Il- . - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Current and Con fidentialM By Elsie Carruthers Luinney WHY EASTER1 We'd say that wasa cold Easter, especiall beautiful Spring warn Fridav. Easter parade in a cold wind, but show af new clothes bas little ta do witlr dcfinitely bas samet] with Spring, howeveý waman knows, and ti Spring and Easter n coincide no doubt acco Eastcr parade custom. Easter, like ChristmE religiaus festival, and ing secularization andc izatian is deplorable. Iess, Easter services ini es, accompanicd by th ditional music wbic[ down ta us tbrough th Wcrc3 impressivel 'y e aIl Christian churches. We have wondered EGGS? about the significance of one Easter custom. What bave eggs a prctty dul, ta do with Easter? Wben we werc [W aftem tbe verv young, the boys in aur family rrtb of Good used ta paint geomnetrie designs on [crs sbîvemed eggs. They also consumed a con- after ahl, a siderable number. bailed, for sand finery breakfast an Easter Sunday morn- i Easter. It ing. tbing ta do You may have sccn an article er, as evei'y in the Weekend magazine wbich he fact tbat answered aur questions. Like atb- -nore or less er of aur religiaus festivals, East- ounts for the er was adapted ta pagan Spring 1. festivals observed bv the Egypt- as, [s a great ians, Persians, Assyians, Greeks, i its increas- Romans. Gauls, Goths and Narse, commercial- ahl of whomn colored eggs in cele- Nevertbe- bration of the caming of spring i the church- and renewal of the eartb fertil- he great tra- ity. In Chistian observance, the h bas came egg became a symbal of eternal rie centuries, life thmaugb Christs resurrection. elebrated in The Ukranians attained great S. 1 skîll in the paintin't ot d )s<on many times eggs in early Christian days, and eacb generation since has tried tc improve on the intricacy and beauty of the designs. Formulaf for the dyes used are closely guarded family secrets. Thi highly skilled art has been broughi ta CÙanada by Ukranians naw making their bornes here. VISITORS IN THE VALLEY Sprîng being once more witb us the binoculars are egularly an the breakfast table. Na. flot asa new Spring dîsb instead of par- ridge. Our table is directly in front of a window overlaaking the valley behind aur bouse. Thraugl ithe ravine runs a littie stream where big willows constantly have wet feet, a condition willows thrive on, and beyond that is the apple orchard.t If you have followed this cal- iumnn vou wiIl have heard about aur friends the Juncos; Bustex, the pbilandering groundhog who broke off bouse prpearatians alang with bis engagement and headed for parts unknown, but we thini Florîda. and s0 on. Well, last weokend we really had cause far excitement. We werc munching aur toast, whcn glancing out the window we noticed a white animal swimmin, up the little stream, baunding out on the batik. and back in agair. He was very long and thin witl a black ip on bis tail, anda smludge arounid his wbiskems, otb- erwise ail wbite. We grabbed tbe binoculars and watcbed hlm dis- porting for several minutes, tben lie disappearcd inta a pile of brush. We came ta the conclusion it must be a weasel still in winter dress, but on consulting the en- cylopedia we found that weasels neyer have a black tip on the tail, but ermines always do. Emmine! That fabulous fur of royalty and the vcmy wealthy! 