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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1953, p. 15

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T14F. rAnAfTAN RATESAN UflLA?M1L. O NT'ARIO PAGE rYF'rIEEIÇ LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Orm Mille with Mr. and Mrs. Manseli Wrights, Bethany, on Sunday. Misses Willie and Sophie Van- 4er,', Szwet, Mr. Frank Vander .Zffet and friend, Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Kayacs and Gabriel. W. A. wiil meet ut the home of Mrs. Jean Youngman on Tues- day afternoon, Jan. 20 at 2 p.m. with Mrs. J. Yaungman and Mrs. E. Gable as programme canven- ors. 'rry to report that Linda, Kay »1ph and Norma Davey have the -piumps. (tnud fromn Page One) W* must do our best to train young peopie who will be warthy of Canada's great endowment. There is a certain lack of respect for private property, both ini IDANCINGi SATURDAY NIGHT VARCOE'IS To Cy McLean's ail coloured band $2.50 per couple 20% MURPHY NARVO ONE WEE JANUARI Our Line of Murphy -viI1 he replaced b:v Lander i 7 KING ST. E. adults and chiidren; there is a Three Spectators th0ranua meeting Monday ev- lack of tolerance and ca-opera - Hurtatth parsonage. Minutes tian. The home, the school and Dur b Flyingi Pucks were given by E, Warburton. I These are officers for 1953: Supt. the church should work togetheri At Memorial Arenar -E. Warburton; Assistant-Carl ta heip rectify these. With al, Adams;« Sec'y-Linton Herron; forces co-aperating Mr. Vander-' It's getting sa the players are Asst.-Allen and Orville Thomp- burgh feit that we may go on to' safer than the spectator*s at the son; Pianist-Miss Phyllis Adams; praduce citizens wha wiil be out- Barons home stands on Saturday Assistant-Mrs. Russell Deçoe; standing leaders and foliowers, nights at the Memnoriai Arena. Teachers: Beginners-Mrs. E. with an prcain of %the There was only one playri- Warburton and Mrs. E. Gatcheli; greatness of their land. jured at last Saturdav's garne stM.0.RbronPim Mr. A. M. Thompson mnoved an betxseen Bowmanville a nd Lind- ary-Mrs. R. DeCoe; Asst.-Mrs. appreciative vote of thanks t0 say. bu t three spectators were R: Foxxý,ler; Junior Girls-Mrs. H. Mr. Vanderburgh for his insight hurt by flying pucks. Mrs. Law-, Sorgie, A5sst. Mrs. A. Wilkins: int the problem of modemn edu- ioeLti.FetS. ufrd. Junior boys-Mrs. George Reyn-I catibn. bruken nose %%,len struck od]bouneesiortechra Taking part in the fine musical wl shot and Mrs. Emma Brum,,- ciass is to be divided. Intermed. program were Miss Tanya God- mcli. Hunt St., wvas also struck Girls-Mrs. J. H-uron, Asât.-Mrs. dard, who gave two piano num- in the face by a filving puck. SKînsman; Boys, Intermed-E. bers, "Prelude No. 17"'by Bach.' Young Billie Bickie was knock- Warburton; Sr. Boys and Girls- and "The Harmonious Blaek-i ed out when hit above the car Mrs. .Pnoud iJeCas smith". Miss Nancy Smythc ' b a flying puck in the third Mr.J.11 ,Keozie; Asst.-C. Pen- pleased her audience with -two iperiod and had ta bc carried to found; Missionaryv Supt.