PAGE SIX __ 'he Bowmanville Memnorial Aena wili soon close ils doars ta conclude the busiesî season af ils existetice, tbanks ho the artificial ice installcd ast Nov- ember due ta the efforts ai the Bawmanvillc Kinsmen Club, wbuch ensured a long and ex- tremel- successful seasori. The Areina has been buzzing with activity since apening night, 55 King Si. W. papers tied in in front solicited. St. Patrick's Tea An Enjoyable Af fair At Mrs. W. Paterson's An enjoyable St. Patrick's tea was held aI the home ai Mrs. W. L. Paterson, Concession St., on Salumday, March 14, under the auspices ai the Evening goup ai St. A n dr ew's Presbyterian Church. Mms. Paterson and Miss Ger- aldine Gracie received the guests. Pesiding at the tea table weme Miss Floma Galbraith, Mms. L. T. McLaughin and Mrs. A. G. Scott. Tea table decoralians were in the traditionai St. Patrick's green. A bazaam table ai aprons and other articles proved vemy papu- Ian. Assistants for the tea and ba- zaam table were Miss Agnes Car- uthers, Miss Janet Carulhers, Miss Florence Chartran, Mrs. Da- vid Ferguson, Mms. Donald Haz- ell, Mrs. Norman Irvine, Mms. Robert Kerr, Mrs. Ben Kitsan, Mrs. Wilfred Kitson and Mms. A. M. Thompson. sewmanville Telephone 3348 during the winter. Among these TîngsSuccesful were the Bowmanville Skating rig u c sfl Club's anvlth ise flien Over. Bawmanville and Port Hope, the Rotary Club's benefit nighh for Vif iiL I immy Tamlinsan when the Lions us use. the Airena Club played the Ratarians, and the Rotary Skating Carnival fea- turing Suzanne Morrow. Commiltee sponsored free skating; Commrunities in West Durhamn for schaal children an Manday who hired the aena for their1 and Tuesday afternoons from 4 hockey teams included Solina,1 ta 6 o'clack. The Minar Hockey Newcastle, Newtonville, Kendal,1 League played on Wednesday Orona, Maple Grave and Ennis- nights from 6 ta 7.30, from 7.30 killen. ta 8.30 Saturday mornings, and Alinaliwsamotuce- from 12.30 ta 2 an Salurday af- ful and busy season and the ternoons. In addition the Juven- Aena Management Cammittee ile team and Pee Wee and Ban- made up af Chaîrman Bob Watt, tam Ail-Stars also ented the rink Secretary-treasurer CilI 5amis, on variaus occasions. Count. Nelson Osborne, Caun. The largest crawds in the bis Walter DeGeer, Frank Hoaper, tory of the Arena turned Out for Lionel Parker Jr., W. D. Carru- public skating sponsored by the thers and also Recreatian Direc- Arena Management Commilteej tom Don Shay are ta be congratu- on Tuesday and Friday nights latcd an the excellent manner in and an average crowd of aboutiJ which they have performed their 235 persans lurncd out foi' each duties. A financial stalement for ai hes enoyale katng es-the scason will be eeased when sians, with many of the skalers te Arenas activities are con- eaming iram Oshawa, Newcastle, cîuded. and nearby communities. In addition ha the Lakeshore Hockey League gamnes af the Ba- Goodyear Employees rons played here and the home games of the Oshawa Junior "B" iReceive Cash Awards squad, several other leagues used ston the Are ~ The Town Hockey For Suggesin League ed the rink on Thurs- day nighhs and the Goodyear Fîve emnployees of the God- League and General Mohars of- vear Tire and Rubber Company fiee league playcd their games of Canada Ltd. were given eash there. Commercial teams lromi awards during February for Oshawa used the rink frequently worîhwbile suggestions that could and the Orono Orphans are cur- be used ta improve efficiency ah rently using il for their homeI the local plant. games in the O.H.A. Intermedi- CaheWib eevda d aIe B" paydons.ditional $30 for a suggestion made Successful Special Events ast year for which he originahly Special events whieb raised received $20, making a total of thausands af dollars for their $50:; W. Hately eceived $10, A. sponsors were beld frequenthy Murphy, $5, H. Collocult, $5 and ____ __ -B. Fogg, $5. AlIvin__Porter_ bas secured the contract of spraying the cattie in Manvers for warble fli. Walter Neais was appointed inspector. Saturdav' night dance in Orangej Hall was well attended with the proceeds going ho the Ladies' Aux- iliary of Memorial Hospital, Bow- manvihle. Several of our citizens witness- ecd the Mt. Pleasant and Foumth Line (Cavanî playoffs in Peter- borough and saw a eal contest ,with two overtime periods. Fourth Line were viclars, 8-7. 