Ly. MARCH 5th, 1953 iE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLZ. ONTARICb PAGE NYNETEEN 0w no Furniture Factory Destroyed by Fire Ladies' Auxiliary To the Legion Hold General Meeting On Monday. March 2, Ladies' Auxîliary of the Legion met at the Legion Hall. President Run- dle called the meeting to order and welcomed Zone Commander Bale lu the auxiliary. Miss Bale, who is a member ut Bowman- ville Auxiliary, was paying her first official visit as Zone Com- mander ufthIis district. Her talk was very enlightening lu al preseul. Two uew members, 'Jean Firth and Mabel Mavin, were iitiiaîed at the meeting. Secretany Coyle read the cor- respondence which included an acceptance from Provincial Sec- relary MacMillan ut Cobouirg lu unr inviations lu attend the St. Pahick's day parly at unr social nmeeting, March 16. Comrades froru Ajax, Wbilby, Cuaremout and Lakefield will also be unr guesîs. A letter trom secretary A. Brooks ut the Pipe Baud was read. thauking the comrades for helpîng make the Burns' Supper a success. Varions members re- tnmned sexxing and knitîiug com- pleled for the Red Cross. A donation ut $25.00 was un- auimonsly decided upon lu be senit lu the Flood Victims' Fuud. Conurade Coyle was euected couivenur for thue fortbcomiug Ladies' Bowling banquet. The president reponled we would caten for the wcddiug receplion lu be held li Jnne aI the Legion Hall, and had been approacbedi regarding anuther weddiug iu Max'. PasI President Palmer was dent's badge by the President AlagauineoB lurteviusqip and congratulated for her fine AIag uineo omn- iclu h ain qimn The smouldering wreckage abo-ve was ail that re- the picture is the basement annex which was saved from work duririg lier two years as ve h oru and dintect res tmg Ei.:"., n tatin ofsfroided b ained Tuesday morning of the Orono Wood Products plant the flamnes, and in which the three hydraulie presses used Preside. mrwa nai show staged by WT. H. (Mickey) the "Bowtappers", a group oftp he 60-year-old flax miii in which the factory was located. f irm manufactured were located. E. H. (Ted) Samuels, entuand will endeavour to' keep' farm implement dealer at thée rs of Tyrone and Barbara Bron he Orono Fire Department worked from 5:15 p.m. Monday proprietor of the factory, intimated that he would transfer the( conirades informed of al Town Hall Friday night, in con- of Bowmanville. The "Choral ight when the blaze started until 3:30 a.m. the following the machinery to another location in the \'illage and carry bsnsadfure îetn copn wih eCaeMachi,ýnerv elles" a snkiggp aeu Our social meeting is March 16o. n hch M.BonofByFak Barbara Goddard orning to prevent the fDames from spreading and destroy- on the business. R. R. Waddell, Orono, was the owner of Hope to sec von ail there. Yours represenîs. B. Craig and Carol Gibner, wer ng the business district of the village. At lower right of the ancient structure. in coniradesh i t 1t then. farm quipmnteler eolometdé cl S ilh, Oshaa.dietro the large audience and introduc- the Surîday Sehool of the Air, en TeenTow Da ce leS ed George Wolfe, supervisor for tertained with bis excellent rout laze of Unknown OripinTen ow Dne Board Sets Public School Eslimal t he Case Machinery Company, mnes on the harmonica. Provides Another î< xrsedhsapécaino eith Wilson of the DeLava ~i ua V itla 1thel large turnout and stated that Company, Peterborough, spoke estr ys O onos Maor ndusry njoy bleEvenng i $107160 N ec sstti 4Mil bis firm was pleased lu have such few words of appreciation estro s Uiamu ~ ~ EvninglaAS BOOMSm~ a capable and energtic dealer as Mickey Brown. Wilfrid Carruth L u F l Frîday evening, Feb. 27,. the I' .. Mickey Brown representing il in ers moved a vote of thanks to Dr hr w n 0E po e sO io o k Teen Town held another success- Two GymsConve ied I Bowmanville. Brovvn for providing sucb a fin ~m~u~am~10 AIIp U7~~Ouiful dance at the Communty Cen-_____ Several filmswiere shown in- venig of entertainment.H A lire whîch broke out about Orono creek. 