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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1953, p. 17

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THU.RSDY, AY 7h, 953TE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOW"MANVILLe'. ONTARIO CLASSIFIED ABS COMING EVENTS Depew Dance Pavilion open- ing Saturday evening, May 9th. Free dancing. 19-1l Durham Chapter, Order of thei Eastern Star, will hold a home, baking sale in the Kitson Locker on Friday, Mav 8th at 2 p.m. Everyone welcomne. 18-21 Bowinanville Nurses' Associa- tion will hold a tea and tour of Memorial Hospital. Bowmanville, to commemorate Hospital Day on Tuesdav, May 12th, frorn 2 to 5 p.m. Everyone welcome. 17-3 Reserve Friday, MaY 8th, 8: 15 p.m. for variety show at Tyvrone Hall, featuring Dave Stewart, iîoted hypnotist. Tickets 50c and 1 '5c, available in Bowmanville at Jury & Lovels. 17-3* The Tyrone p]ay "Gettirîg Ir'a Married" will be presented on Friday, Maý 22nd at 8 p.m. at Notice to Creditors In the Estate of FRANCIS HENRY OKE All persons having dlaims against the estate of Francis Henry Oke, late of the Town of Bowmanville, doceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of Feb- ruary, 1953, are hereby notîfied to send iiiter W. Ross Strike, Solie- itor for the Adîninistrators, Bow- muatvilln, Ontario, on or before the 12th day of June, 1953, full par- ticulars of their daims. Immediately after the said l2th day of June, 1953, the assets of the deceased wlil be distributed amongst the parties entit]ed there- to, having regard .only to dlaimis of which the said solicitor for the (oXeCuIerIs shall then have notice. fl A TED at Bowmanville this lst day ef May, 1953. W. R. Strike, Q.C., So1icif- fr lbr-if\cAdministrators, Bowmianville, Ontario. 1- a .1-3 i Tenders Wan ted Tenders for redecoration of 3 roomns, Bowmanville High School, will be received up te and includ- ing May l2th. Particulars mav1 obtained at the office of the High School. Work ta be coin- pleted between July lst and Aug. 20th. Lowest or any tender net (neceqqrily accepted. Tenders to be aMressed te Mr. W. B. Rey nolds, 68 Centre St. Bowmanville. Thers's nothing Mie giving folks what they want zý IN MEMORIAM HILDITCH-In ]oving memory of a dear husband and father, Thos. l-ilditch, who passed away May 19th, 1952. God knew that he was suffering, That the huIs, were hard to climb, Se He eloseci his weary eyelids And whispered "Peace ho thille." Awa,% in the beautiful hîlîs of God, B% the valley of lest se fair, Somne time. sonie day, we know net when We will meet ouî loved onc there. --Sadl imissed bv wife Jessie. sens Bob and Len. 19-1 iVhFARlýANE- hIi loviîtg imrory1 e t MarY Ireland MeFarlane who passed away. May 7th, 1951. Memnories are treasures ne one ja - scsteal, Death is a hieartachie nothing Somie n ore o now yen are Btgpne, Btwe will remnember, ne matter how long. -Ever îemombered by daughters Lorraine and Wanda. sisters and brthers. 19-1~ M A HkilN ln lovîng np orr c nurt dear father, Peter Martin, who passed away, May 10, 1948. X'e're net forgotten, father, dear, Nor ever shah yen be. As long as lite and memery last We shahl remiember thee. -Ever remnembered by Bessie. DeuIglas and faiiies. 