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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1953, p. 16

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I ..........1 < .;~.', -r ~T7 4 TmmSDAT, JMoeAJLTI8iUO. 'PMWIn AIAL#TAV 0à à% - MÂ?t u Y UANVT.T2 ATAUIJ6 ~A6~ E~T~W 3HO3 BIRTHSl CR.AIG-Bob and Doris Craig areý happy ta annaunce the birth uf àý daughter, Cynthia Lynn, on Jani. lst, 1953, at Memoriai Hos- pItal, a sister for Roberta and DÀW - To .Stuart and Jpyce (Hilîs) Daw at . th Women's CdIlege Hospital ln Toronta on Tuesday, January 13th, 1953, a d7a. dl g h t e r, Wendy Elizabeth. Mother and baby bath Well. 3-1 MACKLIN-Allan and Barbara Macklin, Hampton, are pleased ta *ahnounce thé birth ai a daughter, ancyB Irene, at Memorial Hos- ýp1tal owmanvile, on Saturday, 4an. lUOthy a littie sister for Susan. 3-1 MAYNARD-To Freda and Ken anard January llth, 1953, a ~aughter, Trudy Grace, sister for ~da and David, granddaughter ltgrandina and grandpa Mairs. 3-1 * XORT7ON - Everson and Willa Norton (nec Mauntjay) arc happy tô announce the arrivai ai a son *n Wednesday, Jan. 7th, at :Womnen's Callege Hospital, Tor- onto. Mother and baby bath fine, *ALKER-At Memaorial Hospital, Bowmanville, January th, 1953, ta Mr.. and Mrs. Ailan Walker, a claughter, Debra Ailyn. 3-1 M.and Mrs. C. P. Devitt, .okeo, Ont., annaunce the engagément ai their daughter, Leona May,'ta Gardon James Wil- ,$gr, son afiMir. and Mrs. James 'lion, Cadmus, Ont. The mar- flUge wili take place Saturday, January l7th, in King Street Çhurch, Oshawa. 3-1 * MARRIAGE *BARBER - CLARKE - In Holy - od Catholic Church, Market aven. England, by Rev. Father * Iutchinson on Friday, Dec. 26th, »~52,. Patricia Frances, daughter cil Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Clarke, te Gardon Maitland Barber, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Barber, VlA4erhill, Man., .3-1 DEATHS FOSTER-At the residanca, R.R. Ilth, 1953, Maria Ward, in hiem '#jst year. Wife ai Richard Foster luid mather ai Mns. A. Priestley. "Service was bald at the Morris 'rerelChàpai, Bowmanvulie, on ~çpay, J'en. 14th. Intemnient W*wravlia Cametery. 3-1 *IORN, Frank-At rasidance, 104 Wharf Rd., Bowmezivilla, on Wednesday, Jan. 7th, 1953, Frank W<on, husband ai the late May .Born;inlais 63rd year. Service '«As, beld et the Marris Funeral Chape1, Bawmanviile, on Satur- ,day, Jan. lth. Intarmant, Bow- ijinvilla, Cemetery. 3-1 bIANNING - At Memorial Hos- 5 ltal, Bawmonvilla, on Monday, i'a7 i12th, 1953, Jannie Pirie, wic-of the lata Charles Manning .and deor aunt ai Evva (Mms. John Blackhall), Colbomne, in hem 94th yaar. Rasting et the funerel home ci Northcutt & Smith, 53 Division ,et., Bowrmanville. Service Wed- nesday, Januery l4th, 2:30 p.m. Iliterment Bowmanville Cametery. 3-1 MORROW, Robert John- Sud- denly, an January 8tb, 1953, at hIs home, 89 Avenue Rd., Tom- OÔto, Robert John Morrow, ha- Ibved husband ai Gladys Joncs, father ai Mmi. Arthur Tinker (Shirley), Mrs. George Heath (June), Dorean, Imogene; Max- 11i, Raymond, Mermiliiand Bey- enley. Service was hcld et the Tunera1. Chapai ai A. W. Miles, M0 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery. Deceesed was a son af the lata James Morrow of Bowmanvilla. 3-1 CQMING EVENTS Dance in Sauina Community liall on January 23rd. Stainton's Orchestra. 