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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1953, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVEC Immunization in 1 Staris This Week hi The immunization scbedule of the Healtb Unit is arranged so that during the winter months when travel on rural roads is likely ta be difficuit, clinics are held in urban scbools. The cli- ics for this winter began Jan. 14, and continue througb ta Marcb 19. During this periad, immun- ization will be offereci ta the ele- mentary scbaol children in Camp- belîford, Brighton, Coîborne, Ca- bourg, Port Hape, Newcastle and Bowmanville. Complete records of the im- munization status of' scbool chilci- ren are on file in the Health Unit, and from tbese records it is de- termined whetber or nat a child sbauld receive an inoculation, and wbat the antigen shoulci be. A written consent is obtained fram the parent before the child is immunized, and no child is done unless this bas been receiveci. School cbilren may receive pro- tection against diphtheria, tetanus and smallpox. Dipbtheria and smallpax are diseases whicb, be- cause of the protection affordeci Ed Youngmc The Statesman's Gra Recently, a letter came ta aur Matlbox bearing the return ad- dress of Mrs. Wm. 'J. Young, 62 Maple Street, Massapiqua, N.Y. We had neyer heard of this town, nor did we knaw any Mrs. W. J. Yaung. We were delighted ta learn that the sender was an aid friend, whose maiden namne had been LeLona Hatcher. Leana had been sent a copy of The States- rnan, and reading this column had revived happy memaries af the- time spent in this vicinity many years aga. Those who were ac- quainted with the Hatchers will remember themn as one of the maost musical, hospitable, fun-lav- ing families ta even live in these parts. When they moved ta the U.S.A. Durham County was left the poorer. Through the years, my wife and I have often discus- seci themn, wandered where they were, what they were doing, how they were getting along. We ap- preciate Mrs. Yaung's thought- Iulness in writing. I wonder if she remembers the last duet she and I tried ta, sing. It was on a special occasion in McCrea's Cburcb. We haci fin- ished the first verse, andi gat nice- ly starteci on the second when I developeci a fit af the giggles. To make matters worse, the org- anist, Mrs. Roy Cochrane, stopped playing andi squirmed araund ta see wbat was wrong; hier action didn't help maters. After three attempts ta get going, I apologizeci ta the preacher, andi whispered ta Leana ta finish the sang as a solo. I let go of the book we had been sharing, just as Leona slack- ened lier grip, andi the book fel ta the floor witb a bang. Gooci manners decreeci thlat I pick it up and hand it ta the lady. I didn't, whicb made me mare embarasseci than ever. In my haste ta reach my seat I brushed too close ta Gertie Kirk's wide brimmeci hat, twisting it out of plumb on bier head. It was worth a quarter ta see the cangregation ducking be- hinci hymn books ta hide the mirth on their faces. The organ- ist gat gaing andi Leona, cool as a cucumber, finished the sang as a solo. After the meeting, she declared that she would neyer sing another duet with me. She tieyer bas! Her sister, Grace, was being buzzed by one of the local swains Who wasn't apt ta tbrow maney itrounci foolishly One evening he waitedl until Grace haci bought her oivn ticket for the bun-feed, then joined hier as escort. Grace acted a bit cool. At the conclusion of the evening's doings hie drove his horse and buggy ta the front of the churcb, and gruffly tolci Grace ta hop in. But Grace didn't "hop in"; instead she saici in a loud, angry vaice: "Beat it, you cheap-skate, I wouldn't be seen riding with you." Wbich, of course, withered the budding ro- mance right then andi there. Andi if yau think the rest of us didn't Iaugb like a bunch of hyenas, you're mistaken. Same of the liveliest music praduced arounci bere was when Mr. McLean with bis accordian, Grace Hatcher an piano, and bier father on Spanish guitar would, cut baose. My wife bad neyer at-! tended a country dance held inb a are, sa the Hatchers promptly1 stageci une. Guess Winnie Mast- ers rememibers it too, because it was during e square dance that I clumsilv knocked bier glasses off. Instead of bounicing, they brake. Then there wes the time Mr. Hatcher was taking some preciaus fresh eggs ta Pontypool ta ex-j change for groceries. Just as J im Willis and 1 drove up behinci bis! rig, bis horse shieci, aver went l the cutter, breaking ail the eggs. Too bad l'm not allowed ta repeat the deathless phrases that eman- ateci fromi friend Hatcher as be scraped those scrambled eggs out on ta the snow