PAGE ~!GHT 'r~w (~ A M A T~T A M a~r A Y'VoeM A M ue~imi A M~77? t w %~.7~' A *fl~V 13 *O~ aIJ.fln.., Lflt V* LVLCL4. V flJJJJL, tJAN t flflA.~.J TIIUIIbLJAZ, ivJ..azwai ~O, 1500 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis and family, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Myles, Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sissons on the birth of their son, Martin Bruce, on Sun- day, March 15th, at Prîvate Pa- tients' Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital. Mrs. James Major and Mns. Alldred vîsited last week with Mrs. K. Henon, Agincount. Miss Carolyn Jones bas accept- ed a position in Bank of Com- merce, Orono. Mrs. Howard Myles bas neturn- ed home from Bowmanville Hos- pital following an operation. Mrs. Editb Sberwin and Mrs. Chas. Harris have necently sold their fanms. Mr. George Mitchell, Toronto, Mrs. Roy Mitchell and Shane, Agincourt, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Butters, Sunday. Mrs. James E. Richards was in St. Catharines on Saturday to attend the funeral of late Mrs. Frank Hoare. Glad ta hear Mrs. W. P. Bur- nett is impnoving, Mrs. W. Wil- bur, Hampton, has retunned home after staying with ber sister for sevenal weeks. Mn. and Mrs. Dave Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. Jakeman attended the funeral of the late Mr. E. Cash Prizes Doidge, Bowmanville, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, C and Sandra, Lakefield, Mrs. Mi Phasey and Dianne Phasey, C awa. spent Sunday with Mr.& Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mrs. George Wilson is work at Frost's Store. Miss Carolyn Jones, Mr. a Mrs. Vance Allen, Mrs. Merc Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings,1 and Mrs. James Rickaby and Ni man, were among the many frg Orono who attended the Spor man Show in Toronto last wei We extend sympathy to Gordon Power and family int passing of his mother, Mrs. E. Power, Oshawa, in her 98th ye Interment was in Bowmanv. Cemetery, on Friday, March 20 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mortini Toronto and Mr. Sutton, Me chester, England, spent Sund with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mer! and family. Mr. Ross Carleton came hor Sunday from Memorial Hospil Bowmanville, after an appen< operation. Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson had dinner guests Friday evening, h and Mrs. Chas. Wood, Mr. ai Mns. E. Souch, Mn. and Mrs. CE Billings, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Portg Mrs. Chas. E. Miller, Mns. Di $30 Jackpot M bonday, March 3Oth '-r f 20 Cames and Jackpot SPECIAL GAMES m a soc SHARE THE WEALTH ELECTRIC RANGES Westinghouse, Tudhope and National frorn $189. WESTINGHOUSE COMBINATION RADIO in blonde wood, regiuiar $389-now only $299 7ail lary sh- and dng and cer, [or- rts- !ek. MIr. the .J. ar. ,ille th. ien, Iay ,er othy Bailey and family. Mr. Jack Vlilson and Ted Wil- son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood, Harmony. Mr. and Mrs. R. Logan visited Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, Don and Billy, Islington; Mrs. Stewart Rae and son, Bill, Stouffville, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Major. Miss June Neilson, Toronto, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Neilson. Mrs. Bulipit bas been visiting ber sister, Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and Mn. Mitchell over the weekend. Mrs. Bulîpit neturns to England soon after spending a.year visit- mng relations in Ontario. Mr. R. R. Waddell, Q. C., at- tended the district High Scbool meeting in Port Hope Monday evening. Miss Laura Aluin neturned to Oshawa on Saturday after stay- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allin. Southern Hospitality Showered On Belleville Couple me tal On their way soutb for a Flan- dix~ ida vacation a few weeks ago, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cawker, Belle- as ville, stopped ovennight at Or- grn. angeburg, South Carolina, and ind were delighted to be chosen the arl Tounists o! the Week." Judging ter, by the wandenful time sbown or. the Cawkers, this is one o! those -loveiy