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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1953, p. 5

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TRURSDAY, TEE. 26, 1953 Maguir.'s Team Has On. Point Lead Ini Jack & JIi Bowling With the bowling schedule fast drawlng to a close . we find Ken 4Maguire's and Vmnce Mathewson's teains fightmng hard in the home stretch. Next bowling night wilI tell the tale, and although Ken is stiil one point in the lead, Vince -has steadily been crawling up on ,,hlm. Bill Buckley's cohorts have risen from that bottom position Sat lait and from a look at the score sheet, Bill had ple'nty to do with that move. He turned in à two 200 games to have the high double for the evening. Rex Walters' team started the evening off with a bang. and it looked like clear sailing for them 'even if their captain did just mbt anand bo eahltrange0things mu aneto eahl tae 00 mark do happen. Not one point did this agguegation manage to take, and they weue the only teamn who had this honour. Vince took al five points from them, whie the rest of the teams split points, the PE~RMA NENT WAVES Desîgned for You Alone That is an oii-uich solution puepaued for "your own" paticular type ai hair. No excessive heat- a luke- warm puocess. ______________________________, NTAPJ PA GE FmV 1 j UDIIUIfII MRS. VIOLETTA MOISE A resident of Newcastle fou many years Violetta Ellison, wid- 0ow af Benjamin Moise, died at Mus. Young's Nursing Home, Osh- awa, on Feb. 19, in heu 88th year. She had been in poor health for the past two yeaus. A daughteu of the late Mu. and Fair Flower Skaters Enchant Enthusiastic Audience One of the very pretty numbers in the first annual Joan Porter, Julie Allun, Dianne Goheen, Jo Anne Leddy. Figure Skating Carnival last Friday night was the Wýltz Back row: Faith Brockman, Lorraine Snowden, Rosemary of the Flowers in the Enchanted Forest. The "flowers" in Goheen, Gwen Murdoch, Sandra Constable, Lynda Milieu, their dainty costumes are shown above with front row, lef t Lynda Rackham, Carolyn Mason and Karen Clarke. to right, being: Connie Niddery, Berta Higgon, Jane Lander, -Photo by Rehdeu, $535 iI . ...J.Aafl flhh1bsJ*, me ie UtLt $ 5 85âwas born at York, Engiand ,on More Donations omnilwrSudyvst Mauch 1, 1865, and came ta New- ous with Mu. and Mus. Aylmeu Compete castle asa small girl. She wa Hospital Camnpagn Beech. Coplte marricd on Apuil 28. 1886, and _____Mu. and Mus. Noble Metcalf, xvas an active member of St. BOWMANVLLE Mus. Auduey Metcaif, son Lauuy,1 C d WGeorge*s Anglican Church in the Ohwwr udyvstr Cod av Durham County village. .-Mu. and Mus. Foruest Dilling 10.00 shw, eeSnayvits Predeceased by heu husband in Mu. and Mus. J. Humphirey 1.00 with the foumeu's sister, Mu. and 1945, she leaves ta mouun heu Mus. Thomas Manko ----- 1.00 Mus. Roy Van Camp, Base Line. ý $7-OCoplee pssig to dughers Mis SraMu. and Mus. F. G. Meadows 5.00 Mu. and Mus. Claud Tuckeu, Moise af Oshawa, and Mus. F. W. Mu. and Mus. Albert Piper a3.oo Stirling, with Mu. and Mus. Roy Hawkins (Grace) ai Toronto and M. George Patter ------------ 5.00) Metcalfe, Base Line. Arihur HFuyck twa sons, Ellison of Newcastle and DARLINGTON Mus. Roy Van Camp spent Tues- * who specializes in the most Chaules af Leaside. v rn-Mu.Caec vr _ ---- 