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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1953, p. 9

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1'HURSDAY, APRML2nd.- 19,53 TH~E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Win Pee Wee Chatâtpi*onship In O verthne The Galloping Ghosts teamý in the Pee Wee Division to right: Wayne Mavin, David Parker, JmMKih.Mdl f the Minor Hockey League scoîed an upset in the playoffs row: Billy Sheehan,1 Keith Welsh, JRussecIlnBlgack, Coach a1st Thursday night by downing the Bearcats, who had led Murray McKnight. Back row: Allan Smith, Captain Don he regular league. The Ghosts, who won a 2-1 overtime Welsh, Brian Hughes, John Miller, Don Oke. *itory over the Bearcats are shown above. Front row, left -Photo by Rebder day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd enoybe vn.g ________.LkeShr, lak Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barchard Ramn and mud were chiefanShr, Newcastle, Mr. and Somne from here attended R. items of consideratian last week. The Lake Shore H. & S. Club Mrs. J. Fick, spent Sunday witb loughen's sale on Wednesday in Many motarists dropped into will bold its regular meeting Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Baîchard, pite of the bad roads. bols here and there and needed Thursday, April 2 at 8.30. For Ken and Bill at Wbitby. Mr. and Mis. Roy Glass and extra help ta get out. Tbe Bur- entertaînment Bingo will be Mr. and Mis. W. Brunt and 1eyHigh Sebool bus did not playtsd. Donna, withi Mr. and Mrs. Jack ,amily weîe guests of Mi. and reacy edlTusayo S r n Ms oi lde Partridge and family, Hampton, vus. Lloyd Glass' Wednesday day but was bere Monday morn- and family spent Sunday i n Mr.undy . Ke dwlan ? The îoads, witb a few ex- Brante with Mr. ai-d Mis. Roy family, Barrie, with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mis. Ted Coathamn, ceptianshave bardened up and McKay. H. Pedwell, býyrrell and Kathy visited Mr. are passable again. Mis. H. S. Taylor and Andy, Mis. F. Bowen attended the and Mis. WVin. Mercer, Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Charles Byers A euchre and crokinole party Courtice, spent a day with Mr. Durham Club in Toronto last ~ndfaîly Prt op, wreSun xas held in Kendal scbool Fni- and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin. Thursdav evening and also tbe day evening but due ta tbe ramn The Lake Shore Ladies K. S. Hospital Birthday Party in Bow- there were just six tables in & C. Club beld ils meeting at the manville on Friday. G ET Y OU R LAÀW N play. Prize winners in cuchre home of Mrs. W. A. Adams. Next Don't forget the dance at the '~were, bigh, Mrs. W. Mercer and meeting at b orne of Mrs. Bey. sehool on April 8, when Shaw's OF O R M 1 N D Herb Mercer; low, Mrs. Geo. Mer- Jaynes. and Crooked Creek Clubs will be 'J~"~~ cci and Robt. Collett. In crokin- MiR.Eron Nthbl, guests. .~.* oie, bigh, Susan and David FIs.Sak,.ndi. E. Dan, one, l Mi. and Mrs. Irwin Allin were ter; low, Patsy and Carolyn Fos-wre unyviios it M. entertained hast Thursday even- ter. an i.KnDa . ing at Mi. and Mis. Stan Alun's Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kenne- Mis, W. Clemence, Shaws, Miss <ýfl ed ocanisi of ter at r ~~dy, Miss Ruby Collett and Ray- isobel Clemence, Gaît, and M.\edn niesiy fe rnond Woodward, were ta Long and Mis. R. Goode and family, lovely spe hi ails Branch Saturday attending the Orono, spent Suziday with Mi. and chilchien and sisters and brothers wedding of Mis. Kennedy's Mis. jack Holmies. latensd ay wi s themo cont- nephexv, Ronnie Bunin, and Miss Mis. Paul Hotson, wbo bas been grlaions. yw oadoicn ~~ '~~ Joan Warren. spending the winter in Alberta, gauatos Mrs. Norman Kennedy was îeturned home last week. presenit at the celebration of the 10th anniveîsaiy of the Bowman- MAPL.E GROVE ROTAY PO ER MWER lleHospital Fîiday afternoon, S.S. No. 9,Clarke ROTAY PWERMOWR hen~ a large crawd enjoyed e-_____Mr. and Mis. Ray Snowden, *Speedy and effortiss ternoon tea and aided the Memor-M *No oakinq no trimming. ial Hospital inancially. Silent Sister Club met at Bar.- r. Bill Snowden, Tontvs- *Pow edbfarnus n W.A. mt Macb 5 aIthe omey evening with 17 cd their parents, Mr. W. J. Snow- *Eonomo ob fe1 of piesident, Mis. Garland Cath- preseint. The business of the even- den aond . nd i. R .Se e cooicltoule-re.cait xith 16 members present ing was mainly the Hospital Aux.