THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1953 - -.... -~ ~... *....*, j- V i..'-. , UNTARIO~PG EET CARDS 0F THANKS 1 COMING -EVENTS I wish to thank my friends for the many cards and gifts sent ta me during my stay in the haspital. They were deepl'y' apprcciated. Mrs. R. W\ýright. 13-P, SI wish to thank Dr. Vipont, Dr. Rtnole and nurses of Memorial a and Hampton Football Goodyear Employees' Recrea- tion Club Bingo on Friday, March 27th. at 8 p.m. Jackpot $35.00. Admission 50c. 12-2 Tyrone Womens Association is holding a home baking sale at Kitsons Locker on Friday, March 27 th at 2 p.m. 13-1* Home hakinçg sale at Kit.son's IN MEMORIAMl BARRETT-In laving memony o! a dear dad, William Barrett, who passed away, March 30, 1948. The years are swiftly pa§sing, But stili we don't'forget, For deep la the hearts that laved hlm Fond momories linger yet. .-Ever remembered by the fam- ilî. 13-1* ý;tU7 for tacir ktnoaoss auriag Loker T .rsd - ateroon Apil 1CARTWRIGHT-In loviag monr Ar tenods 2nd, 2 p.m., by Maple Grove ony o! a dear wife, Mabel Mar 1rt 3-nods Women's Institute. 1.1-1* Cartwright who passed avaý 13.1 _______Manch 28, 1931. Sa I have Iost my sou1's campania We a tke bi oportn- Reserve Fnidas', April 24th, for A lite linked'with my awn. ltyta han th realt:es nohl United Churcb, sponsored by the 'As I xvalk'through lite alone. bours and fniends. for thc, lovcly Bowmanville Lions Club. 12-6 -Eeeebre yhsa- flowers, cards and acts of kîad- Ee eebrdb ubn ,less shawa, during the passîag o! Tom. 13. ,Wn. Edward J. Doidge. Martyn's Bowling Academy will ____ Mrs. Maude Densom, have open bowling, Manday Mrs. Mabol Humphrcy, aipht; Tuesday atter 8 o'clock, CARTWRIGHT-In loving men- Mrs. Greta Rowe. Wednesday atter 8:30 o'clock and ory o! a dear gnandmather, Mabe Members o! the Jackson Familv. Thursday nigbt. 13-1 Mary Cartwright, who passei 13~l*awav, March 28, 1951. _______ IToo dearly loved ta ever be foi Tyrone Cammpatty Hall Board! gotten. I would like ta express my, sin- are bavîng a x'arietv programme -Grandchildrn, Carol, Sharei cere thanks and approciatian ta on Fnîday, Manch 27. Mn. Ed. and Gail. 13- the Newtonx'iltc Ladies ' .A.. i \'aungman, guest speaker. Ad-i____ Croaked Creek Home and Sehool mission, silver collection. 13-1 Club and Nextonville Orange, i CARTWRIGHT-In loving mem Lodge for the grand boxes thex' ory o! a dean mother, Mabol Mar, sen mewho I va (I. Asota The Mlemonial Hospital will Cartwright who passed away sentme henI ws i]. lso tocelebrate its 4th Anniversary at March 28, 19,51. everyane who sent me lettons, the Nurses' Resideace tram 3 ta No morning dawn, no aight retun: cards and pancels; 10 ex'en't'ne1 6 p.m., Friday, Marcb 27tb. AIl But what we tbink o! you. who was so kiad ta x'lsit and en-ar odav nie. 121Lokgba wtmrois quire for me. Manv thaaks to thoe cUilp'îvtd. 1- okiathath ymemros staff o! Memonial iHospital, Baxv- WUPon sthe yath 'ou tdwt manvillo, and Dr. Witzel. Dance la Noxxtoavillc Com- W ls h en ehdwt Bill Reid. miuaity Hall on Thunsdav, Apnil youi 1,3_1* 2nd, uncler aus:pices o! 'Orange And w'e lave the rest ta God. Lodge. Farroxc's Orchestra. Lunch -Lox'inglY reom e m be r ed b' servcd. Arîmissini' 75c. 13-2* daughter Ede and !amily. 13-1 1 would like ta sincerely thonk________ my neighbours, tîiends anrd rel- atives for their gitts aadcads Home bakiag sale, Saturdayl COCHRANE - Treasured mcm. and their many other kiadoosses 1 marning. Apnil 18, at 9:30 0' clock. 1ories o! a laving mother, Cosý ta my !amily aad myselt whiie 1 1 Tarts, rails, cakes, pies. etc.. atj Cochrane, who passed awav or was ln the hospital- and sinceI Wlve been home. Also tbaaks ta Doctors Austin, Ferguson and Me- Kitson Lockers. AuspcsoSt Aadnewv's Ex'eniag GCroup. 