-Mrs. L. vocal solo. "Biess Thou 0 God a dressing raam. Dr. Hovard Barraball and Mrs. J. MacKenzie; This Day" and "Sunshinc 0f Rundie took one stitch in a eut Temperance-C. Penfound; Asst. Yaur Smile." Mrs. Reta Dudiex' above his left car and also looked _S.. Penfound. Sunday School was her accompanist. Mr. Ross ate the injuries of the two anvraywl ehl a 7 Metealfe also deiighted ahl pre- lady spectators. is/s viis Adams, Ms. R. e-s sent with his vocal numbers. Il cantrast ta the heavy s pec- CM issPiIdsAs Mrs. R. abr De. "Bluebird of Happiness," and two. tator casualties, defenceman Ted L .Sevle and Mab r. Lte. Irish numbers which he gave in 1 Barnies xvas the onlvI playc'r in-L.M oevl ad r.E his usual vivaciaus maniner. jured. Hie received 'a cut on Warburton are to choose a speak- These were, "Dear Old Do 1"gal"h bridge of the nase which ,.Texeui vcdthr and 'MI~y Father's Old Shilleagh." required ane stitchi. Thpsc;on rofthe eo and lohr Mrs. Albert Cale accampanied:,Topo rtesadalohr hlm at the piano. xvho assisted during 1952, giving r'OTnmT'1'a lhcipin.g hand in and around Winners of the parent-teacher CUURI*Lathe Sundav Sehool. Mrs Samer- count were the Marning Kinder- ____ ville served lunch at the close. gisarten ag' class tfntria t.,eand Exei Auxiliary met Jan. 7,1 Ladies Berean Class af Ebenez- Cental choo. Pesidnt the home of Mrs. Archie Mie.ltrhvI odasca v CenHt choolgavepresin ca.the new president, Mrs. Wilford. on nFiaJn 6we R. uthisangae artcua E Bo\,n in the chair. Devotional lOlOlir"to Business Girls' Chair regarding sale of tickets for theIr1il epset concert by the Ross Caldwell \,as in charge of Mra. Iarrv ,G alvi h'p-eet Singers in the To\wn Hall, Jan. andi she chose as lier topieTl- 23rd. iovship and Christian Steward - siip. Ait interesting studv book ED.. As usual, Fathers' Night xvas a clateExaNivnbyMs.RL mast successful and enjo vable! Courtice on -Africa" and 'Aý meeting af the Home and Sehool. ,Village of Angola'. Mis. E.. Gear- l' h e buig'sorms Ia hav'e in- Vstars rsn includeci: 1\r.T.i gave a humorous "New Year, ac u oiuiyadlf T MEwn ad r.Eace e1 Resolulion" which ail enjove inmunv sîck folks around. te, nsecor f cho~~yi1 followý,ed by a short poem Robeliet Alexander, Toronta, (_strict, and Mr. A. presal,, ident. Next meeting firt apent thc wcekend with Mr. and insectr fr Otana Cunt }Wednesday of the month at JeanlI is. B. Alexander. South.Gay's home. Ahl enjoycd a social 1 Mansd Mcs. Ken Saper were Miss L. Bragg presideci at bbc ipiie at bbc close. giiesîtý Mr. and Mrs. Bert piano for apening and closing Explorers annual Christnmas [em~ Sunday, for dinncr. exercises. _______ party was held at the home of i,(,Mrs. Vance Allen and __________________________Miss Elsie Vitzel. The evenîngý famîlýv. (icone, xisited Mr. and xvas spent iin games and inox i' filmns wlîîch were greatly en jo*ý ,- 100. W. MVercer, Sunday after- ed.GiR xvce xchnge an Littlc Miss Lorraine Therteli is escii girl opened her parcel. afer, baxing a xeeks holiday with her OFwhich. lunch was served by trie oirandparents, Mc. and Mrs. Walt- hostess. Miss Elsie Vitzel. er Therteli, Bowm-anviile. Expiorers regular meeting wa * Mi,1s. Charles Thompson and O F F hild at Courtice United Churcb. Ar thur speîît Suilday evening Offering xvas taken up by D'orotli,' villî Mr. and lVrs. Bert Thamp- Barber and MarilynWelshi. Read- 011 ing xvas given by Virgy Broxxn ii Mr. and Mrs. Turansky and Mrs. and Dorothy Barber, followed bx -jack Stark xvere uip ta the Has- a short business period. Scripture pitl for Sick Children an Sunday was given by Janét Barber. An ï e Kathryn and Wayne. Kath- interesting stary was given bv ,11îîI lie r tonsils removed a isIls Elsie Vetzel followed wid4 iîcupi