i~ ~4 "Durham County's Great Family Journal" V(fL.rMÏP . un J RaY Dudley Winner of International t1'iusic Award'ai Swiizerland Guesi of Honour ai Civic Recepiion IRa Dudley, one of Bowman- in Switzerland, you have brought évi le's Most famous native sons, fame to our town to a degree who last October brought to which I believe has neyer been Canada for the first time an out- equafled in the past," said His standing international music a- Worship. "We want you to know ward, was Iionoured by the citi- that we are very proud of your zens of Bowmanville at a civie achievemnents. In taking part in reception held Friday night in the international competitions and Lions Cornmunity Centre, tours, you are furthering good- F'ollowing a delicious banquet wili and understanding which is Mayor Morley Vanstone speciallv so badly needed in this troubled welcomed the Toronto guests, and world to-day." on behalf of the citizens of Bow- In presenting the Town of manville presented to the famous Bowmanvilîe's gift of a combina- 21l-year-oid pianist a beautiful tion radio and record player, Electrohome combination radio Mayor Vanstone said, "It gives me and record player in token of a great deal of pleasure to extend Bowmanville's regard for Ray and our congratulations to you and the outstanding nature of his our best wishes for your con- achieven1ents I tinued success. May this gif t give "A great many of the famousiyou a great deai of pleasure and and Successful men of this coun- may it serve as a reminder of try are native sons of Bowman- your many friends in the Town 'ville and Durham County," the of Bowmanviiie." Mayor said in his introductory Ray in his repiy said that hie remarks., "Our famous editor has was thrilled with this expression had many opportunities to dweii of Bowmanville's regard and was upon his favourite subject, and most grateful to the citizens of needless to say we as citizens Bowmanville. The nature of the love to read about it. As we gift was particulariy appreciated, look back we can recall Ray's since he studies the techniques of name appearing as having passed the masters by means of record- his first music exam and taken ings. bis first step upon a musical In a most appropriate and career. Guided and inspired by fascinating speech Ray with his mother at the start, his rise characteristic modesty, traced the bas been steady and swift, and course of his career to date, and we realized that he was destined toid something of his experiences to become famous in his chosen in Europe where he visited career.'> Rome, Paris, Amsterdam and "In being the first Canadian to London. He also gave some in- Win the International Competition * Continued on Page Seven) Sum of $18000 Sel For Heatin'g Syste: Plus Other Necessi Publie Property Committee of Town (council wes given the au- tbority et Mondey night's Coun- cil meeting ta bave plans for a new heating system for the Town Hall drawn up and ta caîl for tenders. A sum of $18,000 wes provided .tor 'the Public Property Commit- ~Je in tbe 1953 budget. Presum- W~ly e portion of this amnount wil ý'be used ta instal the ncw beet- ing system, plus any other re- pairs that mey be neccssery. Counci.i received a letter from from tbe Home and School As- ,sociat1on complaining that the 'own Hall had been very poorly heated and extremeiy dirty on the lnigbt of Januery 23 when it r> ~.pQsoeda concert there. In Iview of this fact the Association :Lseg for a refund of the rentai reof$14. Councîl egreed thet no charge be made for that oc- casion and that e letter be sent to the Association cxprcssing re- grets for the condition of the auditorium end informing it that tbis bas since been remedied. A grent of $2,000 was made to Bowmenvillc P u b 1 i c Library Board as provided in the 1953 budget. Reeve Little pointed out that since the new Highway 401 bas1 been in use the need for a third1 consteble on the town police1 Canada's Tizi 1DCVTXY N VILLE, T O1 NT7~ARI, HU- - - -H5t. 95 miYIYIlNVLL1 UNAII- 1U.CDA.MAC th. 15. .