s. ~ lie-fr ~ - CANR. Public Relations Officiai Native Son of Dowmanville Retires JUter Twenty-five Years Franklin Davey McDowell, vet- eran newspaperman, author and for the past quarter century Public Relations representative of the Canadian National Rail- ways Central Region, announced .ast week his retirement. jge We .4be succeeded in his Toronto office by Jack J. Thornton, who hia& been with the railway for rnany years. Mr. McDowell was born in Bowmanvulle 65 years ago, son of the late Frank McDoweil. Ris paternal grandfather was the late Rev. D. C. McDowell, a- Bible Christian mmnister, who lived in the house on Loyers Lane now owncd and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Hiâ maternal grand- father was the late John Davey of Leskard who took an active part n the Farmer's Institute of hits day as well as the Durhami County Ariculturalg Societies. Prom thc day when young lFrank came in 1904 to the Ontario Legisînture as the lone Tory page boy in a Liberal era, he wanted to be a newspaperman. When he was still in his teens, hie achieved that po sition when he j oined the old Toronto Sunday World. Subse- quently, he worked on the Free Press in Winnipeg, The Mail and Empire and the News in Toronto, finally joining the C.N.R. in the days of Sir Henry Thornton to serve under a former World ed- itor, Hcrb Lash, present chief of the railways' public relations service. Lean, wiry and gifted with a sonse of humour, he ends 30 years with the railway with no intention of retiring from a vo- cation he has followed aIl his life, writing. In recent years, in re- sponse to a challenge from the late Sir Charles G. Roberts, hie wrote The Champlain Road, a best sell- er. wmnner of the Governor Gen- ral'a award ini 1939 and selected by the United Nations as one of ;0Canadian books to be listed for BRi4Irt4/ FOR IVERI ROOM FOR SERY BUDGET W A LLPA PER S A1bernethy 's Paini & Wallpaper 85 King St. W. Bewmanville Phone 431 display witi other books by auth- ors of U. N. ountnies. It laten was chosen as onc of 100 Can- adian books of all age and classi- fications for translation for read- ing of other U. N. members. Pnior to bis first book, whicli was followed later by anotier success, Forges of Fneedom, Mr. McDowell had written numerous articles and stonies, almost ah de- votcd to his favourite histonical peniod, tic Middle Ages. As a Frank D. McDowelI speaker, lie had discusscd often thc Canadian scene. It was when Sir Charles Roberts challenged is iglit to speak of Canada, thougli le bad writterÎ exciusively of an carlier ena, tiat lie produc- cdJ his prize-winning novel. During bis ncwspaper career, Frank McDowcll covered many famous stonies, and senved as press officer during tic visit of tic late King to Canada, and lat- er, tic visit to Canada of tic pres- cnt Qucen as Pninccss Elizabeth. As the railways' press officer, he travclcd on the recond-bneaking first diesel car nun across Can- ada, the finst diesel train trip from Montreal to Toronto, and tie first train from whicb train- to-city telepbone broadcasts were made. In 1920 lie marnîcd Kathleen Hodson and tbcy live now in To- ronto whceelie plans to continue residence while lie continues -to produce more stories. Lake Shore, Clarke Miss Barbara Cotter, Otha Tay- lor and Joyce Martin; Messrs. Bob Newman, Nick Vitorivich and Lloyd Martin, Toronto, were weekend visitors witi Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin. Lake Shore Ladies K. S. & C. Club met at the home of Mrs. Jack Holmes. Next meeting at Mrs. Gordon Martin's. Mr. and Mrs. Bey Jaynes spent two weeks visiting Mr. and .Mrs. G. Smith, Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Holdaway, Detroit. Mr. Bill Jaynes spent the weekend in Kingston. Mr. and Mr7s. Murray Dunne, Niagara Falls, Ont., spent the weckend with Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rutherford, Orono, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sliupak and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beatty and David spent Sunday witi Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Masters Bobby and Donnie Holmes spent the weekend with their grandmother, Mns. W. Clem- ence, Shaw's. FOOD M4aple Leaf Lard- - VALUES Ige. pkg. . 27c Heins Fresh 16-oz. jar Helaz Tomato Cucumber Pickle 28c Ketchup Arkeil 20-oz. tin Aylmer Fancy Prune Plums - - 14c Pumpkin 27c 28-oz. tin . 19C Our Own Blend Our Own Blend Coflee - - - Lb. 93c Tea - - Lb. 53c Stekley's 15-oz. tUn Maple Leaf Cream Corn - - 14c Cheese Bar Freshly Killed 25c - Fully Dressed L BROILERS for RGASTING or FRYING - FIEE DELIVERY YEO'rS MEAJTS*àAND GROCERIES M KING ST. L. