-w PAGE FOURTEEN WA RAAT A TTSAi.BW~!VIL.OTMOT~l VZATAk~ 3, .s )f cr BIB THS ALDWORTH-Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Ired Aldworth, Courtice, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter at Oshawa Hospital, Wednesday, January i4th, 1953,. a sister for Mary, Harry and Betty Ann. 4-1* BATE - Bob and Audrey Bate are happy ta announce the birtl, of a daughter, Merridy Roberta, on December 31st, 1952, at Mem- anial Hospital, a sister for Mar- jadie. 4-1* DOYLE-Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Doyle (nee Jeffrey) wish ta an- nounce the- birth of a son on Sunday, January l8th. Baby died after birth. 4-1 KITSON - Mr. and Mrs. Ben KXitson are happy ta announce the arrivai of a son at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvile, January 14th, 1953. 4-1 j;..EADBEATER - Georgie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leadbeater, Enniskillen, is happy ta announce the safe arrivaI of his little bro- ther, Thomas Robert, at Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville, on Jan- uary l2th, 1953. 4-1* MASON-At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, January 9th, 1953, ta Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mason, a daughter, Barbara Lynne. 4-1 MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Edward Y. Jones, l'art William, announce the mar- piage of their daughter, Phyllis Elien, ta Mr. John Carruthers an Trhursday, January 8th, 1953, at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Fort William, Ont. 4-1* DEATHS BERRY-At his residence, 9941. 87th Ave., Edmonton, Alta., ar -Wednesday, January l4th, 1953 ftev. James P. Berry, formerl3 Pastor of Hampton United Churcli ged 85 yeams. Funeral was heli bn Saturday, January 17th. 4-11 COOPER, Charles A. - At Osh- awa Genemal Hospital on Thurs- day, January 15th, 1953, Charleý A. Cooper, beloved husband o: Laura Jane Henry, and dear father of Mary (Mns. Evan Quan- trill), Orono, in his 76th year. Mm. Cooper ested at the Marris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, until Friday aftemnoon. Then at the residence, Kendal, for service on Satumday at 3:30 p.m. Inter- ment Orono Cernetery. 4-1 GAY - At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, on Thursday, Jan- uary lSth, 1953, Annie McRey. nolds Gay, wldow of William Hfenry Gay, aged 86 years. Ser- vice was held at the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bawmanville, an Sunday at 3:30 p.rn. Intemment Hampton Cemetemy. 4-1 McCULLOUGH, Robent - At Memonial, Hospital, Bowmanvilie, on Monday, January l9th, 1953, Robent McCuilough, beloved bus- band of the late Edith Little and dean fathen of Robent B. at home and Kathleen (Mrs. D. R. Davey) of Tyrone, in his 83rd year. Rest- ing at the Northcutt & Smith Funerai Home, 53 Division St., Bowmanvilie, until Wednesday aftemnoon then ta bis late resid- ence, Tyrone, for service Thurs- day, January 22nd, at 2:30 p.m. Intemment Bethesda Cemetery. 4-1 WIGHT, Melbourne J.-At Mem- oriai Hospital, Bowmanville, on Thunsday, January isth, 1953, Melbourne J. Wight, age 63 years, beloved husband of Gladys Field- lng, and dean father of Helen <Mrs. Don Giihooiy). Service was held at the Morris Funemai Chapel on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 4-1 Mortgages INVESTING $20.000 aId folks home this district, require $10,000 first rnortgage, 617oan praperty and contents. Write Box 926, c/o Canadian Statesman. 4-1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES The Canadlan Statesman Effectie lune 218t' 1931 ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTacX FOR SALE FOR REli - HELP WANTE CARS FOR SALE LOST ' FOUND - ETC. Cash note - - 3e POT word with a minimum of 50C Muet b. poid by date ci insertion. Ifcharged. an additionol 25c .wil b. odded. A charge of 25e wilI b. made for ait replies drected to iis office. NOTICES. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS OF THANXS & co word with o minimum of $1.00 for 33 words or les. 0 ElETIlS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGESr $100 per insertion Z 81.00 plus 10e o lino for versoe COMNMERIAL CLASSIFIEDS (Includes ail odvertisinq for persona or firme selnq services. idens or- qoode of ony description) L ca.crr word: minimum charge 75c oswith order. To requlor ad. vertisers payable monthly. d Dlaptay Clossifi*d at $1.00 par w inch vwlth a minimum of on. inch. Addjtjonal insertion of the same rotes. Ail Cloeslfed Ada. must he in this office flot lnfer thon 12 'lo noon. Wednesday. - Bond cah. 1faPe or mouey order and ae mone>'. (Olp Iis out for bondiP reference)- la CARDS 0F THANIK I wish to thank Dr. Sturgisi Dr. MacKenzie. Miss Hildi the nurses and ail her staff heipers for ail their kindness me. The clergy who called me, the Rebeccas, also al friends who sent fruit, candyi flowers while I was a patient Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvi Mrs. Bertha Hamill The family of the late IV boumne Wight wish to expr their sincere thanks to thed tors and staff of Memorial IH pitai, Bowmanviile, and ta k friends, neighbours and relati during their recent sad berea ment. Mrs. Melbourne Wigl Helen and Don Gilhc and litch, If cf ;s ta 1 on the and tif ille. Iton. 4-1 * mress doc- Hos- kind tives ave- :ht, 4-1 I wish ta thank Drs. MacKenzie, Sturgis and Rundie, aIl the nurses and staff at Memoial Hospital, Bowmanville, for the kindness and good came I received during my stay in the hospital; also I wish ta thank ail relatives and fiends for cards, fiowems and fruit I received. Mrs. Henry Nixon. 4-1 * I wish ta express my sincere thanks ta my many friends, neighboums and relatives for the beautiful flowers, cards and fruit I received during my iliness at the Memroial Hospital, Bowman- ville; also many thanks ta Dm. McKenzie and nurses. Mrs. Wm. J. Stainton, Omono. 4-1* The family of the late Mrs. Annie Gay wish ta express thanks and appreciation ta Dr. Keith Siemon and Dr. C. W. Siemon, nurses and staff of Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville. Ais o thanks ta friends and neighboums for flowers and cards in the re- cent loss of a loving mother. 4-1* I wouid like ta take this op. potunity of saying a very grate- ful thank you ta the foilowing during rny very pleasant stay in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, after my openation: Dr. H. Rundle and Dr. MacKenzie, the nurses and staff and wand aides, my neighboums and friends for their cards, fruit, candy, maga- zines and other personal gifts and their many visits; also my nectar, Rev. Warren Turner, for his mnany visits and prayens, and ta the following who sent me flowems: the Santuary Guiid and the Evening Bnanch, W.A. of St. John's Chumch, the Woman's Aux- iliary ta the Canadian Legion, the Companions of the Forest,' the Women's Institute, the South Wand Park Association and Mn. Frank Ballard an~d family of Renfnew. To each and everyone of you. "Thank You." Mrs. Rose Overy. tIN MEMORIAM McKNIGHT - In loving memorý ai a dean wife and mother- 1Though God bas hiem in His -keeping We bave ber in our beants. -Husband Sam and daughtens. STEPHENS - In ioving nemrno3 of a dean father, Upton Stephens who passed away January 26th 1952: God knew that be was suffering That the bilîs weme bard ta climb Sa be closed bis weary eyelidE And whispered "«peace be thine." His presence is ever near us, His love remains with us yet; He was the kind of fathen His loved anes shail neyer forget. -Ever rmrembered by daughten Marj, son-in-law lice and grand- son Dougie. 