PAGE EIGHT~~. T1~E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMMqV!LLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. MAY 7th. 1~a A A p PROIE 3303 Turn Page for Additional Classfied BIRTHS___ PAYNE-Mr. and Mrs. Murray C. Payne (nee Jean Duff i are happy to announce the birth of a son. Garfield Murray, at Port Hope Hoespital, on Wkednesdlay, April 29, 1953.491 CARD 0F THANKS The family (if the lai Irs.Nut.l'Il Degeer are' devply grateful ti the fiends aud ueighibours for their mny vkinidnesses sondur- ing the illness and death of our loving mnother. 19-1* Mrs. James Saineils of NesI le- ton %vould like to thank ber friends for cards. fruit and flowv- ers %vhîcli sue received durin hem illness. A special thaiiks to0Mrs. Vleiger, Mrs. Rogers, Mmr. and PIPE Mr.andMrs. LsPprMsH edge. and Mr. and Mns. PIPR-M. nd rs.Le PierMalcolm Emmerson. 19-1* iwisb to announce the hînth of _____ their baby girl, Lynne Patricia. at 1 would like to take this oppor- Memorial Hospital, Bownianville. tunitxv uf tbanking Dr. Austin and April 3tb, 1953. A sister for the staff of the Memiomial Hos- Joanne. 19-1 pital, Bowmanville, for the ex- ______ -cellent came I received wbile con- TENNANT -Keith and Kay' Ten- fined to bospital. Thanks to al nant are happy to announce the wovisited me. hilb f tieî dli~ter lu Memor-wh ial Hospital. Bowniauville, Apnil Hebet-t1e 30th. 1953. A little sisten for 1- Carolyn. 19-1 I would like to tbank the nurs- es and Dr. Dymond who made it THOMPSON-Mr. and Mms. Gord- comfotabîe for me during my on Tbompson, (nee Betty Stepb-, stay in Port Penny Hospital. I ens) Pont Hope. wisb to announce wouîd like to tbank my fiends the birtb of their daugbter, Sand- and neighbours for fruit, flowers ra Lee, at Memonial Hospital, 1 and cards. Special tbanks to Rev. Bowmanville, Sunday, May 3md, aj Nichosnb n S.H. Cm. baby sister for Donna Marie. olsonand . . McCombS. - 191 Mr. Jo. Foder,19-1 ENGAGEMENTS- With sincere gratitude we wish Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Wood and relatives of Edwand J. Doidge announce the engagement of their for their so great kindness to hlm ciaughter, Grace Yvonne (Bonnie) and for their floral tnibutes, to Morice William Tamblyn, son especially our tbanks to the Jack- of Mms. M. W. Tamblyn and the son Family. late Mr. M. W. Tamblyn. The Mms. Jane E. Trewin, Edward marriage wiil take place in Trin- Tewin, bis sister and nepbew: ity United Cbunch on Satumday, Bettie and Donald Havens, bis May 23rd at 3 o'clock. 19-11» neice and nephew. 19-1* Mr. and Mms. Norman G. Gimb- I wisb to express my sinceme Iett, Columbus, announce the en- thanks to Doctors C. J. Austin, gagement of their daughter, Eva K. G. McKenzie and C. M. Camp- Jean, to John Bruce Medland, only bell; nurses and staff of tbe son of Mm. and Mrs. William Med- Toronto Genemal Hospital and land of Booklin, Ontario. The Mrs. Russell Griffen, my relatives Inarmiage to take place Saturday, and many friends and neigbbors May 3th, at 3 o'clock in Colum- who sent flowems, fruit and cig- bus United Chumch. 19.1* arettes and the many cards I re- ceived. I would also like to tbank Mrs. Sidney Garfield Chartran those who were so kind to come wishes to announce the engage- and visit me wbile in bospital. ment of ber daugbter, Doris Cath- Wm. Mahaffy. erine, to John Herbert Rougbiey, 19-1* son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ed- win Roughiey of Oshawa. The marriage will take place on June 6th, at 3 o'clock, in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chumch, Bowman- ville, Ontario. 19-1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hodgson, Bowmanville, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Gladys, Eleanor, to Ronald Mur- ray W'Fhite, son of Mm. and Mrs. Ernest White, Bowmanvilie. The marriage wil. take place at St. Paul's United Church, Bowman- ville, on June 27, 1953, at 21 o'ciock. 