3-2 IN NMEMORIAM BEST-In memory ai my dear son who passed away January lSth, 1950; and husband,.Nqvem- ber 3Oth, 1952: It was in auturna that we stood And talked beside your grave. Your daddy wishedta be wlth you, God made tbat wish corne truc, And I pray ta Him aech day To kaap and guideè me alang the way Wbere wa wil meet again, raborn ta stay. - Lovingly rememlered by Mommie and wife. 3-1 BEST-In mamôory ai aur dear grandson and son-,in-law who pessad away January lSth, 1950; and November 30th, 1952: Cannot farget you in your loving baby way, We laid your daddy by your sida, six weaks today, And feed that yau have met around that beautiful throne;, Our tears hava stopped but bearts are sad. Sleep on dear loved anas, we know you're home And nothing aise ta add. -Ever ramemberad by Grandmna and Grandad. 3-1 BROOME-In loving rncmory ai a dearly beloved wiie and mother, Susan Broome, who passed away January l7th, 1944: Sha bade fia ana thet last ? farewall, She said goodbye ta nana; The haavenly getes ware open wîde A loving voice said,' carne.. -Always raznambered by bus- band, daughtem and sons.. 3-l* BURTON-In loving memory ai a dean wife, Jennia Gardon, wba pessed away January 17th, 1952: God knaw that she was sufaring, That the huIs were bard ta climb, Sa Ha cîosed bar weory cyclida And wbiaperad, "Peace be thine," Awey in the beautiful his of God By the vallay of rest so faim Soma time, soma day, we know flot when We willi meet aur loved ana 1thera. -Lovingly ramambemed by bar busband, Kitchener Burton, Neat- laton. 3-1* DEWELL-In ioving rnemory ai Helen Marilyn .*Dewll, dàrling daughter ai Pémcy and Evalyn Dewell, wbo pasaad eway sud- denly January lSth, 1946: - Lovingly remembemed by Mummy and Deddy. 3-1 HAWLEY-In memory af Wllett Hawiey who passed away Jan- uary 17th, 1948: Wa do not forget you, nom do' . we intend, We think ai you often, and will ta the end; Gone and forgottan by some, you may ba, But dear ta aur memory you evar wili ba. -Fondly ramembered. by wifé, daugbter and son. 3-1* HUDSON-In ioving mamomy of a deaiy beiovad son and brother, Kennath, wbo passed away Jan- uary l4tb, 1952: Wa do not need a special day To bring you ta aur mind, For the days we do flot think af you Arc vary hard ta iind. If ail this world were ours ta givo, W'd giva it, yes, and more To see the face ai Kanneth dear Coma smiling through the door. -Evar rernembemed and sadly missed by Mother, Fathar, sisters and brother, and grandmothers. 3-1 PERRETT-In ioving rnemory ai a dear husband and father, Wil- liam Talbot Perrett, who perssed away Januamy i19th, 1951: --Sadly missad and iondly e- membared by wifa and 'iamily. Notices NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS ,Any dog trespassing on my pre- mises will rereive the ain *-Home Baking Sale will be beld timatment ýas mycdog suiierad. on .Saturday, Jenuary I 7tb, et E. D. Knapp, 10 a.m. et Kitson Lockers, Bow- Mddle Rad. 52-4 mianville, -undar auspices ai En- Wa ara pleased toaonnounce nuakillen W.A. 3-1 that wa naw bava a raprasente- tive permmnentiy locatad in Bow- Nùrses' Association will hold a manvilla. For service or in- Uhad Clthing and Home Baking formation diel 620. Mm. Mayling, Saie, ta be haid Fab. 7th, 1953, your local representatuve, is an ln tbe Union Hall, Division St., in cmfployae ai yaur Singer Sewing Be .wmanville. - Centra, 47 Walton St, Port Hope. Dance at Enniskillen Hall on 3tî Ynday, Januory l6th. Ruth Wil- son Variaty Orchestra. Proceada SOUSP Wo Athletic Club. Admission Soc. S O E S O The Annuel Velentina TeesOFCINR spoaisored by the Ladies' Aid of Neilson's Ice Cream Ste Andrew's Cburch wili e beld on Fridey, Febmuory 13tb, etMna ne the home ai Col. McLaughlin,Ma zie 8&~ Concession St., fmom 3 ta 6 oclock. 