TfflRSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1953 THE CANADIANSTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO f4ttle., Gail Malcolm, Nestieton, has been holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- leY Malcolm. STa JOHN'S <ANGLICAN) Rev. Warren Turner, BA., B.D. 8 a.m HOLY COMMUNION iarn - CHORAL COMMUNION Sermon: "Jesus of the Happy Times" 7 pan. - "INAUGURAL SERVICE" Town Council, School Board in attendance. Mon., Feb. 2nd - VESTRY MEETING (Cantinued fram Page One) The six fortunaté girls will ho accompanied on their trip by Miss Constance Williston, Doriiinion Girls' Wo.qker in the Anglican Chumch. '1'beir ages range ho- tween 161' and 18',2 years. Tbey wiUl sail on the Empress of Scot- land on May 15 and return on the Empress of Canada on June 30. The fare for the boat passage will ho met by the Ecclesiasticai Province of Ont., and the rail- way fare by the Toronto Diocosan W. A. whosc representative Jessie wili bc. Jessie's fellow members of the G. A. and the congregation of St. Jobn's Church are not alone in feeling proud that one of ils mem- bers bas been chosen for tbis great honour. One of« the first congratulatory messages to ar- rive was from the Bisbop of the Diocese, and judging by the num- ber of messages of congratulation eceived, from friends and rîeigb- bours in the comunity and Town- ship of Cartwright, as xveil as those from outside, Jessie is fort- unate, flot onlv la be one of the. few chosen for the Coronation. tnip-but also 10 have the good wishes of so many friends. Week of Prayer (Continued from Page One) calling us ta enlist in a conquer- ing Church. -May God help us in Ibis new year la bake -aur church membership seriausiy, Ihat going out to batle, the gales of bell shahl nol prevail against us," Dr. Cameron concluded. The choir af St. Paui's under the direction nf Mrs. Rota Dudley, contributed 10 the service of worship vith the anthem -Seekj Vo The Lord" in which Mr. D. A . MeGregor was soloist. Rev. H . A. Turner. minister af St. Paul's,I pronounced the benedictioni. SOCAL IDPERSONAL PHONE 3303 Mrs. Willard Cook, Oshawa, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Miss Linda Alidread, New- castle, spent the weekend with her cousin, Miss Jacqueline Bird. Mrs. F. S. Phillips who has been visiting relatives at Owen Sound spent the weekend wîth Mrs. Chas. A. Wight before re- turning ta Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm and family, Nestieton; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Black- stock, were Sunday dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Miss E. Barker, 58 Maitland St., Toronto, besides sending her renewal ta The Statesman makes this mueh appreciated comment: "Your newsy paper and its in- teresting articles are enjayed each week." Jack Miller, praprietor of Miller's Taxi, is canvinced that this district is due for an eariy spring after finding a horse chest- nut branch loaded with buds seemingly about ready ta, burst int bloom. Mrs. B. F. Davis left by plane last week for ber home in Glendale, Calif., after spending two months at the home of her brother, Mr. H. J. Babcock, and taking care af Mrs. Babcoek after her return from the has- pital. HospitalAuxiliary (Continued from Page One) V. Braden;- Telcphotie-Mrs. R. ,owie; Inventory-Mrs. V. H. Lorey. In addition to these officers and onveners Mrs. C. W. Slemon and Irs. W. H. Birks form the Exe- ttive Committee. New president, Mrs. T. W. iwker, in ber opening remarks, àanked the ladies for electing er to this "position of bigh bon- Ur combined with great respon- [lity and bard work." ]Buying Committee submitted' ills for $145.24 wbich were rdered paid. Superintendent re- ested new draperies for the .rses' residence which was Mrs. Dippeil as convener for Bazaar on June 4 reported these conveners for the various booths: Assistant Generai Convener-Mrs. C. W. Siemon; Cbildren's booth, divided: chiidren's clothing-Mrs.' Braden, Toys-Mrs. C. Seimon, Kniting-Mrs. Cowie; Kitchen- Mms. M. Roenigk; Plants, etc.