19-1 DEATHS Help Wanted MEN wanted. Willow Acres Nursery, Ki_ýg St. East. 1- SALESMAN for Bowmanville car distributor. Apply in writing, stating particulars and experience to Box 991, c/o Canadian States- man. 19-1 RELIABLE man, immediately, for Dairy Farm. Married, pre- ferred. Separate living apart- ment. - Write Box 990, c/o Can- adian Statesman. 19.1* MAN for steady travel among consumers in Bowmanville. Per- manent crnnnption wuithla res McGRATH, Richard Morton-At manufacturer.Only reliable hust- the residence, 111 Ontario St., 1er considered. Write Rawleigh's, Bowmanville, on Wednesday. May Dept. E140-131, Montreai. 19-i 6th, 1953, Richard Morton Mc--_______________ Grath, in bis 79tb year, beioved OPPORTUNITY-Man or woman husband of Eunice McLean. Rest- to take over well estabiisbed Wat- ing at the Morris Funeral Chapel. kin's route-f ull or part lime. For Bowmanvilie. Service in the particulars cail Oshawa 3-2652 or Chape] on Friday at 2:30 p.m. write 244 Tresane Street, Osb- Interment Orono Cemetemy. Fun- awa. 18-tf emal under Masonic auspices. - MEN with car wanted, to seil our -250 guaanteed producîs in pro- SMITH, Ida K.---Suddenily. In tected territory. Wonderful open- Bowmanville, on Tbursday, April nsnyusuondgs Wrt 30, 1953, Ida K. Smith, belovedfo details and free catalogue. wifp of Maurice J. Underbill, and Familex, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. dlear mother of George, of Kings- A., Montreal. 19-1 ton. Rested at the Northcutt & WANTED by aggessive Canadian Smith Funemal Homne, 53 Division Accident and Heaitb Insurancei Street, Bowmanville. Service in Company, two salesmen for Wbit- St. Johns Anglican CburcbSt by-Cobourg district. An excel- urday, May 2nd, at 2 p.m. Itr lent oppotunity to establish t'hem- mnent Bowmnanville Cemetery. selves in the insurance business. 19-1 Training provided. Car essential. Wcmtd ToRent Apply Box 987, c/o Tbe Canadian Statesman. 18-2 THREE or four-room sparnit LARGE mcchanized daim y fanm Young couple with one child. requimes married man to assist in Phone 497. 1-'aIl phases of the operation. Farm -is situated some 20 miles from SMALL Canadian farnilv with Oshawa sud 50 fmom Toronto on references require bouse. town or a main highwav with scbool bus farmi. To bclp, piease phone Osh- past the door. New 6-room bung- awa 3-8054. 18-3! alow with batbroom and sbowem, free hydro, miilk, fuel. and garden. A HOUSE in Bowrnanville or sur - W G. Bowîes. Nestleton. 19-lf rounding districi for farnilv. 1 Urçgent. J. Klonper, c/o S. B iei'- FEMALE HELP WANTED) sieker. Newcastle. 1- -- - i Trull's Groceteria and Geiteral 1 HOUSE or self -conta ined apart- Store, West Courtice, ni-nt of îbree or four moins. Adults. Phone Port H-ope 3060. requires a girl or young woman 19-1 ,ý with gond appeaiance aud ability - ________-________ --as'store clerk. Experience desii: HIGH school teacher requires self- able, but flot e.ssential. contained apartmnent Or bouse to rent in Orono. Newcastle or Bow- Bus service at dour. Inquire mianville. by- the end of June. E. B. TRUIL Phone 46-r-Iti Orono, Ont. Good Dial Oshawa 3-3051 ent offered. 14-tf 18-L2 i Cars For Sale '36 CHRYSLER iu good condition. At 9 Cburch St. 19-I '41 PLYMOUTH coupe with new miotor. good condition, five good tires. Apply aI 33 King St. E. 18-3* 1937 BUICK sedan $17500: small Chev. Army truck. complete with stock rscks: Beau onchard spray-I er with 80-gallon tank. in good shape. Phone Bownmanviile 2341. 19-1 3BARG CA1N 1950 Chev. Sedan Delivery in top condition. "te* S1250. Can be tlnanced. M.PLLETIER /o M. J, Taibl'nu ORONO O0NTAO Seed f or Sale BEAVER seed oaîs. Telephone '1581. Leslie Coombes. 