13-l* March 31, 1951. Two years have passed, how long it seems, heUuir<ses and stafc or Ladies' Auixiliarv t.' nand ut ta aur neant non lace sti the MrsoDougHoTailor.itan Legion are boldink a Canon- beams, aI in Ta an hane-m .J For Nve who loved hon oniy know 13-1 sale on Satundav, May 3,Otthe Hw ach o. ls w en ýeinHall, traom 3 1 ma TEN E SW N E Everî'one xvecome. 13-1 ton Gladys, Tom and !amily. ENDERS WA TED LogAn Estrte addiLly o vigyfmmee yduh TENDERS will ho received by the nEstrta n islya undersigned up ta Apnil 9th 19,53 items entcred la the Sewing Con- HGE-nerloigm oy for the erectian o! Cou tico Uanitcd tost sponsoned by Bowmat-vilIe o! a dean husband and father, AI- Church. Plans ax'ailah '. _ Business & Protessional Women's br uhs uktn n. h R. DeCoe's, R.R. 4, Os .Clu i Cte M nh 2itn passed axvay March 24, 1949. Phono 5-4906. Lowos.',, atraComu3 ta 5Cndre7:30 t :3:1Four years have passed since that tender not neccssarily acc ep ted. YTicke3ts 35aoable:30tam :clubsad day C. M. Ponfound, Tces3c vial rmcu Leaving momonies death cannat R.R. 4, Oshawa. membens.9- take away. 12-2* His thoughts wore ail so, full o! us Oaly two weeks left and the He nover could forget. tickots are goiag fast. Doîm't be And 50 we think that where ho is' Last year avec 18,000) persans disappoiated, get yoar Comaz a Ho must be watching yet In 500 communitios bnrraxxd sick Poppin' tickets ight away tram As angels keep their watch up naom equipmont train tihe Red membens ut Jack & diii Club. thene Cross Loan Cupboards. iThe big show takes place Thons- Please God just lot hlm know day. Friday and Saturday, Apri.l We lave and miss hlm so. ~S E W S9, 10,11l at the Town Hall. Price -Ever-remembered 1-:: his 10v- s Il grandch ildrcn, Albert and Lois. S PE 1A The anniual meeting o! the Bow- 13-1 49 SEDANETTE t- grex'vcustam iradia, good tires andi matai, x'erv dlean. $400.00 Down or Trade '%50FORD C5 ONV ERTIBLE white wails, liglît groen, very sharp. $450.00 Down or Trade - ALSO - '49 FORD CLUB COUPE '49 FORD FORDOR '49 Big Six PONTIAC '51 DODGE ('OACII '51 CHEV. SEDAN '50 MERCL'RY 1i. TON And Many More Corne ta Neim castle and Trade on I aur Tcrms. BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor M. G. "STEW" STEWART NEWCASTLE 2871 Week's Actii MEMORIAI THURSDAYI MARCI MINOR HOCI 6:45p Pee Wee, Banlam, Mid Admiiss io n Children accoîupaniec Imanvîlle Brncb o! the Red Cro; will bc heîd la the Town Hall o Friday, Apnil 17 at 8 p.m. wbe electioti ot f fluons and plans fc î canx'ass la Juiie xxill tako plac( CKizens are ut-gentîv requested t attend this important meetin, Chas, Carter, Sr., Presideat. 13- On Gond FridaY, Apr. 3 at 2:3 1pmNextonx'ille W.M.S. aro hold ing ami Easter service, Mrs. E< Martin, Welcome, returaed mit sîonary , xill bo the speaket Speelal muîsic bs' the choir. New castlo and Welcome hax'e beei tnx'îtcd la joîn xxth dis. Lunc] Iwill bc serx'cd la the basement. 13-1 Be sure ta attend the Farmers Sprng Frollo "Where Town an( Country Mee." la Newxcastle Com Imuinit 'v Hall an Friday, March 27 dock Masball's Orchestra wil prox'iclo nodcrn and aid timi munsic for dancinmg. Cards, fre( lunch. Special prizes. Sponsarec Ibv Duirham Cauinîv Holstein Club IAdmissioni, $100(o'Prson. 