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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1953, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN ~~~TE CANADIAN STATESMAII. BOWMdANVILL. ONTARIO HRS>AJKRY5,15 Lindsay Sirengihens Hold on Lead Our Junior Hockey Teani By Defeatinq Barons Here 6-4 In a Fast ExcifingGame Lindsay Muskies proved their to put the Barons in the lead 4-3 7- superiority over the Bowmanv ile a 17:07 on a pass from Bird. His .. ,~ Barons ai the Memorial Arena e-sot picked the right corner of .,. ~ - fore 840 fans Saturday nighi. but the net and had O'Connell beaten it took themn 56 minutes of hard- ail the way. fought, fast hockey. to do it and Hennessy pulled the Lindsay emerge with a 6-4 win. The loss sqoad Up to even torms at 2:19 in left the Barons in fourth place i the third period whon he beat and sirengthened Lindsays hold Gcaring from in close after being on.efirst position. fcd by M Burns. The Barons came from behind a:ý The next 14 minutes provided 3-0 deficit early in the second some close, fast hockey wih both period to score four goals and take 1 teams pressing for the winning a 4-3 lead at the 1-i:70 mark. The goal. Yourih and Cowle came Muçkies lied it up ai 2:19 of the close in a scramble at the 15- third frame. but the Barons minute mark and Bock was rob- battled on even terms until 16:52, bcd again a littie later by O'Con- before dropping behind 5-4. The noil fier lie had sifted in on him visitors added an insurance mark- alono. er less than three minutes bofore Baesad brco iewn . . 4 the end to make the final read- off for rcughing at 16:52, and ing 6-4.wîile boih ieams were short- The game was a balf hour laie handcd B. Lewis scored the win- "- in starting due to icy roads which ning goal for Lindsay. He drove ý: heid up Lindsay's arqival, but the a shot 10 the lefi corner of the v Muskies made up for losIt tme by net which Gearing partialîy punching home their f irst goal at1 blocked before it ended up in the...... .. 10:55 of the f irst. M. Davis reg- twines. Parker dre\v an assisi istered the goal on a short froin on ibis goal. . left wing after taking a pass from Th ukisLwsaoade Bob Lewis. inTes neakic ewis 7:2o ad D. Sinclair notched the lMLsie's an srancG. 1markcrai17:27eoaeW r netdt omTyofomrA second goal on a solo effort, go-passfrom(i. l6-4 . ani ie grne- cin c încbste to Norm T ayr -formtearei ing in alone on Gearing at 16:05, cl64 xvc nii~dyste aldi arn o h b aferth pckha benBort Howden, 6-foot-plus mcm- pîcture. Noi-t-i ' iink bui ned in 1935 or '36 tossing hock( atrtepk a enrela cc, ber of the local cetachment of theadskti"otievndvhrefryrsutlurn to him by M. Burns and Kelly. Provincial Police, played his first andmoi il i n i out the bUlîL in 1948-49. Ths nis poto n Buck Cowle was robbed of game of the soason for the Bar- eoilÀ na\sbufin14-9 Thssapot what looked like a sure goal at oas and Coacli Tommy Depew bad 1 the Junior iuîm of 1928. They lost the. group championsi the 17 minute' mark wheo O'Con- hum w'orking ai right wing on the to Qshawa after a hectic sovon-game series in the playofl neil saved on bis shiot f'rom a third lino with Don Masters ai which endei wvith Oshawa only one goal ahead and ev( scramble in front of bis citadel. centre and Danny Girardi ai bef) l wsadsu n.OnyoemmeGog i Lindsay got their third goal ai wing. i vsacilie n.Ol n ebr erePp 7:27 when Grcen's hard drive Bock Cowlc was back on hefi, is stili pIax- .ji,,, hock cY reéîlarly with the Barons. Most from ithe blueline got by Gcarîag. wing patrol on the fiîst inoi wiih the other plaerýs Lare ini charge of backyard rinks for the The Barons came te life at 8:47 Maxie Yourih and Gilhooly, xvhile when reliable George Piper. took the second attacking unit vas Ted Barries' pass and picked a