PAGE TEN Gordon Agnew, Editor Civic Committees Are Formed AI Inaugural Council Meeting In lis inaugural address ta the 1953 Village Council, Reeve John Rickard stated that he lad spent a lot of time and given a great deal of thaught ta the variaus committees of thc council and lie- licved that thecocmmitteemen lie had appainted slould he in a position ta carry out bliir variaus duties ta thc satisfaction of ail. He- said that lie, as Reeve, was available at ail times for assist- ance and advice, but hclicved that thc members of thc commit- tees should as far as possible, make their own decîsions. He expressed bis appreciabian ta the members of last ycar's council for thcir co-opecation and was quitc sure that the business of bbc village couid lie carcied out harmaniausiy wibh tbc pres- cnt cauncil. Faiiowing is bbc list of corn- mittees wibh bbc first named in cach instance ta lic chairman: Roads-Ross Dickinson and J. H. Jase; Sidewaiks-Gcorge Grah- am; Finance-Jase and Dickin- son, Properby-Fred G. Caucb; Relief-Reeve John Rickacd and Finance Chairman J. H. Jase; Fire Dept. Administration-Couch and Graham; Industrial Commit- tec-Couch and Jase; Civil De- fence - Dickinson, Coudh and Graham; Memorial Hospital Bd. -J. H. Jase. Artbur Toms was rc-appainted ta bbc Memocial Lilicary Board; Frank Miller, Fire Chief; J. H. Jase, Building Inspectar; Fred Cauch, Wecd Inspector. Two new members were ap- pointcd ta bbc Community Hall Board of Management to replace Gea. Waiton and Gea. Ccowthec wha wished ta lie relicvcd of their positions. The new members are Reeve John Rickard and J. C. Porter. Miss Coca Butler xvas ce- appoinbed ta bbc Board. Replacing Mc. C. R. Carvebli wba rcsigncd in December fcom bbc Durham District High School Arca Board, xvi lic H. J. Toms, a former chairman of bbc local Board of Education. Silver Wedding Anniversary 0f Former Newcastle Girl Celehraied ai Truro, Nova Scotia (By Dora. Sabean) Trura, NS., Dec. 29.-On Sat- urday evening, IDccember 27 from ta 10 o'clack, Ciare and Wini- fred Bambard (nec Winifred Lake af Newcastlc), wcre at home ta their friends on the occasion of Arenct Committee Now 5 Members After muci discussion af bbc I work and composition of tIc Newcastle Community Memorial Arena Committcc, members of the village cauncil aItIch inaugural p. meeting on Monday evcning, de- cided ta cut bIc size af bhc corn- milIce from bbc present seven members ta five members ta lic appointed on a cotating liasis, anc member for three years, two members for bwo years and two members for anc year. In thîs way. ncxv members wiil bc ap- pointed ta thc commitîe cach year, wbule always leaving a ma- jority af expcrienced members 'p-4.he committce. The 1-953 Cammittce is set up as follows:' One-year erm-George Walt- on and William Lake; twa-year termn-George Graham and Al- bert ]Pearce; thrce-ycar brm-H. C. Bonathan. The commilîce wil lic at libi- erty ta pick ils secrcbary and reasurer fromn within or withaut its ranks. their 25th wedding anniversary. One hundred and fifty-two guests attended this delightfuily inform- ai silver wedding reception at 33 Broad Street, Truro, N.S. Mrs. Bombard, gowned in rose crepe with corsage of roses, look- ed very bride-like. But for many of the guests and for the Bombards themselves it was more than a wedding annivers- ary. A little over 25 years ago Clare Bombard was sent from Hamil- ton, Ontario, to open a hosiery miii at Lewis Ltd., Truro. A nat- ive of London, Ont., he was just 21 years old when entrusted with this responsibiiity. Wed In Ontario After establishing himself in the industry and in the commun- ity, Clare returned to his home province to wed Winifred Lake of Newcastle, Ont. The ceremony was performed in St. George's, Church of Engiand, Newcastle, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. Stil in lier teens, Winifred flambard came with lier husband to take up residence i Truro. It is interesting to note that among those taking part in her silver wedding reception