Betha y Fie BrgadeTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMATINVILLE, ONT ARIO_ HoldFin ConertLong Service Men At Bow nnville Founidry For Fire Equipment jBethany Fire Fighters' Associ- iation sponsored an entertainment ithe Town Hall on Wednesday evening, proceeds going to purch- t ase further equipment. Mr. A. H. Monk as chairman thanked ail Monk as chairman thanked al Who had worked on this Project itil, of fire Protection for the village en. ~Ž~ and particularly Oroe Wrigh-, ~ - 'tnci George Smith who had ar- ranged the programme and who Sie have been in charge o! the newly purchased portable pumper. si Two representatives frorn the Ontario Dept. off Lands and For- ests, G. Fawcett and A. Kirk showed coloured moving pictures on the hazards of lire, prevention methods and proper equipmrni nceded. Remainder of programne Af was given by local talent. Leone Smijth, Dianne Bigelow, and Sally Coburn in smart red and white costumes gave a tap dancing nium- ber. Mrs. H. Rayson and 1Mrs. E. Lamnb song 'Keep It A Secret". se1ecionsCre~honan Mfi Ingrid Rajskï g ve two accordion accompariment Mrs. Earl Arge,r "j hý2 Parzon at the Hockey Mabchi" and "A Country Curate". Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Preston sang 'You'Il Neyer Get Away" and 'Sweet Violets". Misses Jâme Wright and Muriel Sheekleton tap danced; Mrs. Harve\' Fallis anid Mrs. Wellington Fallis sang -The' Blue Skirt Waltz'. Reeve Allan Beor sang two numbers in Scotch costume. Orboe Wr-ight spoke o! the fin- ances off'the Association. "The Pictured above are a group Of long-service employees of the foea rey iron dept., 16 years and Grdon Yeo, foreman core dept., Women's Institute started the bal; Bowmanville Foundry Company, Sugog S, who were gathered together1 17 years. Back row, left ta right, are G. Cowle, 25 years; A. Clayton, 28 rolling with a donation off S150. an the occasion of the presentation of a gold ring ta G. Cawle, extreme1 years; J. Living, Sr., 29 years; H. M. Bell, 26 yea1s; C. Morris, 33 years; Oh"ecorgaiztions and cTown- lftbck row, for 25 years of service ta the firm. Front row, left ta right, Hi. Smith, 33 years; A. Stacey, 30 years; L. Hooper, 45 years; B. Pingle, 29 ship Counicil had reached $869.32. are H. Summersfrd, 27 years; Gerge Lewins, freman malleable dept., years; C. Burns, 42 years and R. Widdicombe, foreman machine shop, il Tdate $776.00 had been used ta 1 years; owner C. E. Rehder, 41 years; W. H. Yeo, 46 years; R. Bate, Jr., years. q, and several hundred feet of hose.Wihtepcedoftheeig .JJL.-IIA eFo dng lD h m w ..5 LA SSTC C ite s a e be n b it a d r - a b ilding ta house the supplies. l T TT D JP Lt! m u f end of the v creae at wyes tioa eadtrale ad-MRS. NORMAN LATHANGUE aBcrAeian * 4~A I ongratuîations ta Miss Cath- PL Sons have donated two uinder- transporting the ire fightin Ino DaFtes ]a k IoÂtaanR v ltin 1n Bailey who pasdle g ou'id empty gasoline tanks la- equipment. The unit had alreadyng por health for some Urne, Grade 1 Theory MscEasa Dlvi f!ated on Main Streef which will answered six emergency caîls and Lucilla Gillis, widow of the laie o m nil wth o ous He Ney- Id a further supply of Waer. proved its worth. Norman J. Lathangue passed The following article isoanother Mîýfdad Haie and Western, teacher is Mrs. Ruth Wilson. !nî ed Chu ch Tru te s d na ed or an ig bow an Mi s v- aw ay in B ow m anville on Feb. 16, in the series on the H istory aof n d n o f the first A cts of There w ere 10 tables of crok-i Pntd hrc rstes a elyMrn estoassstd isakngagd 3 easDurham County appearing on tthehe frst ' vincialparliament imole ai the W.M.S. party in the j TICKET te draw reo sthe oior rugNe Sbe was born on a farm in Man- p brogram me sent out each month 1ld Ic at ',e,,-ark (Niagara-on-the..hal rdyeeig isDre - T O E V E R Y W H E R E son B row n , R . R . 