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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1953, p. 7

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e-- -. THfURSDAY, YMB. 26, 1953 TUE CANADUM STATESMAN. DOWMANfVflLE ONTAPIO PG E j'. large pkg. small pkg. advanced designs by Canadian 1IJJ.A. ýnave Uream I Engineers and craftsmen. ._Kellogg's Corn Flakes 25c 16C ICo':MeShv - Clearer Pleture. ogt hv Cream Robin Hood - 36-oz. pkg. Dole 20-oz. Uin WINDSHIELD - Setter Sound ralmolive Shave Creari Gat - Mr 2c ri cktlarge* 32cInstalled Now RogersMaJestie Features 300tiss.s 6¾"xr' ]Krft innr 2kg29cTea- Bsk 9cIo he AM' SIE 200te " x 2 o< 0(Mennen Skin Bracer Te1 ik 9 While You Waii "Cascode" Tuner MASS 20 isu "'x »"' 360 Williams Aqua Velva FIBE E DELIVERY whlch practlcally eliminatesPRS ITON JOE CMOUERS te-annoylng ow"eet.PER IN KEATS AND GROCERIES 218 King StL E.AMDWAREv 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 PHONE 3432 We DlvrYu oa D ____________________________________ OWMANVILL PONE «DhvrYuzLcli.. li. M Ontario St. Schoal Wednesday think 1 amn? I said, 62. He said, Day frrayer rle theofMr.aatrls.s night, March 4th, at 0 p.m. when just add il years. That threw ay ofh mteia3 SO IA A D PE SO ALIMr. Ed. Youngman will be the out Eowmanville as the gentle- Some of the girls found it rt E S N L1guest speaker. man himself had neyer lived (Continued from Page One) er difficuit ta attach these lovelý PHONE 3303 Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bonney o the T the gmtatelok oune added greatly to the effective- corsages ta their dresses. Therg and sons, Steehen and Robert, onete î h Saelmdw ess of bath afternoon and eïen- just wasn't enough room. Man3 Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Grant here. ing services.v had to pin them ta their waists Campbell and daughter Karen, Mr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M., Di- Asheaurth formesaidca. their pr Mins Olga Tad was honoured Mrs. F. S. Philip ,Kingston !eteowr get fMs ectar of Music mn the schools ITh eeAnssrvc fllwe rm the ir si eir proin on the occasion of hier birthday was weekend guest of Mrs. C. A. George Wilson. is planning to spend the weekenci the same farm, with Mrs. M. J.cnestaeewocngtt Iast Saturday by a party held at Wight. 1i~grswr nBfaoNYweeteM i Hutchinson giving the address. mantst ut of ew an eig owth( the home of her aunt, Mrs. Dave r.adMsFan Kien Six boys and iégrswe Educators' National Conference is Not only are we ta walk as child- The wr maybutf Tod, Oshawa. M.adMs rn ikn born last week at Memaorial being held for three days With ren of lîght. she said, but to ]et reinalte mano burofthfu ____________________o r onRose Kirke ndait Hospital, and total admissions morning, afternoon and evening aur light shine before others se ______________Rose____________ numbered 38. There were .ieseson.Tis annual ocso that they will praise God. We rainbow. Many different styles Dr. and Mrs. Gardon jury, major and il mînor operations. brings together people instructing must be aggressjve in working ~ ersenraigfro th Hamilton, were recent guests cf Discharges number 43. music from ail over the United for the betterment of conditions fihoal rty-length dress tc Mrs.J. H H. ury.Mr. Tom DeGeer, Ontaria Ag- States and Canada ta exchange today. We must keep free of the popular long filmy skirts witl M 10114'S rs. Charles Depew is spend- ricultural College, Guelph, spent ideas and have presented demon- taking offense, for oniy by pro matching ranspar.Ntole ing the winter months with rel- the weekend with his parents, strations of music in its various moting peace between individ- caer u aesaldr.N w atives in Bristol, Tennessee toak i the Rotary Club Father keep abreast of the times. Can- world, Mrs. Hutchinson said. Cdshouiders between any twv CIRURCH M.adMsDo eguoan and Son Night and the B.H.S. At adian speakers include Dr. Ed- [thsbegai httew rlshoul om.ildth It asbee sid ha tgiwrl s h oul d hve hied th (Agia)fmlHmlosettewe-Homne. ward Johnson, Dr. G. Roy Fen- has reached a crossroads where The gymnasium, where lunch enev Warren Turner, usan.rg Mrs. Alvin McGill, Lindsay, Inj wick and others. On Friday man will either destray himself was served during intermission, B.,B.. WrrMrunr, ts. RlhPrihadbb eei e usrpînt h fernoon, while on his way ta by atomic bombing, or by turning vas decorated with large-siz< B.A. B.. Ms. RlphParish nd abyStatesman, writes: We always en- Buffalo, Mr. Peters intends stop- ta God will release spiritual pow- sport cartoons araund the wallh _____daughter, Hamilton, are spending joy getting the paper each wveek ping off at Pickering High Sehool er greater than ever used before. and red and white streamers over- a few days with her mother, Mrs. as there is usually same news of where they have a fine new W hudsrv o aeo htha.Telnhisl a ev 8 ar..