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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1953, p. 1

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1' ~rn4bn t~te~m~îu "'Durham County's Great Faily Journal" VOLUME 99 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l2th, 1953 '7c FER COPY NUMBER 7 LionsClub Praised for Efforts On ,,,,Conqgletion of Addition and Scout Hall At Official Opening Ceremonies Feb. 7 The new a ~balfladition Centre it would be very difficuit ito the Bw1#de Lions Com- ta carry on aur recreation pro- mýunity Centre, housing the spac- gram," he declared. iîous banquet' hall and well- M.Sa etoe hth aponted Boy Scouts meeting had came ta Bowmanville on raom, was afficially apened by April Fools' Day in 1949 but he Lions President Herbert L. (Deac) asonfudttthrws Goddard an Saturday afternoon hd sof hfound thattheewas cxavermiie teddb that Bowmanville citizens do .ýays' workvi officiais, leaders inl things. He mentioned the Mem- iïDos' orkand a large number anial Hospital, Legion Hall, art- of interested citizens. ificial ice in the Arena and last "The citizens of this tawn can but certainly not least, the addi- look an this addition and thetin oth Los muiy whole Community Centre withtian tasthemons Crommnty h pride," Mayor Morley Vanstone Cnra motn rjesta stated during the ceremonies. snhae cen brouh t aplto "«It is a valuable asset ta thesncheam hr. cammunity and bas been accam- "The Bowmanville Lions are a plished by the Lions Club terrifie club," he said, "as is througb a great deal of effort, evidenced by this beautiful build- courage and perseverance. It is ing, It is a wonderful thing that fortunate for us that the Lions they have provided this building Club had the foresight and per- free of charge for Depatment of severance ta carry a projeet of Recreation use and we will cer- this size througb ta completion." tainly use it ta the utmost." President Goddard paid tribute Rev. W. N. Turner, Chairman to the builder, William Allin, and of Bowmanville Ministerial As- the architeet, Herbent Cale, bath sociation, paid tribute ta the of whomn are local men, for draw- Lions Club for praviding the ing the plans for the decarative Community Centre for the re- and highly utilitanian addition and creatian af the youth of the tawn. bringing these plans ta comple- He pointed out that necreation tion. actually means re-creation, and Great Value for Recreation the Centre pravides a place Recreation Directar Don Shay where young and aId can be ne- statd tht te ton Dpartentcreated by building up their abil- otated thatithe own D geatmdent ities and leanning finer qualitiesi Iof gratitude ta the Lions Club.ofsrie Heao frda "Without the Lions Community (Continued on Page Fifteen) ;ire EaIrly Nonday Morninq Does $40,000 Damageto Chicken ]Ranch Alfred E. Armnstrong, Clarke' from the two wells on the prop- Twp. chieken rancher, watched erty, kept two chieken roams 40 most. of the accomplishments of feet from the barn containing three years of hard wark go up ardother 2,000 birds from catching in flames eariy Monday morning fire. These raams were between in the fire which destroyed his the barn and the house, and the five-floor chieken barn an R. R. fact that the wind was blowing 4, midway between Bowmanville away from them probably saved and Newcastle, known as the Don them from destruction. Gibson farm. During the fierce fire threel Thirteen thousand of a total tanks of bottled gas on the side of of 15,000 chickens nearly ready the barn used for heating the for market were burned, and Mr. brooders blew up wîth tremend- Armstrong estimated bis loss at aus explosions. Fartunately theyý well over $40,000, only partiaily did flot blow any burming debris cavered by insurance. on the other buildings, however. Mr. Armstrong had-only been The fire had stili not burned itself in the chicken-raising business out at 4 p.m. an Monday after- for the three years since hie came noon. ta Clarke. Township fromn South Mr. Armnstrong bas noa idea how Africa. J'I had *4ust decided that the blaze started. He had been I wvas nnin ta know how ta using gas for heating the brooders raise .ch en -gwhen this hap- in the chieken barn, but had ,"he jcn'ged man stat- 'stapped a week before. ed. His son, who is a non-smoker, The blaze was first noticed by had fed the chickens on the a neighbour, Calvin Crago, who previaus day, which would seem imediateiy drove over ta the ta rule out the chance that it was Armstrong farm ta awaken Mr. started by a discarded cigarette Armstrong. By this time, haw- or match. ever, the barn was a mass of Mr. Armstrong paid tribute ta fiames and there was littie they the hard work done hy his neigh- could do toward saving it. bours ta