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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1953, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THT. CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY. APTtIt 2nd. 1~9~ A fillage Tax Rate Is Up 3 Nis $32,075 Required For Administration 'After caneful considenation, Panîng estimates ta the minimum, Wimbers of the village council at k special meeting an Monday kvening faund it impossible ta tanduet the business of the vil- tage for the year 1953 for less lhan $32,075. The increase is thiefly due ta increased wages, btreet lighting etc. The tax rate of 42 milîs is an increase of 3 mnilîs aven the 1952 tax rate, of 39 milis. : The estimated cost af adminis- 'tration is broken down as fol- lowS: Council $36(). 'Administration --------- - 1615. ýý raperty . 000 unempioyment Insurance 20. ,Bank changes -- -----500. General Govennment 575. Fine Department Police (&Coimmi. Ha 1Canetakor) l 0i)01 Ill Roads Sidewalks Street Lighit lu Public Wonks' Health and Holspital Social MWlfare Educat ion Grant, IDeben ture pa\ r'nts CounitNvlevN. 1Total ; « ()0. 1>1>). .1 Oo0. $3 -,00 à During a 37-hour -~marathon"' blood donor chu îc lhelci lu Mont- i-cal last Januanl. 2.042 baIlles of blond xxcre dlonated ta the Red Cross Blood Ti-ansfucsion Service fo r uise in Canadian hospitals. 'I A SSORTED lb. Box 75 Ç Fresh Tender Kernels CORN ON THE COB Firm Golden YelIow RIPE BANANAS BONELES S SMOKED SHOULDER Lb. 59C BACON SIRLOIN Ani Ideal Easter Gift DELUXE CHOCOLATES EGGS FOR EASTER FRESII DAILY - LOW HOLIDAY PRICES values Effective Thlursday and Saturday, .April 2nd - Ath DOMINION STORES LIMITES 3 F'or 25c - u Lb17c BONELESS TENDERIZED TENDERSWEET PORK SUGAR CURED SHOULDER Lb. 95c L'b. 49C m m m m m LI) 45C 1 BEEF ROASTS 1,b. 67c 1 Mi-s. A. H. Fisher of Belleville, visited wvth relatives in the Vil- lage Iast 'Fhursday and Frida. Mrs. Stella Andersoni is visit- 111g iii Toronto xiih Mrs. J. Foley. Nîr. and Mhs. George walton, Nîrs. Robert Walton and Mrs. 1-1. tC. Boiathan Nvere ln Toronto ah FridaY - Oit the oc-casion of the fortieth xedding anniversary of 1Mvr. and fainilv gathened at the home of MnI. and iVîs. Stanley Allin for a partv ln their bonoun. Members (i the family presenit included i'vrs. A. H. Fisher, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. David Geddes, Toronto; Miss Betty Allia, Peterborough; Mr. and Mns. Sidney Venton, Bowimanville; Mn. ai-d Mrs. Non- man Downs, Ebenezer; Mn. and Mrs. E. Jo11. Mns. Hanold Tomis, Mns. H. R. Peance, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Allun, Mn. and Mns. Win. Allin, Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Ped- xvell and Messrs. Robent, Jack and Moi-loY Allun, ail of Newcastle. The miembers of the AILrno Branch of St. Geornge's Womn' Auxiliary met at the home of Miss B. Mclntosh on Tuesday af- tennoon, last when the final cbap- toi- of the Study Book for the year was read. Foilowing the meeting, Miss Mclntosh served tea and a social baîf ~our was enjoyed.e The installation of officers of the Newcastle Lionettes Club took place at a special meeting held at the home af Mns. George Walton on Wednesday evening last. Mrs. Magee, a Past President of the Peterborough Club, was present and conducted the instal- lation. A social time followed, wben membens of the club dis- cussed activities and probiems with Mrs. Magee and the other members af the Peterborough club who accompanied ber. The ovening was brought ta a clo~e with the senving of refreshments. Mr. and Mrs.Geonge Kimball and family vissited with Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Stapletan in Newton- ville an Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Alden Pallard of Oshawa and Mn. and Mrs. Thomp- son Taylor of Bownianville, wene Sunday visitors with Mn. