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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1953, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1953 TTiF~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE.. ONTARTO PA~~ ~VRT'* Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon bave returned irom a month's trip ta Mexico. Mr. Chas. Haddy, Toronto, spent Thursday with his aunt, Mrs. Harry Foster. *Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, visited ber sister, Mrs. N. S. B. James on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rehder at- tended the Sportsmen's Show in Toronto on Friday. Mrs. H. T. Humby, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roenigk. Mrs. Ken Morris (nee Milda Moore), Montreal, is visiting ber mother, Mrs. Leander. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Edger, Pet- erborough, visited bis parents, Mr. andi Mrs. W. A. Edger. Mrs. (Dr.) W. J. Hobson, Cala- bogie, spent a few days with Mr. andi Mrs. L. B. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Farrell and iamily, Exeter, visited Mrs. Agnes Lewis and farnily. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. James, Doug and Norm, spent Sunday at their cottage at Gooderharn. Mrs. Mary McLaurin and Mr. John Roy MeLaurin, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. Dr. and Mrs. P. E. Ireland, To- ronto, spent tbe weekend at thein cotatge, East Beacb, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Westman, Toronto, were weekend visitors with ber mother, Mrs. M. H. Min- are. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Palmer, Misses Karlie and Darla Marie, attendeci the Spotsmen's Show in Tcronto. Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Quigley and Mavis, Niagara Falls, attend- ed the funeral on Sunday of Mr. E. Doidge. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. James wcre Saturday gucsts af bis sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hofiman at Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Larmer an Wally, and Mr. Don Bishop spent Saturday at tbe Sportsman's Show in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Doran and two childncn, Deidra and Lee Anne, Belleville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Art Marjerrison. Miss Gladys Jamiason bas re- turneci ta Windsor aiter spending a rnonths vacation with her mother, Mrs. Jamieson. Mrs. Emma Cahoon, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Arrnstrong and family, Bloomfield, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ives. Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Harnlin and farnily, Toronto, spent the waek- end with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter, Sr. Mrs. Leo McCarthy and baby, Francis, North Bay, are visiting their aunt, Miss Mac Bottrell and her father, Mr. Gilbert Joncs. Mr. and Mrs. C. Jobns and Mr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Broorne and boys, Hampton, visiteci Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Snowden, Toronto, on Sunday. Mrs. H. B. Kenner and Mrs. W. H. K. Crehan, Stratiord, and Mrs. Aubrcy Collins, Toronto, PALM SUNDAY 8 a.m. - Holy Communoin Il a.m. - Matins Sermon: "~The Choice Befare Us" 7 p.m. - Evensong and Recit- ai of Lenten and Passion. Mus. W~ the Choir. Palm Crosses at Ail Services. Good Friday April 3rd THE THREE HOURS DEVOTIONS 12 noon ta 3 p.m. Conductor: Ii/Squdn. Ldr. the Rev. WV. J. Province visited Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Roenîgk. Miss Jean Cunningham, Miss Helen Nelles, Miss Madlyn Wil- cox, Bowmanville, and Miss Gala Rogers, Lindsay. flew to Buffalo for the *eekend. Mrs. T. A. Morgan flew ta Cal- gary, Alta., Saturday to be with bier father, Mr. Edwin J. Reid af Cremona, Alta., who is iii in a hospital at Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver, Dashwood, attended the Minstrel Show Friday evening and spent [the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb E. Cox, Misses Joyce and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cox were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Cox and baby Janice, Toronto. Past President Walter DeGeer of Bowmanville Rotary Club was guest speaker at Oshawa RotaryJ Club at their meeting on Mon- day. His subject was "Vocational Service". Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McCoy, Wellington Street, flew to Edmon- ton, Alta., Saturday evening, to attend the funeral of her brother who died very suddenly from a heart attack. The palîbearers at the funeral of Mrs. Edward P. Power, whose obituary appears on Page 4 of this issue were, Ezzie Knight, Lewis Power, Earl Houck, Ivison1 Munday, Ross Stevens and Cecil' Jeffrey. Six boys and two girls were born at Memorial Hôspital, Bow- manville, last week. Admissions recorded were 32, discharges 39, and there were six major and s even minor operations perform- cd. Ken Hoaper and Dick Downey 3came home from fishing at Port Dovar, Lake Erie, Sunday evening. Thein catch includad a large pail of smclts and a huge 15-lb. catfish, one of the largest aven caught so close ta shore in that area. Mr. Ralph Barnett, Bank ai Montreal, Toronto, visitaci Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Cowie and attendad the Lions Mînstrel Show. Mr. Baratt was ionmerly with the Bank of Montreal hare and was an active membar of the Lions Club. Mrs. W. H. Chisholrn, Mr. How- ard Mathewson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bcardmorc and David, Toron- ta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vince Mathewson and attend- cd the baptismal of Scott Mathew- son at Trinity Church in tha morning. The Durham Brass Quartette, compasaci of Carlos Tamblyn ai Orono; Earle and Gerald Brown, and Jack Allin of Newcastle, de- lighted the assernbly of farmers who attendaci the Central Ontario Spring Show, cspecially with thcir smaothnass ai tone.-Peterboro Examiner. Miss Florence Acheson and Mrs. W. L. Rowe, Toronto,. were. S.un- -day'guests witb Mrs. -H. Hum- phries andi Mrs. W. H. Densem. Rcv. and Mrs. Cameron Quig- ley and Mavis, Niagara Fafls, at- .Holy Week March 30 - April 2nd Christian Growih Services Holy Communion as follows: Monday at 7:15 a.m. Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Thursday at 8 a.m. Boys' and Girls' Service, Wednesday, 4 p.m. Evening Services at 7:30 p.m. Mon.-"The Way of the Scrip- tures" Tues.-"The Way aif rayer" Wed.-"The Way af Fellow- ship", Thurs.-"Losing ta Win" PLEASE CLIP THIS NOTICE OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE 1 RINVITY 'UNIT ED CHURCH3 Minaster: Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A. Easter Communion and Eeception of New Nembers. "The Aufhoriîy of Sacrifice" 7:130 P.M. - "THE KING'S MAN" CoJou r Sound Filmi. Mr. D. C. Peters, r,.T.C... Director of Muftsi( Phyllis Challis Barrett, C. A.T.C.M., Organist. socIAL AIDPERSONAL PHONE 3303 HAMPTON Mn. and Mrs. Alan Parker, Tc ranto, visiteci ban mother, Mrs. lv Goodman and sisten, Louise. Cor gratulatians ta Mrs. Goodman wh celebrateci ber binthday, Sunda3 Mrs. Louise Hewson spant th weekend with han sister, Mr! Isaac Bulmer, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. R. Fernaiidez, Tc ronto, spant the waekend wit Mrs. S. G. Niddary and Mary. Mn. A. L. Pascoe, Solina; Mn,ý R. J. McKessock, Mn. and Mrs. Ev crett Elliott, Mary and Barbara Oshawa, with Mns. Joe Chapr Mrs. K. Caverly with ber sist an, Mrs. Albert Cola, Bowman villa. Mn. and Mrs. Lawson Park and daughtar Wendy, Oshawa with Mn. andi Mrs. Lewis Crydan man. Mn. and Mrs. Cephas Mountjoy