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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1953, p. 8

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PAGE KIGET L~~~~~' t UMA14V L,. ON!TLRICU. HRDY PI i~1~Tl A Al '~1UOAAM~f7*A~? n il" Pded dÀrTaxes Plus d#Porit 2c Pp rbetti £uthnoelad bottin aof Coca-Cola unde, contra t wth Coca-Cola Ltd. HRANBILY'S CARBONATED ]BEVERAGES )SHAWA, ONTARIO PHONE 3-2733 h.-, ibl. Have that . 0 DOOR GLASS or WINDSHIELD Jnstalled Now While You Wait JOE COOPERSI Service Station 218 King St. E. PHONE 3432 V~mL I!..~. t. * !N11th people at home who support- BBUpAl UKUYve . fmunliy ilstory ed the war effort through the Red Cross and other worthy Bafi q B ck O er 60 Y arsmeans. The Honour Roll of en- Compiled bY ]Research W.I. roup Albert Bothwell Robelat Bothwell (Continued from last week) e's Day portion of the service Robyr Bothwell Cantinuing the important events wcre: Greta Snowden, who read Car cBo wn associated with M%,aple Grave Un- the special star, ,Little Johnny LelirneGBrwo ited Church we clip the 0110,ow- Mari1j n Herne, Jean Fiintoff, Wleli a Good ing report fom The Canadian Billy Laird and Bobbv Brown Eila o Haya Statesman of March 1.5, 1952, is- -ho read parts of the service Glarn arvi sue: from the Christian Family Day Stert Jarvie A four-fold service of high in- fm fwrhpptatb h Roy Johnson spiration 'Was field in ,Vjple United Chu rch. The offering wvas William Lewis Grave United Church Suîrdav taken up by t'.o mothers, leaders Don l etcalfe ]Torning, Ma%-11 iwîhalag of the Beginners' Croup in the DoradnMtaf congregation in attendance. ln Sundalv School, 3vrs. Ken Flinrdtriso addition ta the obselvanlce of and Ms Morle 'v Flintoff. Hoard Ormiston Mother's Day, eight children re- The children batzdan hi alter Ormiston ceivcd the rite of baptism, and parents are: Carol Jean, daughter George Painter two gifts ta the church x'.ere re- of t Mr. and Mrs. _Ndel Edwards; Donald Parker ceived and cdicatud b'. the ini- William John, son of Mr. and Alan Preston ister, Rev. L. M. Samerville. Mrs. Cccil J. Milis; Mary Esther, Lloyd Preston Mr. Sherwood Coliacutt, Osh- daughtem of l\Ir. and Mrs. How- Donald Ross E awa, who spent bis boyhood daysI ard Cry'derman; James Grant, son Fred Secret at Maple Grave and attended the of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Metcaifc; Charles Smith chumch and Sunday Sehool,, on Lee Anne, daughter of Mr. and Stanley Townend behaîf of himself and bis wife, Mrs. Edward (Ted) Hoar; Har- Sam Van Campt presented ta the church a txvo_ vey Brian, son of Mr. and.Mrs. Mike Vetzal manual Hammond electric organ,i Harvey Metcaife: Sharon Dianne Charles Wright in memory of bis parents, r 'adand Judith Jean, daughters of Mr. FrdWgt Mrs Wilim Cllcut Tis beau-j and Mrs. C. A. Gibson. George Wright tiful and useful gift %vas accepted Mr. Somemville's sermon, bas- Kenneth Wyse% by the miiiister and by Mmr How ed on thec text, "In thee shah al I Red Cross aid Fl~ on behalf of the con- the familles of the earth be bless-GrvRdCoswao- gregation and dcdicated ta the cd" carried out the theme ofi Maple rvReCoswao- high pux'poŽ± foi .h'ci il. '.'. in Christian Famiiy Day in forceful gqnized in November 1939, and tended, rcinindmng aiïl (>% .