4-1 STEPHENS-In loving memary ai a dean husband and fathen, Upton Stephens, who passed away January 26th, 1952: I cannot say and I will flot say That lie is dead! He is just away. With a cheery smiie and a wave of the band He bas wandered into an unknown land, And left us drearning, how very faim It needs must be, since be lingers theme. And you--oh yau, who the wildest yearrw For the oldtirne step and the giad neturn Think of him faming on, as dean, In the love of thene, as the love af bere, rbink ai him stili as the saine, I say He is fat dead-he is just away. -Always rememnbered by wife Verna, daugbter Muriel and son Don. Il4-1 WVILLIAMS - In loving rnemory of a dear father who passed away Nov. 3Oth, 1949; and a dean nother who passed away Jan. 23rd, 1950: Many a lonely heartache, Often a sulent tear. Always a beautiful memory 0f the anes we loved sa dean. -Sadly missed.by Edwin, Anjiie, Lloyd and Marion. 4-10 W'OOD-In loving memory af a ean father, Rchard H. Wood, who passed away January 23rd, L952: Deep in the heant lies a picture 0f a loved one laid ta nest; ýn memary's marne we shal keep it Because he was oiqe ai the best. -Lovingly nemembered -by th unmily. .- Articles For Sale PRECISION chain saw, 3 ft. cut. Phone Clarke 2530. 4-1 PHONOGRAPH Record Clear- ance .- 3 for $1.00. The Radio Shop, Phone 573. 4-1 OVERCOAT, size 40, only worn twice, $10.00. Phone 669. 4-1 GIRL'S white figure skates, size 4, excellent condition. Phone 2680. 4-1 ONTARIO potatoes, 50 and 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanville. 'Phone 2473. 36-tf SPACE heater, blower and ther- mostat controi. Will heat up ta six rooms. Phone 2303. 4-1 CHOICE quality of second cutting Alfalfa hay, baled; also quantity of baled straw. Phone 2341. 4-1 KITCHEN table and four chairs, $10.00; suitable for cottage; also roll top desk, $8.0Ù. Phone 3489. 4-1 BEST in Television - Electro- home 21 ". See them at The Radio Shop, 38 King Street, E., Phone 573. 4-41 McCLARY electric mange, apart. ement size, in excellent condition. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 3533. 4-1* tDRESS suit, tuxedo, size medium stout man, good as new. Apply R. Osborne, Newcastle, Clarke 3831. 4-1* ALUMINUM combination storm windows made-to-order. For free demonstration Phone 2753. M. Jurko. 4-2 SIX-piece breakfast suite-buf- fet, table and chairs, white with black trim; man's bicycle. 116 Scugog St., Phone 2006. 4-1 EIGHT-piece dining-room suite- buffet, extension table and 6 chairs with leather seats. Al have wainut finish. Phone 3498. 4-1 ASTRAL efrigerator - spotless, used one year. Special $69.00. The Radio Shop, Phone 573. 4-1 CAR or Tractor Hart Batteries, 17-plate, $7.25 allowance on youm aid battery at Farm. Equipment & Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanvilie. 4-If RUGS - save ,up to 1/2 on new. reversibie, Broadloom rugs made from your aid woollens, clothing, carpets, etc. Ail the latest Decorator shades. Phone 3446. 24-tf NORGE refrigemator, 8 % ecu. f t, 7 months aid, regular $339, for $249. Ingersoli washer, 1 year aid, regular $139, for $99.50. Edisoni cambination radio and phanograph, reconditioned and guaranteed, regular $249.00, for $149. Mumphy's, Phone 811. 4-1 19ASY washing machines, par- celain tubs, $139.50, with pump $149-50. The Radio Shop, Phone 573. 4-1 FLY TRAP - for barn or house, no electricity or expensive pow- ders ta buy, a boy can make it, complete instructions suppiied, send name, address and four dimes ta Box 915, c/o Canadian Statesman. 2-4 72" BASE Cabinet with plastic top and stainless steel sink, and 72" Wall Cabinet. Ordinary me- tail price for these cabinets is $287.00. Bargain price, $1 50.00. We have discontinued rnaking this rnodel and we are offering this special price ta clear out this line. William M. Allun, 19 Scugog St., Telephone 576. 