PAGE SIXTEENTECNAANSA SMNBOMNIL.OTRO'TlTAV'RP1 *1 -.,-= ---- - -e Dick Now Geo. Little"s Team Ends on Top Play Off With Bili Bate's Team Recrei Eliiot! Wins Individuai Score 17 Rev The second schedule is com-1 The next two weeks aIl teami plete and Dick Littie's teamn are1 bowl 3 games cach with the teaur the winners. Little»s outfit will with the most number of pin meet Bates team for the Carter winning the bacon. Family Trophy. The date of the major icagu( little's team is made up of Cap- banquet wîll be held on Friday tain Dick Little, B~ill Westlake, May Ist. Invitations will be scn Ernie Perfect, Mýatt Harrison, Pat out immediately. Yeo, Dr. Chas. Austin and Fare- well Blackburn. Final Team Standing Bate's team, winner of tthe first Won Lost Pointý sehedule, is made up of Captain Bill Bates, Dr. Howard Rundle, Little 21 12 5( Elton Brock, Russ Ilalîman, Walt Elliott 19 14 4( DeGeer, Cecii Milton and JackBas- ----19 4 4 Cole. Slemon --------- 18 1.5 4. This series will bc the bcst of 3 O'Rourke -----. 18 15 41 games and will be bowled Wed- D. McKnight ----- 17 16 .1 0 nesday right, April 8, 7 parn- Bagnell--------- 16 17 3i George Elliott captured tOc in- Osborne ------_ 16 17 3 - sharp. Hearle--- 16 17 3f dividual honors finishing with a Piper - .------- 14 19 3-1 245 average with AI Osborne in R. McKnight ------ 14 19 .3 runner-up spot with 237 aver- 1 Cole ------ ------ 10 23 age. vrgs ih2 Ernie Perfec's -406 went aIl theAvagsHih2 way to win higb single score for G. Ellîott ------- - ------------ 24.5 the second 'schedule as dici Art G. Osborne ----------------------- 23- Spicers 902 triple.i B. Pollyv----_----------------------- 232 Sid Nichols had the low single B. Westlake ------------------2:31 game .vith 3-1 wuhilc Dick Patficld T. Bagnell --------------------27 won low triple honors with 347. T. Phillips ------------------- < ALLEY CHATTER Dr. Slemoii------------------------222 B. Hearle--------------------------- 2,2 This wcek*s bowling saw Ron E. Brock ------------------220 Richards huving Iigh single of F. Blackburn ------------------219 330 while George Elliott finished Dr. Rundle ----------------------- 12 it Up with high triple of 802. i D. Little -----------------2!1 Murra ' Tighc won iow single! R. McKnight -------------------- 217 with 114. Jack Cole hail 115.1 H. Janzan ----------------- 2H---------] Windy had 3 blows in a row in N. O'Rourke--------------------- 21 ( his gamoe. B. Bates -----------------------------215 TOc entries arc pouring in for 1 D. Taylor ----------------'2115 thc Major League tournament. J. Gay ----215 So if you are not in il as yet be E. Rundie ---- - ------_2 15 sure to look after it this weck. 1 R. Maynard -----------------214 S" M >ation ues by DON SHAT1 Aftcr losing t1)0 first game of the Lintermieciato "B" playdowns to Port Dover, Orono Orphuns came igl),t l)ack on Saturday 01001 êret10give tIhc westerners a (tecided defeat with a 5-3 score. Il was a (deani, Oard-fought bat- lie froîn start 1e, finish-one of thc cleanest gaines seen hcre this scason n)i i)terincdiate circles. clecision did )ot 00orne until well ioto the third period when Jerry Rob;inson's îwo goals put the lo- icals in the cîcur. Robinson count- cd thirec goals during the niglot and 0rie assist, witl) Dean West nabng credit for the additional 1. pair. On tOce nights play, Orono had th tc cdge(. Tnev Oud thc offensive mio:i of thie rne, aind dozens of pla\-s founici thiern right in and E rouind thc Dover net, but, unable 10 get th)e ruibber i)ast Kennedy Who piay cd a superb gume. This, bynon ineans, discounts the Port 1 over tcaim who were dangerous tlirougOlout, breaking away time aller lime in wcll-organized, 1 fast clashes tOut kept "Slip" Rowe plenty bus"ý kicking 10cm out in finle sty le. Pcculiarly, lie appear- cd le ilopro%-e consicierably aller 1ie, stoppeci one witl) his mouth iundi was knockecl out for a few minutes in tl)e second period. Fron- thonl on, they couldn't pene- tratehON gurd ut ahl. Thc game started with a bang ilwitl) Port Do%-crs Ralpli Down- *in)g îetthm tOch first couinter only ke, Who passed away March halle 1943. bn dearly loved to ever be for- thbk gotten.9,t !jIways remembered by sister dn î:othy, brother-in-law Laurence l IJohn. _____ 131 eî)1t IISLYKE-In loving memnory Hrk ny dear husband, Henry Van- m e Who passed away, March hr L1950. btan Till we meet again. -cd ;adly missed by bis wife, Edith.1 te I"_rC 1101 (1((0 ,-i brloi' ÉL IUnvrr. In 10e .