TRURSDAY. AP1RIL 2nd. 1,. Ed Youngman 's Column The Statesman's Grass Roots Columnist T", CANADIAN STATESMAN.BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO Barry Hufituan Vlera. War Il Addod Io O.P.P. The Bowmanville detachment Your scribe would lîke 10 say deserving of our notice. of the Ontario Provincial Police "tbank vou" la whocvcr îs re- h as been-.braught up ta strength sponsible for those splendid bis- You've al beard of "bot dogs", wiîh the recent posting here of torical articles on Maple Grove, but do yau kuow how ta make a Const. Harry Hu iman from Pe- which cerlainhy must bave enlail- ot oOrgrniduheterborough. cdatrmuous amount of ne- Lintia. seemed kinti o! quiet out Const. Huffman graduateti uearch, Such devotion to an ex. in the kitchen. When ber parentsi from the Ontario Provincial Pa- 'acting task, in ortier 10 bring to inquiredti he wbereabouîs o! the lice College, Toronto, early this life figures'and happenings out of pup, she opened the door o! the year andi bas been stationeti fan the pasl, for our entenlajument "frîg", anti out jumpeti one colti,ý two montbs at .Peterborough. A andi enlightenment deserves oi dog. She, laer explaineti that, veteran af World War II, Const. highest praise. the puppx' lookcd hUngry, s0 she Huf!man's home is near Guelph. As e st i cofor. uingput bum where the food was, andi He is marnieti anti bas two cbild- As tictwe hin conifr.using e closeti the door sa he wouldn't ren. areticiîo yghieperus n teebe disturbed <or herself get into articlest o rbyone of av ir on the trouble). You ani get aheati a! ur bird had migrated 24 hours à souw e lubestaorion o! oi r aute', tese lre-yeaî-olds. peviously: W ere ur faces ret? 1 fui ta the pioneers, wbose cour- i An interesting chap nametiE age, fartitude and intelligence bas Several limes since bccoming Singer, from Vancouver, at thec matie Possible rnany o! the lhings your scribe, the name o! Kirkal- Durham Club, bold me he bad we enjoy todayad10 e, dv bas been meutioneti in Ibis be eevn h ttsa o take foren ben e gran heStcti.nfo takeforgraned.colunin. Outsîde of the Young- over tbinty years, due ta bis sis-c Wbie e anot hak urman aggregatîoo. it was suppaseti ter's generosity, anti that bis fav-t forefathers pcrsonalhv, wecran, noaci ubn on~ nwoite reading was the Newcastlet at least, revere their mcmorv, be- aur Scattisb frieutis. Imagine our News, the edtorials, lu the Dimc side exresingOur rattud topleasure w;ýheu Mrs. Boumne, o! an'dt Distant PasI. Another visitor aids xprssugourgrlilde10Leskarti, flagged mecldown. and ta the Durham Club isteti ber fa- 1 the persan, or persons who have told of hem 'fainily's frateruizîng vanites as, the Edtorials, Dim matie il possible, tbrough the mei- with the Kirkaldvs for many, anti Distant Past, Current and dium o! Ibis newspaper. toa a- manv v- eams. Smalil uît, ch? Confidential, Social anti Personal.v quaint uis vilb events anti people * * Sevcuix'N or mor'e attendedth Ie <tiarNo-We tti'u _________________________season .s final meeting o! the Du - beoe s Lest hE i tatoî bain Counlv Club lu Toronto,~ ~r s r ~ sMarch 26. Nqext meeting will be refraineti froni menioning how Oct. 22. So dont sav vou xercu .t m v commenteti on your own mesr,1wre nample tm.papulai' columu among il firstI orr!etii in __ime.,. , -. 3ELBI ,ROWl% wre you'II Ibe g t e à MoneyVia the scî'cen. that bave ta place along the Toronto W. Yfront during tht, last forty ye aind Iu heur John Di'vlie. Pi, Relat ions QI ficei of the Tor( Harbor Commission support statenments witb an array of nanrial figures thal rau ouI: MATIC MEATING descî'ibeti as colossal.