Islington; Mn. and Mns. Anthui Pearce, Oakvillc; Mn. D. Black an( Mn. Walken, Haydon, visiteci a Tharon Mountjoy's. Mrs. C. Daw, Ajax, visitec friends here and attended the W I. concert. A numbar ara suifering iroor savane colds and flu. Sorry ta report Mn. J. W. Bal. son and Mns. K. Wintanburn arE patients in Mamonial Hospital. WE trust tbcy may bath soon be im. proveci. Thankofiering service an Sun- day afternaan was conductad by Rev. A. F. Cowan, Centre United Church, Oshawa, wbose timely inspiring and halpful message waE much appradiatad. Our chair, un- den the direction ai Mrs. J. Smalas with Norah Horn at the organ nendered two splendid selections, "Natura's Anthem aiof raise" by Sullivan, and "Let Thare Be Ligbt" by Carnie B. Adams wbich were pleasing contributions ta the services. A ganerous Thankoifer- ing was receivad. Mn. andi Mrs. Mcrwin Mountjoy visited Mn. and Mrs. Russaell MoIuntjoy, Blackstock. Miss Joan Evans, Columbus, at K. Caverly's. Mn. and Mrs. Keitb Billett and children visited Mn. and Mrs. An- son Balson at Richmond Hill. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Pooler and aons, Oshawa, with han parents, MIr. and Mns. S. Karsay. Mrs. W. Horn spent a couple ai days with Mrs. Cathanine Jacob, Port Hope. Mn. and Mrs. M. Mountjay vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms, En- niskillcn. The concert given March l7th unden auspices ai Wamen's Insti- tuta was largely attended and the ssistance af autsida friands was riuch appreciated. Arnong theni was Grant Brooks, Providence, ;ho delighted the audience with 3everal Irish selections; Gary Cale )f Bawrnanville, whose hunaorous readings added variety and pleas- nre ta the programme and special ,ention ai lîttle Billie Wade ai aurtice wbo deligbtad the aud-j ence with several enjoyable par- ormances on the tnaps, witb ai- cient and plaasing accompani- sent bx' bis mother. Home talent )rovided the nest ai the pnagnam mnsisting ai vocal solos by Mrs. tShackleton, Mns. Arnold Dam- it, an Irish drill by several girls, elections by aur Male Quartette, !essrs. Harold Balson, Lewis 1ruil. Harold Wilkins and Gar- d Balson: a piano duat by Mary iiddery and Mrs. Keitb 'Billet ad a short hurnorous plav Counting Calories" by saveral idies af the North Gnoup, the resentation baing good. Mrs. F. lnay. W.I. President, welcorned e audience and aitar a few an- ouncaments called on "Pat and fike" ta, conduct the programme 7ich WaS interseparsed with ish jokes. The decorations were kecping with the l7th ai March. hase takang part were entertain- Sta lunch aiterwands. Procecds 50.00. s c I ni r t u fi Cc Re ar la Tr ýn i lad pre Ho tie 1rcý President Dwight Eisenhower:1 Recagnizing econamic bcalth as] -indispensable basis ai milita-v rength and the frec worl d's j ýace, we shall strive ta fost eri er hrand ta practice oui- ýes. policies. that encourage -ductjwity and profitable trade.' GEORGE HART 0-îng industrial status. Ha started win the retail dairy business in a n- srnall way and duri".g the ycars h is business bas grawn ta be the largest dairy in this section of eOntario under the name of the bis vcry active lufe tbere bis business reflected bis integrity 0-growing by leaps and bounds th with the community ha called borne and standing as a symbol s. ai tbe iree enterprise system - wbich ha cberishcd sa highly. a, For rnany years ha gave gener- n. ously and wholeheartedly of bis - talents ta the upbuilding of Osh- '- awa. His services were aiten sought anci gladly given ta the cs best ai bis ability for any maya- ament which was for the better- r-ment ai bis iellowmen andi the comrnunity in which ha lived. Ho ywas an active member ai St. ir George's Anglican Cburch, Ro- i.1 tary Club, Chamber ai Com- it merce, Agricultural Societyan was a 33rd degree Mason in d whîch fraternai society he was 7.honoured wxith many bigh offices. Predeccased by bis wifc, the n former Margaret Pierdon, sevaral ycars ago, ha is surviveci by two daughters, Mrs. M. B. Reeci ý(Ethel) af Oshawa, and Mrs. eHaroldi Dewar (Margaret) ai Sarnia, and two sons, Maurice G. and William D., wba were as- sociated with him in the opera- Ytion of the firm of which ha was dthe founder and president. 