19-1 15 BUSHF.LS of seed grain, oass sud harle%7 mixed: cleaned sudi teated. Les Anderson. Phone 2215. 19-1 Wanted To Buy suV ad one-balf or six-foot bahub. Good condition. Phone f700. 19-1 BEFORE selling vour live pouitry try us. Our prices are higher M Flatt, R.R . I1 Beîhanv Phone: 7 r 13. reverse charges 51-tf SIX or seven-room bouse. good condition, in Bowmnaniville. Will psy cash if reasonable. Write Box 992 c/o Canadian Sae man. 19-2~ WANTED - Live poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iron rags sud melsis Rawx lurs sud deerskins. Phone 3-2043 Osuda collect, 46-tf Articles For Sale GIRL'S bicycle. Phone 2485. 19-1* ONE barn frame 32 x 21; 25 cedar posts. Phone 2573. 19-1 * HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcycle 74: Phone 2692. 19-lf ICH1-ESTERFIELD, suitable for summier cottage. Phone 30,55. 19-1 WE have some more seed barley for sale. Garnet Rickard. Phone Bowmanville 2813. 19-1 NEW Coronet television set. 20" screen, (won in draw). Phone 3635. 19-1 NEWLY erected gerage. $1 75.00 delivemed, also quantity of lumber. Wm. Drew, Middle Rioad. 19-1 ONE gray gendron baby carniage, in good condition. Phone 796. 19-1' APPLEWOOD for sale, one foot length, $12 per\cord. Phone 2461. 19-1* HUDSON Motorbike, in AI con- dition. Peter Stacey, Kingston Road East, Bowmanviile. 19-1* ONTA.RIO potatoes, 50 and 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanvilie. Phone 2473. 36-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kmn- mount, Ont. Phone 17r11. 13-tf NEW Ingersoli washing machines $129: trade-in Westinghouse wash- er egular $189.00 for $89.00 at Murphy's. Phone 811. 19-1 MASSEY-Harris No. 9 manure spreadem, in good condition. A. O. Parker, Newcastle. Phone 2571.. 19-2 P. E. I. Certified Foundation A size A Irish Cobbler seed potatoes, $2.40 per 75 lb. bag delivered. R. C. Graham. Phone 2473. 19-tf GARDEN tools, carpenter tools, quantity of nails, a lawn mowem and doors. Phone 2622 from 6 to 8 p.m. 19-11 CONCRETE and cinder blocks, new style, full 8" high, at reduced prices. For free estimates phone Bowmanville 846. 18-tf BICYCLE, boy's 20-inch size, with double bar frame, double forks; excellent condition. 77 Chumch St. Phone 3164. 19-if BALED hav and straw; mixed grain suitable for seed; 1 pure- bred Tamworth boar. Phone 2745. 18-2* FREE firecrackers with every purchase of $1 worth of fireworks. Forced to vacate. Elliott's Variety House, opposite Garton's., 19.1* BOB-O-LAWN power mower. 18 inch cut, just,. ike new, used one season, $95, can be seen at Palmer Motor Sales. 19-1 EMPIRE garden tractor, 3 h.p., with attachments; also, Johnson 5 h.p. outboard motor, both in AI condition. Phone 2993. 18-2* GRAVEL for concrete or road. Top soul and fi. Delivered four or five yard loads. C. R. Farrow. Phone 2823 Clarke. 17-3* THE Fairway Food Market will make you a nice basket of fruit for a Mother's Day gift, from $1. up. Order early. Phone 674. Aricles For Sale PARIS steel insulated ice box, 75 lb. capacity, like new, $15.00. Phone 691. 19-1* WATERLOO M. M. two-wheel tractor manure spreader, and four-bar side delivery rake in stock. Priced to seil. Straw sliredder and grain thrower. John Stone, Waterloo Dealer, 14 r 7, Orono. 19-1 DEMONSTRATOR G. E. vacuum cleaner. regular $114.50 for $79; used Kelvinator refrigerator, 5 cu. ft. $79; used walnut bedroom suite, bed vanity and chest of drawers, $25 for each unit at Murphy's. Phone 811. 