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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1953, p. 12

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- - - '<4 ~ - 't - - t.'.....' - T~ f!A~fAflIAN ~TAr1'~MA1~r ~r'~w1~RA%7vT.?.w P~'M'Y'A'O?~ Canada's "Nqr. Travel"" Urges Citizens Be Yo'urseli, Preserve Our Traditions To Increase Important Tourisi Trade "The doveocpment cf the Cana- dian traditions, history and cul- dien tourist trado is simply the turc. "We take toc much cf our extending cf the naturel policy cf greet history for granted", Mr. good neigbborliness, the develop- Dolan deciered. "For example, I ment on e national scele cf the have been told tcnight that the feeling et Ibis banquet tonight", man who foundod the Canadien D. Lea Dolen, Director cf the Club wes e Bowmanvillo man. We Canadien Government Trevel Bu- should bell visitors feots such as reau asseted aI the Ladies' Night Ibis, and other important feets banquet cf the Bowmenville cf our history." Ho slated that Men's Canadien Club held ln the every ccmmunity in C a n a d a Lions Community Centre lest should preservo ils histonical sites Wednesdey nigbt. and make sure thet visitons know "Canada is bbc finesl piece cf about tbem. real estate in the civilized world", Mr. Dolan bold cf e recent trip Canadas "Mn. Travel" declared ieh had made bo Honolulu, land cf "ýand a11 we have le do is te be the hula dances, soft tropical eue. el'ce. ho Canadiens, Le j moonligbt on white beaches and frenb 4c'~ir~eî1b jvisitons, t1h" traditions cf bangîng leis __ a-ound the visitor's ncck when hoe ,~ 'rni'c: and ringing "Aloba" when 'le icaves. " wish we in Canada lied more regard for our tradi- lions and promoteci tbem the wey the Hawaiiens do", the speaker stated. "We should have the sanie fine regard for ccir history, cul- tutre and institutions and al bbc S ae('emplishments mado by 15 million peop inei h à nth as 0Pictured îabo\',s h Salvation Armny Red Shield C CaaaStill Greatest 'I saw ail these things in Ha-wyo a lt.Teoj .ývaji and enjnycd theni aIl, but 1 $2,700 as requireci b car'ry out came back te Canada with a greater respect and love Iban ever nol enough community spirit in fer tbis country. They cen have sorepasad othsiitf Honoclulu, bbc Argentine and al nie plhactes ed not be apinc the other foreign counînies. Thenk cli Ihe ton provinces. Ho stated God thal Ibis is my native land- bowevem, that there was ic lack Canada, the finest piece cf neai cf community spirit in Dutrham estate in the eivilized wonld", Mn. County anîd thaltlîhis xvas a niost Dolen declared. cmedbetig The speaker umged bis audience cMme ondbe in. hs u to Inavol, te gel bo know this dience t tebcteurist trado is cf D. Leo Dolan great country. Ho declered thet vtliprac oarclue D. Leo Dolan wide ravel is just as good as evtlipotnetaarclue college education. "Go to New Ho sîaled thal a total cf 26 mill- and Ibis groat country of ours Brunswick," hie urged "on lake a ion Americens had crossed over will scîl itself". trip ight acoss Canada. One mbt Canada lasI iyeaî', anîd cf Mn. Dolan offened a great deal trip ecross Ibis Canada cf ours these 61,'2 million lied stayed any- of advice wbich cen ho used by wili meke enyone wbo bas good wherc from 48 boums te six cvory Canadien 10 belp promote Canadien hlood iti bis veins con- monlbs. "Ail tliese people lîad te tbe toumisl business. "Don't lry 10 scious cf bbe magnitude cf Ibis ho fed anîd every hotol aîîd es- ape bbc Americans," hoe coun- country and its great future des- taurant whei'e they stoppcd had selled. "Tbey don't leave the tiny." tb huy more fanm produets to United States te feel et home Mn. Dolan pointed out that feed Ibeni. The tcuî'ist Irade is home, they went te sec something theme bas been a great re-discov- actually an oxport ti'adï, wîth different. Try 10 keep car cern- ery in recont yeams cf tbc gréal bbc diffemence Ibet tbey come rnunities Canadien and in the naturel