0.0dyi saawt e ahr recent and advanced meth- Also suuviving are fivMrgr and MClrnce Aveuy 10ry .00 Mu. Sam Snowden. ods n 'ermnen waing childuen and two gueatgrand-Mr and Mrs. HoacKariClLay3.0 Thankoifeuing services on Sun-r od i prmnet avng childuen. M:ad usHoaeal 2.00 day weue well attended. Rev. L. ' and haircutting, will be at Mu.adMs tne al50 Bowmanvîlle on The funeual was hield in t . n Ms Stan al50 M. Somerville gave us a fine and Geouge's Anglican Chuuch, New- Miss Elizabeth Huis ---- 5.00 appuopriate sermon, based onf Mon., Wed. and Frlday castle on Saturday afternn Mu. and Mus. John Hilis- 5.00 -Christian Stewaudship". SpecialE of each week. The services weue canducted by .Mu. and Mus. Wesley His 10.00 music xvas given by the choir, i Rv.D.Dewne. ntemet asMu. and Mus. Chas. Kerr 3.00 also a quartette, Greta Snowden, H U YC K S in Bond Head Cemeteuy, New- Mus. A. J., Luther and Walt- Lenore Hoar, Loreene Burgess, castIe. er Shortt -------------------10.00 Jean Sumeusiord. The choir wasa H ouse of Style Palîbearers weue George Mea- Mu. and Mus. A. A. Hilîs 10.00 assisted by Mus. Chaules Rankine,a dows, Douglas Walton, Harvey CLARKE baydan, woedeed7t5.0 nu. at the rear of Collee Shop Britton, George Bonathan, Alfred b Fe rI -- 00 er Porocds $ and 00. PHONE 703 Gray and Eric Gray, aIl of New- S.n u.Fe rl~1.0 Seea forWMS n v castle.NECSL ening Auxiliar ladies attended then _____________________________________________ NECASLE25th annual meeting of Oshawa 1 WBamley & Ca. - ----------- 5.00 Presbyterial of W.M.S., in King0 r . and Mus. W. R. Cauveth 5.00 St. United Chuuch, Oshawa, onE 'W A UrC H .Mu. and Mus. John Rickard 10.00 Tuesday. s Mu. and Mus. D. Bernard 1.00 Mu. and Mus. H. G. Freeman, Mus. Shirley Enwuight ----- 1.00 Mus. L. C. Snowden attended the f Mu. Walteu Farrow- 1.00 funeral on Thuusday af their cous-ri Miss Betty Gray-------- 5.00 in Mus. Geutie Lee Darby who i Mu. and Mus. M. Hancock 10.00 buried at Oshawa in the familYT Ladies' Gun Club---------- 5.0 po.l f rM. Mahoney & Son ----- 2.00 Evening Auxiliauy meeting on for ~Mu. and Mrs. Ed. Thackuay 2.-00 Thursday evening at the home a Mus. Lillian Toms---- 20.00 af Mus. Eber Snowden.C RECEIVEDBY MAILThe Cotton Queens met Feb. 24 r N I G Y MILat Jean Flintoffs. It opened with v O P EN N G '.O.L No.82,Pontypool -_ 10.00 roll caîl. "show a compieted rec- In memory af Mus. Jessie ord book and dress". The girls h( ANNOUNCEMENT Mahe Institute meeting MAPL GRO E eddreses.Afteu discussing plans of __for_ Achievement Day the girls pi of M. ad Ms. Ry Vn Cmp wrke ontheir dresses. Next D ~ lentetained on Saturday even etng wil be at 7 p.m at the 13 Bowmanvil el Sam Snowden's birthday: Mu. and nonMch2T Mus. Lloyd Snowden, Lorraine, h Gail, Betty Snowden; -Mu. Stan Young Mac: "Faither, l'Il hae 9E W SodnToot;M.adMus. 