1Also surviving are a sister, 'sKathleen andi a brother, -Owen, *bath in England; 16 grandchild- 'ren and five great-grandchildren. n Mr. Hart was predeceased by 3two sons, Ernest andi Harold and Yby ana grandson, Pilot Officer eThomas Hart, wbo was killed hoverseas while serving with the eRCAF during World War Il. The funeral, which xvas largely attendad, was held in St. George's Anglican Church on Wednesday aiternoan, service being conduct- ed by Rcv. Canon David M. Rase. tA Masonic service was bald Tuas- day evening at Luka - McIntosh 1Funeral Home. Entombment was -in Oshawa Union Cemetery 1Mausoleurn. Minstrel Show (Continued frorn Page One) Minstrel Show ta a rnost success- ful conclusion, the Lions chorus and endi men carne on stage ta sing a rousing finale. Led by Lew Dewell playing saxophone, the orchestra which, provided excellent mnusic before the show. at intermission andi ac- companying numbers, xvas corn- posed oi Don Shay, piano; R. L. Evans, trumpet; H. Brooking, clarinet: D. Ross, drusms; Bob Martyn, trumpet. Commitice an charge ai this yean's show were: Lions E. L. Oliver, G. L. Martyn, J. Cooper, L. Goddard, W. Carruthers, R. E. Osborne andi O. K. Osborne. Responsible behind the scenes were: Lions Glen Martyn, stage; Norm O'Rourke, properties and make-up: TTaward Jeifery, busi- ness mani Aub. Smisth, hall; Goddard, 'cian. Ross Steven-_ refreshments; Herb TJie Sialesman Sold Ai Following Stores Tnull's Store, Courtice. Strong's Store. Port Hove. Reg. Edmund's Store, Bcthany. Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle, T. Enwvright's, Newcastle. S. Brown, Newtonville. C. Pethick, Enniskillen. T. M. Slernon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byarn, Tyrone. G. A. Barnon, Hampton. Newton Taylon's, Bunketon. H. T. Saywell, Blackstock. Keith Bradley, PÔntypooL C. B. Tyrreil, Orono. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry. Hiowse Con fectionery .Jurv & Love]] Elgie Hlarndeni's Hlandv Store and The Statesman Cilice. tenedth fnealofEcdvard J.IEr~nest George Hart Quglyasite ev . Trnerj Dies Suddenly in the funeral service. Mr. eo.A. McMurtry, 92 In the Motor City Gladstone Ave., St. Thomas, who probably holds the record for be- In the sudden passing of Erneý ing a subscriber ta The States- George Hart on March 23rd Os man longer than any other per- awa lost one of its most promir son, writes: Enclosed please iind ent and public spiritcd citizer cheque for The Statesman for an- wbo was in his 8Oth year. Mv other year. I have been taking the Hart was returning to hîs bonr home town paper for 60 years from the Osbawa Dairy Limite and anxiously wait for its arrival plant whcn he met with a minc weekly. motor accident. He suffered Two Orono men and a New- heart attack from which he fai castle man were involved in a ed to rally. three car crash twa miles north of Mr. Hart as a young man caca Ncwaste o Hghwy N ~ to Canada from England bcfoi shortly after 5 p.m. Tuesday. the turn of the century and local There was considerable damage t ed in the Bowmanville commur the automobiles but no-one was ity wbcrc he took up farmir injured in the crash. Drivers afi n the Sbaw's School Sectior the cars involved were Gordon For a time he was employed wit H. Dugray, Newcastle and Rosel the old Durham Rubber C( R. Knapp and Oliver J. Knapp wbich firm wvas later taken ove both