of wxeeks ago and has been 'PANTSail xocking on project of makiiîg 'mipoj oxi'suxeil they were per- iExplorers' books. iîttcd Il) bring lier home on Mon- P A IN T S aeber met at Cour dv W ail hope she wilge: id watkn yMs EseVt-l1 lockey is thalyipotanft top and te roet- d have pla,,ed several gaines. igloe ihTaps. Np,-x:Ile public school lads have EYoungL Pepl' Union of Couir- lormed a leami to pîlay the Orono E N A M L tie mt Modavevening at Cour-! lacis. xxith J iii Tamnblynt andi tic UntedChl-urch. Preside nt!Mîti Mandera coaching them. Wes Down being iii, Vice-Pres. 'i( bey plaxed Friday evcning and fI~~i :Miss Dorothy Somerville piC , Saturday mocning. Kendal tcamý iqZ O LY jdd . of~rwiî composed ef Peter Reynaids,1 be heid at Courtice Chrirch Jan. Lai-i\ Manders, Murray Gardon, YRoetWesthauser, David Foster, Somervilie xkere in charge of '-le nvi and Donnie Mercer, Bobby Il 15 - 22i dexotional. Scipture readii, Atkins and Ray DeClerk. Lack wasgivn y MrjoieSom i-ol ice is a great draw-back ta ville atter whieh she gave a ver '\,'loical akaters, now that Jackson's y' Paint and Enainel interesting story. Offering x 31 dam hla.s bcen xvashed out and Pitsbugh ains aken uip by Ken Tink. Dorotiiy I the puîind bas gone. There have PitsbughPaitsSoinerx'iile 'gave a talk on liet becu ci few ponds in the fields Iexperiences wvith different cara-1 t, heip 0e1t. Ivan groups which was greaflyen- lli firsi of the social evenings Ijoyed. A short recreational period1 for Eendal sehool was heid Fnl- foliowed.i day w ith a mueli larger attend- IiHockey game playcd aI Bow ,alice than antîcipated. There rrw rr anville Arena Jan. 7 betxveen xvweîe Il tables al cuchre and a la rd w a re Trinity and Courtice Y.P.U. wvas couple of tables for thase inter- ahard-fought game and ended ested iin crokinole. The high PHOE .52 or Trinity. Next gamne Jan .score xinners wece Mrs. Eddie 19 at 7 p.m. in eomn'l Mourocix and Billy Jackson, xvhile Arena. Mliraý'.'Gordo)n, (with lady's tick- 1 Courtice Sunday Sehool hield cf) and Reg Elliott reeeivcd the cosolatlion axards. The lucky door prize %vent ta Mrs. Clarence Thelîctell. Lunch was enjayed. jMiss Inch is planning on getting ol radio for the school and the proceeds tram these social even- O T IC E gs are tobcheadded ta the $35. TI receixeci from Iheir Christmas concert and- used for this purpose. Another cuchre and crokinole Is being hecid ln txx',o-weeks, Friday, T 0 Jan. 2:3, so come out and help Nev.Xeai guet, ,vith Mn. and tsumrs nrth f Ih CandianPaciic i..Mtoii RobinsoniiWere Mc.1 isumer nort of te Canail Pci..cCccii Glass, Mn. and ArA. Lox'. and Jovce, and Mn. uay. (ealherPermifing) I MýNrs. Bill Tucansky and vay. (Weaher ermiling . IWouislca has finished1 se of this shut do-tvn is ta nîakc necessary repairs 'rp iog s tohacco eariy Ibis that future shut downs miay be hcld to a miinimum i ,-ai and lias retucned ta visit bis ~iirs îin i' ,Netieî iaiîds. ire nccessary a niuch sialler anea %vill be affected. Nir. anid mr. Win. Mercer spent that our custoniers %will co-operate. -Muand îc TedyatSma iKeîîcial friends iearned with re- f t etbepassing af Mn. James \"a!IIIani f Kicb.v on Friday. Jan. ow m anvilleit 2. x 'bU fuocrai held MondayOw m anv lle 'an. ). Ileartit-it sympathy is S.ied e is wife and family, ilu; Ir. a i ici Ir s. Wm. Wannan and Air. andiMis. H-arold Sauich in 'tilities Commission Nr iý r.Gro atnl George