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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1953, p. 15

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THURDAYMARC 26.195~TE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Social and Personal Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Powell day wîth Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ag- and famnily were Sunday guests new and family. rwlth Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormis- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wade a! Ston in Newtanville. Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .2'Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare spent1 Hancock and family, were Sun- Saturday in Toronto. day visitars with Mr. Herb Han- Messrs. George Walton, Ken'cock and Miss Louise Hancock. Stephenson and Chas. Knox re-, Rev, John Banathan o! Long- presntedthe oca Lios Clb a uille, Quebec, is visiting in the areZone d the ocal onsClubetinvillage this week. Mn. Banathan an Zone Avisory oS am engcame home ta be with his mothen, lu Bwmavile onSunay.TheMrs. Sam Bonathan wha is a pa- next meeting of the Board willtin in Memonial Hospital, Bow- be held in Newcastle on June taient 18th. Mr. and Mrs. Fenn o! Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Agnew IwNere Sunday evening guests with viited in Peterborough on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare. _______________________ Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Brentan Rickard Iattended the Sportsman's Show in Toronto recently. Mr. anzd ' -s. Russell wbo have been liv; the apantment aven the ba, 2hop, are maving ta Morri,' . 'i .e new occupants o! S the al, '-nent xill be Mn. and Mrs. Gouid o! Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. John Korapatwa, Orono, wvere Monday evening vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs, Gardon Mr. and Mrs. Dickç Anderson iand Ritchie, \vere Sunday visitors with Dr. J. A. Butler and fam- Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Carveth visited in Peterborough last Wed- ,~ ~ nesday. CARDS FOR EASTER TIME If the jays and hopes of Easter Are thoughts you want expressed, Then visit us on King Street For Cards that Say It Best. There are Iovely cards for everyone, Cute Cards wlth bunnies too And Easter's such a happy tinie Te let folks hear from you. J. W. JEWELL "BIG«'20" SI King St. W., Bowmanllle PHONE 556 Mobile Phone Service Operatinq Here Monday The Bell Telephone Company's Mobile Telephone Service is now operating in this district and, ar- cording ta Melville Jones, man- ager o! the Port Hope Telephone Company, tbe first local cahl was placed from the public telephone booth on the corner o! King and Mill streets in Newcastle on Mon- day, ta a car in this vicinity. This cail, hawever was- not completed. The calis made lacally are put through to the Long Distance Op- eraton at Port Hope and fromn there the rail is sent out by short wave ta the car being called. The short wave unit is housed in the Port Hope Office o! the Bell Tele- phone Company and cahis are put through direct !nom there, ta any car or truck equîpped for this type a! service. Accarding ta the chie! operatar at Port Hope, the local depant- ment o! Highways vehicles are equipped with Mobile Telephones and it is understoad that the Po- lice Depatment is also considen- ing installation o! this service. e The soul and spirit that ani- t mates and keeps up saciety isb mutual trust.-South. t ""Alcohol in the Home"" Subjeci of Newcastle W.C.T.U. Discussion We require a stzong in!orm- ing the care custady or contrai ed public opinion in support o! o! a child under eight years a! law enforcement or eise, even the age, may enter licensed premises good laws tend ta be ignored and unless the child is under campe- violated. The abave is a quota-: tent care. tion read from the Clip Sheet at Inb order ta strengthen public the March meeting o! the New-. opinion a widespread scientifie castle W.C.T.U. held on Thurs-' alcohol education in the school, day afternoon last at the home o! church and public press \vas ad- Mns. C. R. Canveth. vocated. The theme for the meeting was During the business peniod the "Alcohol in the home", anîd twu President, Miss Blackburn an- clauses from the Abstract of Laws nounced that the Annual Conven- compiled by Mrs. W. R. Laing tion of the Ontario and Durham for the W.C.T.U. were read, deal- Waman's Christian Temperance ing with the Sale o! beer ta mi- Union