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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1953, p. 9

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TEURSDAY, 3ANUARY 22. lý Promninent Economisi Demands Eqiiy for Canadian Farmers (John Atkins ai Tire Rural Scene) There -are twa ways outc External and internai forces are rural Canadas ecaonric dilem. warlcing against the rural econ- iwirich s deepening rapidiy despit amy oi Canada.I minor surface indications. Tire- neturns for an houn ai work One is ta let events take fhi in rurkl areas are going down and course firraugi tire channels du hours aio work are lengtirening.I by government. which may plu Tire returus for an irour ai wark at any time. Tire ofirer is ta nE in- ur4an' employment are going move tire stop iogs from th up, coïts are still ising and or bureaucratic dams and let price oi-,work per week are shorteniing., and wages find tireir true level Tis ~enbrgo16n tire shipment; in domestic and world market& oi cattle <ç,ets t the United 1T he Canadian Governmer States.4s Îontinuing irardsirip ta sbouid press even barder for ir Canadlan f4ymers. ;' ternatianal measures. within an Thre cost o 'grain frornitire great- ; outside tira commonwealth, tir est prsîire crop is discouraging' will increase trade and stabiliz easterri cattie feeders and dairy-' money. men. Witirin Canada action cannat b United Statès farmiers are de-, taken too quickiy ta augmer m andg greater protection against gnan-selling forces by pernrittm imporit of food from Canadatire open market ta operate freel and Congress iras faied ta impIe- alangside« tire cap-pulsary mark ment ehe agreement made be- eting af food produets. tween the United States, Canada,! Natiing need be doue no Holl8nd and othen nations caver-1 should anytiring be donc ta impai ing tire importation of dairy pro- 'tire legitimate rigirts of wonker duefs.-c and their unions, but tireir i Tire Canadian gaverument com- legitimate priviieges, wirich dE pels aIl western farmers ta sel stray tiere ight ta belong ta th f heir- grain tirraugir its compul- union ai anes awn choice, an sory lrrarketing scireme. Thus thus deny tiere igirt ta worl the ,;e4reir for markets for Can- should be removed at once. ada'a greatest grain crop is limited Witir farmers again free ta pro ta tire bureaucratie grain board. duce and ta buy and seli as the Can dian labor iaws affect wag- may ciroose and workers freec es wirtle fann r pices are iorced do any work tirat is goad fo down ta floors by tire law af sup- them, Canada's rural and urba: ply and demand which defies, ecanamies would again flow freel in tirelong run, bath bureaucrafs inta balance, fosfering tradea and pidlitical prices. 1 home and abroad. o r ew Members Inducted Imb L4".s Club by Deputy Governor xNe*Î Banquet Hall Used for First Timi eTie Bowmanville Lions Club a party following tire regula at ifs first 1953 meeting, held iu meeting. the Lions Communify Centre Weîcomed ta membersirip ii Monday nigit added four new tire Club wvere Walter E. RundlE mrembers ta ifs raster, bringing R. R. 2. Bowmanville; Leslie E tire total membensiip ta 69 active hraop, Elmer T. Banting ani mnembers. Ernest W. Bradley, Bowmanvilll Dcputy District Govennor Vic Tirey were prescnted ta tire men Fredcnick, Peterborough, was a bership by Lion Wally Bradei special gucat at tire induction who ouflined their cancers. Mr ceremony whicir was condueted Rundle. ire said, is a prominen by Lion A. M. Tirompson. Mon- Durham farmer; Mn. Tirroop, day nigirt's meeting was tire first Corporal in tire Ontario Provin held in tire new S0, by 70' ban- ciai Police and iread ai tire Bow quet hall since ifs compietian, manvile detacirment; Mn. Bant aud tire various contractons en- ing is Manager oi thre H. C. Down tertaiired tire Lions members at ham Nursery Ca. Ltd. here, anc *1 SEE fl-ý4EJORNSONS IBOUGS<t ONE 0-' THOSEz NIFTV LITTLE ELECTRZC ROON\HATR/ SEnjoy Botter Living-Electrlcal Living. WIth a Low-Cost EIetrie Appliance from1 HPOON ELECTRUC ELECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION AUTHORIZID 42KING STE.EllEDhL 0EE'TR*IC 9x V8ubI1~y~FLLLIflIv onvilles Pbono 438 HOME- APPLIANCE DEALER, Ontario Key Man in Avèregetown, Canada If you live un an average Cana. dian cammunity, you can easiy sec that it's changung. Everywhere you look, new Scopstruction relis a story of jý?dgress. I ere. perhaps. is a handsonie ness store. There, a nem, bridge, office building, power plant. hughw ay. housing ilrapect - or somne other vital developmnent char makes life better for ail. But do you know chat mnany of chese de-. elopinents arc ruade possible by a certain Key Man? And can you guess who he s? He's t/e t;Pic4 /4lie iiszr- ajre Policyb older-reprosent- ing millions of Ca,îadidgs. H-lw can he do aIl this just by owning lfie nsurance? Because a large part of hus preriuum dollars, is inested for him un souind sectiricues which help finance rnany sucir pro jects. Each vear. mare than 225 million lite insurance dol- lars are purta w.,.rk in theçe 2fui ways tram coast ta Coast! Tire lufe ifnlurance policy- holder is a irciptul citizen in another v.