ý Butch anti 1 hati been bi ui 1int a complacent moati, pî'ic the meeting, byv a large sarr 0fLvekin hositajix Y ~~RAYiT cl.ded a tender. iast'sta nier. or Before the' \isit ta, 21 Sus ~ Ave., we tiecîdedti 1do aur1 STU RUI4L Scout gooti deeti. by calling Mrs. Blanche Comtien. whom, VIANVTLLE supposeti xas still in hospital. went barging ino Rooni 428,o * * . . to finti it occupied bv strangE enquirv aIntthe desk disclosedti Marr 's Jewellery 43 ING ST. W. BOW31ANVILLE PHONE 463 Dsec nges, aken ater- cars, tiblir aunto ýf f-Recently, several magazines ofr that our feminine friend still Brien, fouind Forsytl-i in the dri- y' be Others expressed different pre- national importance publishedi doesn't speak to us ver's seat with his head resting oildferences, but it was noticeable articles deploring living condi- This personal interest do,,'sn'thfoe anambulth an c eud e iedthat each included a rural cor- tions in the rural areas. Most of just flo ht particular tesee r t o r s o d n ep a t r ,tng . n a c r na- B o r n in P o r t H o p e , h e h a d liv - * particular locality of this Count, .e iyflswodntlk urtronwe h oa lrcun di eebruhfr3 er di-which mnay help to explain there ct olswo o llk u expectedly dropped in for one of endin Pctcrboouh or3yarsd di-popularity of The Statesman, and j country air or any other part of those famous chats, he hit a Packers for over 310 years. An Is point up the wisdomn of the late our life. We sympathize with time when there was notbing in deetofS.AdewsUie ssxvenerable editor, M. A. James, themn, but Most of us wouldn't the domiicile to eat but tea, ab- Cdhurch en flteaehs ite Boy who had the foresight years ago trade Places for real money. soluevn oois oeer yfre Jean Sutherland, two onto realize the iwifeandecfided- Htovserve's the teaingdaughters, Mrs. Joyce Ellis of wetr imporpndet ace a of ou0Hoevris a chigalone and so rcpaired to the kit-OsaandMsCade eit We tyuhc reds Tk abW, change to hear the other side of chen dto.make same. What did her OshaBridnrhonitr Mrs.ClueHwt ony1the storyv wherea city man has wondcring eyes behold bouSacy faewonile;an ,eos a og *landt oeorrrlpc- 1plate o! homemade goodies sitting fourbohrs onanila that For lon tic, the O. J. Heui- 1 liarities. This week, we encourt- right on the kiochenntable.iTh - ersons have had the latcbstring1 tered such a person making a. next door neighbor, seeing the OoPortdHoeorma of arento out for me and Butch. But, like speech locally. Maybc you would; good man approaching our front Oi.adGog !Trno the peace talks in Korea there like to hear whpt he had to Say: door and knowing that my wife Saturday afternoon by Rev. Hen- was one snag in the negotiations. "A few days after my arrivai had been house-cleaning, assum- Like many others of this genêéra- in this area, I had occasion to go ed correctly that the cookie tin CryCtoh fS.AnrwsUie tion, 1 always sleep in the î'aw, shopping at one o! the local mer- would be empty and took appro- Çuc and Mrs. Henderson insisted I chants. Immediateîy, a e iit cin Burial was inl Little Lake cern must wear either pyjamas or siegcd with a number of unheard1 "One's preference for living, etery. nightie. Last Thursday we coin- of question such as "You're new< depends on the person's require- promiscd: Mrs. Henderson loaned bere. Wbere are you from?; whebher it is town 01< city, m ne a set of son Peters pyjamas, Wheî'e are you working'? What's ments and desires. Il depends, in them.oeatdbyntwern yor