were the f irst three women she met in the Hub Town, whidh was ta be lier home. For these three and for many others present, the re- ception marked the 25th anni- versary of their friendship with NORTHUMBERLAND - DURHAM HEALTII UNIT IMMUNIZATION CLINIC Immunization Clinics will be held at Newcastle Publie Schoi s*arting Monday, January 19, 1953. At 1:00 p.m. parents are invited to liring infants and pre-schooi children for primary or reinforcing immunization against diphtheria, whoaping cougli and tetanus. The sub- sequent ciinics for the compietion of immunization for children requring 3 doses will lie held Feliruary 9th and Mardi 2nd. Vaccination against smailpox will be offered on Feb. 9th -Parents should have an accurate record of any - previous immunization. KEEP THIS NOTICE FOR REFERENCE Medical Officer of Health BO WMAN VILLE PONTYPOOL 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:35 1:45 1:50 2:00 2:20 Connections at Newcastle Orono Kirby Pont ypooi Ballyduff Jtînction 35 & 7A Janetville Lindsay Lý m- ORONO m LINDSAY 9:45 9:35 9:30 9:20 9:10 9:05 9:00 .V. 8:40 Lindsay for:- Toronto. Peterborough, Fenclon Falls, Haliburton, Orillia, Kirkfield bus and C.N.R. trains. Connections nt Bownanville for:- Oshawa, Whitby and Toronto. Connections at Newcastle for:- Port Hope, Cobourg, Belleville, Kingston, Montreal. THURSDAY, JANlUARY 15, 1933 91ECANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Ciare and Winnifrcd Bomnbard. ing sebting for bbe siivcc wddding Receiving with their parents festivities. were Glen and Ciare Jr. Nine- Roses adorned tbe draxving- teen-year-oid Gien, an employee room and 25 roses in a silver rose of the Bank of Nova Scotia, play- liowi, flankcd bv silver wcappeci ed steliar raies in operettas and bapers, made a 'cbarming ccntcr- ather dramatic presentations while piece for the bride's table. The attending Coilhester C o u n t y exquisibe Maclecia clotb was a Academy. His winsome charm treasurcd 201h anniversarY gift. ;Jmade him a popular member of Mrs. K. M. Lewis prcsidcd Il the student body. Ciare Jr. is aver bbc silver tca service thc just seven years aid, but is ai- first bouc. Mrs. Bert Hunt and -ready foliowing in his brother's Mrs. Clitton Sproul scrved. Dur- ýf ootsteps. ing tbce second bour, Mrs. Laurie Speciai guests of thc Bombards Wisbart poured: l\1rs. Harris Read were Rev. and Mrs. Russell Gord- and l\h. T. C. C. Sodcro served. an, New Glasgow, N.S. The- Mrs. Gordon Purdy poured for bbc Gordons are Torontonians. Mrs. third hour. Mrs.» Harold Good- Gardon was a childhood friend of spced and Mrs. Frank Giadwin Mrs. Bombard. For them, tbe served. Mrs. Robert MacCurdy anniversary was in the nature of and Mrs. Fred Pettis ricplinisbý1ed. a reunian. Mrs. Hugh Peel usbered. Little Charmng SetingMiss Jane Trueman was portress. Charmng SetingMany loveiy gifts, inciuding a r The Bambard's Broad Street large silver tea service, as wcil as rresidence, which bears many a number of cards and bcicgramns, evidences of Mrs. Bombard's ar- were receivedt by bbc bigbly tistic abulity, provided a charmn- cstcemed Truro couple. Social and Personal Mrs. McKinley of Seeiey's By c and Mrs. Clinton Farrow spent the past week with hec sonanci Jdson Gicn, Newtonville, visit- and daughter-in-law, Mr. and cd wibb Mr. and McIs. George Kim- Mrs. Floyd McKinley. bll and farniiy on Sunday. 1Miss Mary Margaret Bonathan, Mr. and Mrs. Aidcn Poliard, Toronto, spent the weekend with Oshawa, and Mr. and 1\'Irs. Elimer lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Poliard and family, Courtice, Bonathan. vîsited witli their mother, Mcs. Messrs, Russell Osborne and Dennis on Sunday. C. R. Carveth reprcscnted the Mr. and Mrs. J. Baicy,, Brook- Durhm C-Opeatie Cod Sor-lin, werc Sunday visibors at the age Ca. at a meeting in Toronto hm fMs ebBon on Monday iast cailed by bbe Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose left this Dep. f Ariulurefo lh pr-marning foi- Cleveland, Obio, Doet.of Aiculture for