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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1953, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVEC TEIE CANAflIAN 'rA9'WMAN BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIC' -1 frTURSDAY, AP11T. 2nT. 19 53 D.HUS. "lScreech Owl" By Alan "«Casey" Richards S. C. DANCE TO-NIGHT between the town team and a To-night (Thursday) the Stu- team of ail-stars from the High dents' Cauncil is presenting the Schaol. It seerns that the scho- 4 las dnc ofth Srin trm lars must have stif f opposition The abject of this dance is ta' raise maney, because as Dan ta put on their best show, which Cramp explained last Tuesday. they did last Friday. The gaine the Students' Council went in, was fast-maving, snatch-and-go, debt at the time of the "At ail the way, and Jae'Markle led Home."' The annaunicement of t he scaring by making use of his this dance was a navel ane. Dan: size (or lack of it) ta goad ad- Cramp, in his easy manner. in-: vantage as he drave for the bas- troduced a quartette who sang a ket. Calwell for B.H.S. turned special version of "O Happy Dayý." on the steam in the second haif When this fearsome foursome' ta net 9 points ta tie with Ivan finished, Don went on ta explain Woolley for second in the scor- the dance ta the students and ta ing race for the evening. The urge them ta attend. This time, following are the players for there is a set admission of 35e bath teams. each or 50c a couple. Town teamn-Ross,3; Stutt, 7; Halidays begin to-morrow!! Moorecraft, 3: Gallagher, 5: Mac- "O, Happy Day." Intyre, 4; Dadson, 3; Brown, 5; * * *Rundie, 8; Mohun, 1. ATHLETIC ('OMffSSION B.H.S. AI-Stars-Ritter: Kelly, PARTY 5: Woolley, 9: Markle. 10; Fer- On Friday-. Mai-eh 277. the High guson~: Stainton. 2: Hooper, 2, ichool celcbrated their new- Heyland: CoIwell, 9: Werry. Iaund freedom. The Athietir; Score at half-time 14 - 14: score Commission. which is Fourth wý%ýith one minute ta play, 37 - 35 Form. sponsored a hasketball1 for B.H.S.. final score, 39 - 37 for gaine, dance and games partv ta the town team. The MVustangs teamn shc, raise much-needed funds for * 9. * ship of the Bantam Hockey I their organîzation and ta give the SUCCESSFUL PARTY defeating the Red Raiders 5-1. sftuetse eamaetaltof ta With two ping pong tables and Luxton, Martin Buckspan, Bil] afterthe eams.several other games set up in the The promises that this would halls - and dancing going on in be a '"different" shindig were flot the auditorium, every one had 0f the 12,402 men and wornen idle crnes. The novel methods of lots do do and every one enjayed now in their final year in Cana- determining how much each per- himself (herseif). Several un- dian colleges, 3,547 are in arts, son would pay for admission were officiai. championships were es- 1,317 in engineering, 1,094 in edu- especially clever. The boys paid tablished at these games in the cation, 809 in commerce and busi- according ta their height and the halls. Bill Laskaris (the Greecer) ness administration, 752 in sci- girls drew numbered beans from defeated ail comers at checkers. ence, 732 in medicine, 536 in nurs- a top hat. * and John Stainton retained his ing, 425 in pharmacy, 396 in social *ping pong championship by de- work. 347 in household science, TOWN TEAM DEFEATS feating Jewel Vivian. There 314 in law, 287 in agriculture, 213 ALL-STARS 39 - 37 were champions in the other in dentistry, 118 in theology, 37 The feature attraction for the games toc, but they are toc numn- in chartered accountancy and 22 evening wvas the basketball game erous ta mention. in journalism. MEAT SPECIALS' MA'PL.E LEAF OR SWIFT'S PREMIUM SMOKED HAMS COOKEO, READY TO SERVE WHOtE OR SRANK HAIF BMT END Las# Years Prit. lb 72c Lait Yeats Prit. lb 75e Todoy's Pries Todoy's Prie. ib 5 " i63" Bonelets, By thie Piece A " sagou m aNs Smoked-Boneleso, For Frry-ln E HAN STMES Rogular Whote cor S+ank Im« SMOKED aN Snoted Pienît Style POBR SOULDER