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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1953, p. 15

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MPMSIDAjY, APRIL Pth, 1953 CLASSIFIED CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Gray, En- field, wish ta express their sincere thanks and apprecietian ta their kind neighbours and friands for their expressions a! sympethy and beautiful floral tributes duringi their sad bereavement. 1- >' Wewishta thank aur relatives1 and triends for the many kind )expressions of sympathy shown in oGur reCent sed bereave ment in the 10sa of a dear son and brother. > Mrs. R. Hawkay and tMrs. G. McCoy. I would like ta thaak ail those Who sent cards, ilowers and gifts, aisa my, neighbours for ,their The First Ontario Black and Wvhite Sale Testad for Export 50 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS Acccedited - Vaccinated Sevecai iistad. Salling at Fair Grounds, (Simcoe Street North, fui-n West on Buckingham Street) jOshawa, Ontario at 1 p.m. THURS., APIRIL 16 THF CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN~VILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FITEEN SABS Work Wanted CUSTOM work wanted. Phone 2968, Stan. Hall. 15-3* DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killjng. Phone 3243. 32-tf CUSTOM work, garden or farm plowing, cultivating, discing. Phone 496. 15-4* HAVE your kitchen and bath- room walls tiled, about 29 colours ta choose iran. M. Jurko, Phone 2753. 12-tf TRACTOR custaom work-piow- ing. discing, cultivating. Also a W.D. Allis-Chaimers tractor ln AI shape for sale. Calvin Crago, phone 2646. 15-1 umunims uring iny stay in Some of the early entries. MAGUIRE'S GARAGE Memnoriel Hospital, Bawmanviila.28BonSre Special thanks ta Dr. K. Sianon Jas. T. Brown, Newastle-28BonSee and nurses, elso Rabekah Lodge A service age son o! Glenefton Ganeral Repair, ta Ford and tmembers. Futurity XXX froin a 2-yaer-oldai keofcr Mrs. Ethan Jones. dam with 12,373 lbs. of 4.02% milk B idy akne es ars îî*on 2X in 325 days.Boy ndFdeRpir G. E. D. Greene, Agincourt- Duca and Dulux Reiinishiag I would like ta express my sin- A 4-year-old by Emperor af Mount Phone 900 care thanks ta Dr. Ferguson, Dr, Vfrtoria iran a 582 lb. 2X, 2-yeaa- 14-2 Oillie, Toronto, A & P Tee Ca., aid, sired by a grandson of Pietje A & IP Staff, and for the many B (*Ex.) Just finisbed 12634NOTICE enquiries, iavei'v letters, cerds, miik 3.88 ', . 490 fat et 3 years.N0T1CE ilowars and candy sent to me dur- J She seils springuîg to Eglantiers Introducing to Bowmanvjlle ing my stay et Prîvate Patients' Emperai' Supreme. PavlinToronto, and since I bave H. J. McFarland, Pieton-. and surrounding district been home. A 2-year-oid Historien grand- W A lD1 Iv Blanche Cardan. daugbter, ta fi-eshen in Sept. ta W. A. IPATI8K ______ Far Lend Symbol. Cmlt Also frain Far Land Farins a Cmif We ,visb ta tbenk Drs. Keith Regasborne Rag Apple Governor PLUMBING & HEATING Siemon and McKav, Mrs. E. Wilk- daugbtec out of a 20000 lb. cow SERVICE ias, Mrs. Muir and Mcs. Campbell that just campieted 12500 ibs. for specialiing, end the Staff O! 3.7'ý test as ea-eroI (not yat 1 Silver St. Phone 3613 Memorial Hospital, Bawmnanville,, officiai>. She wili be due to a Fr ________________ for thair kind services: also red Land Symbol et sale turne. and neigbbours for their ilowers, B. IV. Neyîlor, %Veston-]P ITN cards, letters and 'phone cailsABodHynagppeMsr-uu. u durîng ny stev in the bospital. A.Bon HvenRanAple..:er Mrs. Douglas CurI. piece daîîghter dute in Juna ta J g555- HANGIN 15 -1 Giengale Reg Apple Hope. Slcino Neil Malcolm, Burketon- FulIlacino We wish ta thank ail who sent An ll-montli-oid bull froin a v e ry PA and AI cards, latters o! sympatby and igaod dam witb 12402 milk, 4.01%an ilowers; Dr. Keith Siemon a nd 1509 fat et -2 Yrs.. 2X. He is sired PPR nurses. Special thanks ta the, by Wood-Dale Rag Apple Chie!