-eeond, ut the sixteen n1)hlie& mark, Dean West countcd hiOs 'el( wiîO 11)e assist goingr to Roibinisniifor the only score of the perioc(1 ithough thei e were \J tZrhlanliful for The fr 1ends weve mael Whove corne fo us For plumbing aid. We're flot a bit shy about our toi) qiality plunihing service. As a inatter af fact, we're proud to let ýou k now about it. When Sîure ini a fix because of your fixtures-ralI us and wc %viIl send a ni aun r i g1t :vu ay. Cmany close caîls for both sides. Thc third saw the see-saw struggie coi)tii)uing and it looked as though overtirne xvould bc i)ecessary. Robinson chunged that1 after 11 minutes l)ud gone by xvith a solo attack tOut got Oy Kennedy. There wus about five minutes le ft of tOc game wl)en Robinson again went into action), combining with Carl Flintoff for tOc goal that put the Orphans in the fairly sale position which tl)ey held until the end. A good crowd turned out for the game. Orono went to Port Dover eaî-ly in the week and tOc resuit of tOut gume appears elsexvhere. They are playing a best of thrce series. Port Dover - Kennedy, Dol) Mummery, Bob Castie, Willis Smith, Walt. Mummery, Ross Brown, Joe Kelly, RalpO Dow- bng, Bill Tarvitt, Andy MacDo- ald and Don Mauiey. Orono: Roxve, Erie Johnston, Carl Flintoff, Chuck Armstrong, Mcl. Scheil, Gusty West, Don Mcr- cor, Dean West, John Shetler, i Gerald Robinson, Scotty Miles and Bud Hooper (sub-goal). Officiais: James Crombie and' Larry Heffering. Front St. Team Miller's Taxi Squad Tied in Town League Front Street team of thc Town Hockey League cvened tl)eir fi- n)al ser ies with Miller's Taxi squad Thursday night by a 6-3 victory in thc second game of tOc best- of-thrce affair. Thc Taximen Oadi won thc first game 3-2. Kilputrick countcd two goals in th)e Front Street victory with Burgess drawing an assist on tOc first markcr and Lemon and Wil- hiaros aiding on)the second. Othor scorers foi Front Street were Bobi Williams from Bird, Lemon from Burgess, Rundie from Willianms and Bird unassistcd. Milier*s Taxi marksmen wcre Northy unussisted, Childs frorn Martin and Lobb from Lune. Referce 'Dutch' Hallinan hand- cd out a total of five penaltiQs; mii)ors 10 Carter, Virtue and Kil- patrick, and a miisconduct and match penalty to Burgess. Deciding garne of tl)e serbes xvas scl)eduled for Wednesday night. Ladies' Major Bowling League Schedule Ended March 1610 ended thc regular, Ladies' Major Bowling League scl)edtile. Vi Coole scored the, high triple \vilh 735. She had three i)ice gan)cs 263, 235, 237. Bern Carter roled higlh sii)gic 294. PlyrTeani Standings Ps Joli --------- ----------- ------- 591 Phillips ---- ---------------o M otIon ------ ---------------- - 47 G aN -- -- -- - - -- ----- --- - - 45 McNulty ----------- - -------- 40 Brorneli.------------------------------39 Mv a jo r ---- - - -- - - -- --- - - - - -- - - P ip e r .- -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - E tcher --- ------------- McFarlanc ------------------2 '8 Budai ---------------------------- -- 27 Buckncll ---- ------ -- ----- 27 High Averages D . Jo li -- ----- -- - -- ---- - - V. Coole --------------.------ J. M a jor ---- ------ L. Phillips............- K. Beauiprie ---------- B. Budai - ----- --- --- T. W isemaun ----------- H. Piper ---------------- A. Nickcrson ---------- O. Eteci- ---- --- ----- MI. Mý cN ult, - -------- ----- S. Buckneili -- B. C arter --. ---------- H. Brock ----------- -- ----- E. DeGeer ---- -------- A. Gay ----- L. MeFuÈýrlane - A . B urns ---------- - - - E. M anco -- --------- --- L. Hiayes - -- ----- 21' 20G 192 19 1871 186I 185 i82' 178: 178 1-77 177- 176 176' 17.5 174j Foundry Ironmen Win Both Schedules In Durham Bowling League Piay-Offs Star! al Martyn's 311NOR HOCKEY NIGHT 1 phies one of which xvas donated ,e Arran'werncnt is all set for thc by Jack Miller of Mýiller-s Taxi Minor Hockey- night in the Arena for thc Championship Bantamn Ytonjgot, March 26. 