PAGE EIGHTEM~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO Hon. F. S. Thomas Io Open Central KIRBY High Class Musical Program Feahires à POfoLnvnhff OnTuesday nigt the Natinal Ontaio prin Shw aiPetrborughFilm Board pictures were shown A niai Rotary Club Ladies' Nfight ~ at the school. 'Exhibition Groünds on Wed., mare 18 Mrs. Bill Wanna vsiedwjhWives Introduced in Unique Style ___________Kirby W. A. ladies catered to Hon. Fletcher S. ThomaO-will be A. M. Barr, Principal of the Co,-Op.trkey bnqueid. owthejeRoar tasown 1hal, OCp.tronobonquerida. owtnhee Roaras and well received. Mr. Holmes, sev- tario's Minister of Agriculture, Kemptville Agricultural School; Vi6itors with Mrs Ane a their wives and.guests were treat- eral years ago, was director of successor to Col. T. L. Kennedy,; John Dryden, Brooklin; Georgel terson were Mrs. Fred Graham, ed to an excellent programme of music for the Public Schools of will officially open the Central McLaughlin, Oshawa; R. H. isMayRterod lassical, semi-classical and pop- Manvers Township, sa he was 'Ontario Spring Show at Pete- raham, Ontario Dept.'of Agri- Mrs. Roy Mercer and Mrs. Chas. ular music by three soloists at the back among friends. barough, Wednesday, March 18, culture, and Prof. D. R. Camp- Cooper. annual Ladies' Night of the Ro- Compîeting this fine musical at 2 e.m. bell, O.A.C. Mrs. R. R. Patterson, Port Cred- tary Club held in the Lions Com- programme were three violin This will be the new minister's, Thursday panel at 2:30 will it, has returned home alter spend- munty Centre on Wednesday of solos by Miss Marguerite North- first visit into Central Ontaric,1 discuss "Land.Use." Watson Port-; ing two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. lest week. rup, also a student at the Royal and farmers of the ten counties er, London, will be chairman, Bill Wannan. Over 100 Rotarians and guests Conservatory who played deliglit- fram Frontenac to Ontario County with Prof. R. G. Knox, O.A.C.; Mrs. Thompson is with lier enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner, fuily, 'Malaguena" by Sarasate. are asked ta remember this date. James R. Henderson, Kingston; daughter, Mrs. Alex Walker, the fine musical programme, and, an aria by Durante and "Frenchi The show begins Tuesday with Prof. N. R. Rickards, O.A.C.; Bowmanville. dancing to the music of Jack Canadian Dance" by Gratton. the placing of ail seed exhibits Doug Parks, Kemptville Agricult- Mr. and Mrs. Mult Wannan Fowler's orchestra. Hall Attractively Decorated for judging beginîng at 9:30 arn. ural School, Tom Dickinson, Ot. with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan. Miss Helen Spîcer, Toronto, Tebnuthl tteCnr Junor arers sed udingîaw DiryFam, ssstîg.Mr. and Mrs. Bigeldw have re- niece of Rotary President Garnet was attractively decorated for the competition opens at 10 a.m. n Entertainment wili feature on~ turned home from Memorial Hos- Rickard, whose mother, the form- Ro tary Ladies Niglit in the Club the arkt hal. Il te oherThursday night Junior Farmers' pital, Bowmanville. We wish er Gertrude MeMullen, is a nativecousofbean godad events of the show, Mardi 17-20, square dance competition; Peter- them a speedy recovery. of Kendal, delighted the gather- these colours were carrieÈd out in will be at Peterborough Exhi- borougli Junior Farmers' Choir, Mrs. Fred Graham visited Tues- ing with her excellent rendition alltthe decorations including the bition Grounds. and a variety programme. Ad- day with Mrs. Wmn. Rutherford. of several solos ranging from the