13-ý vities at the L ARENA 1 261h - KEY NIGHT P.m. iget. Juvenile Finals A<lts '."5c - Children15 d by aditit FREE 15 FRIDAY, MARCH 271h - L PUBLIC SKATING Tinme 8 - 10 Admission - 35c per persan SATURDAY, MARCH 281h - r PUBLIC SKATING 4Liie 2-4 Adii'ission-Adtits 35c - Children 20c INT. "B" HOCKEY PLAYOFFS - First Gaine - Best of Three TAMWORTH vs. ORONO Admission Reserved 65c - Aduits 50e - Children 25c MONDAY, NARCH 3Oth - PUBLIC SKATING Tine 8 - 10 Admission - Adits :3c - Children 20e TUESDAY, MARCH 31sf PUBLIC SKATING Tin'e 8 - 10 Admision - Aduits 35c - Children 20e mn ,e. t0 ýg. -31 30 d- i. ýr. ýn ýh Éd 7. LEMON-Ia loving memony o! a dean son and brother, Diouglas Lemon, who passed away, March 2ist, 1949. The world may change tram year ta year And fniends tram day ta day, But neyer will the one we loved From memory pass away. -Lavingly remombened by moth- or, dad, sisters and brothers. 13-1 MOORE-In remembrance o! a' locig sister and aunt, Mrs. F. J. Moore, who passod away March 29th, 1943. Taa deanly loved ta ex'en be for- gotten. -Always remembered by sistor Dorothy, brother-in-law Laurence and John. 13-1 oe VANSLYKE-Ia loviag momonry ýe o! my dear husband, HenryVn ýd slyke xx'ho passed away, Mvarch! . 26th, I1950(. ýl Till we meet ogain. --Sadly missed by bis wi!e, Edith. ______________3____ VANSLYKE-In lax'ing memony o af my dean step-!ather, Henry VaasIv ke, who passod away, March 26th, 1950. Gane but not targotten. -Sadly missed by Ernest. 13i-1* Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN (ho Estate o! WILLIAM HENRY BURLEY, loteofo New- loaville, la the Township o!. Clark(-. la <ho Couanty o! Durham, 0< berxcise kimoxc as William Henry Bunley, Junior, deceased. c NOTICE is hereby gix'ea that Cecil R. Pa\ ne and Lanson Mill-c son bath af-'the said Toxwnship Of!e Clarke, execcdtors o! tho last XVIIIý of William Henry Burlcy abo' meatiomied deccased, w'ho died on or about <ho 1Ilth day o! February, 1953, vwilI atter the 26th day of April, 1953, dîstnibute <ho assetsc o! <ho said ostato amang the per-j sonsbeneficaliv enlitied<h erco haviý reardonlc ta <ho daims rot credilors and others who shahl 1 on ai' boforo the ast-meatîaaedt date hacc sent notice la writing Nii x i utI portieutars o! their, clalîrs ta <ho said executors or Ia I(ho îîadcrsigned Solicitar, jDATED the 14l.b do'.' ac il t( I(ci -y ýy, n el !d 'y ýn hi CLASSIFIED ABS show, and was the wianer o! a .1aarham MiIk Cows Decrease silver tira\Gog .Jmsas DB ,IL cbrought ta tlle attention of the1 But B ef C illeon th Inceasegatheriag 'that îbe-Durham Cotin-1 According Io Government Silistics ' ui * The horse !amily dccreased la ped from 4,800 ta 4.400 and ini- stated thlat this'is a unique record Durham County duriag the last creascd in Northumberland tram and anc that is flot likel.v ever ta Vhait of 1952 but it increased 8,800 ta 10,000. bc broken. "No man or sacictvsslightly in Northumberland Coun - The opposite applicd ta lieifer'Slhas donc more ta improve agri-i ty. Calves showed an inecase in anc ycar nid being raised mainly culture in Durham Cauýnty than bath counties, as did alI cattie, frbc upssa hyices Ed Summers", VIr. James de ir while the total number of shecp cd in Durham from 3,700 ta 3,-' cd. and lambs decreased la bath 900 and decrcased in Northum- K insmen Vice-President Art counties as did the total numbcr berland tram 2,500 ta 2,200. Steers Humpage expressed thc pleasure o! swine. anc year old and over followcd of his club members on being in- With ail comparisons made bet- this trend. In Durham thcy la-1 vited ta the inter-club mneeting ween June lst, 1952 and Decem- creased tram 6,500 ta 6,700 and'I and added his congratulations to ber 151, 1952, the following re- dccrcascd in Northumberland teLosCu nterfn e sut d rm3,0 a280 facilities. Kinsman Tom Cowan In Durham marcs 2 ycars aid The total number o! cattle ini issued a challenge by the club ta and over decreased tram 2,300 ta Durham Caunty increased dur- I the Lions for a broombaîl game r 2,100 but incrcased in Northum- ing the six month period tram, in thbe