1w eTn4Mïrn "Durham County's Great Family Journal" - ..y YA.UL.U, JIN-L.É%% L 1'ri u ÂJ.l>. .1 , -iriiiiL.jdi 7ý .i. iroa7c LK .~ ..Ur i NUIVIIitC14 New Off icers for Rotary Club Building Permilsf B. & P. Women's Club Easter Toi Piper Denefit Game For Mqonth of March And Seiu Contes! a Grand Success In Arena Sahirday &Amon To $30,000 ILocals Play Port Roi Buldn - tminsafor cnstruc-. Wilh Every ClassKeenly Contestedl tet Osborn's Imp:ri tknotath omanville champions of the Lakeshore 1Spring show ers did flot keep son, Scugog St. Bowmanville: 2. treit A okyLa Town Clerk's office duringth crowds avay from the Easter tea Mrs. C. P. Barrett, 15 Jane St., 945,wm lathsy monh 0 Mach. Theperit and sexxîng display in the Lions Bowmanvjlle. were for four houses and aga Community Centre Thursday af- Afternoon Dresses-1. Mrs. Ru- Port Hope Redmen teamn in rage. ternoon and ex ening, March 26. by Garx ock, King St. W., Bow- benefit game at the Bowmanv' Those planning to build houses Sponsored by the Bowmanvillie nanville 2. Mrs. E. W. Berrill, Menmorial Arena Saturday nij are: W.G. Pascoe, $8,000, on Cha- Business and Professional Wom- Meadowx îew Blvd., Bowmanville. for Erwin Dub Ppr pel St.:H. Bons, $5,000, on Hunt en's Club. the sewîng contest Hats-1. Mrs. J. Trudeau, R. R. 0Ppr St,; Norman Ta,, lor, $9,000 on1 open to women of Durham Coun- 4 Bowmanv ile: 2. Mrs. Isabel Dubuered a roktiefer 1 Church St. and Moe Moore, $8- ty, proved a real success xith a Ràeynolds, King St. E., Bowman- -Ponerd ring Haprcie 0o 00<) on Liberty St.I good number of entries of very ville. Bowmanville-ot Hp C Permit for a garage estiînated fine workmanshîp. Tmr'gm hc.wspa to cost S300 wvas taken out by President Violet McFeeters ex- Monrsarv mnok ansohe ceivd Tmr'gm wihwsp WM.Stacy. Orchardviexv Ave. plained that this xvas the fir.st honorable mntison inthe clses.ien Artificial Ice Fund, and1 affair of its kind sponsored by the been unable to work since tl B. & P. Club, and introduced coin - inJugo the r t icsenered Vva time. ay enor Frances Hearle. Frances in Lthe cootestewere Miss Vivian MS pecial Good ruy trdnrdce isPtRbn Sadler, Bowrnanville, designer, LiepothIneiasil AndEate Sevies so ofSiplcivpaten o~graduate of the Ontario Schoo1of Goal, Phil Bobrkion, BdefeB Gerg Mod F RbsnAndLocal ChuSrces wanddiisplay oe. Dringthe ta.ion Tink, Hampton, designer, neil, George Piper; forwar GeorgeMoody . F. Rbsonn Miss ob. innsphe aon-graduate of Ryerson Institute, To- Bobby Bird, Don Gilhooley, 1M \ The Bowmanx'ille Rotary Club hias elected the two____ new spring fashions and colors t o Du uto.obHcsDnM locil men shomn above to head the organization in the 1953-1 At this Faster season, one of the different groups as they en- f During the afternoon a draw ou FursdHey ob icks, OtM 54 reason. C;eurg-,e lMoodv was named President and 0. F! Ithe two grcat religions obseri* oyed their tea. btfor a dort-pried w yich ae a ters nhrey Luey. Osti Robson, Vice-Presiden1. They vi1I take over these offices ances of the Christian faith.iem- The tea table looked very at- beuiuiersae ae caplas o nte mprialouteamr on July 1. Mr. Moody is the maiager of the Bank of -Montreai er bountinqanutative adlsng- reenith a te byvPatner biger vs. ae