1 teamn in the Town League; another It by Reg Harding and Tom Gat- Pc-e Wee v. iilstart the night cell for the Championship Pee off ut 6.45 and \Vill play Wee team and the other two are thrce 1)-minlite periods with a donated by the Rotary Club for ts ivc minute brcak bten e-the runners up in the Men's town i ods. league and Jack McNulty's sport Bantamns \ill start at 8 p.m. and cycle shop for the Cham- p plu\ 10 hree 1.5-minute periods pionship team in the men's town w ith a five minutc brcak between league. periî ods.. Bill Mutton just brought in the In these two gamnes the last M alm toh hc i minuite of plav wbbl bc stop time. M cachedrph wih eigt and- Juvenile game wiîî team, cahdby 'Dutch' Os- tur ut9.1 an thy wll layborne, wvon last season in the two 13minut perids PtayotLakeshore Juvenile league. iurne with 1he third period being Slowly andi surely thc case is stop tirne and a five minute break begbnning to fuIl up and 1 would't betwen coach period. doubt that in a year's time thcy Thece will bc the final games will be looking for a ncw spot to for the Mnî Town League teams build another one. and the Champions xvill Oc pres- ART CLASS- I7 entci l with thei- trophies on thce ý2 ttO onlsinofec This group meeting on Friday ý umc night at the Community Centre \cIE:în, dilts 35c, childî'en have put in a very successful rccmoa)'dwith ai) aduit, free.. season under thc direction of Ar- Cliildrten not uccompanied by an i)old HodgkIins who is quite an au - ut tc. eminent artist frein Torono, n ha ýve teclass trcncdu NW'iO'I AEhelp and inspiration. 8 Fcir a si-ht to behold corne on I xvouldn't doubt it in tOc least 7lOWn und ba a look ut the nexv thut they plan to hold their own t roffhv cae in tho Arena. It wus showing in the ncar future. It bouit '0v \Vm. Allun & Co. and is will bc worth taking in as the *xjiie - o r- ndsm eu xo It ith fourt class Oas s eexcellent artists D~eaeQ-%lPort foyer al the Local A'rena CÛvg Each a Game*in the Play-Offs The No Song! EXPERT W ATC H R E P AIRS by Certif ied Watchniaker as authorized by the Canadian Jewellers' Institute Ail Work Guranteed One Year MARR'S JEWELLERY 24 NONTHS TO PAY Th 33 RING W. o .1 "Rn AND t Skating Club Groups Pass Several Trials By Test Judges On Saturday morning some good figures were eut at the Memorial Arena as the resuits de- clared bx- the tribunal of judges show. Members of the Bowman- ville Skating Club skated before a small but important audience. The judges were Donald Dul- mage, chairman of the test com- mittee, Oshawa Skating Club and Messrs. A. W. Petre, Oshawa, Lennart Loevenmark, Port Hope. Before 8 o'clock Dr. D. E. Steck- ley, President of the Oshawa Skating Club, arrived at the Bow- manville Arena with the judge from Port Hope. Candidates were successful in passing the following tests: Preliminary Figures- Carolyn Mason. Joan Allin, Peggy Bar- iett, Beverly Cowling, Gail Bag- neli, Judy Goodman, Gwen Mur- dock, Donna Herne, Mrs. Stuart James. Dutch Waltz-Beverly Cowling, Peggy Barrett, Gail Bagnell, Pa- tricia Mason, Mrs. Stuart James, Darla Marie Palmer, Faye Piper, Gwen Murdock, Joan Allun, Don- na Herne. 0 Swing Dance - Mrs. Stuart James. Other members of the Bow- TIhe Foundry Ironmen made N. Cowle ------ 1881 sure of the Carter Trophy by H. Akey 188 winning both schedules this year L. Bickell 18", in the Durham Bowling League. C. Milîs ____187j IThcy had the high single game R. Brock ________ - 1861 of 1354 an average of just about B. Westlake . 186 27ô0 per man. F. Blunt was high B. Snowden 186 with 803 followed by F. Smith L. Annis ________- 184 with 763. L. Brown ---- - - --- 182 The playoffs start Friday nightý G., Shackleton - - 181 March 27, 7 p.m.-First six teams; T. Masterson-------.180 9 par.-Second six teams. B. Hogarth 180 D. Gunter 179 Friday, April 10, 7 p.m.