made up cf Hamilton, Bobby Bird L_ left corner of the net behind and Harvey Lunney. AhIir, he BowlinRgPace er and Davis of the Muskies xvere gaine in te t vîns and aoy goal T îl n o v rg sitting oui elbowing and cross- that got pasi hirn was xvell cas ncd' checking penalties when Piper bv the Lindsay snipcrs. The U TV* broke the ice. Slighily over thrco Lindsay squad are a hcavv, well- , fi S TeaflLea lflin P ints~ minutes later Piper figored ini balanced crew who will take a another goal, passing to Maxie lUo f bcating for top honors. Yourih who sank the rubber. The local continued to score at Lindsay-Goal, OConnell; de- Wei, ho holiday scason is.over bowling shoes ...Will Winr three-minute intervals with 'ýGir I fonce: Green, A. Burns, Hennessy, and. we are back in business Coole average 200.. . In 1l mo Gilhooly the next payoff man on Davis; forwards, Parker, Craw- giadh h a h oswesw ilalko a pass from Buck Cowle ai 14:49. ford, Carlcy, Lewvis, S. HicksM. stairtcc off there couldn't have ansxvers. Hamilton got the Baron's last goal 'Burns, Kelly, Abercrombie, Sm' en e ainl efcs Standing End of First Weel clair. Little Ab. Piper set the pace B owmanville-Goal, Gcaring- and siarted ciii with an 837 triple, (Second Sehedule) [HM ACO (Lame Bak defence, Bagacîl, McKcen. Barnies' made up of 320-282-235 for a 279 Team W L PinsF When your back is stiff and very painfuii and it's an effort for yeu to stccp) or bcnît, take the remcdy that lias brouglit swiis, Bafe relief te thoîsands-Ternpictn's T-R-C'a. Do't sufer from the nacging misery of Lumba go a day longer th.m u (t have to. Get T-R-C'a today. 65c, $1.3.5 at drug couaters. T840 Piper; forwards, Cowle, Gilboolyt, IYoirti, Hamilton, Bird., Lunnoy, Girardi. Masters, Howden; sub- goalie, Heath. Officiais-Refoee, 'ýRed' Cal- hioua: linesman, Russ Halîman; scoror, M. Tighe; timekeoper, M. Allen, G et thîe most. . . FOR YOUR MONEY with a Quaker 011 Burner Space- Heater You can't go wrong wvhen you buy a Quaker Oil Burniiig Space Heater. Thcy are not only econ- ornical to buy but they give yrou the inost in heating satisfaction during the coluing cold winter rnonths. In addition they m.4i11 ad4 beauty to your roorns as they cone in the latest decorator styles andI finishes. Corne in to-day and see Ihese farnous heaters, THERE 15 A STYLE AND SIZE TO FIT EVERY- NEED AND EVERY PURSE. Before you buy . . .S DEAI Case F arxm MNac1îiner Beatty Bros. KING ST. W. AMBULANCESRVC 1"The Owls " 25 Years'Ago ena ove .ey 0f ,fs, ven er, 0 f ieir ndy ,re the ck Pis average4i.1This set A0 It) in tihe Ellioti --- --3 0 3594 7 No. 1 spot 3ci:i 23 points 01Pipr.O36 Ross McKight who had a 256 calper ----- 3 0 3460 7 avrg.R. McKnight -- 2 1 3477 5 Nine other bowlers w cre over Littlo --------- 2 1 3256 5 the 700 mark: Ros M/cKnight Hearle ------------ 2 1 3148 5 768, Frank Williams 762, Bill Osborne 1 2 3226 2 Westlake 747, Gcor~e Ellioti 743 Baies ----i 2 3090 2 Dr. Rundle 7-17. Moilurav Larmer Bagneli---------i1 2 3037 2 72,1, Hankc Janzcai 722, ken Lux- Slemon ----------O0 3 3318 () ton 720 and Ted Phillips 712. ORourke -------O 3 3033 0 RosMeKnghl won the Royal D. McKnight ----O 3 2825 0 Theatre ticket, with Ihis 3U3 single. Individual Averages Russ Oke 325, AI) Piper, 320), !