B soivtd otm ou o Lýcreeds -will attend special services boqutef dfodit Hndgoene tRte wnnr ein Ms.By-gane here and Mr. Robson is the owner of Robson Motors. to milark the anniversary of the tapers. During the aftgernoon mon Cryderman, R. R. 4, Bowrnan- TePotHPe emnw 'cruc iiino eu hitan Vea a adMbeBgeli ville. Winner of a surprise draw the saine team whîch advanc B G, Hîs resurrection from the dead. poured tea, and in the evenling xa r.G agrworcie ofeLksoeLau i T h Ra Du leyRectalTo e G ve tî~ ~~VErid~Y hecngrga. Mss adeineoonv Cbouga set of rnixing bowls, and the this spring with Lindsay Muski other surprise draw, a setofadorethntoheint six rotstat curces iîîun-eration of B. & P. Clubs, and towels, was unclaiied. Winningfoelsgouintebt--s iL fi ~~sex rtesfMdta int o be hhesw ld roinuanreidntnemer mhler ras dao.hr3prieand te;n ri "Under iue Generîl of Canada" ite iin an in ter- denorninational Mrs. Margery Pewtress, Cobourg,nubrIaNo35,ndtec 0 T e o o og i a St. aul'United Church at O Omavleclub assisted in McNulty's Sports Sop.i 'ueTaxNoties Of T e Go erno Gen ral f Ca ada gregations of Trinity and St. 'vas provided by Margaret Go- evening were Mrs. Ellis, King St.h jPaul's United Churchies, St. An- heen and Christine Lamnb who E., a large box of notepaper, and Another Sure A geathonr nd rivlee hs to ontnens.rew's Preshîterian Church, The played duets and piano solos in Mrs. Rov Nichols, Courtice. an A eeachor d epriiano eciastal cones.t ovinileSîainAy n h et-the atternoon. Helen Nelles play- apr'on. Mrs. R. Cramp, Weîîing 'u- Srn to begivenby Ry Dudey ~ fresh fram bis triumph in Massey costal Church will join in this ed the piano int the evening. tnS. O etkitn a April 24th in Trinitv United Hall on March I17 and 18 xvhen 1 special service. Atrticl sp tedcntwre i n a srieraw. %aon piz Chrc. hereialwil e Unhis outstanding performance with At St. John's Anglican Church atatvl ipaeadte fa atrbnywswnb Along with the first robins, t deChr .Th e c tauisl e Ptrng-h oot ymhn rhsr on Good Friday a Three Hour De- branches, pussy willows and Eas- ticket No. 42 and rnay be claimed first crocuses, the sinelt run'ar def he istcelncy heRigton.eunder the direction of Sir Ernest ivotian xiii be held froin 12 noon ter hue added t the sorng- at MNultois ofVi ce aseny .. oenr Tcilnrcie he critics'I. to 3 pin., conducted by Honorary like appearance of the roomn. The' Many favorable comnients onotehabnrsfsrngsn Ginenra of Cand.". oenr praise and an ovation from the Squadron Leader, Rev. W. J. lle n te otdpat h contest and display were Bowimanville property ownersi 'Gnrl fCnda"Pine were kindly donated by S. J. heard and also the wish that the Wdedymrigsmi.Wi audience, bringing him four cur- JkmProvince..& . Cubednesday i a As far as is known, it is the tain caîls each nighit. His Eaton At St. Joseph's Roman Cath- ac an&Ss.B&P.Cuwodmaeianotalay a rongsml. Wbilv firt trnetha sub ahig haor war reita wil b bed i olic Church on Good Friday at 3 Prize winners in the sewing annual affair. Mrs. Pexvtress, ntawy sgaiul eev ,bas ever corne to Bowrnanvilie, Eaton Auditorium on April 16, pin. there wili be a service of contest were as follows: Provincial President, cangratu- s oter aspoect aClahe rnge O and