Grade"A,,,12 to14N».. TuREETs Grade "A- Eviscera DUCES Ye*f Ago T lb 89c Broifinq or. l6 95C lb 612C 16 53C lb 743e N> 73c Todays Pri" *e 79e rB#Ëk ifg H, 89C NEW IMPROVED AM PA4c WH.ITE BRIEAD (Canade«a Approved) VITAM'IPW "B" ENRICHED izN.w F,,,mu ..t;aays Fregh LOnger *i&r,,,te'ure ~ *'N~wrajg, lb 59C Y, 43e P. 53e MeCofrm-liws Peppermit P. 59C PATTIES PRODUCE SPECIALS1 Californin Fancy' Naveii, nowo at their best, siz. 252 GRANGES California Fresh Green New Crop ~~29, 1,h. 29c No. 1 New Crop, Fresh Long Green, sze 2 CUCUMBERSÇ No. 1 Fresi, Curly Leaf, wash.d, ready to co"ê SPI1WACH.2 FINER, FRESH-ER FLA MILD and MELLO%' 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE cenfl 2 f,, 29e opkg< 29e VOUfi Sultan. Peanut ov BUTTER lb 9 1 Puritan Oven Ba4c.< cb DEANS Aunt Jemîma Silver BAKERY FUATURES Affl PAGE ELICIOU6 HOT CROSS BUNS Dlica*.4y Spced and Lib.r4A#yFui4.d wii Raisns. MOF61 9c SUGAR DON UTS î it.«PIOE 2 1 9 : NI pRiG«EF FE4T#Vi Wt4TN. SAkTURDAV,. APRIL 4ti. CAKE lMIX Ch riet ie's ClarI's Mushroom SOUp A&P Toma*.o lasty Old CHEME Monareh Ta.sty Ch,... SUCES super Srem..d CRISO. Menareh MARGAINE SuninyI4d Grade "~A" LARE GOS Licer... m MWRT 14< box 59c STORE CLOSED ALL DAY GOOD FRIDAY 16-oe jet 29C ý5-oz glass 19c pkg 25c 8-oz pkg 19c 3 l-,>,tm 29c 220-., tins 23c lb49c 'Ai-lb p&ç 25C on&K62e tr-op& 29C iSUPERIR I wh RÂ TATCADPCFCTACMAYM Mustangs Win Bantam League Titie ovn above won the champion- Vanstone, Ricky Gould, Captain John Mason, Norman James, League on Thursday night by Doug Cattran, Tom Gould, Greg Stevens and Coach Charlie 1Left to right they are: Bill Vanstone. -Photo yRhe Severs, Jim Masterson, Curtisbyedr Bowmanville Basebali Club Stages Delightful Banquet For Delegates of Lakeshore Inter. League Bowmanville Basebail Club played host ta the annual meet- ing of the Lakeshore Intermediate Basebaîl League Friday night, held for the second year in the form of a banquet meeting, and staged at the Balmoral Hotel at 6.30 p.m. Some 35 delegates, representing ail seven teams in the league last year, attended the enjoyable banquet and were welcomed on behaîf of the Club by President AI Osborne. Mr. Osboene introduced the following head table guests: May- or Morley Vanstone, Coun. Nor- man Scott, sponsor of the Bow- manville Club; Charles Cattran, Roy Dodge, President of the Lakeshore Intermediate Basebal League; Sidney Little, Vice-Pres-, ident of the League; Albert Wal- ker, secretary-treasurer; Fred Bidgood, Whitby, winner of the Most Valuable Player award and Jim (Ticker) Crombie, a former secretary-treasurer of the league. Mayor Vanstone extended the town's welcome ta the delegates of the seven clubs in the league, Bowmianviile, Whitby, Port Hope, Coîborne. Cobourg, Lindsay and Peterborough, and extended his best wishes ta the league for an- other successful season in 1953. Builds Commuiiity Spirit "There is, no better factor in building up community spirit than basebali anid other teamn sports". His Worship declared. "ln building up communitv spirit basebail also goes a long way ta- ward building up the town it- self." He pointed out that many* people do flot realize the great amnouttnf work and detail in- volx'ed in running a basebail teamn and a basebail league, and he congratulatcd the delegates on their unselfishness in devoting sa much time and work ta the in- terest.s of the league. Mr. Osborne thankeci Mayor Vanstone for his remarks and in- troduced Char-les Cattran. Plant Manager of the local Goodyear plant, whom lie termed a good- friend of basebaîl who has always cooperated 100 per cent with the Bowmanville Club. He pointed out that when basebaîl was re- vived here ini 1946, the Goodyear Get a softer, safer ride with GOOD/VEYm4AR LOOK FOi tTIS "HIGH SION" 0F QUALITY There's no doubt about it-softer, smoother-running Super-C ushions make any car ride better. You'Il find they're real mileage-builders, tool Sec us sbau for yours!1 . 