flowers, the balloons which fes- Pae isuso mission to concert is 50 cents. Mr. Milt Wannan bas installed popular "Oh What a Beautif-il tooned the ceiling and walls, and Pae icsinAuction sale of seed grain and the Hydro this week. Morning", to the more classical ee h ae akn The directors have planned two potatoes begins at 1:30 p.m. Fri-' _________ "There Is a Lady" and arias from vnteperakis practical discussion panels. Thc day, March 20. operatic works. Miss Spicer is a Each Rotary Anne received a first will be March 18 at 3 p.m. Showing of Films stTI&D17iTthTRoya Conservatory sterling spoon decorâted with the on "The Business of Farming," Dsly of farm machinery, U.LTALLfVJ.IJL of.Musie, Toronto, and her fine Rotary Crest, and Mrs. T. Arthur Ota rH. Lept. o Agicutre, new agricultural films, and lec- contralto voice was mucli enjoy- aMo received lovely daw prizs chaima.ripatinfgrwictuhi tures by Dr. W. E. Tossell, O.A.C. Mrs. Allen Cornish and Dennis, ed. Thorcie oel rwpi.zs charma. artciptig wth i- on "Seed Quality Pays Div:' Toronto, spent a few days with Miss Spicer sang three duets engate yring enjoye a ing idends"; Prof. D. R. Campbell,! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor with Murray Holmes, Toronto, sn e yRtra e.T O.A.C., on "The Business of! Farrow. Arthur Morgan with Rotarian Westeusr sentthebaritone soloist at Rosedale Unit-. Dave Morrison at the piano. Farm"; Prof. R. G. Knox, O.A.C., i Mrs.Wshue pn te ed Church and a teacher of voîce 'con 'Pastures for Beef Cattle"l; weekend in Toronto. in a Toronto Junior Higli School; President Rickard introduced Prof. N. R. Richards, O.A.C., oni Mr. and Mrs. G. Shemilt, Osh- "Because You're You", a duet the head table guests: Lions Presi- LadUse," are added program awa, at Mr. Bert Trim's. from Don Giovanni and a noveîty adnMHrbetLec Goddard se rs S ~details.r Several fromt here attended the rendition "Sing a Song of Six-adMr.G drKisePe- President of the show is Robert Co-Operative banquet in Orono pence". Mr. Holme's solos, ident Bill Tait and Mrs. Tait, Armstrong, Cavan; vice-presi- last Friday at noon. "Shortnin Bread" and "The World Canadian Legion President Lloyd dents, Jas. T. Browvn, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Halloweli Is Mine Toniglit" were also very Preston and Mrs. Preston, Rotary « and G. R. McLaughlin, Oshawa hiad Sunday evening dinner with_______________ Vice-President David Higgon and R. R. 1; treasurer A. O. Dal- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid. Mrs. Higgon, Rotary Secretary O. Irymple, Stirling; general man- Mr. and Mrs. Logan, Bethany, F. Robson and Mrs. Robson and aeF. C. Paterson, Peterbor- at Mr. John Stark's on Sunday. « Rotarian Arthur Ribey adMs ough; seed show manager, Stuart Mrs. Etwell in TIoronto lt EV ER Ribey. A. Bowman, Peterborough; Junior xveek.. He then asked each Rtra section manager, John A. Daw- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Falls B F E present to introduce his wife and son, Ottawa. and family and Mrs. Fred Falls, BE J * * to tell the circumstances under --Peterboroughi, visited at Mr. which he had first met her- Trinity Y.P. Hear Llew Hallowell's, Saturday even- whlich gleillito svea Rtrin Talk on Training Mr. and Mrs. John Stark and a girdie SO serious students of Don Juanr Wayne, in Toronto on Monday. techniques in their younger days. Storm Warning ! Andl Stewardship Several attended service at efcie Large Nme fGet Newtonville on Sunday. Next Rotrifs wiesindget Trinity Y.P.U. met on March Sunday service will be held atIL