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis. John Ward Bradley Teacher and Christian Gentleman Passes Af 1er Long and Useful Life Ris Memory Will Long Be Revered A long and useful life came ta a close on Tuesday, March 24, in Toronto, whien John Ward Brad- ley. formerly of Newcastle, pass- ed away after an extended ilness, in his 93rd year. The late Mr. Bradley was born in Devon, Engiand, and came ta Canada with his parents and one sister, the late Mrs. R. A. Bragg, of Bowmanville, when he was five years of age. The farnily set- tled in Durham County and Mr. Bradley was educated at the Port Hope High and Model Schools and the Toronto Normal Scbooi. f ol- lowed by further University study through the succeeding years. He taugbt in Durham county for many years. During ail of his teaching years in Newcastle, Mr. Bradley took a keen interest in young peopie's activities. Many programs were organized, man- aged and developed by him in church and comnmunity life. He was an active participant in sports, particularly basebaîl and lawn bowling, and this interest was continued in lateit life as an observer and then as a radio lis- tener. He assisted in the ongan- izing of the Cadets and took them ta Barriefieid Camp. The esteemn in which Br. Brad- ley was heid, by oid and young alike, has been shown ail through the years by their constant visits ta hima for counsel and heip and these were given unstintingly by him at ail times. Visits from for- mer pupils and associates, now living in distant places, are a testimony ta him and have been Churches To Observe Special Services On Good Friday and Easter Speuiai services on Friday and Sunday will observe the Cruci- fixion and Resurnection of the Lord, Jesus Christ at St. George's Anglican and Newcastle United Churches this weekend. Thene will be services in bath churches on Good Friday morn- ing at il o'clock, with an even- ing service in St. George's Church at 8 p.m. On Sunday morning at eleven, the members of the choir of the United Church, under the leader- ship of Mr. Neil Stewart, iii present the Cantata "Resurrec- tion and Ascension" At the even- ing service at seven, the guest preacher, the Rev. Gien A. Beat- ty of Agincount United Church wil hring the special Easter Message. Easter Day senrvices at St. George's Church w îll include Communion Services at 8 and il arn. and Evensong at îp.m. Spe- cial music in keepîng 'with the occasion xiii hc heard at ail ser- vices. HOME PERMANENTS CHOOSE THE ONE TONI .IUST RIGHT FOR YOUR HAIR F OR NORMAL HJI ON h COJ GIVES YOU A CUSTOM-MADE PERMANENT JUST RIGHT FOR YOU Jury & Loveil Phone 778 Bowmanville a constant source of pleasure ta himn for a long time. He was souglit for as a speaker at many gathenings, bis talks ex- emplifying the great sincerity ai bis character and bis knowledge as a neader. Among bis hobbies was garden- ing. He bad a beautifully kept ganden at bis home at Newcastle and many homes were bigbten- ed by fiowers from bis flower beds. Peonies and roses wene. bis joy and specialty. He also enjoy- ed carving, ane of bis creations being a set of chess. He was a lover of the out of doons, and many bouns were spent collecting unusual specimens af plant life. Aften retiring from the teach- ing profession, he took up insur- ance work, first with the Canada Lufe Insurance Ca., and later with the Sun Life Assurance Company af Canada, as weil as several prominent fine insurance com- panies. He was aiso Division Court clerk and a Commissioner for some years. Mn. Bradley took a keen and active interest in public affairs- social, cburcb, educational and civie. He was for twenty-five yeans secnetary of the Durham Masonic Lodge, fonty yeans as teachen af an aduit Bible ciass, many years as chairman of the Librany Board, and an eider in the United Chunch at Newcastle. Foilowing bis retirement as an active eider, he received the rare acknowledgement of being made an honorary eider of the New- castle United Chuncb, this distinc- tion being anly the third such confenred in the histony af the Chunch. It was a definite loss ta the community when Mn. Brad-; ley moved ta Toronto aine yeansj ago because af failing health. 