tepr- ewhere Mr. Jose, as President of possentdscusngCitSoag he Canadian Giadiolus Society, Assessents. s representing Canada at bbc In- 3 Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare ac- ternational Giadiolus Society, companied Dr. and Mrs. H. Rundie Fciday and Saturclay. of Bawmanvilie ta Brighton an Mr. and -Mrs. Orley Cbapman, Thursday evening, where they at- Kirby, visitcd wibb Mrs. Herb tended a receptian for Dr. and Brown on Sunday, lcaving bis rMrs. H. C. Rundie on thc occasion mother, Mrs. I. E. Cbapman, in Bof their 45th wedding annivers- care of Mrs. Brown's Rest Home. sary. Mr. Thomas Douglas, Kitchen- Mrs. Hubert Carbrey, Mrs. Mor- er. was visiting wibh friends in ley Sailows and son Randy visi~- the village on Tuesday. cd in Toronto wibh Mrs. G . Bon- Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lovekin athan. spent New Year's at tbeir son's Mrs H. C. Bonathan cntertained home in Ottawa. F/L Rickard ta number of 1er lady frîends Fni- Lovekin was anc of the officers day evening, whcn three tables of atbending the Governor General bridge werc played. at the ievee. Foilowing the levec, Mrs. Georgina McConneii, Ta- Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lovekin en- conta, is visiting witl ber sister, tectained at luncheon in bbc Cia- Mrs. Herb Brown. beau Laurier. Rev. D. Dewdney Conducis Worship Service ai Initial Council Mlqeetin Foliowing bhe administration of tend Divinec Worsip at tlhe Newv the oatl of office ta the Reeve castie United Church on Sunday and members of the Newcastle morning at Il o'ciock and bo at- SVillage Council by the Clcrk, R. tend a special MVunîicipali Nigbit rB. Riekard, thc Rector of St, luncheon. sponsored by bbe, Bow- George's Anglican Churdli, Rev. manvilie Rotary Club on Friday D. R. Dcwdncy, addrcssed bbc cvening, January 23 members liriefly, cangratulating The salary of tbe Village Clerk thcm on their election ta office was raised from $425 ta $550 a and speaking of the great amount year at tbc rccquesb of bbc clerk. of bime which is given sa fccely A donation of SIt) was made to by those holding municipal office the Hospibal for Sick Cbildrenii i with littie if any reward fac their Toronto, but a requcst for a grant services. He said lie often wand- tawacd operating costs of bbe crs why men do tbc work tbey do Memorial Hospitai, Bowmnanviile, and bake the criticisms handcd xvas laid avec foc furtier study out by cibizens who, in a great and discussion. many cases, do nat even know Àlte fcsgain fct what they arc talking about. Mr. jc Anuacy 31, orectoeîvdfromt Dewdney wislicd bbc members o eof Police C1, avrlcied ini thc council cvccy succcss in thcîr Cle fPlc avre.I i work in bbecocming year and beter Mr. Cavecley statcd that bbc closed lis remarks witb prayer ta cantinuous clirnbing of s tairs wasl Aiknighty God tiat Hc would give affecbing bis bealtb and, and that guidance to the members in bicir bcing unabie la find suitable liv- deliberations bîraughout the comn- ing accommodation in tbh. village, ing yar. be was unahie ta do justice ta bbc The reading and consideration jb of the exceptionally long list of The resig«nation was acceptcd .communications occupicd the and bbce Cierk was instructed to members; during Most of bbc Cv- advertise foc applicants for bbe ening.combined position of Policeman ening.and Caretaker of bbe Community A building permit was gcanted, Hall at a saiary of S39,oo0. subject ta bbc appraval of bbthe_____ Building Inspector, ta R. A. St. Adam of Bawmanville, foi- bbe Marine radio-bclepbonc wý,as crection of a $7,000 bungalow on first inbroduced on a commercial Beaver Street South. basis in early 1920) by Canadian Invitations were accepted ta at- Macico ni. TI ç, EFFECTIVE JAN. 151h, 1952 IECK-UP JUST as a mis- used car can fa il when you necd it most . . . so may your insurance pro-I tection disappoint yau, if yau let it go from year to year without an expert check-up. Don't "g ue ss" that your insur- ance is adequate. Make