present were: Dave Morrison andt WHEN you know a storm is 2, with Stewardship and Training Shiloh. $0 compleieiy Mary Elizabeth, Geo. W. JamesS coia, ouhed orprte- conveners Jean Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe and and Sarahi Lousanna, Rex Wal- i comng yu eadfo potc- Muriel Reynolds in charge. Wor- son, Bowmanville, visited Mr. fes n Mr Eh rFrn tion. BUT disaster does't slip service was in charge of Mar- and Mrs. Howard Farrow. dfee tfo Jamieson and Mary Evelyn, and give warnings! ilyn and Don Leask. The Ladies' guest Gladys Jamieson; Tom Quartette rendered two very fine anlTITrT fy other! Rehder and Catherine, Ross Stutt Fire, windstorm or other selections. A vote of thanks was COM MEIL, ' and Elizabeth, Walter DeGeer and peril may strike uaexpectedly given by Janie Maguire. ____» Edna, Dr. William Ruddell and ait any time. If you're flot film on the summer centre "Five Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muir were Hln evleDl n lds ready NOW with adequate Oaks". on the Grand River. In hosts to the boys of Courtice Dr.' Howard Rundie and Hilda, - insurance, better call on tbis the discussion led by Mr. Morgan Senior Football Club and their Bud Rolph and Evelyn, Rev. T. A.S îrRI1'% ~ > Morgan and Lillian, L. W. Dip- Harifrd Agncy tdayl on Stewardship and Training, it ladies, to a turkey supper on Sat- NOei nWilin rhu ad HatodAec oa! was saîd that stewardship means urday evening. Some 35 gues ts pl and ieLet illeAtur an dyc preparing to be a steward of enjoyed the delicious supper in-UeJNI oathadEitW time, talent, as well as money. cluding the team, Mr. and M rs IN RessJ. D. HoartEisantEd i f S ar R. a eS Training means training in a comn- Wif Brow, Mr. and MrsHarold snAlnSCAeadhs ieA-a A short business meeting was Darlington League and Mr.a t and Fed anst, ob e y lin di INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE held, and members are asked to Mrs. Mike Nemis, Zion, Vice- WeslyCweFre eln Phoe:Ofice68 Rs. make a real effort to seli tickets President. During the evenng and Mossie, anti guests DouglasT Thn:Ofc 8 e.43for our play "The Barrets of Wim- members of the teamn were pre- Styales andiGlrialtrooR en-l pole Street" ta be held on March sented with smart jackets wîth oîdps and G ara. ltrRen King Street. Bowmanville 12 and 13. crest. Four members and their od adGae The meeting closed with lunch brides were aIl presented with Bob Stevens anti Jean, anti-C. and friendship circle. smokers from their teammates. _____________________________________________________The latter part of the evening was spent in dancing and cards. Many thanks from those present to Bob and Gwen for their generositLy in opening their home. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wojnarowski _________________________________________ spent the day shopping in To- ulronto, recently e Courtice Home anti Sehool As- "' sociation helti a euchre at the THEATRE * OWMAN VILLE new school on Friday last. It pî'uved a very successful evening. Prizes for the evening were won FRIAY SA URD Y -NAR H 6..7 by: ladies, high, lst Mrs S. Vin- THE FUNNIEST THINO THAT consolation, Mrs. Chartran; men's higi, lst Lyle Mclntyre, 2nd Har- '" VR HAPPENED ON THE SCREENI old Winter, consolation to Cecil "4 < Shutron. Decided to hold an- .