save the other buildings. Mr. Armstrong cailed the New- "They are certainiy a fine bunch castle Volunteer Fire Department of people", he declared. but it refused ta answer the caîl In spite of his heavy loss Mr on the grounds there would not Armstrong is flot throwing inth be enaugh water ta fight the f ire. sponge as yet. "I plan ta give iti About 40 neighbaurs forffed a another go and hope ll havei bucket brigade and usîng water better luck next year," he said.1 Many high-ranking officers of Lions International attended the first dinner meeting of the Bowmanville Lions Club held on Monday night following the officiai apening of the handsome new addition ta the Lions Community Centre an Saturday afternoon. Over 130 persans, Lions and guests from Bowmanville and visiting Lions from many Ontario Clubs, attended the banquet in the spaciaus new hall. Shown above at the head table are, left ta right, Norm O'Rourke;- Secretary of the Bowmanville Lions Club; Sidney Stanley Green Is Appointed Foreman 0f Town Workmen Stanley Green, an employee o! the Bowmanville Roads and Streets Department for the past nine years, bas been made fore- man o! the Town Works Depant- ment to head up the newly-form- ed depantment under the direction o! Town Clerk Alick Lyle, wha is its Manager. Mn. Green had been acting fore- man o! the aid Roads and Streets Department for the past tbree months. The Warks Department will continue 'ta wonk in main- ing the raads, streets and side- walks in tawn but will also be available ta do wonk fan other committees o! Town Council-sucb as Public Property, Fine and Cemetery Committees. If additional employees are needed by the Works Department besides the tbnee regular town workmen they may be hired an a temponany basis and will be under Mn. Green's supervision. Mn. Green is a native o! Seat- land and served in France and Belgiumn during World Wan I. He came ta the Bowmanville district in the 1920's and lived at Orono for six years. He was employed for nine yeans by Ro- land Cale and one year by Milton Elliott before going ta work for the town. His appointment is on a temp- orany basis bath an bis own and the town's part for six manths, and eitben party may continue or terminate the agreement at that time. Receive Keys For New Scout Hall on Saturday Shown above are four members of the lst and 2nd Bowmanville Boy Scout Troops gnd the lst and' 2nd Bowmanville Cub Packs who represented Bowmanville Bov Scouts and Cubs at the officiai opening of the new addition ta the Lions Community Centre on S.turday afternoon. In the back row' are George Marlow and Barry Cowling and in the front, David Parker and Lv-onty Emmenson.. The key ta the meeting hall for Boy dits and Cubs in the basement of the new addition wvas accepted on behaîf of the Bow- îLville Boy Scouts Association by the President, Sidney Venton. s -Photo by Rehder Little, Reeve af Bawmanville; Ernie Houghton, Toronto, Lions International Counsellor; Walter C. Fisher, Queen- stan, Lions Past International President; Herbert L. (Deac) Goddard, President, Bowmanville Lions Club; Sig Wessman, Desoronto, Lions District Governor; Lieut John Ham, Bow- manville Salvation Army; Vic Fredcrick, Peterborough, Lions District Deputy Governor and J. J. Brown, Lions International Counsellar. -Photo by Rehder European Flood Relief Campaigns Seek Aid for Sirickena Victims Even while workmen in Hol- land, England and Belgium were struggling ta repair the damage eaused by the disastraus floods in those countries and preparing for a fresh onsiaught of bigb tides, a spontaneous campaign of flood relief work had sprung up in Bawmanvilie ta belp alleviate the misery and suffering caused in these countries. The Red Cross, long noted for its immediate response ta a crisis of this kind, bas swung into action and several other Bowmanville organizations have alsa taken steps ta colleet money for Eur- apean flood relief. The Nether- lands Flood Relief Fund bas launched an appeal locally under the direction of Arnold Besteman, 15 Ontario St., and many people, especially the New Canadians fnom Holland have already con- tributed generausly ta this fund. Manies collected by Mr. Beste- man will be forwarded ta the Dutch cansulate in Toronto and will be used immediately by that stricken country in the work of flood relief and ta repair the dykes which proteet one-quarter of that country against the high tides yet ta came. Club 15 of Bowmanville bas placed containers in restaurants and stores in town ta colleet contributions for relief of those who lost their homes and loved anes in the strieken areas of England, Holland and Belgium. Announcements that donations for flood relief could be made ta Mark Roenigk, Treasurer of the Bowmanville Red Cross Soc- iety, were made from the pulpits of Bowmanville churebes last Sunday. A speciai affering will be taken for flood relief work this Sunday at the Christian Re- fonmed Church, Scugag St. Bath the Red Cross and the Netherlands Flood Relief Fund have announeed that the urgent need naw is for maney, not clothes, although the Netherlands Fund may accept used clothing at a later date. Money contributions can be made ta Mn. Roenigk, at the Bowmanville banks, ta Mr. Beste- man, or placed in the botties provided by Club 15 in local places of business. The Canad- ian Statesman will acknowledge cash contributions for flood relief, provided the donar designates which.