19-1 BRIGGS and Stratton 3 h.p. gar- den tractor, plow and cultivator, attachments and 22" circular saw on frame with belt to operate by the above tractor. Complete for only $300.00. Apply N. Tkatch, 155 Church St., Bowmanville. i -1 " For the Latest Papers " For the Finest Paints " For the Best Workmanship S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912 49-tf TELEVISION Sets-Addison 17- inch T.V. demonstrator, regular $344 for $299: Motorola floor mod- el, 17 inch T.V. regular $449 for $399; new Westinghouse 17 inch T.V. regular $499 for $399, at Murphy's Furniture and Appliance Store, 52 King St. W., Bowman- ville. Phone 811. 19-1 VENETIAN BLINDS - Custom made-to-measure - aiso standard sizes in stock, widths every inch from 24 to 43 x 64 inch drop, easily installed in a few minutes - also plastic and cioth window biinds. See F. F. Morris Co. for largest selection, lowest prices. 7-tf GARDEN SEEDS-Fresh govern- ment tested bulk vegetabie and flower seeds. You get more and better seed for your money when you buy Stewart's buik garden seeds, gladioli, dahlia and lily buibs, certified Prince Edward Island potatoes, fertilizers, etc. Stewart's Seeds, 33 Division St. 19-1 OUTBOARD boat and motor; Ken-Mac Craft 15' long, 5' beam, safe and seaworthy; 2 cockpits, steering w h e e 1, windshield, searchlight and unning lights. 32 h.p. Johnson motor, 26 miles per hour. AI] in excellent con- dition and freshly varnished and painted. At less than haîf orig- inal cost. C. E. Rehder. 19-14' REFRIGERATORS-New West- inghouse 9 cu. ft. refrigerator, reg- ular $409 for $369; used Frigidaire Coldwall, 9 cu. ft., 3 year guaran-i tee, only $299; Kelvinator 6 cu.' ft. refrigerator, reconditioned and re- finished, only $119; used Baby Astral refrigerators, guaranteed ooly $79, at Murphy's. Phone 811. T1L E CERAMIC PLASTIC RUBBER .MARBOLEUW H. G. eal Phone 2902 Bowmanville 14-tl Free delivemy.-- - 19-1-* DRAPERIES and venetian blinds No. TALE ptates a $100custom made, or draperies sold o. 25 T. ALEPotoes2221,00by the yard. Our representative Pon 227.19-1 will cail at youm home any time ONE dinette table.- one good box witb a complete range of samples sping, 54-inch ýwidtb. Pbone sud suggestions without obliga- 2248. 19-1 tion. Free estimates and free ln- FAIRFAX strawberry plants, stallation within 35-mile ares. cleaned, nesdy for planting, $2,00 Lowest prices in town. Fabric per 100, $15 per 1,000. Apply R. Town, 59 King St. W., Phone Manning & Sons, growens, Ken- 3609 Bowmanville. 8-tf dal. Pbone 23-r-8. 18-3 NEW bedroom suite, 3-piece in VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 diffement walnut or blonde finish, chesi of colours of tapes, 15 siat cobours' dmswers, dresser sud bed complete Flexalum. Aluminum or Steel, for only $79.50; used 3-piece Ches- mcasured and installed free of terfield suite $49.50; new studio charge. Phone 3121. Weber's couches $49.50: new steel beds, Fabmic Centre. 17-t! springs and spring-filled msttress- es complete, only $3950; new IF you baven't odered your seed Daveno bcd snd chair in frieze corn you can still buy. Pioncer. covering, $1 49, at Munpby's Fur- More farmners are switching to nitume sud Appliano Store, 52 Pioncer bybrids evcry year be- i King St. W., Bowmanville. Phone cause of Ibein outstanding quality 811. 19-1 aud yielding ability. D. J. Cour. lice, Courtice. 18-3 Have You Visited GLADYS' CIIILDREN'S STORE) USED 2-humner clectric range. Have You ? Good! bcavsy duty, good condition $,59:1 Then you will know what W, coal ranges, good condition $25:;f mean when we say we have used rangetles $19.50: used West- BETTER CLOTHES at a inghousc table top range ini top' PRICE VOU CAN AFFORD. 811.$69a Mrhys 19ý-Iý 8hap. $169-1oneLADYS' MOTHER'S DAY CHILDREN'S STORE euval 75 KING ST. EAST ~r L ÇIAL! _ __ _ _19-1 ONE used M.-H. No. 81 tractor; Iused Case Iactor, 1 used M.M. - AD MI A - tractor.l1 used Geilhavester, R i planter, 1 used M.