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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1953, p. 9

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TrHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, tOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ng O Kn iC G Ven bers, "Winter Lullaby" and "Tales gilighlful EvenGiven From the inaWosprvd Dy Trinity United Church Choir and a maie quartette camposed o Messrs. Rackham, Bickle, Siem- onand Jackson, wr loms Showed railt fChoir aaemjiers mplimb ng n"igeBl n plinBordJingle eils"an A Most successful and enjoy- care. Piruathnansdiggru able concert was present on The Intermediate Choir under played by Phyllis Chaiiis Barrett February 19 by Trinity United the accomplished direction ai and Lamna Fletcher, Rev. T. A. Church Chair under the direction Mrs. A. Merkley contributed thréeI Morgan expressed the appreci- ai Mr. D. C. Peters, Director ai numbers, "Brahms' Luilaby,'* atian ai ail ta chair leader, Mr. D. Music, assisted by Phyllis Chailis "Waltzing Matiida," and "Music C. Peters, Mrs. Barrett as argan- Barrett, Organist. The concert When Soit Voices Die." Phyllis ist, and ail members ai bath was s0 well received that a sug- Challis Barrett's argan sala, chairs, for the splendid evening gestion has been put forth ta 1 Poet and Peasant Overture" was ai music sa thoroughly enjoyed make t an annual event. Al played with perfection ai tech- by aIl present. nurobers with the exception ai the nique, and Miss Margaret Allin Mrs. Barrett at the argan and two opening seiections by the: deiighted with her two solos. "A Lamna Fletcher at the piano play- Senior Chair were given without Spirit Fiower" and the appeaiing, ed a deiightiul group indiuding sheet music. which added greathy "Christopher Robin is Saying His a number irom an Ethelbert Nev- ta the pleasing effectiveness i h Prayers." i ut,"ore"ad"hm concert. A pleasing cantrast was the andSViti"ors" ad hm l'he Senior Choir apened the fine maie chorus number, -Road Vrain. .rczramewit a pqitiiiirp- n h.uic Il s. i e acie' u- dit'on ai two anthemis, -0 Lord tette composed ai MesdamesqVan- Most Holy" and ,The Heavens Driel, James, Richmond and Ail- Are Tehing." Mr. Orviile Osborne dread, pravided pîsasant harmony sang twa fine solos, "Give Me the in two weli rendered numbers, Op2n Road' and "Withaut a followed by Mrs. A. Merkiey's Sang," iollowed by three duet sweetly sung solo, "A Birthday nu7-nbsrs very sweethy sung by Sang." The ever popular "Desert Mrs. A. Merkley and Mrs. S. Sang" was sung by Mrs. A. Merk- The youthfui maie quar- ley and Mr. Gien Brooks in a duet tet.e composed ai Messrs. R. arrangement, and Mr. Brooks also Coombes, I. Woollev, K. Hockin, sang a solo number, "A Littls Bit andî T. Ott, were very pleasing in aiO Heaven." two numbers m-hich drew an en-1 A ladies' chorus in two n'um- NOW! STUBBORN SPOTq Tet This Maglc Service Costs No More Than Ordinary Dry Cleaningl You wilI marvel, too, the first time yau try our revo- lutionary Sanitone Dry Cleaning, sec how realiy different it is. Gone is the embedded grime old- fashioned dry cleaning leaves in. Color, pattern and texture are like-new again! No cieaning odors. Minor mendisg free. Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 NO STRINGS ATTACHED! ou ('ail stili bsîild the drcam lihome you've n planîning - ive have quality niaterials available! Il1 also help to arrange a rent-like financing plan rveou an estirnate. You're sure of our sincere beration when you build . get started'. .