S~. - t- ;~i~7 ~ ~T ¶~1r~iiUi-,r-- -~ THURSDAY, APRIL 2ind, 1953 -z ml-DDIMIN, IJUWtA.N1V Â.L. . ..L ..IU.. ARiEFFT CLASSIFIED ABSNo THfE SINGER1 SEWING IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS HENR Clarke MACHINE COMPANY !LUXTON-In loving memoryof a LUXTON-I.n loving memory of We wish to take this opportun- otheru dear sister, Emma Luxton,who our dear mother and grandmoth- ity to thank our kind friends and Henry now has apassed away, April Ist, 1952. er, Emma Elizabeth Luxton, who relatives who arranged the party O Pemnntow baseatv You are fot forgotten sister, dear, passed away, April lst, 1952. o for us at the Community Centre Cecl Pemnent Rprsn aive Nor ever shall you be 'We lost a mother with a heart a on Friday, March 27th on theCei DIL305frAs long as life and memory last gold, occasion of aur 25th wedding an- son bc We shall remember thee. Who was more ta us than wealth niversary. A speciai thariks taof Clk MR ALATNwh sa -Sadly missed by sister Lillie untold. Mrs. Francis Thompson and Mrs. Wlti MR.ugBAL eNeIencEd moa n n rte ere 14.1 * Without farewell she- fell asleep, Lamne Haynes. mni tloogvexprinedmnonuiad therbetGeosergc.. With only memories for us to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jones. or aboi * 1lie is a member of our staff' keep. 1- froni your LUXTON-In loving memory of We have lost but God has gained _____ i-l153 dear mýother anid mother-in-law, One. of the best mothers the We wish ta express our sincere of the eSinger Sewing Centre Emma Elizabeth Luxton, who o rememberaed by her Churcto members of Ebenezer soan passed away April lst, 1952. -Lovingly rmmee yhrhvn 47WATO SR~T, You can anlv have one miother, son Perey, and daughter-in-law and har rn ForumdS. S.No. 4,onof r PORT HOPE Patient, kýind and truc; Teenie, and grandchildren. 14-1* for al frids annrigsius o or 13-tf No other friend in al the world _____ al ands epesiowns af kingd- t h Will be as truc to you. LUXTON-In laving memory of a ne sand lpshowcn to ulssuing wîth For a pleasant Famnily Drive you'Iî For ail her loving kindness dear mother, Emma Elizabet rno etenJ{sitlias t heu gave enaugh to pav for your gasý She asks nothing in return, who went to be with the Lord on members of Farm Forum who DATE] by shopping at If aIl the world deserted you April lst, 1952. idy ont bo. To your mother you can turn Mother AinlyerdontdlonAod. of Mari Glecoif Godbhashler in His keeping, We were alwayswelcomeAbr n loec rod I. G. A. Super Markçt -Sadly missed by Dorcas and That face in the doorway, Wews tand neig ftlaivs Cecil. 14-1* Always smiled the saine.Wwihttanoura'v, 17 ISNRODSUH rsrIB'- She'd have a dlean print apron on, friend nd nihbaurs. staf and 14RTO O SHAD SAHeOUTHhiral shne mployees Monetary Times Print- of And always glad to sec us corne ing Co.: Dr. J. J. Shields, the Gos- Openevey da til 10p.m LUXOINIn blovd menop el Witness, Toronto: Group 203,1 O e e er y nda yi i . m . , L-TN I n b l v cieor f T h a t m o th e r o f m in e . R o1Gn r l o o s C r exetSna.my dear wife Emma who passed We were always weccme, flodv Ro eraMtrsCp.. 1I 'rbev cone froni the East aa, April ist, 1952. 