will be a source of great and there is no doubt bis recep. Stations of the Cross and Venera- Cbildren's Wear-l. Mrs. Fred lated the Bowmanville Club on 1oTxColco laec i >rie a ay ndto evey itze tin hee wll be equîî ot-tion of the Cross. In addition to Payne, Hampton, 2. Mrs. J. the enterprise. whic, she sad 1 eports that they are neverthE or-Generl lias etended bs pat- sanding.regular Mass at 9 a.rn. Sun day1 Brooe, R. R4, Bowmianville. xvas the first of its kind to be heldlsseknga eryrepn -ronage tommth r eloin tanTiktn frga. ownnvlethere wiiI be a High Mass at I 1Sportswearî1. Mrs. Bert John- by any Ontario Club, on the part of rnany ratepayers or-Gnerl hs etendd hs pt- ickes fr Rv'sBowmnvile .m.His office xvâs quite busy Wec .rn. wic aksplc Fianesday ongasm ypr p Jhe distinction wbicli Ray recîtarl 24hic n takes pla c riayi Al Protestant churches in' mnscaemnu.. uth fr brought ta bimself and Canada 1ibt Ario24miaTinty huch11v 18 liatehîzeseare n t py hefi -Iast October ini being the first viii go on sale next week and ti o musleicld hsae specat ey*T m uSaR iesInteresting instaîmentoftxsdu pi1, Cnadian ever to bc awarded the xii be available froin ail Lions both morning and evening ser- W e Msv rii u ~ i ui ayngfther tltxhatep a nc 'aTnanimous Medal for piano at Club members and also at Alex vices on Sunday. There will also TIdef du***** 'ie International Competition for McGregor's Drug Store. There be special singing at Masses at liro B sW rki una ,In ii t take advantage of the dis 44dusical Performers at Geneva, xiii be no reserved seats. It is St. Joseph's Church on Sunday counits allowed for prepayment o Sxitzeiland. expected that the auditorium wîll morning. And Visit of Archbishop Barfoot taxes, Mr. Oke said.forisa The Bowmanvilie Lions Club vnaeo hsgetapruiy______ et;o pi 5 ue1,Sp MWho arranged Ray's first concert which a fot re aaruito 'FL St ' Dus5vJu 7, ep orc myno om g-r Pa"îipur, Punjab, India, play for the lepers. It toîc place 9 and Nov. 25. If the second in. apernef ive years ago- in the Bowmanville for several years, The . salmnt sapîd n o f ighh School auditorium, ted ic Rybs înd beeya1 Februamy 11, 1953. in their Chapel. wîth the chance, lmetaîîad n oeo be 1 A is a great honar to again sicntRalac s ith Cuma rtists r d os1a To the friends and supporters ý£ as the stage-unpretentious set- April 15, ýi per cent isaloe bincharge of arrangements for Newv York. commencrng Jan. 1, 1 ' St. Paul's High Schooi., tings. simple toyHidsai of t' e conid instalment adoly a recital of Ray's, folloxving the 15.ui é s tun1es of Christinas, intent faces i h hr ntleti ada many awards which hielbas w-on 195. im AU 10 ihs Palampur, of the audience (thirteen out of or- before April 15, 1 i' per ceni inth itrvnigyems hemat Following bis recital bere he Dear Frientis: iseventy arefftChristians).al rntentbering yas the 0 aon vi o bodfo eealotsThe story is a busy bird around svetMvri is ta adth mntilW'nd off thefthird ina Secholarbeipnd the $Un0 aound in the Fbralifr xv tîalon en-Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mytn -ast yetter ta you was writ- During Januamx v hdtxemn ol;an fth ort n Schlarhipandth Unnimus ndin he allwil fll n e- 1te froni Kashinir while we