ýho) ml~n The great tendency ta- worked in coopemation with Bow-s attend Maple UGrovc Crc of, cay, he ;aid, is away from fam- mnil e rs.Ms .C two of its xvel lovd iîwrtyl'y life, and standards of conduct mnil e rs.Ms .C mnembers who have passcd on. been lowered. He urged a Snowden, Mrs. J. D. Stevens and t Another valuah)i', and beauti- 1:îeturn ta the Christian principles Mrs. Roy Metcalfe were appoint-F fui gift xvas rcn ted o the and ideals embodied in family ed a committce ta acf as leaders t church by INs. Leslic C. Snowdu2n i lfe at ils bcst. lin the different groups.a and hei' chilcireti in inemorv ofU Special mnusic by the choir u n-~ Thç leaders were responsibleL tht ]le Mr. Snowdeiî This , xas ider' the direction of Mr. Lesliei for bringing the sewing and knit-V an altar chapeonou which was cen- 1 Collacutt, organist and director, ting out from Bowmanville Red P trcd the impires,,ive United added geatly ta the beauty and Cross Rooms, directing the groups'f ChuehCrst m.Suxvdn n iseffectiveness of the service. TheY and returning the complefed ar-d lifeth iestM. asa ighv en in hed sanhg two anthems, "The Lord's ticles ta the roomns, as well asS memer0fMapo roe CurhPraver" and "Lift Up Your keeping a record of everything tc active lu ils work, in the sons of i Hearts". Miss Lcnore Collacutt receivcd, ail work donc and ar- ri I'empcrance and was treasurer, \as soloist ln the lâtter. ticles returned in due course. M of the Sunday School. This gift A fine group picture of the In 1940 Mrs. Cecil Jeffrey was t was also dedicated by the minis-1 choir, Rev. L. M. Somerville, Mm. appoinfcd in Mms. L. C. Snow- ter. and Mms. Sherwood Colacutt and den's place. In Febmuary 1941 The Suiîday marning service others who took part in this ser- Mrs. Frank Swallow took charge C1 was attended by ail classes af the vice appeared in the following of quilts and knitting and Mrs;. r Sunday School, their teachers and issue of The Statesman. A. J. Campbell the sewmng ilu superintendent, Mr. Harry G. Honour Roll west gmaup south of highway, B Freeman, who aiso assisted the Maple Grave community make and Mms. R. R. Stevens the quilt-- minnister in the service and dedi- a mast commendable shawing ln ing in the east gmoup. cations. the yaung people who enlisted in Mrs. Frank Swailow witb the Cbildren of the Sunday Schaal! the Second World War (1939- help of Mrs. Ernest Swift direct- takingpart in the special Moth- 11945) as wcll as the activities of ed a gmoup on the highway for two years. Fmom 1947 ta 1949 Maple Grove ladies did Red Cross work through the Womens Institute x tii Mis. J. D. Stevens leader in 1947-48 and Mrs. W. H. Brown FUELOIL ONTR CTS leader in 1948-49. During the yeams 1939 ta 1949 hundreds of Red Cross articles, supplies and clothing a! various One o Fie Ye r1qkinds were campleted and for- One t FiveYearswarded to headquarters. sr vices for which women were L anaer M btark Oil Ltdu hgl omne n hn 43 KING ST. W. OSHAWA Phone 5-3589~ canvasoscd for donations for the Red Cross in which well over P i.4,$1,000 was collected.Th avs Checis, fese futaures - - - - sers included Ernest Twist, Lloyd Metcalf, Gardon Jarvie, Robt * Storage one million gallons Snowden, Clffrd Swaiiow, ~son Munday, Mrs. Mark Munday , * Aiutomatic uelivery Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Mrs. R. Jr vie, Mms. L. C. Snowden, Mrs. Meter-siamped Tickets Frank SwalIow, with H. J. Brooks, treasurer. - FOR IL ORVictory Club FO I R SERVICE - In 1943 the Maple Grave Vc tory Club was arganized in which over $1,200 was aised when don- Phon you loal aentations were sent ta variaus over- seas organizations for relief as weil as boxes, cigarettes, etc., ta the local boys serving averseas in the ammed forces. Any money JACK BROUGH whýi:h was lef t over in 1947 was PLUMiýBING and HEATING given ta he organ fund of the Oil Burncrs histalled - Phone 615 - Bowmanville The officers of the Victory Club _________________________________________________ ere: President, Stephen Jeffcmy; vil____'Imm___ Commiittee, Stephcn and Mamiorie Jeffrey, Edua Swallow, Mrs. Bothwell, Mabel Geenham, Ruby Munday, Canule Stevens. Editor's Note - This completes prepaed b thehistomical