,>THURSDAY. FEB. 26. 1953 Pickering Transpc Shows Net Savingc Due Io Saving Over A net savinga of $2,633.81 for the year 1952 was proudly sub- ý îted by Secetary-Treasurer Àenr Westney to the members îif the Pickering Transport Co- Operative af their general meet- J@ on February 14. qqDring 1952 the Ca-Op. truck bau ed 34,199 cana, an average oi 94 =ai per day, campared wifb 83 ci in 1951 and 69 cana in i94servlng 23 active membens, N~ fwhom had joined during 1? yelri The income for the yean was $0,250.24, expenses, including 30 per cent depreciation ai the new truck, amounfed ta $6,616.43. This means a nef saving of 7Y4c for *very can shipped. In view of the imct thaf the frucking rates of the C-Op. are already 2c e ;membera actualhy saved 9 %c, .trucking their milk for 19"4 C In- stead ai 29c, which are paid by fanniers shipping on privately or dairy owned trucks. A patron- age dividend of 5c per can was * declared and the balance trans- ferred ta General Reserve. The Treasurer neporfcd that the finrt dividcnd certificates of those1 )r Co-operative of $2,633.81 for 1952 '9c Per Can of Nilk issued ast yean have mready been redeemed in cash; further, that the Ca-Op. is now completehy free fnam debt, baving paid off a total of $3,800 during the year. On January 1sf the Ca-Op. lait six members wha wcne shut off by the dainies because fhey ship- ped less than 200 lbs. ai milk per day last September, October and November. Although the Mihk Control Board at a bearing on Feb. 3rd ardered the re-instate- ment af l those producers wha averaged 160 lbs. per day during the three months, the dainies sa fan have nat complied wifh this order. Alan Lishman, Henry Westney and Ted Coates were re-elecfed as directors. The Ca-Dp by-laws provide for a rotating board of directors. The meeting discussed the questions ai a milk advertising campaign carried ouf jointly by farmers, daiies and truckers; membership in the Autamotive Transport Association: expansion of the Co-Op: the plan proposed by the Ontario- Dairy Commis- sioner, Mr. Everett Biggs, ta the Annual Convention of the On- ofa $ 419.5 0(' -t CauV#CTOR MSh.1byà wittt exclu8ive "Magic Monftor" e* "Ugk Mbe e* &e o n *N s . mn.vide yours»i a New Ca.od. YTu~ gavesgraoter s.ecWiity and sersitivitW 4 Mso inmokouany or Iim.d o*cd 0Wg#Y bl»?i.a The R.C.A. Victor Co. Are Pleased To Announce The Appoînîmeni 0f The T.V. Shop 33 Ring Si. E. Phone 3262 As Their Exclusive TELEVISION DEALER For Dowmanville and District ________________ MM CAKADIAN STATSMAN. DOIMAN7M=LL. ONTARIC tania Whale Mihk Produeers, which includea zonin< of the province, pooling of ail rnilk and producer controlled truaking. These questions were referred to the incaming board for further consideration and action. Blcickstock Players Have Busy Time At Badminton On February 2 th@ BrooklIn Badminton Cjub entertained the Blackstock Club for a friendly taurnament. The resulfs fnomn the eveninig play were as iollows: Mixed Daubles: Mac Lamb and Bill Lamb 2- Noreen Malcolm and Neil Malcolm 0; Helen Grills and Alan Mackey 2 - Doris Mar- low and Fred Stacey 0; Norme Harris and John Medland 2 - Jean Kyte and Harold Kyte 0; Lillian Booth and David Goadwin 0 - Joan Venning and Dale Gunther 2; Pat Corby and Bill McAndless 2 - Joyce Venning and Murray Hoskin 0; Helen Hamer and David Goodwin 0 - Jessie Van Camp and Fred Sfmcey 2. Men's Doubles: Bill Lamb and Allan Mackey 0 - Neil Malcolm and Fred Sfacey 2; David Good- xin and Allen Mackey 2 - Har- old Kyte and Dale Gunther 11; Bill McAndless and John Med- land 0 - Murray Hoskin and Dale Gunther 2. Ladies' Doubles: Helen Grills and Lilhian Bootb 2 - Doris Mar- low and Jean Kyte 0; Norma Har- ris and Mae Lamb 2 - Noreen Malcolm and Joan Vennmng 0; Helen Hamer and Pat Corby 2 - Joyce Venning and Jessie Van- Camp 0. Totals: Brooklin 16, Blackstock 8. Oshawa vs. Blackstock and Part Perny, Friday, Feb. 6: Ladies Doubles: Edna Knutsonl