br il 4flabxrn JME 99 dDnXif'TT1I.A A TTYTT T .-,-t r%- nU ~ ~ ~ ~ I 0VY.I VJILK(£NIAl<> l' I RUlA P iT. 0+1i, 1leaô- . ., ~ ~ .", &.U. ii.i£n.uJ N U MBEnR 15 dieeve Little Mlaints""No Parking" Nancy Ann Bounsafl ~ign DerimetalHad Fatal Fail While ý-Sin e frientlo, Business Horseback Riding W aEIIui 8 AUU U Fredinomnvleer shocked and saddened to hear of Parking problems in Bowman- ents would not then stop on On- the fatal accident which befell ville came in for considerable tario St. 8yaolNncAnBusl, discussion at the regular meet- A third letter was received 8yrodNacAnBusa, ing of town council on Monday from the St. John's Anglican daughter of Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. night after a letter had been read Church Advisory Board request- A. H. (Bert) Bounsaîl of Halibur- from Chief of Police Sidney Ven- ing right angle parking in thc ton, formerly of Bowmanville. ton asking that parking in the vi- vicinity of the church on Sun -1 Nancy Ann xvas out horseback cinity of the Post Office be limit- days. It stated that parallel park-_ riding alone Good Friday morn- ed to 30 minutes on week-days ing on Sundays took up too much ing when she fell from lier horse. between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. space, forcing those attendingj When found she xvas rushed by Reeve Sidney Little stated that services to park several blocks ambulance to Toronto Western the Police committee had no more from the church. The Board felt Hospital where she died Sunday. "No Parking" signs and no money that if right angle parking were Since she neyer regained con- to buy P.ny more signs, and that allowed in the vicinity of the sciousness the cause of the mis- the matter should be left witlh church on Sundays, many more hap has not been determined. the police committee with power cars could be accommodated. The riderless horse was seen to act. "The 'No Parking' signs AIl these parking problems running wildlx' home bv Winni- in town are rotten", he said. "We were left finally with the police fred Miller, who i'an 'out and are trying to bring business into committee with power to act. found the unconscious girl. the town and then driving it out Service Club Signs Five provincial police cruisers with "No Parking" signs. A wom- A lettetr was received from the cleared the highway for the am- an can't even go in to shop with- Inter-Club Committee of the bulance. The distance from Hall out coming out and getting fined Bowmanville service clubs asking burton to the hospital, over 140 for parking. What we need is a for a $410 grant toward erecting miles, xvas coveî'ed in 130 minutes. parking lot-not a bunch of "No composite signs containing thej Well known to many Toronto Parking" signs." n ame of the town and the crests vacation ist.s in the Haliburton A letter was also received fî'om of the three service clubs with area, she and lier brother xe' the Bowmanviîîe Public School meeting dates. These signs would in Charge of a str'ing of sade Board asking that "No Stopping be about two feet by 10 feet for horses which served girls' camps -No Standing" signs be erected each part and would be erected anct resorts in the district. on streets near the public schools. on the east and west approaches Tefte a elkoni The letter stated that parents to the town with one on Liberty The fvilethere the knounsin were stopping cars to let their St. also. On motion of Coun. family operated the monumental children off for school and there Scott the $40 grant was passed, woî'ks for many yeaî's an'd Bert *fsa danger that other children and Mayor Morley Vanstone said xvas also active in militarv acti- casinto traffic. would look after the matter of vite ee Cou. Sottsugestd tat ilgetting permission and erecting Funeral was in Evergreen cem- students at the Ontario Street them. etery, Haliburton. Sehool should be made to use the Council considered a letter fromn Duke St. entrance and that par- (Continued on Page Seven) Councillors Beceive Big Blind Speaker Asks for Assistance Scare When Glass In Helping District's 22 Blind