Chase, Nea.,Ye is- AI:Mr .Manage r. Onu Caiadian famiiy in eight l.a ,u ci nort çhiidren. Caldwell Singerai Return Concert Auspices H. & S. Club Al who attended the delightful programme of <ehoral and solo numbers by the youthful Ross Caldwell Singers af Toronto. hast May, will be happy ta leann that a retunn engagement has been arnanged for Frlday, Jan. 23, hn the Town Hall, unden auspices of Bowmanvilhe Home and Schoal Association. The choir of 30 teen-age girls, unden direction o! Mr. Ross Cald- well, teacher of music at OlIen Park Public School, has steadlly gained fame since its arganizatian over two yeans aga. They hâve made numenous concert appear- ances and *have also penfarmed aven the C.B.C. radio network. Their repertaire ranges from musical comedy numbers fram well known Broadway shows ta The Lord's Prayer by Malotte. The Ross Caldwell Singens will present a new and vanied pro- gramme on Jan. 23, which will he a treat toalal who enjay lult and verve la choral music. Secune tickets fram members of the Association. Thene are no nesenved seats. Work of Enlarging Bank of Commerce Well Under Way Work was started Wednesday on the eniargement and madernîz- atian of the Bowmanville bnanch of bbc Canadian Bank of Com~- merce by the contractons, the Car- rail Contracting Company Ltd., Toronto. The section at the rear of the building wbicb was fonmenly a portion of the apartment occupied by Manager H. G. Hacking bas already been gutted and the floor above the basement nemaved. Wben tbe job is campleted, in an estimated tbree mantbs' time, the main banking floor wil be exfended 36 feet south and the vauit âaid safety deposit boxes, now in tbe basement, wiil be moved ta bhe finst floar rear. Wbile the wonk is gaing on a temponary tunnel will be enected la the basement so that custam- ers may still neach thei.r safety deposit boxes., The interior of the main bank- ing floor will be completely ne- decorated la ight mahogany pan- eiing and a third teller's cage will be installed. Oshawar Buzzers Lose to Petes 5-2 at Memorial Arena Oshawa Junior "B" Buzzers last their finst game of bbe new yean t~ the visiting Peterborough rniple Links Monday nigbt in the Memonî4 Arena by a 5-2 mangin. The Osh awa crew held the 1.0, O.F. even, 1-1, et the end of tbe first peniod, trailed 4-2 after the rugged second stania and saw the Petes consolidate their lead with a single goal la the third. Neil Davis received a two- stitch eut in a. stick swinging duel with one of the Petes, and when oné of the Oshawa players ang- ued too strenuousiy that the Pet- erborough woad-chopper should neceive more than two minutes, Referee Mac Walsh packed hlm off ta the sneezen with a two- minute penalty fan delayingc the ga me. Ia the late stages of thé game wben they w.ere 5-2, tbe Buzzens pulled their goalie and played six men up, but failed ta add ta their total. Christmas Seal Campaign Reaches Record of $1,575 Alneady the T.B. Christmas Seals of the Bowmanville Lions Club have received mare money than tbey did hast year, and the money is stili dribbling in. To date aver $1,575 has been receiv- ed according ta Chairman Don Allin. If you haven't ahready donated Town Hockey League HAMPTON 5ees Mvujer s Taxi TaketheCombnes Recent guests et tbe home of Mn. and Mrs. E. Hawes wene: Mn. and Mns. J. MeQpade, Linde, and Miiler's Taxi, the aid Combines Tenry. Oshawa; Mn. Fnank Smith, team