'Acere xvas the usual number For the current ycar, the Bow- will be in the neighibourhood Of depicting how one acre worked Browýýn's business grow from a 5: 10 p.m. Monday completely The Orono Volunteer Fire De- of novelty dances. The first spot manville Public Scbool Board $2.000. efficiently could produce as 1sria]1 start to a large and efficien Jdestroyed Orono's only major partment under Fire Chief Ollie dance was won by Lorna Fletch- estimates that they, will need Thé Board plans on carrying much as four whichi were not dealership. manufacturing industry, Orono Cooper battled the blaze uintil er and Larry Chant. Friday $107,160.0)0 to operale the town's out. thcir plans for redecorating worked properly, andý a film, Lncky prize draw winners w(r Wood Produets, operated by E. 3 a.m. Tuesday and managed to nigbî seemed to be Lorna's lucky two publiceschools. In addition threc rooms each year. Due toi 'Belty's Fruit Orchard" showing Cyrtil Rundie, Mrs. Mark Munday, H. <Ted) Samuels in the 60-year- save the tbree large presses used night because she and Ted Fairy taxpayers will find an additional the large increase in school pop- Kimmy McHolm, Tommy Wilson old flax mill just west of the lu shaping the plywood chair won the next dance, it being an $ 14,927.65 on their tax bills to pay ulation it will be necessary to con- . Ph il Dost and Luther Allun. Priz Town's main street near the seats and backs which were the c limination dance Th-ey turned off the two debentures on the vert flth to gymnasiums into By ropular J..eana es were donated by Bowmanvill _________________comnpany's major product. About th--i prizes over to the other Ontario Street. scbool. classrooms. This means that ad- AuoPat, eb oino, . $3,700 worth of birch plywood couple, Marilyni Spicer and Michi- 0f the total operating estim-ale ditional classroom' equipment, Ra u ly to Give AutoartsHro inson, a]a- olc aC e io stok wee lstin thé blaze, ael Varcoc. Towards the end of thé town bas beeii asked to slip- sncb as desks and chairs, will Recital Here April 24 1 basket uf flowers; Jackson Sup ofice o Cre itors hich as s$69,00()ng aut1the totalveni$107.160. have tu ply b9,000rchahsedtaat10în60.stiem-oc______sedpt ,nOshia-ayanhawtendDeLavala S AND OTHERS Tuesday. Total loss in thé fire Prcston chose the lncky spot for The remainder is made up ut an aled-cust of $1,500. The board Co mpany. Peterborough. 1Lwas estimated at from $10,t000 to anoîber spot dance. This was won esîimated Ontario Provincial also plans on puîting down more Bowmanville and district are Mr. Brown tbanked those wb EESTATE of Minnie Etta $15,000, and the 10 employees of by Muriel Tink and Keitb grant ut $35,000; estimated sur- asphaît at both schools to cnt going lu have tbe opportunity of 1 attcnded for making the eveni kaePascoe, late ut the Town- the faclory were thr-otn ont of Shackleton. plus from 1952 - $2,00l0 and mis- dovn un fthe mud being tracked bearing Ray Dndley lu a recitai: snch an ontstanding success ad ,hof Dram, Marin e Womn, in heman acinryn d Hooper's Jewellery store do- cellaneuns reccipts fînîxi ut-uf- jIn th le schools. day Apnil 24, under thé sponsor- rcfresliments wei'e served. natedhm, ariepWoizeine ae smartcineylitdtle gold tuwn pupils, etc., is cstimated at Nul nenlîuned are books whiocheBwnavil Loî Decasd, hodie a th sidby tbe