atilb rse lo Bowmanville Town Counicil Kinsmen MeetingTuesday Night sm cuiclmmbr f r or ____________becorming dangerous for soecta-i An outline of the outstanding and take degrees, the speaker work donc by the Canadian Na- said. tional Institute for the Blind on HeIp In Early Stages behaîf of the 20,000 blind cîtizens When persons in the 21 to 50 of Canada was given to the Bow- age bracket lose their sight, the manville Kinsmen Club at their C.N.I.B. sends a field man to see meeting Tuesday night by Alfred them and to belp them get over W. Sparks, himnself blind, who is the terrific first shock that blind- SupervThor of Field Services in Ontario for the C.N.I.B. (Continued on Page Seven> There are approximately 6,000 biind persons in Ontario and 22P wmx ~addsrc.MxB enefil Hockey uame arssiadthe C.N.I.B. looks fo ,c the interests and rehabiiita- R ealized $77i.50 or _pësos. Th blnddo not want Erwin (D ub.)_Piper t your sympathy", Mr. Sparks saîd, ____ "but tbey do want your sympa- The sum of $77.50 was cleared s thetic understanding and the op- for the benefit of Erwin (Dub) portunity to develop the a bilîtues piper at the benefit game between which they stili have. The blind Mike Osborne's Imperials and the want to minimize their disabilities PorHoeRd n atSudy by developing their capabilities as r oeRde atStra far asth arebI" right, Mr. Osborne bas announc- In the case of children blinded Gross receipts were $233.25 in- by accidents or disease the C.N. cluding ticket sales and a $5.00 j I.B. first gives pî'e-school train- donation from Stuart Candier, ing to both children and parents, while expenses were $155.70 in- Mr. Sparks said, showing parents cluding $100 for rink rentai, $32.- r the proper way f0 bring up the 70 for Port Hope players' expen blind chiid. Whcn they are old ses and $23 for tickets and adver- y enough to attend school they go tising.lto the government sehool for the Clarence Ohé, George Perfect VW blind at Brantford where they Mike Williams and Ken Sum-'nr take the saine course of studies as mersford ail donated their ser- r are given at public and bigh vices free of charge, and Mike Os- a1 sehools, with the exception that borne donated $10 in telephone a thýr books are in Br'aille. Many bills and the services of bis sound godstudents go on te university truck. ol a R tors- -as" ehl. The deliherations of counicil Monday night were interrupi by a monstrous crash whcn large glass globe fell froin t ceiling and landed on the spc tators scats, narrowly missi: one citizen who was listening proceedings. The large light globe hiad eý, dently been shaken 10050 f'romi moorings by the stomping ai cavorting of mcm bers of the Ja( and Jili Club in the auditoriu upstairs who were practicing fi their Cornz-a-Poppin" revue. Only damage was a tear in tl] top coat of a poor but hone Statesman scribe, catuied by tù shattered glass. Pofice Chief Venfon Honoured by Council On 25 Years' Service Bowmanvîlle Police Chief 5hë ney Venton was hionorcd for 2 years e1 service t0 the towna /fondav nightýs council meetir .hen Reeve Sidney Little, chair Mln of the police commnitteE made a Presentation of $25 to lii n behaîf of the Town Couinci nd the citizens of Bowmanville. "As fair as I know there is ni ther municipality that bas haý ipolice chief as long as wc have' R(,(,p T.atcr . ue inA-o Ontaio d b Ad1 ,46 R ral ah mab elus job for the town ii Ontri H dr I Ad 2,46 Ru al hepatw5 uas a many yoear Customers as Part of 1953 Programme wl evt sfrmn er Ontario Hydro's program of rui- year will ho advanced in four raI construction for 1953 bas been phases:- planned f0 bring scme 29.456 new First, new rural lino extensionis customeî's imb the Nothern and cf 1,680 miles te add 7,736 rus- tomers af a rost of $9,550,000. Socthern Ontario Systems, Chair- Second, a program of major man Robert H. Sacinders stafed betterments, plus part of the 1952I in an annouteuneent feday. betterments approved by the'j 'hiewe infend pushing for- Commission but nof complefed 7V""'~' ward withi the' whiole broad rural during 1952. This portion