1 His death brings sadness ta bisf I& IVmWCa4Ie 94epftced Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3111l MR. AND MRS. J. C. BURDETT JR. Neighbors and relatives gave a surprise party at Providence Scbool on Saturday Mancb 28 for Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Burdett Jr., in honon of their 25th wedding an- niversar.y. The brid7e and groom were ushered ta thein seats by son-in-law Grant , Thertell, as Mrs S. Braoks piayed "Hene Cames the Bride". The school was decorated la pink and white streamers and belîs with bouquets of daffodils and tulips. The young- est daugbter of the bride and groom, Joan, presented the bride with a corsage of pink rosebuds. Grandson Ronald Therteli pres- ented the groom with bouton- niere. Mn. M. Wight was chairman and the address was read by Mrs. E. Osborne. The community pres- ented the couple with a silver cake plate and lace tablecioth. Prognam was put on by school childnen foilowed by a sing-sang wîth Mn. Alec Cosens at the pi- ano. Speeches foilowed by some af the neigbbors. After lunch the bride and groom cut the two-tier wedding cake. The toast was proposed to the bride and groom by Mn. E. Osborne. The graom's mothen and dad wene present from Bunling- ton and also the bride's mother, who leit for England on Apnil lst. Wben Mn. and Mrs. Bundett arrived home, after the panty they received a phone cali from son and daughten-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. D. Burdett, Winnipeg. Mn. and Mns. J. C. Bundett are mov- ing ta 35 Scugag St., Bowman- ville, and would be pleased ta see any friends and neigbbors. famiiy and ta bis many and faith- fui friends, and his- place will be bard ta fi. He was described by those who knew him as a Chris- tian gentleman of the aid school. Mr. Bradley was predeceased by bis son Reginald twenty years ago and bis wife, Annie Gladys, in September of 1940. He is sur- vived by two daughters, Muriel of Toranto, Gladys (Mrs. F. E. Van Der Veer) af Gloversville, N.Y., tbree grandchiidren and four great grandcbildnen in Wes- tern Canada. Funenal services were beld ia Bowmanville, Ontario, at the Nontbcutt and Smith Funeral Home under Masonie auspices. A special Masonic service was held on Thursday evening in the cha- pel, followed by the funeral ser- vice an Friday afternoon. Rev. L. H. Turner of the United Church at Newcastle conducted the ser- vice. Interment was made in the famiiy plot at Bond Head cern- etery. The palibearers wene six brother Masons - Mn. George Wright of Trenton; Mn. Alex. Mc- Leod of Toronto; Mn. Irwin Col- will, Mr. Harold Gibsan, Mn. Stanley Graham and Mr. Hanry Jose, ail of Newcastle. In addition ta beautiful floral pieces and other tributes of sym- pathy, a gratifying tnibute was made ta Mn. Bradley ln the form of donations made in bis memory ta the Langworthy Schoiansbip Fund. This fund was ostabiisbed in Glovensville, N.Y., by the Giov- ensville Teachers' Association, fol- lowing the late death of Lang- xvorthy, Supenintendent of Giov- ensville Sehool, for the purpose of giving assistance ta students qualifying fan work in the field of bigher education, ta be speci- fically used for those in their fiftb year of study. Giadys, Mn. Bnadley's daughter, is in charge of the Classes for Conservation of Hearing and Speech Correc- tion la the GloVersville Schools. SILVER WEDDING TYRONE Mn. and Mrs. W. Park, Cecilie and Doug, with relatives in Peter- borough. Mr. and Mns. James Murdoch and Alan, Bowmanvilie, with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mrs. R. Hatberly bas returned ta ber home after being with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hatbenly, New- tonville. Mr. Leon Moore bad the mis- fortune of injuring bis leg while unioading a refnigerator. Hope he will soon be out again. A number in the village bave measles and 'f lu.1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Doonan were, tea guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. McKnigbt, Bowmanviile. Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley, Jim and Joyce, Yvonne Saun- ders and Stuart Hooey, visited Wiibur Marks at Gravenburst. Glad ta know he is much im- proved in heaith. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clark, Lea- side, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Mn. and Mrs. E. Deeiey visited Mn. and Mrs. M. McCuisb, Cooks- toxvn, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne McCoy, Brookl, were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner on Sunday. Home cooking sale held by Ty- rone W.A. ladies was a good suc- cess. Many thanks toalal who belped. Mn. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent en- tertained a number of their fam- ily ta a dinner panty iast week in honor 8f the 45tb wedding anni- versary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sykes of Hampton. Relatives attended fnom Toronto, Orono, Hampton, Enniskillen and Sauina. Mission Band met Sunday monning with 15 present. Vice- IS YOUR MONEY OUT 0F WORK? If yau yourself were out of work- not making any maney, you'cl cansider yourself sarnething of a failure, wouldn't you? By the same token-MONEY should be working, rao, making mare maney and mak ing it safely. 40/ Guaranteed Trust Certifica tes " Unconditiohally guaranteed as to principal and interest. " Pay 4c%7, payable holf-yearly. Short term-5 years. " Authorized investment for trust funds. No fluctuation in principal. IN 5 YEARS $41118 ACCUMUUATES TO $UN STERLING TRUSTS C 0 R P 0 R A T 1 O NI HEAD OFFICE SRANCH OFFICE 372 Bay St. 1-3 Dunlop St. Toronto Barrie , . r SILVER WEDDING MR. AND MRS. J. GEORGE STEPHENSON Two hundned and twenty-seven fniends and relatives of Mr. and Mns. J. Gea. Stephenson, NewVcas- tie, gatbered at tbieir home, in hanor of their 25th wedding an- niversary on Saturday evening, March 2lst and presented tbem with a silver tray and tea service. Durinig the evening they were pleasantly sunprised by a tele- phone cali from their daughter, Peggy, wbo was holidaying in Florida. Mn. and Mns. Stephenson were married la Toronto an March 17, 1928, and bave since. made thei home near Newcastle. Theybv one son Bob and Misses Peggy and Lyna at home. Miss Betty is on the staff of the Ottawa Civic Hospital. The committee composed of Mn. and Mns. Irwin Coiwill, Mn. and Mrs. W. Farron, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Lake, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Holmes, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ste- phensan, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Ste- phenson and Mn. and Mns. Ross Dickinson, under the chairman- ship of Mn. Irwin Coiwill called on Rev. Dewdney, Mn. Jack Hoimes, Mn. Gea. Honey, Mr. Clarence Turner, ail of Newcas- tle, Mn. Arthun Strickland, an un- cie of Toronto, and Mrs. Erne Hodgson. Pont Penny, a cousin, also the bridesmaid of b25 years ta say a few wonds. The address was read by Mrs. Wm. Lake. Mr. Lai-ne White, Port Hope, gave several accordion and ban- jo selectians which were much enjoyed. The dining-noom table was cen- tred with a tbnee-tiered wedding cake, fianked by green and silve tapens in crystal candelabra. The cake was made and beautifully decorated by Mrs. Fred Bowen. At the conclusion of the enter- taiament a very delicious lunch was served. Friends and relatives were pres- ent fnom Belleville, Pont Hope, Newcastle, Orono, Bowmanviile, Pont Penny, Oshawa, Toronto,! Hamilton. Dundas and Beams- ville. NYLON GABARDINE SPRING COATS Fully Silk lined. Reg. $29.95 $14.95 HEAVY. DUTY DENIM OVERALLS " Bib Front " Hanimer Strap * Ruler Pocket Reg. $4.95 Sizes 36 to 46 SALE $3.95 DENIM SMOCK to Match Reg. $4.95 SALE $3.95 24 Division St. president Bruce Stainton took charge. Five Bethesda hblîdren' sang a hyma and Mrs. Rahm r told the stony.a A pleasant social evening wasi enjoyed by about 60 adults andt cbildren in the Community Hall, Friday nigbt. The pragnam wast announced by chairman F. L.E Byam. Two dance numbers bYE Beverly McRobbie and