customs of the south which shows their friendly hospitality and at the same time boosts their town sa you will nover forget it. Chanhie is the eider son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cawker and is owner of bis own finance com- pany in Belleville. Registening at Azalea Motor Court, Mn. and Mrs. Cawker wene chosen Tourisis of the Week, and a whirl of soutbern hospitaiity followed. including a tour o! the city o! Orangeburg in an open convertible. Tbey visited points o! intenest sucb as Edisto Gardens wbere they saw beautiful flowers in bloom, iooking very nice in- deed ta winter weary eyes. The mayor also pnoudly sbowed tbem bis camellias. Tbey were treated ta a soutbern barbecue supper, had a golf iesson witb the pro at the country club and acted as judges ln a beauty contest when Miss Orangebung was chasen. Almost a full page o! the Or- angeburg daily paper, The Times and Democrat, was filled witb pictures o! the Cawkers on their happy tour. To say tbey were *thrilled is putting it mildly. ROY DeLUXE REFRIGERATOR Freezer across the top, 9 eu. ft., racks on door, onIy $299 WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR 8 cu. f t,. freezer across the top only $299 WASHING MACHINES Norge, Barton, Westinghouse and Ingersoil, from $129 ELECTRIC RANGETTES $49.0 C.E. FLOOR POLISHERS Regular $6450 $54.50 G. E. and Westinghouse ELECTRIC IRONS Regular $14.50 $12.50 CIIOOSE FROM THE BEST IN, TELE VISION SETS We carry in stock 17 and 21-inch screen TV. Sets made by Westinghouse - Motorola - Addison from $299 Daveaport Beds and Suites Chesterfield Beds and Suites Studio Couches Large stock to choose from Trade-ins accepted Low Down Payments Generous Trade-in-allowances Chrome Kitchen Sets Trade-ins accepted a a $11.95 e e - $19.95 24 Nonths to Pay The 1953 Hiliman Minx, the anniver sary model, went on display today at Frank's Garage, Bowmanville. The 1953 Minx has 32 new features, with important styling changes as wefl as motor improvements which give increase d performance and economy. Body design changes for 1953 include new, continental- type grille and front, push-button door handies and restyled bumpers with larger guards. The convertible model features new- type straight-across folding front seats for a dditional passenger room. Safety features on all models include flashing turn signals and new rear lights. Engine changes centre around more efficient manifold, carburetor and cylinder head. Nesieton Station Mn. Avery Dearbonn, Armand, Man., visited bis niece, Mrs. Mar. vin Nesbitt and Mn. Nesbitt. Mrs. George Bowers opened hei home for a quilting for the Unit- ed Churcli W.A. on Thursday. Mrs. Wiley McKeown, Monc Road, with Mn. and Mrs. BrucE Heaslip and Mrs. J. W. Irvine, Mn. and Mns. Melville Irvine anc Caral, Lindsay, aiso visited Mrs, Irvine on Sunday on ber 83rd birthday. Congratulations! Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Fneeiove and Gloria, Peterboro, visited Mn. Arthur Huibent. Mn. and Mrs. Ray Barber and Bnian, Courtice, spent Sunday witb Mrs. Ada McKee. Congratulations ta Mrs. Jas. Fonder wbo celebrates a birthday this week. A family gathering ai ber borne on Sunday included: Mn. and Mrs. Harry McLaugblin and Lawrence; Mrs. John Wat- son and Danreli, Caeserea; Mn. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, Black- stock, and Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor and Dianne.- Mn. Donald Proutt, Lindsay, spent the weekend with his par- ents. Mrs. O. Brown is in Taranto visiting ber daugbten, Mrs. Jack Booth, who bas been ill. Mns. Reeker, Brantford, bas been visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Gardon Cale. r NE WTON VILLE Miss Bertha Tbompsan attended the funerai of ber cousin, Miss Gertrude Thampsan, Toronto. Mrs. Mary O'Neil and son, Pant Bnitain, wbo purchased Lanson Millson's farn last fail moved ir on Monday. Mn. Irwin Vinsan, Oshawa, spent Sunday with bis sister, Mrs. Leonard Barton. Mns. Wilbert Hancock, Peter- borough, attended the funerai ai Mns. William Halloweil. Mrs. Hancock remained for a couple ai days with Mrs. Bert Samis. Mn. and Mrs. Willis Jones spent Satunday