THURSDAY, FEB. 26, 1953 TI ADI*LL' OATESAa.MAN. W MANVMLLE. ONTARjO -Rotary Clubs Grant Over Million foueHrs Io Students in'_Fellowship Chicago, Ill.-Advanced study faiths-they are doinga abroad as Rotary ambassadors of research work-and theya good will is the assignment of ive in diverse business an 95 outstanding graduate students fessional fields. from 30 countries for the 1953-54 Rotary Felloivs are chose schol ear. These young men candidates endosdb Sand women are the recipients of tary Clubs in their home fellowships awarded by Rotary Candidates must be betw, International, world wide service and 28 years of age. The3 club organization, as one of its have a coflege or universi contributions toward the goal of gree, a record of high sch promoting international under- standing, and a thorough etpnding, good wilI and peace. ledge of the languagec WVe one-year fellowship grants country in which they proj W( ?ange from $1,800 to $3,400 each, studv. They must have th and total approximatelv $250,000. ity to make friends easily, Snce the programme was in- ternationally minded, and1 augurated in 1947 as a memorial an instinct for leadership. to Paul Harris, the founder of tary Fellowshps are granted Rotary, Rotary Foundation Fel- out regard to race, creedc Iowshps have been awarded to izenship. 487 youths living in 54 countries and geographical regionsI Europe, Asia, Africa, the Amer Bride-to-Be Is icas and the Islands of the Pacifie.Ho urd v~ Total grants to these Rotary o urdb F« Foundation Fellows amount to At Kitchen Showl more than $1,250,000. These Rotary' Fellows have Miss Il#en Balson was gu proved themselves to be effective hnu takthnsoe ambassadors of international good by Mrs..Jack Large and Mrs will, not only in the lan ds in Devitt at the latter's hai which they do their graduate jane St. Tuesday evening, FE work, but also in their ow-n coun- The bride-to-be was the rec tries after their year o! study. of many lovely and usefu] Rotary Contacts Abroad On her entry Into the 1 The Rotary Fellowships are room, which was beautifuIl3 unique in that, with more than orated with pink and 7,600 Rotary Clubs in 85 coun- streamers, she was presented tries and geographical regions a dainty corsage of yellow( throughout the world, the student dils by Mrs. Large. She was is in direct contact with Rotarians given a beautifully deco and their families duringhsya Bride's Book In the shape away fromn home, no natter where heart, made by Mrs. Geo he is studying. He attends.their Graham. Rotary meetings, visits in their -After the bride-to-be hadg hômes and places of business, and ed her gifts, the guests, abo travels as much as possible dur- in number, compiled twa mng his school halidays. I thik, books supposedly depicting way, he sees at first hand how lives of the bride and 91 the people in. hi& hast country live These were the source ofi and, through these close associ- merriment. Axiother higt ations, he lays the egsential found-- was the arrivai of a telegrai ations for increased international the7 bride bringing best w~ understanding, whlch is one of cf al present. This was obit Rotmary' principal objectiver>. ly sung by Miss Donalda <ý Althcugh the programme la er. only in its seventh year, nany The dinlng-room was decoi Rotary Fellows alreadY have in Pink and white streamers shown promise that they may the table had as its centre.1 well be amang tomorrow's lead- a large cake iced in white ers, they gre teaching in colleges pink'and bearing the inscri' and secondary schools-.they have "Congratulations Ileen." entered the foreign and domestic white tapers were on either service of their governments- of the cake. A delicioug l they have been ordained as min- was served by the hostes isters of churcheg of different conclude the -enjoyable everi HIOGON ELECTRIC ILECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION AmTOkiz.o 42 ICINO STE.EERALL@ ELECTAIC Box 360 Min 48 owmanvil -h N43 OM. APPLIANCE -DEALER. Ontario In the SPrinçz Picture Milk is that Co if give sfainini ... buil, -' j Serve fà rff-f r GIl PRONE 444 AC sstrictly in the spirit cf pep-up-and-go ones with Spring! Rich in vitamins, es every member of the family the L to ward off change-of-season ailments Ids vim and vigor for outdoon activitles. rour famnily plenty of our wholesome, 'esh milk4,w! ien Rae Dairy 1BO WMAN VILLE '-i s I0. BLACKSTOCK (Intended for last week) Rev. and Mrs. George