1Could aur valley be harboring ai ermine? Only* other possibility is a ferret, whicb is coming from the sublime ta the ridiculous, or at least from the rare ta the com- mon. There is appamently ai aibino variety of ferret, but an aibino wouldn't bave a black tail tip. Or would it? The animal looked about 14" long from nos! ta tail tip. Wc would certainly like ta identify this strange visitar and would appreciate any infor- mlatian. Can anybody heip us out? As if that weren't excîtement enoughi, the next mamning while at breakfast we noticed a disturb- ance in the littie pool and a musk- rat surfaced and paddlecl off downstream. We hear that the muskrats in the mamsh at the lake al left foir other parts very early this year, awing ta the early ice break-up, so [t wouldn't be so rcimarkable if ane of Jerry Musk, rat's cousins came up aur little stream, thaugb it [s sa shallow bc. woîild have ta swim on his bauds here and there. And just ta niake it really and truly afficially Spring. a ground- hog was out on the bank in the orchardi the samle day. foraging around foir fresb green shoots, and giving uis the oye as we watcbec b im tbraugb the binoculars. He has his home over there. livcc as long as we've lived here. prob- ably longer. This [s the first time w'ë\eseen hira this Spîing, so vc'd sav that Billy the Bachelai Iwba w ent back for another six weks' nop on Feb. 2nd, overslept bimself a bit, Mu - MwLttsvL4W8Ut2$50() She can't Let out today, but she is taking advantage of the "sale" - by telephone. Add up the dollars jour telephone saves in bargains you pick up. Think of the hours and effort it saves, too . .. how you can even "go places" ý\ ithout leaing the house. Your telephone serves you so many ways; no price can iaàure iiti usefulness. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA id 't, ýn a ýn Le h 7s Le it io ýg El k t )r ýe g is ýe ft 1-i s n IS kt ef Egbemt, yau remember., was I 1 prodded out by bis over-zealousi wjfe an tbat fateful day. As forý Buster, the gay caballero, tbe hast1 bis oncle Egbert heard, be was in' Florida and still itcbing for travel, sa the "For Rent" sign [s still out on the Hancymoan House that was neyer lived in. Just like the "BiesHome" up at Midland. ALL FOR NAUGHT -OR NOUGHT We rcad an advertisement the other day for an amazing machine. In fact, if that machine had been on the market wben wve were struggling witb mathemnatics in bhigb schaol, we'd have tbrown in the sponge entirely. This would have saved us fmom baving a per- manent corrugatian of the fore- hcad, and aur matbemnatics teacb- er fmom nervaus prostration. This machine is called an in- voicing machine, but it also calcu- lates. It multiplies and extcnds the rigbt answer in the right cal- umn and tots everytbing up ail at the same time, giving yau a guaranteed correct invaice ail in anc pracess. We have been known from time ta time ta de- cry certain advances of the mna- chine age, but with an invention like that an tbe market we ar-e bouh'd ta swallow a certain por- tion of aur %vords. As far as wc cani see. ail we really need [n evcryv day life is ten fingers and the ability ta recognize the parts of a dallai'. Wbat agonies ovel' A plus B we might have saved aursolfI Mental discipline tbey called it, and mav- be it was, for ta this day wc can only cancentî'ate on one tbing at a time. But that is also known as a one-track mind and that term is nat always uscd in a campli- mentarY wa.v. %e%- % % \,\\ p-u Hello Hom-emakers! Somne folks dread bousecleaning, but tbere is a built-up urge ta refumbisb tbe home weeks befame sping-clean- ing. Once you begin the work there are sounds that seem ta cbeer you on ta yaur goal. Listen ta tbe teasing vaice of the cham- ais as you palish the windows, the cheerful tinkie of the glasswamc as vou shine the contents in the Unique Houses a Tradition BREO In F mil ofLoca Co pleOur deepest sx mpathy ta Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatchell and aiher Many who saw the February with both exteriar and interior relatives in the sudden passing issu ofChaelane agazne erepicure shaingtî~ atraciveof their mother, NMrs. Stephenson, isse o Chtelinemagzin wee pctues howng he ttrctie f Bethany, who died March 30. attracted by the pictures andr wav in which the Brandons have Onlv last' week she attended a story of the "Haunted