%lu-rray Larimr 3 15, George A. Piper --------------------------- 279 Piper 313 aîîl 1-ori Mavn-arci 303. R. McKnight -------------256 George Elliotis teain had high F. Williams ------------- -254 triple witlî ý5964 and also 11gb B. Westlake--------------------- 249 single gaine of'I28 G. Ellioti ----------------------- 248 Dick Paitî*-Jlivs te cliump Dr. Rundle ----------------- ----246 wih a 3-17 triffle Li a low game M. Larmer -------------241 cf 91. Blain Elliott had a 389 H. Janzen ------------------ 241 triple and lovto siîî 1le cf 100. Aridy K. Luxion ------------------ 240 Anderson bad kr3ai arfieldi T. Pbullips ------------------ 237 Clarke <md 109. Dr. Austin had H. C. Osborne ----232 a 394 triple. R. Maynard ------------------ 232 Alle ~~G. Piper ------------------230 lly (8atter B. H-earle -------------------228 Il is inice 10 . c e Yo-Miller- hack B. Milne--------------------------- 225 againa a ler oui cl't or 'the tirsi i T. Bagnoll------------------- n ----224 sehedrile cilii euc business. A. Osborne ------- ------------224 We aiso havc a iiew \ ave in thceIE. Brook------- -------------- -223 liac-up, Yoîc Lac mer. Mur- 1\1 Dale--------------------------- 220 ray sure mii h de-h it an au- E.* Rundie --------------------- -220 spicious ci e-, I or i rc f xib a C. Oke --------- ----- -------- 219 72-1 triple andf a 21 .aIe. Kee B. Oke-------------------------- 218 rip the gaocI xx i-k, Muriray, and P. Yeo ---------------- 218 the Major Lea-Lic v. iJiibo proud B. Williams --------------------- 218 of VoLi. E. Perfect ---------------------216 Presidenit IBotu \Vt! will be M. Vanstone --- ----- 214 missing ,flui t!ii. -liedoile due Dr. Slemon -------------- - 213 to pr-csoure of i. iiiL5s on the R. Fry ----------------------212 ootsîclc. Bob w ilt ho ack nexi W. Craig---------------------- 211 seaisoi. M. Yourth --------------211 Bill Oliver lo:t hi lial the oth- H. Palmer --------------------- 209 or night. Il sciio: ihat Jack J. Gay ------------------------- - -209 Brough touk i t 1)veb' inki-ikre.1D. Taylor ------------ -208 It is cocq u xte I iderstaadi R. Hearlo --------------- 207 as netbipart v -himld have a1 A. Samelîs ---------------------206 swelled houri fum the w-ay they C. Ruadle - ----------------206 are, b)oxlilg,. H. Bennetti-------------- ------- 206 Thins w e vwooLdiike to kaow: S. Woods-------------------- ----- 205 Will Dcc Ruirdlc w ýn fict second F. Blunt ---- ---»------------ -204 sehecile inivii î 't] doca\rage ciorB. Polley-- ----------------- 203 wvill lie <oid i t u u tr eh . .. Is F, Colo -.------ - - 203 Bill Bates'n :ui :1 a flash in R. Oke ---------------------- -- 202 the pan .. . 2tt leDate howli C. Wright --- -------------- 200 ho ter v u e is coriîng J. Colo ------ - ------ --- 2001 Barons k7nnze Fasi Close Game T-o PûÈ Ï-1avm in Hiliside Town 5-4 >ee~ ~ me" I(By I. 'M. .phan) fh uae Fr i Buîxvaiin teil!( uicamie oii 1 on ýhe short e i)'i a i o 1 4 tbrýil- 1' ia Port ItoepitFriclav aight, in spite uf t1w supip native goal- B RO W N tendîag ci EillCu n LLER FOR Actoatîx,Ii(,s e \\O ws moeh y Firestone Tires Idcrtitan 'ceet' c Ipi mxas-the crs and Separators Rediuu c hoa b i 'ei,-,n mterri- Stable Equipmnent tonial îpla b l' II t culI 'e. ci lsomel PHOE 97 bad officicitiii-- acd t be breaks te PHONE497 oke ccut th'îi'x Gearing', oocl likc te suiper SPORT.ING GOOS - ELECTRIC APPkI4NCE$ TELL WHIRI TO Sur COSTUME RENTALS star of lasi year as he blocked, cll directions. Port Hope were kicked and caught drives fromi pldyîig coeof iheir better games and wxere outskating the Barons for mosi of the contest. The visiting mon of Bowman- ville were bebind by one slim goal ai the end of every period, although they epened the scoring and again gained bbc lead in the early part of the ihird period. Onîx' four penalties were called by Referee Payne of Peterborough as both squads concentrated on spcd and more speed. A 1 o x MoKeen. ex-Redman, phaving bis firsi game since in- .ioring bis leg twe weeks ago, was the vîctim of lady luck. Althougb bis leg was net cempletely re- covered, Alex wanted te parbici- pate iin ibis game against bis form- er teammates anmd be was a ire- niendous help on the Baron rear- guard. However, be blames him- self for tbree of the Port Hope goals. One weni through bis feet, anoiber took a weird bounce off bis skate, while