resources cf Canada. We homo bo do Iheir buying and lieti British tradition, Especially in have aIse ewakencd tb the ne- tae our pro duels home with Ibis Coronetion yer, fly some cessity for conservation, for pro - theni." Canadien flags. Lot tbem sec scmving our fish and genie aU Mn. Dolan predicted the greal- scniething connected wîtb bbc bis- naturel heeuty spots, hoe said. est tourisl Irade ever luis year otry cf Ibis country. Give theni Lack of National Pride and said Ihat up utbil Apnil 18,1 good service, good food and clean bis deparînient b a d ecivedi accommodation". Ho steted that in bis travels 62,500 more enquiries froni pro- across Canada hoe had found two spective vacationisîs then la 1952. Preserve Canadian Traditions things; first, thet Canadiens do Ho also referred bo sonie cf bbe The head promoter cf Cenada's not know Iheir country wellletnth dpamntbsbe muli-mllon ollr ounst us- enough and do flot have a bîgh maj eity cf thrni congnatuiatomy ness also bcd somo importent cd- enough regard for ils eccoip lîsh- and expressing appreciatica cf vice about preservetion cf Cana- ments,., and second, that theme is tefinlns n orcyc bhc Canadien people.5 Receive Some Complaints * ~'\The speaker stalcU bis et b Canadien Goverament Travel Bu- reau had bad sonie compleints lest year about bbc feet that thbc Canadien dollar was worth mono CAS I P IZI thathe b American. Ho said that whenever hoe spoke on bbis suh- poctin totheUntbeSamescans '21 Camnes and $50«Jackpot - alfor 50c jeotelabbou nilc SthAtes, ho - alo -themselvs were respensible for SPECIAL GAMES and SHARE THE WEALTH 1Ocgrt e Cnde olr to invest la Ungava's irn ore i ad a hertegcl cf teyha THURSDAY, MAY 14 - 8p.m. sharp crad albc ortas c olIhat anbe c forced the pnico Up.t NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL dians renebcg hersletoaMr Proeed fo Necasle ion Clb Wlfae Wrk Dolan declared thal Canad aenÏd Proceds or Nwcatle ionsClu Welare ork Canadiens don't need bbc tinselb _______________________________________________and glemor cf Hollywced. "Wen bave herc c greater land thenc -.... ., LOCAL HEADQIJARTERS 35 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE Will Conduct Red Shield Appeal in This District Central Committee of the local Army in this district. From left they are: Milton J. Elliott, ampagilwhih wll el nder- Chairman f the Campaign; Mrs. Lieut. and Lieut. J. Ham: :t'ive this year has been setat Mrs. L. Aldworth and George Hacking, Treasurer. ýthe humanitarian xvnrk of the FHIINE 2233 Canadians Contrihuted $2,877,708 Io European Flood Relief for Stricken Areas in England,_Holland, Delgium Ottawa, April 28-Individually1 Canadian lumber, xvorth $200,000 and through their governments, which \Vas already in England, 87,0 teCanadian ecNtdo$,-l and which British authorities es- 877,08 1 theCandianNatinaltimated would be sufficient to re- European Flood Relief Fund for pi l h a-ae oe n relief and rehabilitation in the paira bil tedng ehoead flood-strickcn areas of England, ae.I h ehrad h Holland and Belgium, il was an-laneadIan TRe ro etlie f nouned oda fro Goernentgramme is moving now into the House. rehabilitation phiase ai-d will in.<r More than $1,000,000 worth of1 clude the replacement of farm relief and rehabilitation supplies implemients and machinery and have been shipped or are en route possibly provision of building ma- to the flood-damaged areas, and teriais. addilional supplies will be pro- The Canadian National Euro- vided as they are needed. pean Flood Relief Comimittee is His Exce-llency the Govcrnor- now aw'aiting further requests General, the Righit Hon. V incen tfrom the cou ntries cnncerned as Massey, who is chairma n of the to whal additiuîîal supplies will Relief Fund Committee, express-i be required. cd extreme gratification at theo generous response of his fellow-1 Canadians te the appeal to helip The annual fishing voyages the thousands of victims off îhc from Britain to