- - FREE ESTIMATES - arganist, palîbearers, Rev. T. A. tien (XX. Morgen, Morris Ca., the 'ladies Fred Stevens, Bowmanville- Howard S. Brooking wha servad lunch and ail wbo In A very gnad cow with 14505 milk PHONE 2702 42-tf any wey haiped ta ease the great 3.58l'c 520 fat. due in May toae legs, son a! the Ail-Canadien Rock- fyllyg N Annie and C. J. Mouatjoy. waod Racket 'l'ne. BUL DUINBAN 15-1 F. J. Webster, Picton- From the beart o! a top cow EXCAVATING We wîsb ta extend aur haart- family' a Good Plus daugbter oi By Hour or Contraet feit thenks end appraciatiaa for Wood-Dale Rag Apple Chiaitien - the acts o! kindness, massages ai F'rom e Very Good 78.436 lb. dam, -Frece Estimates Given- syrnpathy ai-d beautiful floral ai- sabsfu îtrtaods p ierings receivad iran relatives with avec 70,000 lbs. in fiva 305- f~ rp and frîends, aspeily thenking daw rcods.Seisbeay n al Rev. C. W. Hutton for bis dansai- tayGrenaconsPrecl edcen. al PORT PERRY R. R. 2 iag wards, elso Mr. and Mrs. Chas. eGeatnPeeJc.POE19r4 Venning foc their kindness an j H. H. Herrington, Picton- PHNE 09--4 halp in aur recent sad bereeve- il apen beifers o! excellent prom- 54 mient ai e ioving mother. 1 ise; 7 by Quinte District Unitj Russell and Agnes Wîlian sires, 4 bv a grandson o! Tuke COJSING EVENTS S and famiîy. Supreme Poscb.V 15-1j S. Chas. Allun, Bowmanville- Reserve Fridey, April 24th, foc 4 top heifers, 2 Rockwood Racket Ray Dudley's Racitel in Trinity t] .? I ErO I MJ Tone, daughter due in Sept, ta United Chucch. Arrangements by1 IN____________________ onatown Genecal and Wood- Bownanvilae Lions Club. 12-6f C In loing emoryof aDale Rag Apple Chieftlan, aiso an oetthTenowDacC ~~LI-I ovin memry a e0oR.G. Francis Rag Apple Truina an ateTenTw ec ?r wi!e and mathar, Irene E.' daughter due in August ta Wood- et the Lions Conmuaity Centre 4~~ij wo ased wa o GodDale by Rag Apple Chieftian. A on Friday, April 10, starting et I Walot otrwihabeertIl of2.Heinescrast Sovereign Tycoon 8:30. Admission 50c. 15-1 S Wels ohýwt er fdaughtec dite ta Wood-Dale Chie!- A gald, tain in Sept.Goya mles'Rca-' Who wes mare ta us than weelth GoderEpoas a Cea uatold. Other consignai-s ar- tion Club final auchre, Fridav, A Without feceweil she feul asleap, Harold Baker.........------Kingston April 1Oth et 8 p.m. in Goodyear With anly menaijs for us ta Gea. Beare.----- . Uxbcidga Recreatian Hall. 15-1 keep. N. F. Brachen. Harrowsmitb£Si Wa have iost but God bas gained Ban Brown Bowmanville Plan ta attend Tyrone Young C Oaa ai the hast mothers the Orvel Chambers Wilfrad Peopla's pley "Gatting Ira Mer-R world cantaiaed. Harry Cempsaii Hartington riad", on Friday, April 17, 1953, -Lovingiy remembared by hec Christie Bras. -- Port Parry et Tyrone Community Hall. Ad- husbad and famiiy. O. Croxali -- Port Perry mission 50c and 25c. 14-3 a is-î~W. Caig awmavii, John Cruickshank Hampton The Newtonvilla Girls' Soitbali McFEETERSY4-n cherisliad mem- Allen Down Bowmeanviile Teain will hold a dance la New- M ai-y ai my wife, Louie Jane Me- Chas. Frank & Son, Bowmanviiie tonvilie Hall. Friday, April 17. Feeters, wbo pessad away April Chas. Gienney- . Newcastle Admission 75c. Lunch will be G 13, 1951. Frank Huf! ---- -Bloomfield sarved. 15-2 Oý A sulent thought, a secret tear, Reg. LeGresiey --- ----- Newcastle te Keeps ber memary ever dear; N. Malcom--- Burketon Came ta the Eestar tee and Tima takes away the edge of grief Ross Parks -----.