2, B e tan y , w as vers T ow nsh ip , the d augh ter o ! t e D ummC u ty C u f L k ) i 1 9 i u . o e n r a ll Frid ay n ingm m iss oen AI, Ral or Se msi telck rne.Mr. and Mrs. oberi Gillis, and Troto. rThis bit of history takes Sicoe proclaimed a further sub-' ee pie w n es AirRailor Seamsiv he lcky inne. yattended scbool at Pontypool. thereade back ta the real be- division into 19 caunties for eleet- Meeie innean rs. Men jConsul t Dancing followed ta music by Married in 19 11 ta Norman j. ginning o! things as far as this oral purposes.* Durham, named issofes nne andPre c- JURY & LOVELL Robert Sisson, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- Laihangue, she and ber husband district is concernied. It reads: altr the county in England, a Staff, called on Mrs. George Wolfe Bowmanville aid Bristow and Levi and Morley f armed for 23 years in Cartwright Following the American Rey- theA1th county from the eastern tosh, eenng 15 King St. W.- Phone 778 McGill, with Ernest Youngman Township. Mrs. Lathangue camne alution o! 1776 there was an in - end off the province. FVridaning calling the square dances. ta Bawmanviîîe about nine years flux of loyalists ta Canada, many In 1798 the districts were re- Mrs. Ross Duf! visited ago, and since that time had at- settling along the north shore o! constituîed so that the Counties Mrs. LamnefDuff, Shirley, who is * tended Trinity United Cburch Lake Ontario and the St. Law- off Northumberland, Durham, recover?,ng from an operatian. j lu here. She was a member of the rence River. It was not, ow- Yrk and Simcoe comprised the r. Whe hre Nestîto, '~Church Stret Group o! the Wom- ever, until Peter Smyth, first Home District. Then in 1802 Dur- pasedawalter his omein an's Association o! the churcb. setler in Port Hope, succeeded in hamadNrhmeln ee Nestleton on Sunday morning. Surviving is one daughter, Del- niegotiating a treaty with the tkn fo the Home Distrc ympathy is extended ta his re- jla. Bowmanville. Indians in 1788, that iis strip 'o! and frmed int a new district latives and friends. Funeral services were held Feb. l1anýd was Made legally available named Newcastle. Mrs. John Marlow is visiting' 18 at Northcutt & Smnith Funeral ta the white settler. The Consti- Although the district naines Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shook i Home, 53 Division St., xith Rey utionalAct of 179 1, establishing bave heen dropped, these txvo Toronto, T. A. Morgan offficiating. Initer- r'epreenrtative goyerniment, gave counities have remained associates reSai ment was in Union Cemietery, the first real impetus to Pioneer- in municipal miatters. It xvas îlot Sorry thcat Mr. Geore( tn ', by bath U.E. Loyalisîs and until the Municipal Act off 1841lad rine ohs om immigrants from the mother land. that a full measure off local self- tbrug'%lleG. Bwe n r For administrative purposes government was granted ta the LVDr. W. G. Bowles andOtMr. OBT A YUpper Canada xvas divided into counties, townshîips and towns offDlo r OBT A Yfour districts narned Eastern, the province. where they arc