- sec ËI is wveeki PLAN BOOKS FOR YOUR CONMENENCE 2130 Bowmanville or 3-4661 Oshawa) KUR SATISFACTION IS OUR SUCCESS Sawa Wood ProductS M Yard and Mill ai Courtice' 4 t1 t More Land Needed For World Plowing Match at Cobourg 1'We dn't know yet what the be," Len Henderson ai Cavan said ai the iorthcoming World Piowing Match at Cobourg in October, "but Northumberland- Durham are csrtainly getting a lucky break." Mr. Henderson was refsrring ta the fact that the fields on the edge ai the Lakeshors towns are ta be the stage ai the first Worid Plowing Match. "We are hoping for represent- ation ai the ioliowing cauntries, or rather their plowmen," Mr. Hendersan said. He spake ai: United States, England, Scatland, lreland, Holland, Denmark, West Gsrmany and Swedsn, probabhy Belgium and France with poss- ibiy Australia. "Wouldn't that be samething?" he added.. "We've got ta get anather 300 acres ai farm' land for the ad- ditional plowing classes. It is ex- pected that we'Il need 100 acres for parking cars. Hotels la Ca- bourg are ah baoked for the week ai the match. The executive hsad- quarters will be at the British Hotel in Cobourg," he nated. "I hear that Cockshutt Company bas taken a Port Hope botel entireiy for themnselves," he added. MORRISH Sunday Sehool and Churcl Service were hehd as usuai Fsl U2. Rev. A. W. Harding preach- ed the iirst ai a series ai Lenter sermons "Christ's Conflict witl Hypocrisy". There was a bettei attendance thari usual, many par. ents remaining for the service taking advantage ai "The Nurs- ery Hour" when the littie anes are cared for and amussd for thal period in another room by a teacher. It is boped that this may be the means ai drawing mare parents ta church. Mrs. Wm. McHolm was teacher in charge, and ail teachers wili take their share ai "The Nursery Hour". Two beautiful bouquets ai med roses braught by Miss Miidrec Jane Peters made a lavely spot af colour at the front ai Sunday School where Chureh service was held. The rases, 21, were sent from Vancouver by Mr. and Mrs, Tinkhers Keith, sister ai Mildred, an the occasion ai bier 2lst birth- day, Feb. 21. This nies gesture was much apprsciated by ail who were present at church. Ws offer aur hearty congratu- lations ta Mr. Robert McHoim ai Roseberry Hill who ceisbrated bis 86th birthday on Feb. 25. A chieken dinner was enjayed by members ai the famiiy and friends. The centrepisce ai the dining table was a iovely birth- day cake and vases ai golden dai- fodils. Guests inciuded Mrs. C. Jones (Elsie) ai Orono; Mrs. E. Jones (Hazel) ai Bawmanviiie; Mrs. Wm. McHoim, Morrish; Miss Barbara McConneli, Nswtonviiie, granddaughtsr, and Mr. E. Erwin, Zion. Mm. E. Jones and Mr. Don Powell called in later in the ev- ening. Mr. McHoim enjoys gaod heahth and we wish him many more happy years with Mrs. McHolm and iamiiy. Mrs. Wm. MeHoim and Miss M. J. Peters took part in the pro- gramme Fsb. 27 at the basket social at Crooked Creek. Miss Peters showed colour pictures ai hier trip through U. S. and West- ern Canada. Mrs. McHoim gave twa rsadings "The Little Red Rooster" and "Nat Particuiar". The church kitchen is just about finishecî and very nice and comiortabîs it is. A larger xin- dow lias been built in, pienty ai sheives and cupboards and wvhite enamelhed kitchen sink. Floor and tables are vet ta be covered with linoleumn, and when this is fin- ished we wilh have a kitchen ta be proud ai. The seventh and hast quilt for this season was iinished on Tues- day. Now we cao relax aiter these many weeks ai quiiting, ah- thaugh we wili miss the pheasant meeting ai neighbours. Report of Carnival In Dollars and Cents Club Profit of $125.40 Bawmanvilie Skating Club and Memoriai Aena shared equahly the expenses of the camnivai. Because the skaters' expenses were the greater. it xvas agrsed that the arena shouhd rec'eive a mininmuma ai S75.00. The finan- cia! results are as follows: Sale of reserved seats, players' box, etc..