of the prugraincf uiew hunes, btter- rcural expansion wiîî cosf $4.850,- ments and capital expenditures,' 000. said Mn. Saunclers. "if is the in- Third, the addition of 21,720 tention of tbc Conimission to give cusb omers who will ho jeined fa top puicity te (ho rural exten- existing lines af a cosf of $4,650,I siens xvhich .wvere carnedover j000. .' .' ' j. ,. ,. fronu ibe crowdcd program ofj Fouu'fl, a program of minori 1952." betterments and miner capital IMr. Sacuidei's, iii today's an- expenditures for the improvQ- ruonnct'nenf, outluîued the pro- nient cf service te an estimafed gratn ofrura costrutionfor4,025 customers at a cost of $2,- the comnig year which will be 000,()00. completed at a cost of $2 1,050,000. "V/e af Hydro realize the im- - "This figurne," ho said "iîîcludes portanuce of elerfricity f0 rural $9,5t)t).00 whicb xill be borne Ontario,",said Mn. Saunders, "and- by flic Provinice cf Ontario uruder xve are pressing forward with Ibis -- te Rur'al H-ydro-Eleccric Distri- ambiious prograîn of rural con- Police ('hief Sydney Venton ettion Acf." 1 srucýtion. Dcîruîg the past seveui Mn. Saunders sfated thaf the years. the Commission bas added: lHe poinited ouf thut Chief 195 Hvro ura pogrni s prtmore rural cstomers than dur'-j Venton .vas boni in Euîglaîd lon-îe'inexpuîsen 0 po- ng the previous 24 years of Hy- aiid came to Canada iii 1911. He ýf lng-eri xpasin t po-dro rural service. returned fo En-land to serve wtith ie elecricity ai-d iinproved ser- "In 1945, xve were serving 156,-- the fanîcus Coldîeîî u'si vce whereveî' possible. Dunur 60 ua sonervr2, 9Wrd\'rIws iakeii pnîierin ie past year. the initial steps o 60 un a i les ve 159 ol Wr1uastknprsnr -caref ully -plan ned pnogram of Dores of rural primary lino. By and was awanýdecd the Mons Starl nodenizaion f rral poraing csmber 31, 1952, the nuinher f for bis service. .Aftcr the uvar lie non offices 1îîdstoresfclic ers had more than dou- neturned 10 Canada and lived iin vere instituted--designed t0 con- bled and we were sorving 343,5-37 OslîaWa befone comng 10 Bew- nri'buie te grenier economy and rural îtistomers over 40,277 m;iles mnanville. perafung efficiency in rural of hune. Chief Ventoni\vas lakeui comn- [reas. The stores fac ilities are be- -'Hydre service has become an pleicly v b surprise bv tic pres- îg iîprvedIlî cîli h ~ indispensable part of modern entalioi., but stated thai liev.a îw-cost prefabricafed wxare- litfeu î rural Ontario," said Mn.! verY pleased and gî'atefuil Ici ne- ouss. y aviîg douat qun-Saundors. "Berause of ils low l; ceive Ibis token of aPPrecîaîuon. use Bystc haiîn alseqaedodun r-osI, lectricity bas contributed He said that bis 25 years as Bo- 1 ramib~~g sluppîn 10 appier living in farming and nianvilie's Police Chief had beeiu 9'Iae hanîlet areas - easing the %%'or.K happy years. aîd ituai for 17J ham load of the farmen and bringing years lho bad workccl wîîh the .,l people cf Oltaio" said convenierîre and comfort iuufo the- laie W aler' Hall on hie tii- n 1v. -1 r. Sauuîders. -ini botb urban and rural homo. nman force %vthout a harsh word ural aroas. na'e depending more i"V/c hope Ibis 1953 prograni1 ever being excbaiiîged bctwccuî id oreoneletncuî fr axwill advanne stîll further Hvdro's ihein. He aIso cxpressedl appre- -ide u'auî9e cf cneieuo.and jgoal cf biinging elecrncitv iîîî c cituiinior thý(. cKu::0 'i î il s our aiuuu 10 give thie-thie everv rrlhm nOtroac upr , a a t';l est possible service."1 wî,thin e ru aralg e iiof or o% aîi s<ppunelairulia th cl i Hydmo's rural activities this i linos," said Mr. Sauunders. izenŽs ci Bowmni. I on ed a he ng to its t ndt Éck Home and School Club Gels First Band Information on Teaching By System of Audio and Visual Aids Speaking on audio and visual stimulating an interest in good aids as used in Toronto schools, music. The child's imagination is Mr. H. Neil Nelson of Howard also developed by asking him to Sehool, Toronto, guest speaker of tell what he thinks the music is Home and School Association about. held in Central School, Wednes- There are speciai school