'tae get a new atlas for the Cl Allan Snowden, Mary, Sandra, school!" S IM A C B A IRMargaret, David, Jimmy Snow- Auld Mac: "Ave weel, ye'd bet- ad den, Mr. and Mus. Bill Lewis, ter wait tili the wvorld's mai, ai Wendy. Mu. and Mus. Sam Snow- settieci! tcý den, Oshawa i H. G. Freeman spent a few days with the formeu's daughteu, Mu. inand Mus. Otis Pritchard at Mano- < tick. - mu. UU~uujMu. andi Mus. Chaules Rankine fILAI WLLIIS APVE - and Maugo, Haydon: Mu. and Mus. Austin Laumer, Mu. and Mus. Ross Richards, aughteu Hazel, ' YOU'VE WAITED FOR.. A WASHER LIKE THIS E AS NMODEL 43 MODEL 43P (with Puinp> $139»50 $149,50 More Beauliful. . . More Efficient. . . More Ouislanding in Value! brings you the matchless efficiency of Easy's famous "Waterflow" washing action . . . the finely engineered oil-immeused Easy mechanism with long-wearing machine- cut gears . . . a new, super-safe Easy wuinger with instant safety release and ad- justable pressure for ail fabuics . . . and a campieteiy new, quiet wringer drive with streamlined cantrois. Madel 43P is equipped with fast-flow water pump for speedy handling of water. No moue fussing with pails, floor drain or siphon. A touch of the contrai and the water is handled for yau. Monfhly Payments Arranged The Radio Shop 38 King Street E. Phone 53: A DUIRO PUMP Means Better Living!! UR DURO Watcr Sys- tem gîves us fuesh, pure water when and wheue we nerd it -... adds ta aur con- venience and çomfout of daiiy if e. DURO Pumps are avail- able in ail sizes ta meet in- dividual needs. See youu Plunîber or DURO dealer for fuil information or Write for FREE folder, URunnng Water, the. Far= Necessity". PUMPS & SOFTENERS LONDON CANADAi JACK BROUGHW *PLUMBING AND HEATING RowmanvilIe Division Si. NE WTON VILLE The Presbyterian and Unite Churcli W.M.S. societies held joint prayer service on Fuida aiteunoon in the United Chuuc basement. It was a beautifu service ai prayer and sang. Mnc C. M. Jones sang a solo accom panied by Mus. Ross Hallowel Rev. T. D. Lancaster gave a splen did address. 15 weue puesent. Mr. and Mus. Leland Payn returneci haine iuom Flouida ai Thuusday. Mu. and Mus. Tom Baker anc famiiy, Sauina, visited with Mr and Mus. Howard Oumiston ai Sunday. Mus. Norman Scott uetuunec home on Sunday aiter spendini a week with heu daughter, Mu and Mus. Kenneth Newton, Ham. ilton. Mus. Gardon Smith, St. Marys spent a few days with hei mother, Mus. Agnes Darlington [ast week. Mus. Darlington lefi on Satuuday night by bus foi Banning, Caliiornia, ta visit hier sistet- there. Mu. Jack Glover ueturned home frm Memoulal Hospital, Bow- nanville, on Sunday feeling much impuoved aiter hîs operation. Mu. and Mus. Wray Saules, af Toronto, spent the weekend with Mru. and Mus. Jack Elliott. Mus. Clinton Farrow has been assisting, nursing heu sister, Mus. Carl Todd, who was opeuated on in Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville, last Tuesday. Mus. Edith Johnston ueturned home from Florida Monday maun- ing. Congratulations ta Mu. and Mus. Truman Hendeuson on the birth f a baby girl in Memorial Hos- ital on Monday the 23rd. Mu. and Mus. Bert Binsted, ai elleville, spent the weekend eith theiu daughteu, Mu. and Mus, rrevor Miles. The Pot Luck Supper held in he basement ai the United, huuch on the evening ai the lth was attended by about 50 iherents. The supper was guand ii the idea ai a big family get- ogether seemed ta be rewauded nthe spirit of iuiendliness pue- ent. A short business meeting THURSDAY, FEB. 201h Nen's Town Leagne of the Board was held at which Mu. Authur Redknap was ap- pointed Chaluman and Mus. Ross ýd Hallowell, Secuetauy. Pictures a wee shown by M. Sid Lancaster ýy ta, complete an enjoyable evening. ýh Mus. Jas. Stark and Teddy have il gone ta Castieton fou a few