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 TYRONE Anyone wantîng to send a message of cheer to Mns. Russell Wright, it is Ward "B', Western Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Jacqueline and Lorraine, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker and Douglas, Bowmanville, and Miss Gladys Maynard, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall. The Tyro Boys will try to be out Saturday morning to collect your old papers. It would be a big belp to tic boys if you would telephone 2581 or 2007. Mr. -and Mrs. Alex Perger and boys. Waterdown, spent the week- end witi Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm, also Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griffin and Jean, Blackstock. Mn. and Mrs. R. Rahm and Kathnyn werc tea duests Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent and Gloria visited Mr. and Mrs. C. McPherson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Port Credit. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mns. Geo. Alldread. David Brent visited Mr. and Mrs. G. White. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tiompson and Robert, Port Hope, visited .Mr. and Mns. Lonne Annis. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moffatt and Leon, Bowmaxiville, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore. Mr. and Mns. R. Burgess mov- ed into thein new bouse last week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mountjoy and family spent the weekcnd witb Mr. and Mns. A. Joncs and Mr. and Mrs. G. Bassett, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dclaney and Douglas visited Mr. and Mrs, Au- brey Hickson, Lindsay, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Simpson and family, Trenton, spent the week- end witi Mr. and Mrs. Don Stain- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cowling, Fenelon Falls. visited Mr. Alex Smith while in Memonial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, and also vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Cowling. John Hoar spent Saturday with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Mr. and Mrs Earl Goodman and family, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman. Mrs.. J. His, Mrs. K. Coîbar and Mrs. A. Hilîs attcnded W.M. S. Preshyterial in Oshawa last week. Mn. and Mrs. Reg Wallis, Mill- brook, wene necent tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Mr. and Mrs. H, Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tliompson and Danlene, Bowmanville. visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wihhis and fani- ily, Mrs. John Lillicnapp, Canning- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Murney and famîly, Peterboroughi, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and Michael with Mr. and Mrs. R. Perfect, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Casbourn, Agin- cnurt; Marshall Miller, Toronto; Miss Dawn Miller, Mn. C. Eng- lisli, Peterborough,. with Mrs. W. Miller, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. E. Masters, Enniskillen. Mr. and -Mns. P. Murdochi, Bow- manville; Miss Grace Murdoch, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. M. Tabb. Mn. L. J. Warren, Oshawa, witli Mn. and Mrs. H. Brent. Arthur Edwards,- Welland, is spcnding a few days witi Mn. and Mrs. T. Scott. Mn. and Mns. J. Broome and family visited Mn. and Mrs. R. McDonald, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. N. Leachi, Taun- ton; Mns. Don Thompson, Normie and Donna, Courtice; Mn. Ed Youngman, Pontypool, visited Mn. and Mrs. A. Youngman. Mrs. Youngman returncd home with lier iusband after spending a wcek witi ber son and daugiter- in-law. Mns. K. Hardy and Mrs. Eanl Pnescott called on Mn. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley, Jimmy and Joyce; Mn. Earl Pres- cott visited Mr. Wilbun Mark, G ravenhurst. Mn. and Mrs. C. Bigclow, Mn. their 55Mb wedding annivensary at the home of Mn. and Mns. How- ard Brent on Tuesday, Mardi 3. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Pooley, Osha- wa; Mn. and Mns. George Annis. Ebenezen; Mrs. Lorne Phare and Mr. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent, Gloria and David, wvere also guests. Mision Band met Sna morning with 23 present. Pres. John Cook and Audrey Wood were in charge. Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples are' weak, worn-out. ex- h.îuted solt Iv it, laidki irn. 1F ,, il,-W iron s n ti . inai i'd t f-r '. ':nInrn tar do>eS \itarm i) nBI. incet.ini avuane n ny 60f. At ail druggista. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLE, ONTARIO ____________ M,__ 95 19~TIT19T% Iare staying until they reb=. Juventdes Lose Out In Eastern Ontario Finals I LIELD br adms. iïer*Ê' Miss Ruth Prescott spent thc weekend witb Mn. and Mrs. Wil Hemphill, Long Branch. Mrs. T. Taylor and Keith vis- ited Mr. and Mns. Leslie John- son. Highland Creek. Mrs. J. Stark spent a few days with lier daugliter, Mrs. F. Tay- lor, Toronto. Miss Laura Bowman iad a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston, Enniskillen. Master Bruce Bowman stayed a week with Mrs. R. Best and Mr. and Mns. G. Carson, Orono. Miss Elsie Samis is visiting wîth friends iii Toronto. It was not until late in the season that many local hockey fans realized that our Ju.venile hockey team was really going places. By 'that time, they were in the Eastern Ontario finals and were put out by a fast skating outfit from Havelock. It is expected that next year will really be the year when they will go even further toward top honours in hockey circles. The management has asked that thanks be expressed to local supporters and to Higgon Electric, McGregor Hardware and Lloyd Ellis Shoe Repair for financial support, to Tom Cowan for refereeing free of charge during the year and to Mike Osborne for free use of his sound truck. The team, from lef t to right, front row: Bill Sellers, Jim Richards, Kari Piper, John Bird, Vince Vanstone and Ray Sellers; back row: Norm Bothwell, Manager, Terry Masters, Dennis Hughes, Jerry Marjerrison, Grant Herron, Lyle Hooper arid Jim Coyle, Coach. Absent: Joe McGill, Grant Werry, Don Cowle, Kenny Gimblett, Jack Hughes, Jim English and Russell Lane. Easter Seal Campaign for Crippled Children Choses à"Timmy" for 1953 12-Yr.-Old Lad from Northumberland Red-lieaded, 12-year-old Bruce McGregon of Vernonville, North- umberland County, who lias won a five-year figit against paralysis until lie can ride bis pony and be a Wolf Cub, bas been ciosen Can- ada's Timmy for 1953. Seventh in the succession of chiidncn cliosen to wcan that name as symbol of the tliousands iclped annually by tic Ontario Society for Crippled Chiîdren, Timmy of 1953 will journey to Ot- tawa to meet Canada's Governon General and to Toronto to attend tic opcning on Mardi 5 of tic Society's campaign for $475,000. The money comes fnom tic sale of Easter Scals, sold by members of the more than 200 Service Clubs wlio back the Society and aid it year round in its work. Bruce, who is ail boy and weans a wide gnin with a missing tootb, fell from bis fatier's dise-seeder 5 yeans ago when lie was trying to lielp. The machine passed over bis body, breaking bis spine. He was ruslied to tic Hospital for Sick Chldren in Toronto, was kept thene for seven montis. Doctors thoulit at finst lic wouldn't live, laten doubted that lie would waik. But today Bruce walks. Truc, lie uses crutches and weans braces MAPLE GROVE Don't forget Institute meeting Mardi 9, at 8 p.m. in the base- ment. Mrs. Emmerson, Nestleton District President, will be gÙest speaker, also the Cotton Queens will be guests and model their dresses. Anyone wlshing to contribute to the Overseas Flood Relief Fund from Mapie Grove com- munity may do so anytime before March 9. Send to Lloyd Snow- den, Treasurer. The many relatives and friends of Mr. Allan Snowden are sorry Maple Grove corner.d,i"EEnginp to hear of his accident, Feb. 24th. He was hit by a car on the high- way at Maple Grove corners and is in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, wîth a broken ankle and other undetermined injuries. We ail wish him a speedy recov- cry. Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Snowden attended the Berry Growers' con- vention at Hamilton. Mrs. F. Swallow and Mr. C. P. Swa]low were Sunday visitors with their cousins at Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beeci were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer, Town. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Anderson, Town, visited Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence White on Sunday. C.G.I.T. meeting was lield on March 3rd with nine present. Worship service was conducted by Marilyn Fiintoff and -Marion Staiker. The Explorers repeated their purpose. Marion Staîker read the study book called "J. T. Tucker". After business we started on crafts. Meeting clos- cd by singing taps. The Evening Auxiliary met ati the home of Mrs. Eber Snowden with Mrs. Frankum's group in charge. Scripture readings were taken by Mrs. Burney and Mrs. M. Flintoff and prayer by rs Doyle. Mrs. Frankum tok1 chapter of the study book 'The Church of Angola" telling how the church carnies on and the training of new leaders. Mrs. White gave a reading on Christian Stewardship. Reports from Pres- b.vtery bv Mns. M. Flintoff and Mrs. L. Snowden. Group in. charge conducted a contest and served lunch. More boys than girls are killed in Ontario traffic accidents. on his les, and he can even move around without the crutches if he can balance him.self against a wall or railing. He goes to scliool, lias kept up bis studies and is in 7tli grade at Black Scliool, S. S. No. 14, in Haldimand Township. Sometimes lie rides bis pony, Major, to school, a gif t from the Wolf Culis and Boy Scouts of Northumberland and Hastings Counties. And lielias joined the Cubs and is an active member. Life has become no probleni matter for Bruce. He doesn't grieve about bis injury nor bis ability to run. He gets more thnili out of things around him than lots of other boys, and lie stili helps bis Dad, Neil