xvere verx- speciai pleasure of enter- stalment is paid on or before r edal. No prtof the nraceeds ggmetus rtsthihte o o Last xveek saw the arrivai of si hlday. In spite of good iii- taining two visitors tram Canada. June 17, 1ýà2 per cent is alloxvec ~vi1 e akn y he ios lu. onoEmn sgean stmphyhOr-baby boys and three girls in t 1- pil b ar ytheLosCu. odnEa dSmhoyO maternity wing. The rest of the1 tentions, it bias flot been possible OIne xas Mr. John Ligertxvood 0jofOf f te foui-ti instalment only, 41l will go ta Ray ta assist hlm chestra. bospital was also pretty weUllui ta write since that turne. Yotî are W,ýinnipeg, the Dominion Vice_ If the ratepayer setties bis tata: lna career xvich promises ta Bawmanville and surrouniding ed, with admissions numberiîig ail very much ini aur thaugbts president af the A.Y.P.A., xvha tax bill on or befare April 15, lie place hlm among the top few of community are prauti of Ray 6 nluigs inecses of 'titi beeause we are consciaus daily of had been attending the- World iS allowed lis8 per cent off his -- This is their apportunity ta shoxvwlîich is so prevalent around xvbat you are rnaking possible Conference of Christian Youtb in total taxes. tow. Terexvre ourmajr ere. tbraugh your prayer.s arnd South India, and later came ta A persan witb a large tax bill E aterSel Cmpaig 1is at g if ~dt ion and seheemîor pertioS Pr- ifs see something of Palampur anîd can therefore effeet a cnie wbichlihe lbas brougbt ta bis borne formed, and discharges totailed Oui- school year finishes at the otir Diocese bere iin the Punjab. able saving by paying bis entire SoFr 10 Sot town. At the saine turne they will 32 1 end of Mai-ch, and soo wesîîaiî We ail enjoved bhis short visit tax bill for the year an or before SoFr$20Sot be thrilledl by a piano perfai- I ___________ hav'e completeti one of the best x-erv mtch, anti were able ta give April 15. and Mr. Oke reports ance which blas brougbt the ýyears of aur thirty-year history. tbat rnany are doing this. Of Last Year's Amount h îghest acclaim indParis, Las An- H m cno itjYau have aiready beard aboutTtlreeu xecefab *~~~ Topraiatevyenue00 lis been aronta gecles,LodnadTri H m c o is the academic esl, and1 must raised by taxation in Boxvman- say a word abaut the athletics. Coming aely$on60dlastbenille for 1953 is $259,324.40, based ollected ta date in the Boxvman- Co i tI ondciNavemnber was aur sparts - on a tax rate of 43 milîs. ~-iiîe Rotary Club's Eastem Seais Car and Truck I l ronth. The annual totirnaments ;-îKCAam paigti for Crippieti Childreii, Holfemajiers Forum lare beld tben, and this year we cainpign, as anotineti. ue Sverel v~maeu iparticipated ini fotir. in the Kan- ~urw cacamnînliaganoanned.gra District competitions, in Naple oeSoldier In plî addition toarnn ya- whichi forty high schools are The response bas ben gooti. Mr. InSpraeSil1nexv wa-s ini whîcli tasa-e nianey ________ bu il red o candtimne in the home anti secingeibloroywn v utf Guard of Honour at ex-en more generou.s il the Ru-t cokîg ight large traphies anti tortx'- Aechi cbarîx antia pîckup truck be_ acttîal okn demionstrations, four individuai cups. The mast whiyCluis t bec t s jecive n atxoBwinîie -IIfQueen bNary's Funeral taryClu ista i~ 