8ad roads dont stop Ibis "fearless four-i some" fromi seeing the sights. Major factor in raising the Gros.% National Produet (total value of goods and services pro- duced in Canada) ta the 1952 re- cord high ai 822,984,000,000 was the year's gain ai nearly 12 per (ent in labotir incarne. »utting this item at $10,855,000,00. BROWN'S Weekend guestdwîth Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson were: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moffat and family, Dundas: Mr. and Mrs. Churchill and Catherine, Beams- ville; Mrs. Wmn. Hunt, Mrs. Mary Bertran and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. V. Brown, Mrs. Prieshly, ahi af To- ronto. Miss Betty Stephenson relurn- ed ta Ott4wa oui Sunday aller spending a week ah her home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hihier re- turned home on Friday aiter spending the winher in Toronto. LESKÀRD Mm. and Mrs. Angus Loucks, Peter and Philip. visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Warburton, Oshawa, an Sunday. We are sorry to ahear that Janet and Eric Duvail bath have the chickenpax. Glaci oho ear that Mr. Ed Bahl is reeavering from hi!f illness. Sunday visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton were, Mr. E. Willels, of Bowmanvîhle H-os- pital, Mm. Cliffard Nowehh, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. Syers and Mr. Raymond Chapman. We are pleased ta hear thal Leroy is gel- ting around again. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rabbins, Mrs. J. Davey, Mr. H. Davey, Mr. S. Bail, Mr. and Mrs. E. Nicholson weme on hand ah Bawmanville Satumday ta support the Orono heam. Miss Joan Campbell and Mm. Jack Mercer were Sunday visit- ors wihh Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Duvall. Mr. Lamne Rabbins is spending a fe\v days in Oshawa wih hbis brother Frank. Sympathy is exhended ta Mrs. 1 A. Rabbins in the death of ber cousin, Mr. W. J. Abbot, ai Lind- say. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rabbins, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mofiat, Mr. L. Rab- bins, and Mrs. Bradshaw, attend- ed hhe funeral Friday. Mr. Colin Brown is also on the sick list. ln spile of the bad roads, Les- kard Box Social had a gaod aI- tendance. We were pheased ta welcome so many friends fromn Orono, Kirby and district. Every- body seemed ta be really enjay- ing themselves. Miss Audrey Mar- tin won the elimination card dance. Miss Larramy Martin won the spot prize wihh Mrs. Elhial af Kirby winning a second prize. Mr. Clarence Martin and Mr. Robert Charter made excellent auctioneers, although there wasi not as many boxes as hast year. During the evening Mr. Hartwellk Lowery, chairman, seated Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allen in the chairs ai honar. Mr. Harry Davey read an address cangratulating them on their marriage lasI year, wishing lhem every happiness. He especially praised the bride's caaking. At Ibis point, Mrs. Leroy Hamilton stepped lorward and presented hhem with a set ai stainless steel coaking ware. A speech ai thanks was given by bohb Doug and Florence. We wauld hîke ta give thanks la the musicians, Dr. and Mrs. McKen- zie, Mrs. H. Lowemy, Mrs. J. Low- ery, Mr. C. Cooper, Mr. C. Tay- lor, and Mr. Harold Allen. The callers, Mm. A. Tennant and Mr. "Mac" Rawsbury. The commit- tee, Mrs. A. Loucks, Mrs. J. Da- vey, Mrs. J. Cameron.To ane and ahl thank yau. Mrs. McCausland has retumned fromn Toronto where she spenî the winter months. Welcome home. The litIle girl was drawing., 'What are you dawing" asked ber moîher. "God". replied the child. 