Newfounidland disaster xvhichi struck from thej were so valuiec as training for North Sea on Fcbruary Ist. future British naval recruits that, He also extended lhanks to the ta discouragoe settlemnent there, Canadian Red Cross Society for Priv'ate ownership of land in its invalable services, 10 Dr. W. Newfoundland \was prohibited for S. Stanbury, National Commis- three centuries. sioner of the Red Cross Society, to Mr. Charles La Ferle, Honor- ary Secretary of the Committee, SP EN Ce E to Mr. J. N. Kell ' , \ho se ablY handled the publicitv, and to thte many individualS a'nd organiza- ESEM lions xvho have helped in the f<Regîsîered since 19:31) fund-raising and the shipment of iTE relief supplies. U s J . iî.dnarus Part of Ciiticluas contribution Box 33, (JIIONO bo flood relief in England was a Telephone 27 r- 16 gift of 2,000,000 board feet of --________________ Navigable Walers Pî1~c i c 1 JI.S.C. 1927, CLapier 140 The PubLc I tîiities Comirnnssion of the C«ty of Oshawa lxereby g.ves notco- that it has, uî,nder Sec M:ca 7 cf the said Act, deposiLcd iv'iili the Mýnister cf 1FulbMc 1'V7orks, at Ottawa, and in the office cf the Distrct 1tog:s',rar ciî the Land llegistry District cf Ontar'a, Whitby, Ontario, a d-escr'pticn cf the site and flie plans of a 36-ichi ameter w'cr vorks intake proposed t0 Le lard ini Lake Ontar*o p;'t Towinrlhp Lot 9, Broken Front Concess'on cf the ToN'ný:h-p cf Fast lVhitby, now part cf the City cf Oshawa, Ontar.o. And take notice thiat afýer thee c'ipraUon of on1e mionth from the da'e cf the f:rst p'ibl:callon cf ibis notice, flic Plibi:,ýc Utilt:cs Ccmmiýs' ou cf the City cf CG1iav.a, will, under Sectý*o! 7 cf V~ie> Ac', apply te tie M'n:nIster of Public Woris ai, bis office in the City cf Ottawa, for approval cf thée sa*d silo and plans. Dated at Czhawa, Ontrio, CCis 28th dzy cf Apr]l, 1953. CF TUE CITY CF OiMUAVV'1. G. F. SHREVE, Sccrclary. . anthing that Hollywvood couldV a.T:., m. brougl the second tem posby devise". Young People's UUin drs b ev ora o My t Clsing is speech, ho said tha t . .Resosbi y R 10 IMer Churh" 1 the~~~~~~ betsotcecituSfCt pring Convention whicli crealed keen inlerest. A ada Wlhich lie knexv was givonn idebyMsJanPco ad LratnongOfugambi heU biestyOufsianding Success Miss Joyce Plosson from Green- Orat O c f Canbrdg UnrimersÀity 3wood Y.P.U. was beautifuilly ren- whten one ofieCandas Prmyen- dered. isther a en nbnrr.e (Ceurtice Correspondent) Sunday afterýoon service open- grCandrto there.inso Oshawa Presbylery Y o u n ig cd with King St. Y.P.U. in charge, "Caada frstcf henatonsofPeople«s Union spring conventioni followed by the discussion grouip the British Commonwealth be-lheli at Ebe'nezer United Cliurch which ineluded Faith and Evan- yond the seas, strong in the equal un Saturday evening and Sunday gelism by Mr. S. Saywell; Slow- partnership cf two great races, proved a deeided succss. ardship and Training by Mr. B. illustrious in peace and in war; a Registration cf 154 young peo- Pierce; Citizenship and Commun- greal gardon cf the fr-uits cf the pie was in charge cf Miss Mar- ily Service by Mrs. K. Seymour;1 earth, a mnighty niother cf mon. garet, Wyman, assisted by Miss! aIse Missions and World Out- Wonderful in the glory of river, MYuriel Tirîk. rcach by Rev. H. Mellow. Pro- cf prairie, cf l3ke and cf moun- 1ev. L. M. Sonîerv'iîll pastor senýati on cf allendance banner tain, andi lovelv in ail the varielcCotie iru, ecoed a1l s given by Mr. John Medl.and und hanin2 eauies f soxvpres'ent to the Saturday evening to Tyrone Young People'sUno and cf sun"-. service. The Ladies Brean Class At the evening service Rev. T.A.i W'clcomed by President cf Ebenezer United Churcb served Morgan, in bis final theme ad- Mn. Dolan was welcomed to a delicicus banquet supper with dross deal with "My Responsibil- Bowmianville both on behiaîf cf singing cf grace led by Mr. Ross ily 10 The World." Ebenezer Men's the Canadian Club and cf the Mctcalfe. Choir