerts, dances, parties Food BLTrIANY1 and home-comings. All the local lrottle, Chisma_____oners__r vreath Holiday Visitors Shown following their marriage at Newcastle hristinas treeo crts werent kids, AronnPgyRyod United Church Parsonage Saturday, Dec. 20, are Mr. and pool sohool had the best concert elping Aroan'My enldR ges n CAF.* at Lac St. Denise, Que., Mrs. R. Munro . The bride is the former Hazel Fishier, 111 man y years with every inch o! eonwith ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Fisher, Newcastle, and the floor space filled with proud par- Charles Reynolds. i groom is Ronald Munro, son of Mrs. . Yeo and the late ents and friends. On Christmas t bo A famiby gathelring at Clarence 1Mr. E. Munro. Eve te OL.fadandne aspT-e :hore's Neals included Mr. and Mrs. Fred rnzdfo o n cr h ether. - Revoy, Mrs. James Neals, Peter- -Photo by Alpha Studio hall liad been suitabiy decorated there boruugb; Mr. and Mrs. Norman - for the occasion. Several prizes f ad- Neals, Feversbam, and Mr. and Church, presented a very beauti- pupils ahl joined in several Chr-ist- Sanaero given ahy the b oed derfs Mrs. Arnott Neals and daughiter. fti Christmnas Cantata "The Haly mas carols. "Picnic Luck' was a at rmidnighit. namne Shirley, Toronto. Advent' in St, Paul's Anglican dialogue acted by Lloyd Arn- M.JmsWlad w, it's Mr,. and Mrs. John Stubhins, Church Monday evening. Mr. strong-, Carolvn Failis, Dianne M.lmsllcwo.Wîad Montreol, and Mr. ànd Mrs. Ron- James Gay, LCCM, organist and Porter- and Donald Airmstiýng IsPent tho holidav with bis par- int ta ald Ponieroy, Peterborough, with choir leader, trained the singers Ross Neals, Lloyd Arinstrong, ents in the village. ,Mr". Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cavano. and accompaniicd them n oi rgon Kennetlh Pieston an~d Donald I wou Id like to thank evcryane Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR ulah, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Edmunds and and piano. Armstrong sang "A Boy's Song". who in 1952 made any contribu-PHN: SAAZETH 300' S at chiidren, Bobby and JoAnne, Th iailou Mte' tion towards helping me get extra POE SAAZNT 30 ,much with Mr. and Mrs. M. McDowell mas" as an argon prelude was fol- Hles a ie yHln ~i7 and rs. R. Ernunds. owed by the Processianal hymn Muriel and Ross Noals. Mr. Harry ________ WiM.and Ms. erman Mc- 'A geis Froin the Realins of Glory Preston sang a solo. Ail joîned Gi were Miss Alta McGill, Peter- Wn Their Way O'er Ail the Claus' and Dianne Porter gave a -j borough; Miss Olive McGill and Ea rth". Rev. T. S. Gauit, Rector, Gongt eiain Howard McGill, Oshawa. led in prayer. The Choir con- Tioodntshtn'arecitation. CI L413J u&yJJoveil With Mr. and Mrs. Jaines Mc-' tinued with 'Break Forth Into Tceso o !goeis Kinon ver Me an Mr. CciiJoy"~ feattûring a wamen's chorus. wbich xvas won by Garnet Arn- McGiil, Misses Joyce and Joan The second number "Harps o!ftog îhbtteHahrSso McGill, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs G. Go ld Are Ri nging", also featured drawing the winning ticket. E. Staples, Miss Jeanette Staples the ladies' chorus group. In the Mrs Herb Neals ,vas pianisf for and Terrence Staples,. Lakefield; third movement "Hark, A Thrill- the evcning. Mr. Harry Preston Miss Evelyn McKinnon, Montreal, îig Voice is Saunding" the so acted as chairman, tbanking Mrs. andMr.andMr. J Ahen ndprano solo was given by Miss Neals for ber assistance and Mrs. Sandra. Toronto. Laura Morton. Rex'. Gault read Rowan and her pupils for tbc Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Rowland, lbhe story o! aur Lord's Nativity splendid entertainment. Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert as round in Lukc's Gospel. The Peocecds of draw and concert Fî'eeman and dlaughter Terry entire choir sang "Oh Holy reeePtaoned $35wbc I xitlh Ibeir parents, Mr. and Mrs.i Night', ~For They had Pound the will peovide ftîrtbcr equipinont I 'olt Rowand King for Whom the Worbd hart for the sehool. Mrs. G. M. Longfield, Mount Suh htHl ih".l h _______ Beydges. with bier son Dr. G. M., i sxth number "Bethlehem", the baritane sala wns taken by Noei Longfiebd.W IENFIELD William Bigelow, Univ'ersity o! Wods. Mrs. H. Raysan sanga Toronto, witb bis parents, Mr 'and; eontralto solo 'Rest Thee Jesus". Mrs. Frank Bigelow. i The final chorus 'Unta Us a Chiîd Mr. and Mes. F. Aborne tlw, Rev. James Hampson went toi is Born; and His Name shall ho Alex and Joyce, Manilla; Miss St. athrmns t ho xvi b CaIed W onderful, Counselor, te Corsina Samis, Oshawa; Mr. and Royal Caain Navybcwith rte rne !Pec'l ees e.M ims aives. His son John, vth the 1 Migbty God, the Everlasting Fath- Mrs. F. Sanis and family witb ?h $52 him there. sional bymn "It Came Upon the Mr. and Mis. W, Gray witb Mr. Mrs. J. J. Clarke ils in N iagaa Mi dnigbt Clear, that gloriaus sang A. McRae's, Toronto. Falls, witb ber son, Dr. Jobn!cfof ad" wos sung hy the entire Mr. and Mis. R. Stinson andl Clark and familv., group and the final number by famiiy, Miss Vera Stinson, Mrs. Mrs. Eff ie Morton with lieri Mr. Gay at the argon was Cor- Evelyn Willier, Toronto; Mr. F !pntetcsa ire daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rus,! cuis Postîude Pastorale. Frank McCuiloch, Pontypool: Mrs.I înely-ground synte a h Bcusi aeok1Th att a naldaNormaen Stinson witb Mrs. H. point releoses ink smoothly, writes Miss Laura Hutchinson, Toron- 1 great deal o! preparation and was Sis adMr..Sino.wtou rsue to. with bier sister, Mr. and Mrs. much appreciated by those in at- Mr and Mes. J. Harris. Linda wijatprsue j Herb Kennedy. tendance. and Marlerin, Murray' Prescott, 1.~ ~ <$ eGI-ile orli xr-lm Guets itXMe.aui Me. Alan Galloway School Concert Smith, Hampton, with Donald ndIwehses oniuneSpc IGribbie were Miss Jane Gribble, 1Piipiis, o! Galioway's School EdQar Peescoits. egslsthn1oc.Spe London, and Miss Jcwell Geîbblc, tinder the Supervision o! their Me. and Mes. T. R.Bsa, ooegoig Torto teacher, Mrs. Laura Rowan, Beth- BRcsok;M.A . Tamblyn. M.adMsSeanMn-anv, presented their annuiol Mr. and Mes. ivison Tamblyn aîd , Retroctoble mechanism Ilocks jewel gornery~ and H-arold Pbiilips, Pct- j Christmas concert toao very ap- fainily, Orono; Miss M vrtlo Tamnb- pitilWiil oiino e erborougb, witb Mr. and'Mrs. Win. lpeeciative audience