drift, while 1 helci bis horse. It was MIrs. Hatchier wbo taught MY wife haw ta meke scrapple, a disb much enjoved in the U.S.A. Although this colorful family bave been "one a long time. my Irban Schools COURTICE Diesel Expert Ih H athUnt(Intended for ls ek the H althUnit Mr. George Shortt, Hamilton, spent Christmas with his mother, by immunization, have almost Mrs. A. J. Shortt. been eradicated. However, com- Mr. and Mrs. E. Gatcheli and placency should be guarded family, Mr. and Mrs. E. Snudden, against, for as long as these dis- Mr. and Mrs. F. Elliott spent eases exist, there :s always the Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. H. danger that they may be trans- Scorgie, and ail spent New Year's . . mitted to someone living in our Day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Snud- district. den. Other visitors were Mr. and Parents are invited to bring Mrs. Peter Moffatt. their infants and pre-sehool child- Chri stmas visitors with Mr. and ren to the clinics in Brighton, Mrs. G. Johnson were Mr. and Coiborne and Newcastle. In oth- Mrs. W. Matthews, Long Branch; er centres, weekly clinics are held Miss M. Keating, Oshawa, and Mr. in conjunction with the Child and Mrs. B. Johnson and daught- Health Conferences in Health er. Unit offices. Protection against Mr. and Mrs. Fred Balson spent whooping cough is offered to these Christrnas with Mr. and Mrs. Ray children in addition to diphtheria, Balson, Whitby. tetanus and smallpox. It is a Deepest sympathy is extended well-recognized fact that whoop- to Mr. and Mrs. C. Penfound and ing cough can be a serious illness family in the loss of a loving in the young child. Statistics show mother, the lqte Mrs. W. S. Boyce... .. that 951: of death from this who was laid to rest at Grafton Lloyd F. Kersey cause occur under five years of on Dec. 31. age. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Kinsman of HamptonOunt., who has grad- Parents are urged to see their had Saturday dinner with Mr. and uated from the Toronto training family physician or to attend a Mrs. S. Kinsman. school of the Chicago Vocational Health Unit immunization clinic, Mïiss Jean Symington, Toronto, Training Cop. Ltd. Mr. Kersey so that their children may receive visited at the home of Mrs. J. Os- is now employed as a diesel road maximum protection against these borne. serviceman with the W. C. preventable diseases. Congratulations to Mr. and Becker Equipxnent Co. Ltd. at _________________________Mrs. F. Aldsworth on their 6th Toronto. wedding anniversary on Dec. 28. Saturday evening about 30 rel- Courtice Circuit Young People's filatives and friends gathered at the Union met Monday evening at an S olu mnhome of Mrs. Nellie Donnelly, Ebenezer United Church. A Oshawa, to join with Mrs. Ralph bounitiful banquet was served by ass Roots Columnist Robinson on the occasion of her*' the winning teams. Meeting 84th birthday which was Dec. 29., opened with president Wes Down Mrs. Fred Beson presented her in the chair. A lengthy business mother with a lovely corsage and period was followed by election suit that her grown sons are she also received many personal of these officers: President-Wes husky enough to be heavyweight gifts. Guests were present from Down; Vice-Pres.-Miss Dorothy wrestlers, and brainy enough to Windsor, Bowmanville and Whit- Somerville; Sec'y-Ron Brooks; hold down Positions requirn: by. Mrs. Robinson received many Treas.-Mîss Muriel Tink; Citiz- high degree of intelligence. happy returns of the day, after esi-e ik isosMs * **1 which a bountiful lunch was serv- Margaret Wyman; Stewardship While on the subject of botties' ed. and Training - Miss Marjorie -Freeman Eddy usually carried1 Mr. and Mrs. S. Kînsman and, Somerville; Faith and Evangel- his lunch coffee or tea to work,1 family were Sunday dinner guests ism-Linton Herron; Pianist- in a sealer He finally blossomned of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hopps, Osh- Miss Phyllis Adams; Asst.-Lloyd into a thermos bottle. One morn- awa. Coverley; Publication - Allen ing last week he filled it, as he Mrs. H. Sprung, Earlene, Beryl Thampson. Meeting closed after thought, with coffee, but when'and Wilrna, Windsor, had Sunday which the young people had a he poured out a cupful, discovered dinner with Mrs. Cecil Adams and bowling party at Mayfair Lanes it was just plain hot water. He Mr. Adams. anaireotnenybeev- now feels that an old sealer might Mrs. Fred Balson and Mrs. H. andg. eor nejyal vn not look as classy as a thermos,' Sprung attended Sunday morn- ig but at least a person could see, ing service at Harmony Church. Young People of Trinity Unit- what was inside. Some guys wilI I Mr. and Mrs. G. Linton and