nendered tbrec vury appro- tnwn by President Wilfrid Car- Later in the ovening Rev. T. A. priate nuinhers. ruthers, and was introdueed by Morgan cf Trinity United Chureh, Mr. John Mediand exlended a Charles Osborne, Ebenezer. Mr. Eow,,manville, gave bis cpening word cf thanks te Courtice Young Osborne pointed out Ibal Mr. themo address on "My Responsi- People, 10 aduits who opened Dolan is a-native Marilimer, bey- bility 10 tth e Young People's thoîr homes for billets and te dt- ing been hemn in Fredericton, N.B. Union" which ail enjoyed. Variety ers who belped in any way 10 Ho is a former newspaperman and programn dirocted by Miss Mar- make the convention such an ouI- was wlvh papers in Saint John, garet Purdon provided loads cf standing suceess. Saskatoon and Regina for 20 laughs. Miss Beatrice MeLcan Mr. Morgan instailed 1953-54 years before joining the travel load in the 'Closing Worship officers for tbe Oshawa Presby- bureau cf Ncw B ru ns wi ck, Thoughts' followed by ail sing- tery Young People's Union fol- switcbing later to the Canadien ing 'God Save the Queen". lowed by a candlelighl service in Governmenî Travel Bureau, cf Sunday morning service et i1 charge cf Miss Beatrice MeLean.1 wbîch ho bas been the director since 1934. Mr. Dolen in hîs addmess men- licned tbal during bis nowspaper career ho had been closely asso- ciated wilh George James and ne- gcrded him as an old ccmrade. Ho elso expmessed bis delight at being aI a galbering sucli as the Ladies Nigbl banquet cf the Bow- à manville Canadien Club wbichW shows tbe fine communily spirit lacking in some Canadien cilles. "Il is wonderful 10 gel a home cooked meal after the huge quan- tilles cf ruhber chieken I have consumed in holels across Can- ada and the United States", he declared. The speaker wes tbanked on behaîf cf the Canadian Club mombers and tbeir guesîs by G.ordon Ellioîl. ----- Head Table Ouests-À President Cerruthers inlmoduced the heed table guests: Mr. and VIrs. Charles Osborne, Mrs. O. .l WV. Rolpb, President-eleel cf the Bowmanville Women's Canadien Club; Mrs. Carruthers, Laurence Goddard, Mrs. Goddard, retining Presidenl cf the Women's Cana- lien Club; Percy Corbell, Scre- ary of the Men's Canadien Club and Miss Nancy Smythe. ... inîroduce two guests from. Toron- to, wbo accompanied Mr. Dolan: F. Alan Venn, Direclor cf the In- fomation Branch, Ontario De- arîment cf Trevel and Publicity; nd Miss Agnes Niekerson cf To- ronto. Mr. Carnuthers slated that ho was pleased 10 soc the large lurn- )ut and called on Howard Jeffery --- :propose Ibe toast te the ladies. Mrn. Jeffery slressed the fact thal uring Coronalion year the ladies ave a special place, and that jusl as Qucen Elizabeth II will be !ueen cf Ibe Commonwealth, se very wife present is a qucen in cme own family bousebold. Ris toast was filtingly neplied ,by Mrs. L. W. Dppell wbo seid îal while the ladies felI humble i being ccmpamed te oun Qucen, orbaps Ibis would give tbem a lal toward wbich bo work. Grace was said by Rev. W. P. ogers. Miss Vivian Sadien, excellent mînraîbo soloist ncw residing in owmanville, delighted tbe au- once with lhree selections in- udin'g the beautiful, "Tbrough he Years". She was accompenied ýthe piano by Don Sbey. St. Paul's W, A. Thanked Howard Gibson, on behaîf cf he Canadian Club members, oved a vote cf tbanks te the idies cf the St. Paul's United îurch Afleî'noon Women's As- ciation for the excellent dinner, nd Prosident Cerruthers passed is along te the ladi-es, thanking cm net only for tbe very fine iner thet evening, but for "tbc joyable dinnors tbmoughouî the st season. Mrs. Wilbert Teeple ýlied for the ladies. Mr. Carruthers staled that the owmanville M cne n ad rien_ * I . * *P ~<'~ PAGE TWELYE THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1958 i ,77.7 asHOp PHONE 3262 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 19OWMANVMLLP. MNTAlqTh

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