4 'aizm 1 il equipment except uniforms, and that the firm bas since helped the team many times. Mr. Cattran echoed the belief of Mayor Vanstone that the sup- port of an atbletic team does much ta weld a tawn together. He also pointed out the worth of sports in giving the youngsters something ta do with their spare time and creating an iVterest ini team sports ta keep theni off the streets. "'Baseball is good for the town. for the children and for the parents", he asserted. Television a Threat He stated that television is pas- ing a seriaus threat ta amateur sport and the backers of amateur sports will have ta be an their toes ta meet this threat. '"We will have ta seriously consider the in- stallation of ligbts and raise the money for it in some way", he declared. Vice-President Sidney Little introduced League President Roy Dodge. He pointed out that Mr. Dodge bas been very active in civic life, being a member of Ca- bourg Town Council for 17 years, a former Mayor of Cobourg, and' a former Warden of the United, Counties. He has always been ac-1 tive in basebaîl, Mr. Little said, and bas made a great success of carry ing an the business of the league. -The fact that the Lake- shore Basebaîl League is one of the best leagues in the province is due in no small w'ay tathe efforts of Roy Dodge", Mr. Little asserted. Mr. Dadge thanked Mr. Little for lus renîarks and stated that it wvas a grand innovation which was started last year of having the annual meeting in the form of a banquet. He thanked Mr. Os- bairne for his work as chairman in. making the meeting such an enjoyable one. Develops Our Youth He emphasized the value of basebaîl ta the young people in the variaus towns in the league. "'When the boys have samething such as basebali ta do it helps ta develop the bodies that God gave tbem. There is no better way ta develop the body and mind than tbrough athletics. If we bring the boys of aur country along in the right way through atbletics and right training, Communisin will remain a myth in this coun- try that we won't need ta worry about." In a recent speech, he said, Rev. M. C. Davies, speaker of the Ontario Legislature, had campar- ed life ta basebaîl. You need the same team spirit and cooperation in life that you find ini basebaîl, Mr. Davies had declared. In life the individual must learn ta sa- crifice bis own interests for the good of the team, the same as the basebaîl player must. Billy RogelI, former star of the Detroit Tigers, has recently spent a good deal of time in Can- ada, Mr, Dodge said, and bas made some valid criticisms of the Canadian game. One thing he found was that Canadian Clubs do not pay enough attention ta keeping their playing fields in good shape. Also Mr. Rogell said, we do flot develop aur younger players the way we should. Need Good Coaching Mr. Dadge feit that these criti- cisîîîs were justified. "It would be a great asset ta basebaîl if Higb School Boards of Education when hiriîîg physical training instruc- tors would try ta get men wha could coach high school students in basebail". he declared. "There s a sayîng in sports that you have it or y'ou don't, but by good coaching of the youngsters and stressing of the fundamentals ci the game by coaches, you can 'nake sure that more youngsters get it". Coaches should pay more attention ta such fundamentals as the butit and the throw from the outfield ta home plate, Mr. Dodge said. "We bave one of the nicest and nuost cooperative leagues in the country and we need not take a back seat ta anyone", he asserted. "We are becaming better recog- 'iized every year by the Ontario Baseball Association, and the fact :hat Mr. Walker bas been elected to the O.BA. executive is proaf of this". He pointed out that the r.akeshore League has the ont, j kj VV league hopes ta play hast ta the1 annual meeting of the O.B.A. in1 1955. Awards Made Mr, Dodge called Maxie Yourth, team manager of the Bowman- ville Basebali Club, ta the front ta present him with the trophy emblematic of the