visiting Mr. and! Mrs. Richard Bowles and Mr. and, OSCAR BURTON ANDRUS Hampton W..S the Sacrarnenit off the Lord s Sup- St. John's Junior Auxiliary met A well known residerît off Boxw- Fburv..Ael per; Mrs. Adcock off the work off at the Parisli Hall on Thursdayl mranville since 1902, Oscar Boutaon F bu etn pastors and missionarics lhere, evening wvilh leader Mrs. Henryý Andrus, age 63, died Feb. 11 at and Mlrs. Cole off the Wornen's Schcrnilt and assistant Mrs. Oshawa General Hospital, and The Hampton Wonani's Mis- World Day off Prayer ii Affrica. Frank Staniland in charge. was buried Feb. 16 in Bowman- sionarv Society held thieir Feb- Ryod le inpaer. M.adMs eclHlviie villeCemetry. ev. T A. org! uary. Sheckletoni sang a bvevMr~ and .rs. A. W. Pickard, vile emtey. ev T A Mog-rurymeeting ai the home of! solo, closing witli hyinn and ovnnil k.~ evieMiss Lulu Reynolds with Presi- beniediction Daif Mrs. Harold Hutton Siths hed t heMori unra Cap dntMs.L.TrlFinal har.1 oplansoldDa o werei alsimadetn Rv.afors.C elai ayorwr et yM.FnldpDansoff re aealorteai- charge off Mrs. Empcy. IMrs.1 N. Hulton.J Andus'frinds WrldDayof ra-er M'rrak gve headdress. Pray- Miss Moira McCornb, Nesîbeton, Palbeaersývee: obet Sev-tend the Presbyter-ial in Oshawa Vvere taken bv Miss Reynolds, .vas a wxeekend guest witb Miss ~~ D . en~~~crs, Frank M ace, o nr, on Feb, 24. M iss Reynolds g alr r. 1- r, M s . Shre n o s Eri taitn rns ink and a rr on Christian Citizenship. 1Mours ad ou s.Mrs.J. Mrs. Richardl Bulmner and Mrs.1 Russell Bragg. Muto n ons s Born ai Orono in 1890, son o! Mrs. Nididery was in charge o! Smnale sang a solo "I Heard the; Charles McNeil, Fenelon Falls, thelae BriAndus deeaedthe worship period, witb Mrs. Voice off Jesus Sav". A good ai- wiib Mrs. Mervin Graham. the lat B ai Onrusde:a edw Cemens, Mrs. Blanchrd and tendance was present. Mr. Robert SmithBelleville; FOR $ 4 1 9 5 0 more ~~waswit tan 2h e ars witur ham R e s c f r. M o nîo . M s i n d las e r i u chsng C m n lv r FONR(nwan Company, and hie later served for Cburch in Angola, Affrica, in1 One bundred and iwenty mil- wit r.V .Ahr r . cessor, Goodyear Company, la-Mouinlloy tld o! the wrhp1powver is rvd b Cad'sj-Ms.eclH ead ing the ffirmn in 1939. service: Mrs. R- )Epya'sgridsr ootadM- Vn ici erators down 12 Per cent -because ixvs alea gtist (M Sundav._-_ Of 11%'li\estck'pries nd 0 p r' I S. John's W.A. qiiiled t* wo C o1p Si s C In o iJ q i ts t th e P a rjis b H a ll T î r offhoe iv st ck pries an 1mp rVi c t o r L noCno la..Onc quilt is foi the Iný,d a n T he.. . V c o o f c m aia n n sT k f Regular Value -- 98c Child ae nd t otîi a c curret Prouctio -up foi'whicillr.H ar aldonat- Ar lesdToAnoneper cegnt. %Ï ~ Now ny $1.50 S pecial 9C i Mr. andMýrs. Stphen Sa1,-e]I The PPOitmef OfFor uic resltsVanCamp lfft for Florîda last T h e A p o i î m n i f or qîîic r su ts - u se T h e T o R e tain £ P E '/ A I 1fo i-Th an n sh o rt w r ~ î u l n was a real succes.s. The ,ce wasi Adren e 11good s and mithere Vere 1" - ul inks laking spart. Teewr The T.V. Shop KIDNEYACID ' I Adrienne Hand Lotionan nevfc P h n e 32 2 R o b y o u r R e s t .. 16 Fl. ()n'*,,* d<e 3 3 K i n g S i . J E . aPh o n e r et32 6 2y u m0 0 t1 6- bF - 0 ;','c o n s e f 1 'a l o d p n e a lt h Mai,7 people neyer aen te get *à500(1a>îps ran R mm Jnet- On 'nerve'-wicn it m&y b. thie rkîdneys. ii $ 75,.