- ~StraFb 8h neett swihw ol ltmscdprmn qipdwt power by spending mare time ed by first and second form stud- Renme audy e.2tget atherwise. 80 instruments. With a weekend reading aur Bibles, the speakerens HOLY is the deadline ta send your Many Bowmanville people will 50 chack full of musical inspira- said, and we must continue ta ns COMMUNION entries ta Kiwanis Music Festival remember Mr. and Mrs. Albert tion we feel sure Mr. Peters will carry the light ta those wvha As the dance started, the danc. at Peterbarough. icigadfml nM. return ta his duties mare en- hunger for it. "These are seriaus ers walked thraugh a canopy ai il11 . Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Musclow, Kitching was statianed here with thusiastic than ever about his times, but God has matched us ra ndlyh whiesraer t theer CHRLToronta, spent the weekend at the Provincial Police. A letter important profession of instilling with this hour, and with God we sebyhlwerte ee CHORALhome with lier parents, Dr. and was received from them this week the gospel of music in the youth are unconquerable," Mrs. Hutch- met by Clark Werry, Presideni COMMUNION Mrs. V. H. Storey. stating they are now living in of Bowmanville. insan said in conclusion. of the Students' Council, xvhc Sermon: Winners in the Lions Hockey Christchurch, New. Zealand. atcpininhevnngsr made the introductions ta the re- Pariciatig i te eenig sr-ception line. Principal Dippell "The Snare of Draw are: Feb. 25th-Ed. Hanian, Weekend visitors with Police ~ PtT vice were Miss Madlyn Wilcox of xvas first, wearing a loud tie with the, Short Cut" Frank Mohun; Feb. 28th-Lena Chief Sydney Venton and Mrs. ENL'FILJ Trinity who presided; from St. a picture on it of a mammal and Geddes, Dorothy Hockin. Venton were Miss Ruth Heels, ____ Andrew's-lcader, Miss Agnes a bird. Mrs. Witherspoon and hier 7 P.m. - Visitors with Mrs. M. j. Hut- R.N., and Miss Elaine White, R.N., There was a community gath- Carruthers, prayer, Miss Geral- husband, Mr. W., were next. chinson last weekend were her of Toronto, and their son, Don ering at the Long home Friday Mrs J Naemat.Jn, s-pra der, ertha udS leep Cretethed EVENSONG sister, Miss Laura Beath, Toronto, Venton, newly appointed engineer night when the friends of the r.JNemnpayMs BdSe ersnt he if Sermon on the and nephew, Mr. Norman B. Wil- af the streets and sanitation Long families assembled for a Westiake; St. Paul's-leader, Mrs. ferent sacieties and associations Collect for the Day lis, Hamilton. branch of the City of Ottawa. farewell visit. Mr. W. Pascoe Wm. Porter, prayer, Mrs. S. Mc- of the student body. Don't miss the Home and Congratulations ta Bowmanville as master of ceremonies, called Allister; Salvation Army-Mrs. Many graduates and outsiders Schooi Association meeting in High Sehool Gîce Club who were the meeting ta order and Mrs. A. Lieut. Ham, prayer, Mrs. Willatts; were present along with a num- placed third in the mixed voice W. Prescott read an address fol- Dutch Reformed-Mrs. H. Moes ber of teachers. choir class in the Kiwanis Music loawed by the presentation of a tri- who was accompanied by a group Festival, Toronto, The Gîce Club light lamp ta Mr. and Mrs. John from the Bowmanville church; whîch is under the direction of Long and a heating pad and large Pentecostal-Marilyn Carpenter. WI A. of St. John's Mr. D. C. Peters, did very Nell lamp shade ta Mrs. Walter Long. Ushers were from the Young The alv tio Ai in clss hic brughtcloe Te rcipentsexpessd feirPeople's Union: Helen Nelles, Church, Blcickstock ymarking in its resuits. gratitude and spake regretfully of Joyce ______and_______Cole On Sunday, Feb. 15, Mrs. E. G. leaving se many friends in this JyeMGl n ila ae Hold February Meet Wessells and Mrs. Frank Mc- cammunity, where they will b e Bride of Toronto entertained in greatly missed in the Church. W. .DH..S. ""At Home"# Presdent