days . ta 'visit heu father. Mus. Ronald Gibbs undeuwent an operatian on Tuesday in -Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Miss Allie Nesbitt spent the ýe weekend at home with Miss Annie n Nesbitt. d n LONG SAULT d Mu. and Murs. Gardon Baker gand family, Mus. May Johins and1 Master John Vaneyk were Satur-1 *day evening guests of Mu. and1 Mus. Orme Milieu. Mu. and Mus. Wm. Sim, Oshawa, rweue Sunday guests ai Mu. and1 tMus. R. Sim. t Miss Ruth Payne and Mu. Keith rCaswell, Newtonville, weue Tues- rday evening guests ai Mu. and Ms. Grdon Baker.C Mu. and Mus. Gardon Bakert were Thuusday evening guests ai Mu. and Mus. Gardon Fletcher. C *Mu. and Mus. R. Sim visited heu father, Mu. D. B. Farrell, Bow-C manville on Monday wha isr slightly impuoved.E In spite ai stoumy weatheu sixt imembers, three visitous and fourB childuen attended W.A. meeting9 Feb. 17 at Mus. R. Sim's. Puesi- 1dent Mus. Baker canducted thea business. Cards af thanks weueo read by the Secretary fuomn the 0 sick. Rev. Lute spoke an the United Chuuch Observer stress- N ing the need ai it ta, be uead in ei every home. We enjoýed the o following puogram: sculpture by ir Guace Smith: devotional and ci prayer, Mus. Orme Miller; uead- S ing, Mus. Lute; solo, Susan Lute vý accompanied by heu fatheu on the cl harp; ueading, Mus. MilIeu; solo, le Mu. Lute; reading, Guace Smith. te A deliciaus lunch ai ice cream w and cake wvas served by the pua- dE gram committee. Mauch meeting Io at Mus. O. Milieu's with Mus. S( Milieu and Grace Smith as pua- gc gram committee. D( Buckley and Richards teams add- ing 3 points ta their total and Akey and Maguire teams adding 2. Ernie Hansen was top Jack fou the night with a 246 game, and Muriel Cuago had both the high single and double for the Jilîs. Heu single was 203. Several Jilis ueached the high 180's and 190's. As fou the Jacks, Slim McIntyue, Deac Goddard, SjTrew- in, Vince Mathewson, JachODarch, Ken Maguire, Fuank Jamieson, Ted Milieu, Bll Buckley and Doc Slemon shatteued the 200 mark. Doc Siemon just managed ta crawl into that club, too. What's your average in this league Doc? One moue night of regular bowling. Be sure and be on hand to help youu team. Who knows, maybe you cap win the puize. If theue is a "bociby" puize you stand a chance, Rex. The league stand- ing is as follows: Ken Magulue 14 7115 Vince Mathewson__ 13 7147 Ace Richards ------ 10 6113 Haruy Akey--- 8 7159 Bill Buckley ----- _ 8 6485 Rex Walteus ---- 7 6627 SOLINA Membeus of the Adult BibIg Class enjoyed a social gatheuin in the church basement on Wed. nesday pight. Amusing stunti weeconucted by Mus. Geougi Knox 'and for the remainder ci the evening vauious games weut played. The losing side's mem. bers of the attendance contesl served uefueshments. Buadley's Community Club mel on Fuiday night with a goad at- tendance despite the dense foji which made travelling tueach. erous. The president, Mus. George Knox, opened the meeting with "O Canada" and prayer in unison, Minutes of last meeting were uead and appuoved. Several let. teus of appreciation fou glits were read from sick membeus. The West Guoup announced that they will arrange a caud pauty foi Mauch 20, in the school. The pro- gramme of the evening was pue- pared by the East Group and it in- ciuded a humorous skit