-H. sccd drill, Refrgerlors 1 1used Gandy i0-ft fertilizer sow- As Low as $269.95 e n. I used Mount Vernon fertiliz- en sower, 1 used I.H.C. manure (5 yr. Guarantee) j spmeaden; wine fence. barb wire. steel posis. pressure systems, oil hesters. W. H. Bnown, Case Televisionlamps !Dealer. King St. W., Bowmanville. 1 _ __19-I From . --Rooms For Rent Use Teeviion TWO unfurnisbed rooms for et As Low- as $199 f3 UNFURNISHED rooms for ent. Possession June Ist. 71 Brown Used ]Radios St., Bowmanville. 19-3* As Low as --------- $15,00 Repaizs 1 EI RSto al makes of erg T E T.V. HO ratons. domestic sud commrc 'ai milking coolers. Higgon Elec- PHIONE 3262 tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 431 19-1i 25-tt Real Estate For Sale FOUR acres or good building lots on lot 18, Base Line, near high- way. Phone 947. 19-1* COTTAGE, can be easiiy moved, size 24' x 14'. Geraid Balson, Phone 2733. 19-1* LOTS for sale at Salem. Write Harold Drake, Bowmanvilie. 19-1* CHOICE building lot for sale, 45 x 88; ail improvements, shade trees. 65 Ontario St. Phone 919 17-2 FIRST class, weil built, 'pastered house with cellar, water and large garden, near Caesamea. Asking price $2200. W. G. Bowles, Nestieton. 17-3 SEMI-detached soiid brick bouse, double living roorn, modemn kitchen, 3 bedrooms, good clothes closets, modern bathroom, sun- room, oul furnace. Apply 25 Brown St. 19-1 100 ACRES very best famm, land sloping, 85 acres under cultiva- tion, 35 acres good faîl wheat, 25 acres spring grain, spring creek, bank barn 80 x 40; six-roomed frame house newly built, six miles from Oshawa. Immediate possession. Phone 2986. Bill Stack. 17-2 H. G. 'Hap' GILL REAL ESTATE Building lot with double garage on Concession St. Price $575.00. Building lots on High Street. Price $500 and $550. Woodwomking shop completely equipped, also five-room bun- galow, modern kitchen, pressure system, full cellar, situated in thriving village on county road. This is a gift at $13,000. On High Street, new bungalow, five room, heavy wiing, three- piece bath, modern kitchen. Priced for quick sale. $5.500. I have other homes, farms, stores. H. G. 'Hap" Gili Real Estate 8 Second Street Bowmanviile Telephone 3514 19-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 100 acres, bank barn, 6-room brick bouse, bydro, good fences, on a good gravel road. Price $7,500, on easy terms. Two-storey chopping miii, shed and dam, with large private fisb- ing pond. This is the angler's op- portunity. Price $5,000. 5 acres with large bouse, on No. 35 Highway. $1,000 cash and terms on balance. B. A. service station with large bouse. oil beated, lunch counter snd 6 cabins. Will seil on terms on excbange for bouse. We have two sumMer botels in Kawartba Lakes district and one on Rice Lake. Anyone intemest- ed in summer camps should con- tact us. H. C. Pedwell Newcastle, Pbone Clarke 38-SSL Agent for W. J. Warren, Broker Agincourt, Ont. NIXON REAL ESTATE 6-room frame bungalow, modern kitchen with breakfast nook, built-in cuphoards, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, bot water heating witb oil. lovelv bardwood floors, downstairs necreation room,-two- piere bath. This is a new bouse in immaculate condition on a good residential street. 7-room frame home on two floors, 2-piece bath, garage, gai-den, small fruit, good residential street, $6000. Tenms. 6-noom insul brick bun~galow in Tyrone, built-in cuphoards. newly decorated, stonms snd semeens, close to school snd cburcb, hydro garage. $6000 for quick sale. Possession arranged. 7-moom solid brick dwell ing, 4- piece bath, oil furnace, hsrd wood floons, large sun room, modemn kitchen, garage, ganden; on main street. $10,000. Immediate pos- session. 5-roomiii1 'storey brick dwelling. 4-piece bath, sun room, fumnace, storms. sceens, awnings, garage, cement drive, garden, small fruit, lsndscsped, extras. $9,500. Termas. 