1 oite htteWahr Oshawa: Cartwright Board oti HYGIE And tbey corne frorn theWc'st, Those whomi we lovcd go out of omatter wal ta etcr Education; Egypt Public and, goocis) They corne from lands afar sîght, Her fainily ahl together. Blackstock Intermediate Scbools: seale To shop at our store But ncver out of nîind:HubrByROg.Lte a Sis" For values,,galore, Te r brse ntebat Our tboughts. of ber are the SHumbehr Bay ReO.tter DA; ay i] sar Tear hrseintehat! thoughts of love,San Chrh Nstto O In taxis, by bus and bv car. 0f those tbcy leave behind. Ta illv otelnetd Rcv. C. N. Hutton; Rex-. Herbert ber Co. Low Prce E er D y Urihtan jstto the edo And wntb given away. 0W Pice Evry ay ox ng nd indun il er Thx' von,~a ou, cn'tbe OStDadson, Toronto; Women's Insti- ber days: 1-Lovinglv eemee by Sid tutes of West Durham and ail who 14-5 Sinicere mnd tu nhat n n eelda. 14-1 * s kindly assisted. For the flowv- Car minders, cards, and sympatby extend- Beautifu] mnemories she left VANSTONE-In loving memory c.d during our recent bereavement behind. of~ a dear mother, Amelia Van- in the loss of our dearly loved son Auti 5 A .-Ever remembered by ber hui-stoewbo passcd away, April 5, and brother, Ralpb. Ite'iii, SprbiaUls an.1412'95.Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vine, o f (Elanor) Mrs. R. E. Middleton. or occas 15 1 EV DeLU XE Some day. some time our eyes WllfrdadC rls1orwe ~A COACH (1011) !LUXTON-In loving mcmory of shall.sec red nd Chrles.or wh Air conditioned, custom i a dear miother and motber-in-law, The face we love so welî. 14- auto ini radio, slip covers, )Emma Elizabeth, who passed away Some day we'll clasp her loving for al excellent condition. ion April lst, 1952. hand S1595.00 IA wonderful mnother, womnan and And neyer say farewell. COMING EVENT and als 151, DODGE aid. -Ever remembcrcd by' daughters, Reserve Friday, April 24th, for, DON'T COACH ~~~One who xvas better, God neyer Gladys and Mabel, and son aDulysRct iTrnv Low mileage. A made; Charlie. 14-1 RyDulv' ectl82Trntv ~r 2 wonerfl wrke, s loal nd_______________________United Church. Arrangements b' At a remarkable price A todrful wCARDS 0F THANKSnd Bowmanville Lions Club. 12-6f; mi SSEDANETTF One in a million, that, mother _________OF___________ Caming-The Rexali Original 49 CIIEV. TORPEDO was yau. I wish ta thank my friens le Sale, your chance to save, on custom radio. very dlean car Just in your judgment, always neighbours and relatives and Dr. April 15-16-17-18 at Jury & Loy- RR andhibral evr uright' Austin for the many kindnesses cll your Rexaîl Drug Store. 14-i .R 8A FORD I 2-TON Loved by your friends and ail shown nie during my recent ili- 4G PICK UP you knew, ness. St. Andrew's Church Ladies' w Good mnotor, tires and body. A won derfui miother, that math- Theron Mountjoy. 1- Aidi areh holding a rummage sale $150.00 down -~al er was you.____ Apri1 7th from 1:30 - 3 p.m. Gaad BEFORI May or t Cooe ro -adymissed by daughter Mil- Teprsinr fS.Jsp' enue lt gfrsl,1-1 try us. ( Man Moe o Cooe Fom drcd and son-in-law Clarence. he parwishion exrsst oh s earued lobig or al. 4 R ML Y14-1 * itin ta texpiresso ta- Plan to attend Tyrane Yaung 7 r13. rE ________ Sit wo oe tehe f a r - People's play "Getting Ira Mar-, who oand te sageried", an Friday, April 17, 1953, WANTE LUXTON-In loving memory of furniture for the play 'Turninga eC9unt al d feathers, MO0TOIR SALES I n tTyran omnt al d imy dear mother, Emma Elizabeth the Trick"~, in the Town Hall misiol5c d25. 