in whidh Mus. E. R. Taylor, Mus. H. Haruis, Mus. W. Yellowiees, Mrs. E. Cuy- derman, Mus. J. Yellowlees anc Harold Yellowlees took part; piano selections by Harold Yel. lowlees; selections by the male quartette, Bruce Taylor, Wes Hilîs, Wes and Harvey Yellow- lees; a reading by Gladys Yellow- lees and a piano duet by Mus. Wes Yeliowiees and son Howard. Mem- beus of the East Group served lunch. The Temperance program an Sunday afteunoon was auuanged by Mus. Ross Cryderman wvhc uead an inteuesting stouy of a boy who pledged himself ta total ab- stinence. Harold Yellowlees play- ed a piano solo. Sauina Home and School Club met Fuiday evening wvith Mrs. Carl Bradley, puesident, in the chair. "O Canada" was sung and The Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Minutes of the pueviaus meeting were uead and approved. During the business period a do- nation Of $15 was voted ta the Memorial Hospital Fund. Dur- ing the evening peusonal contri- butions amounting to $45 weue received and will be forwauded ta the Flood Relief Fund. The evening's proguamme wvas pue- paued by Mu. and Mus. Tom Baker and Mu. and Mus. Wes Weruy with Mus. Tom Baker puesiding. The guest speaker, Rev. R. M. Sey mour of Enniskillen, gave an in- teresting talk on "Youth", telling how one's peusanality aids iný choosing a vacation and later in secuuing a position. He also ex- pessed the opinion that the youth af today are often unduly criticized. Additional programme included an exhibition of phys- ical training and singing exer- cises by Mu. Lycett, teacher, and his senior pulpils, who also sang two choruses; humorous ueading by Ms. Frank Gilbert and M. Chas. Shortridge; a piano solo by Miss Ileen Balson. On behaîf of the club Mu. A. L. Pascoe ex- pressed thanks ta Rev. R. Sey- mour and those who assisted on the programme. The Queen was sung -and lunch seved by the group in charge. Attendance 70. Sympathy is extended ta Anot and Elaine Wotten (nee Spires> on the death of their infant son on Manday mauning. The Y.P.U. met at the home cf Mr. and Mus. Bruce Montgom- ery. Bruce Taylor, pesident, opened the meeting. The meet- ing next week will be at the home of Mu. and Mus. A. J. Balson. Stewaudship and Training Con- venar Gladys Yeliowlees took charge of the programme and ld in the worship service. The topic "The Earth is the Lod's" was read by Murray Vice. Inci- ents leading ta the wuiting cf the lvely hymn "Beyond the Sun- Set" were read by Jean Mont- omey, after which Bruce and Don Taylor sang it as a duet. Az WeeI<'s Acti"viti"es ai lhe Me~~moilr MeoralArena -~ I ONDAY, NABCH 2nd - FRIDAT, FEB. 271h PUBLIC SKATING 8 Io 10 p.m. ADMISSION 350 peu persan SAtqRDAY, FER. 281h - Dantam League Cames - 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. 3 la 5 pa. ADMISSION______ Aduits 350 - Children 20o~ INT. " B"'lHOCKEY ifO aw 0O0D Playaff Hockey First Round O.H.A. Inteumediate "B" Playdowns Reseri'ed -r63 - Rush- 50c - Childuen --- 25<1 Public School Boys.Only - 4 fo 6p.m. PUBLI SKATING TUESDAYI NARCH 3rd - FREE SKATING Public Sehool Girls Only - 4 fo 6 p.m. PUBLIC SKATING 8 Io 10 p.m. ADMISSION Aduits 350 - Children 20o WEDNESDAY, NAICH 41h Juv. and Nid. Town League Hockey 6 Io 7:30 p.m. Olo JO p... 35e 0e I PHONE 613 ADMISSION - s I humorous readlng wau liven by,ý Harry