*......~,. * .,,....,.,,.. TIRSDAY, APRIL Oth, 1953 Easîer Church Services Are WelI Atended By Citizens of the Town Speciai religiaus services in Bowmanvilîe churches on bath Good Friday and Easter Sunday were very weil attended as citi- zens of ail faiths turned out ta hear once again the storY of the Model RM703 10gers - Majestic TELEVJIIN Equipped with newest advanced designs by Canadian Engineers and craftsmen. - Clearer Pictures crucifixion and resurrection of the Saviaur, Jesus Christ. Good representations from St. Paul's United and Trinity Unit- cd Churches, St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, The Salvation Army and the Pentecostai Church joined in attending the inter-de- nominational Service of Medita- tion at St. Paul's United Church at 1l a.m. on Friday. There were also large turnouts at the Three Hour Devotion held from 12 noon ta 3 P. m. on Good Friday at St. John's Anglican Church, and the Stations of the Cross service beld at St. Joseph's Church. at 3 p.mn. Capacity congregations attend- ed services at ail churches on Easter Sunday morning and at Trinity United Church every seat was filled and many persans were standing. Special Easter music formed an important part of the service at Trinity, with the choir singing the anthem "Aile- lujab, Christ is Risen" and the junior choir the hymns, "Cbild- ren of Jerusaiem" and 'Come Children, Join To Sing". The senior choir also gave an excel- lent rendition of The Hallelujah Chorus. The minister. Rev. T. Arthur Morgan chose for bis sermon the theme, "~King of Kings" using as bis text St. Luke, Chapter 24, Verses 1 ta 12, telling of the re- surrection of Christ. At the evening service the sen- ior choir sang the antbem "In Joseph's Lovely Garden", and Mrs. Ray Lathangue sang as ai solo, "Dear Lord, Forgive". TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, flOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TER: First O.H.A. Hockey Teami in Town Time certainly marches on when yo u look at the above photo and realize it w as taken around 1911 when Bowmanviîîe entered its first hockey team in the Ontario Hockey Association. Above photo, top row, left to n ght, shows Bill Hancock, coach, William Cavanagh, Frank Williams, Gardon Beith, Ru ssell Williams, Harry Nixon, Red Lamant, tramner; middle row, Roy Jones, W. A. (Ginger) Edger, Wes. (Spec) Davey; front row, Norman McCrimmon (killed overseas in World War I), Cecil Dudley (mascot), Her'schel Hooper. Rev. Morga took s lit Lt! -Better Sound First Corinthians. Chapter 15, B A K T C _____Verses 8-22 including the words B A K T C "If Christ be not risen, then isl____ One of the Many our preaching vain and your faith Miss Doris Hamilton, nurse-jo-1 Rogerl Majestic Features 15 also vain". training, Toronto, with Mr. and is the The minister pointed out how Mrs. Fred Hamilton. important the resurrection is in Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dorreil,i te Christian religion, for it gives Martin and Valerie, Ottawa, with1 "'Casode" Tune listhe assurance that evil shahl Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorreli and2 whih racîclîyeîminte fot finaly triumph because God Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorreil. i whic prctiallyellmintes is the final power. The resurrec- Miss Norma Malcolm, TorontoE the annoying "snow" effeet. tion is proof, he said, that God 15 withi Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van the God of power as weil as the Camp. God of love, and is His promise M.Mri aly ootwt bto us of eternal life. It is proof Mr.MH.i Bailey.Trno ih also that the power of God's love can prevail against ail the forces MisCaaMro, aane HARD ARE of evil in the world, Rev. Morgan xith Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- st ated. low. Clara attended the Teacli- The church was beautifuliy de- ers1 Convention in Toronto. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 406 corated with Easter liles and Glad to see Mr. and Mýrs. Nor~- other spring flowers for the two man McNally, Coiborne, at the services. Easter Church services. They visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hamil- ton and Mrs. Charlotte Forder. Verna, who teaches at Brampton, Under the distinguished patronage of is holidaying at Bermuda. i Miss Vera Forder, Toronto, withj His Excellency The Right Honourable Vincent Massey, C.H., Mr. and Mrs. William Forder and Governor General of Canada other friends.E Miss Jean Taylor, I.O.D.E. Hos- pital, Toronto, with Rev, and Mrs. N George Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy, e PIANO0 RECITAL Mr. and Mrs. Nrussen Mountjov Mr. and Mrs. NRmanellMnuntjoy and Mrs. George Fowler attendf-' by - ed the funeral of Mrs. J. E. Elliott A at Bowmanville on Sunda. In- i ' erment was at Bethesda Ceme- B tery. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor and i i n wt M.ad-r.RoadGinn. 1fa Miss Bonnie Saywell spent East- cL e r week in Osahwa with hrb grandmother, Mrs. F. Syel TIRINJTY U141TED WIURIU Mr. and Mrs. Howard Poulson BE and baby Nancy, Fenelon Falls,.a ai 830 .m.with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGiii. Smiths Falls, spent Friday night w with Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Hutton. es mUM. and Mrs. Ernest Belyea and ed bbBronte, with MVr. and Mrs. SL Frd yA rl 4h 15 orman Mountjoy .Jlof Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguisoni,l i ADMISSION $1 -s.00 Toronto: Miss Mona Ferguson, a' Brougham, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy le Arrangements by Bowmanvjlle Lions Club Ferguson. i Clifford Dayes had an accident lil with his tractor, Saturday, which an resulted in a broken leg. He i'sM« Tickets are available from Lions Club members now in Memnorial. Hospital, Bow- Ea mnanviîîe. Gc and at Mrs. J. J. Flett, and Mrs. Edna Of Ale Mcregr rug - . R Jmes Inurace Gibson, Bowmanville: Mrs. W. H.je AlexMcGegorDrus - . R Jams, nsurnce Rutherford, Peterborough, with d]l Marr's Jewellery and J. W. JeweII Big "20'" Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Graham,. Se in Bomanvlle.Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and in in Bomanvlle.Lorraine are vis.ting relatives at Chas. Tyreil Drugs, Orono. Val d'Or, Quebec. i Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson Io, Barron's General Store, Hampton. and Jean with Mrs. William W. Cohbledick, Orono. T Misses Jean and Mary Wilson, j ii rec Toronto, and Port Perry, with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wilson. Miss Doreen Van Camp, Peter- borough Normal School, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp. We werc very glad to sec ouî neigbbours home, safe and weli, from their bolidays. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey rcturncd from Fior- ida, Thursday; Mr. and Mrs. Clar- enîce Marlow and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry arrived on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dawson and family brought Mrs. Fred Baiiey home from wintcring in Windsor on Saturday. Mrs. Ed. Darcy visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hammeli and fi-lyý, Mumtreal, xvith Mr. and Mrs. George Stoniiand. Miss Marily'Nn Archer, Whilby, with lier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer. Miss Jessie McArthur, Univers- ity of Toronto, with Dr. and Mrs. J. A. McArthuî'. Mr. and Mrs. George Walfe and Bryan, Mr. Herb Hooev with Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry McLaughlin of Nestieton on Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Flet, Fen- elon Falls, withi Mr. and Mrs.1 Viervin Graham. Mi'. and Mrs. Har'old Forder. Anna and Gaie, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Forder and 3renda: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon StLii'iock, Boxvinanville; iVliss 1\Mar- ilyn Fordeî' and friend. Boiwman- vile, xvith Mrs. C. Fordei'. Mis. Win. Van Camp had a faiily part ' vFî'da *y iit iiilbon- our of Miss Helen Van Camp's irthda v. GIad to hiear that Mrs. Ruper't Bvers is now home from Memor- il Hospital, Bowmanville. Easteî- Sunday services were well attended at the local cburch- s. l-oly Communion was obser y- ýd at St. John's Anglican Chuî'ch ýunda.v morning. On the centre- )f the Communion table we'eý 'bite snapdragons, in memno'y of iformer rector, Rex'. E. P. W.ood, 2nt by Mrs. Wood in Toronto. At ither end weî'e beautifol Eastci' lies in myemory of ber mother ind sisters, given hx' Mîs. Virgina I. Archer. lii the Chancel were aster liles fi'om MVr. and Mi's. ýeoî'ge Wolfe. There wvs s vase )fSpring flowers froin Mrs. Wait- -r Bateman and a vase of daffo- ils from Mrs. George Forder. Ži'vice %'ill continue to be heîd1 i the afternoon through Apî'il. At the United Church Sunday vening Itie choir pî'esented a vei.v Enster cantata with Rev. C. V.Hutton resding the scriptures. 'ere wci'e txvo ioveiv Easter ies: suni a besutiful bouquet of ed roses, lu mnemom'v of a forin- t resident. DvdMilrîc, sent hv is osn, Dr. Burns Mimie, George- Ywn.1 ;chool Again Being leld at O.A.C. For ural Clergymen ilU Ri NESTLETON The Nestîcton W. I met at the home of Mrs. R. Davison in charge rof Mrs. Jas. Hedge's group witb 24 ladies and somne children pres- cnt. Meeting apened with the Ode, folloxved by colleet and *daily praver. The motto was given by cit izenship and education con- venier, Mrs. George Johns. Raol cali was answered witb a verse fromi an old school book. District 7presîdent, Mrs. M. Emerson, gave a short talk. Mrs. A. Mackie, con- vener for the nominating com- 1mittee, gave ber report. Mrs. G. 1Thompson took