-o! the funds he wishes bis donation ta go ta. The peopîs of Bowmanville are asked ta be generaus in their support of these vaniaus relief funds ta help ta alleviate the distress and hardshîp of these large numbers of people in Europe who have suffered from one of the greatest disasters ever ta strike that continent. This is ai- most a literal casting a! bread upon the waters and the day may well came when it will be ne- turned again. Thr ee New Classes Are Staried By LocalDepi. of Recreation Three new classes were started in January unden the sponsarship of the Bowmanville Department of Recreation, Recreation Dinector Don Shay reparted at a meeting o! the Department held last Thurs- day evening in the Lions Coin- munity Centre. These classes are a Judo class with Henry Holford a3 instructor wbich is being held on Thursday evenings, an afternoon leather- craft class with Mns. Forrest Dii- ling as instructress, and a photog- raphy class with Ennie Rebder and AI Richards as instructors, whieh meets on Tuesday evenings fan discussions and instruction. Those taking the photognaphy elass may also use the dank room at the Lions Community Centre at ather times with permission fnom Mn. Rehder. Mn. Shav was autborized ta in- vestigate the possibility of hold- ing a sehool for square dancing under the auspices o! the Comn- munity Programmes Branch of' the Department of Education. The Branch will send an instructor ta Bowmanville for a sebool held three nights in succession, provid- ing that 20 pensons will under- take ta attend aIl of the three nights. (Continued on Page Sevn You Are Invited To Annual "World Day of Prayer" Women the world aven will jain in services of prayer and dedication an Fniday, Feb. 20, a day set aside by aIl Protestant chunehes for this purpose. In Bowmanville representatives from ail churehes will take part in the two services m7hich will he held in Tinity United Chuneh. At the aftennoon service. coin- meneing at 3 p.m., Mrs. T. A. Morgan will be the speaker, and Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson will give the address at the evening service whieh will be held at 7:30 p.m. Mns. S. Black will be soloist at bath services and a united choir representing alI chunches takinig part will lead in the service o! sang. It is haped that a lange number will attend bath services. The people of the world today stand in need o! the prayens of all Chnistians. The Wonld Day of Prayen is observed in aIl parts of the world on the samne da. Feb. 20, ail churches being joined by the bond of prayer during the 24 bouns thus dedicated. Women'9s Hospital Auxiliary Donates $3,000 to Emergency Fund Appeal Court of Revision To Complete Work On New Assessment The Court o! Revision o! the United Counties o! Northumber- land and Durham bas held three 1hcarings in Bowm-anville Tawn Hall on appeals against 1953 assessments in the town and will bcamplete its inspection a! the 1praperties involved today (Thurs- day) and hand down its decisions. A total 'of 109 appeals were made, but ail but 55 wene in the nature o! adjustments o! errons rather than actual appeals. Re- mainder o! tbe 55 praperties for which appeals bave been entened will be inspeeted today and de- cisions will prabably be diselosed in aIl cases tonigbt or tomarrow. Great Praise Given Contractor and Men On Post Of fice lob Wonk on the new 16 by 60 foot temporany addition ta the Bow- manville Post Office was cam- pleted last Thursday, in record time. Postmastcr John B. Kent and his staff have been making use of the additional. space for sorting and other work since that time. The structure was compieted by the contractons, H. M. Brooks Ltd., Oshawa, within the 30 days specified in the tender, and the plumbing and electrical work was donc by tw'a local contractons, S. Blain Elliott and Higgon Electnie. Many complimentary nemarks were heard by the "sidewalk supenintendents"' on the efficient way in whieh the contractor and bis employecs wcnt about their job as master cnaftsmen. Mr. Kent expeets ta neceive some additional equipment for the new part of