PAGE six TECNDA TTSABWAVLE NAROTUSA.JNAY1,15 Mais Easily Take1 Office and Rose Fii Goodyear House H~ IMata il - Fan Belta 1 The f irst game saw the Fan Beits matched against the Mats with the boys fnom the Mats stniving ta extend their unbeaten streak. Bath teams started ouI at a fast clip and play swung irom end ta end. with bath goaies be- ing tested and cantinuing until Carl Rabv biinked the red iight behind Bill Cowie with an assist gaing ta Carl Piper. Shontly aflen. Earb Luxton made It 2 taO0 fan the Mats bn a passing play with "Jimmy" Nickerson. This lead was short-bived as Dan Vivian carried the puck into enem v territory and laid a neat' pass on the stick ai -Jiggs" Cowl- ing wha lifted the puck int the tap* efI hand corner ai the net with goalie Dick Perfect cleanly beaten on the play. The Fan Beits Ihen applied the pressure with Erv Brooks, Bill Lyle and Jack Bond on the iorward ine and Bibi Joli and Dan Broaks on de- lence, spclled off by Ted Bag- neli andi Jim Bedford, but ail ta no avail as the defensive wonk ai George Piper, Ted Sheehan,I Jim Woodward and Murray Bates backed bv the steady goal-tend-1 ing afi Dîck Perfect kept them off the score sheet. îven so thcre were some close calîs, once when Dan Vivian shot wide ai the net with the goalie beaten after Erv Brooks fed Dan a perfect pass in front ai the net. Bath Ted Bagneil and Jack Bond missed the corner ai the net with shoîs fromn the wing. From then an it was the obd story ai the Mats hax'ing tao much resenve power on the bench and the Fan Bélts running ouI ai steam so that Bilb Cowle soon found himsebf kick- ing out rubben fromn alb directions as the Mats turned on the heat, eventuably winning il ta 1. Gaal scorers were C. Raby 3, C. Piper!i Nyal Creophos Stops Stubhorn Coughs Builds Up the body $ 1.25 Bole Brama- Seltzer 29e.55c-98e Alka- Seltzer 34e - 68e Bayer -Ax-~spJin 19e-29c-79e Kotex 40c, Fan BeJ i l 11.»i1ept the puck ram crssing the blue-lîne. Hawever, they found a stumbling black ini the defense z M pair ai Art Rowe and Jack Baker ight Io aie in whibe Jae Piper and Ron Haines kept up their end on back-check- kockey Leaguie ighe Office refused ta be kept Out and Don Masters finally made fit 4 a 3 on a Pbay with Peter 3, A. Woodward 2, George Piper StaceY and Frank Mohun then 1, J. Large 1, Earl Luxton 1. tied it UP with Don Masters get- Offi-p - ose4 . ting' the assist. The game ended Th ecn Offl me4 wHs on o with the Hose Room hemmingi the seco nd gme was ne pa.the Office in their own end but ite fastest andomtheenl ay-thefinding themrselves unable to beat ed cnteta i te sasa astheROY Falls and the Office thus kp Office and Hase faught ta take pace with the Hase bY tieing et Qver second place in the league game 4 to 4.gth standings. The gamne stared at aLeu Sadg terrific pace and was only five Team P W L e Ta F A Pt minutes aid when Jim Martyn Mats 76 T F 3A19 1 blasted ane from the blue-line Hatse-----7 6201263319413 which eluded George Richardson Offie 7 2 3 2 303 34 5 in goal and dropped in the net tafficeit 7 2 5 1 20 .58 4 give the Office a 1 tao0 lead. F et 05 Jim Levett got this one back Leading Scorers shartiy aiter on a play engin- Player Team G A Pts eered by Danny Girardi and the G. Piper Mats 13 6 19 saine Levett made the score 2 ta C. Raby as 961 1 for the Hase, again assisted by C: Piper Mats 8 7 15 GadiK. Nickerson Mats 6 8 14' Then Jack Baker who played C. Ferguson Mats 4 7 il an autstanding game on defense D. Masters Off ice 6 4 10 for the Hase carried the puck aven E. Luxton Mats 6 4 10 the blueline and blasted one past J. Levett Hase 6 4 10 jRoy Falls ta make the score 3 ta 1 G. Sellers Hase 4 6 10 for the Hase Room. Jim Levett __________ then broke into the dlean but Jim Martyn very deftly hooked Lola Wrigvht Lecxds his skates aut from unden and Mantyn cansequently spent the /i th High Score in next two minutes in the sin-bin but Roy Falls was equal ta the Ladies' Major League occasion and Martyn returned ta duty withaut any funther sconing. Manday night was bowlingi