'But you can't draw God" pratested the mother, '"beeause you bave neyer seen Him and no one knows wbaî He is like". The cbîld licked ber pencil, -They'lI know" sbe said, "when I've fln- ished ibis.' PONTYPOOL We aie pleased ta see Mm.' John Mucha ab]e ta get around again. Mr. Mucha suifered a heart aI- tack hast fall and spent some lime in hospital. Ed Youngmran 's Column The Statesman's Grass Roots Cohimit J The seventeenth of ould Ire- therefore devoid of fe£lings. land bas corne and gone. Hence- A nice feature of St. Patrick's forth, your scribe will probablY Day was receiving a letter from be regarded as a heretic, because Mrs. Blanche Corden, Room 428, I applied orange shellac to a Private Patients Pavillion, To- table belonging to a Catholic la- ronto General Hospital, in which dies' organization in Peterboro, she told of showing one of aur on the very day when green iS1 recent columns to ber nurse, who the favorite color. 5h11l, that's no1 asked permission to send it ta worse than the Limey who mis- her twin sister (also a nurse) in tqok a bowl of shamrock for wa- England. This old column really ter cress, and ate the bally stuff. gets around, doesnt it? Mrs. Cor- Guess most of you have heard den probably finds a sharp con- the expressiah "here's mtUd in trast between the bustling activi- yaur eye." It was on the l7th ty o! a self-serve shap and the that Clarence Woodley, Tyrane, quiet of a hospital ward in a bent down ta move a piece of strange city, where she doesn't lumber just as aur old jeep tare know anybody. up the turf; Clarence not only Wauldn't it be fiee if the read- goI mud in his eye, but down the ers of this column sent Blanche neck of his shirt, a card, or a few writîen words of On the same day a note arrived encouragement. What difference from Pat Green, Leskard, whieh daes il make whether you know we appreciahe. Now, Pat and her or flot? She will appreciahe Green are synonymous with St. your kindly thoughtfulness ahl Patriek's Day alright. but if Mrs. the mare if you and she are un- Green started speaking her Cdek- acquaint ed. It would help. ber ney accent would spail the Irish pass the dragging haurs trying ta illusion.1 visualize what type of person It was on the l7th that a chap sent the message. And, don'l for- paid me quite a nice large sumn gel. she belangs to Durham af the "long green," which is a Caunty. color that blends beauhifully with A birthday card from aur falks any day. Every spring, a large! if Calgary contained a novel bit pond collects on the raadway be- af verse: tween here ançi the highway, fore- I got the clerk's attention ing us ha go thraugh the fields. On And tld ber, I've been thinkin', the l7hh I decided ha see haw I'd like a card for sameone deep the pond was. In the mid- Wha's a better man than Lin- die, the ignition wires became coln! weh, the engine stopped. There Whos way ahead of Washington, was only one thing ta do, gel out St. George and Lafayette, and walk, which yaurs ruly did, Who's every single thing that's without pleasure. The îey water nice, came up ta here, which annoyed And perfect, too, you bel! me, causing me ta tell the jeep Sez she 'There amin no man about ils canine anceslry; for- like that, getîng that il was my awn stu- But gee, it's sure too bad!' pidity that had gotten me mb ' Oh yeah?" I sez-WelIl. ell me, the mess. That 150-foat journey Did you ever meel my Dad?' ta dry land seemed more like hen According ta March 17 Globe miles. When I arrived home and Mail, a brilliant, final year, Buhch hooked at me accusingly, student, of Victoria Cohlege will 1 and asked, "Are yaur feet wet?" refuse 10 write his graduation1 Where is the jeep?" exam, because he believes that In a manner usually reserved a university degree is flot worth for such occasions, I told her the paper il is written an. He that, more than my feet was claims there are just three factors damp; the jeep needed a wash, at Toronto University which ren- and besides, I just iaved ha stroîl ders it useless -the administra- along muddy roads an a cool, lion, the teachers, and the stu- brighh day, with my teeth chat- dents, because the administration hering. Her glance suggested she talks in terms of dollars, the thoughh I had stayed avernight teachers talk in terms of marks, at the corner pub. the students talk in terms of sex. Takîng the tractor, 1 hauled the He goes on ta say that, the Spring jeep home; hhree limes an the exam draws these three graups journey I ried ha start the balky together, and proves that the pro- thing, but no dice. Afler