the chair for elcc- tion of officers: Mrs. Cecil Wilson, 1presidient; Mrs. H. Vine, secre- ta"treasui'er. The other officers xvere miostly the samie as last fyear. Mrs. M. Emerson installed the officers. The secretary gave a good year's report. $325 was raised for Port Pcrry Hospital. To- tai receipts $600.36, expenses $473.12, balance on hand $127.24. Mrs. Davison sud the group serv- ed a daint.v lunch. Ail were given a vote of tbanks sud also a vote was given al vho heiped with another successful year in aur W. 1. Mrs. Bruce Hcaslip veryl kindly invited us to hier home for the next meeting, May 6tb. Mî's. Herber't Vinîe and son Charles visited Mr. and MVrs. John Ross, Blackstock. Giad to know Janice Sadier is imiproving after ber aperation foi' appendicitîs in Port Pcrry Hospital. Mr. suid Mrs. Victor Malcolm spent Fî'idav evening with Mr. si-d Mî's. Russell Kerr', Yelver-1 ton]. Mrs. Jas. Samieils and Mrs. .Tas. Farder ar'e speniding a fev day's in Port Perî'y Hospital. Hope theýy xiii soon be bettr. Mis. George Johns visited Mrs. David Johns on Ssturday. Mr. Norman Malcolm, Toronto, visited Mr. sud Mrs. Chas. Fallis suri Mi. sud Ms. L. Jioblini. STARTER SE T Rural clergymen and thei r W iVes fi'om ail denominatio is xiii gather at the Ontario Agi cuitutral Coilege, Guelph, from C R I A Juilv\ 27 to July 31 for a weck of jood felIlowsh'IP and systemaic and instî'ucî ion in the principles of agr-iculteC. It xiii h the fourth animal sommner school for Rural J M O E Th'le prograîn is planned to give1 the Rural Yiiiter further ku w- $7.95 iccige of agriculture in relatio to humian welfare, commiunity life. and the -work of the church. Also available in It xvilfer a choice of three open stock. cou rses: t1I A enrlcou rse in agricui- turc, îîîcluûîîg9 a course in Rural Sociology b', Dr. N. H. High, Di- See our rector of the Dipiomna Course. o2) A Course in "The Business 'Banded Glassware ofFarming'*-a stud. of the pro- duction, marketing and process- ing of agricultural products--by Ail sizes - in colours Prof. D. R. Campbell,, Head. De- to match eitber purtîient of Agriculturai Econ-! o ni cs.Jabreo rnvl 03 A course in Humian Rela- Jabreo anvl lions aud Radlio Br-oadca<tiîng h.- Dr., G. E. Reamian, Hlead, English Deparîmnent J. W. JEW ELL These cou rseý; are ail progres-1 sive hum year 10 year. 44G 2V" Further information about the, School for Rural Clergy can bel 27King St. W., Bowmanville obtaincd by writing the Depart-î PHONE 556 nient of Public Relation<. Ontario é.Agricultural College, Giuelph. I Port Perry Hospital Auxiliary Holds IMonfhly Meeting Bad road conditions kept many home on March 17 when the la- disoh otPrr optlAx iliary met. Contributions continu. ed to corne in, in the amaunt ai $1 49.38, the foliowing organiza- tions being responsible: Brownies, for bunny blankets $6.00; Biack- stock Anglican W. A. $9.00; Nes- tleton United Church W.A. $6.45; Caesarea W. A. $13.00; Rebeccas $35.93; Presbyterian Ladies' Aid $36.00; Seagrave Community $18; Honeydale Women's Institute $25. It was agreed Auxiliary shauld purceiase such items of equîpment as mirrors, stools, stands and ba- sins, which the Hospital requires. at the present time. President Mrs. M. B. Dymond Isuggested the Auxiliary hold three open meetings a year, sa that the public might visit us, and at the same time instructed the members ta make it known that we would be pleased ta have any visitors attend aur regular meetings on third Tuesday of each month in the Library. The Hospital has been the happy recipient of many jars of marmaiade, jams and honey which the district ladies have so kindly donated. The Auxiliary appre- ciates very much the generaus response ta this request. s Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm 7visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. Mrs. Frank Joblin, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Joblin and family, Su tton, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson and famiiy, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emerson and f anily, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Middleton and Gordon, Malton, visited M.r. and Mrs. Herbert Vine. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson and Glenda, Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Sug- gitt and baby Ann, visîted Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lockyer, Brook- Ein, on Sunday. Mr. Russell Mountjoy, Black- stock, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy, Fraud, Sask., visîted Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs. Miss Margaret Steel, R.N., To- ronto. visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steeie. Don't forget W.A. and W.M.S. meeting in the basement of the church, April l6th, in charge of Mrs. K. Samells' group. Service in the United Church xvas well attended on Easter Sun- day. Next Sunday is the Commun- ion service. Mrs. Bessie Spry, Toronto, vis- ited her sister, Mrs. A. Mackie. Giad ta weicome Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bowles back ta aur com- IT'S JEAAN KWVEýEK AT WALKER STORES Easter Sunday service held in Cadmus church, was very well at- tended. We are ail vry sarry to hear yof the death, aiter a short illness, - of Mrs. J. Elliott, a former resi- * dent of Cadmus. She had been - living ini Bowmanville for some ftime. The funeral service was held on Easter Sunday, at the Morris Funerai Chapel, oowman- ville. The interment was in Bethesda cemetery. We extend sincere sympathy to ahl the rela- tives and friends of Mrs. Elliott who was so well known among us for many years. She was a most enthusiastic worker in our local W.A., and was greatly miss- ed when she moved away. Mr. and Mrs. T. Samelîs and Maurice, and Mr. Oscar McQuade, attended Mrs. J. E. Elliott's Fun- eral in Bowmanville. Easter Weekend Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gibson, Mol- ly and Valerie. Hamilton, at Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gîbson's. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Larmer, who have just returned after spending the winter in Arizona, at Mr. and Mrs. J. Larmer's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer at Mr. and Mrs. J. Larmer's. Mr. Frank Goff, Toronto, at Mr. and Mx-s. S. Goff's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Patterson, Frank and Johnny, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. S. Goff's. Miss Donna Black, Toronto, Be- verly, London, and Howard, at Mr. and Mrs. George Black's. Miss Audrey Larmer, Bowman- ville, at Mr. and Mrs. R. Larmer's. Miss June Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sweet and Donna, To- ronto, at Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sweet. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graves, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phayre's. Mr. and Mrs. M. McKee and Mrs. I. Tbompson at Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawson's. CASH PRIZES 21 Cames and -$75.00 Jackpot - ail for 50c 12 Numbers on Jackpot Came - also - SPECIAL GAMES and SHARE THE WEALTH THURSDAY, APRIL 9 - 8 p.m. sharp NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Proceeds for Newcastle Lions Club Welf are Work CADMUS Would you like to earn the above amount for having a "'Flavorseal" Stainless Steel Cookware by Cry Demon- stration in your home. We supply ail foods and maid service. For further information regarding this attractive offer WRITE BOX 971, c/o The Canadiami Statesnan This offer expires 3Oth day ai' April. GIRLS' SIZES, 8 to 14 ---- MISSES' SIZES, 12 to 20 -- ----- WOMEN'S SIZES, 38 to 44------ $2.79 Pr. $2.98 Pr. $3.49 Pr@ GIIRLS' "GLAMOUR-ALL" JEANS The smart new "Glamour-ail" Jeans in Blue Sanforized Denim with double sewn seams. Sizes 8 to 12. $2.59 pair 4~ f "t MISSES' GLAMOUR-ALL" JEANS The popular Black Jeans in "Glamour all stvling, Sanfor- dM4 ized Denim, double stitched with white. Sizes 12 to 20. $2.98 pair KIDDIES' BOXER STYLE JEANS 0 The popular, hardwearing Kiddies' Jeans for, lots () wear this Spring and ail througli the Surnmer, in stuî'dy 6 ounce blue denim with double swiss seams and strong elastie at the top. gizes 4 to 8. $1.98 pair 7i/d.e4gto4e ""f4&muece m TRULY A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP " Phone 451 Bowmanville Km q St. East SANFORIZED DENIN JEANS Navy Blue 6 ounce Sanforized Denim Jeans with two slant and twa hip pockets, metal rivets on pockets and belt loops, double stitched in red with side zipper closing. ...and stil- the Public prefers% GINGER ALES DIAMOND JUBILEE AND GOLDEN AMBER No motter what price you pay for other Ginger AIes-High, Low, Permanent, or Temporary-your SIZEMIY EOA taste, your good judgement,30ONE12UCS yyour. own sense of values will18 convince you cf the incompar- 5I7 able value of Wilson's. L2____for____3 i LEU Mr. and Mrs. Ch. Graliar's. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fowler and Mr. R. Graham at Mr. and Mrs. Ch. Graham's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanna and famjly, Janetville, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Welch and Paul, Osh- awa, at Mr. and Mrs. A. Han. na's. Mr. Lloyd Hnry, Bowmanville, with Mr. Lorne McKee, Calvin and Ivan. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shea with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKee. Mrs. Charles Fee was in Osh. awa on business. 6 Mr. Ch. Graham visited in De- troit and Windsor, with his dau- ghter. Eva, over the Easter holi-. days. For quick resuts - use The Statesman Classified Ads. Kin( p iq St. Ecrst 1 Phone 451 Bowmanville