19-1.1 32 MceKEE In loviîîg niemiîcY cf a dh»dbow of 4,~~'cs0> deai- soin and biothier. Ornia Me- Ke<-. %vho passed awaY, May 8th, Hambly's Beverages Hseur sa Asi he ur ho passed wy Oshawa - Phone 3-2733 -Sadly missod and lovingly îe- membeî-ed 1w mother, brothers --and sisters. 19-1 *Dear Donald: . * 1'êe wcre happy toi hear4ýom you so promptly on i Iyour return to Sky Harbour. Haven't found your key yet but mailing your lighter tomorrow. * Since your visit Ed MUlson got started on bis new house. Foundation is dug out and .ve have put the bricks on the Job. Floyd Nicholson is erecting a garage on the Iproperty he sold to Mrs. Sherwin and wilI bc using our ivide v ine bevel siding%4nd mounitain green shingles. Bill Irwin Sbas finished Up at Dr . Mc Kenzie's office and sure has smart- Sened up the nid dump. Ile used Ten Test panels on walls, *Ten Test squares on ceiing and on floors used plywood l underla.v andi te. You must get Your pressure checked first *in the Doctor's office, dîspensary and halls. *Saturday we took on a Job at Pontypool. You re- 6 *member Lofchick, the jolly fat Israelite from Toronto? He's 16 *addlng to bis resort at the Pool. Not much lumber in the deal 1 *but we're happy to supply hini doors, windows, rooflng, sid- 4 ilni, cernent, wallboard, etc. IWe got the roof finished on our new lumber shed 10 *oa and immediately Archie took off for Montreal. Our new tank truck is ail ready for the paint job, so won't be long *now until we are in the oul busirte.s. wlth a real snmart nmodern outfit. * A car of stove rosi dropped in titis afternoon, so f Bruce wîll be a busy boy unloading and dcllvering for next couple of days. Seems heck of a time to be peddling coal ibut we have contracted to take couple of cars each month nom that miners may have steady work the Year round. In return the mines have dropped the price of bard coal $1.7.5 Ia ton. W'e nom, can sell stove and nut sizes at $26.00 until *JuIy Ist. Then up she gocs again another buck and so on 10 *until tume snow blows 'twill be around $28.50. *Mum siigzests printer might he charging me for these 1 letters and that 1 could shorten them rip. In case they have Cthe crust to do anythîing like that 1 better say so long for now. * SEE MeLAREN. Orono 48 r 16. Fairway Food Market - 44 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Look For Mother's Day Specials Give her a Basket of Fruit . $1.00 and up1 We havec a good varicty of Boxed VEGETABLE and FLOWER PLANTS n->w-on sale New ûuebec Maple Syrup - $4.50 a gai. PRODUCE GROCERIES Asparagus 23r, Helimans Sandwiec Tomatoes * " 19c Spread Spinach 17c Kleenex Large 80*s Grapefruit 5 fr35c 'rrs NEW White Pickles Potatoes 5 L-b. 29c Makes 4 quarts Spy Apples New Carrots *Pkg. 49C plio bags 2 2/25c Milko - eh oz., reg. 59c F49c 2/39c le oz. » 25c Pkgz. 37c Johnson's No-Rub Pride h0 ou. bot. Furniture Polish 98c FROZEN FOUDS Snow trop PEAS -~ pkg. 25e OId South ORANGE JUICE __-.--. 2/33c CAULIFLOWER -.--- pk-33e Strawberries, Raspherries, Blueberries, Potato Chips, Chieken. Fish. Ice Cream,. Etc. PHONE 674 FREE I)ELIVERY 1No ice ta Creditors I..uCurtCeLV LJIUC. u ie t.LInuL ii. botnIIIZU- ed by the W.A. Aduits 50c, child- In the Estate ef ren 25c. 19-21, MARIA ROBINSON Ail persans having dlaimns Ceîonation Tea. sponsored by against the estate ef Maria Robin- Mis. J. Put-dons Group, in Trin- son, late of the Village of New- ity Stinday School on Fridax-, May <astle, deceased. who died on or~ 8tl. fi-cm 3 te 5 p ci. Aricbles about flii, 2itt di1y cf Apt-il, 1953, foi- sale atffl t euch and la kc",are ltc'-h'ct ifîccl te seîd iii te table. lea, 35c-. 