30 days possession. 5-room trame bungalow. 4 years old, in Kendal. Hydro, garden. $3,500. New insu] brick 4-roomo bung- slow, psntry. bvdno, on large lot on No. 2 Hligbwav bctween New- castle aud Newtonville. Immed- laIe possession. $3800. Terms. Famms, dwellings, lots sud othen businesses. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N. Bowmanviile Phone 682 Pçàf Q P1w %il 1 WHITE an bown rabbits. Robent M L G E T Parr. Phne 2983. 19-1k OSIAW'A - DIAL 5-5836 REGISTERED Scotch collie pups. 19-I $20. Applv sixtb bouse West of Trulî's Stone, Counlice. 19-1 , W anted P ersonal PASTURE for six heifens for sum- mier. K. A. Grills. Phono collect HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber 13-8085. 18-2* goods) msiled postpsid in plain sealed envelope with price lisI DEAD STOCK emoved from Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1,00 vour tarm Dprmptl',, fo., sarutamy Mail Orden Dept. T-28, No\ ,-Rub. disposaI. Telophone Collct Co. ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. bourg 1266 or Tomonto EM 3-3636 1-52 1 Gordon Young Liniited. 1-52 Real Estate f or Sale DeWITH REAL ESTATE 158 acre farm, dlay loam, creek, wells, good barn, hydro through- out, water in barn, mîlk contract, cooler, silo, etc. Good frame bouse. Price $11,500. $2,500 down. 150 acre farm, sandy loam, 65 acres workable, rest wood and Pasture; 2 creeks, 7-room frame bouse, hydro throughout. 32 x 55 ft. barn; garage. Pnice $6,800. Terms. 85 acre farm, dlay loam, close to village; ahl workable. Well, 10- roomed frame house, hydro througbout; 2 barns, cement floors, hen bouse, etc. Price $13,000. Terms. 65 acre famm, 7 miles from Osh- awa, loam, 45 acres workable; springs, well, hydro; 8-roomed frame bouse, bank haro, milk contract, 3 hen bouses, silo, gar- age, milk-bouse. Pnice $10,000. 100 acre famm, sandy loam, 80 acres womkable; 8-moomed frame bouse, bank barn, stabling, pig- Pen, ben-bouse, garage. Pnice $6,500. Temms. 135 acre famm, lakeshore, sandy loam, 120 acres womkable, good fences, good road, 14 mile from school; 9-roomed brick bouse, bydro tbrougbout; running water, 90 x 30 ft. barn. Price $18,000. 150 acre famm, dlay and ioam, 130 acres workable. Fimst class steel buildings, creek, good watem sup- ply; barn as good as new. Good insulated frame bouse, batbroom, fumnace, bamdwood floors, unning water, pig-pen, ben-house. Ask- ing price $25,000. Terms. 115 acre farm, dlay loam, 105 workable; well, large barn, good brick bouse, hydro, furnace, bard- Wood floor, cistemn, good grain, cattie famm. Price $13,000. Terms. Bakemy and grocery store in vil- lage, existing over 40 years as a good running business, with 7- roomed living apartment, bot and cold running water. batbmoom, garage; first class oven, ail mod- emn macbinery. $1,000 down, house in Newcastle, frame, il rooms witb basement. Close to main street. Price $7,000. 15-roomed bouse close to bigb- way with 3 acres of land. Price $5,000. Easy terms. These are some of the farms, bouses or businesses we have for sale. John F. De With, Realtor Newcastle Phone 3341 19-1 Livestock For Sale TWO calves for vealing. Austin Wood. Phone 2388. 19-1 REGISTERED Jersey cow, due within a week. Harry Beau- champ. Phone 2661. 19-1* ANGUS bull, 15 months. Good type. Registered. G. Bowman, Enfield. 19-if FOUR 2-year-old Hereford and Durham steers. Phone Don Stapleton, Clarke,2820. 19-l1* REGISTERED Englisb Yorkshire boars and gilts, four months old. Gerald Brown, Browview, New- castle. Phone 3536. 19.1* PIGS for sale. Purebred York- shire boars and gilts from import- ed stock. P. H. Hinton, Orono. Phone 14-12. 17-3 1 PUREBRED egistered York- shire gilt, 1 yeam old, open. Alan Dayes, Nestieton. Phone Black- stock 14 r 11. 