3-i ii Open Breakfast te Bedfime At Lesard Scbooi an Friday, Every Day January 16th, thc Leskard Build-2- Ing Fund are sponsoring a dance2- which promises ta be anc ai the Repanrs meut popular events ai the sea-_____________ soit.,Makte up your parties for REPAIRS ta al makes of refnig- a erand evening. Admission 50c. eretors, domestie and commercial: 2-2 riullng coters. Ulggon. Elc- ~Wm~vile Hoe od Scoltrie, 42 King St. E, Phone 438. AocietIoa presents The Rosas1t C1diveU Smg rs, Toronto, in the ALL fanin acbinery rcpalred; TbofiHall. Fniday, *Joai. 23md. welding; speciaiize la tractors 'o! =T kta- aduits 5Oc, students, 35e ail mokas. A. J. Henderson, ivpdtabL-e froni Home and Scbooi Massey-Harris Dealer, Port Hope, Aaocatlo i membv&s - 3-1 Phionse33mi.- CARDS 0F THANKS 1 Articles For Sale 1Mrs. Norman Edger wishes ta thank hem many friands and re- latives for their sympathy and many acta ai kindnass during the racant death af ber brother, Frank Horn.3- We wish ta express aur thanlca and apprecietion tealal friands, relatives and neighbaurs for phone cails, fruit, treats and carda sent ta us during aur ilîness. Gloria and Janice Sadier. 3-1 The family ai the late Mmi. W. S. Boyce wish ta express thanks and appraciation ta Dr. C. W. Slamon, Dr. Keith Siemon, the staff ai Mamorial Hospital, Rav. L. Somerville, friands and neigh- boums for rneny deada ai kind- nasa duing hem ilînasa. 3-1* It is with pleasure I wish ta express my sincere thanka ta my many friands, naighbours and relations for the beautiful flow- ars, carda, lattera and fruit I racaived duing my illnesa at Pnivete Patienta' Pavilion, Tom- onto. Very sincerely, Mrs. A. Jones. 3-1* Many thanka ta Dr. McKenzia, Dm. Sturgis and nurses and staff ai Memoriai Hospial, Bowman- villa. Also the Evaning Branch af St. George's W.A. for the lovaly flowers, and ta my many friands, relatives and naighbours for fiowers, carda and fruit dur- ing my ilîneas. Tbanks teaail. Mrs. Allin Rowe. 1 3-4* Sincare thanks tealal my good frienda and naighboums, Shiloh W. A., Newtonvilla W. A., who made my stay in Oshawa Hospital more pleasant by visita, carda, flowers, fruit, etc. $pecial thanka ta Dm. Sturgis, Rev. Mr. Moffat and speciel nurses, and ta kitchan staff, nurse Happa and nursing staff for good came and kindness shown. Mrs. Wm. Hallowell. May wa take this.privilage ta express aur many thanks ta al the nursing staff ai Memoriai Hospital. Special thanks ta Mrs. Vine and Mrs. Bowan, Dr. Fer- guson, Dr. Sturgis and Dr. Aus- tin for the came thay gave Mrs. Mary Allun during hem long stay in the hospital. We. also thank the neighbours and friands who visited ber and sent ber lovely cards and flowars. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aluin. We- wouid like ta express aur hearti ait tbanks ta the people *vho were so kInd td. us durink Mm. Poliard's iliness. Many thanks ta the members of St. John's Men's Club, Canadian Legion, Kinanien Club, Home, Le4gue, oi Salvation Army, Home and Scbooi Club, Rotary Bowling League and friands and neighbours. Speciai thanks ta Dr. Keitb Siamon and the nursing staff ai Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilla. Scott and Lois Poliard. Catrs For Sale 1936 DODGE, gaod' condi tion. Best ofier. Phone 3219. 3-1* CAR PARTS ('37 Buick) and tires. C. Knapp, Tyrana,.Phona 2306. 3-1* 1939 CHEV. Coupe, in A-i con- dition. Phone Clarke 25SL. 3-1 '36 FORD Coach, good body and motor, with South Wind beatar, $160. Robert Parr, Enniskilian, Phone 2983 Bowmanville. 3-l* 1950 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-door Sadan, fully aquippad, like new; 1936 Mapla Leai stake truck. H. G. "Hap" Gili, 8 Second St., Phone- 3514. 3-1 1941 PONTIAC Coupe, fair con- dition, $395, $160 down at Farîn Equipment & Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, Phone 689. 3-1, '42 CHEV. truck, complate, ta be wrecked and sold for parts, six tiras, tubas and wheeis, 750 x20; priced ta seli. Appiy Harold Murphy, Tyrona. 