18-2r;-W. Ross Siî Solicitor fe)r the Exeontiiis, Bowilnanv t île. Octarne, Thte atnîtal meetintgs cf the on or before the 121h day cf June, Newtonville Community Hall and 1 953, full particulars of their Lakeview Ceînetery Boards will dlaim. ho held in the Communlîx' Hall Im-mediatelv after the said 12th on Tuesday, May l2th at 8 p.m. day et June, 19.53, the assets of 19-I the testatrix will be distributed acîecgst the pal-tics entitled Danîce at Selina Cemmnutity Ilierete. lîavtng recgard only te Hall, Fridlay, May 8,. idet- ausp- daims oif whieh the said selicitot' ces ef Solinia Football Club. Dance- foir the executors shall thon have ing 9-1 te Br « ce Broî-wcs Seveni- not ice. aires Orchestra. Admnission, gents DATED at Bownîsnville this 45c, ladies 50tc. 18-,2r t day cf May, 1953. W. R. Strike, Q.C, "The Belle et Bat-celona" by st. Solicitor for the Executors, Andrew's Choir, Millbrook, May Dowmativille, Ontario. 13 at 8:15 p.m. in the Newcastle 19-3 United Cliurch Suriday Sehool. Admission 50e. Sponsoî-ed by Mill Street UJnited Church Choit- Newcastle. ___18-2 Noice to Creditors Afternoon tes, sponsored by St. I the Estate ef John's Girls' Auxiliamy and Jr~. EDITH CAROLINE ELLIOTT Auxiiiary in the Parish Hall on AIl peîrsens having dlaims Saturday. May 9, from 3 te 5 ialgainst the ostate cf Edith Car- p.m. Home haking, haiidicrafts (lIme Ellicît, Jate cf the Tewn of and nitremage sale. Tea, 25c'. Rowcianville, deceased, xvho died 19- 1 on om about the 2nd day cf April, Resî~v Ma 2Oh fi' Spd e1953, are heî-cby netified to send Reseve My 20h fo a Sodein te W. Ross Stnike, Solicitor for tea, with film and display cf1 hie Executors, Bowm-alnville, On- Spode china at Lions Comnii.nity tarie. cii or bcfore the 121h day Centre, at 8 p.m. Sponsomed by c fjulîe, 1953, full particulars cf Bowmanville Business and Pro- theiî- elcic. fessional Womnens Club. Tickets Iiniiîiediatelv atter the said l2th 35C. 19-2 day cf Jumne,' 1953, the assets -cf -the testatri<x v'ill be distributed Reserve Ft'iday, May Sth. 8:15! monulst tbe partie-, entitled for variety show at Tyrone' Iheteto. haviîîg regar-d enly te Hall, spoiîsured by Tyri ittC uv'- elaimis cf whieh the said solicitor enile Band, featuring Dav e Stew- fr thie executers shall then have art, neted hypnotist. Tickets 5f0cnetitce. and 25c, available in Bowm-ani. DATED aI Bewinanville. this, ville aI. Jury & Lovell's. 18-211 Tst daY o f Mvay, 19,53. I W. R. Strike, Q.C., Reserve Tuesday, MaY 1211h fe Solicitor for the Executers, the plaYs 'Crazy te Redice' ccd 1ý1 Bowmanville, Ontario. "Have Yen I-ad YettrOceratti1- oyý Seagrave W.ZX., tn tîamptoît Srtnda 'v Schîcol meemi at 8:1 5 pin. Under auspices of Hamipton Weîîî - etî*s Institute. Admission: adults Parents Attention àUc, chtîdren 25c. 19-1 Pre-School Registration Enîîiskillen Sunday Sehool An- Parents and guardlians of pupils niversary Services ivtll ho held wý,ho will ho attending High Sunday, May l7th. at 2 and 7:30 Sehools in this avea le September p.nî.. with 'Rev. H. A. Mclow. next, ire iequested te 1egster Oshawa, guest speaker. On Mon- t lieni befeîe May 30, 1953, with da.My 8 heewlIb