sure. Cail on us for your protcct- tion review today. Stuari R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681 Res. 493i Ring Street. Bowmanville - I( E 14 YORPUBRS dt pays you wefl (As though yau cared) To keep your hcdter 'WeJI repaire&. Your home is where 'tou spend most Of your life. Therefore. you want everything, including your Plumbing and hcating, as Perfect as Possible.IVe are ever at your service ini case of emergency. Cali us anytime of îîight or day. -I Phone 3111l Committee Members Operating Arena_ Due' to bbc resignatian of D. Wallon and V. Garcod, managers of tbc local Acena, members of bbe Newcastle Communiby Mcm- criai Arena Commitbee have bak- en on bhc task of operating the Arena wibb Bobbîe Martin making bbe ice'and acting as general care- baker. At a meeting held last week, George Graham was appoinbed as overseer of the Acena and H. C. Bonatian ta be in charge of the ticket office ýXith power ta cal] on other members of bhc com- mibîce for assistance. The lunch counter at bbc arena is being apcrabcd by bbc wives of the commi«itbcc members, assisbcd by memibers af bhc Rink-Ettcs and an> ather ladies who care ta volunteer bleir services. Good ice, and a gaad amount of it, lias been made during bIc pasb wcek and a baîf and tIc young, people of bhc village and sucrounding district have been making good use of it evcry day with lobs af good skating and hockey games in pragress. Thc ncw system, if not boa much of a drain on the lime and encrgy af the volunteer workccs, siould assure a profitable season for tle arena, praviding tle funds for thc cammittce ta pracced witi pro- poscd impravements ta the build- ing before next winter. Mr. & Mrs. R. Branch Honored on Occasion 0f Silver Wedding About 125 neîghbours, relatives and friends af Mr. and Mrs. Roy Branch. R. R. 2, Newcastlc, gath- cred at bbc home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gienney, Newcastle, on Wednsday, Jan- 7, in honour af Mr. and Mrs. Branch's 25th wed- ding anniversary. Master John Gxlenney rcceivcd bbc guests at bhc door. On the arrivai of bhc bride and groom, bbc bride was presented with a corsage of rcd roses and tIc groom wlbh a white carnation for bis lapel. The room wlere the bride and groom were seated was clab- arately decorated wîth white and silver streamers, white wcdding bls and bouquets of fresi flow- ers. Bebind the couple werc silver and white streamers fasten- cd ta bbc wall witb silver bows, and in bbc centre large white numerals, 25. A beaLutiful tirce-tier wedding cake, made and decorabed by Mrs. Fred Bowen, g*raced the centre af bbc tea table. Mc. Fcee- moan Eddy acted as master-af- ceremonies and called on Mc. Wellington Brunt ta read an ad- drcss ta bbc happy couple. Mrs. Brunt tien prescnted Mc. and Mrs. Brancb with a walnut cab- incb containing a 76-piece set af Lady Hamilton silver flatware, and also an envelape containing $162. Mrs. Freeman Eddy prescrit- cd tbc couple with a signed guest book. On bebalfaoflierseif and bier busband, Mrs. Brandi fstting- ]y bbanked aillase responsible foc these beautiful and genecaus gcifts. An enjoyabie musical pro- gramme foiiowcd whcn Mr. Jack Allin played a carnet solo, "Beau- tiful Dreamer"; Mr. Glenn Allun rcndered a vocal solo, 'Where'er You, Walk"', foilowing wiich lis wife, Jean, jaincd him in a duet, 'Sweetheart af Yesberday". Tley were accompanicd at tic piano by Mrs. Howard Aluin. Assisting in serving bhc de- liciaus refresiments werc mcm- bers of bbecocmmittce responsible for the evening's celebration: Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allun, Mc. and Mrs. Free- mani Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. Welling- ton Brunt, Mrs. Fred Bawen, Mc. and Mrs. Cecii Malley, Mc. and Mcs. Charles Glcnncy. Those present includcd Mr. and Mrs. Bcanch's threechcildren: daugliber Pauline, and ber lus- band, Bruce McClure, Part Cred- il; son Russell, and daughter Betty; Mrs. Branch's sister and brotber-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. îDavy, Verona, and