2.80 cl cr afeaturîng camplete menus, a nomi- gratiiying feature ot this Toturna- lecte inii the Easter Scais Canit- x iesxeexsaagdm~ erflîk aiswl on ment wvas tite fine spirit af paigni last year. ai te accidents onl Sunday aniiaxyxîhiie /sf-r îespai-tmanship anti cheerful dis-j Out of the iousands of men Bah r.Mod at WltiMoundaxn xbcteywroe- cipline whichniarked the w-haie in the 27th Canadiani Brigade sta- BohM.Mod n-Wle eek of play. Such virtues aretondiGrayPeJhnA DeGeer, cliairmnan of the c aiii- Th197atofBoinBr- paign. xish ta reîii iidte pncdlKing ofTh 19t41îba7aaute t. E., wren Broff t.e by no means a eattre off everv Bothjelson of Mr. and Mrs. nia.Kn t . etoftesticb meet. Dave Bothwell, Maple Grave, hati bolce nti ýiilai salIighxx a.v Ibmce miles xxest cf. - Many off the hîadinastcrs anti te distinction af being anc of 18 coieteiii tn ~itpag i ~îBoxx-manxille eariv Stunday niomu- others wbo xvwere xxith us Ibere m-ien picked ta tairn part of the useti foir tie s)et-ifit- puipose 0[ ing aiter îurning carnpletely odneta twa u oswot helping the crippleti cbild-en uîi 1rnilitary honor guard at the fun- arondontheslppry indd wrtaltn etiwspoiboy 0set-o Ieral of the late Qucen Mary. Ontailoback to bc'alt antci l Io arauPten.heBoipehweluld tng he on of th Turnnof normal, happy' lite. TLeOnl mo'pavemtent. Il code don its igb gt v he eonsieoi- smet- Soie fr îpp-dChiou-ie iinlte ditchi on tbe souîh side Ae-eeDistrict cbiainpioniste.Btelisam brof Soityfi.thefe iielh nQueen's Own Rifles and lbas, cil the toati. xxitli the jnfotalbhce-okbali(i be seanndiGran o work unixtî-tat 1 We hav'e been iwarking a a daitsalvay-s give greatlciîon0i-offereti the use ai their trucks ta rquet of mnixeti flaw'ers incluting camipletely - equippeti elecîricai 1 nexv play'toi- sume tmnteý. but hav-e rta a spiritual leader than ta noolc b ae antitefolw niany ather birtbtiay gifîs. The kitchen -- xiii be tîscd by iMiss itot yel'putilm sufcetyI- utmpron ing tii-ms' x-chicle-s weme useti: ex-cing xvas spent in gaines off Alian in prcsentitg lher spet-lj dian anti Easer-n Icims. St-verai I met His Ci-nec aI the ai-port Blain ElliatI. L. A. Parkr, Roy cuchre. prize xinners bcing Mr. pragi-an, txxo features cf xvlicim persuns are cailabcraiîtg, aiti xWC inAnritsar anti tii-ae hum the W. NieViols. Glen Rae* Daim-3, Shep- Jack Knight, Mrs. H. Murpli~ v iil be the plannîinig amdi i taahpe ta produce il t extya- 140 miles ta Palampur. I arn sure pri&Giat .W akr Eaid rs. C. Gaîcheil. A sump- fiatof f a 5 o'cloc.k meai anti a, Ite absence ai Rex-. E. S. titat hoie -a fot preparet for the Mm Vno iest taki uslnhwa evdincliding jDaffiotiil Dcýîr t. It atittoi. Davis an ffurlotîgb. 1 have been :warmml(if lte xeicone xs-iel hesfirins for the uise af their EA T S R S t deliciotîs birtidax-cake bedcck- Am~:\an -ax -ýh(-wilbe blaop-- 10okiiutz afer lte - or!: mîtt a.a'dliit1itere .A largeCvOi-- x'ebicies anti also lte gent-rai cd xxith 72 candies anti matie b3- 'tiian-x e ai' ue 1i uar local Leur-rHaome. aitti tii -eau--: ,Ci îitx ItitCiilutiaipublhe fao- puttung out their hon- Mrs. Knight. bomemaheî-s n-ay wish ta sk-. had a special perlormance orf the I %Continuecc on Page Seven> ) eo at paper. e p Il ag ta 1 th 1: al