19-1 * ARE you short of help? Think- ing of starting a Beef Herd? We invite you to inspect f ifty bead of Angus Beeding Stock "The World's Greatest Beef Breed" at our Spring Auction Sale, Fergus, Satumday. May 23rd. Write for catalogue to Don Black, Arthur~, Secretary, Central Ontario Angus Club. 19-21 ARE you tired of milking? Think- ing of starting a Beef Herd? We invite you to inspect fifty bead of Angus Breeding Stock "The Wolds Greatest Beef Bmeed" at our Sping Auction Sale, Exhibi- tion Grounds, Peterborough, Sat- umday. June 6th. Write for cata- logue to S. Stothers, Lucknow, Secretamy, Ontario Aberdeen- Angus Association. 19-3l For Rent PRIVA TE room for rent, board if desined. Apply 18 Liberty St. South. 19-I* FARM bouse with hydro, on bigh- way, nortb of Bowmanville. Would like neliable party able to help with farnm work occasion- ally. Phone 2824. 19-i1 FLOOR SANDERS FOR ENIfT -ALSO - Custom Work AUCTION SALE The home of Ottona advanced registry Yorkshires and Herefords has been sold, known as the property of Mr. W. R. Bal Lot 26, Con. 4, CLARKE TOWNSHIP, Con. South, % mile East of ORONO to be sold by public auction on Saturday, May 91h at 1 p.m. sharp REGISTERED CATTLE Herd Sire, Ringwood Del Return, born Sept. 18, 1950; Glossie Dom- ino, born July 10, 1945, heifer caîf at foot, bred to above sire; Ortona Betty, born Oct. 19, 1949, bull caîf at foot, bmed to above sire; Betty Domino, April 1l, 1945, bull caîf at foot, amtificip.lly bred to Ring- wood Del Retumn 32; Ortona Betty Tone, bomu Oct. 10, 1950, bull caîf at foot; Ortona Miss B Beau, Lento, bomn Sept. 30, 1951, open. GRADE CATTLE Hereford Cow, 4 yms., bred Oct. 23 to above sire: Hereford Cow, 4 yrs., bmed Oct. 24, to above sire; Hereford Cow, 3 yrs., bred Nov. 1 to above sire; Hereford Cow, 3 yrs., bred Nov. 4 to above sire; Hereford Cow, 3 yrs., bred Nov. 19 to above sire; Hereford Cow, 5 yrs., bred artificialiy Apr. 22, bull caîf at side; Hereford Cow, 8 yms., bredi artificially Apr. 15, bull caif at side; Hereford Cow, 7 yrs., due July; Hereford Cow, 5 yrs., due July; Hereford Cow, 5 yrs., bull caîf at foot; Durham Cow, 8 yrs., due July; Holstein Cow, 4 yrs., due July; 2 Holstein Cows, 2 yrs., both due in July; 3 Hereford Heifers, 3 yrs.; Here- ford Steer, 2 yrs., 2 Hereford Heifers, 6 months; Hereford Bull, 6 months; 4 Hereford Heifers, i1% REGISTERED SWINE Sprucdawn Dick, AR626, Reg- istered Boar, bomn Msmcb 21, 1949; Ortona Lady Duff, 2D-385080, AR 5161, due time of sale; Ortona Lady Duff, 6D-385081, AR5162, pigs at foot; Ortona Daisy, 34E, pigs at foot; Ortona Lady Duff, 7G, pigs at foot; 5 Yorkshire fat hogs; Ortona Lady Duff, 16G, pigs at foot: Ortona Lady Duff, 19G, pigs at foot; 33 Yorkshire Weanlings, 4 registered service- able age Boars, 7 reg. Giits, 5 montbs. MACHINERY M.-H. No. 22 Tractor, practically new; M.-H. 2-furrow Tractor' PIow, practicaliy new; M.-H. Easy Flow Fertilizer and Grass Seed Sower, nearly new; Dunham 7 ft. Tandem Disc, neamly new; Mc.-Deering 6-ft eut oil-bath Mowem, nearly new; Cockshutt Manure Spreader, neariy new; 2- mow Corn Cuitivator, horse hitch; 2-mow Corn Cultivator, tractor bitch; Fanning Mill; 13-tooth Cul- tivator, tractor hitch; Knee Sleighs, 2000-lb. wbeel barrow scaies; M.-H. Seed Dm111; Mc.- Deeming 10 ft. Rake; Hay Fork Hope, Slings, Car, Pulleys; M.