with a new sponsor. streng-; Columbus; Mn. Walter Hawes. thened their hold on top o! the i Whitby: Mn. and Mrs. A. Green. Town Hockey League ThursdayI Mrs. W. J. Ranton left an Sat- night by banding bbc Foresters a, urday. for Toronto where she will 9-1 shellacking. ,spcnd the winter montbs. Luxton was top band foc the rîs itrPaok saa taxiMen, notching tbrce goals., sud Mrq. Milton Avery, Colum- while Cbihds added two c bs.Oiaouvregesso!Ms.W ens and Vintue, Stnike, WoodwardcitW.ho on Mondayo. Mr. W and Lane ahi contnibuted single- U.adMsWB.Cnig tans.M.sdMn.WB.Cnn- Dewell gaI the loue marker for! hani. Fenelon Falls, speut the the Forestens on a pass f rom vxeekend witb Mn. and Mns. Han- Kelly. iland eTrcihl. la the second game o! the Towvn' i ir. sud Mrs. J. W. Balsan, Mn. League doubleheaden. Front St.! sud Mrs. Keith Bihîcît and chiid- outlasted Gaodyeans ta grab an ie. were neceut visitons wibh Mn. 8-7 victany. Goodycars protested sud Mr-,. Leslie Haskin, Oshawva. the game on the grounds that I Mr. W. W. Haro retunned f rom Front Stneet bad dnessed too! the liospital on Manday and is many playens. improved. Scoring, for the Front Street' sauad was divided amang seven, playens. witb Cowan notciîingi twa and Kihpatrick, Burgess, Mast- ens, Lemon, Williams and Parker' all siaking single talles. Brooks and Lyle were bath hot! for Goodyeans, sconing three goals apiece, and Sellers added th(, ards. Standing o! Town League: Team WL1,T Pts Millen's Taxi ------ . 4 0 1h q Front Street ----- - 4 1 O 8I Forestens...........t---- 131 3 Goodyear --O-- 05 O BLACKSTOCK The Cartwright Curling Clcu started their season atthie ink on Manday nigbt. Congratulations ta Misa Jessie McAthur, an Honor Ring mc- ber of the Girls' Auixihaiy of' the Cbunch of England who lias been chosen ta represent the Ecclesiastical Province of On- taria et the Cononation. Mn. Bert Paîgrain, Toronto, visited bis cousins, Mn. and Mca. Bill Taylor. Miss Jessie VanCamp speut, hast week in Ottawa with Mr. aînd 1 Mns. Ronald Drinkwatec. Mn. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm xxith Mn. ancj Mrs. Stanley Maicelîn in Bowmanvilc for Sunday tes. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms, En- niskillen, witb Mn. and Mrs. I Harold McLaughin. Mns. George Proutt, Caesaca, is visitiug with Mn. snd Mca. Stanford VanCamp. Mrs. W. A. VanCamnp, Ma Stephen Saywell and Mangacet,,I Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baihe.. Mr. and Mns. Bil Taylor wcre Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ballingaîl. Promotion Exercises xvcre held at tbe United Church Scinda'.' Sehdol on Sunday marning xx'th, a lange attendance. Alhielr S.S. officens wene neturned foc 1953.1 It is intcresting ta note that thce Superintendent Mn. Eani Dorrel I is starting bis 28tb yesn lu that off ice. Farm Forum met at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Laimer, on Manday night. Mn. sud Mca. I Pency VanCamp were bn change of the ententainment. Rev. C. W. Hutton off iciated aI a Dutcb wedding et the pansonage' on Saturday. Tiiere were 1,5 guests. The 0.N.0. Club nit at the home of Mns. Jean McLaugihlii an Thunsday evening hast. In spite o! veny stonmy weather bue, attendance xvas very gaod. Kath- leen Danreil pnesented the shale o! officers for 1953 .as foiioxvs:- President-Alma Duff; lIs Vice -Aileen McLaughlin: Secretany' 1 -Eleanor Werry; Treasurci Lais