of R. R. 2, Orono. by the Goodyear Co. Throug Spighis characteristic thrift and i Mr. W. Peate, Clifton Srns dustry he purcbased a farm oi N.Y., who has just returned irom the outskirts of the town whicl spending the winter in Floridah oeatdfran br was in town Wednesday callhng1 yeaors. dfo ume on old friends. It is over 40A years since Billy left bis native About 42 years ago Mr. Har tow an hefids her ar rymovcd to Oshawa where he ha tow an h fids hee ae vryseen that community grow fron few people he knows as he Walks along the main street. Old citi- a small town to its present tbriv zens will remember his father, Richard Peate, who was a wcll known tailor before the turn of the century. Mrs. C. A. Wight, accompanied '......... by Mrs. H. Couch, will attend a conference of the Nursery Edu- . '... cation Association ai Ontario in Toronto on Friday and Satudy The program includes visits ta private nursery schools as well as those in connection with re- gular day schools. Speakers in- clude Miss Joyce Cornish-Bow- den, formcrly director of Nursery School Association of Great Brit- ain and Northern Ireland; Miss Viola Gilfillan, formcrly of Or- ono, psychiatrie social worker, di- rector of Victoria Day Nursery, Toronto; andi Dr. C. D. Gaitskcll, director of art, Ontario Dept. of Education. ps 8and 35 iHighway 28 running roughly par- allel to the Canadian Pacific Rail- way lie, joining Highway 7A at Lansdowvne St. West. At the same Urne the southern portion of the link, Highway 35 from Orono to Newcastle, wilI be improved.' This work will in- clude re-alignment of 30 per cent of that stretch, mostly cutting out curves. The remainder will re- ceive general improvements. Contracts haven't been called for that work but estimates for the work were included this week when Pemier Leslie Frost an- nounced costs of road construction in Ontario for this year. Meanwhile the McFarland Con- struction Company of Picton bas nearly finished clearing the rigbt- of -way of the forth part of the 21-mile link between Highway 351 and 28. No work bas been done yet on the second contract which Cuttofi Highway May Exlend From Newcastle Io Peterborough Grading will be done as soon McGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Dnig Store includes the centre six miles ai the strctch. McFarland's bave concentrated on the north contract which be- gins just north of Highway 7A (ta Cavan) and runs diagonally througb bush andi marsh toaa point just south af Cavan on the Cavan-Millbrook road. Early in January the company sent men into the bush to clear the right-oi-way. Only a small stretch, near the Cavan CPR sta- tion, has yet to be cleared. Some gradîng ivas done near Highway 28 but was discontinued when con- ditions became muddy. While clearing of bush is being donc, carpenters are busy build- ing culverts. This work is progressing rapidly and twa cul- verts within sight ai Highway 28 bave been completed. Mcanwhilc at the south end ai the ncw higbway the Malvern Construction Company ai Tor- onto bas cleared right-oi-ways, starting at the bottom of Enter- prise Hill, Highway 35, five miles north ai Orono. The clearing op- erations bave been completed and like McFarland's, the Malvern Comnpany bas started building culverts. s To Link Highway Ir. Tbe Newcastle - Peterborough me bighway, now under construction fe between Hghways 28 and 35, ay a Peterborough. The extension is 'ione ai three plans bcing consid- ered by the Departrnent af High- ne ways to improve highway con- ce ditions between the new link and it Peterborough. A second plan af in the Department follows the gen- ng eral route taken by Highway 28 ). from south ai Kendry Station to th Peterborough. A highways of- '. ficial said the huis and curves er along that approximately nine- gh mile stretch would be improved. n- The third plan was not clearly de- on fined. eh The extension of the Newcastle- of Peterborough cutoif would mean -a n entirely new bigbway through xto the city. If it followed the [s pattern of the cutoff highwav. the ýnnew link would be straight irom ladependent COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Druggists' Alliance % Mw SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY r.