Mrs. J. McArthur pre- honour af the 35th wedding anni- A., and schaol. The evenng pass- sided avec the meeting of W-.A. versary of their parents, Mr. and ed very pleasantly with dancing (otne from Page Oe of St. John's Church, BIackstock, FRI AYFEB UAR 27 h Ms. . Gaha. Te innr ad<lncntWenuedory One r.held in the parish hall. She paid FRI AYrFDR AR 2whas hdatn the om of r Waler Lng .W arstl onfinedato cil, the sponsors of the dance, pro- a fine tribute ta a departed mem- and Mrs. E. G. Wessells, Liberty hospital in poor health. Mr. and vided beautiful corsages of car- ber, Mrs. M. C. Smith, who, until - 8:00 P.M. St., N., and the guests included Mrs. John Long and family wiil nations and roses. These cor- the time of hier illness had been a Mr. and Mrs, A. Overail, Mr. and mnove ta their new home near sages were hand-made by a group life long and very active member. Mrs. W. Phillips, and Mr. and Mrs. Toranto this week. of students under the expert di- Two minutes' silence observed in MUSICAL GOSPEL SERVICE W. Sparks, ail af Toronto. c Several of aur ladies assisted at At the evenlng service o bazaar a Enniskillen last week Trinity United Church last Sun- and report an enjoyable after- Six Outstanding Salvation Army Officers day, Rev. T. A. Morgan and Rev. noan. John Kitchen cf Orono United Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis featuing:-Church exchanged pulpits, and spent a week with friends in To- feaurig:-the chairs of each church aIse renta. exchanged. Orono choir was en- Miss B. Craig, Salem, spent the tertained at a social hour fol- weekend with Miss Marion Pas- B arifone Soloisi iawing the service in Trinity coe. Sunday Schoal Room when they Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin and Insrum nil E sem lewere joined by Trinity choir family, Union, at F. Samis'. Instumetal nse blemembers after their return from Mr. end Mrs. H. Beaton and Orono. Ian, Mrs. L. Pascae, Miss Bessie G ospiel Message Two Durham County boys play- Pascoe, Oshawa, at G. ___________ r cd raies in one-act plays presented man's. C ME by the Literary Society cf Kempt- Miss Marion Prescott spent an bdpnetCM E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ville A gricultural School ast afternoon w ith her grandm other, \ ruooist . S E C A 1week, while twa athers assisted Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Hampton. SPII.ouc in the stage crew. Gien Larmner,. Nestieton, acted in "S'tilh Stands Lretsnl tmo otI The House" and Francis Jase aruigetiles i e fst TRINITY UNITE» CHURCH ~~~Newcaste, in "The Courting oiprdcnteilss aeI.A.D N MRINITer UeNTEA. M rga, B.A.ManCamp, estîn, wee Goem- Wilson, Garden Hill, and Richard ReSoId on a Moneyý bers of the stage crew. The first YMSN DL play will be entered in the sec- SrpFg en ondary Schoois Festival at'S rpF g &Se n Queen's University, Feb. 28th. i poti 11:00 A.M. - Mrs. N. S. B. James is spending f.D u Semoz.h a couple cf weeks with her sist- r _______________________ ",Jeus Clls is Dscipes"er, Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Tarante. "Jesus Caîls His Disciples"Miss Helen Lyle, 48 PrimroseBAY RO U SC mp rae0 1 Ave., Mimica, in sending an in AYPOU SCa po te Oi 7:30 P.M. - Jessie Dunhamn Lyle, which ap.- LOTION .69 Cuh~~" pae inls eksStates- Cherry og Syu "Our Christian Herilage man, added this paragraph: I amn OWDE 69&R.2 The Aposfolic Church" Memoria Hospita, Bowmanviîî.3 &.6 Cod Liver 011 B.P. Stand beinga donation from my fath-______________.65__ er and myself in memory cf my L c .1 GUEST SOLOIST at both services: mother. I wauid appreciate it if dlA a 16&4oz you could have same forwarded 2 -R.35 dl-A a 8&4-z ta the persan loaking after such 10 Masier Allun Jamieson, donations.3 e trfn U im t Bo orn.Members cf Durham County--en rangL nm n Boy Sorano.Club of Toronto are in for an _____informative and timely address 1p r a e tR le edizPw es 'o to-night (Thursday) at their 1'He re's your four itsb~, pPem netaeie.Silz des e mnonthly meeting when Mr. Her-1 go to the showl" forAn D.Prdt Mr. D. C. Peters, Phyllis Challis Barrett, bert A. Mowat is ta speak on theAn.D . rdt subject: "Review cf World Pro- L.T.C.M., Director of Music. A.T.C.M., Organist. blems." Bawmanvilie audiences ON ID have heard Mr. Mowat with SINU S~ BNHD pleasure and profit an several a IG STORIES.

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