name, Marricd, etc?" man- short, on what they want out ofi hMr. Hnesn i ad'a aged to answer the questions as 'life. Mr.Heneron s hnd, a bst cold Bengfrom the city, "Granted, in the material woodwork; he has down cellar a 1 was completcly out of practice. things, the city offers a much drawer measuring about 18 in- I could sec, though. that this was widcr scope. But the genuine, per- ches long and about 6 inches 1 important, so 1 practiced up on it. sonal interest of town people in square, in which is kept the famn l'm here to say that in no time each other. and the truec om- ily*s shoe shine paraphernalia, and 1 rould open an 'y shop door, take munitv spirit in everything al below this, a built-in shoe shine tw _pce smartly inside and the wav, from sports to cburch block; to make it operate you soundpoff like a veteran, name,î work, gives something worth a merely lower it to the floor. number, rank, marital siatus. 1 great deai more to both our- Around here. a person has to cock 'During the summer, my motb-1 selves and our children as future a leg up on the wood box, or, if er came to live with us: She1 citizens o! Canada. the wife isn't watching, on one loved it-the peace and quiet was "For my part, 'll take the o! the nice chrome chairs. the answer to an elderly lady's town every time." V * * *dream. 1 think the bcst example Note: For those nosey Parker' ,Higher e w We were guests at the Tyrone of her true' feelings was excm- who in typical fashion, are trying, 3 Community Hall concert, last plified one cvening when we went Io figure out who this chap is, * Friday. These people have staî'tcd to a show 8t the local cinema. we should advise you now thatl PRICES and the cost of living are a novel way to l'aise money, to After the picture was over, we he doesn't come from Bowman- u fti old .rhm n be used for a "Hall" fund. A.nd wcre standing on the sidcwalk. ville. Sorry! oto hswrd orhm u what a nice hall it is! She looked around and said in ail ev'er't1îing luin àla worth more The evenîng's program consists sincrity: "'My, my, isn't il lovely o! a short variety show, report to be living in the country like than ever hetore. by the treasurer, a guest speaker ibis? 1 just feel as though we f (20 to 30 minutes), card games, were back at the cottage again. plus a tasty ample lunch. Judging "After we had been bere about 114,111<Q L~V4V(~ Wi values go even hlgher? by the pleasantîvý social atmos- seven months, my mother had a phere o! plast Friday's affair, ibis beart attack and died suddenly. Nobody knowg ... but we eau tell idea should catch on like wild- The reaction of our neighbors o th:Unesorinrne fire. The treasurer reported the was something my wife and I o thsUne yuIsrae financia I standing, last weck. The will neyer forget. Nobody asked ha& kept pace with rour growlnt à chairman, apparently an oppor- wbat can we do or bow can We tunist, didn't wait for the treas- help' Things were just donc. The:aus o'ewd pnt os urer to take his seat before he an- morning we left for Ottawa,' our susfrapoetnchk-. nounccd that "wAe will now collect next door neighbor simply took EYES EXAMINEO s sfrapoeto he-p 1 the admission fee". The Rebekah over. She brought in vacuum GASSFTE birthday party, March 24, was a rcaner, dusters, pail and mopMASSFTE good one.1 and went through the bouse from OFFICE HOURS V 1 top to bottoni. When we returned, S u r R a e inerstd o nw ha w gtmlk, meat and eggs.Th rdT hurs.L' 3 Stari R. Jame stuck i mud at midinight on nr- box and food cupboards were Sat. _ 1:30 p.m. te 6 p.m. INSURANCE - REAL ESTATI day bu treeof urneighbors full of fresh food. For some weeks Evenings by appointment 'Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 gave us a push, enabling us to fe that, someone (by pre-ar- 22 DIIVISION 2 finallv reach home. ranged plan), visited my wife BOWMANVILLE 2240 King Street, Bowmanville every afternoon whilc she was Wib hn 7 - ~~~~readjusting herself to being alone. Wib hn 7 Considering tbe fart that we had been here but seven months, the PAR ER number o! phone rails, flowers YOURPLUMER SZ iand cards o! sympathy received _iwas overwbelming. These th ings "There are other things that cii. AL ESTATE just dont happen in a city. For- S. * ~...example, when my wife was * ~ ~ ~sending a cable to England about ]BOWMANVILLE my mother's death. she started in the usual manner to give the text 10-ROOM SOLID BRICK of the message over the phone to the operator, "Sorry to state that$1,5 on Jan. l6th." Suddenlx', she was interrupted by the operator sa- 2 Kitchens, 2 Bathroomr, ing, "Pardon me, but the I6th 'IS This is one of those rare buys that you should inves- not righî. Your mother-in-la\v died on the l7th. Along the sanie tigate! Central location near sehools, chtirches andi liue, some lime haler we wer shopping. Cash preferred but terms with about $6,000 makîng arrangements for my down may be arranged. wife'sfolks to come over from England for a visit. Quite a few rables had gone back and forth arross the pond. One morning, ]PORT rER the phone rang and when My ,' wifc answered, a voice familiar 8 Acres - Hous. t, o us all said: "This is the tele- $50D w *-~ grapb office. By God. we've got$250D w good news today, she's comîng hoée AprU show.,, after al". We nevèr did fmnd out Tracte your homne in Whitby or Oshawa on thiâ4%arket Mey..tme yoiw .Y what the cable artually said. gardener's opportunity and make enough during the leat 1ey o "There is no doubt people have summer.months on vegetables, chickens, etc., to spend m hm* 4>#a. shahl we Say, more personal in-witrinFoda Scespsth terest in each other in a town, your wnesi loia crsofdeottagers ps h l'o ~' go tostp tat ap r han in the rîty. 1 remernber one door every day, eager to buy fresh produce fromn booth. You e gt t stp tat ap r orning, atter having had sorne This property must seli quickly for a new owner to unstop that drain-but how? (an friend.r in the nigbt before and get bis planting started. Total price only $6,950 for you do it Yourseif? 1'ou'd better rather laie, 1 mighît add. The liexi ad anadsvnro os ihhaywrn flot take anv chances. (ail us morning, a neighbor asked * ad ar n eenro ouewt eaywrn and we'ii stop ail rour pIumhing someone ili ai vour place lasi and tap water. prblmsat1ne.nîg iî?-" I said "No, not ta my knowlcdge " And the reply came, "Well, 1 notîced % our ligis on at 1 i 3arn. and jusi wondered." ai la a 1)r -'That problem was practically NG overrome though by a quite dia- PLUMBIG-IETN bolii'al plan. If 1 retired lateru S E ON s MPEJAL th1 îl Ifr4:he blind up and ýe il sl 13i , il I %tte- ~R noe xra nMcîo btwenchtSnHEEeIac leatures ream eacfl week by the aviti reaticîs of Durhami Couutv's Great Family Journal'. You dont waul us ta believe thiat tbose rudtiy cheeks a! your are the î'e- suIt o! motiest embarrassmeut wbeu people baud you a vra bouquet about how regularly lbey PAGE ELmu Here is the Aerial News Many Have Been Waiting For! WE HIAVE A NEW ANTENNA No HOLES made iii Your Roof The Best I Refrigeratru! * MMOVAIU 0001 SNILVIL kýý AW)m 9.4 tu. ft. Ef À Fi ui THE BEST SERVICE! - ai - The T.V. 33 Ring W. Bowmanville's OnIy ADMIRAL DEALER - .