Dianne% Hall, Bowmanville, were muc4 enjoyed. Gary Cale also of Bow-1 manville. wofl bis audience by bis rendition of "Life Gets Tediaus"1 and "Paddy McGinty's Goat".t Kenneth Rosevear, Tyrone, did1 bis bit by reciting "The City Kid".i We noticed the boys in the audi- ence enjoyed this part of the1 program immensely. Albert Wood, traesurer of hall board, explained the aims af the board, the finan- cial position and, gave the cost of decorating the room at the back of the hall. This was about $52 for matenials, ail labour being donated. Guest speaker, Ed. Youngman, disgressed fram some of bis favorite tapies ta tell the intniguing stony of "The Man They Could Not Hang" as it had been told ta him 30 years aga by a cauple living in Manvers, who had corne from the town wbere this incident took place. You would have ta hear Ed tell this g BEST VALUE IN TOWN ARMY GAITERS WITH - BO0OTS MIES ' 1I t. il Sturdy Work Boots Heavy Duty Soles Black Only SALE $6.95 GABARDINE PANTS Grey, Tan, Blue. Zipper, pleats. Sizes 30 - 40 __ lU9 Heavy PLAID SHIRIS $3.25 ea. WORK SHIRTS $1.95 ea. Specia1!le0 0 DRESS or SPORT SHIRTS Regular $3.95 e&. ON SALE $2.95 ea. P>honec 3211 a '~ s~ .~ story to get the best of it. It may be familiar ta some of you al- ready. Thanks w-as tcndened to. aIl by Archie Vintue. The remainder of the evening xvas spent la cards. cheekers, etc., until lunch was served. Many favourable and apprecia- tive remarks wcre beard as everyone viexved the redecorat- ed noom. This xvas the finst of wbat we hope will become known as "Community Nights." The board of trustees of the Pall who arranged the evening, f-Ilt grati-,ý fied with the interest shown and the response on the collection plate. Plan ta be thene next time as ifs your community too. Next Sunday is Easter Sunday. Let's make it a family day and go ta chuncb. The topic will be- "The Hands of Christ". For quick results - use The Statesman Ciassified Ads. Social and Personal THEURSDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Flown from British Columbia d FIRESHR CUT DAFFODILS,59c One Dozen Bunch California Firm Crisp Large Size 24's ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 For 25c Fresh at our Fruit Counter for Easter RADISHES - CUCUMBERS COLE SLAW - SHALLOTS EASTER HAMS SIE OUR.a.. EVLRYDAY F RICES You will be surprised Io find that they are prices that other. stores feature as DARDAIN PRICESî Corne in and look around and see for yourself. Special Repeat Offer! Industrial Uniforms -' Whipcords in choice of olive aniý . . .. . .grey shades. (First Quality) IDEAE FOR: - * DRIVERS * SERVICE STATION * TRANSPORT SERVICE * TAXI * MO VERS, ETC. SUIT, COMPLETE 94 PANTS: Sizes 30 tn 44. $9a JACKETS: Sizes 36 to 46. PAINT A guaranteed high quaiity paint for ail types of home, industrial and f arm use. For intenior or extenior use. Ail colours. Mone Bak Garateeon Every Gal, GALLON Terrifie Value Our Own BLACK NARGENE D.S.L. TEA MeLaren's Delicious JELLY POWDERS -3Fo 25C For Cookiig lHamis, Fowl, etc. 24 ft. ALUNINUN FOIL WRAP 29c Daisy Brand Barker's Sweet Mixed MELLOW PICKLES MALLOWS 16~ oz. 25 ar 20> Bisk- 7Ç Ea.- Invitation to Ndetherlanders THE CANADIAN CLUB 0F PORT HOPE invites you to attend as its guests the address of HIS EXCELLENCY A. H. J. LOVINK, N.etherlands Ambassador to Canada at the Dr. Powers Public School Auditorium Hope Street at Ward, Port Hope Thursday, April I61h, 1953, 8:00 p.m. And to remain af ter the address to meet His Excellency and for refreshments. For admission cards write or see Mrs. H. Mitchell, 20 Walton Street, Port Hope or Stuart Ryan, 2 Cavan Street, Port Hope, or Mr. J. F. De With, Newcastle. ORDER YOUR EASTER FLOWERS - at - The T.V. Shop Phone 3262 AGENTS FORt s. J. JACKMAN FLORISTS FIEE DELIVERY b.? -- = I Bownianville SURPLUS STORE BO WMA NVILLE .,4.- -.j. ý . nQeUAÀ,L W,17 - -- - 1 - ---- - 1 à PAGE TEN THr- CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TEIURSDAY. APRn, 2nd. MI

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