Honey- resiored the house. familv gathering at Oshawa. moon Hause" situated just SOUthI Inveterate hauinters of auction Miss Gw\en Dean is back ta ber of Midland, overlooking Lite sales, the Brandons have been work at Oshawa General Motors. Lake. It is mast interesting ta learn that the owners of this cen-r collecting antiqiue furniture and Mr. and Mrs. A. Ribey attend- tury old log house whicb bas been furnishings over a period of ed a family reunion at her sis- sa beautifully restored, are Mr. years, and the "Bride's Home." as tei"sz home,. Ir. and Mrs. R. Me- and Mrs. Leslie Brandon, par- it is known, is furnished through- Dowell. Millbank. Thev also vis- ents of Mrs. Jack Lander of Tem- out accordîng ta the period of îted ini Toronto over the wcek- perance St., Bowmanville.* the bouse, with the exception of, end. Mrs. Lander, who has a deid-! the kite'hen and bathroom which The Irish concert sponsored b.v ed flair for decorating and an eye1! are modern.i the W.A. \vas heard MondaY C\ en- for beautiful aid pieces of furni- The Brandons are now retired andr ture, says that she was not always and enioving life in the home that interested in these things. In fact, has became a show place for man,.% fIA retoring the ad gboue which bils wfelrounthersanm anroper- BAN ISH S wen hemn other nd fathuer weme mswe iesa ontherson Tpo and they purchased in 1944 and mov- ty in another, smaller log h oue A LI she paid ]ittle attention to the Brandons bought it several years E RM project. But even a short v isit aga. in the Lander home proves that Unique bouses may be said ta marriage and a home of hem own be 'a tradition in the Brandonr brought out the collecting andj family. Daughter Dorothy, who is decorating flair which runs in the Mrs. Jack Lander, and her bus- Brandon family. band, have the interesting staner For neamly 25 years, wbile Mr. front, starey and a haîf hause Brandon was manager of the Roy- next ta Miss Leta Jackson's on al Bank in Midland, he and bis Temperance St. The Landers wife, the former Isabel Buchanan,r planned their bouse witb the idea sighed aver the neglect of the old of it serving eventuallY as a dou- hand-bewn log bouse, built in ble garage. Ini a few ycars thev 1958 by Samuel De Burgh Frazer plan ta build a house in front ot for hi s bride, Amelia Jeffery. the pre-sent attractive building,i A quarrel occurred on the mamn- con nected possiblY by a breeze- ing of the wedding, and the bride wa '.v and utilizing part of the neyer entered the seven-roomed, house as it is inow. r two-storey bouse so carefully The house was designeci bY the huilt for ber. Full details of this Landers them-selves who gather- aId story are told in tbe Chate- 1 ed a few ideas from seeing an aid laine article which is illustrated coach house \vhich had been re- Imodelled. Starting construction last MaY, the house was ready forj Il. If a wbite summer garment bas turned yellow soak in luke- warm water for 15 minutes then use a bleach, follawing the direc- tions on the package. 12. Apply colorless lacquer on brass or copper ta protect the surface fram corrdsion. THE QUESTION BOX accupancy in Sept. The Landers did a great deal of the womk themselves, but the main carpen- try was donc by Alex Grant. and' the stone front by a Dutch ma- son. Mm. Semplanius, Cburcb St. The pink and gray stanes came fî'om the cmeek bed below Van- stane's dam. Remainder of tbe bouse is cement block and clap- board construction. The living-room runs the foul depth of the bouse, 24 ft., and [s most attractivelv furnisbcd with beautiful pieces of periad furni- turc wbich the Landers bave pick- ed up at auctian raams and sales, The other member of the Bran- don family, Mî's. W. B. Sten (Margaret), and ber busbanci, like log bouses and period furni- turc taa, and one summcr rented a log bouse at Woodbridge. Latex' Milk Enriches.. ...Your Cooking Add wholesome richness and nourishment to ail your cooking with our smooth, creamy milk. Milk makes the rnost luscious dishes taste even bcttcr! What's more, it adds a wcalth of vitamins for extra zip and zing. Buy our fresh, rich milk for cooking puddings, pastries, soups or what-have-you! Glen Rae Dairy TELEPHONE 444 BOWNIANVILLE 1 Seneca. 