parking cess af learning cansisîs of a bad il in the shed, I ried once mare,, speaker divulging a lot of dul it immediahely burst mbt lif,e facIs ta a group of sodden stu- purring like a kitten, which an- dents who will, upon cue, regur- gered me so much I aimed a kick gitate them ta an examiner who ai il, and damn near broke the big knaws them already toe on my right foot. Had fargat- Mr. Stewart daesn't agree with ten I was wearing rubbers instead the myth that university students af hard tbcd boots. Also forgal are the crearp ai the crop of sa- that jeeps are inanimate abjects, ciety, and he feels that, later in Dodd'a PIS 590 ARE YOU BUILDING TRIS SPRING? We are organized to build qu-ality anti service into your projecte We would be pleased Io show you building designs and accurately estimaie your requirements. You will find in our stock the top quality and best known trade names in the industry. Our experience provides us wilh the know-how Io efficiently service you. NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SNqALL THE SHEPPARD AND GILL LUMBER Co. i]LIMI1T ED 96 RING ST. EAST Nyal Kldney Pille 35e - 600 Clearasil Breck Shampoo Clears Pimples For 3 types of Hair. $Z.40 valut 69C For $1.95 Pertussin ýBurdock for coughs NIXON'S Blood Bitters 59cS1OOSCOUREXS.2 Pinex WILL "SAVE" IVarnpole'. Concentrate YOUR CALVES! Extract 75e ~Scourex Worka Fast! IZ 75e Remioves infection from the$l2 intestinal tract overnigbt. Pinex The "combined suifas" in Seott's Syrup Scourex work fast. Emulsion Promotes appetite for soc - 850 rapid recavery. 73e - $1.33 Save Every Cal! This ______ -B u ckeys Season - Get Waterbury's Mixture Nixon's Scourex. Comp. 50C - 85C $1.25 Execuiabs #New Toni For Stomach Trouble Super, Regular, Gentie $1.00 $3.50 $1.75 Pablui $ Lactogen Dextri Hein% Cereals Baby Food Maltose Soups 23o - 42e 696e- $1.69 85o - $3.65 2 for 19e COWIJING' S DRUG - STORE WEV Oshawa Bcûl Club Engages Former Yankee's Catcher The Oshawa Basebali Club whicb j, entered for the first time this year in the fast Inter-Coun- life, when the students realize what an insignificent part uni- v'ersity plays in society, they find that the creami of the crop is a little sour. He further dlaims that any lunatic with an I.Q. of 90 could pass unhversity exams. Well folks, judging from some of the college crack pots I've bumped into, I'd say Walter Stewart is one hundred per cent right. I, for one, admire bis cour- age in speaking out. And, wish him success in bis chosen profes- sion of free lance writing. Won- der if he's Irish? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cysiex Tableta $1.00 - $2.00 JANO TOP QUIAUTV BUILDIIPG MIIE E - h AUNDRtY TWIS Thyve justarie and we 're anxious to have you meet them . .. the wondýerful new Westinghouse Laundry Twins that brin g you a new Wl! of livig ... wbere work-filled washdays are things of the p-st. Corne ini now for a demonstration aC"OIlISDRYIR )ms drop cothes in the Dryr ... set the. 3-Way Dry Dial -. . and the. rest is auto- snatic. Clothes ame dried the wa'yo" want ...- fresh, swee-smilang ... wica waroe, deen. 6hlered air blowing drectly mac dheunm ,bey tumble in th amoodi- "nsbed basket. Singing Signal chimes «How ky 1Am" as Dr r 'os of wo- $299.50 LmfcaniJ S.Dain Elliaott I BGWNA NVILLE TELEPHONE 715 -ror Gin PUIlS Soc - soc m l 1 THMSDAT, MARCK 28, 1058 TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIIM. ONTARIO ty League with such teams as London, St. Thomas, Kitchener and Guelph, have taken -a bit step toward building a top tearu by slgning Mike Garbark, former catcher for the New York Yan.. kees. as playing manager. He caught for the Yanks in 1944 and 45 and is a six-foot, 210-pounder, Oshawa Basebahi Club Presi- dent John Harris left last week- end for Augusta, Georgia, where he will pick up Garbark, and the two will journey ta the Florida training camps in quest of ma- hennia for the Oshawa team. Americans Wayne Grandcolas and Tommy St. John, both with rOshawa last year. will return for action. Home-brews expected ta make the team are Tommny O'Connor, George Brabin, Ted Bannes and Paul Michael. Lave all, trust a few, do wrong to none.-Shakespeare.