-ay. For rire money ire purs aside tor tire future helpa sateguard his ianmily froim eecr becoming a honancial burden ta others. Ail in ail, ires an asserta irhis communury and the nation! \*1HE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA ',fLS GOOD CITIZINSHIP 10 OWAI LIFE INSURANCE' * i g2 - ~ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Mr. Bradley is the Veterans' Land anoic AtIsetrin this area. Nape urove Women'S Institute Crnpt M.Thomrpson pitdotael charge 000n in 10,000 clusa ctivef450-HearsAddress on "Aduli Education" huen 000n in 10an 00rga uactia40- ive> inghts 40 countries af the world. He Ms Of, tersineLions standtheforsleat- y, Mrlioti, B.H.S. Teaching Staff from( ofa trmmndeditnemstatthforslt- culturg ite integrity, aur fiag and language, eght1 new hopes, and service. The abstract subject af educa- sources where matenial might be O.F.A. ir Lion James Marr read them the tien was termed a process where- obtamned for planned reading in resolul ig od aietic aith clb ndin from the cradle ta the grave, women's clubs and gave a fev this gr Pastcresdfet ontheiluasdhUman lufe may be progressive qualities necessary for good lead- Cu ugPst redtemn theWlions cin-'u. eucation, with the greatest les- ership, gaad mental and physical CMr ie. abjects. Past President Bob Kent sons iearned nt the last. We learn heaith, well adjusted, emotionally Nt ,es peetdtenwmmeswt by doing and through experiences. mature, really believe in youn ot cis their lapel buttons, dinner badg- With the foregoing introduction task in hand, willing ta try new 1l you La es and membership certificates ta the subjeet "Aduit Education", methods. cheerful, don't be an receiv, nt and ail the members af the Club Mr. J. R. Elliott of the teaching arm-chair leader. throug ý.. joined in shaking hands andi wei- staff af Bawmanville High Sehool Mlvr. Elliott was introduced by Mrs. rid coming them into the member- addressed the members and guests Mrs. Eber Snowden, convener of Jfr at ship. of Maple Grave Women's Insti- "Citizenship and education" who ford v- ze resdet Hrbet Dea) Gd-tute at their Jan. 12 meeting. was in the chair for the porarm party dae red onterbutt meabersGtha It was a pleasure ta learn that Mrs. Snowden opened ber pro- er. Y be the frst Lions meeting was held Mr. Elliott was famîliar with the! gramn with same heart-searching 1inri dia: mt in the Community Centre in De- general set-up af the W. 1. unden thoughts for the New Year. If Tea rig cember. 1946, and that the new the Ontario Dept. ai Agriculture, we do sore stock-taking howi and a ly banquet hall and Boy Scout meet- and af his contacts in earîy veans l have we mieasured up in the yeari :k- ing hall below it had been estab- with hamemaking club activities, that is gane and what of aur stand- olished in slightiy over six years. concrete evidence of which may ad an measures for the New iThe nr H sttedtha he as eryprod b foud i hi ow hoe. YarIf e iearthe cloak of, airo the new addition. ln cIassifying pnethods af edu- Christ in living just one day at a AI catin itwas atedthatolircon time aur measures inay nat be toa ns District Deputy Governor Viecato twsntd hto o-fan short. il- Fredenick congratulated the mem-î cept af educatian ischngig.In Mns. Ken Sumensford and Mrs. T. le- benship on the new hall and said' institutional education is the Ted Hoar favoured willh a lovely Str rie that this achievement once again thre planned curriculum with vocal duet, *Just A Cottage Rg nd praved that thre Bowmanviile foundations laid for the making of Small", accampanied by' Mrs. Rygr k, Lions Club was anc of thre ban- a living, as well as ini the higher Wm-. Laird. yr uer-if nat the banner-club in institutional <achool and colieges) Mrs. Morley Flintofi rend an T. a- District A 3 and Zone l0. there are the opporttdnities for the article, prepared by Mrs. Eber S ey He stated that thre decision ta cultural aspects. Snawden an the motta: Wamen's ta divide Zone 10 into a North and Today science and industry have franchise was dearly bought, do C. or Southr