3-1 Wanted 100 - 200 ACRE farm suitabla for dairying. Write P.O. Box 1109, Whitby, Ont. 3-1* CHAIN saw, must ha reasonabla and in good condition. Write Box 923, c/ o Sttasman Office. 3-il' GOOD quality hay and straw, baied or loasa. Wm. A. Heron, Brooklin, Phone 12. 3-2* DEAD STOCK removed irom your iamm prornptiy for sanitary disposai. Telaphone Collect: Ca- bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636. Gardon Young Linîted. 1-52 NOTI CE "53 Raies For Careful Drivers Age Limit 21 - 69 On '53 popular cars P.L. $î0,000/$20,000 - P. Dam. 9 5,M~ - $100 Ded. Colt plus Glass, Fire and Thert lus. Total Ouly - $28.60 Semi-annual, easy to, meet plan. Dirk Drinkman INSURANCE R.R. 3 Burketen Phono 82r2 Blacksiock, ONTARIO potatoes, 50 and 75 1b. bags, delivered iu Bowmanville. Phone 2473. 38-tf PIANO - Dominion, inahagany, very desirable instrument. Té1e- Phone 492 Bowmanville. F: J. Mitchell. Jj LATE mode! "Clare Jewel" eook stove with Silent Glow oul burn- ers. Phone 2205. DOUBLE ail burner cook stove, Princess Rose, A-i condition. Phone 2162. 3-1 CHESTERFIELD suite; 2 pair drapes; coffee and wine Axminster rug, 9 x 12, nearly new. Phpne 3190. MANTEL type radio, Addison, equipped with phono-jack, In niew condition. Will seli reasonably. Phone 3686. A_1l POWER chain saws, regular $350, for only $324 at Farm Equipment & Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, Phone 689. 3-1 DRY hardwood, $18 cord; dry cedar, $10 cord; softwood slabs, $10 cord. Re-sawed into stove leingths, delivered. Phone Clarke 2530. 47-tf LARGE size McClary cook stove, good as new, hait price or wvill trade for livestock. C. Dickinson, Port Hope. Phone Clarke 4212. 2-2* MILKING machine, Universal, used, 3 single units (1 new),' 14 outiets; also Frigidaire cooler. Milton Tamblyn, Orono, Ont., Phone 65-19. 3-1* TWO C.C.M. Kiddie, Kars, bath in, excellent condition, and one medium size Joycycle. Apply George Crowther, Phone Z441 Newcastle. 3-1 *9 CAR or tractor New Hart bat- teries, 17 plate, $7.25 allowaficc on your aid battery at Farm Equipment & Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. 3-1 RUGS -- save up ta 3% an new. reversible, Broadloom rugs made from your old woallens, clothig, carpets, etc. Ail the latest Decorator shades. Phone 3446 24-tf1 FOUR chairs, table and buffet, white, like new; naw chesteriield beds, regular $149, for $119; studio couch, $49.50; 4 chromne chairs and table, complata, $690. Murphy's, Phone 811. 3-1 FURNACES, air conditioned- or gravity, and ail burners, installad and repairad, expert wor-km,4p- ship. 45 yeaa' experience. F or free estimates Phone Davis & Ca.. 3412-691. 3-tf 16 it. rIROARD rnator boat with Red Seal Continiental1 motor; GandrQn deluxa go-cart; Sulent- Glo space heater; large osciiiatlng ejectric fan. H. G. "Hap" GQill, 8 Second St., Phone 3514. 3-ï VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 diffament colours ai tapes, 15 siat colours, Flexalum. Alumlnumn or Steel, measured and installed free of charge. Phone 3121. Waber's Fabric Centre. 17-tf PLUMBING, Heating and Oil Burners installed anywhere li Durham County. Reasonabie rates and highest quality. For fre astimatas caîl S., Blain Elliott, Heating, Piumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf USED Rogers manure loader; used Case DO tractor; used Aliis Chalmars tractor; used New Idea manura spreader; used electric and wood* combination range. New Case tractor spraaders; trac- tors, plows, combines. eWater pressura systams, water bowls, Quaker heatars. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 3-1 SNGW TREAD TIRES Retreaded la SUBURBANITE STUDDED SURE' GRIP KNOBBY - TREADS 600 x16 650 x 16 670 x15 710 x 15 m $13.40 . $16.65 . $14.85 -10 $16.50 G. F. JANIESON Tire Shop King and Silver Streets SI-tf For Rent TWO unfurnished rooms. Apply 143 Duke St., Phone 3384. 