4-1 *For the Latest Papers *For the Finest Paints *For the Best Workmanship S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912 1 49-tE CERAMIC - PLASTIC RURBER - MARBOLEUM HR. Ge Heal Phone 2902 Bowmanvjlle 14-tl USED manure loader; used Case DO tractor, 2 years aid; used Case C tractor, an ubber; used Case C tracton, an steel; used M.-H. tractor, on rubbem; used Allis Chalmers tractor, an rub- ber; used Silent Glow space heater; used Norge space heater; used I.H.C. combine; new Quaker space beaters; water bowls; water systems. Swift's fertilizer. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 4-1 SNOW TREAD TIRES1 Retreaded in SUBURBANITE STUDDED SURE GRIP and KNOBBY - TREADS 69 61 71 i 51 ;71 0 x16 ex 16 ex 15 0 X 15 --$13.40 $16 5 iB --$14.85 *-$16.50 G. F. JANIESON Tire Shop King and Silver Streets b1-tf in es Le Lt, tf ie f Df Articles For Sale FURNACES, air conditioned or gavity, and ail bumners, installed and repaired, expert wamkman- ship. 45 years' experience. For free estimates Phone Davis & Co., 3412 -691. 3-tf VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different colours of tapes, 15 slat calours. Flexa]um. Aluminum or Steel, measured and installed free of charge. Phone 3121. Weber's Fabric Centre. 17-tl NEW 1953 Gurney stoves now on display. See ahl the new features. The -Radio Shop, 38 King St. E. 4-1 28 Brown Street BODY and FENDER REPAIR Duco and Dulux Refinishing General Repafrs to al makes af cars. 3-2* SHAIRPENING Latest Equipment for Artifiejal Ice. G. F. JANIESON Tire Shop 48-tf BULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING By Hour or Contract - Free Estiinates Given- Wm. Tripp PORT PERRY R.R. 2 PHONE 109-r-42 PAINTING PAPER HANCING Full Selection of PARALAC PAINTS and PAPERS - FREE ESTIMATES - Howard S. Drooking PHONE 2702 42-tf TENDERS WANTED SALE BY TENDER REAL ESTATE The premises in the Townsbip af Clarke listed below are offered for sale by tender ta the hîghest bidder subject ta reserve bid. Lot 10, Concession 10, 100 acres more or less. Tenders must be sent post pre- paid or delivered ta the office af the undersigned on or before March 7th, 1953, in a seied envelope addnessed ta the under-' signed and plainly ak ed "Tender for Wood Premises". The tendqrs will be apened e ilan amch 7th, 1953, et t office of the undemsigned and those submitting tenders may be present. Terms: Mamked cheque for 10% ai tender pnice ta be enclosed with the tender, balance in cash an or before April lst, 1953.ý The Vendor meserves the right ta reject any tender. W. R. STRIKE, Q.C., 40 King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor fon the Vendor. 4-6 Real Estate For Sale FIVE-room insul-brick house, at- tached garage, garden. Phone 3441 or apply 25 Odell St., 4-1 TWO houses in Maple Grave, on highway, fully modemn. Ao building lots, and two electric brooders for sale. Phone 2383. 4-2 $2,100 - $600 down, balance $40 manthly. Comfortable 7-room in- sul brick at East Beach, wintem- ized, 3-piece bath, heavy duty wiring. Phone 2732. 4-* GO in business for yourself at 454 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Store will be vacaxi$ as af Jan- uary Ist, 1953. See H. V. Bate- man, 410 Athol St. E., Oshawa. 45-tf POSSESSION Mamch lst - Five- roam, 11/2~ storey, lovely brick home, close ta schools, churches and transportation. Has 4-piece bath, fireplace, ail furnaçe and modemn kitchen. Apply 175 Chumch Street. 