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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1953, p. 5

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* IAccomplished One of the highlightE annual meeting af theb Hospital held last week report of the Women's Auxiliary which orgi does such splendid work round for this popular la The report showed reci 1952 o! $3,555, which witt balance from 1951 o! $2,0 Sa total o! $5,582. Expe were $1,642, plus $3,000 'the Board ta appiy on debta, reduced its trea $940. The report which fa. Presented by Mrs. T. W. gives only a slight idea tremendous work accor by the Auxiliary with th ance of many other grot make articles and cont]. The tleport foiiows: During the year 1952 'gular meetings and one meeting were held. Ther ship was 51 and the ave tendance about 22. Each manth requests f supu"ntendent were ma looked after. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mornili their home for three vE cessful evenings of brid maney thus raised was buy material ta be made the Bazaar. The Birthda, in March was held and e feit it was a huge successi way. At Christmas thE staff were remembere( The Auxiliary is very ta the many groups anc duals bath in town andt raunding district who co ed ta the Bazaar and assi Imuch in sewing, alsa foi d hy This Eusy Group ts at the tions of money. i Memorial The following articles were cwas the bought for the hospital this year: Hospital 6 dozen dish cloths, 2 dozen anization doctor's green caps, 2 dozen doc- the year tor's green gowns, 33 yards green stitution. toweliing, 1 boit green sheeting, eipts for 1 dozen green thread, 2 dozen h a bank large spools white thread, 38 ,027, gave yards flannelette, 48 yards >enditures bleached canton flannel, 12 white voted ta table cioths. 70 yards unbieached thospital catton, 31%4 yards green huck asury ta towelling, 671/2 yards unbieached sheeting, 67 yards unbleached Uows, as sheeting <different width), 178 Cawker, bleached sheeting. ýa of the 3 rails tape, 3 dozen patients' mplished gowns, 56 yards heavy unbieach- he assist- ed cotton, 58 yards light weight )ups wha unbleached cotton, 6 dozen huck ributions. towels 571,4 yards circular pillow0 cotton 32% yards white huckE 1ten re- taweIIing, toaster for nurses' dîn- n especial ing-room, 1 large, 1 smail doublea member- bolier, sait and pepper shakers,a erage at- 2 plastic covers for mix-masterC and stock pot, 41/a doz. tea cups, ' from the 3 dozen oatmeai dishes.S ia nd 11/2dozen jugs, i large utility t ad njug, 1 large tea pot, 2 dozen ash t trays, 12 plate covers, strainers, f I opened 1laluminum iadle, 1 saucepan rery suc- cover, 1 dozen card hoiders for 4 Ige. The tray, 12 dozen glasses, 24 vases, s used ta 1 egg beater, 12 tea pots and 3 s e up for hot water pots for trays, 1 teaC i'y Party kettie, 3 wooden spoons. 2 e.veryone The following articles were i in every made by the Auxiiiary members te enti»re and athers: d with 24 glove envelopes, 4 dozen stackings for O.R. & O.B.S., 60 B grateful skin towels, -green, 65 drawvel 1indivi- sheets, 136 anaesthetic towels, 243 tbe sur- siings, 45 O.R. pillow cases, 36 3 ontribut- head cloths, 24 bed pan covers, 94 isted. sa sheets, 43 O.R. dressing cases, r dona- (made from under pilow covers), ( i ut a s do theg serre you ?1 SGuesa aga Lu! All of these people serve you in usefui l4ays through their jobs. But, like people in al walks ai lufe, tbey nîay also be belping you in certain important un- seen ways. Tjske your postman, for in. stance. He may have helped to build your borne through his ou.'fershlip o! lfe insu rance. It'a possible -- because the rnoney of thousands ofai fe insurance polmyholders in inmested fer tbern in building homes throughout the nation. In the samne way yaur milk. man, la,,4yer or nurse niay have helped build new high,,eays, waterwarks, achoals, pawer plants or ather eusential public works in your comrnunity. And--wbo knows-perhaps your job too was created by these 14le insurance policybolders' dollars, invested ta develop new businesses and industries. Sa anone wba owns life in. surance - inrluding probably you - does more than provide financial security for bis fanuily. He also serve@ hie fellow- citizen@ inal thes. useful ways! THE CANADIAN STATECSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAO! FMV To Coronation B. H. MORTLOCK o! Ottawa, executive editor of Boy Scout Publications and for- mer associate elitor of The Can- adian Statesman, who will be an assistant ta Scoutmaster J. Barry Cale o! Shawinigan Falls, Quebec, who will lead the Canadian Boy Scout contingent ta the Corona- tion. Mr. Mortiock will be quar- termaster. The contingent leaves for England May 18. 45 large squares, 14 flannelette sheets, 4 flannelette sheets, smail, 20 green O.R. sheets, 38 J.R. towels, 26 stnicture sheets, 24 obstetricai sheets, 24 abdom- inal binders. 