14-3 rags anc Mercury - Lincoln - Meteor Luxton, who passed awaxr, April Friday evening, March 27. iso O 5. deerskin NEWCASTLE____ 2571_ _1_____152._4__ Dance in Ncwtonvjlle Corn- collect. No matter wben we necded you IYou were always near. We would like ta thank aur munity Hall on Thursday, April Ta hein us uith our toubles Bowmanvillp friennrk the (Good 2nd, under auspiesof Oan7é î: And wash away our tears. ~t ,,çWben your time came ta leave us We couldn't understand, tu 0 a top 9 here was nothing wc could do, ATVO Otoi. tJust watch and hold yaur hand. You couldn't sece ur bapeless 0 tears i r know wc werc near. You couldn't hear aur prayers ta SPECIAL 71POINT To let God t, mte e W e bave lost but God bas gained The xnost wonderful maother T UNE-UP the world contained. -Ever u'mecnbcred by ber daugbter, Ethel. 14-1* andadji- LUXTON-In loving memary af Pea erformance. :: dear grandmother and great- *cleon and re-gop spark plugi ond grandmother, Emma Elizabeth distrib,,or poit. Luxton, who passed away, April * reset ignition timing -check ail Ist, 1952. wîring. We were alwavs welcome, *check coif. generoitor charging rat@ omte vhnw ae and baîery.That face in the doorwav *chseck coolirrg system and 011 ho* ;. connections. Always smiled the same. *comPlete choss;s lubrication and Sbe'd have a dlean pript apron an tlsorough under.- ody check, Her neat hair aIl ashine *check steering, headlighs, toil'. And always glad ta sec us came, ights, stop-licuht; - cJjuýt brolce That grandmother of mine. and clutch pedal for correct troCel. W eeawy cduie Try our No matter w'hat the weather, Toingi. Serv'ice H 0w she always loved ta get for our ext ow cil. Her family aIl together. for our ext ovv all. Andi since sbe's gane, it's not thei saimer RThe world is bleak and bare. 1 P A LM ER e miss ber everY place \ve look,1 And she just isn't there. C M OTOR SALES Tatse']be aendinginbe, 20 King St. E. Phone 4871 Up tcle o cnine Bowîîuanv'ille --Sadlv misscd bv gi'andchildrenl and great grandchildrel. 1- Neighbours Club and friends and neigbbours ai the Base Line and district for their beautiful gifts and many thanks for bcing such good neighbours. Herb Philiips and iamily. 14-1* W ihta thank our many lovng ifeand mother. Special thnk fr ethank ai rl rids utes and ndore.Laive,S hi- loh W.A. iars, cofectio. ns, and dards weh werde sent 14-1* I w'* ould lik alltharnk Dr. RnieDur.uis and nurtvsaste ander ail the staf xbain any xvayn tome idcmfrtable fr me dingh pitrn Bosianil,. Tountoalso foikei atan the Rebeb Loge ~Joules Clb aWealy eigb- arsI receivcd wbil the r. lie tothank teyou. h ode our Su Mrs. E.Cl inott.iv FRUIT CR0 WERS.. Now is the time to Order MATERIALS . BLUE STONE m .DT -CALCIUM - OLOSPRAY - ELGETOL ETCO ROBERT H. CALE DEALER FOR NIAGARA BRAND SPRAY MATERIALS SPRAYER AND CONCENTRATE MACHINES Bowmanville lice Io Credibors AND OTHERS the Estate of WILLIAM îY BURLEY, late of New- le, in the Township of e, in the County of Durham, Wise known as William iBurley, Junior, deceased. TICE is hereby given that R. Payne and Lanson Mili- oth of the said Towvnship of eexecutors of the Iast Will illiam Henry Burley above >ned deceased, who died on )ut the 1llth day of February, Wil] after the 26th day of 1953, distribute the assetsi said estate among the per- benefically entitled thereto gregard only to the dlaims litors and others who shall 1before the last-mentioned ave sent notice in writing full particulars of their to the said executors or to idersigned Solicitor. :D the 14th day 'ch, 1953. STUART RYAN, 2 Cavan Street, Port Hope, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Personal ENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber mailed postpaid in plain envelope wvith