Betty Conbett 2 - Casey Harper, Caroline Naples 0; Ruth Powell, Gerda Clary 2 - Miss Parker, Mabel Cawker 0; Joanne Jonas- sen, Helen Fields 0 - Jean Kyte and Noreen Malcolm 2. Men's Doubles: Murray Powell, Bob Whitely 0 - Sami Cawker, Fred Stacey 2; LaVerne Wilson Harvey Mayer 0 - Bill Harper, Sam Naples 2; Bob Brown, Brycei Brown 0 - Dale Gunten, Hrl Kyfe 2. Mixed Doubles: Betty Corbeft, Murray Powell 0 - Casey Harper, Bill Harper 2, Ruth Powell, Bob Whiteley 0 - Aileen Pa.rker, Fred Stacey 2 - Edna Knutson, Harvey Moyer O - Doris DeNure, Sami Naples 2; Gerda Clary, LaVenne Wilson 0 - Noneen Malcolm, Sam Cawker 2; Joanne Janassen, Bob Brown 0 - Joyce Venning, Dale Gunter 2; Helen Fields, Bryce Brown 0 - Jean Kyte, Harold Kyte 2. Total: Oshawa 4, Blackstock- Port Perry 20. OBITUARY MARGARET RALLORAN One ai Ponfypoal's oldesf and maît respected citizens passed away on Fniday, Feb. 13 in St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough.1 Deceased had been in pon bealfb for about a yean and had been confined fa hospital for about twa weeks. Deceased was born near Ballyduif 84 years aga, the daughter ai James and Margaret Holmes. Two sistens, Mns. Gillis and Miss Mary Ann Holmes and anc 'r'ofher, Herb Holmes prede- ceastà ber. One sister, Mn.. Sut- ton ai Milbrook survive, besides ber sorrowing husband. I.H.S. Screech OwI"à Duav mm"Cais?' Kick"&d TWO TEAME ELIMINATED1 the district and are preparing to WeUl, girls, it'sup te youta go on ta further Wins. brin basketball lionours to B.H.t. .GLER CLUB IN TORONTO Lait Thursday, the Junior anid (By Myrs Cooper) Senior Boys' teams left town for OnTedFe.7,teG the f irat games of the play-offs OnTedy b.1,teGe after winning their own league. Club fromn the Bowmanville High The Juniors were defeated by School comnPeted in the Kiwanis Whitby by a score of 44-31, and Festival in Eaton Auditorium. the Senior&slest ta Port Perry We left at 12 on and were ready 64-47. ta sing at two a'clock. There Since the playoffs were a home were four schools competjng. and home series. bath of the teams Each school had te sing "Market visited B.H.S. last Monday. The Day and another sang of their Juniors were unable to catch up choice. Our other sang was "'Now t oWhitby althaugh they kept the Let Every Tangue"l, by Bach. score on the game very close. After the four chairs had sung, The final score was 47-42 for the adjudicator, who was v.ry Whitby, making a final score for English, gave his commente, shall the two-game, total-paint series we say. Some ai these were very 111-89 in favour of Whitby. goad. Others. . . well, we'll not The Seniors made a gaod show- discuas those. However, Bow- ing against Part Perry and held manville did not hase out cam- the score ta a close 66-61 for Portj pletely. Oakville. who had a fine Perry. The final score on the! choir camne fîrst and gat a cer- round 1.t0-108 for Port Perry.I tificate and also an inscribed Clarke Werry sparked B.H.S. in shield. Ingersol Collegiate came the second haif by scoring a total second and Bowmanville third. of 17 points. These two teamns Both af these received certificates. wiil go ta Toronto ta represent Barrie was the other choir. We C.O.S.S.A. in the Southern On- ail would like ta thank Mr. Peters tario Playoffs. who did a wonderful job in train- The two girls' teams have won ing us. Goodyear Hunters Shoot Over 60 Foxes In This District Althaugh in the opinion of rnany that this year has flot been the best for hunfing, records aif number ai foxes shot by some members af the Goodyear Rod and Gun Club indicate that a lot of the boys have been right on their toes. There is plenty af good reason for their enthusiasm in the iact that Bro. Reynard is generally credited with raising havoc with pheasants, parfridge and rabbits. There is no doubt that many pheasants have fallen victim ta bis wiles considering the number rearcd and relcased by the Dalingtan Game Commission and