Gnieve; Fruit, Fiower and, Cands-Gwen Ballingail. Kath-: leen also made a review' aiflie, past yean and cougratulabecl the officens for thein splendid leaderý- ship. Past President Gwenythl Thompsoa thanked everyane for! their splendid ca-operation. AileenI McLaughlîn took tbe chair in bb-c absence of Alma Diiff. Plana were made ta have the next club' dance on Fcb. 20bh with Tomnmy Langley's orchestra. At tue (on-i- chusion o! the business period. Mrs. Genaldine Udali was giveîî a loveiy sbower by the membens. Mrs. Udail expnessed hec grati- tude for the kindness shoxvu her.i A loveiy lunch was seix'ed b'. bhe hiostess and ber graup. Canada and the United States have been at peace for 138 ycars. Cars Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gage, Rilly. Mary and Rickey, Thorn- hili; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Coch- frane, Edmonton, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson, Zion, were 1recent visitors at Tom -West- lake's. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake, Mr. Nelson Gage visited Mr. - Gage's mother at Lindsay' Mr.r and Mrs. Walter Glbert, Beatrice and Doris, Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Clarke, Den- nis and Glen; Miss Wanda Clarke, Mr. Ralph Clarke, Bowmanville; Mr. Ross Clark, Port Perry. spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clark and Phyllis. 'sthis drink straight enaugh, 30 edr?' 11951 CHEV. halflon PICKUP - - $1295 Actual niileage just over 6,000. Cannot be told from new. 1949 CHEV. halflon PICKUP -- $1095 Deluxe 'cab. neyer used for rough wonk. This truck could be mistaken for a 1952 moedel. 1947 FORD CONVERTIBLE - - $1195 Outstandiag condition, loaded with extras. 1947 CHEV. COACH - - - $1150 Exceptionally dlean, fully reconditioned, new car guarantee. 1946 CHEV. COACH - - $1075 Customi radio, tires, almost new, ane of the cleanest '46 models we have' seen in a long tinte. Exceptionally sound body. 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN - « . $695 Smnall senies, with Chevrolet inotor, body and inechanical condition fan above average. - - - $475 Very sound body, miotor replaced recently, excellent tires. 1937 DODGE SEDAN - - - - $475 Chrysier factory rebuilt motor installed recently, body and interior reflect good care. It is runioured tliat Mart Sissons lias pur- chased a number of exceptionally good cars and haif- ton pick-îîps front 1940 to 1952 models. Watch this space for particulars. SEE. -Garage i- f or "The Greatest Guarantee in the Used Car Bsn s" PHONE - ORONO 1031 - OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL NINE - 1 . alwvaus ----DIAMOND RINGS -- Eoch ring is set in a gîeaming sphere of chrome mounted on on ebony-bîock pedestal . . . so that it con be proudly presented . . . always .1IELLIt1 AND GIFi 'SIIOP 28 King St. IV. B- ýnant ic Phone 747 4T--- - 1937 OLDS. SEDAN - NI WATEI NoR THE WATER Saturday Io ail waler con Bailv The purpot ta the wvater systeni soi and '%%heii shut downs a - Ve trust B D..l1:1 oI 9- AuAAiq; ç W. R. Strike, Q.C., Chairnian. Pr.oudly' Pi4esenfeJ. . Double, Gueroee C.rtifico,. , teck, Vue River biemond Ring . . .en a fret nuagc.poliey. atue Rfti~ bie,,ond rings ere ,old - Iro.r, 52.5.00 #o $6,M000.0 THURSDAY, JANUARY 15.1953 9 UV tif rOC2T% AV* 'r A %TTT A 112V 1 It If% KI ail . 1- , . ièý, -, *% _ _ _ _ '. Ji

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