another went in off bis stick. The winning goal for Port Hope started on an offside play. Broth- er MeKeen xveni over the Bow- manville blue line, saw a team-~ mate inside and circle back oui te eut iin on the other side. Ac- cording to the rule book, that is net allowed. Eowmanville was having tbc csual trouble of not being able 10 1 et. the puck out. 01 its own end, kids or attend family skating or form the cheering section at the Wednesday night minor hockey games. They are, from left to right: Alex Edmondstone, Bert Bounsail, Fred Jackman, killed overseas; Cecil Mutton, Clifford "Unk" Mc- Mullen, deceased; George Piper, (note the hair), Harry "Dutch" Osborne, Johniny "Red" James (now the M.P.), Orvýlle "Red" Hooper, (isn't that a dandy hairdo?), Stuart Candier, Roy "Fat" Jones, Edward "Flash" Rundie, Bill Clarke, Jack Gunn, deceased; "H-ap" 1-obbs and the be- spectacled gentleman on the end with the sharp bow tie, lArthur "Ginger" Edger. Tîme and again Gearing would be bombarded with shot after shot while the Barons fumbled around. What we need is a few good mon to carry the puck oui of the dan- ger zone. Maxie Yourth banged home the firsi goal ai 7:39 of the firsi period when he completed a fast pass- ing play with Barnes and Cowle. Two minutes laler Turner evened the count on passes fromn Dow- ney and Medhurst and ai 16:41 the same trio collaborated, witb Medhurst banging home a re- bound. At the midway mark of the second game Gilhooly tipped in a shot from Piper 10 tic the game, although the credit for the goal was given to Piper. Five minutes later Port Hope went back into the lead. McKeen had Downey covered, but a bard pass fromn Turner in the corner bounced off the defenceman's stick by a sur- prised Gearing. Port Hope really turned on the ibrotile to open the third and it was five minutes before the Bac- ons had a shot ai Wasson wiih most of the time being speni mak- ing frantio efforts to give Gear- ing a luitte protection. However, ai 6:20 Don Masters cbarged up the long ice surface and blasied a screened sbot ai Wasson. The redhead had to go down to save and the rcbounid came ouite the side where Danny Girardi glided in unmolested telif t the puck over the prostrate goahie. Two minutes laier the Barons went into the head on some fast and brilliant passing. From a 'faceoff in the corner, Gilbooly got the puck 10 Yourth who fired over to MoKeen at the blue lino. Ahex passed up te Cowle wbo was in bis favourite spot at the corner of the net and Buck back- banded the pass by Wasson. From there on tbe story is sad. Ai 13:40 the Barons nover got the puck oui of iheir own end afier a face-off and Turner pick- ed up bis second goal with behp from Downey and Douglas. Thon wiih jusi over tbree minutes te go, bbe Bowmanville defence eased up on the abvious offside and Gordon swept in to blaze home tbe winner with assisis go- t SHAW'S Home and Schiool Elub Shaw's Home and School Club met Friday, Jan. 9 with presi- dent Orville Osborne conducting 1the business. Miss Edith Bennett read letters of appreciation from those who had been iii or bereav- ed. In future the committee in charge of programme will be re- sponsible for bringing chairs up fromn the basement and replacing themn at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Clarence Turner, conven- or of programme committee then presided. Musical part of pro- gramme consisted of piano solos by June Wood and Christina Lamb and vocal solos by Jack Allin, Newcastlè accompanied by Nel Stewart. Guest speaker, John M. James, M.P., gave a birdseye view of the wheels of government at work. He introduced those present to ail the Cabinet Ministers, explained their duties and how it affects us in our daily lives. This address, presented in a pleasing ànd witty manner, was very