4-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 200 acres of good dlay loam, bordemung on the lake, frame house, barn 40' x90', hydro, tele- phone, etc. Price $15,000, haîf cash. 100 acres on paved highway, north of Bawmanville, gaod house and barn 40' x 1001, milk house and other buildings, ail in good con- dition. Price $12,000, haîf cash. H. C. Pedwell Newcastle Phone Clarke 38SSL Agent for W. J. Warren, Agincourt 4-1 PLUMBING, Heating and 0: Burners installed anywhere i Durham County. Reasonabie rate and highest quality. For fre estimates cail S. Blain Ellioti Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithini Phone 3348 29-t Applications Wantec APPLICATIONS FOR ASSESSOR Applications wili be meceivei by the undersigned, Clerk of th Township of Cartwright up ti 12 o'clock noon on Monday, Fet 2nd, 1953, for the officers o Assessor for the Township o Cartwright. Applications ta state qualifica tions, experience and salamy ex pected. Lowest or any applica tion flot necessarily accepted. Dated at Biackstock this l7th day of January, 1953. Henry Thompson, Clerk, Box 17, Blackstock 4-: Work Wanted DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp. tan, for custom killing. Phon( 3243. 32-t HAVE yaur kitchen and bath. room walls tiled, about 29 colour, ta choose from. M. Jurko, PhonE 2753. 3-49 WANTED-20 dry welis, act fast weli driliing by competent man For particulars Phone ClamkE 4602. R. Haiford. 4-1 INSULATION - Blowing method, with rock wool; workmanship guamanteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wa.de. Phone Clarke 2420. 49-tf TRACTOR REPAIR - Let us repair your tractor now, ready for Spring work - valves, rings and tune-up, etc. Bob Stocker's Glarage, Phone 804. 2-4 CAPABLE 17-year-oid farm hand wants womk beginning February. Wages $50 monthiy beginning April. Write Box 928, c/o Can- adian Statesman. 4-1 Naguire's Garage . DOG - Beagle bound, female, West ai Bunketon. Finder please Phone Brooklin 47r4. 3-2 GOLDEN Labrador retriever, fe- maie, neward, cbild's pet, answers ta neme ai "Peggy. " Can be identified. Phone 3348 on 3648, S. Blaim Ewlott. 4-1 GILL REAL ESTATE On Bradshaw Street, one acre -of land, would make good building lots. Price $500. On Ontario St. N., frame home, 5 raoms, 2-piece bath, heavy wiring, rads; extra lot. Total price $3,500. l On Scugog Road, brick bungalow, 4 rooms, full cellar, furnace, heavy wiring, 4-piece bath, gar- age, good garden. Price $7,900. On Liberty St. N., i ½ storey, modern home, heavy wiring, furnace, full cellar, 4-piece bath, nicely landscaped grounds. Price $11,000. Terms. H. G. "HaP" Gi Real Estate 8 Second St. Bowmanville Phone 3514 4-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE Attention Builders 19 lots on good residential streets. Priced ta sell as a going concern in Bowmanville. l1-room, solid brick, 3-piece bath, heavy wiring, oil heating, garage, approximately 2 acres. A good incarne home or would be an excellent site for chain store, motel or an ou campany. In- vestigate this one. Possession amanged. 112-acre farm, clay ioam, good buildings, 7 acres bush, 2 creeks, well watered, silo; 7-roomed frame house, heavy wiming, $10,500. Implements and stock extra. Other farms and dwellings James Nlxog* Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 Help Wanted EGIRL ta work in a self serve store. Phone 674. 4.1* CAPABLE girl or woman for modemn country home, good home, pieasant suroundings. Write Box 927, c/a Statesman Office. 4-1 * FEMALE clerk for smail business ini Bowmanviiie, bookkeepingex perience necessamy and typing ability desired. Write P.O. Box 282, Bowmanville. 4-1 OVER 200-acre farm i New- castle, conside'-ed very good land, 45 miles east of Toronto, with large bouse. Desires sorneone (fomeigner) ta work by shares. Reference required. Apply Mr. T.' Quey, 29 Kent St,, Lindsay, Ontario. 4-1* OCCASIONAL opportunity for housewives of above average 1n. teiligence, nesident in Bowrnan- ville or. in suroundlng territary, ta interview on public opinion surveys. Write Canadian Facts Limited, 146 Wellington St. West, Toronýo, Ontario. 