Bill Harrison, making his firstI night again. In spite ai ail the appearance after injuring bis foot over-eating and ceebrating dur- in an accident at work, then tick- ing the festive seasan the girls ed the puck into the net aiter turned in some nice effarts. The Jiro Levett had passed the puck top scarers are Lola Wright with on a beautiful rush. and the score ber high single 289, and Donc Mut- was 4 10 i for the Hase. The Oi- tan, high triple, 651. Bath an the f ice came ta lufe and stormed ta same team too. That deserves the attack and Jim Martyn scor- seven points for Donc's team. ed another goal similan ta the Teamn Standing first one, a screened shot fram the Mta blue-line and the score was 4-2. Mcuttn-- - ---y----------------- - 7 Urged on by the war-whaap of MPhîlps----------------------------- 5 Bibi Tait, forwands McGili, Rich- Brmip --«-------------------_5 ards and Wenry kept the puck Boel------- -------- - buzzing araund the net while Jol ----------- ------ 1Tommy Gatchell and Larry Chant Bucknel----------------------- 4 _____________________Etchen----- ----------------- 3 New Toni With Pink Lotion RaIds Set - Lists Longer $1.75 Check Thai Cold Nyal Laxacoid 35e Cald Capsules 60e Graves L.B.A.- 39e - 69e Anohist --50e Chase's Cold Tabs. 59e Kriptin - ------ 39e - $1.25 Pyxithen Camp. ý ------ - 60e Corcidin -------- 60e Frosst's 217's - ----- 35e - 90e Buckley's Capsules ------ 35e Razmab Caps. _ - 65e-$1.35 Dolicin Tablets $2.39-$3.95 r T.R.C. rCapsules r65c-1.35-$5 Buckleys Mixture 50e -85C Modess 40a HOT WATER BOTTLES FROSST'S Guaranteed NEO CHEMICAL FOOD Liquid .---- 1.55-$3.35-$5.90 $1.29 - $1.79 - $2.19 -52.49 Capsules $ 1.65-42.95-116.61) Baby Scales For Reni COWLING' S DPRUGNSTO E WR i 695 DR G SO E TRUSSES '~.1~ A debenrure issue, successfuly flaated, doca not solve youg mhalc sewer problem. The important point îs-haw wili your sewers -stand up"? Many municipalities have found pipe failure developing long beface the debentures wem paid off. Jt'.r a/i a matter el ck0uistry. If sewer pipe cao not the strong corrosive action of Ucids and alkals-rn the sewaAe aod in t'e soil-then youl have a cosdly repiaceincat job on your hands befaee long. Sewage develops gisesthat bave a powerfui d cbk<aaia 'VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE is acid and aikali proof, andi pravides sur and permanent resistance ta sucb chem" caltiou k is "*bonded by fue'!I Iàs assmance of perinency maokes VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE be be and I mou connmcaj isnp VIIRInIED oINDUSIRY auSM b B ucai ------- ----------- .------ 2 Gay ------------------------------ - -2 Major ---------------------_--------2 Piper ----- ----------------------2 MeFarlane---------------------.__ O Hlgh Averages D. Mutton --------------------- 217 V. Pickard ------------------- 216 K. Beaupnie --- ----------213 J. Major ----- ---- 203 L. Phillips ----- ------- 194 L. Bates------------- --------- 193 D. Jolil _---------------------191 A. Nickerson--------------------- 190 L. Wright ---------------------- 190 M. Gouciy ------- --------190 V. Coole ---------»----------_189 J. Firth ------------------ 188 T. Wiseman ------- ---------- 187 F. Brock -------- ---- ....187 K. Biggs -------------------------186 E. Manco ----------------------182 B. Budai_------------ --------- 179 E. Sweetman ------------------179 B. Carter----------------------- 175 E. Bromel ------------------- 175 ,Lemnon League Greta Luxton ------- ------ 70 Alice Hodgson--------------- 92 Lii Cannons--- _---- ...951 Helen Milne . --------------- 95 Olive Mofiat --- ... ----- 94. Freda Yeo ----- 99 Hardware Prizes To Local Women In a necent Christmas draw held at Lander Hardware, three; Bowmanvilbe residents were the winners of valuable pnizes. ayar Sidney Little made the tual draw on Christmas Eve. Pnize winners were: pop-up toasten-Mrs. E. Diling, 61 Kingi St. E.; deluxe kitchen tool sel-I Mrs. R. Bale Sr., 60 Brown St.,1 and bathroom scales-Mns. Keith Bickeil, 85 King St. E. ENNISKILLEN Mn. and Mns. E. A. Werry, Clark, Grant, Bert and Betty Jane wene Saturday evening guests of Mn. and 'Mrs. J. H. McKeever, Oshawa. Mr. and Mna. Tom Wilson and famiby, Hampton; Mn. and Mrs. W. Howeil and iamiby wene Sat- urday evening visitons with Mn. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mrs. Jean Flynn, Margie and Wanda, Oshawa, aI Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb's. Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Ormiston and- family, Bowmanviiie, with Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormistan. Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Page, Patsy and Donnie, Newcasle; Mn. and Mrs. Cari Bradley, Dwight and Mary at Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley's. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon; Mn. and Mrs. Eani Trew- in, Doreen and Donald, Mns. Min- erva Trewin. were Satunday diii- ner guesîs with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms on the occasion ai Mn. Tom's birlhday. Misses Shirley and Diane Av- ery, Bunketan, with thein grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abbert Oke. Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick and Ruth, Mrs. E. SînulI with Mn. and Mrs. Jack Potts, Haydon. Dr. and Mns. C. J. Austin, Bow- manvible; Mn. and Mrs. K. V. Suanefeit aI Mn. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton's. Mn. and Mrs. Earl Masters and famiby visited Mn. and Mrs. How- ard MÇasters, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Bud Lambert and Lorie Lee, Oshawa, wibh Mn. and Mrs. E. MeNain. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Leadbeater on the arrivai ai a bauncing baby boy, a brother for Georgie. Miss Jean Griffin, Biackstock. is the new cierk at John Slernon's store. Sorry ta report Miss Kath.nyn Shemnon has the chicken pox. We wish ber a speedy necovery. Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Gniffin and Heather wilh Mn. and Mrs. Norman Coibacutt. Tyrone. 450,000 Canadian families ne - ported earnings of more tIbm 183.000 in 1951. F.F.. 'creech CwI"i ài Alan "*Caaey" Richards CLEAN-UP CAMPAION (This felia more reaiiy took a The day the school term ended; beating). In the second quarter last year, Mr. Dippeil bid us al the Hiilstown crew carne aiong a Merry Christmas and asked' fast and consequentiy played bet- some of the boys to return the. ter bail and were at this point r)ext day and heip get the sehool: giving the local quintette a runi in order for the New Year. Miss for their mother. B.H.S. started Methven conducted a group of pressing with the resuit that they these boys putting up new pi- started foulrng anyone and every- tures and cleaning and moving one. At the end af the f irst haîf the oid ones, and Mr. Stacey and the loéais were leading by the Mr. Hazeli directed the group who scant separation af 14-12. The were cieaning up the attic and third quarter was fast and with shifting all the equipment around less fouiing on both sides. Then to make more room. late in the final quarter the hasts The most noticeable bit ofI got hot and couldn't miss ye aide work, however, was done by Mr. hoope. The tail, skinny fella for Ross and a group of volunteers the locals, fella by the name af who painted the doors af the Kelly, who was everywhere, was gym and the locker room in really finding range and started bright colours. as weîî as painting dropping them in, much ta the ail the equipment in the gym. visîtors' disgust. The score endeci up 31-26, with BH.S. winning A group of first formers plast- their initial match of the season. ered a coat aofiat-white on every- Kelly led point-getters with 16. thing they could see inside the Hooper foilowed with 8, Poole 6 shower room and the lavatory, and Richards with 1. and Mr. Ross and a few boys from _________ the upper forms covered it over with bright green paint. Some- one, when he first saw the new W±ESLEYVILLE paint job, remarked, "Well, wha' ____ d'ye know! Even the walls have Last Thursday night's snow- got chlorophyll in 'em nowadays!" storm