- atrîl gb coo tdi of AS Their Exclusive Heaithy kidaeys fliter poisons and excea OI $.5$er IE89gBran Hiton. Be ,an HOer acids frein the blood. If they lad an ONY Blarn'- r ha Ban eli T E L E V I S I O N D E A L E R inRtYe L O V E L-LiM rs. G e o r g e F oH oorerna i e IRO de ll. o do' maey P lla. D ddSa mnels w on third. TELE ISIO DEA E ge andMrsTom Stewart assisted byl F o r B ow m a avillé an d D istrict bett-and leel bhUer. 136 When I e est Ey s Et iS one Proper l, j iuioh-- aj.-On Tu' d * od'sKiNC~III HNE 778 BWAV~E~teWd a fcmng se(e 24 iPePleSayAbout ritatys Claim and How Does It Work Out Fund. in Daily Living?" He showed a Many of the ladies helped corn film of the Saskatoon Diocese. plete the decorating at the par- Several of the Men's Club, Bow- sonage. We are verY grateful to inanville, attended the service and ail who helped. A special letter were later entertained by the of thanks is to be sent Harold local Men's Club in the Parish Martyn who painted without Hall, charge. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Mr. A motion was passed to set and Mrs. John Ballingaîl visited aside $200.00 to start a church Mr. and Mrs. Palm DeLuca in decorating fund and each W.A. Toronto Sunday evening. group is working with that aim. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lubsen, Rev- C. W. Hutton spoke to the Rose Mary, Viola and Charles meeting on "The Observer in visjted friends and relatives at every United Church home." Chatham and Sarnia. Mrs. Neil Malcolm wvhose group Miss Pauline Jamieson, Toronto, was in charge of the meeting gave with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor. a splendid paper on "Friends of United Church W.A. Jesus" and led in prbyer. Mrs. M. Graham and Mrs. Kyte gaVe W.A. of United Church met readings. Everyone is happy that Feb. 24 at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Hutton is improving in Harold Kyte with Pres. Mrs. H. health. There were 28 ladies and Shortridge in the chair. Roll four children present. Mrs. Kyte caîl was answered with "My was thanked for her hospitalitv Hobby." Mrs. W. Archer report- and a social time and lunch vei'c ed on the meeting she attended enjayed. at Whithy and handed in $6.00 ___________ from quilt receipts. Many thank You notes wvere read from those Canada's reserve of softwoods. being remiembered when sick and used principally in the? manu- from good cheer boxes and Mrs. facture of pulp and paper-are W. A. Van Camp included a the 'largest in the British Coin- donation. monwealth. The Auxiîiary voted to senda The,, distance across Hudson donation to the 'March of, Bay59 miles, is gretrhate SEE OUR.. E VERYDAy PRJCI You wilI be surprised Io find thalt hey Prices tual other stores feature as BARDAIN PRIC E Corne in, and look around and see for yourself. Special Repeai Offer! Whipcords in choice of olive and Sgrey shades. (First Quality) IDEAL FOR.- *DRI VERS *SERVICE STATION TRANSPORT SERVICE -~ * TAXI V MOVERS, ETC. 'are as -Y I I COUPON DAYS Clip This Coupon and Receive 1 Pair 'en's Denim Dungarees No Mail AIR FORCE TYPE MELTON PANTS Oniy $4.95 pr. GAIBAR-DINE PANTS Grey, Tan, Blue. Zipper, pleats. Sizes 30 - 40 s$6.95~ S HEAVY- DUTY ~, ~OVERALLS *Bib Front * anmer Strap Reg. $4.95 iSizes 36 to 46 SALE $3.95 SALE j Do0wnanville ARMY GAITERS SIZES 7 to Il Siurdy Work Booti SAEv $6.yS95e Heavy PLAID SHIRTS $3.25 ea. WORI< SHIRTS Special !... DRESS or SIPORT SHIRTS Rtegular $3.95 Ca. URPLUS STORE "ision St. BOWMANVILLE Phone 3211 Is TRURSDAY. MARCH 5th, ivision St. BOWMANVILLE Phone 3211