----- -Bloomfield bezeer in St. John's Parish Hall ai But memory turns back every Bert Smithb - - --Weckworth on April 1 ith, 3 ta 5 p.m., 25c. y] - ve eebee y ri. Sale under management of Home bakxng, white alaphent and _Es-î rMa<-KENZIE & FRANKe.fancy work tables, auspices af Ev-M ______ a& RAK niag Branch W. A. 15-1* wi Write for catalogue ta: ____ McFEETERS--lii ioving nemnory Alex MacKenzie, Woodstock, Ont, Resarva May 2tb for e Spade PC ai aur dear motheî-, Louie Jane, - or - tee, with film and display o! viý who passed away, April 13, 1952. Walter Frank, Bowmanville, Ont. Spode china et Lions Comnunity Bi. Ail ta ourseives we think o!fvou, Centre, at 8 p.m. Sponsored by Think o! the tlîîngs yau used ta MAY 29th: The 2nd Ontario Black Bowmaavilla Business and Pro- gli do: and WVhite Sale at OSHAWA jfsiaeWma'Clb 15-1 viý Think o! the tbings we used ta 1 j_1f________ urs lub M Think o oau Ia averv wav, We leugh witl the \vocîd but neyer forget, For deep in aur buarts vour inemorv is kept. --Ever cemembered bY lier farniiv, Violet and Effie. William, George and Louis. -1' GEDDES--lii loving nerorv o! Patrick J. S. (3eddes %vba passed awev, Api-il 81h, 1947. O w-eai' heuart there is a haine Beyond the reacb o! toil ai-d A home whei c Changes nIcveî- O who would not fain ho ter -Ex-cc renienbei-ed by fatiii v. 15-i * WELSI - itIi oving memiorv o!' James Lesiic Welsh who passed i awey, April il. 1950. Natl-ing cen ex-ar take awav The love a beact boids ýdeac, Z'ond mamaries linger everv de;-, Ramembrance keeps hlm neer. -Sedîx mi.ssed by I s fan-ivi AUTOMOBILE INS URANCE I-on-i outsteî-ding campen\, and for careful drivers oniy, who are 21 - 25 ai-d marriad and for al athars ox-er 25 Y'eeî's, with no J extra charge for the occasionel driver under 25 or for business. Pub. Li. 10,/20,000, Prop. Dam. $5.000. Compreb. $100 Dad. Coall. î for $28,60. Six months pranlum an\prew cars o! popuier mae, 01e"-rs ioxwer. D irk Brinkman Insurance R. R. 3. Burketon Phone 82-r-2 Blackstock - Goodyear Employees' Recre- 1Iaion Club final bingo, Friday, t -Work Wanted JApril17 t8pm inGoya Recreation Heul. $40. jack-pot Concret e and Macsonry; muthwo.AmsinOc 15-2 Brick, Block and ('oncrate Wark i f i1 Don't miss Cornz A Poppin' '3 Prompt Attention j Thursday, Frida'.' Satucdev, April - STINIATES FRF - 9, l0, Il. Tickets 7.5c par persan. IA limitad stippl 'y a! tickets for Turnereach night will heaevailableaet the j L. Tre door. 15-i P. 0. Box 177 Bowmanvile Conie ta Saline Football Club'si j Talephone 3600 Spcîng Kick-off et Saline Hall, ________ 12-t! Fridax-. April 10. Dancing 9-I ta Bryce Bcown's Seveneires Orch-1 estra. Noveltv cdances. luckv spot B uLLDOZINU prizes. etc. Admission, Geaisg 75c,1 and EXC VATNG Ladies 50c. 14-__ andEXC VATNG Reserva Wedi-esdey ex-en ing, April 22. 8 o'ciock, foc social ev- en ing et Lions Commun itx- Centre. ALL TYPES 0F GRADING Dancing, cards, entetainnant, Newcastle ta Garden Hill good prizes. refrashinants. Pro- cads foc Franklin Memociel Park. $ 7.00 per hour The ceusa is wocthy. Evaryone welcomne. 15-2 The annuel meeting o! the Bow- CLIFIF CHALLICE nmanvilie Bnhofte'dCrsh PHONE 10-r-4 GIARDEN HILL wilb held in the Towvn Hall ona 151Fiction April 17 at 8 p.rn. whend ce'îvass in Juna will teke place. C -MASONRY1 Citizens are u rgeatlv requested ta C attend ti Importent meeting. a, CONSTRUCTION Chas. Carter, Sr., Presidant. 13-3 q BRICK - BLOC'K Plan ta enjav an Pvaning o!f fn si et a manster card part%'taha 0ed1 Chimneys Repaired and in the Newcastle Commruait,.- Hall a ebiton Wednesdla*v, Apt-il 22 a t 8Li Sidewalks. Coni-rete, oYiock in aid o! the Woman's Aux- a] General Industrial and iiiarv o! Memorial Hospital, Bow- cE Reidential ('ontractîng manvilie, sponsorad bh- a repre- D -Campetent Workmanship santation af ladies o! NawFlcastle t FREE ESTIMATES district. 