firm was saved, Mr. Sam- bracelet, for the dance. Shelia fuaIIh ulic shu board bueayi s cma e ar. Th s lî wl rbby eRxsH Towniship of Darlington, on Or nels intimated that he would b McCartney of Toronto, whose asking fon $83927.2.5 or fiche a r ki b e s tmted that $2»()00 s appearanne in bis hometownHA P O about the lst day ut FebruarY, able lu start up the business brha a nMrcMPTONint éuvln f1 nil ilb eddbtti sacos o oetmash xet og 953. again if a new %location could be bthdav xveas hon Marh 3dx\vas prox mteqiaet t1 iî ntrv ineeedb bookeins stcosfrsmelma eeprt ug _ E TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.0., fonnd. hie winnr as e r irtbda wasfrom tîîe tuwn nalepavers. as fin It hebkeiu systlo em orabroad agýain lu June, for several MVr. and Mrs. Norval Wotton 9,Ch. 400, Sec. 51. . H odTe ttsalit i lss t e.2t.tuthe break-down ot the uper- in fic Pmovtutii alocd ormoulus, and lus three year con-1 Mr. and Mrs. Frenk Gilbert Creîlrsau oter bvîg baz wsH e lieved tu have tatedé Théguest artists for the even- ating estimates leacîcr.s' salaries i rvnilgat tract xith Colnmbia Artists, Nexx ' dlaims against the above estate sbrlife n.m yoebae g evcuîng were the Chorahl- ake flhc- biggest slice, estinîated lat addition there are numerous York, begins in January, 1954. .ia i.adMs anDwl : are required to send particularses leading from thé stove iin elles: Carole Gibiier, Barbara at $î5,460, wlîicb includes flic miscellaneus itemîs Ibat are There is nu doubl that Bow- 'eaned pouor tureftpip n-tesmi at ftéf oyGoddard, Beatrice Craig, Bever- týachers, allowance for additiun- si-all lu themnselves but add up manville and the communities r n r.BueTn n andfui prof henof u Ie n- he ainpar uttl fatuy l Frank and pianist Lorna Flet- annunal increments for present to sevenal thousand dollars in east, wcst and nurth will respond Mamiay d Mrs. . e Tink r.aL day ut April, 1953, atter wbich]gitn te floor.igut he fir stad cerTbe girls sang "Far Away aIl eacluer ai d a sunm set aside for thie'tutalI. There is notluing allow- witb overwheliig enthusiasini Pascue, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Hil date the assets ufthIe estate will xvas on the scene qiîickîv and Plcs and "The Nursery Rby- supply Icarners. l1, 1952 HýIle[ cd iin luis year's estimates for the iii the upportunity thius oftered b ik bîee;M.adMs be dislibuted baving regard to played two sîreanis froiny their mes"t and as au encore,God aclual amount spent for tcachers building or uperatîîîg of the new tbrougli the gcnerosîty utf ie1 aroic Tink nd ;Mr.aindwer the Will and the dlaims that bave 450 galloni pumîper >ôn tLadies.' salaries xvas $68167.42. sclioul. Lions Club, who also 'spoiwoiedetraid byM. nd rs then been reneived. uigwle rm the nearbv Our chaperones for theé vn- Otutt00rmiin 301 nTe present ennolmeul at both Ry is ocetapaai en Dewtell. Dated at Bowmanville, Ontario, creek. iug were Mr. and Mrs. Dave cornes the salaries for lwu rare- Central anid Ontario Street Bowvnville five years ago at flic r n r.TmWsl this 4tb day ut Marnh, 1953. TetreIdgindto uh1Preston anîd Mr. and Mrs Don tlesand s . ItraLru-s s k lsis898. Il k expented that begirmng ut bis bnîlliaut narrer. M.aî r.'m Wslk LarneCTao, he fne1îd aAeffn u iAln anîd we w'ould like tlu thank slacrs I diin-ulfrfi teewl eoe 6 u sanid fainilv were visitons a Barrsnec .Mu, badway lu be extiuguished aaxd nx iIeO\n96 pu To agaîn hear Ray, who brouglit Pecc Davidson's, Zion. 30 King Street West, hoever, anîd firnmen suon con- t hem venv much for coming tui two schls il s ppi ...rgiseîed at bullu scbools in Sep- une ufthie highest v ands ut tlie Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount Bownianville, Ontario. centrated their efforts on savini' oui- dance. WL, siîîcerely hope atelv S2.0 ad lgtad \aCi em' world lu C 5 îada for the juiv visited at Mn. Keunetb Sam- Solinitors for tile the house of Alex Ritrlîie ai d tbe.y ladi a guod lime. jfirst time xith bis xinning utf elî's. Nestleton, on Sunday. Execu tons. 10-3 the Sheli Service Station and Our uext dance will be Fridav o seso the Uîîanimons Medal at the luI- MissCcecile Petit, Toronto, visit Garage ut Harry Mercer about Mancb 6, at the Commuity Town Coni fl Io Seek P se io of teruatiuiial Compétition at Ge- cd Mr. anîd Mrs. W. Chapman. 150 feet east and sohlu th o Ite Ceune, su let's see every- neya, Swilzerland, last Oclobcn, Miss N. Hurn visited fniends i Notice Io Creditors bing buildingeag. h bricksdbud iiee.IFranklin Property for Park Purposes elainii is pracinLon- Mr. rad Mrs. Jonli Balson, IMr ANDîg uS t w thee garg e c nght fine bt ao n a i, i rv l ge a d M s a iD w l n o n e ANcOoES ld was extiuse bfue ouncil Recommiends i xx inli Ibis cnmuuitv wýiIl bc e eeniîg .\ith relatives ahthl IN the Estate ut Fortunately only a slught windSpiCot Bew n Possibulity outflic toxxn obtaun- grass four on fîve tînues a year qnink lu appreciate. Watrh for home uf Mr~. anîd Mns. Jesse Van FLORENCE JULIA BENNETT, -vas blowiug, and un a direction Spiîut et en ýi g possess~ionîut Frniklin pro- in the pasl. Clerk LylIe poinhed fnrlber details, but be sure tu, Nest, Buwunianiville. Deneased. awav fronu the towui, or fiue tire Swe ~ae jesperîx on Srugug St. anîd upenatiuî nI ut at the luwn lias nu ruiler mark doxx'n the date, April 24. 1Mis. W. W. Huornx'as a xisitn ALL ersns avig dams oul bae threateîîeclflicî diueit cas a ton npark xxas disrîissed cor nu glass cîitiuug muachîinue ut Hav ill be guest anîist xxii iiii Oshawxa tniends last week. against the Estate ut Flonence Oron business sertion. Bnxx- 1'bx' 'TowiiCouliîîil Wlunday iight il: uxx îîand wounld bave lu lime the 'Toonutu Svuipliunx' Oichestra Mns. Albert Cule, Bowmanx'ille Julia Bennuett h. vl died o on o i aîille Fine Dept. was alcited At a special Town Counril - -ig ro d'huî txbl li uk oe nertedrction È iruSmErne'st xilhîMis. K. Caverly. abutof 1kdy tOrtober, but nul called, and a calxxas iieeing lield on Tuesdav ut lasti e A.D. 1953, are nolified ho seud 1also put brougli o lu ie Newxcastle xx'ek, Council decided that the 1i seiisunnidlerpnx' e wfo C fl ic me cnuiriofte if il admilay n anrcitl t17 n an 8. Mrs. r . Bulsoad esn John full particulars ho the unidesigu- 1Fir& Dept., but 1tlinough ant ernor tairest metbod ut finanning the pslyis suuu0me . xxas the relpok isibiityhut te towand dioilumloy a ril t6. atu iss a ry ile: n LlooydKntey;an ed before the fourleenthbdaY out was not received bv' il ncxv$350000 waten pipeline t l Dent-Reve tso hF.robsn-luaou Vafoer ienksnd Adtrumu pil1.MssMr eîsn oruo r Mancb, A.D. 1953, atter wbicb The main portion ut the 40 b' Ilic lakec and làimphouse projecîtliîdtesau theFak ao asoeitre l date thée Estale will be disîni- 30foo,.t0oand nue-haIt storex j luincrease the -Town's waler sup- liii prupcrtv, înxx' kýno\xxn as thuat it had nut been lu the past. ieC efa W okN x D y bnted. b30 fuit, wsdsroe u pvto%%elusîthu o Franîklin Park. anîd sîated bhat Couuî.Sentt stated that the tuwn butdbuldng va dstoye bt plvwoud e o pli bbecots taxes bad beeiî poui bv an cFire Chie f at VVthek Next Dayn Dated aI Buxxuîîiaiîxille, Ontario, smaller anîuex sepairated ftro ll1wbcweu sexen aand water iisers flic îrbbydutegadn n tbis 14th day utf Febnîtai x i uaîbuilding bv a celuient \v aIl rablier Ilian luput flic entire rosisanllidcdexrl(urSg nb e olctnadarnes