fthe apparent scarcity ai tbem at present. Where pheasants go there is no daubt panfnidge and rabbits go, too. In iact thene have been many instances ai Mn. Fox averfaking and dcvouning rabbits in the country this winter. Foxes are sfill plenfiful and in the opinion ai most sportsmen,1 fan ouf ai balance in relation ta other game. On Saturday, Jan. 31, a party of hunters repanted seeing 10 dii- ferent foxes in twa hours witbin a radius ai less than one mile. This can be attested personally. Credif fa those who have been insfrumental in reducing the pres- ent crap include members ai the club wbo have made a record ai ther successes. They are: John and Pete Stacey 15 foxes, Terry Brothers 14, Sam Dewel and Wilf Sniale 17, Lance Plain 8, Ron Rahm 8, Bey Fogg 3. There are many other ardent bunters who have had a reason- able measure ai success but if is rather difficult ta ascertain a full account from eaeh anc but those recorded here provide a fair cri- tenion of wbat bas been accomp- lisbed. WESLEY VILLE Little Lewis Thonndyke wbo in- jured bis nase in a faîl sanie finie ago was in Peterborough last Monday aiternoon ion medical ex- amination, and bis maother was told the goad news thaf no cor- rective measunes are requined for tbe present. Verses from the beafitudes wene necited by the Juniors at Sunday School an Sunday morning and the beginners' chass was in charge ai Muriel Austin in the absence ai Mrs. M. Payne who is suffering froni a cold. Mr. and Mns. H. Thoms visifed with H. Barrowclough's on Sun- day; Mrs. L. Haldaway spent some finie with Mns. M. Lang- staff in Newtanville last week; Mn. Gea. Hemer, Malton, is visit- ing bis niece, Mrs. E. Barrow- clough. The MefaîcraftChass held at the borne ai Mn. and Mns. A. Clarke an Tbunsdays ai the past weeks, xvas complefed last week, and some 14 or 15 membens have fine bandiwork to, show for their ef- forts. Their appnecîation: f0 Mn, and Mrs. Clarke and ta Mn. Bruce. Dinner for their bospifality and instruction was shawn by the presenfation ai an electnic clocic ta the Clarke's and a cup and saucer ta Mrs. Dinner. Howard Payne is ini Port Hope haspital af the present fime, and we hope recaveny froni bis in.- noua will b. rapia. Blackstock Dof eatB Brooklin 16 to 8 In Badinton Match Blackstoçk-Port Penny deieated Brooklin 16-8 in a badminton tourritament, held on Wednesday, February 18 af the Blackstock Club. Below are the resulta of the individual games. Mixed daublds-Doris DeNune and Jas. Smith 2 - Mac Lanibe and Bill Lambe 0,- Donofhy Naples and Sam Cawken 0 - Betty Lawson and Dr. Richards 2; Aileen Park- er and Fred Stacey 2 - Helen Mns. Hallbran haci resided in il n nfvl ;Nre this district for ber cnt ire ic .Inclement wcatben seems ta fol- Grilcl and lNeKil 0aloeen She attended cburcb and ichool low the presentation ai the local1 Norma Harris and John Mcdland at Ballyduif and moved ta Ponty- Play, for snow storms and nain 0; Jean KyteanHrodKt0 pol about 36 years ago. She was appeared on the last two Wcdnes- -PtCryand MHarodsyte; a member of Ballyduif Presby- day nights, and on Fniday nigbt Caroline Naples and Dale Gunt- tenian Church and a reguhar aci - A fine stage and warm bospif ai- 2 - Bobby HrnadKnAk herent of Ponfypool United ity made up for snow at Canton ser eonad0e.Ak Church. Deceased was of a quiet and a homey crowd at Port Bri- y and unassuming nature and even tain prevented the weathcn from Men's Doubles-jas. Smith and in failing healfh was never known dampening spirits. Sam Cawker 2 - Dr. Richards and ta comphain. Lasf Monday aiternoon Ken Bill Lambe 0; Fred Staccy and She was very intcrcîfcd in Odd- Ashby's machrnery day was hcld Neil Malcolmi 2 - John Medland fellowsbip and was a former ln Port Hope at the theatre. and Allan Kivell 0; Harald Kyte member ai the Rebekah Lodge. Brigbt tractons on the streef pro- and Dale Gunter 2 - Mikc Woods Funeral service was held in- claimed the nature ai