-Sec- D. Parks 177 ond six teams; 9 p.m.-First six A. Mairs ____-176 teams. R. Mundy 176 The final standings and aver- B. Vivian 175 agýes are as follows: K. Smith ------------ ------ 175 Ten tnigH. Hamilton-- 174 TeamSta insPinsC. McGrath -- ___ 174 Foundry ------------.- 35247 66 L. MacDougal 173 Statesman 33158 .51 R. Ashton -----173 A. & P.------------. 32828 47 0. Ashton - - ------ 172 Enniskillen IIl------- 32951 40) D. Cameron 172 Sheppard & Gili 31566 39 J. Flett ------------ --«----------172 Tyrone --------------- 32924 37 E. Masters - --- 172 B.T.S.---------32024 37 B. Noble ----172 Blackstock--------- 31539 35 F. Beckett--- ------- -- 170 Enniskillen I --------- 30963 33 J. Warrack--------- - 170 C.O.F.- ---------32817 29 S. Crago --- 169 -Maple Grove - ----- 32097 28 J. McNulty 168 Hampton ------------- 28994 20 H. Br-adley --------- - -----167 S. McKeen --------------------165 High Triple-F. Blunt 803. R. McLaughlin ------------- -----164 High Single-H. Akey 344. G. Brown -----------------------163 C. Sxvartz ----------------------162 Lemon League-R. McLaugh- T. Wray ------------------- ----------162 lin 99 B. Pasant-------------------------- 162 Itidividual Averages C. Dislev ---- -------------- ---- 160 K. Swanfelt --------------------160 C. Woolner -----------------211 C. Nesbitt --------- - - -- 159 F. m t ------------ - ------ 210 F Griffin ------------------------ 156 J. Levitt ----------------------210 W. Staples --------------------- 153 K. Yeo -----------------------209 J. Smales ---- z-------------150 B.Mthel--------------- 208 A.Wilson-- - - -143 B. Engley --------- ------ ---- 205 T. Westlake .-----------148 J. Thompson -------------------- 205 A. Werry -.146 J. Slemon ------ ---- - 205 A. Sharp --------- - --- 3 F. Blunt ----------- -- ------205re15 J. Stacey -------------204 H. Potter--------------------204 43 KING ST. W. OSHAWA Check Ihese features - - - - " Storage one million gallons " Automatic Delivery " Meter-stamped Tickets -FOR GIL OR SERVICE Phone your local agent JACK BROUGH PLUMBING and HEATING Oil Burners Installed - Phone 615 - Bowmanville TRADE-. INS ACCEPTEDý Phone 5-3589 Admirai The No. 1 Tel evision! How Much is that T.V. in the Window? The One with the Big Picture Screen You Shouid Buy that T.V. in the Window Il has a Picture that Reaiiy is Keen ! IT'S IT'S ONVLY $429m95 AT T.Va SHOp PHONE 3262 The Store Equipped to Render You the Service You Need Open Friday and Saturday tili 9 p.m. miin%,Xi Zn, Ivoi manville Skating Club who have already passed their Preliminary Figure Test are Lynne Bagnell, Patricia Mason, Faye Piper,- Lynne Bagneli has her Dutch Waltz test. While the judging ends the fig- ure skating season the Bowman-- ville Skating Club will hold, its final family skating session on Sunday, March 29. Canadians eat more pork than beef, 67.8 pounds of pork per cap- ita in 1951 as compared to 44.1 pounds of beef per capita.- - Siafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone WhItby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND NIARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock FUEL OIL CUNTRACTS One to Five Lander m Stark 011 Ltd. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TMMSDAV. IJARCR 2& 193t IN. Diey ------ ------------ ----203~ M. Larmer ------- ----- --203 L . E llis ---------. ------- 202 T. McLaughlin -----------------202 1K. MeGili -------------------- 202 A . H oar ----------- -- --- - 2 ) L.Wearn ------------------201 G-----e-------------------- --- -201 G.Blythe ------- ------------200 J. McLean-------------- 19 9 L. Coombs -------------------- --- 199 G. White ------------------198 J. Coombs ------------ -- 196 W. Tomlinson --- - -----195 C. MeLaughlin ---- ----- 194 D. Wright ------194 G. Sellers ----- - --------- 194 R. Rundie --------------- 193 E. MeQuaide ---192 E. King -------- --- --- -191 G. Potter--------------------------- 191 R. Nichols ---------------------::191 J. Marlow ----------------------- 190 N. Hcnning -------------------------189 N . W ilson ------------ ---------- 188 C/ do til,