caused some apprehensioni The janitars, of course, did among "Susie's Sweet Swings-J their usual important part in ail ters" who were rehearsing their this work. nplayv at Mrs. R S1thore' bu, DANCE The Athletic Society played hast ta the Pont Hope teams and al their supporters last Friday nighl afler the basketball games. The dance took the iorm ai a "Sweat- er Hop", and nearly everyone wone a sweater. It cast as much "fan a single persan withaul a sweater" as il did for "a couple in a sweater" to get in ta the dance. There was a fairly large crowd in attendance and for a change the ginls did nat greaîiy out- numben the boys. In this re- spect, il seems ta have been the most successful #dance sa fan. Usualiy the girls sil along the sides ai the auditorium and smile at the boys, who stand in the doorways trying la get up the nerve*ta ask the girls to dance. There were very few people ait- ting out any oi the dances this time howeven-perhaps because the visiting' boys danced with the local gitls and vice versa. Such "fraternization" tends to streng- then inter-schoaî relations, and the visitons have pramised la tny to return the hospitality they re- ceived he next lime we visit their school. P.S.-Most ai the couples wore two sweaters. One each, you know. SPORTS (By Don Bate) TWIN KILLING Friday evening Port Hope High we re the visitars aI B.H.S. but B.H.S. did nat play the part ai, t h e hast when ils Bantam and Junior teams sent the visitons home in deieat anidsl the cries ai woe by many P.H.H.S. rooters. The Bantams starled il. off by handing them a 16-9 score. The paint-getters were: G. Marlowe with 6, Fergusan 5 and Jahnson 5. The teamn played good bail cansidering that there was tnt a man who had any experience at ail befare, and who, and I quote, "Iwere nat supposed ta win a game at ail this year," inom samne- ane who shauld know. The second game ai the aven- ing was packad with lhrilis a]- thaugh B.H.S. wha wene nover behind ail game wera then again nat tao fan in front aI ail. B.H. S. were the more aggresiive in! the final quarter and therefore were in Possession ai the bal mare with the resul thal theî' shot and ai cour-se scored mare. il was onby a sait feathery fal and bnought no blocked raads. One ai the cast, Miss Clara Danke, retuiîned fromn a holiday trip ta Chicago ta be on hand fan the iirst praclice. While in that city. she had the pleasune ai be- ing present aI Don McNeîi's Breakfast Club broadeast. There bas been consîderable sickness fron severe colds and flu, but we're glad ta repart mast are feeling better again. Muriel Masan was home fnom ber wark in Port Hope with flu. Little Erle Ashby is suffering in a dii- fenent way-inomn chieken pox. Her many iniends here are gbad ta know that Miss Stella Bennett is making a satisfactary recavery followîng an operation in Port Hope hospitai. Executive ai W. A. met at Mrs. Arnold Austin's ta ne-arrange the grouping of members, and ta pban wonk for coming year. Those present besides the hostess wene ,esdames Reeve, H. AustinG. Tufford, E. Barrowclough, Ber- niece Best. Membens ai the stenciiling clasai met at Mrs. Sculthorpe's on Fni- day aitennoon ta begin work an the vaniaus articles ai their choice. Most ai this same energetic group attended Institute the previaus Wednesday, while a different graup met at Mn. and Mrs. Allan Ciarke's ta make arrangements fan a course in metai work. This wilb begin next week with an ex- pected attendance of about 12. Altendance at Sunday School was up on Sunday mornoing and theî-e were 22 participants in the, Communion service. Mrs. L. Heldaway, accampanied by greaî-granddaughter Bannie Austin, visited ber sister, Mrs. A. Glover in Oshawa. In this second week ai January, 1953, nain hais taken a*iay moat' ai the light snow, and if's interest- ing ta campare an obd diany of the same week in 1.884: "Will Mead- ows and E. Banrowcbough made a noad bo the woods with great di- iiculty. cutting through five feet ai snow ta get to the station." Qi course it isn't necessary la