-H. 6 ft. Grain Binder 2 coai Bmood- er Stoves, Stoneboat, Pig Box, large quantity choice Baled Hay. Remarks-The berd sire and a number of the young bulîs and beifers are sired by a son of Del Zeto 2nd. the $5,100 bull. Any- one wanting young bulis for serv- ice or breeding stock would be well advised to attend this sale. Terms (Cash - No Reserve JACK REID, Auctioneer, Orono, Ontario 19-1 Work Wanted Concrele and Masonry Brick, Bloek and Conrrete Work Prompt Attention - ESTIMATES FREE - L. Turner P. 0. Box 177 Bowmanville Telephone 3600 12-tf fPAINTING PAPER HANGING Full Selection of PARALAC PAINTS and PAPERS -FREE ESTIMATES - Howard S. Brooking PHONE 2702 42-Il W. A. KILPATRICK COMPLETE Plumbing and Heating INSTALLATIONS and REPAIRS for Bowmanville and surrounding districts by skilled tradesmen.i No job too large or too small to be appreciated 1tp-to-date Plumbing Equipment i with Latest Style jPlumbing Accessories Cal us for Free Estimaies PHONE Bowmanville 3613 AUCTION SALES May 2nd, iivestock, implementèý hay and grain. The property_é Gordon Reeson, Lot 15, Con. #~- at South end of Oshawa Airport. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, H. E. Pler- son, Clerk. 17-21 Miss Susan M. Stanley, 97 Queen St., has sôld her home and will seli by public auction on Sat- urday, May 16th, 1 p.m. sharp. her entire househoid effects, including a Dominion upright piano, electric refrigerator, four-burner electric stove, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, modern and antique fur- niture, rugs, floor coverings, lin- ens, bedding, dishes, glassware, iawn mower, garden tools, etc. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 19-2 There will be offered for sale by public auction on Srturday, May 9th, the household effects of the late W. H. Thickson, at 141 King St. East. Included in the sale are 2 bedroom suites, i pair twin beds, bed-lamps, dining- room suite, china cabinet, cane- bottom chairs, sewing cabinet, radio, ice refrigerator, washing ,machine, kitchen table and chairs and other articles too numerous to«rmention. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. Wm. Challis, Auctionieer. 19-1 Eastern Ontario Hereford Club 5th ANNUAL SALE PETERBOROUGH Fair Grounds, SATURDAY, MAY 3Oth, 12:30 p.M. Auctioneers: W. S. O'NEILL, Denfield. RAY WILLIAMS, Hoard Stn. 48 Registered Hereford Bull$ and Females, botb horned and polled, Animals approved by Dominion Health of Animais Branch anid Ontario Livestock Branch. Up to $75.00 Grant on Buils. ac- cording ta o Gtario Bull Premiuyn. Sale Under Cover H. Hawkey, Pres. Indian River. W. Mood, Seo. Birdal. Work Wanted CUSTOM work wanted. Phone DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for customn killing. Phone 3243. 32-tU BULLDOZING and excavatlng by hour or contract. Free estimates. Geraid Balson, Hampton. Phone 2733. 19-4* HAVE your kitchen and bath- room walls tiied, about 29 colourg to choose from. M. Jurko, Phone 2753. 12-tf ROSE'S Construction Co. Side- walks, cellars, floors, walls, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free estîmates. General Delivery, Bowmanville. 17-3* EAVESTROUGHING - Order your trougbing and eav'eq early for prompt service, rates in town. We stand behind our work. S. BMain Eiliott, Heat- ing and Plumbing, 55 King St. ýft Phone 3348. l- CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Garden and Farm Plowing Cultlvating, Diselng, Scutfllnt and Mowing FILLING IN DRAINS with bulldozer blade J. H. Alldread & Son PHONE 496 NASONRY CONSTRUCTION BRICK - BLOCK Chimneys Repaired and Rebuilt Sidewalks, Concrete, General Industrial and Residential Contracting - Competent Workmanship - FREE ESTIMATES An ger Bros. PHONE 2643 FURNACES Air Conditioning flil Burners Sheet Metal Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS Eavestroughing DAVIS & CO. 7 2 M'ILL L4NE Phone - Day or Nlght, 3412 - 691 16-tf A brave man tbinks no man bis supenior wbo dues him an in- jur mv for he bas it thon in his power 1() 'ouke bîmself superior 3 oto fb- ,.it b1%,bvforgiving il.- 16-3 Alexander Pope. PAGE EIGHTb.- Il« CANADIAN SIrATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO THURSDAT, MAY 7th, IOU Pets For Selle