15-2 Ainger Bras. j Dr Fred Landon' "The only ceai and effective aducation for PHONE 2643 citizanship lies in its actuel prac - 12-tf i tice."1 Courtice couples1 By Head of Fish ai We wece then shown tbcee ENNJSKJLLEN Regular C.G.I.T. meeting was hald et the home o! Elanor Heard on Satucdey, Apî'il 4tb. Tha wor- sbip was in charge o! Reva Mc- Gi and Nancy Wood. A story from aur study book was toid by Nancy Wood. An enjoyeble gaee was led by Nancy. The progran consisted o! a poem by Carrol Wright, piano solos by Elenor Heard and Gloria Wright and a stocy by Rea McGili. Recreetion wes conducted by Nancy Wood. A cielicious lunch was served by tha bostess aîîd ber mother. Next meeting et the home o! Mcs. O. C. Asbton's. Mr. and Mrs, David Gray and Carol, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Mlford McDonald and family; Milss Ruth Adams and Mc. Steve Shcad, Bownanville; Mr. Henry Adams and Bruce, Hamnpton; Mr. nd Mrs. Jin Fallis and family, Cadnus, visited with Mrs. J. Adams. Sundey. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeatec, 3r., Mc. and Mcs. L. Leadbeater, Eala and Murrey, Mr. and Mrs. :Beaumont and Jimmy, Miss L. Zeed, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. e.Leadbeatec. Mc. and Mî's. Cameron Oka. ind Alpha Bander, Oshawa, with Ur. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Miss Diane Lee, Kadron, with [r. and Mcs. E. A. Wery. Mr. and Mrs. Howar-d ke and -earrv, Mr, and Mcs. John Oke, sbewa, with Mr. and Mcs. Wel- er Oke. Dr. and Mcs. Clarke Dorlend tid femiiv. Lapeer, Mich., are siting witb Mrs. John Doriand. Mc. and Mrs. D,.1B. Key and Ir. Bill Key. TocantQ, visited 1 ith Mr. and Mrs. A, Sharp. 1 Mc. and Mrs, 0cr. Je!!rey, Port r lrry. Miss Lois Jeffrey, Oshawa, 1 Ïsited witb Mr. and Mrs. A. ( Wuat. s Mr. and Mrs. Fred Biliett, Dou- s as and Jin, Scerboco Bluffs, t sited with Mc. and Mcs. Roy IeGili. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Steinton, nanao, with Mc. and Mrs. M. J.c ainton. N Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry witn r. and Mrs. H. McGili. u Mc. and Mrs. Will Stainton, r. Don Tamblyn, Ocono, were st xveek cailers et Mi-. and Mrs. e Ormîston's.F Mc. and Mrs. Laonaî-d Bradia C, th Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke." Mi's. O. Bueamont and Jimny, B cronta, are spending e faw da.vs th bar sister, Mî's. A. Leadbeet- AI st wi Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGili Reva and.Keitb, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Chaiie Lanigmaid's, Sauina. Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catharines, spent the week-end wvith lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Wright. Mr. and MIrs. Clarence Biradley, Notice Io Credifors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE af Oscar Burton Andrus, iate of the Township of Dariingtan, in the Count 'v of Dur- ham, Fariner, deceased, wba died at Oshawa. an or about the l4tb day of February, 1953. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and athers baving dlaimns against the above estate are re- quired ta send particulars and full* proaf thereof ta the under- igned on or before the 26th day ft May, 1953, after whicb date the ssets of the estate will be distrib- ted having regard ta the Wii nd dlaims that have then been rce ived. [ATED at Bowmanville, Ontario, le 6tb day of April. 19.53. La wrence C. Mason, Barrister, etc. .30 King Street W., Bowmanvîille.Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. 13-l31---k Quality and Low Price with.aa «- * nams. LK. Yw. svaLîeLC1L ,isited relatives la Langsta!!. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Banks, Grace and Beryl, Weston, with Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin, Set- cday. Mc. and Mcs. L. Steinton and îmrily with Mr. and Mrs. C. Milis id Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope, Port 'ercv. Mr. and Mcs. Norman McCrae, Dshewe, Mr. Lea Mitchell, Narth Battle!ord. Sask., with Mr. and irs, R. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. John Griffia and amilv, Miss Jov Smith, with Mr. id Mrs. lrwin Wotten, Oshawa. The WI. A. met et the home of Irs. K .Svenefelt for Marcb. Pi- ident cailed meeting ta order ith a poan. Mcs. Milton Stain- on read the Bible reading. De- 'tionai leafiat was read by Mcs. ,rne Lamb an "Working Chris- ians." Rail ceil wes enswarad by our nather's maiden nana. 'etch out foc those bobo tees. rs. R. McLaughiin, presented e t'oiiowing piogren: Accordian lusic by Gloria Wright, an in- î-esting paper on the Coronation y Mrs. M. Hobbs: humorous adîngs by Mrs. Seymnour endl frs. Norman Wright ware gîvea. Svote a! thenks ta hostass wasj xtended by Mrs, F. W. Warry .d Mrs. E. C. Ashton. Contest as conducted by Mrs. Seymour. înch was sarved by the graup. Giad ta repart thet Mc. J. A. taintan, Toronto, is naking good agress aiter bis racent opera- n in Toronto Western Hospital. for For Qui ck Results THE CANADIAN STATESRMN P130NE 3303 CLASIID D "_ 1 On April 2nd about 45 persans lnciuding the guest performers enjoyed the pot luck suppar held at Ebanezer Church for thE Courtice Couples Club. Neaci less ta say everyana did full justice ta the gcoanîng tables, wbich wece decorated for Easter, Pragran apened with com. munitv singing with Eileen Down at the piano and Ross Metcalfe leading. The choraiettes iran Bow- manvilie High School favoured us with three beautifuily sung numbers, "Aftac the BaIl", "Dry' Bones" and "Brahns Lulieby." Ross Metcalfe pleyed three ver' fine selections on the piano. These young people had ta leave before we had a chance ta seî thank you but we cartainly hope ta liear themn again in the neai future. We wvere very fortunate ta have ta speak ta us, Mr. Weir, who is beed of the Conservation a! Fish and Wiid Life in Lindsay, and Mr. Ken Tolmie of the Dept. o! Lands and Forests for Dur- bam County. Mr. Weic told us thet now instead o!fjust one beed office in Toronto %ve bave Il divisions and that we are in the Trent District. He pointed out that people usuaill'v do not stop ta think wbat conservation nîeans. There are two extremities equaily destructive- one the persan who bates ta see anytbing des- tcoyed or kiiied and tbe other who tbinks that as long as there is sornetbing ta shoot or catch that it sbouid be donc. Mr. Weir said tbat ive couid seve a tbing until its value is gone. We cennot separete the farest, land, weter and wiid life, for ta take even one of these aýway wouid rmean that the rest wauld siowiy deteriorate. Every- thing must be pianted in the rigbt enviconment with plenty a! food and shelter and we must ake ewey annuaii 'v only a linit- ed amoutt s that tbe supplies of the wiid lufe and fish do nat get tao low. Club Hears Talk SOLINA id Wild Life Iranch ,M people enjoved a social ev'ening s, very fine films. The first was oi gaines and reimys in the con- s, called "Out of the Sinoke" and munity hall on Monday nigbt. En- Id we were shown how the Dept. af tertaininent was under the direc- ie Lands and Forests saivaged much tion of Harvey Yeilowiees, Don - needed lumber iran burned for- Taylor and Ewart Leask, Y.P.U. Il ests in Ontario. A comedy film recreation canvenors who also s, of tbree littie bears was next. served the refreshments at the rThen a film on New Brunswick close af a very pleasant evening. 1showîng how by putting a wood Attendance 20. ýn lot in sections and taking each Mr.' and Mrs. Gea. Irvin and !e year oniy the trees that are cbildren with Mrs. Havel Harris. ready. and by thinning out where Ms ae arswt ea -tbey are too crowded, that iarm- iss alWiblHriy wt.ea ders have a god cash crop each tvsa hty gyear. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johnson, Mr9ometl u hth a Mr. Bob Johnson Jr., and Miss Isix townships ta caver and he Eileen Johnson. Toronto, at Mr. . needs the help o! the farmers, R. Giibert's. )fishermen and hunters. The dii- Miss Seima Gilbert, Toronto eference in tines, now, that we teaching staff, with ber parents b ave faster travel is teiiing ah for the Easter vacation. ethe fish and wild lufe as city Mr. and Mrs. A. Fleming, Mr. r people are able ta drive ta the and Mrs. John Anthony and fan- country an an afternoon with ily; Miss Joyce AnthonY, White- their cars while a few years ago vale, at Mr.' Geo. Hamlin*s. the horse and buggy slowed Misses Mary, Elma, Jean and travel down. Olive Cryderman; Mr. and Mrs. Careless fishermen and hunters J. Leger: Mr. Ken McMinn, Osh- can nat only destroy wild lifeawaMrE.Cyemns -but also farmers' fields of grainaweMrE.Cdrmns -by tramping aver then. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Tolmie said do nat put up a sign Patsy, at Mr. J. E. H. Davis, Osh- -saying "No Trespassing" as this awa, stops the good as weîl as poor 1 M . and Mrs. Harrv Knox at 5,bunters. But instead put uip a! Mr. 'Hilton Tink's, Ebenezer. t-sign saving "Fishing or Hunting Miss Lorraine Farrow, Bom- tWith 'Permission," then the manvilie, at Mr. Gea. Knox's. -peaple wiil have to cornIe for per- JMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broomne mission ta go on your land. ln end sans at Mr. John Broome's. this wey the numbers can be Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Brooklin, limited. a r rc iks Mr. Tolmie aiso asked that if a r rc iks we saw illegel fishing or~ hunting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crame, Osh- ta phone hlm and give the license awa, at Mrs. Rase Blanchard's. number of tbe car or env ather Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, Keith belpfui information. In this way~ and Rena. Enniskilien; Mr. and 1we can ail be members o! the Mrs. O. Lunn and Teddy,' Peter- Conservation of Lands and For- borough; Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd ests.. Preston and Garx', Miss Ruth Mr. Russ Decoe tbanked the Brock, Bowmanville, at Messr's. speakers. Roy end Chas. Lengmnaid's. Our next meeting wiii be heid Mr. and Mrs. Wes His and on Saturday. May 9, when we Carol et Mr. M. McCarrell's, wili start with bowling at the Omenee. Miss Marilyn McCarrell Mayfair Alleys in Oshawa and returned xith thern. then came back ta the Ebenezer Mran Mr.HMaclM. Chîîrch for lunch. The ladies GergendMsH Malcolin rubm, Mat bring lunch. Gog aclBogaa The winners al bowligwli Mr. John Knox's. serve the lunch and the lose rsI M . G r o e c e i g t n will wash the dishes. with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. - - C. D. Pascoe.. Maurice and Beverley, Bowman- Mr. Chas. Johnson, Sunnybrook ville; Mr, and Mrs. Jim Simp- Hospital, Toronto; Mrs. Johnsoni son, and family, Trenton: Mr. and and children, Peterborough, Myiss M--s Ross Page and îaniîy, N.ew- Helen Baker, Toronto, at Mr. J castle, with their parents, Mr. and Baker's. Mrs. L. Bradley. Mrs. E. Latchain, Uxcbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mount- Mr. Art Knight, Stouffviiie;. Mr. jay, Sask., were callers at Mr. and Mrs. W. Glaspeil and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. Oliver Glaspell, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy, New Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wilson, Mr. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. E. R. Wilson and Teddy, Hardy, Bowmanville; et Mr. Isaac Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Hardy's. Svanefelt, with Mr. and Mrs. N. M.adMs .J prs ii Wilson. MbrookatdMr. WE. Spires il Miss Joy Smith, Toronto, i bMookand Mr. E. Spiresan with ber aunt and uncle, Mr. and farnily at Mr. Frank Burraw's, Mrs. John E. Griffin. Oshawa.j Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Miss Ada Pescoe at Mr. A. L. Orona, were visitars at Mr. and Pascoe's anid M.r A. Moore's. Mrs. Lamne Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coak and Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Carr and chiidren, Bowmanviile; Mr. and Geil, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jack Ovenden and fanily, Win. Hawelis. Maple Grave, at Mr. Frank West- Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mr. and lake', Jr. Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Mr. and Mrs. Frenk Moore, Charles, wîth Mr, and Mrs. S. Bowvmanville, at Mr. Frank West- Rodman, Part Perry. leke's, Sr. Mr. S. Chas. Allia, Bowman- Mr. end Mrs. Eacl Masters and ville; Miss Nan Allin, Toronto, at fanily with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mr. Wes. Yellowlees'. Virtue, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. W, Parrinder and Miss Heather Mitchell with Helen at Mr. Jeck Large's, Bow- Miss Julie Seunders, Oshawa. manvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milîson, Clare and Douglas, with Mr. and Glenn and Grant, at Mr. David Mrs. S. Kersey, Hampton. Beath's. Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Mr. end Mrs. Ross Cryderman Lary and Wayne, Mcs. Fred al Mr. C. J. Wray's, Oshawa. I'amblyn, Ocono. Mr. and Mrs. Se.veral farmers from this com- Lloyd Ashton, Marie and Ray, munity were guests af the Osh- MIr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Sheryl awa Rotacians at a dinner and en- and Gien, Haydon, with Mr. and tertainment at Varcoe's, lest Vrs. Russell Orniston. week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Tresise and Mr. and Mrs. Wn. Cuiling, Osh- family, Oshawa, with Mr. and awa; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Middle- Mrs, . Wrght.tan, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jin ~Irs.N. Wrgbt.Patter, Bobbie and Jimmie, Ma- On Sunday, April 12, the W. pie Grave, visited et Mr. Alec M.S. are holding their annuai Potterýs. Easter thankoffering service. ___________ .'lrs. Gardon Beech, Mrs. Ted -bar, Mrs. Art Burgess, Maple Goldwyn Smith: 'Independent irave, are providing special mu- thaught is the sait without which ic. Mrs. R. M. Seymour is the all aur liberties would lase their ;peaker. The W.M.S. are farming savour.".- ha choir. I Asparagus Spinach Large Cucumbers Large heads Lettuce Choice Phoe 67 - L.25C Fry-s i l. fUn clopkg, Cocoa - - 69C 1C Cherry Valey 28 oz. - -15cTomatoes --19c Gien Valley 15 oz. Fag1C Pork &Beans 2/19c ArkelI 20 oz. - 2/29c Plums - 2/27c Quality Arkel Demert 20 oz. iFOODS Pears - - 2/31c Phone 674 Free Delivery il 38 Ring EAS'Y MIODEL 43 illustrated $139.50 More Beaulif ul... More Efficient ... 5 Year Guaranfee on Main Gear Box Hara it is' The greet new EASY "Waterflo." Gyretor Wesber . . * pecfacted aftcc yeacs o! exhaustive research and development ta give Canadien bousvives e washec that is finer, more outstending in cvery way. New ia design . . . streain- iined foc lasting beauty . . . it brings yau the matciess efficieacy o! Eesy*s famaus "Welterflaw" xasbng action .-.-.-'lie !inely engineei-ec oii-immersad Easy rnie-hainist-n with LON<l-WUAR- JNG IMACHINE-CUT GEARS -... a rîew, supersafe Ees '- wringec with instant sefet ' release and adjustabie pressure foc ai fahri<-s ... a nd a completeiy new, quiet wringar drive with str-amlirned contrais. Modal 43P is equipped with !ast-flow waea punp for spe.edy bendling ai weter. No more iussing %vith pails, flanc drain or siphon. A touch of the contrai and the water is bandled for vou. It's the washer vou've been %waiting foc . . . dex-aiaped. croeted and guacenteed bW' Easy, leaders in home laundc:.