ed Church, Bowmanville and learn the hard way. family and Mr. and Mrs. L. Eld- Courtice Circuit met for a hockey * *er had New Year's dinner with game at Bowmanville Arena on Stili an the subject of bottles.1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Milgate. January 7th. If you read this, Dan Sullivan, do1 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Reynolds you remember the day outside the and son Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- Town Hall when a certain man ray Stacey and daughters, Bey- CADMUS pramised you "a bottie of theý erley and Linda, and son Don best"' if he was foolish enough to spent New Year's with Mr. and have anything to do with 'muni- Mrs. G. Reynolds. There was only a fair attend- cipal affairs during 1953? Well, Holiday guests entertained at ance at church on Sunday due he is in civic affairs up to his el- the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. to the bad winter roads. bows. Let me know when you Thompson included Miss Pearl The Congregational meeting collect, IVm gaspîng too. Thompson, Peterborough; Mr. and was held at Cadmus Church on Mrs. E. J. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. E. Friday afternoon with a good at- Aldred, Mr. and Mrs Harold Wil- tendance. Impaired Driver son, Sandra .and Barry, ail of Port Perry Hospital was of- Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Shiit- ficially apened Jan. 7. Several Fine $50and Costs ron andi daughter Marilyn, Mr. people from Cadmus were at the In Local Court Oscar Thompson, Oshawa. opening. Ladies from our W. A. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson helpeci to serve lunch. Ail re- RoyV. prat, shaa, leai-and family visiteci Mr. and Mrs. ported a very fine haspital and Roy . Srat, Osawa plad-K. Morrison, Ajax. apesn iewshd ed guilty before Magistrate R. B. Courtice Country Couples Club apesn iewshd Baxter in Bowmanville Police held their New Year's Eve Dance Sorry to report Mr. James Mc- Court, Tuesday, on a charge of at the Enniskillen Community Kee is stili on the sick list. having control of a mator vehicle, Hall with about 75 in attendance. Mrs. Osier of Toronto is visit- while bis ability was impaired by'ý Prinze winners includeci: Balloon ing her daughter, Mrs. James alcohol. He was assesseci $50 and! dance-Miss Margaret Veenoff1 Payne. costs andi paid bis fine., andi Mr. Elmer Down; spot dane Mr. andi Mrs. Russell L?'rmer Four men were also fined for! -Mr. and Mrs. T. Gearing; elim- %pent Sunday afternoon visiting minor traffic violations, two were inatian dance-Mrs. Beech andi et the home of Mr. James Larm- fined on drunk charges and two Mr. Howard Cryderman; a potato er. for illegal possession of liquor. dance-Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred __________ The case of William Hackwood Brown. Hats andi horns were dis- Pontypool, chargeci with illegal playeci at the hour of 12 and a. Canadians this year will use il possession of liquor, was set over, delicions lunch was serveci and harrels of oil per person, more until January 27. 1all report a very enjoyable time.ý than twice as much as in 1939. 33 RING ST. W. The THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1953 Mrs. S. Staples, Cavan, visited her brother, Mr. Walter Sharpe and Mrs. Farder. Mrs. Jas. Harris left Sunday for Madoc where she will essist ber sister-in-law in the came of Mm. Thomas Nicol wba is quite MI. Mr. Jas. Emertan is boarding with Mr. andi Mrs. Hector Short- ridge, Blackstock. for the winter Mr. andi Mrs. Kenneth Lamb Port Credit, visiteci Mm. and Mrs W. R. Lamb and Mr. andi Mms Cecil Wilson. Mrs. G. Metcalf andi childrer Cheryl andi Douglas, visiteci Mr and Mrs. H. Samelîs. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Malcorni Oshawa, were guests of Mr. anc Mrs. H. McLaugblin. Mr. Ross Philp, Toronto, with his father, Mr. W. G. Philp pnc Merlin. Mr. and Mrs. Osmondi Wright Blackstock, calleci on Mrs. Farde:. and Mr. Shampe. Mrs. George M. Marlow, George andi Lillian, flowmanville, wit!i- Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Marlow. Mm. andi Mrs. Hilliard Millard, Whitby, were dinner guests of Mr. andi Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitts, Tii- sonburg, andi Mr. Maurice Dely, Part Burwell,' with Mm. and Mrs Ivan Rohmer. Mr. Lea Hosner, Walsingham, visiteci Mm. andi Mms. Oliver Rborem. Mr. andi Mrs. Ivan Robrer were in New Lowell visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rown. Nestleton Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. John Dickey's with a gooci attendance. Mrs. McLau gblin read the Scripture and Mrs. Gist gave the explanation. Programs I I o 'R h A NOW YOU (,an Order THE