price list nples 25c, '24 samples S1.00 )rder Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- Box 91, Hamnilton. Ont. 1-521 NO 111GIIER Insurance ]Raies With the iargest ler your unhaPpy accident tsional use by young drivers n car is îused for business Our different money -saving Isurance plan is available 1careful drivers over 25 so for the married driver nder 25 vears of age. PAY MORE, But PHONLE BLACKSTOCK RK BRINKMAN Sn s urance 1 BURKETONI lanted To Buy £ selling your live poultry Our prices are bigher. M. R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone rverse charges. 51 -tf ED- Live poultry, goose sfeather ticks, scrap iran, i metals. Raw furs and ns. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa 46-tf Loge. Farrowus rchesra. Lunch scrved. Admission 75c. 13-2* NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Concerning Medical Care Plan ta attend the Bax Social in Emergency in Salem Church on Wcdnesday, In case of emergency, if vour April 8, at 8:15. Gaod pragram. own dactor is not available, or in Ladies please bring boxes. Hcld case of higbway accidents, please under the auspices of Board of telephone the 'Hospital and the Stewards. 14 _1l Hospital Office xii advise you xvbich doctor is on duty. Dawnham Nursery slides at You dan thus save time and Haydon Church, April 8th at 8 assist tbe doctors ta give you good a'clock sharp. Under auspices of service. 13-4 W.A. Music at intermission. Ad- mission, adults 35e, cbildren 15c. SNanted To fient Lunch served toalal. 14-1 ________________ SMALL house or 4-roomcd apart- Came ta Solina Football Club's ment in or near Bowmanville. Sp,'ing Kick-off at Solina Hall, Have two chi]dren. Urgent. Write Friday, April 10. Dancing 9-1 ta Box 965, c/o Canadian States- Bryce Brown's Sevenaires Orch- man. 13-2 estra. Novelty dances, lucky spot HIGH holtaereqisslf prizes, etc. Admission, Gents 75esco ecir euie ef Ladies 50c. 14.2* contained apartment or bouse ta rent im Orono, Newcastle or Bow- manville, by the end of June. The annual meeting of the Bow- Phone 46-r-16, Orono, Ont. Good manville Branch of the Red Cross rent offered. 4t will be held in the Town Hall on14t Friday, April 17 at 8 p.m. whcn URGENT-House in Bownian- election ai officers and plans for ville or district. Have 5 vear-old canvass in June will take place.1 htvins and baby. Good rifrences. Citizens are urgently requested ta Steady job; Canadian. Wî'ite Box attend this important meeting. 968 c/o Canadian Statesman or Chas. Carter, Sr., President. 13-3 call colleet Osbawa 3-8054. 14-31J Week's Activities at the MEMORJALARENA FRIDAY', APRIL 3rd - PUBLIC SKATING Tinie 2 - 4 p.m. Admission-Adults 35e - Children 20c PUBLIC SKATING Tinte 8 - 10 p.mi. * I Adinission - 35e nm~r no,'son SATURDAY, APRIL 41h- PUBLIC SKATING Tiine 2 - 4 p.m. Adinission.-Adults 135c - Childreij 20e DUD. PIPER BENEFIT NIGHT PORT HOPE INTERMEDIATES MIKE OSBORNE'S IMPERIAL'S (1949-50) ADMISSION - Aduts - 50c Children -25c MONDAY, APRIL 61h- Tie2PUBLIC SKATING Tim 2 4p.ni. Admission-.Adutts 35e - Children 20e PUBLIC SKATING 8 - 10 p ýfn. Adission.Adults 35c - Children 20e TUESDAY, APRIL 7th- 8~PUBLIC SKATING 8 0p.rn. Admission-.. Aduts 35e - Childrer 20c WEDNESDAY, APRIL '81h- PUBLIC SKATING 8 - 10 P. i. Admission- Aduits 3.5c - (?hildren 20c Repaira REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, domestie and commercial: milking coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 41 King St. E.. Phone 438. 