24 aven mitts, 12 rubber air ring covers, 13 pairs of curtains for nurses' residence. Besides money given at the 3irthday Party the foilowing arti- cles were donated: 17 tea towels, 3 tray covers, 23 baby diapers, 30 baby gowns. Royal Conservatory Sends His Regrets March 1l, 1953 Mr. George W. James, The Canadian Statesman, Bawmanviiie, Ont., Canada Dear Mr. James: This will acknawiedge your let- ter of March 6th, and the capy of Your estimable paper with the article regarding Ray Du dley. His enthusiastjc success in his home town disproves the axiom that a man if nat without hanor save in his awn country. It was my gaod fortune ta be in Lon- don and ta witness his autstand- ing success at Wigmore Hall, be- fore a large and enthusiastic Bitish audience. As ta the 24th o! Apnil, it is with deep regret that I find my- self already committed ta an a!- fair for the Philharmonic Orches- tra in Ottawa, and therefore un- able ta accept yaur invitation ta came ta Bowmanviiie. This I deeply regret, but I feel assured that the recitai wiil be an out- standing success. Again my thanks and with re- newed regrets Sincerely yours, Edward Johnson Iliegal Wounding 0f Deer Being Investigated Conservation Officer Ken Toi- mie o! the Ontario Dept. of Lands and Forests, stationed at Orono, is conducting an investigation in- ta the illegai waunding a! a deer a week ago Sunday. The deen, a buck iess than two years aid, was wounded in five places and was found lying in a field on the farm o! Cynil Mumford on the 5th Concession af Darlington. 1 Mr. Mumford notified Mr. Tol- mie at Orono and he came and put an end ta the deen's suffering. Virtue wisdom, gaodness, and( real wprth. like the loadstone,E neyer lose their power.-Burton.1 IM~URSDAY. MARCE 26. 1953 Women's Hospital Auxiliary Report Shows Tremendous Amouut of Work m que u m - binessjjin Ne-wcastle and apeèr- lad with the Bowmanville Box Factory, bei are going ta wark permanently for Goodyear 1h November, 1919. He started in the heel depart- ment, worked in the beit depart- ment 20 years, and was doing utility work in the belt depart- ment at the time o! his retire- ment. MORRISH Farm Forum was heid at the home o! Mrs. F. Cornish March 16 with 15 present. Many inter- estir4g points were discussed and answers given which should prove in part a guide ta next year's program. After the meeting ad- *iaurned, euchre was enjoyed un- til lunch time which brought toaa close a very instructive and pleas- ant evening. March 18, in the home o! Mrs. Leo Bevan, the W.A. met with Il members present. President Mrs. Wm. Marvin canducted the meeting. The rail was called by assistant secretary Mrs. Wm. Mc- Holm, with a verse o! scripture. Bills for the remodelling of the church kitchen keep ralling in making some rather anxiaus as ta how, when and where the cash ta Pay.. them would came. How- ever ail bills were paid. Ways and means for building up a re- serve fund wiil be discussed la- ter. The kitchen must naw be pâinted sa a cammittee of Mrs. Haines and Mrs. F. Cornish were appointed ta choose and buy paint also when ready ta get in touch with volunteers ta paint. The parcel of -remnants donated by T. Eaton Ca., were passed araund and admired; several pieces were taken home for mak- ing aprons and chiidren's wear for aur annual bazaar. Envelopes for aur Easter W. M.S. Thankoffering were given out. Letter from W.M.A., Ca- bourg Presbyterial, thanking W.A. for donations received in 1952 was read by Mrs. McHolm. Scripture was read by Mrs. Wm. Henderson, and lesson thoughts and prayer by Mrs. M. J. Os- borne. Mrs. I. McConnell kîndly offered her home for April meet- ing, tea committee being Mrs. Harry Beckett and Mrs. Lea Be- van. A paper was given by Mrs. Wm. McHoim "Is aur Modemn Society Pattern Stunting Soul Growth?" The president also gave a paper entitled 'Picture of Troubles That Face the Worid". The social haîf hour and damn- ty lunch was enjayed around the cheerful hearth f ire so, dear ta the hearts o! Engiish people. A vote o! thanks ta Mrs. Bevan for the use of her home, also ta the tea cormittetý, Mrs. Wm. and VIrs. Lloyd Marvin, was proposed by Mrs. Dawson Beebe and car- ried. Y.P.U. met March 20 wîth a fair number present. President Lorrain Young turned the meet- ing aven ta Phyllis Parker, con- venor of Faith and Evangelism. Scripture was read by Rose Ellis and prayer and short story "Ja- c0b's Laddér", telling how Ja- cob found himseif by different definitions was given by Phyllis Parker. Offering was taken up by Lorenzo Bebee. A question- naire "What God Requires 0f Us" was answered by each mem- ber reading a verse from Old and New Testament. After rall caîl there was a hart business session mainly, about putting on a play by Y.P.U. of Pontypool aften Easter. Sev- rai games were enjoyed during the recreational hai! hour. ice ick) ry 1 Lthe ago, s a obs, An Irish Night Featured Meeting. of BowmanvillAe B.