-eupnn The Radia Shop Si. E. Bowmanville Phone 573 The Old,_Familiar Faces V The foliawving editoriai appear- The od friend knows how to ged in The Mntreal Gazette some smie at our tiresome or opinion- gi ture ago. We pass it on ta our ated ways, and in the smie we .readers believing it wiIl have par- detect no malice or contempt. He .ticular appeai and interest ta aid makes us sinile at ourseives. And .readers, althougli it may aso in this mutiai recognition of our ihave food for thought for the own frailties there is reassur- younger generation for refectian ance and acceptance of life itself. in the years ahead. And then there is the great Dr. Samuel Johnson said tat sense of a common knoledge. one shoud keep nc's friendships Te ad friend is unlikely ta stimi- in repair. ulate us w'ith the freshness and novelty of his ideas, or the bright- He spoke truiy. No doubi what nes.s of bis points af view. But he nieant was that we ought ta conversation with the aid friends take pains ta fînd new friends. bas its own accepted currency. For the aid friends wiii flot be And it is a currency that it likeiy aiways with us. Some wvii1 move ta be stabie-not subject ta un- awav. And then. af course, there predictabie changes. The meaning cames the cruel severance of af what is said is clear, for the deatb. One af the sadnesses of guarantees back of it are known. growing aider - a sadness littie The aid friends may flot awak- knawn ta the young - is tiiat, ne'seders and even one's con- Ken the anticipation of something temporaries fal away and take unexpected, but the ad friends tieir place in one's memories. are the most corfortable ta have But it is easY ta give advice. afford ta appear as you really Perbaps Dr. Samuel John.son, are: it would be absurd ta appear who gave so much af it, and gave atherwise. And in the ease of it sa magnificentiy, migbt bimself slow talking, there need be no have feit at times baw easy ad- fear of those silences wbich cause vice reaiiy is. something like desperation in con- After al is said and done, it is versation with the unfamiliar. Si- the ad friendsips that are irre- lences between ad friends are a parable. Even if the nexv friends sign of understanding. are found, and happiiv tbeY max' There is perbaps fia poern of be, they maY belp fi the gap, greater pathos than that in wbich but tbe.v cannot really take the Charles Lamb wrote of "The 0ld place of those that bave gone. Familiar Faces:" After ail, friendsbip arises frarn Wbere are thie.v goie, the aid experiences shared. A inew friend famiiliar faces?** may seemn at first far more inter- Ghost-like I paced round the esting than the aid. It is flot quite hauints o! my cbiidhoad, so possible to be sure of just Nwbat Earth seem'd a desert I was be is going ta say. Ilis prejudices bound to traverse. are not quite sa well known, or Seeking ta find the aid fam- mnay, at ieast, be more decorousiv I iliir faces... conceaied. You bave nat as yet How same tbey bave died, exbausted his stock of ideas. and some tbey bave ]eft But after a litte time, sinc- nie. ting seems ta go aniiss. The ad And saie are taken from me;, understanding, seasoned and de- al are departed, pendable, just may not be thiere. AI, al are gne, te nd fam- For friendsip is fot a matter of iliar faces. being bright and conversational. Keep yur friendships ini re- It is, rather, a matter af tolerance, pair, said Dr. Johnson. And et a putting up witb the was and course he was rigt. The new oddities af the people we have friends are needed as well as the long known. ad. The Fairway Food MarketI Suggesis Some House Cleaning Needs Johnson's Pride 10 oz. bol FURNITURE POLISH - » 9- O'Cedar 16 CLASS WAX POLISH - - - -4 GoId Medal 1 lb. PASTE WAX - ---- 3 Sunsat Coloui-ed ez BROOKS - - 1 CAR POLISH -»-«-«- -0- $1.98 (1 SPonge, 1 tin Carinu Cleaner, 1 tin Carpiate) FRESH FRUITS GROCERIES and VEGETABLES Bluebird rol 1 h.Toilet Tissue - 9c 10ale Primrose Sweat Mlxed 16 oz. 'oate --32c Pickles » 25c- I ananas -2 .. 35c Royal Glory Red Sockeye %s ottle 98C ottie 49c .tin 34c each 'l c A L 7 L IV. ai IV. fi E NI H G si Sr th Free Delîvery ý

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