------ Sahe af 348 rush tickets at 50 ----c -- Sale af 276 rush tickets at 21-c --------- $505.75 $ 1-d4.00 S 69.00 Totah incane ,..... S748.7 5 Skating Club expenses --S609.35 Aena expenses -------- - $ 14.00 Total expenses - Prof it $125.40 Tiio rm S 75.1w0 Skatineg Club . 00 $623 .35 I. -i I. t i Absence of Hobby,.No Recreaion Cause of Nuch of Mental Illness Declares Prof. Alan Kleen of U. of Te o Mrs. Ed Yaungman, c/o Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanvilie. Ontario My Dear Wife: Realizing yau bave been in bas- pitai for three weeks, and know- ing that there's nothing like a cheery letter ta belp a patient while away the loneiy bours, thought I'd scratch off a few uines. Aiter ahi, writing you one letter in three wesks isn't going ta burt me. Guess you would like ta know how sverything is perking araund home since you leit, eh? Well, everything is just fine and dandy; no excitement ai any sort. I haven't bad a bath, because there is na ans ta scrub my back, and you neyer taught me haw ta use that iong-handied back brush. The plants are all wilting; do they nesd water in, the winter time, or do yau suppose leaving them in the window at night bas allowed the frost ta affect them? IYou neglected ta say whetber the dog and cats shouid have siiced or unsiiced bread, se I've been buying the sliced for tbem. And speaking ai cats, Fluiiy wil soon be heading for the maternity ward. We wan't bave ta worry about Nigger for quite a while, because I heard hem and the boy fiend daing some good-natured yowling in the straw mow last night. You remember the canary seemed toa lame in- his right hind isg ta hop up on bis perch? Well, Kiddo, I fixed that, by pretending ta jab him with the bald-headed end ai the broom handie; it scares the gibiets out ai him, and in bis excitement, he usuaiiy man- ages ta land an the perch after Lack ai planned recreation and concerned the taxpayers had ta lx absence ai a hobby, led ta mental presented with a very clear state- illness, declared Proiessor Alazn ment of what it was goîng ta cosi Klein of the University ai Toron- in dollars and cents, and also ta in addressing the. E astern what they were going ta get out Division of the Ontario Recrea- ai it in dollars and cents. Pro- t i a n a 1 Directars' Association, fessar Klein then stated that it which met at Cobourg, Feb. 24. was impossible ta determine as Professor Klein said in the ta what the taxpayer would reap United States a survey showed in dollars and cents out ai a new that 90 per cent ai the inmates in disposai plant. mental institutions were people Delegates were present fromn whose life had been devoid ai rec- Peterborough. Port Hope, Ca- reational activities or who had nlo bourg, Belleville, Kingston, Osh- hobbies to break the monotanY awa, East York, Bawmanville, and strain ai present day living. Trenton, Lindsay and Haliburton. In Ontario 75 per cent af the in- At the election ai afficers for the mates in refarm institutions were Eastern Division, William Van people who had not learned hob- Tasse! ai Belleville was elected bies, lacked wholesome recrea- president; G. F. Clark ai Wesley- tianai pursuits 4nd accordingly ville, lst vice-president; Mrs..Lil- had an outlook an lufe that led ta hian Richards ai Cobourg, 2nd crime. The speaker said that in vice-president. a large measure this situation was Don Shay represented Bowman- due ta improper parental guidance ville at this meeting. and break-down ai family lufe __________ during the last war. The speaker noticed