3-1* UPSTAIRS haatad rooms, suit-. abla for business couple, central. Phone 416. 3-1* FOUR-rorn apartaient, central' location, aduits only. Protestant. Write P.O. Box 459.. 48-tf DUPLEX for ent ln country, four oomi, ail canveniances, gar- dan, close ta ichol, no objection ta cbiidran. Reply, stating ent w illing ta pay on lease, ta Box 922, c/o Statesman Office. 3-1 TWO-room apartaient, upstoîrs, hot and cold running water, bath, utility raom downstairs. Suitabla for young married coupla. linniediate possession. Write Box 921, c/o Canadian Statesman, 41 Articles For Sale FLY TRAP - for barn or bouse, no electricity or expensive pow- ders ta buy, a. boy can make it, comfpleté instructions supplicd, send name, address and f our dimes ta Box 915, c/o Canadian Statesman. .2-4 USED International 10-20 tractor, front wheels on ubber, rear wheels on steel, good shape, anly $275; used Allis Chalmers trac-' tor, 3-plow, as is $150 at Farm Equipment' & Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville, Phone 689. .,3-1 " For the Latest Papens " For the Finest Paints " For the- Hast Workmanshlp S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912 49-tf TlL.E, CERANÉIC -PLASTIC RUBBER -MARBOLEUM N. G]Real Phlone 2902 gowmanvllle 14-tl MRS.- ROBERT D. KERR ÀAYV0N REPRESENTATIVE New' Address: 99 KING STREET E. PHONE 3038 Speclal... POWDER SACHET 3-1 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED help for pruning apple trees. Apply. George Wal- ton, Phone 3261, Newcastle. 371* YOUNG married man with gen- eral farm experience and some knowledge of poultry. Position now open. Five-room house with bath. Farm on main higilway. Write Box 917, c/o Canadian Statesman. 2-2* WANTED - Reliable man as Dealer mn '.Bowmanville. Exper- ience not necessamy. A fine op- portunity ta step into aid prof it- able business where Rpwleigh Products ,, have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furn- ished on cradit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. A-140-163, Montreal. 3-1 WAN ED Police - Carefaker Applications .wili b. received by the >underslgned until Mon,- day, January 19th, 19,53, for the eombined position of Policeman for the Village of Newcastle and Caretalcer for thc Community Hall. Saiary $3;000. RB. RICKARD, Clerk. Village of Newcastl WHY SETTLE FOR LESS than $12,000 in a year? - The days are gone when a "faw thousand" A year salary was enolug#i for a man ta taka came ai bis famiiy, buy a new car, and "sait Borne away for the. future." If you are a middle-aged man wh' bas raached the "cailing" on youm eanings and now want ta make good in a naw field, we can make you a fine ofiar ta jaun aur organization, whara top men are paid up ta $22,000 in a year. In spite ai shortages in other busi- nesses, aur volume is expanding at a terrific rate. We bave open- ings for men in Ontario. The men we wrant must be blgh grade (flot high pressura), ambitiaus and sincare. Eamnings ara paid in. advance, fia investment is needed, fia collections, . fia de- livaries. Write a personailatter ta aur Vice-Prosident, Dept.. V., ]P.O. .88, Station- J, Danfomth, Toronto 6, Ontario. 3-1 HELP WANTED 1POSITON FOR Female Clerk IN BOWMANVEILE Typlng necessary and steno- ,traphlc experience desirable. Good startint salary with annual Progression. Pension and Insur- ance Plan, wlth Blue Cross and P.S.I. if desircd. Write Box 924, e/o The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle 3-1 Wanted To Buy ONE usad tricycle. Mrs. C. W. Downey, Phone 2590. 3-1 ONE-YEAR-OLD gandar. Phone Bowmanviile 2793. 