tye ýa 'ti th ici 14i ia me to In- ,e Ahi eight municipalities in the [xould knoxv whal nill rate te ueDuramn County District High i strike for high shool taxes, tr' School Amea hax-e umofficially 1 Wbcn the ather municipalities a agrecd tfa usinig lteîtexv equaliz- j bati mot agreeti tao sing tite new iîj. cd assessin-ts of the mnunicipal- eqtîalized assessiemtt by lte lime htfies in tihe ai-ca as thme basis for!Ilte Bow-manville bax mat e vas set high sebool taxation mates ini 1953,1 at lte entioff Febrtiaî-y. caunicil D. Alex MeGregai-, Cltairît-an offxvas forcedti t tse the olti assess- ils the Durhanm District High School ittientt for high sebool taxation 'e Boardi, has anniocitccd. purposes. Using lte aid assess- l- Part Hope, aoeoff the iunici- 1 mnît Baxvntanville xotuld have cd palities oppaseti ta using the nex itadti t pay only $24,183.20 for .'s equaizeti assssment at first, 1gli seo l ptrp ses. xx'ereas 'as have inaîy agi-ed ta usi g te csing the nexv assssin-ctî the In ncxv assesstn-enî xxvitht provision t-t x'ii i lave ta pay $-'9-220-00 ltaI ctheî- mcmmicipn1i tics agree lu -an inremase off.S03. If tItis c: the hiritg ofai iciiileces ta îtt:-ke antaLnt canntitl bc-tt~imgt c, plants for a îtexx- igb Scîtool at ifî-amtt sorue otbeh ti-îatne tg- Port Holpe andI an adidititoth ie bciclgrŽt il xxill htax-c 10i lîý asscd ds, HigliSefmool aI Boaxatxilic. alaîtg as nacleficit 10i.:: year's îx Mi- McGrgor slleti bat l tncitil. Boxxntaitvile speit $19,- r, hrin of rchtect ca be ) 0 178 for -igLi bScliooi tLr-puses in ~~~~r, ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1 rn ofa-cuet5euhopio I- ceeded cti x-liaffîcu-fixe ()lte 132 ýi- eigbî omuriciplibies inthlIe 1)ur- r Isijitg ltenexx-eqtmalizeci nssess- re bain Higb Scbool Ai-ca lhave ffi- tents aiflte emgl1tt tnifcipaiities te ciaily agmeei ta il. it iite DUritai Higb SePool Ai-ca Tite dclay it Foi-t Iope anti]- vil] iteant tat Bowmamti-il1e and ce other mtmnicipaiities' acqciies- Port Hope xviii pay Iitigbc- levies d ence to using the new equalizeti for Hligît Scitool pumrpases titan Is assessient n eans thal B axx-uan- last yeai, xhie Darl îgtn, Os ville Town Counicil xillîhvta-o Clarke, Hope, Caxan Sout. Ïew- e- finti $5.036 atitional tram same i casîle antti Miiibrook xviilati pay T- source ta pay the tcxvn's higliis.Pr Hp' nicaea I, school lex-les tlis year, siîtce tlhe 407 ,65 is lte iargesî, xxith Boxv- 1953 vote was set on tîme aid manxiiie's increase beingS53,036.- assessinent. Baxx-itanxiile liati80. geveral tintes reqtîested the otiter Decreases for lte otiter six - mtunicipalities ta ntake their de- iitoniicipalities art': iarlington, cisian an w'belbei thex' were go- S3,584: Ciarke, S$6,687; Newxcastle, ing ta tise the aId or îtew asses.!- $307; Hlope, $4,494, Cavait South, iment arly in the ear, 50 il S$1,C48 and Millbrook. $70. 