that large sums of money were wiîîingîy ivaple Grove Man spent through the schoois ta edu- Has Close Cal cate children, but at the vital step when children were starting ta When Grazed. by Car work and take responsible places ____ in the community, then, the coin- AlnSodn .R ,Bw munity seemed ta have a surpris- manvilie, was fortunate ta escape ing lack of interest, bath iinanc- with only a shaking-up when ially and otherwise. tuk yacrafwmlset An open discussion foliowed the stufby aaranvlew midy iseat speaker's address and many prab-ofB mnileaFrayiht lems were discussed-mostly f in- Mr. Snowden had gotten aut ai ancial. In each case there seemed his car ta repair a flat tire when ta be ardent graups willing ta do he was grazed by a car driven by sa mucb but the taxpayer aîways John Baker, Division St., Bow- relucant ta foot the bill. In the manville, whieh was proceeding case ai Belleville, a plebiscite fiat- east. ly turned down one miii towards Mr. Snowden was examined by recreation in their taxes but im- Dr. Howard Rundie, who couid mediately after turned around find no apparent injuries. and voluntariiy contributed near- ly contributed nearly three times that amaunt out of their pocket.s. Last year the federal gavern- This vear Belleville Recreation ment coiiected $25 million fromn Committee asked for $ 17,000 and Newfoundland in direct taxes and xvas granted $18,500. returned $45 million ta the pro- Councillor Richards ai Cobourg vince in subsidies, weiiare pay- stated that as far as Cobourg was ments and grants. IZd Youngman 's Column The Statesman's Grass Roots Columnist "sweetena the kitty'" I toss a couple ai lumps ai sugar ta Fluffy and Nigger, but I can't see what giving a dat sugar has ta do with a card game. Apparentiy, some- 1ane 's auntie must have fallen, because difierent cbaps mention- ed they were gaing ta "up" her. Quite aten sameone will toss same money inta the centre ai the table, at the same time utter- ing a peculiar word, which sounds like "Irazeya"; probiably an aid Indian word meaning "gesund- PAGE mX Having no money of my own at hand, I used what you had saved tawards a new stave. Well. aId sweetheart, like 1 said at the beginning ai this let- ter, there's nathing like a newiy letter from home ta dheer a pert- an when things seem blue. When yau are able ta leave hospital, It will be nice for you ta return home knowing that everything bas gane along just hunky-dory during your absence. Cheeri three or four quick knee ber4ds. By the way, do you want me to take that sheet in off the lime? I mean the one that's been there nearly a manth, it should be air- ed by now. The clean towel yau put out for me ta use isn't clean any more, in fact, both sides are sa grubby it makes me dirtier to dry an it than I arn before I wash. Will it be O.K. with you if I use a fresh aone? I've often heard you say how wonderfui Javex is for freshening up face claths. So, when the face cloth I've been using for the last three weeks gat kind of smelly, I sprinkled it with a few draps ai Javex. which changed the smell somewhat, but doesn't appear ta make it laok cleaner; perhaps it requires a day or two to start fizzing. Oh, say, do you mimd if I use a fresh tea tawel? This one didn't look taa bad in spite af three weeks' use, until 1 mapped Up some coal oil off the woadshed flaor. When I spilled the paraf- fin, I grabbed the nearest clath, which just happened ta be the tea tawel. Befare you went away, yau told me how aiten ta run the dust mop aver the bedroom ifloors, but I've fargotten, so, just ta be an the safe side..and flot overdo it, haven't touched them yet, but will as soon as you say "when". Sa