section had worked out provided se much mn the way of we use it as we ought? Among T. an very weil. Zone meetings had comforts, conveniences and leis- many interesting faets given wasj 1Y been heid in bath these sections ure, lufe has becomne more coin- a hint that when it came ta wom- G. at and each had had as large an at- plex. In the new social order en not taking public offices there Ne% -tendance as thre previaus single social adult education has become was more behind the situation H. meeting. He feit that thre move a necessity for thre well-being ai than lack ai ability. The thought Ke would foster more inter-club society. was leit that if wamen are well meetings and greater fellowshlp In any worthwhile aduit edu- informed and interested they can H. among individual clubs. cation tirere should be a worthy do much for thre gdod ai society J.1 Commening an thre induction objective and a planned program. by thre wise use ai the franchise. 1 af the four new members, ire Social educatian is the blend- Mns. Snowden thanked those asserted tirat tins year looked like ing ot individuals into groups for wiro hnd taken part ini the pro- Elgi( a record year for new members in group activities. gram and Mr. Elliott was thank- anc ail clubs ln tire District. In group dynamics tire illu- ed also by President Mrs. W. H. Lions activities ln tire District, stration was given ai the useless- Brown who took thre chair for tire Thei he reported, included a biood ty n fl o ine finger trying ta do program. marrie ar ing projeet by the Bancroft ClUjý.j what five could easily accomplish, Rail cail was "Sometiring from ada at a street lighting and clvic beau- se the resuits which co-operation in tification project by, the Whitney could achieve. le, Club, erection ai swimming pools, In discussion gnoups at any age, E. skating rinks, beautificatian of but. particulanly in a d u 1 t s, i id parks and sponsorship of bands opinions expressed by many le. and sport tennms onthtie part of mlght best salve problems. n- many clubs. Intellectual or curiosity groups H P E -D I cn Thre prime abject af Lionism, deveiop tie appreciation ai the Ir Mr. Frederlck said, is still the beauties ai tire worid above them, nt practice af the Golden Rule and aofnmusic, painting and ai skills inR ahelping less fartunate and handi- handicra.fts, sports and hobbies. $4 'capped people. He tftated that tie Study groups in citizenship at 'provincial and national execut- ail levels ins a saieguard ai aur Sives are thlnking of sponsoring a very way of llue, we are irelpless 'program ai mental health arn- if net informed. Our leaders ta- d provement. day are subjected ta terrifie burd- Tire District Deputy Governor ens and pressures. Somehow if painted out that International all wark and learn a strength per- Lianism a doing rnuch to lesuen meates tirrougir as in the manner thre danger af Camnrunlsm, nt fotap rayer, we net only beiong in by attacking it directly, but by a dlemacracy but we must take fastering international goadwil part inx It. and amang the 40 In child study groups as par- cauntries in which it is organized. ents we learn that pre-natal and Lionism la af benefit te every infancy care and influence makes SN E1 member, ire deciared, net ohly in tire aduit. Ini anyone, a creative the satisfaction af knowing Ire j3 capacity is a possession ai won- doing a job for his. cone runty derful value so,, in chîld-study betterment, but tisa by providing it is important ta encourage the feilowahip and a meana of relax- desîra ta create, the mental healtir ation from the stress and hurry afILa nation depends upon thé' ofa everyday living. avhodme.ifeen Mr. Fredericlg was Itrouced Mr. Elliott avsdo ifrn by Lion Bob Kent and thmnked by Lion E. L. Oliver. Prior to tire induction of new membera President Goddard eaUl- ed eight charter members of the Bowmanville Lions Club te tire front ai the hall. He pointed out hA re M the club ln May, 1935, and tirat tire present membership awes' them a debt ai gratitude. These charter membera were: Lions Dr. W. H. Birks, charter president; J.AD J. Brawn, Dr. R. B. Dinniwell, S. R. James, Alex McGregor James Marr, B. L. Oliver anciA Aubrey Smith, A five-year perfect attendance pin was pr.sented te Lion Sec- retary Norm O'Rourke by Presi- dent Goddard, a birthday presen- DECAUSE THEY HAV tation was mrade ta Lion Glen Lander, and a presentation was made ta Lion Jack Ross by Tail Twister Glen Lander in recag- nition ai tire recent addition tet his family.a A request was received fromf tire Bowmanvile R e cr eation!CS Commission asking that permis-f , S