A.D. 1953. wssaved. t oafnl shse t Ihe prujecnfl ic \vxalet: rate. Caiuua ut leueetfipoeiSbcîin MF. F. W \RD, B.A., 1ruent aunex Ihat Ifl hree presses lb xvull recommcuîd ho the Pnb- Falain, oroto Suî ut bu prîîîU . Mi pasedaW otionDepI. uo,,iai-le ntaio nsed iii shapung ficluîiyxx uod lic tilities Commiussionî that ils Fil, Tnuio'Sie t la ouîi asdamtout BoxuiaîxuleOrta tlaeMI. Fraultiiti lias ptitbaxc*i's 1-ut 1 b c i xibluClerk Lyle as Solicitor tor ilte E\edi.tor: ~-t o carbtnîs anîd proposaI Ihat a sewxer rntal ion Ithe property anîd)lias uîîdicalî ujteWo Dpt u Thomas Benett anîd pbanks x\vas lucated. 'Tlicpresses, xsîerr, vhichu would nieauî a gross tuat h ldrs lot care o ll iut uuux esl'"at<. and sece loxx'mucluu of ~ W. F. Vîaid. 8-3 a cnbotf sa\xv, spaee heater anid aîîiiunui muuîhly sexx'en reniai ofes tl tu ovî lic.. xxiii equesbed bx' flie Parks steani boiler locahed liii ilis aîuuex bill ut $1.67 be adopted bxItheé Dix ision could bc doue by bis TENDERS WANTED x r I a'd r li ouission. IIad sewer debeut- fixuuClrkAic L l sa ed Xicniu ueuiesaredo . most important m îîe ledLdre une ud upenating costs, and costs WI latiherert uîu rec r utr'îdpjvmul l'NESMilbcrcie yiii the manufancurnugprocess. ot the uexx'waheî lînoient al becu <xfliscIie rupnly I hie ofîsn, . . citig Memonial TENER xul b i ccx nlbx iThé 60-year-old building x-asjîlaced oui Ihe xater rate, il xxould Office. Cotin,.Scot t xvauled Io'thi u: ir csIlxer( uts feu nerhat the uudersiguied uutul Mai cli qîl, uxndb~R .Wdeladx'sbxe'ioi iiuuuuig.s know xx'î thie îîuw'uîcoîîliiiPii. thrnx's oane 1953. ton cax csîiuughuig and o used b oR m add eladws nata lieini(lxgi un n i d lix' nuuuuîiug ontfoi- aluitu. poînting ou t sîue giuters oui the f milI edfor aiv asa niunîly l of 1ut$2.97 whîiclî t yin.;tiprpn\'n pîr cbl ii pal v ruing oute ig b Communuuv Hall. Nexwcaustle. a x a pu Bxxunnille'ss ;cl iî' iioi uu f u~ile xSt. na ftic. Coui. Scot~ Fred G Cuîurlu growniu n thue OCirn disti nuel xaer urate so lighu i n ouînla Mn . raM ii- tnIpoi <xx Ien i ýtdililiaItfiî le oeu Ii Chimr tSunre hlen il bas tîcen used as xxillb allier mnincipalities t WOu Id aplwjl rbbvhv o PrpryCnmte, a sausage planît hy Garnel dicatunage ucîx indnsltrroru lu s1pwe Nprpnile a îa k x nid uablliahe hoibe Pnuery uuîmlte. Gauîbyand as a uuelal anid xx odc- cal ug iere. 1ar."tec. sie lugxih ueLbr', , - \'illage uf NexxnastlFp workiuug fanIon bv d. Netison.! -llu d altenaiave sLiggested bv colinî. Scentsis oI iiituaI flic s muotioni,s'culd by Ree\,e i ____________________Mr._________________________I ic' CloIîu l t ' C. hatsexxeu debeuin tuxx i unsolictoin be îuîulu uLî,.biilt o.u !r xnt ___ Woodi Pruducîs plauî nt e cîis ie le l b>ii'llt< iibrIiio uid b! iii casi(,t f<.iniuxisuuan ago uisu eie Boxxnauix îhî \anuîlikunb Io i u .iiix , iie' cIle ((), ffu cn si i fnnuuî uî uig iiacliiuîerNxlie' acqui i nd .xxnperatuig rosIs bu pult< 011u laia ili îu1h ec.cnl xa REPAIRS Lu aIl nakes uf nefrug- Pruduinîs cuuîpauîx'. the svalet, raie. bs isîul i îat no ciini i1 axxiensli p usi isso lixcouuicil. 1t xas intimaI- xx tî>errieawuu d ath se ti PnkI)viî ik' evcs artoî i.SLiietibudnx nilking coolers. Higgon Elec- Voluniueer Fine Departicuint xork- $139 u $222 pouI braiuuulhu, Arks i x sîon ti *', id ies lu i' xafi- îgpn xuîl eIi ;i. 2King St E.. Phone 438 ed liard ho saxe thee olauîl andAmirtf. i1 «.( f-1l ot, aigpo ol et' -. ~25-tl adjoiniug buildings anîd Iheur et- 1Presunuabîx-.if the Public Uil- thelîc iXkz x; o i ip tou Fb--fin lul feu i"' - fonts preveuted Ithe bla,-e trual'iie.s Commuuizon adupts Ithe pro- uuanx'll(e DeptifutNoi'prluui ù Taken ~SHOE IREPAIRS spreading furîher. Thcv wvere Po-'al recommuended by* vTovnu ;skin% hatic tbcg uxyi rolli, e icniýr)),ed iliat fie %V E tu finie Il.