brother, Mr. Archie Wattam, Verona. Other members of tbe famiiy wbo wcrc unabie ba attend were: Mrs. Brancb's brothers and sist- ers: Mc. and Mrs. Russell Wat- tamos, Tonawanda, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ayien, London, Ont.; Mr. aud Mrs. Percy Arney, Ver- ana; Mrs. A. M. Revelle, Toronto; MVr. Branch's mother, Mrs. James' Brandi, Newcastle, and cousin, Mr. Walter Branch and Mrs. Brancb. Oshawa. Amang the many cards and messages received by Mr. and Mrs. Brancb was a letter af con- gratulation from Rcv. and Mrs. W. W. Patterson, Noranda, Que. Mr. Patterson is a former minîster of Newcastle United ChurcI. Their many friends wiillibe glad ta know that Mr. Brancl, wbo is confined ta a wleel- chair, suffered no iM effcctsj from the happy celebration. Civic Of ficiais To Attend Service At United Churcli Tic regular order of services \vere conducted at the Newcastle United Churci last Sunday when thie minister began a new series of sermons at the morning service on the generai subject of "God's call ta the children of light" tak- ing as bis theme "The righteous r.emnant'. Týie 19.53 siate of officers for bhe Woman's Missionary Society wverc instaiied at this service. Tic sermon subject at thceeV- ening service was "The Oak, Im- plicit and Explicit" in the acorn. The anual meetinig of the con- gregation will lie hcld on Friday evening at 8 p.m. whcn a good program will suppiement the bus- iness of thes evening. On Sunday morning next, rcp- resentatives of the Village Coun- cil, Board of Educatian and Hydro Commission, have been invited to attend the service in a body, when the service wiil be built around the theme of civic admin- istration. Education in Af rica Interesting Themne Of W.M.S. Meeting Postponed from Jan. lst, the Afternoon Auxiliary of New- castle United Church Woman's Missionary Society was held Jan. I5th. Devotional and study periods were led by Mrs. Honey, leader of the group in charge. Scripture passages read and explained by Mrs. Honey and Mrs. C. Cowan empliasized the fact that the Bible is the Book of Life and the means of Grace, but that each succeed- ing generation reads it less. The study period deait with "Education in Africa" of which there are several types. Mrs. Honey expiained how each sehool functioned. She calied upon Miss Ruth Hancock, Mrs. W. F. Rick- ard and Mrs. H. Pearce ta read excerpts from the Study Book. One part of the story was dram- atized by Mrs. Honey and lier assistants, Mrs. C. Cowan and Mrs. Taylor. The drama depicted an African mother, her daughter and an older Christian woman unable to read, who went to a school teacher for advice. A certain school and type of education was recommended by the teacher and, foiiowing a lapse of six years, the resuits of what education in Af- rica can do was depicted in the drama. It was shown that members may weil be proud of their church schools, but failure to supply the proper reading material could be disastrous. President Mrs W. F. Rickard, took charge of the business and reception of the annuai reports after having asked for sulent pray.. er for the bereaved famiiy of a departed member, Mrs. Fred Lovekin. In giving lier own report, Mrs. Rickard asked for the continuedlI co-operation of the members andj for dedicated prayers by themn for their own organization, cosing with the quotation: "Trust in the Lord forever For i the Lord Jehovali is your strength". Several new members were weicomed ta the meeting, a good beginning for a new year. Due ta the absence of secretary Miss Blackburn, Mrs. L. Turner was acting secretary. "Same as it is back East, bub," answered the old feilow, "one to a person'". SPENCER CORSETIERIE <Registered since 1931) Mrs. J. E. Richards BOX 33, ORONO Teiephone 27-r-16 Meet "'VIOLA", - AT - Jury & Lovelis VETERINARY WEEK JANIUARY 18 - 25 Check Al LIVESTOCK and VETERINARY SUPPLIES 'Jury & Loveil Phone 778 Bowmanvllle In the Editor's Mail 124 Kinsway Toronto 18 Ores.,1 ! United