group of he ome'sInstitute. As bakM haniandcditcr we xish ta tbank them for clongust te adsfrthi eiex- ceern o her edevrs ind th Tallis C hoir of Toronto Presents Fine Musical Programme ai Si. John', The Tailis Choir of Toronto, the program was made Interest under the direction of Mr. John ing by the skiifui contrast in thi Cozens gýresented a fine program 1 types of music. of sacred music in St. John's We were particulariy inter Church on Wednesday last. As is ested in the second section of thi the custom of this Choir their program, marked "For the Cor music was presented in the set- anation" which featured just oni ting of the Church's worship. item. This was "Let Thy Hand b( Instead of the usual introduction Strengthened" and was writtei to Evensong the congregation for the coronation of Jamès II b3 were reminded of the death of; John Blow. A stirring anthen Queen Mary and calied to grate- the Tallus Choir sang it with greai fui remembrance of her life. skill. The "A]leluias" were stronj Whiie ail were kneeling the Choir and well done. sang the short anthem which was The third section of the pro. sung at the funerai of King gram, "For the Lenten season' GQeorge V and King George VI,1 presented music in a quieter and "I heard a voice from Heaven more solemn vein. Frederici saying unto me: Write, from Bridge's "God's Goodness hath henceforth biessed are the dead been great" is beautiful and was which die in the Lord" The mu- exceptionaliy weîl presented. sic was written by Sir John Goss. Two pieces by Richard Farrant The traditional musical portions one of the l6th. century musicians of Evensong were beautifully whose music is stili widely sung sung by the Choir. In tribute to followed, "Lord, for Thy Tençler the Mother of aur Lord, the Choir Mercies' Sake" and "Cali to Re- sang Brahms, 'Ail Hail! 0 Mary!" membrance, 0 Lord." 0f the twc as the anthem during the service this reporter liked the former proper. better, possibly because he is At the conclusion of the ser- more familiar with it. At any rate vice, the Choir leader introduc- he feit that it was sung with par- ed the Recital part of the even- ticular beauty and sympathy. inq with a short address outlin- Then came a delightful item by ing the purpase and work of his a modern Canadian composer choir. Then the Choir presented from Winnipeg-W. H. Ander- several numnbers chosen speciaily son's "Comne, I pray Thee." Ander- for their connection with the son's works are well-known in day-the Feast of the Annuncia- the United States, but here in tion of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Canada are only slowly becoming First were sung two l4th. cen- known. If this is a true sample tury carois: "Gabriel's Message" we need to know more of what and "From the Royal Shepherd's he does. [Âne". These were foilowed b'z A hymn, a prayer and a short Waiford Davies' Biessed are the Motet to a familiar tune, follow- Pure in Heart"; Healey Willan's cd by the Benediction brought "0 How Glorious is the King- the program to a close. dom" and W. H. Harris' "Sing a Only the hymns which occur- Song of Joy". It was interesting red in the service and at the to be told by the leader that Har- end of the recitai were accom- ri is the present arganist at panied by the organ. Otherwise Windsor and xviii be playing at ail the music bath of the service the Queen's funeral as he did at and of the severai numbers sung hat of King George VI, and that by the Choir xvere unaccompan- Willan is the first non-resident ied. The organ prelude and past- of the British Isies to be com- lude the hymns and the introduQ- nissianed f0 write an anthemn tions to the other items were pecially for the Coranation of a played by St. John's Church Or- British sovereign. This section of. ganist, Mrs. E. V. Luck. death.