- Mrs. A. M. Tbompson; Brides' Booth-Mrs. B. Vanstone and Mrs. A. Smith; Home Cooking-Mrs. M. Vanston and Mrs. H. Rundie; Candy-Mrs. E. Oliver; Parcel Post-Mrs. H-. Goddard; Tea Roorn--Mrs. J. O'Neill; W hite Elephant-Mrs. Robson and Mrs. Morrili. Mr. and Mrs. F. Morrill are again opening their home for bridge parties in February. A beautiful band painted Lazy Susan has been donated by the artist, Mrs. Fred Moody, of' Mantreal. Tickets for a draw on this are being looked after by Mrs. M. Roenigk and wili be drawn at tbe Birthday Party in March. The president welcomed several new members. Ladies of the Auxiliary xisb it to ho known that any ladies in Bowmanviile and district who would like ta join this bard working argan- ization, and are wiiling ta work, would ho very welcome. Mem- bership is not by invitation. A refreshing cup of tea and sandwiches wcre enjoyed at the close. w M: cu thi he ou sit orc qui Jnu: St. Andrew's Ladies Joint Meeting of Canadian Foresters Elect Officers. Plan Valentine Tea IBod Installation Ceremony Here Annual meeting af St. Andrew's I Ladies' Aid Society was hehd an Francis Thompson New Chief Ranger Tuesday whon a mast successful year was 'indicatod by tbc splen - did reports given by the Secrebary 1 At a joint cceomony held in Bowmanville, responded. and Treasumer. St. John's Panish Hall on Wed- Mayor M. Vanstone, Bowman- These afficers were eiecbed: nesday night af hast week offi- ville, present as a guest, brought Hon. Presidens-Mrs. A. G. Scott cors of Court Bawmanviile, No. greetings ta bbe members of the and Mrs. Camuthers; President- 964 and Court Oshawa, No. 501, Order. and wished tbe new offi- Mrs. S. G. Chartran; lsb Vice- Canadian Order af Foresters, were cers success in thecoeming year. Mrs. Alex Cameron; 2nd Vice- insballed for 1953. Over 100 For- We regret that ln this columi last week we reported Mrs. Gec Roberts participating in the fun eral service for the late Hon Gardon D. Conant, as a membe of Simcoe St. United Churci choir. This shauld have read Mrs. Wm. Roberts. The nexv addition to the Lion: Community Centre which con tains a banquet hall and a Bai Scout and Cubs meeting room ir the basement, xviii be officialI1 opened an February 7th. Th( generai public is cardially in. vited ta attend this ceremony. Our retired gracer, Harrý Allin, bas answered aur inquirý of last week as ta who aperated the skating rink at the aid Drill Shed before Alex Taylor took over. Harry says it was the Dominion Organ & Piano Ca. Band with Dave Morrison, Sr., the conductor of the band. Faith and Evangelism con- veners Greta MacMaster and Marg Stacey presented the wor- sbip service at Trinity Young People's Monday night. The busi- ness period was conducted hy President Helen Nelies. Tbe re- mainder of the meeting was spent in addressing cards for the Young People's Installation Ser- vice ta be beld on Sunday, Jan. 17th. Blackstock Girl Model RM703 Rogers - Majestic TELE VISION Equipped with newesb advanced designs by Canadian Engineers and eafîsmen. - Clearer Pietures - Better Sound One of the Many Rogers Majestic Features is jthe "tascode" Tuner whieh praetically elirninates the annoylng "«snow" effeet. in 0. ri n. d, is enue for 1939. Marbles in stock. xospitals. 'g- - MAPLE GROVE Film Board pictures will be shown Thursday (this evening) i the basement of the church at 8 p.m. Miss Mildred Snowden spent the weeknd mn Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday anýd son Donnie. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Snow- den, Toronto. Mrs. Edna Jewell, Cannington, visitmng ber cousin, Mrs. J. D. Stevens and ather relatives. "Cotton Queens" met on Jan. 13 at Marilyn Flintoffs. It open- ed wîth the rail eau, "an article which is special in my record book". Mrs. Munday showed us many different kinds of facings. The rest of the meeting was spent ayq the eutting and pinning of aur dresses. Next meeting at Mrs. E. Stephenson's on Jan. 27. W.M.S. met Jan. 7 with 18 members present. Mrs. Somer- ville apened the meeting and in- stalled the afficers for 1953. President Mrs. S. Morton thanked Mrs. Somerville and others for their ca-operatian in the past year and haped for the same as- sistance in the New Year. Re- ports were given by different Secretaries and the Treasurer. President reparted on December meeting wben CEXG.I.T. affiiiated wxth W.M.S. It was decided that the sewing committee, Mrs .,J. D. Stevens, Mrs. H. Brooks, Mrs. Ross Stevens, Mrs. C. H. Snow- den look after same Red Cross sewing and knitting. Mrs. H. Brooks is taking charge for naw as Mrs. J. D. Stevens is under the doctor's care. Programme Com- mittee for Feb. are. Mrs. C. Jef- fery and Mrs. A. Laird. Mrs. Burgess took charge of worship period, with the following taking the prayers-Mrs. C. Jeffery, Mrs. A. Beech, Mrs. H. Freeman, Mrs. R. Warden, Mrs. C. H. Snawden. VIrs. H. Brooks taok charge of the programme. Sections were read by Mrs. H. Freeman, Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Mrs. I. Munday, on the need of assistance at the different -zone rallies and expressed regret Sat his resignation. Comrade John Humphries spon- sored a motion, which was pass- ed unanimously, that in future the Ladies' Auxiliary be sent a tletter of acknowledgement and thanks for ail sums donated to the branch. A motion by Com- rade Vince Mathewson that a letter of thanks be sent to the Ladies' Auxiliary for their great help in staging the New Year's Eve dance was also endorsed. President Preston reported that a profit of approximately $75 had been realized on the dance and complimented members on their excellent conduct at the affair. He had not heard a single com- plaint in regard to the dance, he said, and ail present had enjoyed it very much. He thanked Com- rades Mathewson, Jim Woodward and Ernie Perfect for their work in making the dance a success. A letter was received fromn F. C. Ramsden, Pension and Wel- fare Branch, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, announcing that he xviii bo in B.owmanville on Jan. 15 ^rm 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. to assist veterans with any problems they may have. Reports of Monty Goslett,j Chairman of the Building Fund Committee and Treasurer Jack Rice showed small favourable balances in the building and general funds. General Welfare Chairman Ray Abernethy reported Comrade Don Morris iii with the mumps and; stated that gifts would be sent to Comrade Jim McMullen in Suinnybrook Hospital. A letter of thanks for Christ- mias gifts was received froni Comrade J. Allen, Newcastle. Average cost of going to the m-ovies in 1951 was 38 cents, ex- luding taxes. salo r DOW Contuins vit«Min 812 in addition ta iron, cobalt and vitamin B in poste form M /oz. tube ...... $130 (enough for 20 pigs) 7 Cocoanul Ou Shampoorg.3e n 4c2 7c, 39c Hot Waier BoiUle gurane- rear $1.39 Minerai Ou 1, & 40 oz., reg. 55e & $.10 43c,87c Wax Paper 100HÎ1. rll n b. 28c, 2 for 55c COUGH & COLD REN4EDIES Idarub Mentholated Chest Rub, 3-oz.