25-tf SHOE REPAIRS %V E Tips on the cae ai ouse plants._ _ _ _ RearAll ladies wvelcomne. Rubb rs a d Zi pers Last year the Canadian steel mils pmduced an average aofR E Y O S 9835 net tns o te ingots per! AIT OS LLOYD ELLIS 'y n13 h al Shoe Rep iray: 4, 3 tnherdaiy. production j Opposite Garton's 3RigSt.hoe Repwaia 430 os e dy 10-tf i LONG AULT GET A W " CpitÀtitGADEN TRACTOR A BOY CAN DO A MAN'$ WORK Mr. and Mrs. R. Sim were Sun- EASY AND CHEAP TO RUN day supper gucsts ai Mm. ai-d UIU H ER'ON Mrs. Win. Miller. UEU H ER'ON Mr. and Mrs. O. Miller were wiii do cil the liard wark On VUocette., cntertained at the haine ai Mr. §mail holding, farm or morket garden. ïý and Mrs. R. Sim ta a deliciaus tur- Use it es o PLOW, SEMDER, LAWN DISC HARRO'W apartrnent here. Our usual Good Friday service wil be held in the Sunday School room on Friday evening at 8 o'clock in charge of our pas- tor. Let there be a goad attend- ance. Easter Sunday service will be held on Sunday morning at 10.30. Special Easter music. Womnen's Institute will be held on Thursday afternoon. Program in charge of the east *group. An-1 Engineers and rnotormen ow Canadian steam railway passen-ý ger trains earned $6,007 on the, average in 1951; their 1939 aver- age was $3,566. YELLGW TAG CLEARANCE kev supper Saturdav nigcht. Mr-. Gordon Baker bas bought the farrn of the late Joe McRob- e't s. iVuclv roads bave beau th,- order ou the day foi' the past tbrea cus but glad to report at tirne of writin, thley are grad- uaiiy drving uip. HAMPTON Dr. Wallace Horn, Montreal, r wbo bad been in Toronto on ai Ibusiness trip stoppcd off for a, short xisit with his parents, Mr.ý and Mrs. W. W. Horn, during the Mrknd Ms . ryviie Mr and Mrs. JT.soWraviyt Mi'.,-a o ndMs. Jack so Wr.EASYP Osagae, on Sndwoay, atheit UErTA lauthteu-,haEaleeneravbois pietl USAIERTOS hiii th Obaa ernerana opniai TAILR, Oy hpain undergneda peni Mpe.'adirSast Wednesday. i- e Mr. ChMs. osam ewePvist cd t ry. Ca.Hwa'Pr Mr~-. and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson T IRG A were recent visitors with rela- tives iu Cartwright. L aie Mir. James F. Clarke, Todeto W'as a x'isitor at W. W. Homn' on Mrs. W. J. Ranton who bas spent the past tbree mnontbs in 7 KING ST. E. MOWER. ~OWMANVILLE Toî'onto, bas î'ètui'ned ta hem PHONE 774 GRADER O R i SNOWPWW :ver 100 yea rs ef exporience servlno former;. 02 Modeli F IE D I - Waterloo MOWER 1 "20" (2 h.p.) Mode in Canada by Waterloo Menufacturin C. Lrd' Waterloo, Ont. PAYMENT TERMS-15% d.wn. balance up tel18 months.* (OUR HEADGUARTERS - .for kRDEN TRACTORS Hardware Ladies! - .don't miss the HYI3RO H OMEMAKERS FORUM Anne Allan Home Economisi The 11ydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario RECIPES - DEMONSTRATIONS - IDEAS. You are cordially inviled Io attend the Free CooIcing School - and - Home Electrkal Appliance Demonstration to be held in St. Paul's Sunday School Room Starting daily at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday m Thursday - riday A4PRIL 8-m9 mlOth Doo' Prizes il be giv'en each day to the holders of the Iucky ticket%. Any, Bowmnanville Consumner who has flot received ait invitation nxay obtain one at the Hydro Shop. Dowmanville Public Utiities Commisson SPRAY LIME -SULPHUR LEAD PARATHION RBAM Caýl---FE] lCALL 312 Liherty St. N. THE CANADIAN STATF-c;MAq- RnurM,&wim.T.r nmr,&RTn ima ý - -- -.- Ir BOWMANMLLE PHONE 774 Admission - 35c per verson 11