broad- day night, April 1, gave parents casts over CBC, and in some ca- and teachers much valuable infor- ses recordings are made of these, mation. or they are preserved on a tape These modern aids to educa- recorder, the latter being a much tion include slides, film strips, use cheaper method. Sucli broadcasts of an opaque projector, radio pro- may then be used in the sehools grams, recordings and motion throughout the year, whenever pictures with sound. Mr. Nelson the teacher wishes to introduce who uses all of these extensively that particular subject. in Howard School, stressed that Films or slides to impress safe- the new mediums are aids only, ty rules both in school and out and not intended to take the place have been found very useful by of teacher or text books, but to Mr. Nelson. A film on safety complement them. rules in the sehool, made by Mr. Mr. Nelson demonsrated ail Nelson and some of the pupils at types of audio and visual aids~ (Continued on Page Seven j L4'M' IL '.I UW l C ltJ'JL, tilla out some of their advantages. For instance, models or drawings made by the pupils to illustrate a lesson and pinned up on the bulletin board must be taken down after a short time. Instead of accumulating these and other objects used in class, such as na- ture specimens, they may be pho- tographed and a permanent slde kept for further use and refer- ence whenever the occasion ar'ises, Using an opaque projector, any pictuî'es, color or black and white, in a book or clipped from other sources, may be shown on a screen. In nature study, excellent color slides, motion pictures and radio broadcasts direct and recorded, are available and are particular- ly useful in city schools where it is not possible to take classes out on field trips. Mr. Nelson gave excerpts from a film and broad- cast in demonstration. Slides used in Social Studies, arithmetic and reading were also shown and ex- plained by Mr. Nelson. Prior to a class xvhere audio or visual aids are to be used, the teacher prepares bis pupils for what they are about to see or hear s0 they will be alert to w'atch for certain things. Follow- ng the film or broadcast, a ques- tion and discussion period brings out the knowledge and ideas the children have acquired. This ceaches them to think and gives them practice in expressing their ideas, Mr. Nelson felt. It also lads students to seek out further iformation on the pairicular w~~~~~ ndheirryInhesuyo 2thPlease make an effort to o th e assessur cant demnand sehool boards oeung9alowed to I uiteecletrcrigso ted or ncmae pprloof of ownershîp of a property collect theur own taxes for educa- l uie the exl usc eentreordgofatd Yur in comradeshnp before asses.sing it, and a motion tien purposes. clasicl m sîcarea geataidun îlithe - Local Canning Plant Darlinglon Council To Heip Residents Will Not Operate Council Passes Anti-Smioke By-Law Due to 1952_CarrYover Deay Waterworks Extension By-Law Hard-top Some of Township RoadS TIeCndinCnnr lant om Opoiint e e eti at Bowm-anville will flot operate Darlîngton Counicil met April Tenders for gravel were open- ti umradissu-onS m p o iinI e e e tl 2nd, wîth Reeve Nichols presîd- ed from R.A. Blyth Construction, 1will mean a considerable loss of_______ d- ing. Mr. N. J. Collacut cm Hi-way Construction Co. and revenue to West Durham farmers 25 pli1 fcniinofbsr_.Cad mihCntuto.Tn who grew corn and peas under The portion of Monday nigbt's probably be in the south and east if e ofcniinooada.,CaueSihCnsrcin o cont racts withthplnin as town counicîl meeting devoted to section. Supeai t. Grhamorerect de fom i-ay Cost rciontheplan m asipassing of by-laws provided the lI this event, Reeve Little said, ig epar i. ws aceped t tesepries:yeas.fireworks of the cvening, with the pipeline and lake pumping 5e Building Inspector Bothwell Crse nbn 5prc.y. h 92saoi sudr- counicil passing the controversaI station might be built for much addressed Council re raise in applied on roads up f0 6 miles, stood, some 500 acres of corn and anti-smoke bv -laxv but holding iess than $350,000. isalary. Clcrk to