McGreg- or, wlien if's time for milking. He can operate the tractor like an old hand. The Society's doctors and ther- apists are* vcry proud of their young patient as an evidence of what can be donc for youngsters wlio have been stricken by injury or diseases such as cnippling polio. As for Bruce, he's ail excited about going to the big luncheon in Ottawa and the Sportsmen's dinner in Toronto whcre lie will meet ceichrities lie knows now only by name. Nestielon Station Mn. and Mrs. James Ferrier, Perth, visited Mn. and Mrs. N. C. Marlow. Mn. and Mrs. George Bowens at- tended a social evening and cucline party in Union Sehool at Sonya, Fniday evening.. Miss i Jean Bowers is teacher thene and 1 neturned witli lier parents for the 1 weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze and Mn. and Mrs. Herman Hoocy, Blackstock, were callers witi the Grant Thompsons. Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow and Mns. Jas. Fernier wene dinnen guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Symons, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. Wilfred Vine spent Sunday with lien parents, Mn. and Mrs. George Bowens. Mn. Russell Nesbitt and Mn. Sweet, Toronto, visited Mr. Elmer Ncsbitt and Mr. and Mns. Marvin Nesbitt. Sevenal local ladies attended the World Day of Prayer service in Blackstock United Churcli. Mrs. Donald Thompson bas bcen caring for Lynda and David Fallis, while their mothen was in hospital. Ail anc glad to know Mrs. Jas. Fallis is home again. Congratulations to Dick Day- ison's curling ink on winning first place at Blackstock bonspiel on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock have sold their farm and will be having a sale. A number froin. bere attended tic sale ai John Hamilton's farm. Mn. and Mrs. Hamilton are build- ing a new home in Blackstock and will be myoving soon. The men held a bec this weck and laid tic new handwood floons in thc studY, living noom and dining room at the new Presbv- tenian rmanse. Swanips east and nonili of the vhllage have been flooded follow- ing the licavy nains. Highway wonkmen eut thc tine maple trecs in front of the Grant Thompson residence this week. Following the fine at the J. J. Bruce store in November, 19.50, the trees were so badly scorched that it was decmied ad- visable to have thum removed.1 Mn. and Nirs. Jas. Harris ne-: tui'ned fronm visiting Mrs. T. M.: Nicol, :Madloc, Mr. and Mî.s. Creighton Dcv- utt, Bunketon. visit:cd Mr. Elmen Nesbitt and Mn. and Mrs. Manvin: Nesbitt. Mr. and MrF. Walter Lawrence and farihave retîrned home afcrv~îtg C sna%\a. Mn. andi Mrs. Dean Lansing have bOutL,11 a horna at Rouge, Hilis and %vil] be riuvrîg in the spring. NîIr'.Ger.Boweri. andNr. Bruce heaslhp attended the Pres-1 byterial meeting of United Chunchj in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson visited Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Millard, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Brown, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. Davison spent Friday ini Port Hope. Mr. Walter Siarpe passed away at bis Nestieton Home Sunday morning in bis 86th year. He« will be sadly missed by bis friends and neiglibours. LOTUS Mr. and Mrs. H. McMullen and Beth spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. Wes McMalion is home con- valescing from a recent opera- tion. Mr. Donald Stinson witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stin- son. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Stnong and Earl attended the dance at Bally- duff Friday evcning. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stinson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Swain, Burketon. Mr, and Mrs. D. Jewell visited Mrs. J. H. Jewell and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jewell, Sunderland, on Saturday. An e:kcellent selection of films fnom National Film Board wcre presented in the hall Friday ev- ening. Meeting of Lotus W. A. took' the form of a crokinole party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Gray and Mr. and Mns. James Gray. A large cnowd attendcd, including sevenal fromn Cadmus. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Gray and son, Bowmanville; Miss Anne Gray, Toronto, witi Mr. and Mns. Ernest Gray. Mr. and Mrs. H. MeMullen and Beth, Mr. and Mns. Jas. McMullen were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kellett. Oshiawa. Mr. and Mrs. Cy Chunchiey, Lindsay, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gray. Mr. Wes MeMahon, Miss Ruth McMahon, Delniar Jewell werei business visitors in Oshawa on Monday. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. McCabe with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hawkins, Pleasant Point, Mariposa. Mr. and Mns. M. Gray, Jas. Gray, Ted McMahon and Mr. and Mrs. D. Jewell attcnded the crokinole party at Cadmus. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gray were visitors in Bowmanville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Campbell and daugliter, Vicwlake, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- Mullen. Mr. and Mrs. Virtle McMullen, Bowmanville, callcd on Mr. and Mrs. H. McMullcn. Mrs, D. Jewell attended a teacliers' meeting held in Bally- duff Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Jcwell visitcd Mrs. M. Munro, Port Perry. nïIr. and Mrs. Jas. Gray, Bnian andLinda, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. McMalion. According to a pneiminary esti- mate of the Bureau of Statistics cash income fnom the sale of farm' producis and from grain adjust- ment and participation payments on previous yeans' cnops was $2.788 million in 1952. i. ere iniOsnawa wÂLU ur.'ia Mrs. Orvile Greer. Mr. and Mrs. George Lutes1výi and Mrs. Irvine Cook, Scarbôti, Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. RobErtWN' son and Brian, Ohw;M.and Mrs. Cyril Avery, Newcast le; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery and chidren, Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avery were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Avery on the occasion of Shirley's birthday. Stalin: "In the end of ends (England and France) will- forced to tear theinselves out t1%) the embraces of the United States and enter into conflict with them." TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamship Consult 3URY & LOVELL Bowrnanvie 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker were Tiursday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller.* Mr. and Mrs. H. C. McClure and Jane, Happy Valley, were Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and Grace. Mrs. Smith returned home with them for a few days' visit. Don't forget the social evening in the sciool Friday night at 8:30 sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner, Miss Patty Partner and Mrs. Ott Virtue wcrc Sunday supper guests of Mr.-and Mrs. Stan Goble. Mr. and Mrs. John Wrighit and Muriel, Janctville, were Sunday dinner guests of lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson and Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goble, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bunting, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gb o BU R K ETON Friday evening a large gather- ing of neiglibours and friends fnom Cartwright, Burketon, Bow- manville and Oshawa beld a dance and presentation at Ennis- killen hall to honour Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton who, werc married Feb. 9th. Mr. A. E. Rîbey was chairman and called the newlyweds to special chairs for the address and gift of money from ahl present; given by Mrs. Sandy Van Dam. Mr. Ashton thanked ail for their kindness. Coffee and a grand lunch was served. Mrs. Sandy Van.Damn and Mr. Roy Piair were the pianists. Paddy Weisb, Roy Ashton, Jolqn Archer, Edgar Strutt and Bill Jolinston made up the music for round and square dancing. A presentation was also held the week before, at the Lions Centre, Bowmanville, besides gathcring at the farm home for charivari and social time on Feb. 24. We are sorry to report little Terry Hulibard had a mild case of scariet fever, and several oth- er childrcn have colds. Mrs. Vegar, Norwich, visited witli Mrs. Merle Hubbard. Chester Hoskins and Edgar Strutt spent a day i Peterbor- ough. Mrs. J. Carter visîted relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grahami, Haydon, wcre Sunday guest. with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashton. Mrs. Ben Hubliard and son Alden left Sunday to visit lier sister, Mrs. Sliacklady, Los An- geles, Calif., for three weeks. Ken Roblin is kecping store and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hubbard EYES EXAMINED MLASSES FITTED OFFICE HOUES Mon. 10 arn. t 6 p.rn. Thurs.- 1:30 p.m. Wo 6 p.m. Sat. --- 1:30 p.m. W 6 p.m. Evenings by appointrnent 22 DIVISION '340 BOWMANVTLLE £aLMI Whitby - Phono 671 PERMANENT WAVES Designed for You Alone That is an oil-rich solution prepared for "your own" particular type of hair. No excessive heat - a luke- warm process. 58 Conpete Cold Wave $750onpiete Arîhur Huyck Who specializes in the most recent and advanced meth- ods in Permanent waving and haircutting, will be at Bowmanville on Mon., Wed. and Friday. of each week. HUYCK'S' House OF style at the rear of Coffee Shop PHONE 703 Just Arrived! A CARLOAD 0F Famous Reading HARD COAL BRIQUETS Only $24.011 per ton FOR THE MAXIMUM 0F HEAT ORDER .. Famous Reading RED COAL (Siove or Nul) Only $27.25 per ton Osborne Coal Co. Office - 26 King St. E. Coal Yards Phone 897 Phone 410 E. V. (MIKE) OSBORNE RADIO 38KRing and TELE VISION. -AT- The Radia Shap St. E. . Bowmanville Phone M [i Quafity March Kellogg's - 18C Al Bran NAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES with FREE Silverplated Teaspoon in Rose Pattern. Triple Size - 87c ýý4-11 ýl.=,