~ other euchre party on Friday, March 13, 8 p.m. at the new school . Courtice C.G.I.T. met on Wed- nesday evening at Courtice D Church. Meeting opened with B recreation perioti by Elsie Vetzel. Worship was taken with Explor- ers. The girlS went to their groups and read a few chapters of the study book. A game was playeti by Sunbeam Group, comn- paring Christian village with ircle anti Taps. anti F. W. Werry. guests Tom anti Dorolhy Turner,FveB ldn George Hacking and Audrey. ieB idn Blain Elliott and Gladys, and~ Permits Were guesîs Glen anti Betty Lander- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Syer, guests oi Issued in February Dave Higgoni; Tom Palmer anti Frances, George Moody anti Nora, Five building permils ta a value andi guests Mr. anti Mrs. Ernest of $14,950 were taken out in Bow- Reider; Mark Raenigk, anti Don mnanville during February, twa Morris anti Dorothy. for houses anti three for garages. President Garnet also introduc- The dwelling permils for haus- eti ta the gathering the widows of es were valueti at $7,000 anti $5,- former Rotary Club members 500, anti the garage permits were who were guests: Mrs. Manson for $2,000, $300 anti $150. Comstock, Mrs. M. H. Minore, Mrs. M. J. Hutcinson, Mrs. Fred C. Hoar anti Mrs. T. S. Holgate. Enniskillen Couple "We. will always cierisi the memory of your husbands for lie Honoured on ±,neir services lhey rendeVedti t Rotary 25th Anniversary in the past omk it wiat il is ____ today," Mr. Rickarti asserted. On Saturtiay evening Enniskil- In proposing the toast ta the len Community Hall was 'lihe ladies, Rotarian Arthur RibeY rendezvous for 140 relatives, statet tat their presence atideti a friends anti neighbours of Mr. anti great deal of charm ta lie meet- Mrs. Roy McGill who gatiereti ing. The Rotary Annes hati ai- there ta congratulate anti cele- ways co-operateti with anti en- brate witi them their 25th wed- couragedth le Rotarians in their ding anniversary. undertakings, lie saiti, anti the suc- Th us ohnurwee- cess of the Rotary play each year Thgussohnoreee- is due in no small way la their tertained at dinner earlier in the assitane ecourgemnt. Mrs. Milton Stainlon anti s was Mrs. Riekard Replies followed witli an invitation la go Mrs. Garnel Rickard in her re- ta the theatre but insteadtihte ply saiti that lie wives of Ro- couple were taken ta lie hall. As tarians were gladti l give their lie party was a complele sur- iusbands' lime up bo community prise ta Elsie anti Roy lliey were service for tiey realize the great escortedti latle platform by Mrs. henefit their work is for crippleti Fred Billett anti Mr. Roy Lang- anti handîcappeti chiltiren. maiti who were lie attendants al Vice-President Higgon present- the marriage ceremony 25 years eci Mrs. Riekard with a silver ago, with Miss Mona BrunI play- compact decorateti with lie Ro- ing the xvedding marci. Afler tary crest. Reya anti Keiti McGill hati pre- Altendance Ciairman Don Mor- sentedi their parents witi a cor- ris presenteti Rotarian Blain sage anti boutonniere, Rev. R. M. Elliott witi a nine-year perfect Seymour presentedth te program attendance pin, anti a irtîday planneti for the evenng. presentation was matie ta Rotarian Mrs. Roy Langmaiti reati a per- Tom Palmer. fectly wordeti address ta lie Rotarian Walter DeGeer re- honoured couple who were pre- minded members that they shoulti senteti with a mirror, magazine be tinking of tie Rotary Easter table, rilight floor lamp, silver Seals Carpaign whici will be cake plate, creamn anti sugar anti launcheti sorîîy, anti also in- tray anti relish disi Messrs. Roy form members of le Rotary Langmaiti anti Fred Billett also Skating Carnival ta bc helti in lie expressedtihle feelings of lie Memorial Arena on Mardi 14 with assembly in splendid speeches. famous skating star Suzanne