Knox. Accordion, ancL, violin duets by Mike and Henry ý ,e Juuko were much enjoyed. Gladys' Ig conducted several mnterestlng con- cl tests. The meeting. corlcluded ýt with the Friendship Circle an~d ge *the Mizpah Benediction. Attend-' of ance 19. Lunch was seuved byj, re Mrs. Montgomery and Jean. r The Men's Brotheuhood will' st meet Thursday night <tonight) a14 Hampton, when Rev. T, A. Morg- et an of Trinity United Church, Bow- t- manville, will be guest speaker. )g Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tinkand i- family, Mus. Addie Tinc and Mn. le A. L. Pascoe attended a wedding à anniversary celebration for Mr. a. and Mus. Percy Dewell, Hampton, .* Tuesday evening. We also extencl t- congratulations and best wishes *e for many years of happiness. ie Mus. R. Gilbert is confined to ýy bed and under the doctor's care. )r Her friends wish her a speedy recoveuy. Mrs. Joe Ward, Patricia and Jim, Mrs. Ella Vance, Oshawa, at hMu. E. Vance's. r- Mrs. Addie Tink at Mr. Dos& dGoode's, Orono. t; Mu. and Mrs. Kyle Squair, Bow- L-manvilie, at Mr. Roy Langmaid's. ýe Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox et Mr. Chas. Langmaid's. * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake *and daughters at Mr. F. R. Cook's, ýBowmanville. 1- Miss Velma Gilbert, Touonto, at dher home. Mu. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and nStanley at Peterborough. d Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, at oheu hjme. y Mr. and Mus, Tom Baker and *family at Mu. Howard Ormiston's, Newtonville. Mu. and Mrs. Marshall Francis band David, Oshawa, at Mr. C. ;.Vice's. e Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Montgomery, Donna and Miriam, Mr. and Mus. SIan Montgomery, Mr. Clemn Hew- [itt, Oshawa; Mr. Bruce Taylor at «Mr. Bruce Montgomery's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox and fam- ily at Mr. Ken Pascoe's, Buough. amn. 0 Mr. and Mrs. C. Pascoe with Mrs. J. Naylor, Oshawa. Mu. and Mrs. Hauuy Knox at Mr. Hilton Tink's, Ebenezer. Mu. Bauend Kroone at Mr. J. Vos. Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees at Mu. Chas. Buudett's, Rgwman- ville. Mr. and Mus. Geo. W. Graham, Jr., and daughters, Bowmanviile, at Mu. A. J. Balson's. Mus. L. Bail and Kenny, Taun- ton, at Mu. W. Parrindeu's. Mu. and Mus. Harvey Yellow- lees and Karen at Mu. E. Larm- er's, Blackstock. Mu. and Mus. C. Pascoe, Mu. and Mrs. H. Pascoe, Mu. and Mus. S. E. Weuuy, Mu. and Mus. Frank Glbert at Mus. W. J. Leask's, Bowmanville. Mu. and Mus. Stan Millson, Glenn and Grant, Mu. Bullie Car at Mu. Ian Smith's, Toronto. Mu. and Mus. Tom Westlake, Howard and Dwight, Hampton; Mrý N. Fice and Douglas, Taunton, .at Mr. Fuank Westlake's, Su. .Mr. and Mus. Wesley HiUls atd Carol at Mu. M. McCarrel'so, Omemee. Mu. Ralph Simpson, Bowman. ville, at Mu. Wesley Hilîs'. Mu. and Mus. Ralph Laumer, Sharon and John, Mu. and Mus. Ernest Larmer, Blackstock, at Mu. Harvey Yeilowlees'. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN CLASSIED ADS For Quick Resulte à i P-HONE 615 TIM CAMAnTAN WrA'rV-QIAAM SkrIWUARIIMI11M Children 20o .il ADMISSION ---- PHONE 3303 - 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. FREE SKATING PUBLIC SNATING PUBLIC SNATING PUBLIC SKATINC

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