lîtî,the Princîial cf the scheol they supper and musical cemedY The xill atîicl. Thils registration )S Belle cf Barcelona' by Millbt'eck niieessary to organize preper St. Andrews Choir. See bills, Itninsîiertat ion te and from sehools 191as well as the <lasses. Dîîrhatn Coiinty District Comne te Sunday School An- High Seheol Board, ltivorsary at Courtico (United H. W. Mitchell, Sec'y-Treas., Church, May l7th at 2 and 7 pirn. Port Hope, Ontarie, with Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, Osh- 18-4 awa, and Rov. Edwin Haic-ock, Ancaster, as guest preachers. 1 Officiai estiinates fmom biîild- Special music bx' Sunday Sehool ing experts are at Canada cur- and choir with Mr. Doii Allîan. ictip eeds, at least 750,000 more baritone. froni Oshawa,.w; soloîst. f dwelliiig nuits if people are u) 19-2 be pro p cmlv ici îîd. fAl MAR 64 SORE MUSCLES? "KING OF PAIN" THANK YOU!I To iny fricnds and customers, 1 would like to take this opportunity of thanking you for your Ioyalty and support for the past Nix ycars that 1 have been in business. It is appreciated and will be reînembered. You will find Mlr. Doin Boe a very hbIe and deserving successor. Thank yout. Bob Ewers Notices L. C. Mason Law Office. Here- after this office closed Saturday afternoons. Mortgage money re- quired, lst mortgages approved, by you, 6 and 717. Advise me as to funds available. 1.q Beginning May lst, Dr. A. F. McKenzie of Orono, and Dr. S. H. Witzel of Newcastle, will have: hours and take cali on alternate; weekends, from Friday, 8:30 p.m., to Monday morning. Dr. Witzel will be on caîl the weekends of May lst, 15th and 29th. Dr. Mc-i Kenzie will bo on cail the week- ends of May 8th and May 22nd. 16-tf Notice to Creditors 1Nofice Io Creditors In the Estate of In the Estate of FREDERICK ORL-ANDO BAKER JAMES ROBINSON AlI persons having dlaimns.Ail persons having dlaims against the estate of Frederick' agairist the estate of James Rob- Orlando Baker, late of the Town inson, late of the Village of New- o f Bowmianville. deceased, who castle, deceased, who died on or dîed on or about the î7th day of about the 23rd day of March, 1953, March, 1953, are hereby notified are hereby notified to send in to te send in te W. Ross Strike, So- W. Ross Strike, Solicitor for the liciter fer the Executor, Bowmnan- Executors,, Bowmanville, Ontario, ville, Ontario, on or before the on or before the l2th day of June, l2th day of June, 1953. full par- 1953, full particulars of their ticulars cf their dlaim. dlaim. lmimediately after the said 12th Immediately after the said' l2th day of June, 1953, the assets of day of June, 1953, the assets of the testator will ho distributed the testator wiIl be distributed ameongst the parties entitled amongst the parties entitled there- thereto, haxing regard only to to, having regard only to dlaims lafims of which the said solicitor of which the said solicitor for the for the executor shall then have executors shaîl then have notice. notice. DATED at Bowmanville this DATED at Bowmanville this lst day of May, 1953. lst diay of May, 1953. W. R. Strike, Q.C., W. R. Strike. Q.C., Solicitor for the Executors, Solicitor for the Executor, Bowmanville, Ontario. Bewmanville, Ontario. 