'e- Women'9s Hospital Auxiliary Observe 1401h Anniversary of the Hospital Whon Nany Gifîs Were Received - Thl-e Nurses' Resitience aI the; of tickets for the Lazy Susan, 1 e Memaial Hospital w-as lte sceite donated by MrF. Moodie off Mon- off a vei-y happy aitd delightfulî treai, whîch %-as draxxn foi- dur- -gatl-ering an Fritiay, March 27,! ing the aflernoon but xx'bic- was on flhc occasion offlte 40t1h anni- n-ot clalîneti, lte number being versai-y af the apening offlte bas- i 18427. pifai in Bawmoanvilie. In spite off The holtier of this ticet may the vcry inclement wveatbei tthere 'ciairti tite prize by pmescmtiîtg the was a goti represeittation cf la-- ticket aI JexvellYs Big 20 Store. dues fi-rn flot mly Bovratiille Iniaddition ta guifs oai oney, but many off the suri-aunding dis- frit.t, m, eggs, and a set of ftricts. stainicss steel mixing bow'ls were -Tea xvas 5cm-yod in lte livingil eceiveti. room xvbich looketi vers' attia-ne The members of the Auxiliary .tive with the beautiful new,;xviti tota iank ail who helpedta t jdrapes, the generous guItof Ms. J n-ake Iis 4th arnivrsaiy sucli IC. A. Bartiett. The n-aking cor a pleasant ex-cnt. thesè dr~apes was tite gifî off Mr. Art. Humpage. The tea table I xithif is Venctiait lace clati,I Farewell Gift Yelloxv cantiles, anti centre aof spring flowers danateti by 1\1crea. anti Mms. Ray Jackrnan, xvas mast ve crf y inviting. In addition ýa bbheîî.s-îa nR - deliclous cakes, sandwiches, and ~ ~ m,1I relishes. a ioveiy bii-biicay cal c______ respientient with decai-atiaits aitd 2 rs. G r o t r o k o h candies, matie by Mrs. Markus Gro lm-ok o h Roengk, racd lie tale.past six years secretamv ta Mr. Roeigk grcedthetabe, i Eti. Stîmîttems at fihe Dept. of The birtbday party xxas ablv 1Aguicullore office, xvas presented convemieti by Mrs. O. Rabsot andt -wilh a farcwell gift on Tuesday, Mm-s. R. G. Caxvie. Tite gcîests -off îxxo tiimner plates in Shielley weme receiveci by Pi-ositit off chin, Begonia patten, fi-oit-mM. the Auxiliai-v, Mrs. T. W. Caxvkci, Sunmnci-; Mis jean Noble, Home Hospital Superinteittent. Miss M. Ecom-omis; Mi-. Joc Walker, Milk Hilditchi, anti isI vice-presiticît,i Teste- M. Samn Black, Olco- Mrs. L. WV. Dippel]. Pouring tea ntamgarîino îtspect or, foi-mei-ly were Mrs. F. F. Morris, Mus. J. I ît-ilk tester for titis district; and O'Neill, Ml-s. V. H. Slarex-, antdi Mr. Erne.st Foley, caretaker. Mi-s. Mm-s. L. T. McLamgiiiimt. Tîte semx- - 51cmrock stîilably expresseti lier ing register, and tius w-ci-e looketi îleasum-e anti aptm-ecjaîîan. affer by the variacus mtembrs af Miss Kaleen Sitithi, Hamnptan, the Auxiiiar. xviii assu nte lte ticîies oai secre- The tata] receits atimtedti 10 ari-yli MaY, ocim lier graduation $457.20 w'hicb lîtelctiedti lt-eia- fmomn Bawnianitlie 1-ligb Sch-ool. beial and making off fl-e ti-t-esIli te interim, Mm-s. Ted Bagneli for the li-irig-rocm, aii te sale -xx ill f t1hIe positionl. Doing Good Work Ail Municipalities Have Agreed To Use Equalized Assessnîents Doin .1.liavýj Recreation .icco'Of lthe Toxx-n of Bw1anie lthe hree years he has held this Psitiaui, lthe tpolar Recrention Lirectar has insJtuj-edmc n.',e v rcraju ci-ities bath for children and zcuLis, amtd bas dcx'choped a r2ec-ation rogram for Bovw-x-ianvile ctiat compares favoab]v xviy 'x the P r-ovince. Bon îx-s i m i c e-im in T'fat-n ta bfoe 'oniugbre f k r , - (A' * n n' i-' own's recrc- .inal i ) dt u i, ~ tîx Oi o ni A pi l 1, 1930. -Pooby Relider VOLUME 99 BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO- TT-TTTWý-nAV APrTT. 9nrl 10.r%-q f7- lc)VD nnl:)Xr XTTTqrn"Tb .9 à i