Mor- Elsie anti Roy mate fiting re- row as the main attraction, plies. Secretary . F. Robson moveti Programme consisteti of piano a vote of thanks ta Mrs. Williami solos by Douglas anti Jimmie Leask's Ontario Street Group of Billett, Miss Simone Gimblett, le Trinity Churci Woman's As- Mrs. Allen Dawson, Ronald Ash- sociation for preparing anti serv- ton. Readings by Mrs. Ross ing the excellent banquet. Pearce, Mrs. R. Seymour; vocal solos by Miss Beti Travell, Mr. Fred BilleIt; vocal duel by Misses Fil HihlihtsSybil anti Vida Langmaiti; piano duet MVesdames Milton Stainlon I'rinity Y.P. Meeting anti Lame Lamb; quartette by ________Messrs. Bill Bragg, Orville, Bruce The regular meeting of Trinity anti Haroldi Ashton. As lunch ~i'ungPeples ws elt inli was being arrangeti Mrs. Sey- S. S rom a 8 .m.mour conducteti a sing-song. ~. S.toomaI 8p.m.For lunch lie members of the Meeting was in charge of Faiti immediate family of the bride anti and Evangelîsm convenors, TMarg. groom of 25 years, Mr. and Mrs. Stacey anti Greta MacMaster. A Roy McGill, Mr. anti Mrs. Roy film was shown, entitled "How Langmaid, Mr. anti Mrs, Fred and Why We Worsiip". Billett were seated ti atle heati The business perioti was con- table wich was centreti witli a lucteti by Helen Nelles. Joe tirth-ier edtiing cake anti dec- vlarkle was in charge of recre-1 orateti with pink cantiles, pink ation. Later, Mr. Morgan led in belîs anti streamers. A deliciaus a sing-song. lunc was serveti und'er lie able Meeting closeti with Friendship dietion of Mesdames H. Milîs Attendance at Sunday School htcmiesu aole isteadi I I eading for anotherthtcmne c boue1 1 nL\v recor dxxith a grand total comfort with such firm controillIn*peau CARIOON ~NEWS G_____---------_-_$5._ of 1 ut n Snda monxn. IERE --$1.5. You can now enjoy an et BR SSE E 1.5box to disturb you . . . WEDNES. -THURS.- MARCH il - 12 SPENCER Tr o a Sarong enjoy a snack and be ai roundings of the Balmnoral CORSETIERE today et BIG STARS!1 <egsered since 1931)THDR P I F * re's leughter, Mrs J. E. RichardsTERO IN A for cil!1 Telephone 27-r-16 .1" *s Ir~~ 57 KING ST. W. '%ou'l elly enjoyth n FRM BrSOIMANVILLE coe h right way and Il'1 ILu,...up., BIGnackthe cou-Yr' evrbnagrdeJk t HEADQUARTERS for complete GOOD/VAR TIRE SALES AND SERVICE ROBSO The Openu«ng LMORAL HOTEL BARt ONRC Yi IN EVENINOS ONLY FRON 8:30 P.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT ning snack . e and quiet! ,vening snack in peace and quietness. No hlaring juke no boisterous custoniers to tupset yoti. Corne in and ib ta talk to your companion in the pleasant sur- al dining-roorn. 'TER THE SHOW 'OR CAME FOR A Y AND WHOLESOME SNACK iacks our chef prepares. You can obtain your favourite evening snack here d yet you pay no more. Make a point of corning to, the Balmoral Hotel for next tirne you are out ta the show, hockey garne or bowling. Operaled by Jack Weese 'I I i I THURSDAY. MARCM~15 Durham County Lays Double Dec' .l Giant Easter Egg Anyone who doubtsthat Dur%." ham County hens are capable of top production should drop around to the Statesman office and see the effort made recently by a hen belonging ta Blake Short, Bow- manville. This hen produced not one, but two complete eggs, one inside the other. The outer egg is no less thail 7%4 inches in circumferenice, ape inside this mammoth egg' a white and yolk belonginggté plus another normal size egg cOin- plete with sheil. If Durham County liens con- tinue ta double production in this fashion there should be an ample supply of eggs available byEs- er. ON OF THE kc 6th