&.A.jdu U -rilb L -i. Â'IUMUDLI¶1W Bowmanville. Presents Handsome Gif t to Ray Dudley Aside by Council ,ni in Town Hall At the civic reception held Friday evening at the Vanstone anid Mrs. Vanstone, while Ray's brother, Noel, gives ary Rep irsLions Cornmunity Centre in honour of Ray Dudley, Bow- the handsomne gift a close examination. Behind is Mr. C. H. ;ary Repars anvile' farousyoung pianist, Mayor Morley Vanstone Dudley, Ray's father, and on the right his mother, and Ray on behaif of the citizens of Bowmanville presented Ray with himnself admiring this beautiful expression of Bowmanville's force bas diminished. He made e the beautiful Electrohomne combination radio and record regard for its youthful native son. motion that e previous motion playr seen above. On the lef t are His Worship Mayor -Photo by Reder passed in November to hire a third constable, ha rescinded,'T o G t T g t e h e o a o e which the council passed. T oG tT gte o n C u cll rp r yL wFrtT eC le Request by Fred O. Baker that Tow Couts at SchoolByLci two trees ha rembved from i ihsa colFrtT eC le front of his property on Welling- Education Week C v rn e ea m k usn e o uyD t ton St. was referred to Public C v rn e ea m k USn e o uyD t Council decided to join the On- Educetion weck is being mark- Three Bowmanvilie w o men terio Association of Mayors and cd in Bowmanvilie with two Instructions to prepare e by- "once and for ail, so we cen prose- have heen called for jury duty Rce7esan a eleet frm secai gettoethr" igts orlaw covering sm~oke nuisances in cote' He aiso directed a biast et et Supreme Court sittings in Reeýesanda dlegte romspcia "gt-tgeter"nigts orthe town were given to Town tic railways in town foi loading Cobourg on March 16. Though council wiil probabiy attend the parents and teechers, one of Clcrk Alick Lyle by Coui il et its their engines with soft coal and women are given the opportunity anney ovnin.tSabr f which ws held t Ontario Street regular meetig on Monday night creating a smoke nuisance. Reeve of refusing the summons, which Canadien National Institute for Scbool lest night frorn 7 to 81 ~e motioiM to this affect had Little agreed with Couni. Scott is compulsory for men, two of the Blind was given permission p.m. and the second et Centrai been pse.thet smoke from the railways the three so cailed will attend to hold a tag day in Bowman- Public School tonight (Tbursday) This action xvas the direct re- was a nuisance and added, *they on March 16. Mrs. A. R. Enders- sul o a omlait adebya lady don't gel away xith it in Port by and Mrs. Floyd Mutton wili ville on May 9. -from 7 to 9 p.m. stofncompSt.ant cde of Hope or Oshawa". aveul themselves of the oppor- Clerence Oke wes re-appointed ton Scugog St. aboutn fppth as weed inspector for the toxwn The main purpose of these smoke coming from the chimney $6,300 for Equipmcnt ft'înieiibOtarmni o r th e for 1953 et samne saîary as lest informel openings of the two pou- of the R. M. Holiingshead Co. Coun, Scott infûrmcd the Coun- frttm nOtroti er year. .lie sciinols.PrncinlA \ plant, seven or eight tHmes a cinv cil tit1- S6 .3d1,PA zf _,ý Mrs. Rance Dilline, who was A letter fromn Canadien Legior cnquiring whet the town plannec to do in the wey of celebrating Coronation Wcek beginning May 24 50 the Legion could co-operate in eny ceichration proposed, was referred to Civic Committee to report. Permission was grantcd to in- stali a new ciutch in the truck of the fire dcpartment. Routine .. accounts of $2,685.26 for Februery were passed. imy for 1953 Thompson stated, is so that par- ents may come to the schoni and discuss any problems their child- ren may have in regard to their school work with their teachers. The work books of the children wili ho on dispiay on their desks so their parents cen sec what progress their children are mak- ing. Nestieton Lad Dies 22 Hours Af ter Tonsillectomy Oshawa, MaÎrch 2.