< -~ Easter..dra ma for your leading lady. Act IV by Falbergjî flattering, fasbion-wise fragrance excitingly staged in white and gold for gifting Parfum 6.50 10. 18. to 60. in purse-perfect Fabergette 3. Cologne 1.75 3. 5. to 12.50 'heu -- tc poins, swollen, achinqgoints, deronged hnes ' Reg. Siue 890 Balanced L Fitness 0 PLESAN N. 1-1 Alex. We Deliver Easter Chocolales Moir's Pot O' Gold $1.50 - $3.00 Neilson's ---------31.15, $2,25 Cadbury's Milk Tray 75e - $1.50 Rowntree's Black Magie 80C - $1.50 - $3.00 McCormick's ---- 75c, $1.10 FOR EASTER IAW7 EASTER. 1. D. A. BRAND SPECIALS Baby Cream Skitnaf3 oz., reg. 50c 3 9c C ough Syrup 4Coz. bottnrg. o Cod Lver 01 ¶6B. P. Standard, 6 Cod Lier Oil 16 oz.bottie, reg. 89c69 C orn Remover Safely rernoves entire corn 29c dol-Aar ¶6Minerai Oul and Agar9 9, 12 Idol-Agar 16& 40 oz., reg. 79c, $.95c 12 Laxative Vegefable 36's e.45c 3 9c Seidliz Powders R etsin2box 23c Beautiful Hair is a Priceless Asset TONI CREME RINSE NESTLE COLORINSE or COLORTINT each 39c MARLE NE 'S Hair Waving SHAMPOO Hudnut Home Permanent - - - - $1.75 Hudnui Lighf & Brightl ---$1.75 Hudnut Egg Creme Suave Hair Shampoo -75c, S1.25, $2.00 Cosmetic .60c. $1.00 Freli Shampoo---- 39c, 65e, 99c Vitalis --- ----39c, 69c, $1.29 Ifutinut Cremne Vaseline Ilair Rinse -- 75c, $1.25, $2.00 Tonice3e 65c, 95e I.DA. Cocoanut Oul Halo Shampoo 3Mû, 65c, 98e Shampoo - ------------ 33c, 49c Nil-0-NaI Lanolin Hair Wildroot Creamn Treatment . ----- $1.7 9 011 -- 3c- 73c, 1.23 Breck Shampoo 85c, 1.35, $.95 Talcum Powder '"Jeanette" 22c, 2 Fo,, 43c Mercolized Wax For miskîf 89 C Special! WOODBURY Cocoanut Qil SHCaste e SAMPOO 133f% »Z. $1.20 sýize 59Cý PROM and BOBBI Home Permanents $1.75 Hollywood WAVE SET DeVibis PerumeYARDLEY 0F LONDON -4.'. ~ " Dellbis PefumeEnglish Lavender-. Alomizers $1.25, $1.75, $2.50, 83.50 Frazen Colognes 15 Bath Dustlng Powders- A wide choice ai new designs Lavernier, April Violets and calours ta pîcasa the most or Fragrance- $20 discririnating taste. Budget Bn tetTle pnîed tO!Water ..-,- -82.00, 83.50 lb. $1.75 - 2-lb. $3.50 Lotus, Fragrance or April ~1.2 b $.50Violets Colognes $1.75, $3.00 $ 1 .2 5 I o $ .5 0 " r i o " S e t --- - - - - - - 3 . 2 5 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Drugs Phone 792 as the water permits. A highway department aficial said the new bighway will not be completed until fall wen it will still be only gravel. It will prob- ably be paved next year. The remaining portion ai the new Peterborough-Newcastle linl, irom Enterprise Hill ta Orono was rebuilt in 1949 and quite likely will fot be touched. The five- mile stretch is asphaît road, stand- ard size, 22 feet ai pavement witlx 10-foot shoulders. Since its inception In 1947 the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service has collectd more than one million bottles ai blood fram Canadian donors. In one six months' prid i 1952 Red Cross volunteers work- ing with funcs and materials pro- vided by Canadian contributors 21 I /1 I TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamhp Consuit JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 '4 j St. John's Church (ANGLICAN) DRUG STORES m@vqwmwmý -TRURSDAY, MARCI-1 26, 19.53 THF. CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, -ONTARIO PAGE SEVM 1 raiN ILLS

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