Nichol- son were in Peterborough Mon- day evening presenting' their advance slides and' talk on the Arctic at are act- Ail Saints Anglican Church. md pro- Progressive euchre party whicl en from St. John's Anglican Church Men's he Ro- Club sponsored in the Parish Hall towns. last Wednesday evening was a veen 20 huge success. There were 21 'y must tables o! cards. Prizes were won ity de- as !ollows: ladies-Mrs. John ýholastic Rahm, Mrs. Bert Gibson; men's know- _Mr. Tricker, Russell Splnks; of the ladies' door prize-Mrs. Wm. Van >pose ta Camp; men's door prize-Frank he abil- Staniland. The men sen-ed a be in- lovely lunch o! assorted sand- possess wiches with coffee and tea. . Ro- Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van d with- Camp attended the Peterborough or cit- Normal School "At Home" Fni- day evening. -Mrq. C. W. Huttoni was in Osh- awa Hospital for several days last week. Glad that she is home and improving. Miss Nancy Hutton ends vîsited the Rev. Empey family in Hamp ton. er Mrs. Oakley Carley and Anne, Cavan, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clan- ýuest cf ence Marlow. rgiven Mr. Richard Van Camp of 's. Carl Kemptville Agriculttural College, ne on was home for the weekend. 'eb. 17. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Devitt and cipient Mn. Reggie Nesbitt with Mr. and 1 gifts. Mrs. Cecil Hamilton on Sunday. living- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swaln [y dec- were in Lindsay with Mr. and white Mrs. Frank Power, Satunday. ýd with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Martyn, Osh- daffo- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold as also Martyn. ýoated Friday night the W.M.S. held a ?of a crokinole party in the Commun- o. W. ity Hall. There were Il tables and the prizes were won by Mrs. open- Courtney Graham and George out 25 Bowers. scrap Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson, (g the Toronto, and Miss Mona Ferg- rroom. uson, Bnougham, with Mr. and rnuch Mrs. Roy Ferguson. thllght Miss Beryl Larmer, R .N., Peter- mn for borough, spent Friday at home. vishes The George Prosser faniily iging- placed lovely flowers on the Com- reas- munion table at St. John's Ang- lican Chunch, Sunday, ini mem- rated ory of their son, Dennis Prosser. a and Mn. and Mrs. Frank Cook, piece Beavertan, with Mr. and Mrs. W. eand Archer. tion MTO Wrx. Taylocr Is visiting in 1aiTronto with Mr and Mrn. De raide Lucas. lunch Several relatives fram here ;es ta called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter aing. Edgar (nee Edna Holmes), Osh- -awa, last Wednesday evening on - the occasion of their 25th wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin, Donna and Dennis, and Mrs. Hugh Murphy with Mr. and Mns. Lamne Thompson. Mr. Merlin Bailey, Toronto, was home aven the weekend. Miss Grace Graham had ber tonsils ouf at the Oshawa Hos- pifai and la having a week of ~<holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howsam,4 Manchester, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Forder on Sunday.Te celebrated Brenda's firstbithday and also a birthday for Mr. How- Isam. Messrs. Tom Stewart, Tom Smith and Reeve George Black attended the Good Roads Conven- tiin Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Sturrock, MisMarilyn Fonder and friend p ih Mrs. Jas. Farder. 4 Mr. Gardon Paisley wlth his >i parents at Dunnville. Mr. and Mns. E. Udal moved ta r.l the Marfyn Apartmnents last Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Porter, a bride and groom frcm Calgary,' and Mn . Hunter, Port Penny, called on Mrs. Wm. Van Camp lasf Tuesday. Mrs. Porter was Agnes Nairn o! Port Reeve, Sask., daughter of the former Blanche Malcolm. Miss Mary Wilson and Robent Brînkman, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drinkwat- er with Mrs. Wm. Van Camp on Sunday. Ron finishes his work p at Malton this week and he and Wilma will fly back ta Ottawa. - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crawford Mi and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Marlow attended the Motor Show, in Ta- ronto Saturday evening. l Several members n owf n i I s M %vere expressed -in -answer -ta th e roll caîl, "Samething I have i learned about Africa". Mrs. Ern- S est Larmer, group leader. presid- 1ed for the programime: Mrs. Roy Taylor gave a reading, "He died with God in His Heart". Little Miss Nancy Dorreli sang 'Jesus ILoves Me" and -Mr. Cobblen, Fix My Shoe". Chapter o! study book, "The Healing Ministry" which had been prepared by Mrs. Hutton was given by Mrs. Taylor, impersonating Miss Nancy Ca- pithorn, Mrs. Gordon Strang as IMiss Edith Brown and Mrs. Earl iDorreli as Miss Frances Botham and Mns. C. Hill as questionen.I jThe peace item wvas given by Mrs Larmer, alsa a humorous nead: ing of Edna Jacques "My Sister Visits Me". Atter the thanks toi Mrs. Marlow for ber home and those taking part, a social hall i hour was enjoyed. j For quick nesuits - use The Statesman Classified Ad&. J 1 M ligli I MORRISH church service at Morris h and Pus nthrtine was enjoyed. March pro- day. t erta n _______srmontopics until Easter. us S ath rgme and lunch omte: Sryt&hata M.*o Mrs. Wm. Uglow and Miss Barb- Is Scared Off Mn. and Mrs. R. Gibson, Mr. and Hamilton is on the slck list. W. A. met Feb. 18 in the home ara McConnell. Newtonville, were Mrs. Harvey Partner and Mr. Mrs. E. Duvail, Mrs. L. H7amU -o! Mrs. F. Cornish with 13 mem- Sunday guests o! Mn. and Mrs. I. By George Purdy and Mrs. Sfanley Gable. tan. Mme. L. Boumne, Mrs. J. ýCan - bePremient and th. rciln. Mnn-l.Mr. R. Edgenton, Saskatche- eran, Mrs. A. Loucks, Mrs. r Peàdet Ms.Wm Mavi cn- Mns. M. J. Osborne, Mrs. D. A purse snatcher who stole the wvan, visited at the Miller home Martin and Mrs. E. Green attend ï, ducted the meeting. Mrs. Wm. Haines and Mrs. Wm. McHolnx handbag of 16-year-ald Kathleen last week. ed the World Day o! Prayer a McHolm acted as secretary in the vlsited Mrs. Brooks, Cavan; Mrs. Cane. High St, last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeMille Omono Church. habsence o! Mms. H. Osborne. Rail F. Cornish with Mrs. Penwarden night near the Elgin St. C.P.R. and family, Bunketon; Miss Bessie Masters Alan Martin, Aie 'caîl was answered by members o! Onono. overpass, lost his nerve and disYeH ponadM.adM. Green, Gary Thampson, Launi givniacent oeverydla bidsy Mr. Reno Bebee has gone fa carded if when chased b>' George Charlie Penwanden with Mn. and Thompsan, Peter Loucks an, aWetounot oeou c d biîs, shw to mnake his home with Prd2', High St.1 Mrs. Walter Vaneyk. Glen Grant attended the Scou' 1that many one o! scPulbos his daughten Bernice, Mns. Frank The purse was later found on Mn. A. Wieninaen, 'Pontypool, lhurs.PHraery ba netrn tra wartih de erhaps il. Taylor. Mis fwa gnandsons, Lor- the bridge and nefurned intact t ie ttheVaekoe.Trn. H W erepeas etnçheuo thecorectnumen-enza and Benson, are etaying with ifs owner. M.adMs Wl aekThaoto.h e arfe lng much bte. SoudblMn. and Mns. Dey for the present. The thie! a unn r n r.Wle aekta h sfeigmc etr Commlttee was formed ta de- Anawasrunin left b>' train from Bowmanville Mr.AgsWtnwaaSa cide detai].s l in sigtekthfte ui a inished i the brdgiwe Prdhgv Tuesday morning for Montreal, urda>' visitai, with Mn. and Mrs en, Mrs. M. J. Osborne, Mrs. F. record time thîs week. Sa many chaf and neani>' caught hlm. Me leavîng Dorval Airpont by 'plane Alexc Watson. MCnlladMoH.Bcet ladies came an Monday ta, qulît then losf his nerve and discarded Wednesday. ta visif relatives 'n An adventisement that appear We donad $ n. M. Bteckettd that if was taken fram the frarnes the bag in his efforts ta make a Holland. This is Mr. and Mns. ed in an Irish newspaper, mead Victime' Fund. Mns. Lea Bevan onTesday affernoon. The sev- getaway. Purd>' described the Vaneyks' firsf visit ta thein home- "atdAgnlmnt ne ofend erhoe anth March etadls o e wes us nthra being short land since they came to Canada take the sale o! a patent medicine *meeting. Lunch committee: Mrs. we hope, will be neady Feb. 23 and stock>' and wearing a brown 2 er g.TecmuiyTeavrie urnesi i W.Mavi ndMn.Lloyd Mary- t oko.praadcekrdrdcp joins in wisîîing them a pleasant be profitable fa the undertaker. in. Mrs. M. J. Osborne handed in Fnida>' evening the Y.P.U. held Police searched the area for an holiday. Mastery Jobnny Van--_________ $30.00 received for quilts necently a ver>' success!ul crokinole party hour but were unable ta find the eyk is staying wifh the Baker finished. Scipture was read b>' in the Sunday Sehool. Seventeen thief. 