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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1953, p. 17

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4Y. MARC!! th, 1953 THE CANfADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN.V!LLE, ONTAIUO PAGE SEVENTEEW ewmlanville Badminton Players Win' bsi Points and Major Events ai Neet Tighe Top Playeras Double Winner The Central Ontario Badmin- precision. The tournament was on Tournament was held in Tren- allowed to be held at Trenton by ton on Friday and Saturday, Feb. permission of Group Captain J 27-28, and the Bowmnanville Bad- B. Millward, Commanding Officer minton Club players once again of the station. carne home victorious. Clubs wvere entered from Whit- SBowmanville Club won thw, by, Oshawa, Bowmanvjlle, Port AkJTro phy for the club win- Hope, Cobourg, Peterborough, ninihe most points and also won Belleville and the R.C.A.F., Tren- three out of five of the major ton. All winners and runners-up levents. received trophies and prizes. Gary Tighe was the big winner The Central Ontario Junior being on the championship tearn Tournament will be held at Bow- in two events, while Ernie Niel- manville on Saturday, March 14, s en paptured the men's singles and tournament chairman Éob event. Kent reports that entries are al- Men's Singles-Ernie Nielsen ready being received. defeated Gordon Kerr of Belle-1 ville two straight games. Port Hope Redmen Ladies'Sige-shrM tn' PotHope, defeated Ruth Thomp-Ene miF al son. Bowmanvillc 2-1. Ladies' Doubles-Dorothy Har- Port Hope Redmen won their, vey and A. Armstrong, Port Hope, semi-finàl round with Cobourg won from Mrs. Rose and Mrs Cornets by taking a 5-1 victory in Charleton, Peterborough. , the fifth and deciding game at Men's Doubles-Gary Tighe and 1 Port Hope before a capacity Bill Burgess defeated Bob Gal- crovd of 2.256 fans. It was the la,7her and Rov- Swindells two first tmne that Port Hope have games to one. earned the right to enter the fin- Mixed doubles--Betty Bettles ais in Lakieshore League compe-1 and Garv Tighe defeated Doreen tition in mnany years. Reddock and Bob Gallagher tvo1 The Rednien will now play a' games to one. 1 best-of-seven series with the Group Captain W. F. M. New- Linds-ay Muskies for the league son was in charge of the events c hampionsh ip. and while the which took place at the R.C.A.F 1Lindsay squad will be the favour- Station at Trenton and every- i tes, the Port Hope team should thing went off with clock-like1 give themn a real battle. DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIORT BOWMANVILLE LEGION HALL 9 - 12 p.m. ADMISSION- $1.50 couple (Informai) SATURDAYI MARCH 71h Bryce Brown and Ris Orchestra, Oshawa Attention!1 CAR - OWNERS IF YOU UPSET YOUR CAR THERE IS TO UPSET YOUR BUDGET. ..Now you NO NEED can get your car repaired and repainted on our easy terrns with nothing to pay for 30 days. NO JOB TOO BIG . .. . ..NO JOBTOO SMALL -Corne in and Iet's talk it over - Dowmanville Body Shop Next to Art's Car Market - King St. W. Phone 3042 R. Kowal, Prop. R. S. Keyes, Manager FIOSTEU FODDS' During Lent add v'ariety and extra nourishment to your nieals with Frosted Fish, Fruits and Vegetables Choice Cod Fillefs -- Haddock Fillefs -- Choice Smoked Fillels- E m e l i s ' « « » French Fried Polaloes Green Peas - - - Squash - . - Green Beans --- Ice Cream Sundae Cups m-. 39c - - Lb- 49c - - lb47c - - I49c - - « .k 2 7 c - 2pkg 49c~ * - lkg. 30c - - P k . 2 8 c ~ 2 Fo2ir 19C~ FRESH FRUIT GROCERIES VEGETBLES gilve's Silver E & EGETBLES Cake Mix-- 31c Sunkist - 252's 1r~ 00's Oranges --2 1)01.59c Tea Bags - . . 