-'n n udy Mode meeting ws in charge - i iiarv Bazaar at Bowniaiville, Special Easter service an Sun- of Joýsoý Theiis. Wrn.,,ob in aMireg.f and the mamimoth card party ta dav iwith rmusie by the choir. MooiFliott. Rll call was aflswei.edc l elheJ in Newcastle Hall on Sa'rmtto h odsspe bv naïnin aman hha made .\piil _2,beig sponsored bYNew- wiii be observed. Soocelwa given bv ast n rd outlying district ladies. Misses Muriel Stevens and Hoy tue ad Mis. Rov' i Ticets weie passed eut tIohec.Vaîreen Sherlock, Port Artbur; ercr gvea reading entithed t soid. Keep this date open. MIVs. Eliz'abeth Armstrong, Annapolis Doe It,, is.RegCh t~ Glnne, Ms. . Gh n Bavai, N S.; aIl nurses in train- Eliot hoefor ier tepic Fra iîdMs.A Turner, are a coin- 1 ng at Tarante Western Hospital, 5,00 ipsyTentTo Pulpit", telling mnttee ta take home cooking ta spent the weekend with the for- ~9.Othe bazàar. The president, Mis. iller' parents, Mi. and Mis. Ross Briý!h inster, Gipsv Sinith,. Elsic Fik hn piesented Mirs. Stevens. di..G Mrtincull, assisted b' EiWîin .hiîn \vith a beautiful Ru- Mir. Alian Snewden wishes to See il today .0si:. Mi uxn- n h bsneby coloured x'asc and "a t wi thank alilbis friends and neigh- li- . \-vnL. Mrc, steaedlnch, stran d set of peails, on the accu- huîs forititeir kiridness while con- uud rs ai njoxc a svciluat sion af lher -40th wedding annîx ci-fiîned ta the house xith a broken and ll enovei a ocil cat. saîv. Mis. Allun was taken qilite le-g (used hv a mater accident. 0 PA&l i~ E R fo 20 S!.FE Phonec 187 For Quirk Resuits ei-ca ke made and decerated hy Snoxvdei and Marg. Gray. Rol îian' iliTuE A.\~DIA.~8TA[SM~N Mis.Wvlrna Allin, was n hon- cuit andl minutes wi edb TUE CANor of Mis- A. Bowen's biîthdla. M I Flintoff. Next meeting 1'110NE 33013 The ncxt mieeting, April 27, wh April 7th. CLASS[FIED ADS he ut Mis. My1ma Allin'.s ,ith: M\IsEienAu and Mis. R.: The mind is net moved by that ________The meeting ciased after a verv'eau. 2s 6 'ao Aý 1'O OTir FEU5FOR IMPO)UNDINGJ f O~ ~ANlMALS IN IE POUjNO OP 1922 0P YORK. 800 ONE 0F A SERIES OF 0FwEEKLY CALENDARS, OcrerF.....A ..4W- and useful gifts were received Trim. __________ c' PIE Men's and Ladies' WATCHES from $26.50 Smart 15 and 17-jewel Watches -nationally famous -dependable and attractive. COSTUME JEWELLERY Add the final touch to yoLîr Easter ensemble with smart matching costume jewellery. Chonse from our extra large selection that has just arrivcd. tram $1.00 Value Scoop! Iocommemorate the oronation Community ate proudly presents COEONATJON C13EST 45-piece service of 8 in the popular new white orchid pattern. SAVE $15.40 Haaper's I 2 Km; Si. W. Dowmanville 'lA? ~a~raavaa~ I-E, ana bit- Sh. ERU 1111K vlap CUPS AND See Our extra large stock of Fine English Bone China CuPs and Saucers. Hundreds of different styles from whlch to choose. Ideal Easter Gifi A Monthly Special by Wmn. A. Rogers Set of 4 SALT AND PEPPERS mîth sterling sîlver tops $1.95 Per sel Jewelbery L I 'k C OUfoTICh baby that la due to arrive O IU R Two hundred and six thousand, ly lu n c h s e rv e d b y M rs. G . L in -_ _ _ _th e h u d d i t e Popular young Courtice couple ton. Mrs. E. Milgate and Mrs. pound bags of flour mllled from celebrated their tenth wedding George Reynolds. MRS. GERTRUDE HALLOWELL wheat donated by the Canadian anniversary Saturday evening C.G.I.T. met at Courtice church On Monday, March 16, there Government were sent ta Greece when the immediate family gath- Wednesday evening with Mrs. C. passed away suddenly at Me- last year by the Canadian Red ered at the home of Mrs. Ceci Penfound and Mrs. P. Simmans in morial Hospital, Bawmanvjlle, as Cross Society. Adams and from there proceed- charge. The girls worked on their the result of a heart attack, a ed to the .home of Mr. and Mrs. sheli project. Many nice brooches former resident of Starkville coin- Carl Adams. They were bothiand earrings were made. munity in the person of Mrs. very. much surprised and the! Home and School annual sale Gertrude Hallowell, beloved wife b evening was spent in pI ayîngj and tea held at the new Courtice of Wm. A. Hallowell. lost heir, crokinole and the usualj school was fairly well attended Mrs. Hallowell wvas, prior to bier sing sang. The dining table wasj Young People's Union of Cour- marriage, Edith Gertrude Ballagh, centred with a lovely two-tiered tice met at Ebenezer Church on anlv daughter of T. J. and Eliz- wvedding cake decarated in pink Tuesday evening with president, f abe th Ballagh, Starkville. She and white. They were presentedi Wes. Down in the chair. Groups 1 wasbr Nov. 23, 1886, and in IBUNR with a featherweight Westing- from Trinity United, Bowman. 