4-2 EARN rnoney working for a progressive cornpany. A small capital will stant you on the noad ta success. Earn while learning how ta sel aur 250 guaranteed necessities consisting of cas- 'ipetics, tonics, food pmoducts, etc.i Openings in your surroundings. Write for free catalogue and de- tails ta Familex, Dept 1, 1600 Nursing Service Middle Green Villa NURSING HOME A Home Away from Home, Kindness and Good Care our Aim Approved by Doctors. Bowmanville 2974 Two miles East of Bowmanville 2-tf Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (mubber goods) mailed postpaid inl plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 SCOTT REAL ESTATE -$3,000 down - Il raoms on Kir St, East, two bathrooms, ail hea -ed, large lot. See this and mal off er. rf $3,500 is the full price for a sii *roam. house, and four acres( .land, garage, hen house and bani e$9,000 - ninety-seven acres, bf tween Bowmanville and Oshawi t6-roomn brick house, bank barn 1.30 x 77, two wells. -$8,800- - 5-roams brick, naturn fireplace, nxcely landscaped, goo district, hot water heating. Term * If you have a place for sal list it with us. $2,600 buys f cosy three-mooma cottage with ha] acre of land. Terms can b sarranged. y Donald Scott Real Estate s78 King St. West, Bowmanvili sMm. Howard Brown, Salesman Phone 663 4- DE WITH REAL ESTATE 146-acre farm, Danlington Town ship, 2 miles frmnBowmanvillg 135 acres workable, 9 acres youn> archard, aIl fimst class dlay loani weil drained, running creek, wel] 4 barns, cernent floors, stabling pig pens, hen house, silo; lO-roon brick bouse, hydmo, ail in gooc condition, gaod road, close t( highway. Price $25,000. Terms One of the first class farms jr this district. Owner retiring. 150-acre farrn, Cartwright Town. ship, 18 miles from Bowmanviile dlay and loam, 130 acres work. able, 15 acres of woods, creek well, 3 cist&rns, fences good, modemn steel barn, built 1934, 93 x 36, hydro, pig pen, hen house, double garage; 10-moomed insulat' ed frame house, with bathroom, hardwood floors, hydro, fumnace, school bus. Price $25,000. Terms. This is a very gaod farm. Owner retiring. 7-roomed house, with 7 acres of land, 3 miles east of Oshawa on Highway No. 2, fireproof shingled, hardwood floors, fumnace with regulator, bot water electric tank, hot and cold running water, hydro, double garage, good build- ings. Price $14,000. Terms. Bakery with grocery store in village as a going concern, in- cluded with aIl the modemn mach- inemy, 1949 truck, good business. Inclusive 8-moomed house with modemn kitchen, bathroom, bot and cold runnîng watem. Price $20,000. Temms. ISO-acre farm, Clarke Township, 1 mile from highway, 80 acres workable. rest pasture and wood, sandy loam, we]l, springs, good barn, cernent floors, pig pen, hen house; nine-roomed frame bouse, hydro. Immediate possession. Price $9,000. Terms. Have other farms, bouses, etc. John F. Dewlth, Realtor King Street W. N'ewcastle Phone 3341 4-1 For Rent FOUR-roomn apartment, central location, aduits on ly. Protestant. vVite P.O0. Box 459. 48-tf ['WO-roomed apartment, private bath, heated, pamtly fumnished, entraI. P.O. Box 389, Bowman- ville. 4-1 TWO -oom apartrent, upstairs, hot and cold running water, bath, tility roomn downstairs. Suitable for Young married couple. Im- rediate possession. Write Box ;21, c/o Canadian Statesman. 4-1* Court of Revision TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE TAKE notice that the first sitting of the COURT ai REVISION ta, heer and determine the appeals fed ageinst the Assessment Raill of the Municipa]ity ai the Town of Bawrnanviîîe for the yeer 1953 wiil be beld in the Council Roorn in the Town Hall in the said Town an Tuesday, February 3md, Thumsday, February 5th, and Tuesday, Febmuery lOth, at 10:30 a.m. ai the afoneseid days. ALL persans having eppeals be- rare the aforesaid Court are here- by notified ta attend at the efore- seid time and place. Given under my hend this 2Oth day of Jenuary, 1953. A. J. LYLE, Clerk of the Corporation cf the Town ai Bowmanville. 