-RaIph Vine, 13-year-old son of Mr. end iVrs. Herbert Vine, of Nestleton, died1 early Monday morning in Osh- 1 Romantic Comedy si ýd0 'omtive ddr.sJnateHue t Jmsan bakdhvD] efter a tonsilectonmy operatian et Don't miss seeîng the three-actsze the feet that the House ajFoiwnJekRs'ruec rom antie com cd y "The Barretts of an integra i part of aur de mo o n o p n hc s t 1l a.m. in Port Perry Hospital. Wimpole Street," depieting the cratie life, and that if we wev tgdo pil9 0 1 et d i e o pi t a l hr o p o r e d t e b o ys to r y o f E iz a h t h B a r r e t t w h o i o r e a in t h e f r e e d o n m w h ic h w c S e n n d e t d a r e a r i o d i e d o f H sint r a i h e m o r rh e a et o r n b e t w e e n t h e l o v e o f e y u g n w T, PO S S e s s , w e m u s t g u a r d a r h a g o h h w He was the third pesan to die . , *..po t, Robert Brownin g n em sie against forces which doer sh nt w re sr e en cause sînce the first of the yeai ~strong devotion ta hem domineei no ork for the best interests ftemeigene ihAi ing father who ruies bis famiiy aur nation. Wt e Ronald Cros.sin, 21, of Oshawa, , itserty died Jan. 3 and Douglas Southerni, wCame ad ecths roucio si-x, Of Oshawa, died Feb. 11. fr our nsel being prodet on bySara T h e o y s at h e , H r b e r V in , .T r in ity Y o u n g P e o p le 's U n io n in said his son was oPerted on by HlTusa pitai, and during the aftemnoon l3tha t 0 pm. Cos1tumesare stated to hemorrhage. He 1was hin rted:0 fr. om um ears e rushed ta the Oshawa Hospital ben Itdfo anas where ho was operated on ega n by Dm. Irwin and placed in an ~ Legion to Purchacse oxygen tent. Hoexvas given twa biood transfusions, he said. ~A piirSse i Ho is survived by bis parents; . two bothes, Cerle andDraw Tickets Ready two bothes, Chrles21,an Wiifred 24, and a sister, Elinor, 27. ,. Decision ta purehase a public address system and record play- Kinsmen's Ladies' 4Ç. er for the new Legion Hell, a Madoe t the reguier meetingo B3owmanviije Branch No. 178 of Nigh at Varoe' ~,the Canadian Legion heId lstj An Enjoyable Affair Carnrade Vince Mathewson, Chairm-an of the Entertainment Varcoe's Pavilion was the scene Cinite none htbno of the cnjoN able ennuai Ladies' ill eid nnuet th Le gosh Nigbt staged an Tuesdey by theseodadfrt Mndy f B a w m n v îi e K n s m e C l b e n ý a c h m o n th . T h e S tu r d e v n ig h t ettended by some 100 Kinsmen,.Leindnswiihemeur wiv s a d uess.feature frorn- nove on. with AI Musi fo dan ing w-a pro . -~Fletcher and is band furnishing vide ' by the Len Mass quintette the music for the dance ta o b eld of Toronto and a deliciaus ban- tî audvngt qut e sredb teEbenezer A new member, H-. Croan, was United Church Women'S Aux- initiated into membership in the iîiary. Branch witFî President Lloyd Enterteinmcnt inciuded the acts Snapped by The CaainSaemnspoorpe'Petn n iePeient Jerk of T ed R ust, ventriloquist, a d at t e eat f th ir ih d teso ved t h O tra W o W o w rdln lu t n t e'y~N E M O I ightand Sergeant.a-rn Twevever-]dBrceMcGreg-or of Vernonville,f the Keppos, a Finnish trio of e,- produLc:s I:m Woodward Mondav nkht the.aoofu eb' nrnî- present the crippled children of the province during the ,: h Caciv wa., presenicd wiîh a qf thoa1raw spC ham pionLv Brbch esterha ampy Bowahihi oar Clb. Th cuce i vas the \vinner of the prize draw They are, loft ta right, Cliff Bruton, Neil Porter, Jack .Mou- automobile, repoied that t: î3: ovnanviile Rotary Ice Caiaitbehdin eorl .1mpaign, wvhich resuitcd in Ibis becg ro bart and Tom Lewis. Onloakers