near future. bcrland from 2,950 ta 3,050. Geld- 46,.300 ta 47,800 and in Northum- The sangs o! tenor Ivor Davies, ings 2 ycars aid and aver decreas- berland tram 53,400 ta 55,600. accampanied by Lion Don Shay cd ia Durham from 1,500 ta 1,300 Ram s aver ailleycar aid drap- at the piano, werc much enjoyed. and alsa la Northumberland froi pcd tram 240 in Durham ta 210 Lion Ralph Mclntyre presented 2,100 ta 2,050. and increased tram 130 la North- a baby blanket ta a recent daddy, Clsadfiliies under 2 ycars umberland ta 150. Exves anc yearLin lyd yr, nd Rtr increascd fro 0m 100 ta 110 la Dur- aId and aver droppcd in bath President Rickard made a birth-1- ham during this period, while caunties, la Durham from 4,300) day presentation ta Rotarianb the dercsethsaemun ta 4,000 and in Northumberland George Moody, xvho is president-n in Northumberland from 140 ta from 3,000 ta,-2,700. eicct o! the Bowmanvillo Club, r 130. Total Ilorses inciuding stali- Lambs took the largest ýrOpI Lion Fred Cale repartod that c ions decreascd la Durham from1 in bath catiaties during the six a total of S452 la donations for t 3,930 ta 3,540. In Northumberland month period. A rcsounding drap ncsting chairs for the banquet h they increased tfram 5,210 ta 5,- tram 4,700 ta 1,000 was registcred hall bias been recuived. 0 250. in Durham and tram 3,050 ta 70(1 _____P_____ Bath counties rcported a dec- in Northumberland. The total, as the number af bulis anc number of sheep and iambs. Jack and ili Club Ja y ai od and over; Durham therefore, experienced a large de-10 from 840 ta 750 and Northumber- croase la bath counities as thcy Ends Bowling Se so land tram 1,030 ta 9001. Cows and fell in liurharn tram 9,240 ta 5 -_T eda ih heifers 2 years and over kcpt 2101 and in Northumberland tram ueda Ngh mainiy for mik purpases in Dur- 6,180 ta 3,55().A ham dccrcased tram 13,000 ta 12,- Thc nutfbcr of swine o'cr six! The Jack and Jili Club wound I, 000 but tncreased ia Northumber- months, including sowvs, alsa reg- up their bowling for the year p land tram 22,400 ta 23,500. Th;s istereci a drap la Durham Tuecdav ovening wvith the presen- was the opposite for cows and although thcy increasea ia North- ain fpstsadageca heifers 2 ycars aid and over kept umbcriand. ln Durham thoy bowling session. Vînco MuISt haveW mainly for bec! purposes as an dropped trom 6,900 ta 4,800 and been out ta show that eading up n( increase xvas rcgistercd in Dur- increascd la Northumberland1 on top wasn't a fluke, as bis r ham and a decrease ia Northum- tram 7,600 ta 8,100. The numbor i tcam rolled up more pins than u berland, The Durham increase ia of swine under six months aid I several of the others put toge- ul this catcgory was tramn 7,500 ti declined la bath caunties. From1 ther c 9,000 and the Northumberlandl 24,000 ta 17,800 la Durham and, Sex'cral of the 'Jaekls d(ecided, O decrease tram 3,200 ta 2,600. fromn 31.300) ta 27,900 ia North- whiie watehing Cal Broca rail a s iCaives under anc year increas- umbcrland. 241 and 194 afttr a tbree \'ear s cd in bath caunties. la Durham The total aumrnhof swine also layoff, that mavbe theY wolcI i 10,000 ta 11,000 and la Northum- decrcascd la bath counties fromr take a rest next1 year. S tanl Mc- berland tramn 12,4010 ta 13,600). une Ist. ta December lst, 1952. Murter 1,as high ..,mari for the P Heifers anc year aid being 1-aîsedi For 'Durham (t 'x'as ftrm -30,9<0 aight wîth a single of 270, and many for mnilk purposes in Dur- 1ta 292,60<1 and in Northumberland double of 484. And lie is on theý b am and incrcased in Northum- the decrce %v as tram 108,900 tai team that eaded at the buttoni berland. Ia Durham thev drap- 36,000, of the ]eague! Also