93c New - WVith Sponge /inappes- -Fa 9cLifebuoy Soap - 27c I)el'ey Cocoanuis - - 2 1- 29c Toilet Paper F- r 37c Ileinz Spinach-- . 17c ]Baby Foods- 3 For 29c Large Bunch Farley's ]Parsley . . - 10c Baby Rusks *-17c FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET (TREIVIN & RUNDLE) FREE D)ELIVERY PHONE 674 jLegionBowling Teama Bates ___ Elliott---- Perfect - McKnight Krfght High single-D. Little, 306. High Triple-F. Samis, 753. Ave rages R. McKnight -----------. 2 G. Ehiott-------. W. Bates -------2 F. Samîs ..-... - J. Fair -. E. Perfect -. D. Taylor2 J. K night ------------------ 2 E. Runtile 1- F. Burns ----------- - --- T. Graham A. Lobb J. Woodward ----- Durham Bowling League Standing Teamn Founiry -------- Statesman........---- A &P..........----- Tyrone -.- - Shepparh & GuI-- EnniskiilenIIL - B . T. S.- ---------- Blackstock ------- C. O. F. . ------- Enniskillen I.-- --- Maple Grove ------ Hampton --------- Pins 21899 21347 20690 21115 20085 20951i 20500 19718 20300 h8872 20673 18509 Averages J. Thompsan,-------------- ---21 C. W oolner -------------2 A. Hoar ---------- ----------- 21 L. Eihis--------- - ------- -----20 M. Larmer------------- -- 20 L. W earn --- ----------- 20 J. Slemon------------------ 2o B. Engley ----------2 T. McLaugblin-- ------ - 20 W. DeGeer -20 F. Smith ------------- ---- 20 G. White -------------- ----2o J. Coombes ------------------2 F. Blunt ---------------------- -- 20 B. Blythe --------- ----- - 20 D. W right ----- -- - ------------2 High Triple-J. Slemon, 753. High Single-E. McQuaiti, 351 Lemon League-Guess Who? Foundry Leads DurhamBowlers Ti F s A s E T B B Ei C -M H eam Pins Pt aundry ---25237 4 tatesman ---- 24027 4 S& P ----------- 23771 3 hepbard & GI-- 23128 3 ýnniskillen Il 24106 2 yrone----- 24170 2 ackstock 22679 2 .T. S ----- 22931 2 :nniskillen 1 21725 1 .O.F F ------ 23281 1 faple Grave 23466 1 lampIon ------- -- 20940 1 High Tripe-D. Cameron 724. Higb Single-G. Shackleton 30, Three Bowlers Roll Over 800 Mark 42 Twelve Over 700 in Major League 26[ 231 Three bowlers were olver the Standlngs-.-Élghth Week 22 800 mark this week. SecretarylSeod c1dl 12 Ah Osborne led the way wit h; eodShd 876 matie up of 259-314-303 for a Teani W L Pins P 292 average. Doug Taylor %vas Little 17 7 28148 next with 840, 263-294-i83 whilei Bates 17 7 26997 321 Treasurer Fred Cole had 815, 184- Elliott ----- 13 11 27301 31312-319. Bagnel-- 13 1l 26624 221Twehve other bowhers were ov- Seo----3 h 66 231 er 700: Dr. Austin 788, Ernie Per- 'ore---13I 264 216 fect 762, Jack Brough anti George _sbone 1h 13 26483 13 Ehiott bath with 753, Jack Lanti- D. MýcKnight Il 13 25781 27 er r734, Ross McKnight 725, Matt Hearle - 10 14 25231 07 Harrison 721, Bill Hearle 719, Piper------- 9 15 26520 oo0 Ross Wright 713, Jack Gay 711, R. McKnigbt 9 15 26078 [9 Norm O'Rourke 704 and Bill Pol-Cae---------81 250 1 96 ley 703. Averages 96 Ten 300 scores were recorieti. G. Elliott --24 93 Ross McKnigbt was on top with A. Osborne ___2. 91 325, Fred Cole with 319-312, Jack T. Bagnehl 21 Lander 317, Ai Osborne 314-303, B. Westhake 2ý Maxie Yourth 311, Bihl Shotter B. PolleY----2ý and Jack Gay 307, Jack Brougb Dr. Slemon 2, 305. E. Brock 2---- Dick Little's teamn won four T. 