credited the efficinî o -ae now e, vaileble from any mrin- Arena on Saturday, Marchlth Inaloracsto10 conducted by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children, sented with a lve 25-pound pig. o rn i- eatetwthpeetn h pedo e f the' local Le-io. henoluding some of 'Cnda's~ 1b run fom arh th ntl Ari 5h. nditsobecive1'U r. Kent plans to Lto u h theseriaus fireDthrugh the villagev buinsshsetion. f drwwl h ed ion.noUo at Taheapo atr îl an fatnupture dwith the L egio Canivaon Aug- Reserved seat tickets oo al tHgonEetî $475,000. See eisewhere in this issue the story of TirmY. roasts and pork chops. lutthe1. Monday, March 9th.art Reeéve Little stated that ho had in thle Roads and Streets Com- taikcd ta hoth the Hollingsbead m-ittee*s budget for 195.3 'ta be Co. and Bowînaniville Foundry useci for the purchase of new Co. hefore about heavy smoi:e equîpment. He asked council for coming fi' their chimncys and authority for this committce to hoth bl-d pt in steamn jets to cut dicker ,vith several equipment the srnoke dlowni. Mr. Lyle pro-1 firms for e gravel loader' and to duced a letter from the Hoiiings- recommend to council the purch- head Co. which stated that it bcd ase of any ane particuier loader pu bast"am jet lest Jiiiv and they feit was most suitabie for the firm was hopeful thýat it the town's neecis. would improve the smoke nuis- Cotin. Fred Cole felt that the ance. cOmmittee shouid net ho aiiowed Reeve Little tod counil that to narrow its recommen(atiors the jet the firm bcad Put in waSto one particu 1r piece of quip- flot sufficient and that more ment but should make severai wouid bu îîeeded. Coun Scott recommendations to council. Coun. stted that council should *have e Scott replied that his cornmittee by-aw which woud cover the wanted the authoriation so0 it smoke nuisance in Bowmianville 1 (Continued on Pag«e Seven) also caiied, wili not"attend. Mrs. Endersby was cailed for petit jurS, duty, \vhiie Mrs. Mut- ton and Mrs. Diiling xvere sum- nmoncd for grand jury duty. A lar'ge number of peopie are eaul- ed whcn the court is in session, and from these the required number for juries sitting on var- ionls cases is chosen. Bowman- xiile's two xvomen pioneers in the ficld of jury duty may therefore flot ho among those chosen, but, they must report to the County Court House et Cobourg the morning of March 16. Trinity Young People To Present 3-Act Council Sirikes Tax Raie ai 43 Nis Higher Than 1952 Due Io Deficit High School Shows Largesi Increase BowmanvilIe property owners assessment and a 70 miii tax rate. will- pay taxes at the rate of $43 The general rate for town ex- per $1,000 of property assessment penses iS Up considerably this for 1953, it was decided et the year et $108,554.40 as compared regular meeting of Town Coun- with $85,153.00 in 1952, but as cil Monday night at which the mentioned before, $12.000 of this 1953 budget for town expend- is to pay for last year's deficit. itures was brought down, and a The High School rate bag tax rate of 43 milis struck. shown the sharpest increase of On a total assessment of $6,- any town expenditure and stands 030,800 the 43 mill levy is design- et $24,123.00 as compared to, $12,- ed to raise $259,324.40 in revenue ýi98.69 lest year, while the Publie to meet the financial commit- Schooi rate is up slightly at $84,. ments of the town for the current 431.20 as compared with S81,923.- year. This compares with the 85 last year. Both these school $230203.82 budgeted for lest year. rates include costs of debentures HÏowever, lest year's deficit of -$ý6880 for the High School, and $12,000 had to be included as an $14,920 for the Public School. expenditure for 19.53, so that ac- The town wiil coliect $30,500 tuaily the corporation is raising for the county rate and $i1,800.44 only ýl7,l2l.58 more to run it.s for the debenture rate, both of business this year than last. whicb are only siightly higher Last year's tax levy was 70 mills than lest year's figures of $28,. on a total assessment of $3,212,- 271.76 and $10,923.18, respectively. 