19-3 PAGE SEVENTEEr In Canada there are 390 na-1 Did' vou know that in the event, tional historie sites which have of an atomic attack on a city the1 been officially marked with size of Toronto an est imated 40,- t plaques or cairns. 000 living casualties will require. Independent stores did three approximatel 'y 60,000 pints of. quarters of ail retail business in 1blood and plasma lmmediatelyr Canada in 1951; chain stores ac- lrom the Red Cross Blood Trans-:; counted for 16.3 per cent an fsin Srvc- partment stores %qr 8.6 per cent. fso evc Thinkin; of ou mal4 H. Daý Housekeeping Cottages Raies $15.00O- f $27.50 per week Cottages are available for the holiday weekend For information 'i Phorn G. "R'AP" GILL ' tys 581 - Evenings 3514 I ~WANT TO SAVEI SHOP TODAY AT A& P! Soothing, smoothing, refreshing Bine Grass-the inimitable Elizabeth Arden perfume in a ceilvenient easy-to-carry stirk. It liqiiefies instantly... absorbs faster and becauso of ils special strength is se much longer lastingi jury & Lovel Phone 778 Bowmanville 3900-A Ano Pagie KETCHUP Powçfrr-s - Pýridings - Pie FiiUng JELLOASSORTED FAOR Henley EL.'d Pack s,i:.--!i O.I'e Pekorp TE& BAGS Welch's GRAPE JUICE BAKERY SPECIAL 1 213-> bs 39 A MU CANADA APPROV!D0 VITA*ffl "en !tlCliw 3pg 26c Milk Bread 2 15-oz tins 23c «(y bx 7c 32-oz bdi 3 7 SLI6O or'WN 24-ook ke14 WMHT£, WHOI-E WHEAW MEAT SPECIAL ANPG EUEBEEF ROAST rSAl é G RDWUBAODE LOAF CAKE PO»RRnOUSI, IY REG. 45e - SAVE 6a MILO & MELLOW 8 OeCLOCK COFFEE lb 91 C BONELESS PLAqTE POT BOUST l33e SIDE BACON maptsloe L smolcod %-1bpJg 33e RADi "A" CUT t» CHjCKEN LES UY ONLY THE PARTS yoti pR EFER yESTHRIHS und llBjqRESS l WINGS î3C EKSo BC s !7 Fresh CaugFt BLUJE PICKEIEL FILLETS "9 Pan ReedY., Headîe»u anl )ud39 YELLOW PICKE£R 1b33e PRODUJ;t >WU F ioraN' 1, Wasbed, new w i M .a1, . N ew C rO p, .Ik e» Oih O 5 5 Mexica, No.1,frniriPe, ban 19cg at thes Olien-, f or'iuice Florida, No. 1, sz 16 l doze4' 39ç' OIU%IGES 1 2 r Cuba" Red SpaniiSh, No Wu.1,pe4"ti"'td~ PIBTO-- lIsE 9 TW-S STORE WtLI. CLOSE MONDAY, MAY llth AND RE-OPEN TUESDAY, MAY llth WITH NEW MODERN MEAT EQUIPME41 INSTALIED FOR YOUR CON'V£NIENCE. For Mother's Day-Mary Lou CHOCOLATES i .,6 _%, REE!1 FREE 1 FREE! A&P Fancy Red Sockeye SALMON A&P Choc. Creamed CORN A&P Choc.* PEACHýS 1/2's in,3 3c 2;20-oz tins 2 5c 2.15-oz lins 19c PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, MAY 9th, 1953. Am.Page ANGEL CAKE TO THE FIRST 300 CUSTOMEFRS TUESDAY, MAY 12th NOTICE Applications will be received byi the undersigned up ta May lSth from any citizen who desires te have shade trees planted on the' boulevard in front of their prop- erties. As the siipply is limited an early response will be appreciat- cd. A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk. Tenders Wanted Drawing and specifications can be obtained from Herbert G. Colo, Architect, 32 Ontario Street, Bow-i manville, for alterations and ad- ditions te St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville. Tenders called for May lSth, 1953. 18-2 On the hasis of total foreign cargo handled, Canada's five ma-! jor ports in 1951 were Movtreal, Vancouver, Sault Ste. Marie, Hamilton and Port Alfred. Dear Donald Orono, Ont., May 5th, 1953 Donald MrLaren. Sky Harboîîr Air Port, Goderich, Ontario I . ---------------------------------- i THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1953 m'm'm ONEY?

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