Ilittiag tliç 200 mark \werc Ted Miller, Jack Intr-lub Metin Vmoth". the speaker poialcd out. i Darch, Si Trewin, Vînce Mathew- -Tepopulation ot cilles and son, Ken Magoîre, Deac Goddard,' towas lbas incroased about 30 Bruce Mutton anci Phdl Rodgers, (Cotiaed ra Pae Oe) per cent la <ho last 10 lears the faceJill. (Coninue fro Pag One i hile the tarrif population bas The ccring section of Rex cultural representative. '*Ho basi gone dow,\n 1(0 pcr cent. Ia spite Waltcr's team Nvas gieatly 'dim-1 added a great deal o! ,vealth ta of this, tarmiers have produccd 10 ,iaîshed bv the absence of "Wild" iGlenn Tihoînpson. However Beyý this community ad manv boys r per cent more per acre, and ia- cari look on, himi as 'the n no creased total tarin production by Burgess did bis bcst ta niake upi started and inspircd l.hen la their 2-0 pe'r cent iin tiis periad". forib tis. Sec oral o! the Jacks t posibe bcauo xere absent due ta practice for farming career". IThis]s bas ecn pssbethcu e 'bgSO i r: Mr. Young quoted a stotement Of nov' machinery and botterte0bi I1W btPrsdn a! John Ruskin (bat -Tbee i no 'cttes of farm products, ho e thaksnrticdllmeo weallh but lite" as beiag une ot eniphasi.'.d. People such as Mr., proseat the prizes. Jar-k and JilI the truest statements xi umerend(oote gricul- son ' u ammeso made. Evcrvýýthing xve do 15 ((ane tural represoatatices have boco ' Vnces tie.o Sifor endin p ad \vitb tho end and ai ufbotter- goiag ta (hoe tarmers and lollirw . Pl fýi-U ia So rci 'Fn i znsa iag huma i fe', lie a.sser t. Ilhemn how Ia do a better job. M r.Illi anlo rclcc uos1 Thbe speaker poinlcd nui, bow- Yoting wondercd hoxc long19he! ion high avc.-a-zcs. 1lane': Aîîy evor, (biat la some cauîntrios sncb (armer \x'nutId con tîaue to look Iiittl0l1>vi OiOoo I ix i or i;,-; vi xo %vec as China and India <bore is l.aa affr tho land xchich iý;sa ii vsortn iýfni fte niuch buman lite far the reson r- potant in o I of ns, and conciud-(e art' hoIii. t l'riaie lof tht' ces availaole lu fced (t. The Unit- cd (bat ho xcould (do sao <f(1n, d i oLnials. cd Notions bave estîmated thot it longas fho could rmako a profit eidmcloAi ce l mfrore (tnd-s takos twu acres uf ar-able land ta tram farminag. Illed som anir. for J',%cri pin.she support a human lite, la China -It st oOuir adx antage 10a kceP end of (he second garne it luokcd thcre is aatc 1/46 tof an acre for tho farmien la business', (hot, i f Ken arUýrcaqî te bor ould cach pensant, and as a nesult the spc'aker oisertcd. '-Wo dopond 'lha,. o u. cd sone ' ,itheboPep . .i Chinese are living on tlle vcrge on <ho 1t,.s Ithan 15 per" cent of Th(,,,-roiled a lofal ni <109. anci of starvation. population on Ilhe land. Thex .. 'i-i. ,,iRose ,jon't ueva i-le tiaI. vo-HocI:Iln.yRose- He cleclarod that one-third tof dn cit(ih pme d hvmary orc(v.B a sriî bac (ho wu-rld's population is uinden- don't xx nt th iags don(e for thent, oc e:Bi~s îl crlatnlYý nounishcd and la mari% parts of (bey oiilv vont Ilhe assurance hiavxe useri sonir tort. tho globe people arecstnx'ng a tat dot in'al things w,,oit le Rcse.s it) Jack and .J(an Danch ceath. -I xxonder il xce ita <bts do1l' tUîca.'r ah! I.r' !-'ac':ý of 'hov roua nr rea lîze hoxx' thoakîcil vxco lb <ac' c xii h a p1pa for iran-ozan i av.,-ýj,, and ' at,)' Ou-ht tIao e', lho saîd. \V'e actual- a ltîic tdcistanid ngi., fthe Fo il acd \X ia 'l'h9mp.oit for ]v nov\e an enibarasstng surpluts problenmý ra rmcrs face. ' We ar c r t br i h! p. buit lot Lus not ne colaplacent. 1'flie aI I(,n i(te samo teant and w ill "1lwire o ' a" ~ho, hunogr' c'. es out<ho xxorld are on xx iii or iu'o> g'tbeho Cdeclai- beeri a glecat sLucce: N ci'.' ol- uis and <bieyv are not su ver ' vLfa ed. .