Church W.A. Raised $1600 in 19521 With the 1952 executive in charge, tle first meeting of tIc Newcastle United Churcî Wom- an's Association for 1953 was hcld in the Board room of tIc Clurcli Jan. StI. Opcning cxcrcises were con- ducted by Mrs. Harold Toms with the assistance of Mrs. C. R. Car- vth. Some helpful hints for vt'écNew Year were read by Mrs., Cccil Ferguson. The retiring President, Mrs. Chas. Cowan, presidcd for the business pcriad whcn annual re- ports werc prcsented from thc variaus groups and officers. The trcasurer's repart revealed $1600 lad been raised in 1952, in ad- jdition ta tIc canvass canducted by the members for the United ClurcI Training ScIool. The installation of 1953 officers was conducted by Rev. Lawrence H. Turner, and the ncw president * oak tbbchcair for the remainder af tIc meeting. t Plans wcrc discusscd and com- Smittees appointed for the turkcy dinner ta lie scrvcd liy tIc mcm- bers for thc Fruit and Vegetabie Growers' Association on Feli. 4th; aiso for bbc lunch ta lic served at thc congregationai meeting on Jan. 16. Refresîments wcrc scrved and a social haif hour enjoyed by thc smembers. Mrs. Jewell, an old friend, and called on the hîll-top and friand Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, another old schoolmate. By that time we re- alized we were getting aid. Strange to say, we did flot feel . old, so we decided to be happy P* as we journey on. Sincerely yours, (Mrs.) J. R. 'Young, nee Margaret A. Neads. Coiborne, Ont. Canadian Statesmnan: 1I Find enclosed $3.00 for renew- ai to The Statesman for 1953. Keep sending your paper al ng as we enjoy very much the L*nter-. esting news of the surroudag villages, towns and county. Con gratulations toalal your staff foib one of the finest papers publisb.- ed in Ontario. Wishing you ail a Happy and Prosperous New Year. We have had a splendid year. N. 6. McNally. COMPLETE SHORTHRN DISPERSAL SCOTCH and DUAL PURPOSE BLOODLINES The entire herd of Mr. A. Dorfman, Oakville, Ont. wlll be dispersed Tuesday, January 201h, 1953 ai 1:00 p.m. Hays Sales Arena (Located 1,4-mile W. of Trafalgar on No. 5 Highway) This herd consists of 40 head of good, strong, healthy cattie in excellent condition, including some with pure Dual Purpose and some with pure Scotch bloodlines. HAYS FARMS LIMITED Oakville, Ont. S AVE'I - Sales Managers Phone: 1308 Electrical Appliances REDUCED up to 20%ù INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER REFRIGI RATORS AND DEEP FREEZE'UNITS 8.2 cu. fi. REFRIGERATOR Freezer across the top. Regular $330 15% OFF ---On Sale $280.50 9.5 cu. fi. REFRIGERATOR With butter keeper and egg-o-mat. Regular $385 - 15% OFF - -On Sale $327.25 11.5 cu. fi. DEEP FREEZER Regular $530 - 20% OFF- On Sale $424.00 ELECTRIC RANGES Mc-Cormick - Smyihe 4-Durner RANGE With under oven and automatie timer. Regular $225 - 20% OFF - On Sale $180.00 Thor 4-Burner Table Top RANGE Automatic timer, grill, barbecue, deep-well cooker. Regular $441_--------- --- - --- On Sale $34 1.00 RADIOS Roger *s Malesiic Maniel RADIOS Regular $45.00 -__- On Sale $29.95 Low Down Paymeni - 24 Monihs la Pay Farm Equ«pent and Automotive TOM COWAN, Proprietor 134 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE '*~ : - -~ ~q-f~'j'. .-. -- ..- - The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Ont. Happy and Prosperous New Year toalal old friends. Enclosed please find a postal note for subscriptian to your pap- er for 1953. During a recent visit ta my aid hometown, in company with Mrs. W. T. Willard and my daugliter, Mrs. L. B. Douglas, we had a good dinner at the Balmoral Hotei, parked aur car and strolled down thc main street. The aid familiar names were gone from the store- fronts, the aid familiar faces from the passing people. However, we called at the "Big 20" and f.èund1 il i SAV E! Garton Coach Lines SCHEDULE 'r , READ DOWN READ UP Daily Ex. Sun. & Holidays Daily Ex. Sun. & Ilolidays 12:45 Lv. Bowvnalivil1e Ar. 10:00 a.în.L PHONE 689 17- Il 1 - - - -el -