& P.. Wamim's ClubI If was Ireland's night at the' regular dinner meeting o! the Bowmanville Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club, held Thursday, March 19, at the Bai- moral Hotel. Being the meeting cI'sest ta St. Patrick's Day, table decorations featured shamrocks and green candles, and a back- ground a! Irish sangs wvas sup- piied by a record player. A sound film on Ireland, kind- ly showvn by Mn. Reg. Harding, was a highiight o! the evening. The film showed scenes in bath Northern Ireiand and the Repub- lic of Eire, now independent o! Great Britain, with emphasis on the increased industrialization o! Eire. Ada Dadsan, who visited Ire- land last year, provided an inter-i esting dispiay of souvenirs frorn « the Emerald Ilie, including aj beautiful white linen table cioth,1 bridge cloth, coins and many other articles. Mn. Harding aiso showed an-1 other attractive film in color of! Riding Mountain National Park1 in Manitoba. Guests a! the even-1 ing included Miss Elizabeth Meth-i yen o! the High Schooi staff; Mrs.E Chas. Knox, awner of Honeyt Hollow, Newcastle; Mrs. Ernest Fairey, owner of Crystal Dairy,1 Bawmanville; and two visitonsr with Mel McNulty, her sister,r Mrs. Gea. Brown, Seven Islands,i Que., Mrs. Bergeron, Southamp-1 tofi, long Island, N. Y.c Major portion o! the eveningz was spent in making final plansc for the Easter tea and display o! articles entered in the Sewingh Contest sponsored by the club,f which will be held at the Lions i Comimunity Centre, Thursday, t March 26, affernoon and even- ing.s With President Violet MeFee-n lers presiding, mninutes of the laste bwe nwttmga we» s"ad i e- i du a* V v ws.uwm l - w cording secretary Margaret Pur- don, and reports of the treasur- er, Pat Berger, showed bank bal- ance in the regular 'accaunt of $40.95, and in the speciai account, $147.91. Correspondence received was summarized by the president and included the resignation of cor- responding secretary Ruth Bur- gess. In reply to a letter from the Women's Hospital Auxiliary, club members voted to support the annual bazaar on June 4. In response ta an appeal from the Rotary Club for their Crippled Children's Fund, a $10 donation was voted. The club year ends next month,. and a siate of officers has been drawn up by a nominating cam- mittee composedi of Reita Hobbs, Eva Whitehead and Mabel Bag- neil. Members will vote by bal- lots sent through the mail. It was announced that over .$2,200 had been collected froni Canadian B. & P. Clubs ta aid flood relief in Britain. Thanks of the International President, Dame Caroline Haslett, England, were received. Dame Caroline will speak over the CBC network on the evening of May 18. A letter of thanks from L. M. Rathbun, secretary of the Bow- manville Public Librarv, was read in connection with the typ- ing of cards done valuntarily by B. & P. members. Elsie Lunney, on behalf of the Library Board, annaunced that due ta the in- creased grant received by the Board, payment of a cent and a haif per card could now be paid ýfor ail those willing ta continue in this work w 'hich, will compiete the cataloguing of the library. An appeal for fuýrther Red Cross sewing to be completed was made by Anna Watson. A cansid- erable amount has already been dSwe l2 c"&b mi.ra iVeteran Goodyear Employee Retires Af ter 33 Yrs. Servi A veteran employee of the cal Goodyear plant, R. (ID IMcGrath retired on Februar after 33 years of service with firm. Born in Bethany 78 years IM r. McGrath started life a farmer and held a variety of ji SPRING SUITS I 1 1 I I I Choose your Suit froni the popular slim line styles in miracle fibre blends - shantungs and ribbolines. Styled by Pickfair and Posluns. $35.00 Softer for Spring are these well- tailored women's and biaif size suits by Pickfair. You can choose Yours from American cords or gabardines. Sizes 16111 to 241/2, 36 to 44. It's Tweed 'n' Plain in smart $35.00 - $39,95 boxy Tweed jackets and skirts of solid color flannels. Jackets bave rounded or squared lines. You'll love 'em at Short jackets - padded -Ti hipline - peneul lune In the lower low priced r skirts-detachable white group, you can select orSrgSuti piqe olar. Tats he your gabardine suit in Two-piece Suit Dresses shadow stripe, American 1953 Outlook for your belted style coat - sim that can be worn as a rib, gabardine, Milatene Easter Suit. Amenican fitting skirt - sizes il suit or dress. In cords or or Sparta nib. Sizes te gabardines - tailored by t. 17 - in powder, gold flannels. To fit Junior fit Misses or Juniors, Pickfair. or pink at only or Misses sizes. 9 to 1.7 - 10 to 20. $29«95 $12.95 BRESLIN'S Dowmanville -Whitby MM from "*.#. The Canadian Bank of Commerce THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA "it is Goed Ctizenahlp t.e wn Life lnsuone. L ýMD Presenting aur most important collection of new design Suits --- You'll f ail in love with these carefully tailored, elegantly styled Spring Suits that will suit to perfection every type of figure. Your heart will f lutter with the superb styles and wonderful selection of fabrics. Open Suits-with-a-Stole--- the fashion newsmaker for this season. Iný gabardines or f lannel worsteds. By Pickfair, Duval and Posluns. $39.95 Io $69,95 -1 m a m

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