would be held in Orono on nors and parents who frequent 1 April 3th. Funthen plans werei bevenage rooms leaving children made for the Elocutionany Medal irnproperly cared for, the laws! Contest ta be beld on April 17th. are as follows: The devotional service cansist- (1) No persan shaîl knowing- ed of the Scripture reading and ly seli or supply liquor ta anyone Meditation by Mrs. N. Rickand under the ageofo 21 years, and nu an d a beautifully rendered vocalj such underage person shaîl buy i det by Mrs. Storks and Mrs. or otherxvise obtain liquor. Sallows with Mrs. I'isher playing (2) No parent or guardian hav- 1 the piano accampaniment. Local Lions Enjoy Inter-Club Visit With Agincourt Club In place of the regular meet- ing, 26 members of Newcastle Lions Club boarded a chartered bus an Thursday evening for Agincourt, where they paid a re- turn visit ta the club which had visited here a year aga. Folloxving the banquet served at the Agincourt Community Centre, the members of the New- castle Club were extended a hearty welcome by President Charlie Richards af the Agin- court Club. The meeting was then turned aver ta Newcastle Club who were in charge of the pra- gram. Introduced by Chairman of the program committee Harry Jose, Lions Chas. Knox, Roy Forres- ter and Bill Bunting presented a pragram a!f instrumental num- bers. In the absence of Han. J. W. F'oote, wha was scheduled ta ad- dress the twa clubs, the Lions heard a very fine address from MIr. Stickly, teacher af Economics at the University of Toronto. The speaker, a native of Paland who escaped bis homeland duning the 1939 invasion, speaks perfect English and gave a mast inspir- ng address. On behaîf o! the Newcastle Club, President George Walton expressed the thanks of the mem- bers for the fine evening they had enjoyed in Agincount and ex- tnded an invitation ta this club to make a return visit ta Newcas- te at any time. e ti t OT Ta Residents of Newcastle ]Rural Area DEYOND MUNICIPAL DOUNDARIES Due to the increased number of outside caîls received by the Newcastle Fire Department in recent weeks, we wish to clarify the mis- understanding of some persons. The Newcastle Fire Equipment is owned by and operated for the benefit of the taxpayers of the Village of Newcastle. It is apparent that most persons calling the Department do flot realize the requirernents which govern the firemen when answering cails fromn outside the Village. Under the present regulations, the owner must personal guanantee payinent of $75.00 for the first hour and $50.0 for each additional hour, to the Village of Newcastle. Do Rural People understand the greatly reduced efficiency of our equipmcent w'hen used in rural areas? 1. It is against regulations to put suction hose in any well. 2. The Ptiniper Truck must be able to get within 20 feet of any creek. 3. Our Puniper draws 1250 gallons of water per minute. Thus in order to operate the machine for one haif hour 37,500 gais. of water would he required. 4. Wbere ample water is not available for the Pumper, the only service possible to render is the' use of the 90 gallon emer- gency tank and Cheniical extinguishers for small fires, or carrying out rescue operations. In future, to assure greater efficiency in answering outside calîs, a new system is being instituted. 1. On and after May 1, 1953, only those persons who bave made application to the Village Clerk and had such application approvcd, will be eligible for fire protection. 2. AIl applications ivili be presented to the Council of the Vil- lage of Newcastle for approval. 3. AUl persons having approved applications will receive inm. mediate response to their cal. AUl persons interested in Fire Protection are requested to make application to the Village Clerk inxmediately. FRED G. COUCH, GEO. W. GRAHAM, Newcastle Fire Committee. -PLEASE CLIP TRIS NOTICE 4ND PASS IT ON TO YOUR NEIGHBOUR i lke/Vwa/ Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3111l New Ladies" Group KENDAL' To Be Known As The Friendship Circle Mrs. Neya Little has returned home a!ter spending the winten A graup o! 31 ladies o! Newcas-, in Chicago with ber mother and tle Unted Cburch met at the brother, Mns. Lang and Dr. Ross home o! Mns. Kathleen Powell Lang. on Wednesday evening, Manch 18. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Then- The meeting opened with the tell and family were guests o! Mn. singing o! a hymn !ollowed by and Mrs. Lloyd Glass, Sunday. a reading by Evelyn Allun and a Roy Sleep spent last week in prayer by Mrs. June MeMullen. Toronto, with bis sistens, having During the business periad con- a holiday and getting bis foot doc- ducted by President Mrs. Char- tored up. lotte Rickard it was decided that Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. each member sbould donate an Gardon Martineli and Mrs. Clan- article for the bazaar spansoned ence Tbertell on the passing o! by the Ladies' Auxiliany o! the their mather, Mns. Myra Blodgett, Memanial Hospital in June. The at Raseneatb. rail caîl was -answered with a Mn. and Mns. Wmn. Mercen ne- suggested namne fan the group. By turned Satunday fram a baliday a vote o! the members, it was de- in Flonida. The weathe', was cided ta adapt the naine "The really bat, especially at Miami Fniendship Club". Beach, whene a week was spent. The speaker, Mrs. Howard Some athen places o! interest vis- Tams was intraduced by the Pre- ited wene, Jacksonville, St. Au- sident. Mrs. Toms gave an inter- gustine, Daytana, Key West, Sar- esting talk on the bighlights o! asota, Tampa and Ocala-but the their recent trip ta Flonida, month was much tao short. showing folders and post cards Congratulations ta Mn. and and also passing around a View- Mrs. Dick Wondstra on thein mar- Master o! Flonida scenes. niage and safe arrival in Canada. While rc!reshments wene being Dîck returned ta the Nethenlands served the ladies wene divided at Christmas and was there when1 ino four graups, each o! wbich the floods caused such bavac1 chose its respective leader. The but luckily was outside the flood- group leaders chosen are: Mns. ed anea. June McMullen, Mrs. Eva Couch, Mn. and Mns. Martin Mandens Mrs. Thelma Carbrey and Mrs. and Larry, have moved ta thein Rena Megit.. new home on the Sixth line be- law Cansons bill. Mn. and Mns. Bosgnaa! and family bave moved Saint George's ino the Marcus Saper bouse. Mn. and Mrs. Vance Allun, On-c Churc Newsono, visited Mn. and Mns. W.é Mercen, Manday.c The members o! the Girls' Aux- The tobacco gnowcrs are busyc ilîary met on Monday evening at this week getting their green-f the home o! Ann Thomas. Every- bouses steamed in readiness ta pnle warked bard on the gifts for plant.r Strachan Houses. The !ollowing We wish ta welcome twa bnoth- day the Churchmanship examina- ens o! Ned Fostcn's ta aur coim-C tian papers and the Dorcas work munity, Mn. and Mrs. Hatcherp were sent ta the headquarters in Foster and family who are on Toronto. The next meeting o! the Mn. Margies' farm this year andh group will not be held until after Mn. and Mrs. Ray Foster andF Easter, as the negular date falîs family who have punchased the- in Holy week, when no meetings Gea. Langstaf! farm from Bob are beld at St. Geonge's. Selkirk. a * *Well, Kendal bas street lights vi The Evening Branch o! the at hast! They wene turned on Waman's Auxiliary met an Wed- Tbunsday night, March 12 and, nesday cvening at the home o! while Kendal is nat flooded with Mrs. Chris Banchard, with Mrs. light, it is a dccided improve- Win. McCnacken às tea hostess. ment. Twenty-tbree membens wene The W.I. met at the home a! present, some o! whom had also Miss Hilda Bell on Wednesday, tLrned Ouf in the aftcnnoon ta Manch 11, witb Mrs. Kennedy pre- lelp the Dorcas Secretary. Mrs. siding. The rail caîl was, "Name Neilson ta 'set up a quilt. The a matenial and tell one way it is quilt xvas finished during the used". As one o! the aims o! aur evening along witb other sewing WlI. is ta assist in educatianal and knitting donc by the mem- work, if was decidee ta give ar bers. The next meeting will be prize ta the best student in the , held on Apnil 8. thnee schoals, Sixth Line, Keni-u No r- 53, in ily ad ad 'le rs r- le JAMES ROBINSONX Following an illness of tm weeks' duration, the death accu red an Monday, March 23, 195 in the Memarial Hospital, Bov manville, af James Robinsan,j bis 85th ý,'ear. Born at Port Granby on Jul 20, 1868 ta the late William ar Mary Robinson, the deceascd ha been a farmer throughout bis lifE time until maving ta Newcast] with bis sisters, the late Isabe wbo predeceased hlm twa yea aga and Miss Maria, 25 years ag( The late Mn. Robinson is sui vived by twa sisters, Mrs. Wil liamson (Jenny) a! Millbrook an Miss Maria Robinson af Newcaç tIc. A life]ong member o! the New tanville Metbodist and later Un ited Church, bis funeral servic will be conducted by the ReN Lawrence H. Turner a! Newcastl, United Church, assisted by th, Rev. Tftamas Wallace a! Mill brook, in the George Funera Home, Port Hope on Thursday March 26th, 