the Post Office in the near future. Plays Here Monday Local Badminton Players Awarded International Honors ai Tournameni In Which 500 Take Pari ai Rochester Bowmanville Badminton stars games during the tournament and entered into International famne they now feel in perfect shape to over the weekend. Four members go on ta the Canadian Open Tour- naim-nt ta be played a* Niagara of the local club took part in the Falls in the very near future. New York State Invitation Tour- ln addition ta winning the tities nament held in Rochester, N.Y., at this Kodak Tournament the Friday, Saturday and Sunday and Bowmanvilhites alsa brought home brought home most of the top expensive flash cameras, Ronsan honaurs ta aur f air town. lighters, sweaters and dlocks as Gary Tighe was the men's part of their prize boot. Players champion, winning the Men's ta the number of about 500 were Singles tournament. Bob Gai- entertained from New York City, lagher and Gary Tighe won the Boston, Detroit. Philadeiphia, and Men's Doubles, and DoreenRed just about every large city on the dock and Bob Gallagher took-ai Eastern seabord of Canada and the top honours in the Mixed' the U'nited States, Doubles dept. Ruth Thompson1 The Statesmian joins with the and Dareen Reddock placed high I citizens of the town in offering in ail the ladies' events but, did' congratulations to these four bad- flot finish in championship form-. iminton stars for bringing still Ail four jubilant members re - additional International honours ported that they played over 100 ta aur tawn. Town Hall and Opera House Again Becoming ",A Thing of Beauty" Thanks Io New, Civic Works Depi. As many have noticed during the past week, the aid Town Hall bas been given a face-lifting aper- atian and neceived determined ministrations with soap and water, with the resuit that the aid jade already looks 20 years younger. Thanks ta the new set-up of a Warks Department instituted at the last Cauncil meeting at the suggestion of Chairman of Pub- lic Property, Walter DeGeer, and with the ca-operation of Chair- man of Roads and Streets, Norman Scott, noads and streets workmen have been busy bath inside and outside the Town Hall. Shrubs have been pruned, ready ta bush out with greater and tidier beauty in the spring, and this mellowed brick building naw exposes a smiling face. ta the public. But everyane knows that health and cleanliness are neces- licity these days. sary ta retain that happy expres- sion, so parts af its interior have felt the unaccustamed swish of soap and water. In the auditorium a genenal sweeping and dusting up is going on. Even a dlean-up projeet is like starting in ta wash a herd of elephants, but it is haped those respansible will flot weary in well-doing. The present action wbich is highly commendable, had its be- ginning in the repeated urgings af former Councillor Wilfrid Car- nuthers, then Chairman of the Property Committee, wha made a stant last year with the redecor- ation of the lower hall and police offices. With the continuation of new heating plant, the Bowman- ville Town Hall and Opera Hause could be as beautîful a place as( the Cobourg building wbich is re- ceiving sa much praise and pub.v Newcastle Youth Is Killed In Motorcycle AccidentSunday Nighi Huried 30 feet fram the back when he was seven days aid. and seat of a motorcycle into the he was left an orphan when his windshield of a car in an accident father, -Fred Karkpatrick wu~ kili- at the intersection of Highways eci by a bulldozer iast year. A Nos. 2 and 401 on Sunday night, few weeks before Christmas the James Kirkpatrick, 16-year-ald youth had accidentally shot hlm- Newcastle youth, died eariy Sun- self while climinb a fence on a day morning of a fractured skull hunting trip. in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. aKirkpatrick w:s a passenger on Old Timers' Gamne Couch, 16, adriven Newcastle ' oa igA i which was going east an High- Monday Night way 2 at 6:25 p.m. Sunday when____ it ran into the right rear of a car The Bowmanville Old Timers driven by George K. Turbitt pro- hockey team hias been holding ceeding west and turning onto warkouts in preparatian for their Highway 401. game with the Part Hope Old The impact catapaulted Kirk- Timers ta be staged at the Mem-. patrick completely over Turbitt's anial Arena on Manday night, and car and into the path of anather a large number of the stars of westbound car driven by Lionel yesterday have been turning out. H. Rowe, Toronto. The yautn Te Ba anie Knse struck the right 'windshield of Th omnil Knse Row&s car, bounced anto the roof Club is sponsoring the game ta and then landed on the highway. raise maney for its fund for in- Police said a thîrd car bearing U. stalling artificial ice in the