------------ --43c De Vilbiss Atomizers $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 Pinex Cough Syrup Concentrate 75c Prepared Pinex (ready to use) --- -- -- --50c, 85c Idaphedrin Aqueous Nose Drops 65e Mason's 49 Cough Remedy - --- 45c, 75c Sucrets Antiseptie Throat Lozenges ----------35c Dr. Chase's Compound Tablets --- 59c, $1.49 Dr. Chase's L. & T. Cough Syrup --- 43c, 89e Lantigen "B" Dissolved Oral Vaccine $6.00 Mentholatum, 1 and 3-oz, --43c, 89c Bromo-Quinine CoId.Tablets------ 39c, 69e I.D.A. Baby or Children's Cough Syrup ------ 50e Infrared Heat Lamp $1.55; "Red Bowl" -- $3.95 POWDEM woo-D URY'sPUFF " Y' SPECIAL! SOAP Regular 10c cake forVelour Puffs cakesfor6 c 8c, 2 for 15e 5 grain - 100's Help keep the whole family in the1 winter by building resistance toi ills. Many well recommended plying needed vitamins are1 IDA. Cod Liver Oul Capsules, 14 ,o ----- ------- - --------- $1.19 Kepler's Malt and Cod Liver 011 $1.00, $1.75 Mead's Oleum Percomorphum $1.10, $4.60 Mead's Cod Liver Oi - ------ 75e, $1.60 One-A-Day A & D Tablets $1.35, $2.50 I.D.A. COD LIVER O]IL B.P. Standard Rybutol ----- - ----- - $1.98, $3.49, $5.95 Squibb 10-D Cod Liver 01 1 $.00, $2.25 Squibb B-Complex Capsules, 100's $3.75 Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver 011----------------- --- $1.25 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY NEED$ NO N EDIRALIZER! e because Prom noutroix.s automatically * "Takes'" every time e Waves with any plastic curlers on> $.7 best of health this colds and other produots sup- listed here. Speeili! I.D.A. Brand HALIBUT LIVER: OIL CAPSULES Bialagicaily assayed, and sbandardized for high potency. 100's 500'sJ reg. 1.29 reg. 4.79 93c $3.89 IIDAMALT 1-lb. jar, reg. 73c 590 2-lb. jar, reg. 1.19 890 4-lb. jar, reg. 2.09 à. Alex. Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store We Deliver Phone 792 McGregor, Drugs Trinity W.A. held the firsi meeting of the new Year Jan. 13. Mrs. Endersby had charge of the devotional and recîted a poem containing belpful thoughts. Mrs. G. Goheen gave a very inspiring prayer; Mrs. 0. Plummer read the 27th Psalmi and Mrs. Phyllis Chailis Barrett played Paderew- ski's Minuet. Officers for 1953 were insbalied by Rev. Arthur Morgan. Mrs. Chas. Johns is the new president. The various groups gave their reports showing that 1952 bad been a banner year for the arganization. ýST, PAUL'S UNITED CHURCII Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M., Organist e~i .m.- Special Speaker Rev. Floyd Honey, B.A., SaTIIMa "Is The Church in China a Lost Cas f 7 p.m. - Evening Worship TRJiN1TY UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A. :OO00A.M.- "The Power of God" 7:30 P.M.- Annual Young People's Service and Fireside PREACHER: Rev. Floyd Honey, B.A., S.T.M. Installation of Officers FIRESIDE Mo'ving pictures of a home mission field in the Canadian West shown by Mr. Stanley Snowden. Mr. D. C. Peters, Phyllis Challis Barrett, L.T.C.M., Director of Music. A.T.C.M., Organist. QUALITY FOODS - al Low Prices Bec Hive Corn Syrup 2-lb. tin Club Iffouse 16-oz. jar . 31c Peanut Butter - 39c Roney Butter - 37c Pie Apples .- - 26c BREEZE SPECIAL Regular Size Giani Size 1with with C.1annnn LDAA p U VYnL L/ iinI J1 39c 1 by's Mixed 15-oz. tins Aylmer Výgetab1es - 2 For 31c Peas Heinz 13-oz. bottie Burns Ketchup . . . 28c Lard un1 le 1 Uwel 77c Choice 4-5 20-oz. tin - - * -21c **2L. 35C NARGENE FREE DELIVEEY YEO'rS ~~JUS AND GItOCEIRJES IWUNG ST.1. OWMANVIE PHO&E 3367 m 0 a a m a Lb. 37c Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin; Treasurer -Miss G. Gracey. Conveners of committees-Mrs. J. Coyle and Mrs. A. Honeyman. Arrangements were made far the annual Valentine Tea at the home of Col. L. T. McLaughiin on Friday, February l3th. Legion Of ficers (Continued framn Page One) i -----.iro xiowmn, viiv, us wa and Toronto, and their xvives were present at tbe ceremany which was conducbed by Bro. M Mclntyre Hood, District Deput3 High Chief Ranger, Oshawa. Bro. Hood was assisted by Bro F. Blackburn, PCR, Bowman« ville; Bro. C. Ferguson, PDDHCR Oshawa; Bro. George Matthews PCR, Oshawa; Bro. John Shaw, PCR, Oshawa, and Bmo. Thomas Masterson, PCR, Bowmanviiie. Officers Installed The officers installed for the Bowmanvilie