'Phillips -------------- points fromn Osborne's tcam in ane F. Blackburn 22 ts. of the best bowhed matches ta B. Engley 21 42 date. Little won twa games while D. Little --------- 21 36 Osborne's teamn won one game H. Janzen----21 33 anti the most pins. Osborne's out- R. Maynard -------- 21 27 fit hati 3730 for an average of 249 J. Lander ------ -----21 27 per man whihe Little hati 3718 for D. Taylor --------------2 26 an average of 248 per man. Teti B. Hearle ---------------------21 23 Bagnellîs team came up with high i E. Perfect--------21 19 single of 1338. N. O'Rourke ------------ -------- 21 16 1 Dick Patfield was in a class by RMGa nig----------------21 161 himself winning bith îow events J-Gy 1-5 with a triple of 431 anti low single E.Brughl-------------------- 21 151 of 96. H. C. Osborne hati 104, J.BRounthe------------------- 21 Jack Cale 107 anti Jack Hawes D rrinde-------------------- -21 14anti Blaine Elliott were ied with .IHarrison--------------------- 21 15R. Richards -------- 21 12Ahy hte P. Yeo -------------- 2 ---- !08 . o seDc Austin bitting G. Piper ----- ---------------- 21 98 the pins for a total of 788. This A. S aiielîs ---------21 0boosted Doc's average over 200 J. Cln---------21 .7for the first time since jaining F'. Sns ----------- --- -21 0the Major League. Keep up the jj. Gvahain ----------21 Sgooti work Charhie and let's se j~ oh ý0 you stay Up there. M. Yourth --- ----21 03 Ross Wright hit over the 700 M . Oke - - ---------- ----21 ()2_ mark for the first time in his. W. DeGeer-,--------------- ------ 20 (jcareer. Ross is enjoving his best! M. Vanstonle- -----------20 Sseason andi now bas a 206 ayer- A. Spicer - -- ---------- 20 îo jage. K. Luxton ------ --------- 20 00 . G earge ElliottI is stili on top B. Bates -------------- ----------- _20 with a 246 average xvile AI Os- A. Piper -- - ------ --- 20 borne bas taken over the runner- H. Palmer -----------20 1. up spot with 236.j R. Hearle 20 This is tbc big week for the IR.* Wright ------------------- 20, teams and couiti settle the first F. Cale --- -- ----- 20 position wben Little takes on Dr. Austin 2< Bates. Little is naw in first placej M. Dale ----2<ý twa points up on Bates anti aj B. Milne ------- --2<ý dlean sweep of the series for 'J. F air -----2( Dick's choppers wauld put lb on F. Blunt------------------------ - -2(: ice with onhy three weeks left. M. Larmer --20 t.s The entry form for the tourna- S. Trcwin-------------------- ---- 20 49 me t w l o n b otd s le s R k ----------------- 20 Q71make this one the largest ta date. D. McKnigbt-- - ------- - - 21 32 29 27 15 15 Lemon League C. Swartz ------------------ 61 A. Wilson ------------------- 93 B. Passant ------------------- 98 Averages C. Wooiner --- ----213 M. Larmer -- --- 209 J. Thompson -- - -----2 B. Engley - - -- -------- -208 T. MvcLaughlin ------ ------- 207 J. Slemon --- ------206 A. Hoar- 206 W. DeGeer ------- - 206 L. Ellis 206 F. Blunt - - - -204 L. Wearn 204 B. M itchell -- - ------- -203 N. Bailey - ---- - --203 J. Coombes - -----------202 F. Smith ---------------------201 J. Levitt - ------ ----------201 K. Yeo - ---- ------- -201 H. Patter---- ------- 200 Vi Coole Rolis High Single Score Ladies' Major League Tbc bigh single score was rack- cd up by Vi Coole with 313. Eva Whitehead rolled bbe high triple with 206, 246 and 246, totalling 698. Team Standings J o li - - -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- 4 0 Pbiilips ------------------ ------- 36 Mutton --------------------33 McNulty-------------------- -------- 32 Bromell - ---- ------------:2 G ay ----------- ------ -- 32 B ucknel ---------- -------- 27 E tch er ---- -------------2------ Major --------------------- 23 Budai -- ---------------------------- 20 MeFarlane ----- ------------ 19 Piper ------------- ------- ---- 17 High Averages D . Joli --------- ------ 222 V. Coole - -----------1991 J. Major- 194' B. Budai ----- - ---------- 194 T. Wiseman--------------- ------- 190 L. Phill.ips -------------------------189 K. Beauprie -------------187 M. M cNulty --- ----- -------184 E. DeGeer ------------------ -- 184 O. Etcher -------- ------------1831 Awad fr M siW. ipe--------------- 182 Award for Most A. Niekerson -- -----_------------ 181 Valuable Player To H. Brock--- - -----------173 A. Burns ---------------------178 F. Bidgood, Whitby E M anco .