95 asbrridW.A alnl bouse iran and a General Electrici ville, Albert St. and Northmin- and took up residence on the farm wth ulsvn kitchen dlock. A very bauntifuli ster, Oshawa, and Braoklin, were at Starkville Corner for 31 years. lunch was served ta top off the invi ted. The devotional was in Since retiring six years ago they I I i i * *lum enjoyable .evening. Those pres- charge fMs Marion Wyman1 had made their home in Newton- ent incluced, Mr. and Mrs. E. and Mr.fWes. sDown. Seripture ville. Dingman Sr., Mr. and Mrs. E. ws iven by Marion Wyman j Tefn lsriewscn Dingman Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Glenn followed with a story "Tolerance" dcTeue ral RerviceT.Lanastecon Flintoff, Nancy and Larry; Miss by Wes. Down, after whice utdb Rv .T Lnatro Shirley Dingman, Mr. Ross, Twin- arion e npae.MvrJc March 19 from Newtonville Unit- ning, al of Oshawa;praMr. Mand J cd Church which was largelv at. Mrs.Cec shAawa; M Pynd Naylr, Osbawa, gave a very dc- tended by hier circle of friends. M r s C e i l d a m , M s s h y l i s l i g h t f u l t a l k o n w b a t h e b a s P l b a e s w r o l y R b n Adams, Miss Winnie Walters and faced during life and wonderful PaloearrsG erre M orllRsellRobin- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dawn. ta be saved. Four enjoyable num-soGrgKibî,RselSv April 7 Mr. A. W. Sparks, T- bers were given by Billie Wade ery James Stark, Sidney and' ronto, supervisor of the Canadian on drums accompanied by his Llewlly Hallowell. uvvdb National Institute for tbe Blind, mother at the piano. Two beauti- Ms alwl i uvvdb L. A. Parker& Sons will be guest speaker at Courtice ful musical selections were given her husband: onie daughter Meda United Curcb at 2 p.m. Ebenezer by Ross Metcalfe on the piano. (Mrs. Hugh Stapleton); one step- Heating & Plumbing W;.MS . ladies iare expected t a be am es ere played and lunch i s n G r e o o t , a d f u i g S . E Phone 6ull prse t orths occasion.wa sered. grandchildren. Mr Gore oud elbrteI.nterment was made in Lake- Bo-wmanville Mr. Geo brge uday acelebratdview Cemetery, Newtonville. _________________ the home of bis daughter, Mrs. A. STARK VILLE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phair. Cake and tea were scrved for the very quiet occasion.(Intended for last week) Special Easter services will be eld at Courtice United Church M r. and Mrs. John Stone, Orono, an Friday evening at 8 p.m., also wt Mrs. F. Stone. i mr- Eastern Sunday service in charge Mrs. George Plum, Toronto, of Rev. L. M. Somerville. witlb Mr. and Mrs. R. Boughen.f I Friday evening Caurtice W.A. Mr. Russell Savcry is driving a group beld an eVèning of films. new Chevrolet car. Contest was won by: lst Janet Mrs. Westbeuser and Mrs.! boys lst Thomas Gladman Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yule,l Rickey Gatcheil. Oshawa, visitcd Mr. Win. Savery. C N D A E I N R I Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Sibbith, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow, Toronto, spent Saturday evenfng visited Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, ilL. witb Mr. and Mrs. George Rey- Sauina. Cash Prizes $35 JackuiJU nolds. They have returned from Mr. W. Mcay, Newtonville, ~n a trip througb the suthern States with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bougen. and received a very warm wel- Mrs. H. L. Trim was in Oshawa. cme when thy visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson Mrs. A. E. Winblad (nee Gladys and daughters visited Mr. and'N n r l 1 h Reynolds) and daughter Donna Mrs. W. Prouse, Osaca. M n a , A rl 1 t Lynn at Albuquerque, New Mex- Mr. and Mrs. D. Shutka and ico, as tbey were tbe first rela- family, Oshawa, at Mr. M. Shut- tives ta visit er since she went ka's, Sunday. there ta live. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hat and 20 Cames and Jackpot -50c Tuesday aftenoon several la- family, Toronto, visited Mrs. F. dies gathered at the home of Mrs. Stone. L. Eder and presented er witb Mr. and Ms. G. Semilt, Osha- SPECIAL GAMES - SHARE THE WEALTII a baby sbower. Many beautiful wa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert 1 pArtip W"rm 1 1 11 L-A 0 $84.95 ý.-i dmmEj l Ring Si. W. Telànhnna 7àt7

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