4-2 Dance in Sauina Communit3 IHall on January 23rd. Stainton'ý IOrchestra. 31 Goodyear Empioyees' Recrea, tian Club euchre Friday, Januar3 23, at 8 p.m. in Goodyear Hall 4-1 Bingo. Local 189, Union Hall Monday, January 26th. Jackpoi $25.00. Admission 18 games, 25e 8:00 p.m. 4-1 Jerusalem Lodge, A.F. & A.M. No. 31, G.R.C. "At Home," Friday March 6th, ini the High School. 4-2 Reserve Saturday, March l4th, for Bazaar and Home Baking Sale. Proceeds for Memoria] Park Association. 4-1 Home Baking Sale will be heid an Fniday, Januamy 23md, at 3 p.m. at Kitson Locker, Bawmanville, under the auspices of Hampton Service Club. 4-1 Goodyear Employees' Recrea- tion Club Bingo Friday, January 3Oth, atr 8 p.m. in Recreation Hall. Good prizes, $25.00 Jackpot. Ad- mission 50c.' Recreation members free. 4-2 Plan naw toa ttend the second annuai Camnivai of the Bowman- ville Figure Skating Club ta be heid ini the Memorial Amena on Friday, Februamy 2Oth. Watch this paper for further details. 4-1 Bowrnanville Home and Schooi Association presents The Ross Caldwell Singers, Toronto, ini the Town Hall, Friday, Jan. 23rcý. Tickets: aduts 50c, 4udents, 35c, available from Home and Scho6l Association members. ~ Goodyear Employees, Recrea- tion Club Dance Saturday, Jan. 3st, in new Legion Hall. Daning fom 8:30 p.r. ta midnite. Ad- mission $1.50 for Recreation rnem- bers, $2.50 for non-memnbers. Dress optianai. 4-2 Plan ta attend the conçert by Barbemshop Quartettes, Oshawa Chapter, in St. Paul's United Church on Fmiday, Janu ry3Oth, 1153. Sponsored 'by . PauIs Men's Club. Tickets av'ilabie at Alex McGregor's Dmug' Store. T Resere Tueday, anua 4-17t* for the play, "An Old Fashioned Mother," ta be presented by the Kedron-Columbus Young Peaple's group, in Newcastle United Church Sunday School Hall, at 8 p.m. Admission 50c and 35c. 4-1 Notices Dr. Brks' office will be closed from February st ta March st. 4-6 We are pleased ta annaunce that we now have a representa- tive permanently located in Bow- manville. For, service or in- formation diai 620. Mr. Mayling, Youlý local representative, is an empl ~ee of your Singer Sewing Centrtx 47 Walton St., Port Hope. 3-tf TUE FAIRWAY FOO11, MARKET j 44 King Street E. wiIl be closed Monday - Tuesdày - Wednesday January 26 - 27 - 28 for remnodelling th1elr store Into a Self serve. Watch for blls for Il re-opening Si Trewin - e~. Rundle Prop retor 4- Business 0ppo0rtunity ARE you nterested ln ownng your own business? Thè4-e is a "Western" franchise availiable in yaur cornmunity! Beconie as- sociated with a lange chais, store onganization, proven succ4ssfui aven 25 years af aperation. Wo- fit by aur expenience. Weig£ve the secret ta success. Hg~est quality, lowest pnices, best gt4n. antee. We offer a camplete1e of auto parts and accessarîýs, hand and power tools. For fuý-. ther information wite ta Westerýi Tire and Auto Supply Ltd., M~ Wanted To Buy BEFORE selling your live pultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51 -tf WANTED - Live poultry,gos feathers, feather ticks, scrapira>n, rags and metals. Raw furs and deerskins. Phone 3-2043 Osha*.a Custom Work CUSTOM chain saw work done. Phone 2753. 3-4* Livestock For Sale REGISTERED Shothon Bull, dark red, 13 months old. Priced very measonable for quick sale. R. Osborne, Newcastle. 