FAMOUS RFA DING ANIRPA&CITE AT DUR DOWNTOWN OFFICE SITUATED AT 26 King £treet E&st or PHONE 897 REAI ING ANTHRACITE$ '725, (Siove or Nul) A Per Ton- O3SHBORNINCO.AL, Cou C.N.R.YARDS PHONE 410 Il', t flit for the Future, CLEAREST m SHARPEST BRIGHTEST PICTURES Most I inch ftt& 'issepicture clsn TOV. SHOP DO WNAN VILLE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, OrM.RIO Ail Models Now in Stock ONE YEAR FULL WARRANTY ON ALL SETS We Instali the Besf Antenna at the Lowest Cost PHONE 3262 OPEN FIRIDAY AND SATUR DAY TILL 9PM 4am 1 1 were arranged for the coming A blastf urnace as large as any In 1941 the average number of PONT POOLyear. Paper salvage was discuss- in the Urld has been put into persons per Canadian household _____ed and three î,amples of book operation by a Hamilton, Ont., wvas four andi a quarter; in 1951 We were sorry to learn that racks were displayed. Mrs. Mc- steel mil. the average was four. Mrs. Bill Morrison is i Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. We wini Comb and Mrs. Gist were delegat- her a speedy recovery? eci to approach the Board of Man- Our congratulations to Mr. and agers re approval of samie. Pro- ~f!~l~uUP Mrs. Glen Brad.ley on the arriv- gram consisteci of readings: "The ai of a son. Grandpa Keith is in Scuiptor" by Mrs. W. Beacoçk; such good spirits that he can't "'Take It Easy" by Mrs. Gist; "A concentrate on serving his cus- Cali to Prayer" by Mrs. Jarves BwFV* tomers. ! and "~New Year's Resolutions" by Messrs. Chas. McNeil, Chas.' Miss Ruth Proutt. A bountiful Chapman, Aif Mitchell and Jack lunch was serveci by Mrs. Nesbitt, Payne attended the funeral of Mrs. Farder and Mrs. McComb- Ross Jackett in Lindsay on Tues-1 and a social haîf bour enjoyed. MSW E day. iBey. Heuston of Millbrook, In- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngrnan trMdrtr rsdd a h The young man witb skill and training getsthe have purchased a new televisioni annu ai meeting of the Presby- bgpyjb.Dee oe so h acCnd terian Church on Monday after- bi a os.Dee oeri ntemacCnd set and are highly pleased with naon in the church basement. is going diesel on railroacis, farming and industr.ý their purchase. Most officers were returned. A You can iearn to be an expert under Our tirAe tested 4' Saturday's ice storm left roadj good financial report showed bal- and approveci methods. C.V.T.C. tramned thousandsï conditions almost impassable.aneinbtLdes Adad during World War 2. NO experience required. No A Sandng pertion reievd sme Curc trasuy. Te gntlmentechnical education needed. Courses easily mastered. ofndhng oprdai osrivedsomeC hu rrneary.ThenlemenairOthers have - sa can you. Write today - get going ofte aad n 0 rosa-woarne diinlcl i for better pay. cidents were reported, but attend- ducts ta the furnace are ta be ance at LO.L. dance was the commendeci on their eitcellent Enquire about fares paid to our smallest for a long time. wark. The church is now warm large practical shops on qualifica- Congregationai meeting of the for ail occasions. New Board of tion. Also courses in auto mechanics, United Church will be helci Jan. Managers: For three years: A. gas anid electrie welding. air con- 19 wben a full siate of officers Agnew, Elmer Nesbitt, Klaas TT11I ditioning and refrigeration. wili be electeci. Vluger; for twa years: K. Gil- MLUTAL THE COU PONj bank, Herbert Hooey andi Herm- FrFl eal oOlzto an Samelîs; for one year: Chas.FoFutD*l - o(1iatn Nesileion iSiation t.Jas. Harris is church* m . . . .q Congatultios ta Mr. redtreasurer and Wm. Hooey, sec'y. T:TECI. G O~~OA Congatultios toMr. red Word received fram Mr. and o H CIAOVi",10A Hyland who celebrated his 82nd Mrs. T. G. Langfeld by Mrs. Cal- T!RATNING CORP. LTI). birthday on Sunday. ley says they experienced ice and 935 Weston Rd., 65 Jean Talon St. W. Mr. andi Mrs. Thos. Cale, Osh-1 sleet starms, travelling 5 ta 10- Toronto 9, Ont. Montreal, Que. awa, visiteci Mrs. W. E. Beacack.! miles per hour in Tennessee, four- Mr. andi Mrs. Milton Fisher,, inches of snaw through Kentucky M Nm ~.- - - - - - - Caesarea, visited Mr. and Mrs. andi ran ino the finish of a tor- N m ---------------- _------------------ Bruce Heaslip. nado before reacbing Gulfport, Ades------------- Mrs.Ada cKeeanciMissMississippi. Muriel McKee visiteci Mr. Jas. McKee, Cadmus. Friencis hopel In March of 1898 there were 71 Age_------- Occupation ---------------BVS he will soon feel better.1 knitting milîs in Canada, andi they Miss Rase Mauntjoy and Mrs. were busy producing gaads for** ** ********* Ada McKee spent a day in Osh- folks participating in the Klon- awa. dike gold rush. 1 ---------- TELEVISION FOR ONLY $299

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