far, the dining roorn and sit- ting room ifloors haven't needed attention; it's true they are a littie dusty, but no real dirt an them. The kitchen floor has me alîttie worried because, although it has been swept twice in the past fortnight, it stili doesn't look quite as shiny as when you do it. Per- haps I shouid have used the stiff stable broam minstead af the corn braom. You wili be happy ta know that I have iigured out a good scheme ta save washing pillow slips too aiten: At the end of the first week, 1 turn the pillow aver: At the end of the second, turn the slip inside out; at the end af the third week, just rail it over; in that way a persan gets the max- irium mileage out af each pillaw slip without a lot of unnecessary washing. It is on the same prin- ciple as rotating the tires on a car. Yau will see by the foregoing that your husband is one af thase chaps who try to, keep the house spic and span. And its a pleas- ure ta be able ta report ta you that everythmng is just dandy. Sa .you just relax in haspital and get well, you haven't a thing ta worry about. Did I tell you 1 haven't had a pain lIn the neck sinoe I last saw you? After the electric kettle ,was dropped a few times, it wouldn't ;Work, sa I plunked it on the stave, figuring it would heat Up lilçe any ather kettie, but apparently, the people who made it have însulated the bottom, be- cause it just gets blacker, and the water stays cool. When you are home, you carry the empty saup cans ta the trash barrel, but I'm having a lot of fun standing at the door and throrwing themn at the barre!; so far, two have gone in, the re- mainder (about 50) are scattered over the lawn; they look kind af pretty, but a bit untidy. Some of the fellows drap in during the evenings ta keep me company. They have tried ta teach me ta play poker. Each player is given f ive cards. I can't eem. ta get the hang of the jargon used. Every time someone says tq p M R c mmý 1 0 - SU N77 M ON DAY TUESDAY _IWEDNESDAYI THURSRAYT Bowmanville Phone 747 PARCEL POST ESTAILI5HED ONTAPIO SOCIETY OF THAMESVILLE CLPLERS ROYAL CAMADIAN MOEMALONEQUEOEC ÊeLLDOGsý FIPST EXHIBITION ROYAL ANDWEEN C1NADA ARTISTS RECEIVES CHARTER DEFEAT CHATHAM FOR YACHT CLUB CHARTERED, SCORES HIS 43rd. GOAL CANADIAN ACADEMY OF ARTS. WESTE12W UNIVERSITY ADUS 881877, McKELLER MEDAL. 1876, 1868 - IN 20 GAMES. 1913 OTTAWA, 1880 1 INCORPORATED, 1878 *1i .."V7_1 * I...ÉB 'OTN kE PANSEOLLANBRIH94 E NAI NAT HTONYDMT CR 1ONe (PS3 OKC T RI FIRST AND SECOND DETPOITS RlýLY TAYLQP THOMAS DARCI Mc6EE GIJES RUNAWAY TEAM GOES THPDV('H GREAT FIPE SWEEPS AS GORDIE DPILLON WîUS? N CANADIAN CORPS UNITED SETS RECORD OF 7 AýSlSSS OF HONOUR AT ST PATS fQOCERY STORE WVItDOW BOTHWELL OILWELL AREA' CRN TTi(3?PIT GPEAT POUtIDARY DISPUTE IN OE GME~947 DINNEI?, OTTAWA, 1868 KINGSTONJ, 1876 16 IN HIS £SECONJD YV1P <138 E[BEWE AND MANITOBA, 1881 FOR fACe OIC LO ACH Pif, OR eOrC Il~ FOR fACHSeEEP e RECALLFOR CNADIASETODAUSOPU0FLTC SIRTH5TOME INTERESTING EVENTS, 801H -GRAVE AND GAY,' BLOOOTONEIN OUR COU NTRY'S COLOURFUL STORY. NiA;APA FALLý STOPPFD TORONTO SCHOOL AIT BRiISH COMMON1 EALTHAIR y o n> j j A t *lr E S 7 A BL i ýhFS15 00PLL COQRYTRAINNCPLAN COFFICIAMI 18 E 48 EDJATtON, I8 1 ED,14 TXuMWAY. MARCff 5th. 1953 heit". I've only lost $94 ta date. v F R 1 D A Y 1 Ç,&TIIDnÀ-V-l 1 1 1 1 want ta r.adi ail about beoutifully illustrated Souvenir Bookc. Cali in copy of "THE CORONAJ OUR QUEEN" to-dacyl Your devoted husband, Ed. 1 ý rKiLimi 1 >AIUKUAY 1 1 if in tiisý 16-page for your eeý TON 0F REGAL PATTERNS HOOPER'S JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP 28 King St. W.

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