reply to M. D. 85 per cu. yd. Overhaul bcyond 400 acres of peas were planted by up the passing-of a by-law to pro- Objects To Sewer Rentai Kirk. Zone Forester. Road Supt. 6 miles, 07 per cu. yd. farmeî's of this district under vide for the borrowing of $350,- Coun. Scott also opposed the vouchers for March were ordered On motion Council pay Cliff con tract with the Bowmanville 000 to install the iicw pumphouse passing of the by-law prior to a IC paid. Mle $10000) stand by time. Mr. planît of Canadian Canners. at Lake Ontario and a pipeline meigbtentePbi tl On motion Council went on re- Smales addrcssed the Council re About $100,000 xvas paid out te fromn the lake. ities Commission, the Town Coun-. cor asto ispsitonof ravl, ensonplan for employces. On these larmers for the 1,000 tons Several couincil members in cil and a representative of Proc- e pnson up. ofor a todipostin f gavlmotion Council te pay Road Sp.ocorn and 400 tons of peas discussing the anti-sinoke by-lawvjfr&Rden eas edta ýthaf this was to be left f0 the L. Graham a salary of $3,100, re- packed. Recause of the order te ettati ih ma oeteroeederm e o of dtbt te ugmnto h Ra ut w troactive te January 1sf, 1953. discontinue packing of thesehedcs than benefits in the ing a portion of the cost of the es thhCncTed aicer egfals u teapproval of Council.Co- Te blswr paid: eetbe this year, this source long u.I provides that no new water sysfem by pufting sew- siderable discussion took place Bell Telephone Co.------ 8.10 cf revenue wil e lost f0 West business or. dvda a lo roprtn n eetr ot re bard surfacing of some roads. Canadian Stafesman ---- 2.1-:LI Durhbam farmers. dene'r pau smoke from a on a sewer rentai system, means ions f0assisf in bard oppeig J. D. Hogarcerk ---- 18 63_0 is believed that the carry- fire te be eamîittcd from a flue, that the Goodyear Company will tioersto ssst n hrdtopingJ.D. ogath clrk ---- 28.0 over of the 1952 packs of corn chimney ou' stack for more than nef pay their fair proportion of certain parts of the reads subjecf J. D. Hogarth _.and-p-as-is-n-greater0atath six minutes ini any hour. Excep- the cosfs of insfalling the new f0teapoa f et fHg-Post San. Care-- - -------- 64.00 local plant this year than in prev- tiens f0 fhis are private dwelling pipeline, ways. The petition from Scugog Albert Bothwell, I Rond f0 bridge on 6th Cen. f0 be Building Insp.- ----------172.00' icus y'eai's, but lieavy carryovers bouses, smclters and l'efineries, "The Goodyear are using 66 per fixd aout o $300, fom Mry iddry12818 iin ofber plants cf Canadian Can- and cement milîs.î cent of the water in the town". a fxedamuntof 35.00 frm May Nddry -------------12818ners have led f0 the reduefion cf The by-iaw provîdes for a fine Cotin. Scott declared "but under Higbways No. 2 f0 Oshawa Wood A. Barron _____ __ 4.'20 tbe 1953 pack. There are con- of $10 on conviction for a first the scwer rentaI system they will Producfs f0 be a fixed amount of Hayden Macdonald- 4.29) f siderabeqatics of cucumbers offence and $25 for subsequent pay only $14 a year scwer rentai $2,000.00 and from 2nd Con. soufh Canadian Oul Compai ies 24.27 s blemqaini e fo th cnvtis.1heaneseeridvdula by Cburch f0 be one-third of cost M. J. Hobbs, Sec.-Treas.sil eain hecfrm te ovcin.Itesmesevyidvdula- 19.52> o purehased by the local ~ Mre asoesae payer wifh a sewer ouflet will Darlington Counicil wenf on re- W. L. Lycett, Assessor --- 102.72 plant. that there were many defects h ave to pay. I think this is a cord approving the High School F. L. Byamn- 43.5,5j Canadian Canners have also and petential headaches in the gros,; inequality f0 the small fax- Area Board bîring an architect, Moore-Thompson-Clinger 24.0 ncned that no tomiatees wiîî by-law. "W/ho us going t0 defirue payer. The homeowner should providing ahl expenditures are R. J. Dilling _.........15) ()bc packed this season at Port vhat constitutes dense anci opaque oct have to subsidize Geodyear bascd on the new assessment, plus J. D. Hogarth - :---- 3.00 Hope, Salem, Coîborne or Lake- srncke'?", hoe asked, "and whaf; or any