\lI wve need< ttt is (<J- îag is3 over, the Shiow (Corna o axav. an(c a tcw hait: ., b jet aperation aîîd faitbla nGod. au- i Poppin ta case voutc r rmm pIlanc-. selve.-, aînd in aur business fu- bort must go on. And then xxhat! The speaker declarcd <bat <he tuirc". , Wh' Take mce utri the bail histornv of oman 13 (ho bistoey of a ta addition Io heing imost ini- pornof aI or. rtungry animal loaking for food. formnatixc, Hev. \'otlllÉ'q acldi 1.s:___ ____ Hle paînted ou t (bat whcn Hitleriv'.z ai, crCc bumornui ýnfI en- Tho ,Rrd Cro:s film prnLrii-rr ý started bis drive for 'Lobons- traîigand lho rccetved a lhar- inln' oc Oet ii st raumt, or living - rmcm for the xv'vote ont <(anks an bebial t of 10 D.V.. hstoian-,the Gormatt people, *there xvas onaýitîx Ht hric er-et ecluibs present, b-.,cou ancv. iinc-tenth ut ait acre per per-utî.tUce:pe Mocls« . - hure. SinlilarIx at Illie ittn tie ofI'r( (iSllîîi.c!I o grt Pearl 1Harbor iieoJiipanoeeblaici lhe..rt sident tiarnut tiRck- onlv oîte-faurth o! an octe erPcFai-c. a prîninent West Durbaij cprsn. These tacts bhrina nt tb'",i nds-dA eranb R.C.A.F. MWERCY' MISSION i LIGHT- Eskimos crowd around an RCAF Dakota airc'raft as it lands on skis near the tiny village of Hebron, Labrador, in order to evacuate a sick child ta the RCAF hospital at Goose Bay. In many cases the arrivai of an RCAF "mercy mission" aircraft means the difference between life and death for a person strieken by illness and hundreds of miles aNvay from medical care. In critical cascs RCAF medicalI o1'icers and nursing sisters are parachuted in whcre aircraft are unable ta land. Our Own Blond Crffee - - - .1,. 36c TevA--ies- - 1.h 53 Our 0w n Blond Crisco - - - (h 3F - 5 b.ri, ALLSWEET MARGARINE - %y f % - - - i). 39c, Place your order early for EASTER HAMS to avoid di'salpp,iifiçi. FREE DELIVERY YED'rS MEATS AND GROCERiES klNG SI E B<i~VM.~XN~ IL! L PH~NE 3367 f. i. t.,,x,, ~. - Canada As Il Is To-day In the past 20 years great things terrn from the land of their adop- have been happening in Canada, tion. of which th warld is incet asinglY They are held together by love aware. Within the past ight or of country, common interests, and 10 years the development of Can- loyalfv to the Crown. ada has been particularly signif- At the time of Confederation icant. the Iargest individual British This countryý has prospered racial group was Irish, and the mhil.The second world wvar lrish and Scottish together out- gave us a push along the road to numb.,red the English by almost industrialization, and post-war two ta onc. After 1881 the Eng- demands for the things we SuP- lish prcdominated, and the Scot- pl 'v have kept aur economny at a tish i-no%,el into second place high level. We dxscovered re- after 1911. By the time of the sources of ail and iran are, of 1941 census the nu mer i cal uranium and nickel and ather strength of the principal racial minerais, stocks %vas in the following order: But, wvhat is this Canada of French, English, Scottish, Irish, ours? Is it nierely the biggest German, Ukrainian. Scandinav- cauntrv in the Americas, the third ian. Dutchi, Jewisli, and Polish. ]argest in the world, with an When Canada's first census was arca of 3.700,000 square miles taken in 1666 ta measure the ad- stretching fram the United States vanceinent made by this French ta the North Pole, and extending colony since the faunding of over 48 degrees of latitude and Quebec by Champlain 58 years 84 degrees of longitude? Is it carlier, it \vas found that there merelv a land of rocks which were 3,21,5 inhabitants. The form the lid on a treasure house growth from this figure ta 14,- of nickel, uranium, gold, silver, 009,000 