- --vrwm Enniskilien Service Club Holds More Donations Hospital Ccunpaigjn Successful Dazaar - Penny ArcadeiOMNIL (By Eainiskilen Correspondent) Cloth-Mrs. A. Graham, Union' Mr. and Mns. Alfred Smith 80 Our Community Hall was the School; Crocheted Chesterfieldj Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woods - .00 setting for a monster bazaar and Set-Mrs. F. Werry, Enniskillen; DARLINGTON Penny Arcade on Wednesday Tableclotb - Mrs. Earl Luke, F .Tyo 00 evening, March 25, under the; Hampton; Men's Socks-Neil Mc- Mr. and Mrs.Y..Talr100 auspices o! the Service Club. 1 Lean, Uxbridge; Baby's Oufit- CLARKE On the platform the prizes don-1 Mrs. Ken Rahm, Tyrone; ChenilleMr ikBoac - -.20 ated by the Service Club mem- Bedspread-Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Mr.anMr s P. Bu--ey 2.00 bers for the Penny Arcade were Taronto, Skirt and Blouse-Miss IMr. and Mrs. T. Falls -----. 2.00 artistically arranged. Heather Mitchell, Enniskillen;' On each side o! the hall were Towel Set-Mrs. Russell Griffin, M.t Mrs. J acyai20 booths dl'yn articles to suit Ennikl' Men's Sok M Mrs. Mary Luxon - 1.00, every nee. The boots were F. Stuckley, Acton: Child's Dress Mr. anti Mrs. L. Manrml- 2.00 daintily decorateti in spning colors .-Miss Laura Grif'fin, Enniskil- 'nat r.G ecr 10 o! orchid anti yellow witb the len: 011 Painting - Mrs. Cecil Mr. RovSleep --------_ 2.00 1 C.G.I.T. booth in blue and white. Mihîs, Maple Grave; Baby Set- Mr. andMrs. A. Soper - 50 The baoths were: home baking, Mrs. F. Dcnby, Haydon; Lace Mr, ad r.KSoe - 5,00 aprons, touch andi take, parcel Table Cloth-Mrs. Stewart Roti-'iMs .Spr- 50 post anti dry gootis includîng man, Scugog Islandi; Hooked Rfug Mn. Robert Wn ------ 4.00 everything from a tiish cloth ta a -Mrs. Robert Cochrane, Taranto; Mr. Ivary Little -------- 1.00 dress. Crib Quilt-Mrs. D. BothwellMr. and Mrs. R. D. Mercer 5.00 The C.G.I.T. booth was miscel- Bowmanville; Knitting Bag - RECEIVED BY MAMK laneous articles. Mrs. L. Wearn Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Enniskillen; Mr. andi Mrs. D. T. Brough 5.00 of!îcially openeti the bazaar with Hot Place Mats-Mrs. R. Gar- Miss Lenare Quick ---- -- ----500 brie! words o! welcomne and paid vock, Bowmanville; Glasses-Mr. r I m uck50 tnibute to laie Queen Mary by G. Van Bridger, Bowmanvillc;Mr.W.Qik. 50 observing two minutes' silence. Silver Dish-Mrs. A. Youngman, The W.A. served a deliclous Tyrone; Crocheteti Apron-Miss lunch to aver 100 guests la the Marguerite Mossey, Oshawa; Pl- O IU R basement. low Cases-Miss Ruth Ashton,____ Members of the Hanmpton Ser- Enfielti: Quilt-Mrs. C. W. Tait, vice Club: Mrs. D. Hall and Mrs. Bowmanville: Cardigan-Hubert THOMAS FORSYTHE C. Tink assisteti with the Penny Ford, Bowmanvillc. Arcade tiraw. Seconds after his car leapeti President, Mrs. J. Griffin., the sitiewalk aud smashed into a> Prize Winners voiced the appreciation o! the Simcoe St. verantiah, Thomas The namies of the articles and Service Club at the close o! the Forsythe, 69, o! 649 Downie St., *j ivinners are as follows: LunrbeonI evening. Peterborough, dieti in his car seat of coronary tbrombosis, Marcb _____ 26. He hati becu driving east on Simcoe St., when bis car veereti ICity Man in the Country nrI aro heand lando crossidthe oan antifove By John M. James, M.P. roming la rest against th, ver- - - an ta b o ! 272 S im coe S t. * LACIERwlmINTERIOll. * 21% mi MORF00ACE,, * IWO DM CRISPRsms * MUN MTINSTTIR OlDtIoNR. . 1 1 PAGE ILEVM N Phone 3262