------177 Fred Bidgood, first baseman A. Gay --- ---------- --- 7 fo- the Whitby club in the Lake- V. Pickard -174 shore Basebail League, was E. Whitehead ----174 awarded the 1952 Most Valuable E. Sweetman - ----_------ ---- 173 Player Award at the pre-annual L. Hayes --- -------- 173 mreeting hielti in the Ganaraska B. Carter - ---- - 173 Hotel, Port- Hope, on Thursday Sadie Bucknell ___-173 night. He will be presented with L. Bates -------171 the award, and the $25 cash pres- H. Davis ------ ----------171 entation whichi accompanies it, at L. McFarlane -------------170 thed League annual meeting to be Lemon League held in the Balmoral Hotel, Bow- manville, on March 27. L. Hayes - --- ----------98 Each team had been asked to E. Kerr -- -------7f) submit a player's naine for the Helen Vivian ---- ------C71 award. but the Cobourg club was E. Morris - --------- ---- ------971 the only one ta do so. Cobourg J. 'Fairey ------------------------- 98 hati submitted the namne of catch- Lola Wright - - -9 eF Chub McIvor and he was noseti Greta Luxton -------------------- 95! out by Bidgood in a close ballot. __________ Another club submitted the name of Bowmanville's Maxie Yourth <. n r i but his nomination was not el- S*. S. iNo. 9, Clark~e igible on the groundis mentioneti above. Bidgood's nomination came Mr. and Mvrs. E. Martin, Toron- at the meeting, and flot in writing, but since it was saiti that th~e ta, and Mr. Grant Malhey and Whitby club had contacted the son, Steven, Oshawa, with Mr. league heads prior ta themet and Mrs. Ceciu Malley on Sun- ing and told of their decision, lb day. wvas aliowed to stand. Don'b forget Home anti Sehool Bowmanvilhe titi not have a Club next Tuestiay evening, representatve at the meeting. March 10, when Rev. T. A. Morg- Bidgood registered a season an from Trinity United Church, batting average of .433 whiie get- Bowmanville, wiil be guest speak,, ting 26 hits in 60 times at bat. He er. playcd in 17 games, scoreti 16 runs Congratulations ta Mr. and1 and batteti in 14 runis. His field- Mrs. Cecil Mahley on the birth ing average was .964. of a second grandson andi second McIvor h't .286 i24 gamies.! s.on for ',%r. and Mrs. Grant Mal- gathering 22 bits anti battrng in lev in Memorial Hospital, Bow-- 20 runs. Im*anville, hast Frida v. Mlaxie Yoni-th had a batting av- M . andi Mrs.Bi Bruat crage of .372. garnering 29 hits and Lois wvith Mr. and Mrs. Bey. in 87 timies aI. bat and having a Javnes, Lakeshore. fielding average of .941 .i .Albert Walker, the Lakeshore A fire of unknown origin s! art- League Secretarv' and onlv O.B. ed in the long grass west of Mr. - - executive member for Eastern C. Tucker's house on MondaY af-' Ontario, wvas nominateti for the ternoon about 3, anti sp rcad same post in 1953. League Presi- to the shrubs anti trees for sonie dent Roy Dodge anti Vice-_Presi. distance. An alarmi was sent dent Sidney Little were appoint- out anti help arriveti befo)re the eti as Lakeshore League repre- Orono lFire Brigade came and s nitatives ta the O.B.A. conven- beat out the flames before too tion at Simcoe, March 20 anti 21. much damage was done. Mrs, Representatiyes from Port Hope, Tucker thanks exveryone for the Cobourg. Peterborough anti Whit- 1 qiiik respunse ta lier cail for' hv attentietithe rmeeling Ase -p-hin wvere, Bowmanville, Lindsay and Later :In the aiternoon rnn . Ke Colborne. i wu fleflnortiof u" and in was i 'I learneti the Orono Wood Product.s factory was on fire. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brunt, Don- na and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brunt, Lindsay, with Mr. and Mrs. James Partridge, Hampton. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Brunt Saturday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Bihl Gordon, New- tonville; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wil- son, Brown's; Mr. and Mrs. C. Gibson, Oshawa, and Mr. and Ceeil Maley. Mr. and Mrs. C. Malley, Mrs. Branch, Mrs. Brunt and Mrs. Bowen attended the card party at Brown's School. Mrs. F. Bo\ven attended the Durham Club in Toronto last Th ursday. Mrs. Howard Allun and Mrs. F. Bowen were representatives to the W.M.S. Presbytery meeting in King St. Church, Oshawa, on Tuesday. Mr. andi Mrs. Dennis Gibson and1 Michael, Mrs. Alden Gibson, Osh-] awa, with Mr. Bert Bowen andi Mrs. F. Bowen, and all calleti oni Mr. andi Mrs. Dave McReelis ati Brown's. Whitby Man Wins Suit in Monthly Kinsmen Draw Ed Geoffery, Whitby, was bhc winner of the first Kirismen Club suit draw. The winning ticket was pieketi out of the big barrel at the hockey game at Memarial, Arena. Saturday night, between 1 Orono anti Peterborougb. Kin Ken Nicks drew the winning tick- eThese monbhly draws for a man's or woman's matie-to-meas- ure suit are being sponsareti by the Kinsmen ta raisg money for their artificial ice funti. This first draw realizeti aver $200 profit for tbc ice funti. Tickets for bbc March draw may be obtaineti from any member of tbe Bowman- ville Kinsmen Club. WESLEY VILLE Recreation evening was helti in the sehool bouse on Tuestiay with about 40 present. A sing- sang conducted by Truman Aus- tin anti Muriel starteti the even- ing's enterbainnment. Organizeti games in charge of Mrs. A. Clarke pravideti good fun for everyone. Then there was folk dancing witb music by Muriel Austin, anti square dancing ta music by Rutb Payne anti Keith Caswelh. A dis- play of trays completeti aI the metal craft course, andtihbb usual refresbments brought the even- ing ta a close. "Sister Susie Swings Ib" was FRIDAY, MARCH 61h - PUBLIC SKATING 8 la 10 p.m. ADMISSION -350 per person SATURDAY, MARCK 7th - Banlam Town Leagues - 7:20 - 8:20 a.m. (Playofis) Port Hope vs. Dowmanville Pee Wees Il a.m. - 12 a.m. Pee Wee Town League - 12:30 - 2:00 PUBLIC SKCATING 3 la 5 p.m. ADMISSION - - Aduits 35e - Children 2Ole Port Hope vs. Dowmanville* - 5:30 - 7 p.m. (Nidgefs) PUBLIC SKATING 8 la 10 p.. (Subjeci Io ORONO PLAYOFFS) 60 Blind Persons Guests ai Concert By Star Musicians About 60 blind. persons were1 among the most appreclative in the audience at the Star Concert held in Trinity United Church last Thursday evening. Oshawa Lions Club provided transporta- tion and supervision for 135 members of the Humoresque Club, a recreation organizatioti for blind persons of Oshawa and district. Members of the Bow- manville Lions Club provided the same service for local blind pesn.The outîng was sponsor- ed by the Bowmanville West Durham Advisory Committee of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, of which Miss Helen Cryderman is chairman. Seats