hunt up an aId diary ta remem- ber deplh ai snow on the same raad. Pobiomyebitia is caused by a virus which is a disease-produc- ing organism, diiiering irom bac- tenia in its very small size and the fadt that it is a complete par- asite and must neproduce in aj living cell. Sienabrinys BIGGER PROFITS!I .ICoit a bumper crap of better jI tobacco-the kind that rates" on the market, you need a top-quality plant food. Swift's BLENN is the tobacco grower's answer to this need! Like Mrs. Demunk, year after year, more and more Ontario tobacco growers are proving this fier! For biggen profits in the form of mucb greater tobacco yields and reably fine quabity tobacco crops, get the tbnifty plant food in the iNzw red plaid bag. Order your supply of BIenn todoy. SWIFT CANADIAN CO., LIMITED PLANT FOOD DIVISION P.O. box 39,'New Toronto, Ont. BET ANYwere most encouraging, showing league: donated ta Missions and BETHANY the past year ta have been oneofhadi balance o $23.00. definite progress. Mrs. Manseli Report of parsonage trustees The Ladies' Good Luck Orange Wright gave the financial state-: was given by, Mervin Porteous partgin he O ragressHall on Fn ment, stating al obligations met who stated repairs had ben made 1 prtyintheOrngeHal o Fr-,and a balance on hand in the at a cosý of $118.90 atxd, the#r day evening. Carl Porteaus won church treasury of $276.70. Mrs. present balance was $111. 'C4ar- the doar prize. High scores went T.J. Jackson, treasurer of M. &: ence Rowan, treasurer of CemW ta Charles Smith and Mrs. Carl M. Committee stated $374.10 hadý tery Comm. reported cemetery Porteous, consolation pnîzes ta been forwarded ta h9ad office.j being looked after and $394.68 Mrs. William Jordan and Chas. Woman's Association reports were ? availabie. In his pastoral repart McGill. gîven byMs1ere adl n Rev. James Hiampson listed six Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ivullhgan Mrs. Wellington Failis showing a.I deathssixbapsmsad10 ei and their daughter Sharilyn and very active year. Sum aof $995.96,dn emes M.Dula Driver, Toronto, had been raised by the ladies and The sumn of $20.00 was voted wihMr. And Mrs. Gervin Mulli- they had used this to redecorate te the choir te furnish î'new M g and..NrmnWlo the Sunday Schol room, purchase mtc.A . okmo a Mr. wn dauMrs NormaWlsnd new curtains for the choir loit, special vote af thanks toetlie an tindagher Nrm adre-uphoister pulpit chairs, and ladies of the congregd io n for Anne Yeveron. itiMr.anda new drape for the pulpit: dona- their work of redecoratiný Iso ta Mrs. Vincent Jackson. tost il'Tann School, 1 Milton Weatherilt for h èq Mis Gidtsiiels. woeh Girl.s'nd:ChrchniExtension ltary labour in repairs ta bu1Ild been with the local staff of The Fund and to Church Board, withi Mr. Hampson expressedhi Bank of Toronto has been trans- a balance of $193.87. preciation tealal the leader ferred ta the Elm St. branch in Ms er aea eae the~ different groups and to Toronto. MsHnyJkmnrltd4 FnindsaiMr.MitonWet hr-activities af W.M.S. who had 12 entire congregation for their loy- ut iie plefMsedMito nwethat- meetings, sent two balles of cloth- ai support and interest in the het has reurned ro t. Jnose ti ng and quilts for mission work work of the church. In return, andP and $153.25 te headquarters. Sun- Donald Lowes voiced the appreci. Hospital, Peterborough, and aino l h ebr oRv convalescing at hiý own home. day S chool report given by Chas. JamsHmsnfrhsutr Robent Rviey has neturned te' Weatheriit showed an average at: ae apo frbsutrn Lakefield, continuing his studies tendance of 40: $85.00 given to leadership. at the Grave Preparatory School. Missions, treats suppiied for the Mrs. Sarah Johnston, who has chiidnen at Christmas; ail books been in failing health for some, and supplies paid for and a bal- TI CK ET S time was taken by ambulance to, ance of $15.71. Allan Beer read TO EVERYWHERE a pnivate nursing home in Lind- report of Young Peopie's Union,ý Air, Rail 'or Steamship say on Saturday. who held 23 meetings with aver- - Consuit