with thein son, Bud, at Kingston, Mn. and Mrs. David Abernetby and daughter, Aima, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mns. Jas. Kendell. Mrs. Margaret Day, Mn. and Mrs. Carl Day, Ted Day and lady !niend and Mrs. Roy McKay, of Bronte, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Clinton Brown. Blil Darlington and Miss Terry Foran, neturning fromn Flonida, caiied an friends in the village be- fore pnoceeding ta Kingston. Miss Inez Gardon spent a few days with Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowman, Enfîeld. Mns. Alice Jones, Mrs. Gertrude Sbaver and Mn. and Mns. Charles Moase, Lindsay, retunned from their trip ta Fionîda on Wednes- day. Cburcb service will be at Sbilohi next Sunday. Mrs. John Lancaster wha spent the winter with> ber daugbter, Mns. Welsb, Bowmanviile, neturned ta ber own home an Tuesday. Mn. James Robinson, Newcastle, passed away at Memoriai Hos- pital, Bowmanville, Monday ev- ening. The funenai wili be heid at the George Funenal Panlours, Part Hope, on Thunsday. Mn. and Mrs. George Beedham, Baltimore, visited Mn. and Mrs. Harry Wornali on Monday, it be- ing the birthday o! their grand- son, Tenry Worralh. Latta Dempsey, writing in the Globe and Mail, is sligbtiy off when she says that Ray Dudley's home town is Belleville. Miss Helen Hallowell, Stark- ville, spent the weekend with Miss Bannie Bartan. Mn. and Mns. Stanley Powell and family, Newcastle, spent Sun- day with Mn. and Mns. Howard Orm iston. Miss Allie Cooper Is staying with Mn. William Halloweil for a time. Mn. and Mrs. Robent Morton and son, Kendal, visited Mn. and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Wbittaken and family, Toronto, spent the wekend with ber mothen, Mrs. John Pearce. A large cnowd o!fniends gath- ened at the United Church Thuns- day aftennoon ta pav their hast respects to Mns. William Hallo- weil. Garnet Haliowell, Toronto, a step-son, had change o! the fun- enal. Rev. D. T. Lancaster was the officiatlng clergyman. Inter- ment was in Newtonvilie Lake- view Cemeteny. Througb the kindness of the family, many o! the beautiftil floral tnibutes grac- ed the church for the service the tollowing Sunday. BROWN'S Mn. and Mrs. James Curson ad Jimmy wene in Toronto Friday and called on Mn. and Mns. Jack Hantwîck. Mn. and Mrs. H. Sinclair, Johnny and Lanny, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mns. James Cunson and Jim- my on Sunday. Mns. Curson ne- turned home with tbem ta spend a few days in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Couch and Linda spent Sunday aftennoon with Mn. and Mns. James Cunson. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. George Stephenson on their 25th wedding anniversany. BLACKSTOCK t Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Sturrack, Bawmanville, Mn. and Mns. Han- aid Wright and Jayce, Oshawa, were Sunday guests a! Mr. anc Mrs. Harold McLaugblin. Mn. and Mrs. Lee Butcher, Mn. *and Mns. W. A. Sandham and *baby son, ail of Tillsanbtirg, vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. Harold Kyte. *Blackstock Badminton Club en- tertained Bnooklin Club at a friendly tournament at tbe Re- creational Centre on Monday *night. Final scores were Brook. lin 14 points, Blackstock 10 points. A social time was enjoyed after the games. Last Wednesday at noon there was a cbimney fine at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Frank Bailey. The fine caught in the roof but owing ta the quick action of Chanlie Lubsen it was soon check- *ed. Frank was at work at the Genenal Matons at the time. Tbey are putting on a new asphalt roof tbis week. Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin, ac- companied Mn. and Mns. Gardon Peneman o! Columbus, ta the Spontsman's Show at the Coli- seumi at Toronto on Saturday evening. Postmaster Chanhie Venning has given the post office a lovely new coat of paint insinfe and put up a new Bulletin Board. Mr. and Mns. James Hanna and Rose-Ehlen and Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson, Hampton, visit- ed Mn. Sam Ferguson on Monday. W.A. of St. John's Churcb, Biackstock, met March 19, with President, Mrs. J. McAntbur, pre- siding. Study Book chapter was taken by Mrs. T. Langfeld and several interesting paragrapbs from the "Editonial" of the Liv- ing Message were read by Mrs. J. Rahm. A letter was received from Secretany o! W.A. of St. John's, Bowmanvilie, stating that Mrs. (Rev.