championsbip of the Lakeshore Intermediate Basebaîl League, won by Bow- manville last year. In accepting the trophy on behaîf of the Bow- manville Club, Maxie expressed the belief that it xvould stay in Bowmanville for another year. Albert Walker, secretary-treas- urer of the league, presented the Most Valuable Player award ta Fred Bidgoad of the Whitby Club and stated that the league is very pleased ta have players of the calibre of Mr. Bidgood in the league. Mr. Walker stated that the sta- ture of the Lakeshore League is being increasingly recognized by the O.B.A. and that he was proud ta be one of the four out of 14 nominated, ta be elected ta the ELECTRIC RANGES Westinghouse, Tudhop. and National f rom $189. WESTINGHOUSE COMBINATION RADIO i blonde wood, regular $389-now only $299 Davenport Beds and Suites Chesterfield Beds and Suites Studio Couchez Large stock te chocs. front Trade-ins accepied Low Down Payaients Did you know that you_ art represented in Japza.i au Korea by a team of spccaýliy sjccIed and trained Red Cross ivorke>s serving in hospitals, recreation centres and even in f ield dre'p ing stations? Gay's Teas Captures Top Play-of f Spot Ladies' Major League Monday, March 23, ended aur: 1952-1953 bowling. The play- offs provided an interesting ev- enîng for ail. Teams 1 - 6 bowled from 7 - 9 p.m. and teams 7 - 12 bowled from 9 - 11 p.rn. Ann Gay's team proved best for the evening with 2960 pins. Our annuai banquet on April 6th at the Legion Hall wiii wind up activities for this season. Hope you ail enjoyed yourselves, gais, and iooking forward ta next season.' Team Standings for Plaoffs Pins 1. Gay 2960 2. Bucknell ____ 2934 3. Bromeli 2899 4. McNulty 2841 6. Budai - - 27651 8. Major_____ __ 2657 9. Joli ____ 2646 10. Phiilips 2623 1.l. Piper -------- 2464 12. McFarlane - ------ 2450 High Single for scheduie-Ev. Sweetman-325. High Triple-Doris Joli, 818. High Average-Doris Joli, 218. 0.B.A. executive. Harold Tozer, Port Hope, on be- haif of ail delegates ta the meet- ing thanked Mr. Cattran for the Goodyear ash trays presented by the firm as table favors ta every- one present at the banquet. He alsa thanked Mr. Osborne and the Bowmanville Club for staging the excellent banquet for the delegates. NOTICE Your Authorized Representative for the Famous Wear-Ever Waterless Method Cookware Jack A. Rowden R. R. 1 Port Hope Phone 3307 -"i.--R/E, Z 14AVE A WORD FOR IT .WE MEAN the magic word that tells a mule ta get going. It prob. ably worked better than usual, recently, when Greek mule-driv- ers had to transport into the isolated interior, roofing materi- ais needed for the constrution of refugec shelters. The goNemnment 'purchascd 2,000 tons of alu. minum for the purpost - and incidentally iickcd the tnnsporta. tion problem. Another ntice thing tout ahi- niinumi's lightness is thet a given poundage gocs two ta tkoc times as far as with other actais. It often means that alumiium, with ail its advantages, acttally coîts lms, too. Alummnum Ccmpany o( Canada, Ltd. (AIcan). Torchiere Lamps Trilite Lamps Gemersu Trade-In-allowances m a $11.95 a a $19.954 24 Momthi te Pay SPENC71 CORMETIERE (Registered since 1931) Mrs J. E. Wchards.. BOX, 33, ORONO Telephone 27-r-16 ROY DeLUXE IREFBIGERATOR Freezer acrois the top, 9 eu. ft., racks on doow, .iilj $299 r WESTINGHOUSE REFEIGERATOR * * * 8eu. Lt,. freezer acrous the top only $299 WASHING MACHINES Norge, Barton, Westinghouse and Ingersoll, froni $129 ELECTRIC RANGETTES $49.00 G.E. FnonRPOLISHERS Regular $64.50 $54.50 0. E. and Westinghouse ELECTIC IRONS Regular $14.50 $12.50 Chrome Kitchea Sets Trade-ins accepied CHOOSE FROM THE BEST IN..... w.crr TELEVIION SETS Weslinghouse - Motorola - Addison lo front $299 ITDDUW(! SFURNMURE AND £vwaruI~APPLIANCE STORE la h h anville Q la Oshawa - PHONE 811 ' U KNG ST. W. PHlONIE 3-M 117 SIMCOR ST. S. AND C.P.R. FREIGHT SHEDS, WELINGTON ST., ROWNIO NVIILLEF I - -t- enzs-=

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