4-1* Repairs REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig. erators, damestic and commercial; milking coolers. Higgan Elec- tic, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. rTWO light housekeepi rooms, furnished or u as desired, cetral.P one 41U PetdF6f e BUDGIE ýen birÇ blue wti speckled ng phane 840 Bow- manville.44 SOE SHOP ýONFECT1ONERY Neilson's Ice Cream Magazines Gifis Open ]Breakfast to Bedtlme Every Day Cars For Sale '39 CHEV. Coupe, in A-i con- dition. Phone Clarke 25SL. 4-l' NOTICE '53 Raies For Careful Drivers Age Limit 21 -69 On '53 popular cars ý.L. $10,000/$20,000 - P. Dam. $5,000 - $100 Ded. Coll plus Glass, Fire and Theit Jus. Total Only - $28.60 Semi-annual, easy to meet plat, Dirk Drinkman -I, INSURANCE R.R. 3 Burketon Phone 82r2 Blacksiock 3-3 Mmr Morley Cook and Miss Damis Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sheldmeck, Tommy and Lynn, Mn. and Mms. John Cotter, Col- borne; Mn. and Mms. J. R. Reyn-, olds, London; Mrs. Chas. Blanch- ard, Mn. Nelson Wilson wene Sunday visitons at AÀ L. Bianch- amd's. C.G.I.T. membens and leaders,' Mrs. Blanchard and Mms. Hall at- tended the supper ineeting, nally of the Oshawa Presbytery ~Sd Andrew's Church, Osw____ day night.à Mm. and Mrs. R> cil Noble, Taber, Alta., are visiting thein cousin, Mms. Elmen Wilbun and ather fniends. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin, Bowmanvilie, visited at SaIn Dewell's. Mr. Jesse Jones, Peterborough, visited friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sam- elîs and Melville, Nestleton, vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. Mervin Mount- joy. Miss Ruby Dewell, Osbawa, at Pemcy Deweil's. Dr. and Mns. E. C. Reynolds, Toronto, visited his sisten, Miss L. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, Arva. visited friends here Satur- day and attended Mn. and Mns. Clarence Tink's 25th wedding celebration. Miss Evelyn Macklin, Toronto, is with ber nephew Allan and Mrs. Mackljn. M. Lloyd Kersey, Toront, spent the weekend at home.: Misses Pearl Gilbert and MaýY Hend, Toronto, were guests af Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilbert. Syrnpathy is extended ta the family of Mrs. Wm. Gay who passed away at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, and whose funeral was held an Sunday witli burial in Hampton Cemetery. A former resident of Hampton, Mrs. Gay was highly respected and a good neighbour. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Menwin Mountjoy wha an Jan. 15 celebrated their 4Oth wed- ding anniversary. Also, ta Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink who on Saturday celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Allan Macklin on the gift of a daughtem. The animal church congrega- tional meeting will be held on ruesday evening, Jan. 27, with a Pot-luck supper at 6:30. Every- one welcome. Mr. and Mrs. ArIa Balsan, a- feila, Sask., wene guests of)his .nde and aunt, Mm. and Mrs. J. WV. Balson. They were driving a îèéw truck back for a customer, A4*la works in a garage. He is p0fl f the late Blake Balson. Mfr. Keith Billett attefilel a thr'ee -day convention in gntoa last week, ini the interest f Op- tmetry. Hampton Home and Scbool met jan. 13 at 8 p.m. Mns. Bruc Marke taok the chair as the ient and Vice-Pres. wene aboe rhe evening was spent in ti 'hwng of pictues wich wer 'itemeuting and educational, by ;eneràl Matons. Thene was a eood attendance. A lovely lunch ras sei~ved. THE CAINADIAN TATUSM' CLASSJED ADS For QUiICk Resulfe - 1 - 1 rI. 1 Is 1 1 - loi THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTAPIO CALVES for vealing. Phone 2485. 4-1 HOUSE to ent, in Bowmanville, two children. Write Box 925, c/o Canadian Statesman. -* 4-1* GOOD quality hay and stmaw, baled or loose. Wm. A. Hemon, Brooklin, Phone 12. 32* DEAD STOCK removed from youm farm promptly for sanitary disposaI. Telephone Collect: Ca- bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-3636. 1 THUPMAY. 3ANUA!tirr a," Rooms For Piént- 1 Real Estate ForSale 1 COM[NG EVENTS PHONE 3308