Court xvere: Past Chief Ranger-Bro. Robt. Craig; Chief Ranger-Bro. Fran- cis Thompson; Vice Chief Ranger -Bro. E. King; Chaplain-Bra. Fred Griffin; Recording Sec'y- Bro. Gien Prout; Financiai Sec'y -Bro. Harry Snowden; Sr. Wood- ward-Bro. H. Potier; Jr. Wood- ward-Bro. J. Macnabb; Senior Beadie-Bro. D. Hearne; Junior Beadle-Bro. K. Sbackleton. Banquet Speeches The installation coremony was proceded by a delîghtful banquet, over whicb Bro. Robert Craig, me- tiring Chiof Ranger of Court Bowmanviiie, presidcd. Bro. M. Melntyre Hood proposed the toast ta the Canadian Order of For- esters stressing the value of the frabernal associations enjoyed within the ranks of the order and the protection whicb it afforded for the wives and famnilies af its members. Bro. Geo. W. Gýraham,' PCR, Bowmanville, responded., Bro. Douglas Trivott, O shawa pmaposed a toast to the ladies, ta which Mrs. Francis Thompson, -ricb Deputy Bro. Hood presented a P t Chief Ranger's jewel to Bra.%oRbert Craig, the retiring Chief Ranger af Court Bowman- ville, camplimenbing himi on bis devobian ta duty and successful aperabian of the Court in 1952. Others who spoke were Bro. C. Fergusan, PDDHCR, Oshawa; Bro. F. Blackburn, POR, Bowmanville; Bro. Geo. Matthews, PCR, Osh- awa, Bro. T. Masterson, PCR, Bawmanville; Bro. Ed. Henderson, PCR, Oshawa, and Bra. Alex Fedosaff, DDHCR, Toronto West District, who was present with a gmoup of afficers and members from Court Lakeshore City, of New Toronto. Entertainment Programme An excellent programme af en- tertainment was pesented, feat- ured by Dannis Verrico, a talent- ed pianist who recently came fram Australia; Gien Prout, bani-t tone soloisb, Bawmanvilie, and a girls' quartette compased of Bar- bara Goddard, Beverly Frank,c Carol Gibnem and Bea Craig, whos presented a deiightful series af1 harmonized nursery rbymes anda barber shap quartette sehections.d Douglas Trivetb expmessed then tbanks of the visitars for thel splendid haspitality and the ex-p cellent programme provided by t Court Bowmanville.A Cosb of national health Insur- p ance scheme is estimabed at $600,- b 000,000, about ane-fifbh mare thanS entire federal gavernment rev- ri LDRUG STOR.ES] - f :devendent COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE or ists ~ SPECIAL VALUES AND REMfINDERS FOR TIIURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS on 1..ID. A, DRANDS ILow-cut week-end prices bring you extra savings on FOR QIi FIRST JAID these I.D.A. products, ail sold on a M7 m . a oe-back guarantee. Il -'l ] 3-0 m L-we Deliver Burns" Night Supper Again Sponsore 'd by Legiori Pipe Barnd The Scotch are in for a real " night on Sdturday, January 24., The Bowmanville Legion Pipae Band are again sponsoring anoth-,ý er Burns' Supper to be heid in the Legion Hall. As last year, the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary are catering for the dînner whicii will include everything frorn haggis to bannocks with, a full course dinner in between. Special entertainment has been imported from Toronto this year. Tom Hamilton, famous Scotch comedian and Kathleen Codling,' Highland dancer, are two of the outstanding performers who wil be present. Follawing the din- ner and entertainment there will be a dance with all the old time Scotch favourites in the lime- light. Tickets for this great event may be obtained from any member of the Legion Pipe Band. Proceed- ings are due ta start sharp at 6:45 p.m. on Saturday, January 24th. In the first 10 manths of 1952 Canada exported almost haîf a billion dollars wortb of wheat and almost three-quarters of a billion dollars worth of pulp and pape?. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precîse workmanship and careful attention ta detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and q 33c 1 PAGE SEVZW Cascara Tablef s