'famil>' while bis parents are awvay.P nt olM n Mm,. Wm. Menderson a.nd lesson enthusiastic playens were pres- o tp lMa thoughts and prayer b>' Mns. M. ent, with four tables gaing strong. Becket t. Mns. J. Brimacomb President Lorrain Young was the T?? i'Coliio nead a letter from Mrs. Jessie time-keepen. In the final score L N A L E K R Wright who returned ta the Mis- 11ev. A. W. Harding was highest horeWdmnPntpt sion Field in Nigeria. in gents, Rosie Ellis highesf in Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dux'ali Mr. and Mns. R. MacDonald, su!!ered a bruised arm and his Mrs. D. Haines sang as a solo ladies and Joan Marvin with the and famil>', Leskard, wifh Mn. and Mrs. MacDonald, Sr,.Miss A. car was considerably danîaged "What A Friend We Have i lowest score. A super lunch was Mrs. Wm. Miller. Barnes, were Sunda>' visitons with on Sunda>' when if collided with served cansisting o! doughnuts Mn. and Mrs. Orme Miller were Mn. and Mns. Norman Fee. a panked road-sanding truck on Jesus" accompanied an the piano tants. sandwiches and boh oca Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. Green, Alex Highway 35 about two miles by Mrs. Lloyd Marvin. Two neci- tcca taflons "In the Children's Hos- This pleasant get-to-gether was Mansell Wright, Bethan>'. and Knobby, were Sanda>' visitons sauth a! Pantypool. Mis wi!e pital" and "hiete Kfl brought ta a close with the Nation- Home and Schaol Club met on wt d.adMs.AgsLuk.alsa su!fened leg bruises. Slngs for Tea" were given b>' Mrs. ai Anthemi. Friday evening with a lange at- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rabbins and The trun k as stan ldin nTye W .MHl.Feb. 20 at 3 p.m. the World Day tendance. Pres. Art Youngman Gail, visited bis parents, Mr. and na n f rvr ly a' AWm. McHoulunh srvdof Prayer service was held in presijed. If was decided ta hold Mrs. Art Rabbins, Ion, Orona, was loading if with Ayu deliialntch a sre Welcome Sunda>' School. A fair a social evening on Manch 6. Mr. Joe Harf visifed in Toron- saIt when the Wideman car b> arbotssan eacmmittee, number atfended including four Fred Partner took the chair for ta last week. crasbed into the near of the Mns. 1. McConnell and Mns. Fred fram Morrish. Different parts o! the pragram and called on Mns. Mn. and Mrs. Henb Duval and vhce oiesi htso MeCnnei.Vote o! tbanks ta the service were faken b>' W.M.S. N. Avery and Frank Denby, Hay- John wene Sunda>vitos it was !alling and visibilifypo thelo ai pn psb>Mr. members. 11ev. A. W. Harding don, for, piano and violin music. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Duvall. wben the accident happened. LlydMavi.gave the address on "Walk As Ed Yaungmnan introduced M. D. Mrs. Bassineft, Toronto, spent A leaflet prepared b>' Rev. A. Chiîdreno ih. Kirk, Lindsay, Zone Forester, the weekend with. Mn. and Mrs. Modemn producers must keep W. Harding bas been sent ta ________ o! Light". hs ommnivWho sbowed thnee pictures on Robent Chaters. thein pnices low enough ta main. every ng he sintuas mmnity trees and reforestat ion and one We w-ere sorry ta hean of the tain an economie volume a! pro- outalinitsprtaesntias Goldwyn Smith: "Independent, for the cblîdren "The Three ! death a! Mrs. Grattin Curts, niece duction or lose thein customens o!aCnita:layalty ta aur thought is the sait, withouf which Bruins". Mns. Avenry and Mn.. of Mrs. Colin Brown. Mn. and whose combined capacity ta do Church, prayer and reading 6! al aur liberties would lose their Denby favaured with mare music Mrs. Roy Thompson attended the 1 wifhout ar ta find substitutes is God's Word, also the hours o! savaur.' Lunch was senved and a social Lfuneral at Fenelon Falls on Sun-I sufficient ta break an>' industry. maa no exort4ýzoreajuurn mthan aux otlier country. cosf power, this Caniadian enterprise has created emplovnuent Sfill the need grows, bot1h af home and abroad, for this and income for tens of thousands: for the men who build lit, strong, modern metal of many uses. And Aluminurn and operate thie dams and powerhouses, the docks and %L'i1ipaÂy ou'.anaiaa is putting man-povver, andi money, and engineering brains, and imagination info the job of keeping Up with that demand. \ Aluxninum is "packaged power". The electricity needed VAlmnu smelters and powern unes it needs; and for the more than one thousand independent Canadian, companies who turn aluminum into countless forms important to0 industry and our own daily living. e M 5& omag fCaaa,[d Producers and pracessors of aluminum for Canadiar, and world markets Plants of Shawinigan Falls 0 Arvida * Isle Maligne e Shipshaw a Peribonka a Port Alfred - Beauharnois 0 Wakcefield e Kingston 0 Etabicolce -t ' M. C. A. at re nd ar r. li iwr. rAmAntÀLw 31 .. 1 - ý 1 -Dun -0