> Nicholson had been nom- inated by their Bnanch for the office of secretary treasurer o! the Living Message for the Toronto Diocean Board W.A. Mrs. Nich- olsoti wbîle appneciating the hon- or bestowed on bier feit. it impos- sible ta let ber namne stand. Let- tens of thanks wene received for the donation received from the W.A. The Dorcas secretany was authorized ta buy whatever was needed ta complete the Indian boy outfit. The binthday box re- ceived donations from Mns. Bate- man, Mrs. Nicholson and Mns. Jas. Fonder. The president ne- panted the quilting of two fine quilts since the hast meeting and arrangements were made for the quilting of twa more. It was de- cided ta bold a bazaar and after- noan tea Apnil 30. Lunch was served by three members of graup 4, Mns. Jas. Farder, Miss Gladys McKee and hostess Mns. T. Lang- !eld, Mrs. Farder, convener, thanked the hostýýss and group members L. A. Parker & Sons Heating & Plumbing 47 King St. E. Phone 651 Bowmanville Parents Advised To Observe Law Re Fire-arms With the caming of the spring season when many youngsters wilI be out with their air rifles, Cpi. Leslie Thnoop, off icer in change o! the Bowmanville de- tachment o! the Ontanio Provin- cial Police, and Police Chie! Sid- ney Venton bave warned ahl par- ents and storekeepers that it is illegal for anyone under 14 ta own or use an air rifle or pistol. Regulatians state that "anyone wbo selîs, gives, Iends, transfens or delivens a fireanm, air gun, air pistai, an ammunitian fan these, ta a persan under the age of 14 wha daes nat have a valid pri is guilty of an oifence and liable ta a fine o! nat aven $100 or un- der $20". They point out that air rifles cannied by cbildren under 14 can be seized and the parents who gave them the rifle or ammuni- tion, on stonekeepens wha sup- plied the air rifle or ammunition, can be pnosecuted. It is illegal for anyone ta carry any finearms, including air rifles, in the tawn limits without a per- Lake Shore, Clarke r Mn. and Mrs. Alec McNeil and boys, Ottawa, and Miss Joyce Martin, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Martin. L Mr. and Mrs. W. Skeiding and Efamily were Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. George Skelding. Miss Marie Woodhams, Toronto, visited Miss Lois Alldred. Mn. and Mrs. Ai! Wilkins and and family, Oshawa, were Sun-1 day visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pollard and family, Brampton, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. and Mns. W. Adams and family visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Rutherford, Onono, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney, Newcastle. ]KIRBY Mrs. Stanley Cbapman bad a quilting at ber home on Thursday af ternnon. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Rutherford, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Rutherfard, Mns. Jas. Wannan and Jean spent Friday evening witb Mn. and Mrs. Bihl Wannan. Mrs. Wm. Allun, Mns. Bill Wan- nan and Mrs. Evan Quantnill bad a quilting this week for I.O.D.E. work. Mns. Raymond Cbapman presid- ed at the cburcb organ on Sun- day in the absence o!.the anganist. Mrs. Bill Cochrane spent Tues- day a!ternoon with Mns. Harry Mercer, Orono. Mns. Mult Wannan, Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross and Mrs. Jas. Wannan and Miss Jean Wannan went shopping on Saturday a!ter- noon. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ransbenny wene in Oshawa Satunday. BALLYD UFF Miss Jean Faihis, Lindsay, spent the week-end witb ber mather and brother, Mrs. Austin Fallis and Mn. Lloyd Fallis. Mn. and Mrs. Jae McCullough's daugbter, Mns. Don Campbell and ber husband and !amily, have ne- turned ta their home in Saskat- chewan a!ter spending a few weeks witb ber parents and fam- ihy. The people of this community were glad the benefit dance for Hanny Carter was such a success. We are ahi sonry ta hean of Mrs. Post's illness. While staying with ber daugbter here we wbo met ber thought highly of ber. She was always veny active and in- terested in wbat was going on anound ber, making mats for a pastime, which were witbaut equal in tbis locality. We aIl wish you a speedy reeoveny. Sorry ta report Mn. E. Mitchell has been in Toronto Hospital. Hope he is soan betten and able ta be on the go again. Mn. Clarence McCoullougb and family bave retunned !rom Flan- ida wbene they report a wonder- ful time. Mn. Gannet Porter had a slight accident a !ew days ago wben he split the end of one finger in a saw. Mns. Ed Rose cailed on ber brother and !amily, Mn. Gardon Strong, on ber way ta visit ber sister, Mrs. Armstrong on Satun- day. Mn. and Mns. Oswald Mitchell and Mn. Bert Ponter visited Mn. Mitchell's sisten on Sunday, who is recuperating after having un-, dergone an operation. S. S. No. 9, Clarke Sulent Sisters Club will meet next Monday, March 30, at Mrs. Bill Barcbard's. Bring aiong your bazaar wonk. The old woolens have been sent away and those who sent kindly turn in your money to the treasurer, Mrs. Bill Banchard, witbin the next few weeks or tbe blankets will have ta be retunned on arrival. Your co-operation will be appreciated. Mn. and Mrs. Art Nicol and Mrs. Ken Fisk, Baptiste Lake; Mr. Max Fisk, Quebec, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barchard and Sharon, spent Sunday with his mothen, Mrs. J. Fisk. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson, Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson. Mn. and Mns. W. Gibson and family witb Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson, Bowmanviiie. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barchard and Lois, with Mn. and Mrs. Bey Jaynes, Lakeshore. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen, were at the Silver wedding annivensary celebration Bell. IL 29Ç for Mr. and Mrs. Geo,. Stephen- son on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. Teeple, Bow. manville, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robinson, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Brunt. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Jack Partridge <nee Arvilia Brunt) on the arrivai of a son last Monday in Bowmanville. Miss Mary Bowen, Cornwall, witb ber mother, Mrs. F. Bowen. Witb Mrs. Bower on Sunday, were Mrs. A. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson, John and Geoffery, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gibson and Michael, and Mrs. Aima Kitchko, ail of Oshawa. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Allun who will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on Marcb 27. A plaque on the main street honors a young fellow wbo ived in Paris for a time and then came back from Brantford ta recelve the worid's first long-distance telephone caîl. He was an inven- tor named Alexander Graham Order Your Easter Ham Now Cello Ontario Cartons No. 1 TOMATOES POTATOES 10 Ibs. 19ç 29Ç EXPECTED FOR FRTDAY FLOWN FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA FRESH CUT DAFFODILS 59c One Dozen Bunch SERVE MACARONI DISHES OFTEN- READY CUT MACARONI SPECIAL! ýCREAMETTES 2 2 té TERRIFIC VALUE! YORK SPECiALI DIII PICKLES Jar Repeat Special - By Popular Demand Schneider's - Crispy Flake SHORTENING 2 MD.31 REDEEM YOUR PROCTER & GAMBLE COUPONSI SOAP POWDER LARGE OXYDOL AKi37Ë MAIL IN A BOX TOP & 25o FOR 12 IMPORTED GLADIOLUS BULBS PAINT 160e SPIC & SPAN roo.3&~ SPRING HOUSECLEANING SALEI NOW CONTAINS LANOLIN- BEAUTY MILD TO YOUR HANDS SPECIALI DREFT DETERGENT Lý?-3&~ J V'EX CJAVEL 2& W MAGIC Pd s . V . s . SCOURING PADS Mk. STEEL WOOLBULLDOG 2pkg 155é FILI THOSE EMPT SOCKETS SOLEX LAMPS WA'TT 2Oý Velue6 EffectieThuriday. Fridiay &i Ç.+ ,i. MI - Al, ' fkL ?Pc DING CANADIAN LEGION HALL T~. 4 Torchiere Lamps Trulite Lamps MgURPHY'S UITEAN In owmnvileAPPLIANCE STORE - ~ ~ ~ ~ à InEwmnile- aOshawa - PHONE 811 52 RING ST. W. PHONE 3-8634 117 SIMCOE ST. S. AND C.P.R. FREIGHT SHEDS, WELINGTON ST., BOWMANVILLE PAGE XIGET THE CANADIAN qTATr.qMAM- nMTArTn WI-M"TneVA'W %#AMP4» O)g IâRqR IL 67Ç