1953, with subse quent interment in Newtanvilli Cemetery. Friends attending from a dis. tance include Mrs. J. J. Knaa] and Mrs. Dana Arnold o! Cleve. land, Ohio. Palîbearers, Messrs. C. R. Car. veth, H. S. Britton, B. Whitney. L. Cole, Herbent Hancock and Rglrmeeting of Afternoon Brnh of Woman's Auxiliary was held an Tuesday afternoon in the Panish Hall when the mcm- bers worRed on a quilt for the bale. Next Sunday being Palm Sun- day will be marked as usual in St. George 's Church with the Pro- cession of Palms. At the conclu- sion of the service, palm crosses will be distributed ta the congre- gatian in memory of the first Palm Sunday and aur Lord's triumphal entry inta Jerusalem. Palm Sunday also marks the beginning of Holy xveek, when the Church follows the Lord through his sufferings up ta the Crucifixion on Good Friday. There will be daily services in St. George's. On Monday and Tuesday at 7 a.m. and on Wed- nesday and Thursday (Maundy Thursday) at 9 ar. On Good Friday services will' held at Il arn. and 8 p.m. It is ) oped that members of the con- egation will try ta keep a gaod Holy Week, remembering that onlv those who stand at the foot of the Cross on Goad Friday, can hope ta fully appreciate the joy of Ea.ýter Day. BLACKSTOCK FARM FORUM Farm Frorum was brought toaa conclusion for the seasan by an informai get-tagether in the Com- munity Hall. The officers far the faîl were appainted, Mr. Ernest Larmer, president and Mr. N. H. Mut Thysereftnwic er out Thre fils wich erebath in- teresting and educatianal were shown after which an hour of crakinale and euchre were en- joved. A bountiful lunch, including pie and ice cream, was weIl taken care of. The weather wasn't gaod and the roads were bad but ail who could possiblv make it were an1 hand and we ail nated it a fine wmndup ta our winters meetings. Mode! 43 la and Bob, Bowmanville, wlth his parents, Mr. and Mns. Smith and Grace. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McClelland and family, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. O. Miler, and accom. panied them to Bethany to visit Mr. and Mrs. Manseli Wright. Mrs. Fred Rottan spent the weekend with ber daughter in Toronto. 11 OBITUARY ] ie 1t le k 5 ear Uncondi6t'onal Guarwià,.e on EASY Main Gear Box Unt MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis, daughter WVendy~, were Sunday visitars with Mn. and Mrs. Char- lie Flint, Toronto. The many friends of Mr. Thos. Gimblett are sarry ta hear he is in MNemorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. We wish for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Edna Jewell is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. D. Stevens. There is quite a lot a! sick- ncss in the community yet. Meas- les, cbicken pox and pink eye are still gaing thraugh the school. dal and McLeans, at the end ai the term. A donation of $10 wvas voted ta the Memorial Hospital, $15 flood relief ta a family who have Iast their hoxhe in Nether- lands; S25 ta the Red Cross; S5 ta the Kendal Girls' Club and $10J ta Kendal United Church f'or our frequent use o! the Sunday Sehool ro,>m. .The tapic for the meeting was "Nylon", under Canadian Indus- tr.ies and Agriculture, arid was taken by Mns. Eddie Couroux. It is aur newest matenial and be- caming very papular for its stnang wearing and crease re- sistant qualities. Mrs. Counoux ways of caring for nylon articles. dealt chiefly with the praper She also conducted a shamrock cantest which was followed by refreshments and a social half- houn. Miss Bell and Mrs. Turan- sky were hostesses. Have thal. . . DOOR GLASS 01r WINDSHIELD YInsfalled Now WhiIe You Waif JOE COOPER'S Service Station 218 King St. E. PHONE 3432 Tivc Super-Efficient GILO - MAGIC Oil Heating MAKES YOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOD Saves You Money on Tour Fuel Costs Phone or Consuit JACK B3ROUGH PLUMBING - HEATING Division St. S., Bowmanvlllo New Phone - Office 615 flouse Phone 2384 TYeN Mn. and Mrs. J. Wismer and LFrank, Islington, spent the week- end at 7ýCar1 Colbary's. Mrs. F. B. GlaspelI, Zion, Mr. eIvor Gerry, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb GlaspeIl. Mn. and Mrs. H. Skinner, Mrs. ,L. J. Goodman called on fniends in Peterborough hast week. Mn. and Mns. W. Macdonald, Mrs. Florence Scott attended the christenin g o! William Garfield Graham at Trinity United Church, Buwrnanville, and were dinner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. James Graham on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Murnev and family, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park. Meashes are the orden o! the day in Tyrone. Mn. and Mrs. A. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Prescatt and Mn. and Mrs. George Alldread, at- tended the Sportsman's Show in Toronto, last week., Mn. and Mrs. George Alldread visited Mr. and Mns. K. Lamb, Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Prescott vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. W. Farrell, New Toronto, and other relatives. Mn. and Mrs. James Alldread retunned back ta their home feel- ing much impnoved. Mn. and Mrs. H. Tuck and Chad, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. H. Stainton. Satunday evening Miss Dorathy Skinner entertained a few girls in honar o! Miss Doris Park, bride-to-be, and presented ber with a lovely table lamp. Rcfresh- ments were served. Mn. and Mrs. J. G. Elliatt, Lake- hurst, visited at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Everton White. Mn. and Mrs. E. Doonan spent the week-end with Mn. and Mns Ed. Nelson, Woolen. Mrs. Walter Rabm spent a day with Mns. R. Stinson, Bowman- ville. A good number attended the PoL Luck supper Tuesday evening after which a short program was enjayed. Sunday evening the pictures an an African boy who had the dread disease a! leprosy and was cured, was a very fine film in colon. Mrs. H. Brent was pianist for the sing-song. Devotianal by Bessie Yea. Thnee Haydon cbild- ren sang very nicely, Ina Benyl Read, Lynn Potts and Keith Olesen, with Mango Rankine, pianist. Don't forget the W.A. sale o! home cooking at Kitson's Locker, E'niday, 2 p.m. am rolled uÎp more pins than 'oral o! the others put toge-E r. ~evcrai of the "Jacks*' docidod, le watching Cal Brecon roll a *and 194 after a threc .)car off, that ma '%,be thev woulcl .e a rest noxt vear. Stan Mc- irter u\as high man for the (ht witlî a singleofo 270, and able of 484. And hoe is on the an that ended at the botta the lea gue! Also hitting th imark wZere Ted Miller, Jac rch, Si Trewin, Vince Mathew- iKen Maguire, Deac cGoddard, 7.50 Machineless- 10.00 Machineless- Phone 703 for Appoiniment HUYCK'S HIOUSE 0F STYLE 4-95 10.00 CoId Wave - 7.95 6-95 12.50 Coîd Wave- 9.95 67 King St. W. Rear of Coffee Shop 38 Ring Si. East CET THAT NEW WASHER Look ai These Fealures !ý DOUBLE LAYER STEEL PORCELAIN TUB ALUMINUM LID - NO RUST CHROME DUAL ACTION SAFETY WRINGER AUTOMATIC DRAINBOARD REVERSE 1-YEAR OVERALL GUARANTEE ADJUSTABLE MECHANISM to take up Gear Wear DRAIN PLUG FOR CHANGING OIL IN GEAR BOX (This is important for Long Life) -ý $139.50 On Ail Models from $139.50 to $27 9.50 Over 7 Years Dependahie Service Phone 573 I - $189.50 ' ~., - Special.. IN PERMANENT AE On MON. - TUES. - WED. only CE THE ]RADIO 5H01' THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1953 PAGE FnrTM (Intended for last week) Mrs. Charlie Young, Webwood, Miss McLean, Little Current, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and Willie, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partrier, at- tended the 35th wedding celebra- tion of Mr. and Mrs. T. McRob- erts, Saturday night. W'.A. and H. & S. Club were both postpaned because of mud- dy roads. W.A. will be held April 2lst at Mrs. O. Miller's with the March pragram conven- ors taking charge of the pro- gram and lunch. H. & S Club will be held at a later date. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans spent the week-end with their daugh- ter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Penwar- den, were Sunday guests of Mr.! and Mrs. R. Sim. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Glor- '0 A r-T- "MS r A BEAUTIFUL 20 x 40 BED- ROOM RUG-From Factory to you. Yes, %ie will give you, ah- solutely free, a gif t of a match. ing bedroom rug ivith each pur- chase of our Luxurious Corduroy Chenille Bedspread. This Is the spread that has thousands of vel- vety tufts which completely cov- ers the spread. Now on sale for $6.99 each, sent COD plus postage. In. ail shades, ln both single and double bed sizes. lVith eltber multi-colored or solid same color Patterns on top. First quality. A truly reniarkable buy, when you consider that you get a nig worth $3 as a free gif t to match. Imniediate rnoney-back guaran- tee. TOWN & COUJNTRY MFC.1 Box 904, Place D' Armes, Mont. real, Queber. 11 67 King St. W. Rear of Coffee Shop 1 NOW is the TIME Io Model 88 Phone 573 1 Over 7 Years Dependable Service

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