800, but whcrees a miii lest yeer In terms of miilîs the following raised only $3,212, a miii on this rates wili appiy for 1953: generel yer' ssessmnent raises nearly rate, 18 milis; publiceischool rate, twice that amount-$6,030. Hence 14 mnilîs; high school rate, 4 milis; because of th-e new re-assessmcnt county rate, 5 milis and deben- completed in Bowmenville in turc rate, 2 milis, for a total of November of lest year, in accord- 13 milîs raising $259,324.40. ance with the overaîl re-assess- Main items making up the gen- ment of the United Counties of erai or town expenditures are: Northumberland and Durham, fire department, $12,800; publie Council this yeer was able to re- property, $18,000; roads and duce the miii rate from 70 mills streets, $52,000; police depart.. to 43 milis, which is low in com- ment, $13,120; relief, $6,000; sal- parison with other newîy-assess- aries, $8,500; grants, $2,000 and cd municipalities. civia $6,700. Together with the The average taxpayer in Bow- deficit of $12,00O0 carried over menvilie will pay slightiy more from 1952 and other miscellaneouS in taxes this year under the new expenses, total town expenditures assessment and a 43 miiita rte were cstimated at $142,990 which then he did last year on the old (Continued on Page Seven) Goodyear Company Donaies $2,500 To Hospital Emergency Appeal Makinu $20,000 This Firm Has Given The Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Chairman J. O'Neill Hospital Emergency Appeal bas bas expressed the deep gratitude been swelled by a donation of of the Hospital Board for this $2,500 frorn the Goodyear Tire most generous suppo)rt. and Rubber Compeny of Canada A total of $29,937 has beei, Limited, chairman of the appeal collectcd ifi cash erid pledges byr bas announccd. the Emergency Appeal - to date. This newcst donation by the The books are stiUl open for furth-' local Goodyear firm makes a total er donations from those who have of $20,000 it bas contributed to 5 a elceit edi hi tbuilding 0f the Memorial donation, Mr. ONeill.,stated. N.P. Addresses Jack & JilI Club The reguier monthly meeting Problems facing parliement et of Trinity Jack and Jill Club was present, according to the speak- heid on Tuesday evening. De-. er, are employment, export mark. votional period was conducted by ets, immigration, farm prices, Bud and Lyn Oke. Stan McMurt- television expension and rural er gave the treasurer's report, mail. In addition ta these, the President Keith Jackson intro- government is confronted wit4 duced the foliowing newcomers to the demand for National HeaiUi the club: Chas. and Pcggy Welsh, Insurance, the South Sesketch- Don and Lois Anderson, Ted and ewan Project. and the St. Law. Veima Miller, Nancy and Herb rence Seawey. At the moment Coleman, Elcen and Allen Steele. the govcrnment Is also profound. Ho aiso announced the arrival of ly concerned with how Canada a 1973 Jack and Jili member, the ceni hclp the unfortunate flood infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. victims of Britain, Holland, and Lloyd Ayre. Belgium. In summing up bis remarks, Ai Strike reported on the Jack Mr. James stated that the giorious and Jili bowling taurnament prospect of genuine opportunity wbich wiii finish next Tuesday. ewaits everyone in Canada. We The speaker for the evening should thank the Aimighty for wvas John M. James, M.P.' who the blcssings bestowed uipon us. fo mtise a îr. Jam te mha- HSu ame ndel.e b o of :e of id 1--s POUIM A minu T LI nTrP A T-jTr% à vr 1 7o PRR (,nPV d t c a il L a gi f( ýI 1,.TTTigimiuq'D 11% .