Messns. William Bigelow and i ge aitendance of 19. They had .1 u R V? & 1, 0 V E L L Norman Lowes have returned to' donated monev ta help redecor- Boivmanvîlle Toronto where they are both at- ation of chtmrch basement po- 1.5*King st. W. Phone 778 tendîng Uni'versity. sored a softbali teamn in cuc United Church W. A. Mrs. George Wadell entertained1 members of United Church W. A. and as programme convenor for' Group One gave a ýalk which she termed "A New. Year's Message af Thankfulness". Mrs. T. J. Jackson gave a read- ing "The New Year". Mrs. Har- old Sanderson read a poem "A Thankful Heant". A contest on jumbled names of the New Testa- ment was won by Mrs. Clarence Rowan. Mrs. Manseil Finney presided for the' business session. Mis' Wellington FaUlis gave the treas- urer's report showing $995 .29 be- ing received and a balance af! $193.87. Donation of $5 wasi made ta the "Save The Childreni Fund". Mrs. Clarence Rowan 1 read the scripture and Mrs. Henry Jakemnan gave the lesson Special Feature- Braeside Grade A tboughts and led in prayer. The group one, serveâ a dainty lunch. L R ECU4 Congregational Meeting Annual congregational meeting of the United Church was held Snowflake - Special an Jan. 7. These afficens were elected: Board of SessionVictor H R IL m IW il.can Preston, Donald Lowes, Lesliel Monk, Henry Jakeman, Harry Challice, Ailan Beer, Mervin, Porteous and Milton Weatherilt.'<.i 4 , Stewards-Mansell Finney, T. J. ~'~ L~b Jackson, Dr. G. M. Longfield. Carl Porteous, Milton Wright, Extra Fresh No. 1 Ceilo Ernest Stacey, A. H. Watson, Earl Vacuum Park Firm Ripe Weatherilt. Manseil Wright, Geo.. ~ EDEDGIPRE Waddell, Walter Rowland, J. C. IC BER U 15TE Cummiskey, Clarence Rowan, T ~ ~ETO MAT OE S Ralph Rowan, Thomas Shea. LETT C Sec'y-Earl Weatherilt; Treas.- MNIs. Preston Neals. Represent- 2 l'or292Fo35 1 atives te Officiai Board-~LMrs. Manseil Finney, President ai W.1 _______________________________ A., Mrs. George Waddell, Presi- l No. 288 - Navel - Sweet Juicy Doz. dent W.M.S.; A. H. Monk, Supt. Sunday School. Missionary andi Maintenance Comm.-Mrs. T. J. Jackson, treas.; Mns. G. M. Long- Sunk s Or n e25 tieausDoEald LWeatenil Cor I o n arld Lweserin Pahorik s r n e 5 Leader-Harry Presto'n. Ushers1 Queen's Royal Sliced or Unsieed -Allan Beer. Edwin Chaîbice, Or- 1 LICED 20-oz. tin RICHMELLO leChaibice, Hubert Lowes, How- 1 PLLLW L 2For35cj REA 14 ard Rowan,, Ralph Rowan, EarI 'rDlAIA. Weatheribt, Charles Weatherilt. Sexton-George Smith, Chu rch' ue hrot Trustees-J. C. Cummiskey, Man- ue CalttI' seli Finney, Victory Grandy, Mil- ton4Wright, A. H. Monk, Clarencel O IE E S L4 1 i 9 Rowan, Otto Spencer, George O K YE A M Ntn 39 Waddeib, A. H. Watson, Mi lton Weatherilt. Parsonage TrusteesI Rose - Special Value -Mrs. T. J. Jackson, Mrs. W.' L Rowan, Earl Weatheribt, Porteous, treas.. Henry Jakean 3i b. Jj charmn.Cemetery Comm.-; Leslie Chaîbice, M. Finney, W. Hutchinson, Thomas Jennings, O.' ELVLERA AU [Spencer. W. L. Rowan, C. Rowan,RALV UERA VLE treas. Lloyd Kennedy, Mi]toný Deluxe Aunt Saliy's Two Fruit Weathe lt, chairman . AuditorsD RSI N -Jelw CMumse n rn A AIR1ALADE Reports tram al argani7ations DRESSING Banker - Delicious CR0 COLATE MALLOWS - Tasty - Biscuits 20) in pkg. 37e Vis - U.S. CS GAR 7,UT ' ris pig o 2033e MEAT SPECIALS POIR BT ROAST NECK BONES Mb. 55C 7c DOLOGNA lcdl Veôu,,e. Erfiect;,'e Tfiwrsdoy, Fridêy &Set'doy, ..Leq. 15tn, NÀbh & 17th W bGOID EG&STSSLîIV ME FAMOUS SCENIC VIEWS 'Corne to Iife* lN PULL COLOR... THUEE DIMENSIONS Take thriling armchair trips ta Ameri. tan National Parka and Cities, ta South America, Hawaii, England, Switzer- tend, Palestine with View-Master ster- *ascapic "travel" pictures. Pictures art mounted in seven-ecent Reels for use in View-Master Stereascopes and Pro- jetors. Ovet 300 different Reels now availabie, - k~:ià* STE REOSCOPE $2L, 0 .95 3 . W. JE 17aiDWisG mnii PHONE s V ~wasl1I IW EL L I175 THE PENNIES THAT MAKE IT $0 1HRIJTYI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLi. ONTAtIO THURSDAY, JANUART 15, lues