otou' nustry". busnes asesmen. oad ad Bidgs 22564por't. Because of the heavy carry- if seme rîtîzeuis decide te prose- - Ho' stated that the by-law --over from the 19,52 park. The cute thet town becausec the lire sudbeabdunIl a mefhod Cobourg plant will continue f the ýtwn, duînp'?" Coun. Kil- j bad been worked ouf whereby SRay Dudle Receives M re Honourspackcortn and peas, but offic~ias mer vanteto know if personsth Goyarfmpysa r- for aaing aportionate amount of the cost of nccînced that aIl centracfs havel bunfire, f0 xvîc-h iMayor Vansfonutenwpiln. been fîlled. replied that ho believed thcy Mayor Vanstone stafed that a Following Piano Recital in Toronto *Tee~ontocn tomaf it'ltfidsriscud Commission and egne rm __________heortope__ai cou l mnucdtocbt e ti ang withtheoubli cotilities Ray Dudley, wbo plays in ne- jClub, f0 hîcar Rav play in bis own ic eta h otlp lnt probablnubeanuce d utoscuî'b the Ofî& efen u poa citai in Bowmanvillc at Triifv home town is expecfed f0 be over- 1silce if will start carlier on cani- sceuusacsjs a ex itb- ' bear h -angCon.Sct's mo Cburch on April 24fh, was thning apple products and will ouf the by -law, but Colin. Scofttio thfte y-a beald ChrhciArl2Cwste hlig ikt r led greatly increase ifs production of felt that ftice town sbould have if unfil such a meeting is held was subject of a personalify sketch, w lmng.Tikes a'eal'eay -ounicil. accompaniied by a recent very going fast. As was made known these items this year. on the books. "We will have some oi passedarotn by pla gpniofograph, onthe edît- lasf week, Ray's recital lbere h babls j tbttr opea Ion aw te rvd o broigo criaI page of the Toronto wcekly been extcnded the high and un - F beabletehet bott.Ter coperwaint U 1 500 on debentures f0 pay for periodîral, "Safurday Nigbf," last1 usual honer cf beîng IUnder the Fire Brigade Hasfr the firms. Thle epl e wa local improvements such as a ueek. Ray's Eaton award Recital distinguis-ed patr'onuage cf Hi1 te -aw"en h d eadn n emis eesadsdwls in Eaton Auditorium, April 16,1 Excellency the Righit Honourabl uyW eedFt innL 'sedh wa uvntrd mrain and cm av, ewerrea n s als also received publicity in bofh Vinrent Masse,%, Cl-i., Governor î~ yanro agn led un the n0W section of town. the Toronto Dailv Star and Tele- General cf Canrada." raspj Meets Opposition grar lstSaturday, and the To-, Ray bias brought great distinc- oil±ras îres The by-law te provide for ber- rnoStar rarried bus picture ion f0ibinseif and to Canada un 1-rowing cf nef over $350,000 for H ospital Nursery In %vhichi was rapfioned, "brilliant ih 1rs bc o a o The Bowmaniville VoILunfer Fire the purpose of înstallîng a new i Canaianpiaiis." he ward ivichho iaswonDepanîment was kept busy over pipeline fnom Lake Ontario f0 Cnda pinif"over the pasf few years. He bias;th Easter weekend answenin provide art incneasod water sup- o peainW hSfr Tirkets for Ray' s Bowmranville rereuved the critîcs' at.cle W is the C 0-operatifoogrn Wfoiithth Storkito v recital are now on sale and int Paris; London. England:NWiriswiiwee oslfrgasplfrth twnanntevn ec d great demand. Tickets are avail- York, Les Angeles ancd 'loronto. fires in wbich ne damage was 1stifft'r opposition. Reeve Little esA ohrR c d able frcm Lions Club members Owing to bis rommnitinint.5coder caused. feit that if sbould be tabled until and at the following stores in a three-year rontrar'î wîîh Col- Tbe firemen answered six calîs afior the Publireljtilities Commis- Lasf Monday and Tuesday the Boxvmanx'ille: Alex McGregcr, umbia Artists, New York, ibis ' from, last Tbursday te Tuesday, sien bas met with the engineer- nursery in Memorial Hospital, Drugs: S. R. James. Insurance; J. will probablv ho bhis iast appear- 'anîd four cf these were te grass ing finîn of Prortor & R-edfernte owmnistqiearcr WV. Jevell "Big 20': Marr's Jew- ance in Bowmanville for somei fines eut cf town; on R.R. 3; at deride definitelv where the pipe- wîtb ne less than 15 infant oc- ellenv. The, mav also bc purchas- tumne ' A packecid itru nBrkînîtamoe ct lino wîll run. Ile maintained that rupants. During the week there cd ai Barron's General Store,j Fridav nigbi, April 241h, woiild Co',,rtice; and at Fred ThomaLs, En- flhc pipeline shçjuld net ho onrougbt were Six boys and two girls born Hampton, and Chas. Tyrell, Drugs ho ibis commcinitv-s best rnethod , n:kilen. One ral vas te a grass al tbe way to the prcsent pump- te proud parents. Total admis- in Orono. There are ne reserved cof sbowýing thein 'apprecîz4iion of fire at Jane and Liber'ty St., and h ouise but penbaps only as far a.