Friday even- lyn. Toronto,at ibfrid Bw-paoint-in rting ostin-r o Pbîihips. ing. The opening numbers O Can- man's.atM1 o-lsei-ntnly Mr. and Mes. Harold Sandoerson ada and Our Teacher said to Wei- Me. and Mîrs. R. Pare oîîd fain-, Packaged like a fine jewel. *Wrtscerfienewtam ig - witb relatives in Toronto and come You was given by ail the ily with the MeLoan's, Blac Wie lafn-lm ihaai jab Me. n d is. R lpWh l tf- ipils. Lloyd Armstrong recited stock. - the perfect gift for both in9frc l e bo k c l r t o Mr. nd Ms. Rlph lieiaf--e lephoning Santa'; Donald MeI. and Mes. L, Stephiensoiîîontd fer, Hamiilton. are holiday guiests 1Armstrong "My Stocking"; Car- Ronnie, Mr. and Mes. F. Lycett 1 men and women. won't smear, smudge, fade or il with Mre. and Mes. Mansei Wrighit. lnFus'M 1ita re n fiiv e n r.E e rnfr .1 i JACK BROUGH HEATING AND PLUINBING iiny Goes Fasier . .. Crows Sironger on Rich, Wholesome MILK! 'S. fi; the boy wvith the -bright eyes. the rosy 's the boy w~ho drinks at Ieast a art of our cureainy-rich, body- ilding nilk every day - the inilk youngsters need - the ik they ail love. Cali od y and arrange for reg- C LEN lAE DAJRY .OE444 BOWIMAMVILLE Another plcasant feature o! the , AOuiit SWimimng Mr. W. Bagnohi Thuirs. 7:0o)-90 B.T.S. Pool $0 a.8-Ar 61 lex coing was arranged b hbe Sokn r.G uhnWcd. 7:10) 9:30 Lions. -Ar.161 Girls' Softbail Cluib. As tho SacinLMs.G.Busa Centre $3.00 Jan. 7 - Apr. 15 1154 orhsr1l~cl aeM it< Evening Leather Mrs. F. Diiling Tues. 7:30 -9.30 Lions Centre $3.00 Jan. 6 - Apr. 14 15 the Bail Gaine". Mr. and Me5. IAerg Roy Ferren and i-M. Thomnasý Aduit Art Mr. A. Hodgkins Frn. 8.00O - 10.00 Lions Centre $1.25 per session Jan. 9 - Apr. 17 15 j tahpl ererequesdte 1 coe Dressmnaking Mrs. F. Diiling Wed. 8:00 - 10:0(1 Lions Centre $3.00 Jan. 7 - Apr. 15 1 presented wiib Christnias gifts! Variety Club Mes. E. Cale Fni. 4:00 - 6:00 Lions Centre Na Charge Jan. 9 - Apr. 17 1 froin(ho Girls' Tean in apprece- 15 .:0- :< lotion of tbenr woek duing t-ho0- :o season. The gentlemen wee eaunlj Dancing Class Miss L. M. Maesh Tîhurs. 4:100 - 6.00 Lions Centre Sec Instructor Sec Instructor See Instructor igix'en bather billfolds anîd 1MeIs.: Women's Health Miss L. M. Marsb Thues. 7 ý30 - 9:3() Lions Centre $5.00Ja.8-A,185 Ferren a rhinestone necklace.jJa.W8-dAr.and1 Miss Marie Care expresod theiWdan thanks of the <coi nienbees t10 Fr. 4:001 - 6:00 Contact Contact Mr. Ferren. who had heen tbeirl Skating Club Mr. & Mes. Distelinver Sot. 9:00 - 11:00 Arena Mrs. Lawrence Maon Mes. L. C. Mason Approx. 45 manager: ta Mr. Staples, theý coach, and to Mes. Ferreit.W-ho j Sr. Stamp Club Presidont Ebected 3rd We d. 8: 00 - 10:00 L.ions Centre $l.0 pe yea Mo of had been (boer corekeepei'. Ahi 10 erya ot three expressed thoîr sîncero I Lions Centre thanks and sa 'ving -Tli 'y fad 1Pouding been a great tean Io woi-k ,with."' Photography Mr. E. Rebder Tues. 8.00 - 10:00 Clarification $3.00 Jan. 13 - Apr. 14 14 C hristmas Cantata -*i St. Paul's Choir. aýý:i4ted bv àeveral imembers of the Unted Il .'1 i. j I q *1 H N S-TSA.BWMAVLE NAI TEURSDAY, JTANUARY Ist, 1958 W.,ýS r- ', , - L, à -1 - 1 1 -w-