at thie tirne af the census asbestas, radium, iran and scores in 1951 places Canada aniang the of other minierais; of xide prairies lcading couintries of the Comman- that produce the world's fourth wealtlh in rate af population greatest crop of xwheat; of! mcx- grawth. Our population was haustible forests, and o! the estimiated ta be 14,75,000 at the earth's largest area a! fresh end of 19.52. water lakes? Let ilhere he no mistake about Canada is ail these, and more. it: Canada is an attractive coun- Nature bestaxved gifts upon ]1er try. with a lavish hand. but the treas- The people wlho (-orne here do uires lay unused throughout mil- nat corne emipty-handed. They leniums until anly yesterday. Can- brought, in the way of maney ada's price today is that sa great captai, $60) million in 1951. In develapment of nature's bount «v1 addition. thev brought skills, and has been accomplished by a mere, they broîîght themnselves and their 1/169th of the world's popula- dep endent s 10 feed and clothe tion in sa short a time. and bouse. There w'ere 194,000 Sa industriously have Canadas new Canadians adinittcd in 1951. people explored the wilderness, Early Canada probcd the racks, tillcd the plains, The first Canadians were and built dams ta operate their natives found on the Atlantic factary wvhcels, that their country caast by earlY European explor- is among the world's leadcLas ia cr;, and one tribe-the Kanatas supplying the warld's needs. of the St. Lawrence villages-gave Canada is first in production of its name ta the whole country. -nickel, newsprint, asbestos, and platinum. She is the world's (Cantinued next week) second Iargest producer of gold, aluminum, waod pulp, and hydro- electric power. She is third in zinc, silver and uranium; fourth in producing capper and lead, and she is the third trading nation la the world. Canada's scanty population has been achieving mightily through inventive genius and enterprise. These have developed the bene- tits that are ours because of aur strategic geographical position, our abundant and varied natural resaurces, aur wealth of cheap tvater power, aur thousands of mniles of transportation facilities by rail, highway, waterway and air. Our people have kept aur cred- , .t and exchange sound in the ____ mlarkets of the world. Today, Canada is on the thres- )ld of further advancement. It snt what we did yesterday, but but what wc are ready ta do ta- 5 marrow. that makes for great- ness. This country occupies a ENGAGEMENT RING central position between four of 2 side stanes with a blazing the world's great powers, and cetedao. her territories actually adjoin two cnr imn.$ 125.00 of them: the United States of 14 Kt. gold. America and the Soviet Union. Vith the ather two, Great Britain and France, she has strong bonds DIAMOND of tradition and affection. DUET Canada's People Mthn Canada is no land o! the mid- Miatchng night sun, haif British and haîf ,Daod Ametican, populated chie!ly by andians, Eskimos, the Maunted $50 Police, and trappers on snow- hacs. It is a land o! apportunity fr individuals and orgaizatians who have a forward look and are ot afraid ta work. Canadïa has rached its present eminence -ader the stimulus o! the north- rn clim-ate, the initiative foster- H d by life in a new, vast and rug- H O E I iel-reliance brcd o! great open paces and freedam of enterprise, E L ER AN -navement, speech, religion and JWE L R AN )oIitics. Canadians do notform a corn- GIFT SHOP Phone 747 2S8King St. W. Bowmanville EASTV-RSCAL Our Store Will Siay Open Uni il 9 p.m. THURSDAY, APR!L 2nd for the convenience of our custoincî who ish 1 - THE CANADIAN STAIT.SMAN. ROWMAK1M.T.rý nl4:IrAnTr-t 3367 » lýl,. 53c