4 & G OR AMAZINI SANITONE SERVICE CET$ OUT ALL THE DRT! Don't worry about the soot and filth of winter-here'a the one kind of dry cleaning that gets out even in- grained grime! Spots vanish! No stahe cleaning odorol CIothes;,look and feel like-new agaio' -4- Local Agent- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAIR PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 WASHERS J ust arrived! Wanderful new Dominion Washers, exactly thé', same as shown here. And, you should see them! They've sot everything. Looks... washing action .. safety . .a nd a smooth running powerFul mechanism. Best value we have ever o f e red. Marvellous Action Domiînion's patented Rollover action turns the clothes aver as it washes. Gets *very cuff and collar clean. Makes aid. time washers seem slow and slusgish. 12 YEAR GUARANTEF ASK ABOUT OUR 12 VEAR REBUILD GUARANTEE PLAN washes clea2ner e-0 owance $239*50 nce $50, do R ACCEPTEDf R CONDITIONI -EASY TERMS LECTRIC ncuphoard andthe snap-fulap ' Llu Mrs. K. T. asks: (1) How ta me- t heyb'ought an aid log bouse neai' -clothes bung out ta dry. Sa, ike move a stain made by a plant umn1 Midland, bad [t tam dcown and * a cbihd gatbering the first fhaw- from bardwood floor. rebuilt at the beach at Midland c rs of spring, a bamnemaker uses (2) Does it shorten the life of wbere tbeY spend their sumrmers. sahl the entbusiasm and beauty an electrie paisher ta pull it back- The remnainder of the year thcy she cao muster for a bouseclean- wards? ? live [o Toronto, but are an tbe îng spree, this assures happy fam- Answer: (1) Sand th portion loakout for an nId bouse witb -ily living. of stained hamdwood floor tho- rpossibihities for a permanent me- roghyan te becbwiba ce. 9TAKE A TIP rblott adipe boxlicac i solo- ---- I.d d1ic cdpeasw l tefr 5 or 10 inutelacs, lu- eflot be 'detufted' if placed in a (2) An clectrie paisher wiîî flotHus a d ! W v s large cotton bag when launder- be damaged by puihing it back- H sandW v s1 e 2. Iran yaum bedspread the long do the job gradualhy. It shouhd Want new Pepan Vim? [)way ta keep [t in shape. How- take 20 ta 30 minutes ta polish a Thous.rnds of couples air sscak u o~ r ever, the chenille anîd candlewick 10 by 12 foot area. hauistedMtl lecaus, b d' liuksîiro)n.1iornew anes arc shaken out and brushed Mr.G .ak: steeay "m, vîtaiitv, trv (strex I orne fahilets. Supplies whn r-nvr roe. r. . .ass I tee n iron > ou, to00. may nred for pcp: suppiernen- wbe dy eyr î'oed Iway I cao prevent the vacuum tary doçes VitarnnBI. introdiictorý or 'et .3. When hangîng a coat or dress cleaner attacbment from puhing: acquainted" size oniy 60e. Ai ail dxuggistsl. an the line, use twa coat bangers1 drapemy ino the nozzle'?? booked in opposite directions,;i Answer.: Use onc section of the then pin at. the collar-, and the i hase and the nozzhc on whicb a wind will not blo\v the garnient piece of cheeseclath is tied, Begin off. at the top and follow down ta the 4, To clean a velvet jacket bang bottomn of the drapes. [t over a big kettle of boiling Miss M. M. says: We cleaned' water foi' about t0 minutes. Then 1auLr mefrigerator whilc [t was dis- bmusb the coat witb a picce Of coinected during the paint-up af velvet tîlI the uap is raised again. the kitchen and food smells of Let tbe steani penetrate cufffs btdow o?? and collar a second lime if ne- paint. htdweo?? cessary.Answer: Try cither of these cessmv.metbods: Defrost and wash cab- 5. Gta*zed ChintZ be iaon- [net and dishes