interesting. A humorous play entitled "Ad- vice to the Lovelorn", presented by the following actors-Anna- belle Riekard, June Wood, Ruth Bragg, Beverley Hay, Sam Turn- er, Ross Proutt,#Jim Barnes and Glenn Prout, caused much merri- ment. Lunch xvas served by Mrs. Austin Wood and ber committee. Next meeting wili be annual card party on Friday, Feb. 6. ing to Freemail and brother Mc- Keen. Port Hope-Goal, Wasson; de- fence, Hoy, Douglas, Freeman, Gordon, Turner; forwards, Mc- Keen, Downey, Medhurst, Hogan, Robinson, Rawden, Mason, Ash- ton. Bowmanville-Goal, Gearing; defence, McKeen, Barnes, Rice, Piper; forwards, Gilhooly, Yourth, Cowle, Bird, Hamilton, Perfect, Masters, Gîrardi, Bagnell. Referee-Payne, Peterborough. FUTURE SECURITY CUTTfrS Ofr.AILIl ODAPO.sTAG FR12! 1 10 -The DireCtOr canadian Goverment AnnW'ties nt. (postage Free) D)epartment of LaboU, Tp WA PLEA SEN MEINFOMATON SHOWING HOW A CANADIN GOERNMENT ANN TY CN BIG M ~~ S CURITN< AT LOWCOST. M y N A M E I S ( M r ., M rS ., M I S .- . - - ~ . . . - 1 LIVE ----i DATE IBT..- -- OF Ar W4N N UIN T TA T. j ELEPHON - ANNU11Y 0 TUP a O RMTO VN Wi..9 011C N I~ CANADA. DEPARTNWNT 0F LABOUR A Canadian Government AN \ t. lIY is asafe, easy , ay te giiaraiitee youràelfaregular ,noliîhlv income after retire. me~nt. No medical exam ire- quirm-d. If you miss a payment vour contract woni t lapse. Ev,%erv cent voit save is proirte hy cl >the Governinent of Canada. 33LA1W Whiteman and numerous bruises for almost everybodY. Maybe we need some bigger and rougher boys in this ton. This week: To Brighton on day to play Trenton .A. with the fast-skating Orphans from Orono providing the oppos- ition here on Saturday. Polio is flot alway a crippler. At Ieast 50 per cent of patients recover completely without 'par- alysis. About 25 per cent ar~ left with minor handicapsno suMtu fic lent to interfere wit normal activity; approximateliy 17 per cent suffer permanent se a~ alysis, and about 8 per é Press Box Chatter (fly L M. Aphan) Alfie Rice was back on de-' fence and looked good as he cov- ered up well and very seldom lets an enemy run around loose ini front of Gearmng's citadel. Jack Whiteman expects to be back ini harness for this coming weekend. Jack hopes ail his troubles in Bowmanville are over. He boarded here for a month until able to move his family into living quarters. Then the White- mans celebrated Christmas with unwelcome guests-mumps. Mrs. Whîteman, Jack and one of his two children wore bumps. The blond winger has been back at work for over a week but the doc- tor suggested that he stay away from hockey as the heating up and cooling off might have an adverse effect. Bobby Bird is stijîl favouring his bad leg and is comparing notes with McKeen. Injuries to date include: shoul- der injuries to Gilhooly and for Max; three, or was it four, Yourth plus a bit of tooth trouble teeth eiher out or cracked for Lunney caused when a teammate bumped his elbow while he was gettîng a drink on the bench; 8 stitches for Jerry Cox from a skate cut on the lower leg; à stitches for Harmon when he caught a puck on the upper lip; 9 stitches (present champ ) for Cowle fromn a puck on the fore-' head; knee and/or leg musclel injuries for McKeen and Bird;l shoulder and ankie sprains forl ÏBA TBE 3 OWMANVXILLE FRIDAY - SATUEDAY - JAN. 16 - 17 MONDAY - TUESDAY - JAN. 19 -20 WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - JAN. 21-22 - ALSO -r "GCLORY AILEY,' À i~. EYES EXAMINED M ASSES FITTEP OFFICE HOURS Mon. - 10 amn. to 6 p.m. Thurs. - 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sat.---- 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointrnt 22 DIVISION 'AI BOWMAN VILLE 2024 WVhitby - Phone 671 1 - - . PAGE FOURTEEN TEURSD DAY, JANUARY 15, 1953

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