-Marv Baker Eddv. I 21l i$fS why you, too, will love a 29 BEAUTIFUL MODELS to choose from in five great series for 1953-Pathfinder, Pathfinder Deluxe, Laurentian, Chlcftain and Chleftaln Deluxe. GREAT NEW WIDE-HORIZON VISION wlth a one-plece curved windshield and sweeplng wrap-around rear wlndow! DRAMATIC NEW DUAL-STREAK STYLING makes Pontiac even more distinctive, more Individual la appearance than ever! NEW LONGER WHEELBASE on Chleftalns gives you that big car feel and lets you enjoy the smoothness of Pontiac's Comfort-Master Ride! PONTIAC'S NEW POWER STEERINGt le avallable ta eliminate as much as 75% of the work of steeringi NEW DELUXE COLOR-KEYED INTERIORS wlth nylon- broadcioth fabrics in smart decorator colora harmon- lzlng with the car color! NEW, FINER POWERGLIDEt on Laurentian and Path- finder Deluxe series offers new flasblng acceleration, greater econamny and new over-ali performance. SPECTACULAR DUAL-RANGE IIYDRA-MATICt PER- FORMANCE on Chlcftains gives you better contrai than ever. Gives you the power you want, when you want it, where you want it! GM *SHADE-LITE TINTED GLASS wlth exclusive, grad- uated wlndshield-tinting. Shade-Lite Glass al'round greatly reduces unpleasant heat and glare. ECONOMIZER REAR AXLE wlth Automnatlc Transmis- sion reduces engine revolutions in Drive Range for mare go on less'gas! INCREASED ROOMINESS bas been cleverly engineered into the great 1953 Pontiacs for solid comfort ail the wayl ig t0ta0 Ne,,, and Deautif,,l Proofthat Dollar for Dollar l'on Can I lDent Pont alac HANDSOME NEW PANORAMA-VIEW INSTRUMENT PANEL pute everything within easy sight and reach. "Green-glo" illumination for better nlght-tlme vision. KEY-QUICK AUTOMATIC STARTING. One turn of the key starts the car. Key automatically returns ta normal position for driving. CROSS-COUNTRY LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT bas larger opening, lower lock and handie for easy ac- cessibllity. NEW HYDRAULIC BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER on Laurentian and Patbfinder Series gives 30% more lune pressure for a given pedal force. Thîis com;blned with extra-large 11" Brake Drums and self-energizlng brake mechanlsm assures easy, safe stopping power. NEW EASY-PULL HAND BRAJ<E Increases efficlency of the entre emergency brakng mechanism. NEW CRANK-OPERATED VENTI-PANE OPERATION. Front Veni-Panes are crank-operated for greater ease. Rear Venti-Panes on Chieftains are restyled wlth relocated locks. NEW PARKING AND STEERING EASE are achleved by new engineering advances in steerlng mechanism ta, reduce the steering effort of parking as much as 20%ý, on Chieftaln Series. NEW FRONT SUSPENSION on Chleftaln Serles In- clined four degrees ta rear of vertical ta allow front springs ta absorb more bump shock, smooth out rough roads. NEW FRONT AND REAR SUSPENSION on Laurentian and Pathfinder Serles have softer springs and modi- fied shock absorbers, bringlng a fluer, smoother ride. PONTIAC'S RUGGED BODY BY FISHER excels In strength and safety, and le outstandlng for comfort and appearance. PONTIAC'S GREAT EIGHT-CYLINDER ENGINE. General Matois' lowest-priced eighit and the mast hlghly per- fected englue in the industryl PONTIAC'S THRIFTY SIX wlth dramatlcally lncreased harsepower ta deliver thousands upon thousanda of THE NEW *AUTRONIC EYE autornaticallv dims and *Avalable at extra cost. brightens headllghts-makes night driving casier, fAutonatic Transmissions anzd 'otver Steerina oftinal asextra safer, more comfortable. cos on Chieftain, Laurentian and Pathfinder Deluxe Serie,. r.1053B ROBSON 166 RING ST. E, Pontiac -Buick Cars MOTORS - GMC Trucks PHONE 525 ".4 .4 ~ ~ --lu, Ivija 1 PAGE ZIGHT TM CANADIAN qTAIIP.qMAN r«tr)WU,&MXM.T-V nUlrADTÉ% L ES ARDC. . R.To howthe St. Lawrence and Atlantic S r. alansnClforOh-M le Se From Aug. 12 ta Sept. 12, it wiUi Mra Hl n a lfodOb "oieaisu be an view at the Canadian N,..j 5 wa, and Mm. and Mms. Kelly,!