3-1* BEFORE selling youm live poultry try us. Our' prices are bîghem. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany. Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-tf WANTED - Live- poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap Iran, rags and metais. Raw furs and deersklns. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa coilect. 46-tf Custom Work CUSTOM chain saw work donc. Phone 2753. 3-4; Wanted To Rent IMMEDIATELY - Smali bouse or 3 or 4 room apartment. Not necessanlly in town. Young coupla with 2 children. Write Box 916, c/o Canadian Statean. 2-2 Real Estate For Sale 1 Real Estate For Sale SEVEN-room, solid brick bouse, 99 Middle- Rood, J, T. Cooper, BUNGALOW - Frame, modern, four rooms, 3-picce bath; hard- wood thraughout. Désirable loca- tion, ini Bowmanville. Phone 2820. 3-i BUNGALOW for sale, 4 rooms and bath, partlally completed, good location.. Appiy ta, Robert Philllps, Maple Grave, on gravel pit road, or Phone 3-8106 Osh- awa. 3-1* GO in business for yourself at 454 Slmcae St. South, Oshawa. Store will be vacant as af Jan- uary Ist, 1953. Sec H.- V. l3ate- mnan, 410 Athol St. E., Oshawa. 45-tf 60 DAYS Possession - five-room, 1%' starey, lovely brick home, close ta schools,- churches and transportation. Has 4-piece bath, fireplace, oul furnace and modemn kitchen. Apply 175 Church St. 51-tf EVANS REAL ESTATE Orono, in path ai newi highway, ane hpur drive ta Toronto, 20 minutes to Oshawa, offers lor sale choice homes and farmai at low prices. 5-room frame cottage, insulated, in gaod candition,. fireplaee, double, garage, low taxes. Poss- ession lst February. Quick *sale, $4,500. Cott W. C. Evans, Broker Phone 84 - 8 Orono 3-1 SCOTT REAL ESTATE 5, acres - $6,00 6-roonu house, insulated, hydro, garage, barn, buldings in goad repair, creek, close ta Bowman- ville. $1,500 IDo" 7-room brick, centre hall plan, 3-picce bath, fumnece, would make good duplex. Imméediate posses- sion. Pftoperty wanted, town or country, customers waiting. Donald Scott Real Estate 78 King St. W., Bowmnanvile Dial 663 3-1 GlLL REAL E9TATE On Scugog Road, nicely land- scaped, modemn bungalow, four- piece bath, full celiar, fumnace, heavy wîring, fruit trees, berrnes, etc. Price $7.900. On Bradshaw St-One-acre good garden land, rnay .be, broken up into several building lots. Price $500. On "Liberty St., North - Modern 11/2 storey insulated home, heavy iming, furnace, four-plece. bath. PrIee $11,000. Terms. H. G. "Rap" Gli Real Estate 8 Secqnd St, Bownianvllle Phone 3514 RÉAL ESTATE FOR S8ALE 145 acres, brick bouse, 8 r6ons and bath, barn, 45 x 100; 5 mi les irom Newcastle, owner retiming. 8-roomad bouse li Newcastle. Price $6.800. Gai Station and lunch couriter on, No. 2 Higbway including al e4uipmcnt and new 5-roam bung- alow 24' x30', pressure system. Poing a good business.. Wa have other iarms, bouses and servicae stations for Sale. H. C. Pedwel Newcastle Phone 38SSL Agent for W. J. Warren, Agineourt 3-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 5-room irame bouse, shed, gar- age, appraxlmatély 1Y4 acres. $3.000 cash. Immediate posses- sion. Frame bouse, 7 rooms, full basement, bydro, weli, double garage, large lot, $6,000. Terms. 9-moom, brick bouse, 3-piece bath, 2 fireplacas, ail heating, large garden, $8,000. Terrns. Possession arranged. 112-acre iarm, dlay loam, good buildings, 7 acres bush, 2 cracks, weli waterad, silo; 7-roomed frame bouse, beavy wiring. $10.500. Impiements and stock extra. 99-acre !arm, dlay loam, 69 acres womkable, 30 acres' bush, barn, stables, cament iloors, 3 cracks, 2 wells, large garage; 10-roomed irame bouse, wonderfui summer resort. Immediate possession. $8,000. Terms. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowrnanviiie Phone 682 Legal IN the matter ai the Marriage Act, 1950, and ameuidments thereto. TAXE NOTICE that an applica- tion wiil be made ta His Honour, Judge M. A. Miller at bis Cham- bers in the Court House in the Town ai Cobourg, on Monday, the 19th day ai Jahuary, 1953, at the boum of 10:30 o'clock in tbe fore- noon, for an order that HENRY MARCHANT, last heard ai at the City ai Oshawa, in tbe year 1939, be presumed dead. Dated this 7th day ai January, 1953. MABEL MARCHANT, Applicant, By hem Solicitor, M. F. Swartz, 3 Simcoo St. S., Oshawa, Ontario. 3-1 DE Wl?!! REAL EST 'VTE Bakery with grocery store in village, as a going concern, in- cluded with ail the miodern mach- inery, i truck, 1949. Good busi- ness. Inclusive 8-roomed house with modern kitchen, bathroom, hot and cold running water. Price $20,000. Terms. 146-acre farm, Darlington Town- ship, 2 miles from Bowmanville, 135 acres workable, 9 acres young orchard, ail first class clay loam, wcll drained, running creek, well, 4 barns, cernent floors, stabling, pig pens. hen house, silo; 10- roomed brick house, hydro in bouse and barns, ail In good con- dition, good road, close to high- way. Price $25,000. Terms. One of the first class farms in this district. 158-acre farm, Emily Township, 8 miles irom Peterborough, clay loam, 115 acres workable, rest pasture, running creek, 3 Wells, good fances and road; 9-roomed irame bouse. hydmo, running water in stable; silo, milkhouse. Milk contract.- Close ta highway,- village, etc. Price $13,500. Terms. 150-acre farm, Clarke, Township, 1 mile from highway, 80 acres workable, rest pasture and Wood, sandy loam, well, spring, goad barn, cement iloors, pig pen, han bouse; 9-roomed irame bouse, hydro. Immadiate possession. Price $9,000. Terms. 50-acre farm, Clarke Township, ail workable, loam sandy, ½ -miile irom highway, goodý barn; 14- moomed frame bouse, bydro, 2 wells, close ta scbool. Price $8,400. Terms. Have other farm, homes, etc. John F. DeWith, Realtor King Street W. Newcastle Phone 3341 3-1 Work Wanted BABY Sitting Apply 6 Liberty St. S. 3-1* FOR bulldozing, grading, excavat- ing, etc., caîl Taylor Bras., Os.- awa 3-3831 or Whitby 2687. 18-tf DARLINGTON Abattoir, Harnp- ton, for custom kflling. Phone 3243. 32-tf HAVE your kitchen and bath- moom walls tiled, about 29 colours ta choase fram. M. Jurko, Phone 2753. 3-4» INSULATION - Biowing metbiod, with rock wooi; workmanship Èu aranteed. Free estimates. Harry' Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 49-tf TRACTOR REPAIR - Let us repair your tractor now, ready for Spring womk - valves, rings and tune-up, etc. Bob Stocker's Garage, Phone 804. 2-4 Naguire's Garage 28 Brown Street BODY and FENDER REPAIE Duc. and1 Dulux Reflnlshlng General Repairs to al niakes of cars. 3-2* SKATE SHARPENING Lateat Equlpment for Artifielal Ice. G. IF. JAMIESON Tire Shop 48-tf BULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING fly four or Contraet -Free Estimates Givea W.. Tripp PORT FERRY R.R. 2 PHONE 109-r-42 14-tf PAINTING PAPER HANGING Full Selection cf PARALAC PAINTS and PAPERS - FREE ESTIMATES - Howard S. Brooking ]PHONE 2702 42-tf Lost DOG - B eagle hound, female, west ai Bunketon. Finder please Phone Brooklin 47r4. 3-2 Nursing Service STRATHAVEN Restholme, Home for the Aged, Invalidi, Bed Pat- ients, 264 King St. E., Bowman- ville. E. Alice Hodgert, Phone 555. 52-tf Mqiddle Groom'Vilna NMUSING HROME A Home Away froni Home, Kindacas and Go<,d Care our Atm Approved hi Doctors. Bowmanville 2974 Twe miles East of Bowmanville * . 