the show and Ken Arksey o. Ballyduif Churcb on Monday, inside. The bouse was wcll fili- Ladies D o u b 1 e s - Caroline Feb. 16 with Rev. McCamnb ai- cd ta beneft fnom the educatian- Naples and Dorothy Naples 0 - ficiating. During the service Mn. ai films and cnjoy the anc ai Betty Lawson and Helen Grills Fred Johnston ai Montreal rend- comcdy. Doon prizes were won by 2: Doris DeNure and Aileen Park- ered a beautiful solo. Mn. Johns- Mrs. Harold Barrowclough of~ er 2 - Mac Lamb and Bobby Hen- ton lived with the Halloran's for Wesleyville and Ewart Robinson an 0; Nareen Malcolm and Jean many years and made several vis- ai Shiloh. KYte 0 - Norma Harris and Pat its here since leaving this coni- Mn. and Mrs. A. Holdaway and Corby 2. munitv'. Mn. and Mns. R. Best attended Pahîbearens were Bill Rennie, the funeral ai Miss L. Hayter in Hanny Neals, Jack Halboran, Han- Port s-lape on Monday aitennoon. E old Stewart, Harvey Gilbanks Miss Hayter was a former resi- E E E E and George Chapman. The floral dent of Port Britain and passed tnibutes wer.e carricd by Bruce away just prior ta ber lOtb birtb- Tbc Wonld Day ai Prayer xer- Heaslip. Porter Mitchell, Wihl day. vice-for Courtice Circuit was held ICarke. Fred Nimnigon and Chas. In an effort fa replenish Red in Ebenezer United Church with Beit. Inferment took place in Cross supplies, two quilts werc more than 60 ladies in attendance. Balydufi Cemcterv. We extend put in the farnes at Mns. A.« Hold- Mn.. Charles Found was ogns aur sincere sympathy ta the ber- away's on Mortday night, and for the aftenoon. ogns eaved. bath were quilted on Tuesdaai Mn.Smrle, rsdnti _______________ tenoa. Tey illbe aun byEbenezer Afternoon W. M. S., Mns. L. Haldaway and Mrs. W., apened and closed the pro- Frorn 1945 ta 1951 Amreicans Tufford. 1 gramme. Mrs. Wilfrid Brown, investcd $521 million in the Can- We are glad ta know Most af President of Ebenezer Evening adian oil industry. while Can- the folk who bave been il] are Auxiliariy; Mrs. Stuart Morton, adians invested $406 million. Can- improving. The Ashby chihdren' President of Maple Grave After- adians now own 47 per cent af of Pont Bitaîn are recoveringi noon Auxiliary; Mrs. H. Bradley, *their ail industry, US. residenta fî'am the chicken pox and Mns. President ai Maple Grave Even- I awn.52 per cent. F~re d Clarke ià mucb betten. ing Auxiliary and Mns. Clarence Penfaund, President ai Courfice W.A., were leaders for other parts ai the service. Mn.. Eber Snowden, Mrs. Fred Owens, Mns. Ivison Munday, Mrs, R. C. Pearce and Mn.. Pcnfound "enflered afiercd Aduet was given by Mrs. Lloyd Down and Mrs. Murray Osborne. The offcning was presentcd by Manarv uses i[E.NN because h. kaows Mn.. W. H. Brown, Mrs. Henry akes a top-qualitv plant food to Gay and Miss Jean Ga 'v. 7e top-quality tabýacca. Dr INN à Food for thought was given by Mrs. Rois Stevens in her bnief ad- kality through and through. dress. "The Touch of the Master"s rh. thriftiest investment you caimake Hand. With sa many voices extra pennies ît cotte 10 huv à ag o f telline us what we should do wîth 4. Tose ennis crne ome e roitaur lives let us listen ta lesua Thos penie cone hme o rostalone. Make it a habit ta go tai dng along extra dollars for you ini the m in praver. Ask Hîm questions1 affiner, fuller-bodied tabacca leaves- a d % at -ih p te c o h Ilaunowfora bupercro! Orer ourexcuses and nat put first things 'linoowfora bupercro! Orer QUrfinît. Jesus wull came aind abide plv of »BLENN today-the thrifty plant witb us if, like Zacchaeus, we îd n the rmw mil plaid bag. 'came ta know himn personally. - Mmav each anc receive the peace ,hat cornes from the tauch ai the WIFT CANADIAN CO.; LIMITED M\a.ster's hand. .AN FODDIVSINPO.B# 3, Nw .eMoos. nIr. Stevens closed %with rv ' LANTFOO DIISIN, PO. 0X 9, ew Troto, nt.fur a dry vote in Ajax atter a ne-' queit thaf cach onc present would Vrd&ï Jo," u m& The Sialesman Sali Ai Following Stores Trull's Store, Courtice. Strongz's Store. Port Hove. Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany. Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. T. Enwright's, Newcastle. S. Brown, Newtonville. C. Pethick, Enniskillen. T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barron, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Burketon. H. T. Saywell, Blackstocc. Keith Bradley, Pontypool. C. B. Tyrreil, Orona. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, Howse Confectionery Jury & Loveil Elgie Harnden's Handy Store and The Statesnian Office. Orono Holstein Producos Six Heif or Calves in Five Years Cedar Dale Rag Apple Pietie B. a purebred Holstein owned by Dr. W W. Sherwin, Orono, bas given binth ta six heifer calves ini just over five years. Ail were single binths. Five af the daughtens and a grand-daughfer have recentlyi been sold ta Chas. A. Glenney.i PAGE ELEVEW Newcastle, wha has mdded thei ta bis New Glenn herd. Three o these animnais are sired by M four tinies All-Canadian and $20b 000 bull Spring Farn Soveres Supreme and three by the h times Ail-Canedian Spring Fart Fond Hope. Fond Hope is à m ternal brother af the Ali-C adian Aged Cow, Spring Fa= Juliette. Most Newsmen Nover Violat. A Confidence It is a rule. nat recorded in any books, that newsmen neyer via- late a confidence. Lester Pean- son, Minister of External Affains and President af the U.N. General Assembly, said that he was in as good position as anyane ta ap- preciate the significance af the press in international affairs. Mr. Pearson also said that, al- though it may be for cvil or good, mosf newsmen are just as con- 1 cerned about the responsIilitie ai the press as they are about the freedom ai the press. There are very few newsmen wha have be-; trayed confidences and those who, have, have become very bow in! the esfeem of most other news- men. Mn. Pearson made these state- menti at the Kifchener-Waterloo Press Club's new quarters. Mr. Pearson, known for his bow tics, xvas presented with a box of these neckpieces aiter he presented the Club wifh bis awn. '~M<CULL@CH 1-MAN (NAIN SAW ' ~'Weighs elly 25 'Ib COMPLE'TV Saws FULL, POWER Il amy pismhWu : Lîght and powerful McCufloch S3.2i5 takes the work out of e utting woad. Has automatîc *."'clutch, kickproof rewind starter, /JI buit in chain ailer, many other features! $08 the complote MCU uCHLne! SeteMcCulloch 7-55 with %s$ Complete service on CUSHIONED POWER! i ail McCulloch products. Connelly Symons Garage WELCOME PHONE CLARKE 2131 PORT HOPE 8241 pfflcu UPFKOTiVs IINTIL $ATUIROAV, PUORUARY ubb. I A Yw >40 6o« ci6o 78e Nb 75c1 A&P Speotal EMend Habitant Doba PngeappI. A&P Evaporated Jew.I 6mo a 6O69c m ne 1 3 -mmi 29c 2 " 33c 2 wme 29c sHORTEaN toftS TOMATOES A&P Fanoy TOMATO JUIVE 4&P (ast...,E.iad BOKAR COFFEE p1931 3-Vàbhm $2.73 0 M LENTEN MALS A&P FA44CV M» SOCKEYE SALMON %' ln33C SOMESTRIKE FAftCY 16 31C1 26-m mm23c1 ,a w-« w 9C ZbagmZ5c N22zc1 X-M bn 19C %n 14c 12 20-, imZSC W kW PAGE MILK BREAD 24-u lIW14C LOAF CAKE. " 3-9c Reg. mi M 4e - wM PRODUCE SPECIALS' ORANGiES Foeey %.vol Oraffea, 5» e252 %m~ ot i« hwg M*ad "o4oted, N».D. t Freeêt MexioB TOMATOES du25 e eso P4 Promu Gresu Tep., Ne..1, Large 3--h«,. CARROTS 3 6ný Nova somwên W.gner, excet4rbt fer 6mtte 004" APPLES 3.6«o" CO01OE SALMION Prn..Edward beW"d, Ne. 1 T"~44 SOok- %'sW 23 c POTATOES 23C 19C 49C "A-b. fl59C A&P Qucility Meut Specials' Steaks or Roastsfl PORTEIJIGUSE, SIELOIN WING, BONELESS ROUJD IUm i erfr Shbopt Cu-PR U.I am »"VAS RF" End POIK LOINS End or Chops MULETS III 99C 16 "C 16M9 TODArs ma EIb A Vw r Prfs. A V.u Today', Ag. Todaym Pem ^go Prie@ Lb 85C Nlb5c C tIg. ROLL 16 72C 1b 49C Brookflid, Coui*ry &tyle 16 67c à, 43e 8ausacg i w 53c nb 43e Exttra Lean, Ideei for S4amburiers 167Uc N, 53e MNcE» DEE lb 69C ,,,39e . . . . . . . . . . . There wene 108 grand planol and 6,792 upright pianos manitï factured ini Canada in 1950. 1 16 55C