were reserved for thej group at the concert whIch was thoroughly enjoyed by them. The choice of a number "The Blind Ploughman," by the quar-! tette, The Four Gentlemen, wasi quite by coincidence, but was i probably neyer so much apprec-' iated as by this group. Following the concert, they were entertained at the Lionsi Community Centre by members of the local committee, kindly assisted by Lions Club members. Miss Dora Purdon and Miss Isa- belle Davis convened the enter- tairiment. AIl enjoyed refresh- 1 nients prepared by the local com-i mittee and their wives, under the convenorship of Mrs. W . Ross Strike. ,Mr. E. G. Brown, Field Secre- tary, Oshawa, introduced a re- cording of a recent radio pro- gramme in which blind persons cleverly took part. The pro- gramme, which is to become a regular series, stressed the fact that blind people are happy, useful, business-like citizens. A happy evening concluded with a sing-song led by Jack Ross, assisted at the piano by Don Shay. The local commit- tee is very grateful to Lions Club mnembers and ahl who took the opportunity of helping to provide a happy evening for the group. A Date to Remember. a Croatonj' fti' aC ci N ow, In a matter of minutes, that memorable date in your li..... graduation, first date, engagement, birthday, anniversary, and special occasions can be permanently commemorated on a bracelet. It's a glowing gold-toned chain bracelet with a calendar disc, on which THE date is set with a glittering rhinestone. And it's done RIGHT IN OUR DE- PARTMENT. A new and wonderful ideal Perfect for gift-giving! PINS - $2.00 each - CHARMS - $1.50 each HOOPER'S JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP 28 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone 747 WeeIc's Acti"vitiesI A rena MONDAY, MARCH 91h - FREE SKATING Public School Boys Only - 4 to 6 p.m. SOL» OUT - MONDAY EVENING (Young People's Union) Oshawa Presbytery United Church TUESDAY, MARCH 101h - FREE SKATING Public School Girls Only- 4 to 6 p.m. PUBLIC SKATING 8 Io 10 p.m. ADMISSION - Aduits 35e - Children 200 WEDNESDAY,- MARCH 111lh - Juv. and Mid. Town- League - 6:00 - 7:30 PUBLIC SKATING ,ADULTrS ONLY 8 Io 10 p.. AD31ISSION 350 stnlight ai the Memorial THURSDAYI NARCH 51h- Men'"s Town League- *1 presenteti at Port Hope on Wed- nesday evening, anti at Camp- bellcroft on Friday night. It had a fine reception andi players were accompanieti on Friday nlght by Mrs. Ken Dinner and Muriel Austin who provideti intermission music. The cast will be taking a rest during some weeks in March whihe some of the members are away on holidays. Further1 presentations will be given on their return. Several chiltiren have been out of schooi with swollen glands and sore throats. Glen Clarke is the latest victim anti we hope the little felhow wili soon be back at school anti Sunday School. Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence Nich- aIls took son James to the Hos- pital for Sick Chiltiren, Toronto, on Sunday, where he will re- ceive further treatment for bura scars. The juniors led the responsive reading at Sunday School and re- peabeti more of the beatitudes. Rev. Harding continueti his pre- Easter series of sermons, and spoke of events of the Thursday before the Crucifixion. Muriel Austin was organist in the ab- sence of Mrs. Reeve% Mr. anti Mrs. Hector Darke and three grantichiltiren, Toronto, visited Miss Clara Darke. About haîf bbe accidents in On- tario hast year occurred in cities andti owns. 7:45 PAGE SEVENTZEN.. 50

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