- isions for the week numbered 34 seats. ýa great talent. Make suire of xour' one %vas te a cbiminey blaze at t he Rag Castice Corneu at Base Iairud duschanges were 54. Five Response te Ibis cpportunîty. ptresence Ihere bv cgettîng xour tihe home cf A. E. Bellmanin, 199 Line and Liberty St.., since fu- mnajor and 13 mineir cperations macle possible through the Lions tickets now. -!King St. W. turc expansion cf the town will I were performed. t c c t t i] Legion Auxiliary Makes Final Plans On April 6 the Ladies Auxil-j Seveî'al lakeshore property iary to the Canadian Legion met ownei's are getting fed up with at the Legion Hall, t9 serve a the inconsideî'ate attitude taken turkey supper to the La'dles Bowl- by smelt fishermen using their ing League. Afterwards they dis- propeî'ties, CpI. Leslie Tbroop of cussed plans for the Coronation the Bowmanville O.P.P. detach- Tea and Bazaar to bc held at The ment reports, and have posted Legion Hall on Saturday, May 30 "no trespassing" signs on their commencing at 2.30 p.m. The !and. folloxving were appointed to take The smelt fishermen were charge of the various booths. crossing their properties late at Comrades, Fletcher' afternoon night making unnecessary noise, tea; Rundle, home-baking; Gat- swearing, and bebaving general- cheil, needle-work; Coyle, pareel ly in an inconsiderate manner. post; Palmer, home-made candy; Also they were building large Rogers, fish pond; Colmer, sou- bonfires from driftwood without venirs. 1 takîng any notice of whicb way1 There will be a draw on a the wind was blowing, whichi lovely hand-knitted Coronation posed a considerable threat to sweater ladies or gents, this bc- the barns and houses 0f the pro-t ing d onated by Conirade Kniightý, perties on wbich they were fish- May be btained by contacting ing.1 IComradie Knight or any memberl t of the Acîxiliary. They will also1 As a result of these actionsi be available at the Legion Hall three property owners at Portr 'on May 3th. Preparations were Granby, south of Newtonville, also underway to attend the zone have posted "no trespassing"l rally in Oshawa, May 5th at 6.*30 sîgns on their properties, and p.m. sharp. Would the members, several other owners of property planning to go please attend tle usd . the smelt fishermen are t next meeting or notify secretary thinking of following suit. Not 11 Coyle.' on y will this prevent the incon- t A motion was made nomninat- sdrate fishermen fromn using the ing Comrade Knight and Com- pi'operties but, as is usually the rade Colmer as members of the case, the more thoughtful fish-0 executive, both accepted. Our ermen will suffer from the ac- NO PICTURES Oh where! Oh where did they go? We are referring to the pictures that should have been ln this week's edition. For some unknown reason they seem to have disap- peared off the face of the earth! On contacting our engrav- ers they say they were sent out on the bus, the bus people say they hiaven't seen them and we know we haven't got thcm. We're stili checking as we go to press but with very littie luck. IVe hasten to apologize to the numerous people who were expecting to sece their photos in the family journal this wveek. Included were several wcddings, anniver- saries and hockey presenta- tion pictures plus several general nemrs pictures. W/e hope they return to this office in time for next week's edition. Farmets In Arms Over Carelessness Town Council Bad Busy Sèssion Facing Nany Civic Problems Including Cosi ofFencing Park Town Councîl decided at its to this effect by Coun. Cole was regular meeting Monday night to