2-tf' AIJCTION SALE t., The àuction sale éi of ncw and used fIi Md thc property 'af Mr. to be.sold by publkc held iluside at h M Cavan St Port HopE- will inclucle: a New >Hall up baler, tractor spread tivators alrrows, grimera, ng nucihe, plow. shXrqts, stock- ot new frnplem' et patu many other items. ..rter a. tieulars tee bills' TerMs, t as1. rio reserve. 'Jack Rteid, a'utionqer.. 242 Livestock For Sg XEGISTERZD iO-mnonth-old Here lord bull; Registered 1*Iiewe1fid cow; also anc pup. J. A. !o1e vear, Phone 2868 Bowmanv iée PART, Ayrshire and' Hoistefi tcoW, 5 years aid, due ta freshen. Also quantity ai turnips and maitgolds; -and Renfrew. ,scafrs (2000 lbs.) for sale. R. Bottrell, Newcastle. 4 REGISTERED accredited Jerseyr Bull, service4b'e àge, 'ýhigh' pr. Duçin breding.. Would e- ch a ng e fo r op e n , h .q i e r. , R Stenger, nrliskillen, Phone .2824. Liveulock for Sais > Il5 Cholce Dark Rtd 'Durhiai 14-Year-OIds 8. Steers - Heters at $08eaeh,1 XaY be seen at "Morne Far*mm FRIDAY MORItN#G Jamnary 1 vin Would '11ke te buy bull ale and anr typeoftfeder hoga; aloo saws apd fat bois. Phone 2570 E. A. WEIY & 501 3.1 Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailcd postpaid in plain seaied env:elope wlth. price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $ 1,0. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 191, Hamnilton, Ont. "SKJNNY" GIRLS! -Get lovoly . curves! Gain ý5 ta 10 lbs., -màw pep. Try famous health,\ ,o d weight - builder, Ostrex Tablets. ,Introductoryï '~W quainted?,. aze oniy OW Stabbinq CaBe lu Adjournd, Uzntil Tuesdczy A cmowded court -roon iherd several witnesses give evidence* in Bawmanville Police Court oâ Tuasday mrnoning in the case 0f Mentzel Hendsby, Manvers Sta- tion, charged witb ,assault ocý- casioning actual« bodily lerai. The court sat -until 5:30 pi. without flnishing thé case, and It was adjourned until next: Tues- dar by Magustrate R. B. Baxter. ýha charge agamnst Hcndiby wss laid as. the esuit ai a fight at Manvers Station on Deceniber 2 in which Stanley McCabe, a Korean veteran and also ai Man- vers Station, was stabbed li the back. According ta witnesses, tb% flgbt in which McCabe was iâd legediy stabbed -wlth -a d% knUie by Handsby took place on the shoulder ai the road i*front ai Hendsby 's proparty just west of thea-L oyal Orange Lodge HalIl. A wedding,,party in bonour af the impending mar riage ai Mc Cabe bad been, going on ini thc hall, and severai ai the guests at thîs affair were involved in thebr4wl in front ai lfendsby's property.; John McCabe, brother ai thé wounded man, testified that Hendsby ançi another man, Frank Derusha, Manvers Station, had, beeni thrawing waod at a group af Young men wbo had came out ai. the Orange Hall whamc the' dance Was being heid. His brot.her, Stanley 'hail grappled 'witli Hendsby in the melce which'fol-' lowed and tbey feul on their kuices ta the ground. Ha bad thén seen bis brother break away tram Hendsby and about., "I've been stabbed"... 1 Defense Counsel H. R. S. Ryano Port Hope, drew tram John Mc- Cabe an admission that ha hade bit Darusha witb a braom duming the affmay, breaking the bandie In' twa places.- McCabe stated ha had not been dninking that night~. and ha did not know if bhs broth -f cm Stanley had been drlnklng oeiýY not. Gordon Homner testifled tha~~ had sean Hendsby take akuf tram bis pockat, open the bae take several jabi et the cheut o Stanley WcCabe, and then stab him in the bock. .Crown Attorney H.-BR. Deynisn, Q.C., Port Hopeo lu conducting the prosecutioii. In 1952 ýCanadians pold $1 -bil- lion ta Ottawa ta ha spent on WeUfare and $300 iiOn to prlv- ate welfare agencleu. PHONE oses THE -CANADFAN -ITATEBUIp C LASSII1EI)ADI S r For QulckReut lu INC abau 3-1 1 THE CANAI)UN STATZULAN BOWMANV=Z ONTAIUOV

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