~ tional Exhibition in Toronto ani Orono, were Sunday visif ors xith Across Canadua later in September will mave t-Mm. and Mms. E. Bail. ____ from Toronto fa Niagara Falls and ie Mr n r.R coadaniaoThe eteanil a elebra- eMr. and Mrs. C, Grant, Mr. and The only "mobile" rnuseum inamniathe etranili bdesbown Ms. Loucks Senior, werc Satur- the world, consisting o! tree ions and eventualy will be seen, eday visitais with Mr. and Mrs. locomotives and six raiîway cars, in ail parts o! the country. ieAngus Loucks. bsbe e pb h aain While on exhibition if will be le Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bobbins and National Railways and will be sed b eie aîodr )eGail, spent Suday xith is par- dispayed in varous parts of the dessed in costumes wan by ents Mr.andMrs.ArtRobbns.crews 100 years ago. The authen- ent, M. nd rs Ar this summer. ticity of flhc equipment furnislf( y Mm. and Mms. Edxvard W. Lewis, The locomotives and cars, tbem- ings and mementoes dlsplayed in ~Oshawa, who have their summer selves museum pieces, will con- the train bas been esfablisbed by thome a nthe 9th Line were Satur- tain hundreds of exhibits relating careful research extending aver g day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ta railmoading in Canada fmom the past tbree years, C.N.R. offi- Lemoy Hamilton. 1836 until todeMy. diais Say. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Duvall and The "museum" wili make ifs ýon John, spent Sunday with Mm. !irst officiai run on May 16 from d and Mms. Earl Duvaîl. Toronto ta Aumora, commemarat- Doing unto others as we would k We are sorry ta hear that Mrs. îng the 10th anrîiversary of the that tbey do by us, is immortel- h Jas Cameron bas been sick. aperafion o! the fimst stcam loco- ity's self. Intrcpid, seif-obliviaus S Miss Kathleen McCausland en- motive In Ontario. In July if will lave fulfîls the law anid is self- tered a brace of Kerry Blues et tour the Eastern Townships ta sustaining and eternal.-.Mary tthe Toronto Sportsmnan Showv and cammemarate the centennIal of Baker Eddy. Swon fimst prize. Last Tucsday night whilst talk- ring ta Ed. Yaungman, I made the remark that the roads were flote 50 bad as last vcar, whicb remark sRd, I take it all back. Sister Ham-p... ilton drove we home, and got stuck in the barayard gate. After much pushiîig I decided ta get I E M N N V A E the tractai ouf and pull ber out on the road. Startingc across the banyir i tb aanccddn't On IMON. - TUES . - VJED. only sec the softîîess of the niuid unti 1 aotoeso.Iblne ncn foot, !isbcd out slîoe, getting mud ta the clbows and after cmptying if, squelch across ta the drive 7.50 Machinieless -4495 10.00 CoId Wave - 7*95 shed, cleaued off witb straw, gof tractor started, nearly pushed the manure pile over, managcd f0 10.00 Machineless - 6.95 12.50 CoId Wave - 9.95 get down lu the mud and passed. the chains around the car. AfferCod W v 150 Cod a e - getting if safely on the road, 1 7.50 Cl ae__UQ5 1.0Cl ae- 22 tu rn e d a ro u îd a n d p ro m p tly g t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ stuck lu the barnyard gate. I left flic tractor for iîusband ta pull outnex monin. Ithe spntPhone 703 for Appoiniment bal! an liaur scraping Muid off myscif and crawied into bcd af 2 a.m. a saddcr and wiser woman. H UYCK'S IHOUSE 0F STYLE The glory of human life is in 67 King St. W.- Rear of Coffee Shop overcoming sickness, sin, and /jý il PHONE 585 kW

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