Commun ity Centre and Lion E. f lore 'than Most I17Iinch L. Oliver announced that first ly $-9.9 practice for singens in the rnins- trel show wiil be beld on Sunday.L Lion Wilfrid Carruthens asked »r___ _ _ T he mienbers ta support the Bowman- ville Canadian Club and invited tir ta future dinner meetings.ST Lion Jack Hawes introduced iris 33 ]KING ST. W guest. Bruce McNichol, and Lion George Vinnisir annaunced win- nens ai hockey tickets ta Maple r d in Leal Gardens for January 14Tr d - s were Pete Bathgate and Joe W ONeill and for Januarv 17 were T E BS Dan Kemp and Mac Moore.1 Accepted TI1CRE T S THE TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamahlp Consult BowmanLVELe & OwnvELLe PE WRIDAY AND t5 Kmgz St. W. - Phane 778 i i school book." Mrs. A,, J. )bell was appointed ta tàke ýof work for the Red Cross. dollars was voted ta tire rh funds for use af basement and ail. sL. C. Snowden reported Ontario Federation af Agni- e annual meeting, giving W. I. resolutions sent ta tire .,Women's Divsion. Tire itions were ail endorsed by rroup. rrent events were gîven by C. H. Greeniram. ts have been received fromn ung married couples for gifts -ed from this community gh aur W. 1. *W. H. B'rown. Mrs. Stepiren Dy and Mrs. K. Sunimers- %ere appointed ta arrange a for Jan. 30: particulars lat- Mrs. Stuart Morton wili be arge af Feb. meeting. iand fruit loai was served asocial finie enjoved. Siafesman Sold Followinq Stores 1rull's Store, Courtice. xong's Store. Part Hope. Edmund's Store, Bethany. 's Drug Store, Newcastle. Enwnight's, Newcastle. Brown, Newtonville. Pethick, Enniskillen. M. Slemon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. A. Banron, Hampton. ýwton Tay]or's, Burketon. 1T. Saywell, Blackstock. ,th Bradley, Pontypool. C. B. Tyrreil, Orono. 1K. Reynolds, Kendal. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, Howse Confectionery Jury & Loveil ie Harnden's Handy Store Id Tire Statesman Office. Bre were 422,313 mare un- ld men than women iu Can- tirhe time ai tire 1951 census. FIRST REGIMENT OF NORTH YORK MILITIA ORGANIZE, 1838 >re Mrs. W. W. Manning, 199 Bloor St. W., Oshawa: Afer reading Tire Statesmnan cach w~eek for aven 50 years I wouid nat cane ta do wifhout it, as if is really news fromn my aid homeland af Dur- ham. PAGE HNE grown with the years, and that,,, is as it should be. Iz hope you 2 are holding your own in the battie for health. Miss Nora Werry, R. R. 1, Osh-, awa: Please find èeclosed Cheque for $28. This will caver renewal subscriptian ta The Statesmniaf, v and the balance of $25 may go as my contribution ta the Meml- anial Hospital Emergency Fund as I stili consider nryself ibeloflglfg ta Eldad and cammunity. Mrs. W. P. Loughrnan, 129 Jane Mrs. M. E. Allun, 5524 N. Burt- St., Toronto 9: We ail enjoy re- on Ave., San Gabriej, Calif.: I ceiving The Statesman each Fni- read The Statesman very care- day rnorning as it contains the, fully each wcek. I enjoy the news we are most interested in. ncws sections but your editoriais have been vers' outstanding and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sutton, fine. We are happy ta have Mr. 429 Kingston Road, Toronta 8.:\Ve Eisenhower for our future Presi- look forwý%ard ta the arrivai af Thecie'111. We hope sornething cati Statesman each week as if 't vwer' done ta end this war. 1 arn a letter frorn home. expecting a visit fram a Bowmafl- jRupert G. Hamiyn, 44 Third' ville bov, Norman Allun, son of Ave., Ottawa: As 1 have said be-! Dr. Norman Allun, who is at- fore. The Statesman has a peren- tenidiing, Washington State Uni- niai interest for me, and 1 know, versity and came ta spend Christ- 1 read it with greater avidity now mas ,vith bis uncle near Sani than 1 did 50 years aga. It lias1 Francisco. ON YOUR OWM CAS HSIGNATURE When bis pile up, get $50 ta $1000 fast at Household Finance! Loans made without bankabie security. Repayment plans ta fit your incarne. Up ta 24 mrntls ta repay. Phone or stap ini today for fast, friendiy, dependable servicc i ~ 2.5th YEAR IN CANADA HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 111/2 SImncoe St.South, second floor, phono Oshawa 5.1139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT HOPE BRANCHI 71 WaIton St., 2nd floor, phone 3050 People Buying IR A L?# 'E. DEEN PROVED THE DEST TERMS IF YOU IT!a nwlth a :h sots. 43%6 blgger picture ... ysî couîs ne Vu SHOP PHONE 3262 SATUR] 21"dr CONSOLE TE LE VI1SI ON OnIy - $499.95 1 Year FREE Service on ail sets M TIJ,9:00P.Meu NEED SOFFER YOU WNTENNA . 6 . THE DEST T.V. SET DEST SERVICE 953

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