\- Dane uiîd's i'rusI xabi inin.a ridutiii eitî i 'ulîe <ilie t iut<lcii., s.gnl s teuIo in Sharpen Skales aIlle ,10 emlpiouxs utf)ï<îîîî haU1 uxxu abea lnfiun sexy s Io of ', Pl;da ý ~h -i:~~1 ComUi xvusýg-uled yis Reair ~Wood PiodICîs lIhon outuof, rate ut S1.39, plus a sewer i blSluulxunAi lal uiSlai t'mtlii iescdrhrAf.î îalva xr btî lL acBl iuu aeet$6.-aluuse i.tx utii ý li i N S.del teucx lil-x'uîî eiree lu i4u esino atinih lz P Gond Ahkiris, Mrs. CluffCoope'r. pauied uear îli îrk .vm.l d ., t iii' aieu uofisalliuig surh lhid \ei te iiiWed 01udu11(factoy MonPa Euhbrs ad Zipers Ruiàs Stillliffe, Ms.Jacek Gihp. it,:uen utcioîpl ixe fenuwt. bi puýt IIl h. d ifl( a s fetii litleftI iiitil August. pîih.Fn Cif 1l iuîr (if the Or' une Voiunteer Fine ________ A i tit)Ltli daon i 'an-lnl'r b c, ho saud,th Public Departrmeuh, whou is aisi> lte village's barber, is still able uuund MacDonald, mloin Louîîago i êsetuuialer bv filie Bureau af:*gr-aîld.Si' f irIx. uudknioxx ihene I okaffer liis cutîsirnvrs o uî'Fesday rmorning. lie is LLOYD ELLIS and Ilin. Sauîxiels linuself. Sltutstis ai281 miulion poîuirls.ut (ai un Fred cul"ý, oh'-'. pu' ptliîsPiu xhl i l bookiigahaîu eIlrl len h rn grarrhhu ye r- <uuciçreiî-NcîaîvVIno-x'aylhu mlenga M en Lose Jobs Due to Monday Fire at Orono The four Orono men shown above were night which levelled the factory cuntaining they were employed. The blaze for a lime and scorched a nearby house and the brick are, lefI lu right, Russ Sutcliffe, Bill Hooey, thrown out of work by the lire on Monday the Oruno Wood Products,Compaîîv by which threatened the entire Oroîîo businiess district siding on the garage of Harr ' v Mercer. They Gord Atkins and Art Liiidsay. Popular Farm Implement Dealer Puis on Enjoyable Show in Town Hall and Mrs. Mcl McCune and Cheryl, Varcoc«s Rd., were Sun- day x'isitors at S. Kersey's. Mrs. MV. Mounitiov spent Satur- day in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trul visited relatives in Toronto on Sunday. Sorry lu learni of Mr. Hilton Pelers' illness and trust he may soon he imiproved. Mrs. Harold Ashton, Enniskil. ica, with hc sistcr, Mrs. Jack Lyon. Mr. and MIrs. R. Fcrnandez. Toronto, with Mrs. S. G. Niddery and Mary on Sunda. Mr. and Mrs. Keithi Billett visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fer- guson, Oshawa. Women's Institute meeting will be held this Thursday afternoon. Prograrn in charge of Centr*e Group. Ail ladies ,wclcorne. Homne and School Association meeting on Friday night, guest speaker is Mr. Watcrs of Tor- onto. subject, H1-calth Education, Sanitatlon in Ilie Home and School. 1-le will aiso show a film. Music and refreshments. A good attenclance is requested. A nunibcr from hcre attended the Toronto Star concert at Trinity United Church, Bowman- ville, on Thursdav night which was very eniovable.. Glad to know Miss Beverly WIraight is conv alescing favour. ably at home alter her operation at the Memorial H-ospital, Bow- manville. Mrs. Wes Taylor and eidren were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert StevenLis. Excuses for lraffic accidents are a dime a do.en-and worth ]css. EXPERT WA TCHB R E P AIRS 1) V Ccrtificd Vatchrnakcr as auithoizitd by the Canadian Jcx\ chers' Institute AUl Xork Gurantecd One Ye'ir MARR'S JEWELLERY New Yarni Cuelp h 3-ply Rayolleece .)0 Wot - 50 Ra.yon 12 attractive shades ve'ry etiabie Testi d for washu±bility 28c hall Sl OUR BARGAIN TA BL E of Bo oks Slationery 3. W. 1.7 W E LLI ?7 Ring St owavlt a &A Tff NE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE NMETEEN Fýj , ýek,--bR ---.