passed. ask the Bowmanville Department Coun. Scott sponsored a motion of Recreation to meet with the that the clerk write the Deputy Memorial Park Association to Minister of Higliways and Hon. discuss ways of financing the in- John Foote, M.P.P., requesting stallation of a protective wire that the department pave the fenice along the Liberty St. side balance of LibertSr St. and give of Memorial Park. consideration to council's request Couns. Fred Cole and Claude for work on Waverly Road. Kilmer are representatives on Clerk Lyle as Manager of the the Dept. of Reecation, and Works Department reported that Reeve Sidney Little xiii also at- his men were working on Simp- tend the meeting. son Ave., and that the Public A quotation of $761.40 had Utilities Commission is going to been received from a fencing reimburse the town for work company as the price for 270 feet caused by the P.U.C. ripping up of six-foot wire fencing alon. that street. Liberty St., opposite the park's [ ' avor Vanstone reported that wading pool. Council members the P.U.C. had asked that council feit that the entire stretch of not request that work of this Mernorial Park along Liberty St. nature be done in the winter in should be fenced, but this would future. Manv requests have been cost $2,605 and no funds were set received for gravelling and street aside in 1953 estimates for this repairs, Mr. Lyle said. project. Factory Space Requested Reeve Little suggested that Coun. Scott reported that a snow fencing mi'ght be put up for liht factory had requested 20,000 this summer and the xire fenc- fet Of floor space to set up a ing installed next year. Couns. plant îhere, but members stated Nelson Osborne and Norman there is no building of this size Scott both declared that it would available. be useless to put up snow fenc- Reeve Ltl eotdta h ing. Coun. Scott suggested that sign at teere ad thtte the Memorial Park Association Streets pointing the way to the might raise half oi the cost Of business section will soon be fencing the portion by the swim- ray ming pool to keep children fromi Accounts amounting to $7,680, running on to the street if the submitted by Coun. Nelson Os- town would raise the other haîf. borne for the month of March, It was decided to caîl the meet- wr asdfrpyet i n g e t w e n h e e p t o f R e c e a - C o u n c i l d e c i d e d t o p u r c h a s e a tion and the Memorial Park As- large picture of Queen Elizabeth sociation to see what suggestions II for the council chambers. regarding financing could be Ray Dudley Expresses Thanks made. A letter of thanks was received Discuss Tree Planting from Ray Dudley for the civie fleeve Little reminded council reception tendered him last that the town foreman had been month in the Lions Community asked last year to make a survey Centre. Mr. Dudley stated that as to the best locations to plant he xvas mnst grateful to the trees on new streets and on old citizens of Bowmanville for this streets where shade trees have recognition, and for the gift of been cut down. After discussion, a combination radio-record play- the matter of planting shade trees er. was left with the Property Com- Clerk was instructed to inform mittee with power to act. Durham District Jiigh School The rnatter of expropriation of Board that the tow'n will accept the Franklin property for a town the new equalized assessment as park was again discussed and the basis for levying high school Mvayor Vanstone reported that the rates for 1953. town solicitor had given the opin- A request from the County of ion that this niatter would have Simcoe that the town endorse the to be referred to a county judge principle of offenders being ai- for a ruling, since the ownership lowed to pay fines on an instaîl- of the property is in doubt. ment plan was acceded to, but Coun. Scott suggested that counceil turned down the request VOLTI ~TTY~ Er~T~IT', - - t5 t b lm h lv rul ai w in <~ t. 1 r7,, Prp nnl:)v ric in le rs 1 1 onq"ý "'Durham Countv's Great Familv Inurnal," IJUVVMAINVILLE. ONTARIO. THTIRqT)AV- APRIL 9th XTTTIKT')L-1" -i L- 5