with a baking so- ed on the right side ta bring oLit da solution then place a fan fac 0OMIN#O4 the lustre. Use as niuch Pressure ing the open door on kitchen as possible. stool. Force fresb ai' ino t . (2) 6. Before wasliing jeans and Place a casserole of charcoal in otîjur garmexîts uLse a tooth l'OI1 the refrigerator, (about to-he-dîscardcd i ta dis- ** lodge dirt in pocket corners. Anne Alian invites yau ta wi'ite Pull end if 7. To remnove spots,,oi ueeta bei' c/o The Canadian States- releases cardtable covers or- bags tî'y ru-Lb- 1nman. Scnd in youi' suggestions on bing witb an cerv 'ypaper 0ai' cro- hamernaking prablems and watcb cus cloth and the nsteani over a this columo for replies. boiling kettle. 8. Wrap eýening bags., stol t' and other accessories wvithi silver Healt h Unit To", or- gold tra nthem inahi m- inum (ail and store [n boxes. Discontinue FreeI 9. To "dr'y cean' yourino-m- wahbegloves at haine tr-Y thîs Dental CekU mto:mix one haîf CLI Of î Check-U cr's cartb and onebî cppw dcred alumn. Put the gloves an a Anoigst the econieefet board, caver witb the pawder , d at a meeting of the Board ofN W Miraculous and brusb \kitb a stiff brush. thon Health of the Northumberland- rrnelS ue wipe off witb a taweî and caver Durh'am Healtb Unit on Marcb 30, Wrne So aeI gloves .with cleaxi cornmeal and1 was the cancellation of the plan Jus pulbock on the cloil,., when Vou brush off. Docskin and chamois for free rdental. examinatian of wa t te lose it nd il stops quicker thon will look qîlite new. children 3 years of age and under. to~t l1t. Saturate fresh paint on any * This plan bad been in opera- a b hig with gres o ilte lion since November lst, 1952 spog '. a aarisd f pt iii co-operation with Ihe practi cenrdeeding er cing dentists who repor't thc r naeili wahblornt findings on a card which is sent ta the Medical Officer of flealtb. Payment for this examinat a'n and repart bad been made fîom Be prep red Health Unit fonds. I5I~I5UHowever, arrangements have fo o p t liy prnshave received f rom a Tcde i A lb P Y member of the Healtb Unit staff, so that those cbildren may me- ceive the benefits which were aof-uP feî'cd under the scbeme. REGULAR PRuI.i When the plan was inaugu ral-t eil ralins allowaui cd. the Medical Officer of Healtb eh pointcd ont that a mast important during this sale factor in the preventian of taotb decav and defarmity is the start- ing of adequate dental supervision Reduacea to at an camly age. It was tbaugbt that the most practical metbod of improving the dental hcalhboa YOUR 010 WASHER the cbildren in the United Coun- j r lics wouîd be ta offer same in- REGARDLESS 0F AGE O1 ceutive ta parents ta take vaurîg SALDW AMN A tb~~~ cildren ta the family dentist. SALDW AMN - Parents who arc aware of the im- ______portance of tbis early supervision will doubtless continue toaaial / f theniselves of the services and tit aet feadvice whîcb the practicing den- 1 litshae o ffr.HIC CON E The rea blesins ofmanind42 King St. E. 1C~~ ~.c «'ot ce* 4~ar'e witbîn us, and witbîn oui omav reach. but we shut aur eycs, andBo an Hambly's Deveracges îlike people [nth akwefl Oshawa - Phone 3-2733' sfarcb for, witbout finding it.- ______________ vil sz. Phipne 438 ing oveî' CKLB, thanks ta Mr. Mel Smith. Mrs. Pearl Randle, Hampton, with Mr. and'Mrs. E. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Roblin are viset ing relatives in Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer and children wvitb Mr. and Mms. W. Bry an. Mmr. and Mrs. George Carter, Mrs. J. Latremouille, Mî's. A. Berry and Jimmy and Warren Lat remati ille. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Carter. Lard Dufferin: "There Lq nathing about which a natioQ should be s0 particular as ta se- cure in its civil service indepenLr dence. zeal, patriotism, and iit,- ;TUBBORNI d{Y FROM CLOTHES! i