Me- S. license plates may have hit marial Arena. A second contlest Kirkpatrick as hie lay on the raad, will see the Smith Truckmen, a although witniesses were confused Senior "B" team from Oshawa, on hispont.Whehe th thrdclash with the Pcople's Credit car hit him or nat, it did net stop Oewld iers' ame is serotfor.7:15 at the scene of the accident. OdTmr'gm sstfr71 Mrs. Rowe was eut by shattered and the Scnior "B" game for 8:30. glass from the windshield, and Among those donning the blades the window framie and top of the for the Bawmanville Old Timers car were bent by the force of will be Dutch Osborne, Allai-. Kirkpatrick's body striking it. Don 3em, Jumbo Chartran, Abby The badly injurcd youth was Piper, Eddie Rundle, Frank rushed ta Memorial Hospital, Jamnieson, Jack Muttori, George,, Bowmanville, in an F. F. Morris Moody, Porky Osborne, Ted Bag, Ca. ambulance and passed away neil. Russ Halman, Red Hooper, of head injuries at 3:20 a.m. Mon- Scotty Cameron, Shinny Moise, day. and others. The Couch youth escaped with Te Kinsmen will hoid a draw cuts and bruises on bis legs and in connection with the game for back and a eut right eve, a-î'cvas lir' (îDub> Piper who sufferedi released tramf the ho spital after, a bruken leg in one of the prac- treatnient. tices. Hooper's Jewellery Store James Kirkpatrick lived with hias d onateci a man's or ladylt his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. wrist watch as the prize for this Alex Adair in Newcastle, and his draw and ail praeeeds from the step-mother, Mrs. Aileen Kirk-: sale of tickets will go ta, Mr. Piper. patrick is a residerit of Montreal. Tickets can be obtained from any 1-lis mother had d;ed in hospital m nember of the Kinsmien Club. Officers of Lions International Honoured Guests of Local Club at Grand Opening of Addition to Centre A large gathering o! past and1 present rîigfl-ranking offiens af At the negulan meeting of the I cammittee and sewing banded ion International, indluding Wamen's Auxiliany o! Memonial 1 out ta some groups in the country. Past International Presitient Wal- Hospital which was held in the draes also etedthatd13fpainsho!ter C. Fisher; representatives o! Auxiian nam, nida, Fbrury rape ha ben mde fr te - .district and Toronto Lions Clubs, Auiir om rdy eraynurses' residence. "7 and Bowmanville service clubs, 6th, Mrs. O. Robson and Mrs. R. A very nice gift o! a pair o!fr Dceswene guests of the Bowmanville Cowie were appointed canveners beautiful woal blankets was ne- riDckn Lions Club Monday night at the fan the Birthday Party which ceived from the Kendal Women's Who will be playing at the first Club meeting following the will be held this yean on Friday, Institute-. Memonial Arena, Monday night, officiai opening of the new ad- March 27. This is the 4th ann i- Bis ta the amaunt of nearly Februanv 16, for Smith's Truck- dition ta the Lions Community versary of the apening o! a bos- $ 300 were passed. A cheque fan 1 men against People's Credit Jew- Centre on Satunday. pital in Bowmaniville. Dates fan $3())0000 was voted ta the Hos- ichlers in a Senior B match. The Included among the guests were the senies o! bridges ta be held at pital Board ta help pay for some first part of the cvenin»'s activ- nepresentatîves of trie Toronto the home of Mn. and Mns. F. Mor- of the pressing dehts o! the Build- ýtj-ýz wýi1ll 1-etheondîe game Central Lions Club. which nul were set fon March 10, 11, 1, ing Fund. ý,vî'h Port H,,ie ps:~Bwa-onn nt the sponsring clubs cf and conveners for each eveningI The Auxiliary meets the finst, viIle. These specîal 'attractions: the Bowmanville Lions; Toronto wene named. Fridav o! each month at three arc- beingi soonsoncd by the Kins- Danforth Club, and Lions Clubs Mns. J. O'Neill neported a o*clock in the Auxiliary roomn of men Club lIo ra.,sze money îcr thei in Peterborough, Oshawa, New- quantity of cuttmng done by ber' the Hospital. Artificial lue Fund. 'castie, Port Hope, Cobourg, Mill- em L.rook and Part Penny. These guests and the many local cluesi.s w welcomed by Presi- dent Herbrest <Deac) Goddard, who also called on International Counsellon Ernie Houghtan, To- ronto Danforth Club mnemben and a Past Presîdent o! Lions af Can- ada, ta introduce the speaker of the evening, Past International Precident Fisher of Queenston. Mn. Houghton descrîbed Mr. Fisher as a man wbo lives Lion- ism, and stated that Lionism bad gone ahead rnuch fasten in Can- ada even since bis term in office. Congratulated Local Lions Mr. Fisher thanked Mr. Hougbt- on for bis praise but stated, "any bouquets handed out tonight (Continued on Page Seven) Bot Head table Guests at Lions Opening Banquet 'j> il "7e PER COPY be Z 1 NUMBER 7

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