PAGE THRE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO _________________________________ -- - ________________________ ings 1 Skain CubHel Eecio aiOlicrsOrono United Church Bowmanville Women s Insitute SttonsCuc uies Skatnq Cub Hld Eectin ofOffiersSt. ohn" Chcust1ohn Review Successful Year's Activities Raises $5,550.O00Hold 53rd Annual Meeting Newso i Newsvice a In Its Bliz Oampaign of__ - ____ Sunde Arthur Constable New President The Blitz Campaign held on Eleci Mrs. Thos. Buttery President LADIES NIGHT AT ST. JOHN'S Wol ________Wednesday, Aprîl 30 ýor rn MENS CLUB- bring Bowmanville Skating Club held neli holds hier Preliminary Figure UntdCuc uligFn The fifty-third annual meeting President-Mrs. T.Btey lst For ail but one night in the1 den s, its annual meeting at the Town land Dutch Waltz certifîcates. realized $5,550.00 in cash and of Bowmanx ille Womnen's InstU- Vice--Mrs G. Richards; 2nd V ice1 erwagosnatheMn eep pledges. This amount was short tute was held on Thursday wîtht -Mrs. E. Passant. Sec y-.-Treas.- eawatgsontth Mn'jrcp Hall on Thursday evening. Elec- Mrs. Mason capably outlined the of the $9 000. objective by $3,450. Mrs. C. Johns in the chair. AfterI Mrs. R. Candier; District Dirco Cluiblis a mystery to the women1 be pr, tio oftheBoad o Drecorsforactvitesof he lubdurng he The Blitz ,vas the second such the usual business session Mrs. S. -Mrs. L. Dumas; Drectors- olBubtmeber rn g u theira- .~e 93-4sesn oo lae adpast season. She said that campaign held for the new Grant announced that Achieve Mesdames J. H. Abernethy, M. th t'e existing board was returned. the numnber and enthusiasm of church. On April 26, 1950, the Fi- ment Day for the Girls' Clubs IColwell, S. Grant. F. Jackrnan; dies to the final meeting. On ti as with sincere regret that nance Committee of the Building will be held at Orono on May Visiting Com. - Mesdames W' Tuesday evening last the men 9.enewiy elected executive ac-1 members were greater than ani- Fund for the then to be erected 9th. Corden, C. Gatcheil, L. Kerr;all witmesien tthReg. ard-h ~~tdteresignation as presi- ticipated; that the carnival had church held their f irst Blitz Camn- Delegates to the District Annual Auditors-Mesdames E. Mitchellinintecar ~ent of Mrs. L. C. Mason. New ibeen a success; 69 families had paign. This campaign in 1950, at Blackstock on May 20 wifl be and G. Young; Song Leader-ig ntecar efficers are: President-Arthur joined the family group, and 781 raised from the community and the President, Secretary-Treas-i Mrs. C. Gatcheil; Pianist-Mes- Proceedings began in the time Constable; Sec'y-Glen Hughes; members had taken part in the district a grand total of $25,000 urer and District Convener, ex-i dames J. S. Everett, G. MeCoy; honored fashion with ail present Treas.-Mrs. Jack MeNulty; Di- figure skating. She referred to1 whieh \vas lits objective. The sup- officers and Mesdames G. Young Rest Room-Mrs. R. Candler; jorning in singing The Doxology rectors-Mrs. L. C. Mason, Bill the intangible results, such as the potgvnî apin~a n esmneetd~ edr edmsGand repeating the Lord's Prayer. Bagneli, Mrs. C. H. Palmer, Harry1 warm family relationships creat-j then sui'ely an incentive to all to bers are rnvited to attend and it Alchin, E. Black, A. H. Clemens,1 Business was absent from te Hughes.1 ed by the family group. and the sec the new church constructed.' is hoped to charter a bus. H. Richards, J. Shackleton. 1 agenda, save for the sad privilege Mrs. Mason presented skating pride of our figure skaters in The second campaign, three years Mrs. T. Buttery read the report Mrs. C. Johns thanked the Of paying a tribute to the mcm- certificates to the following mcmn- first getting control of those following the first, was desîgned from the District Executive meet- members for their co-operation 1 ory of the late Thos. E. Cart- bers who were present: Miss Joansktaninlrig to wokin1 liminate a $9,00.00 boan1 ing. during her two years as Presi- wright, an estee ebro Allin, Preliminary Figures and precision wîth others and cfrvelop- which is being carried by the Annual reports of the Standing dent. long standing. As usual the busi- Dutch Waltz; Miss Gail Bagnell, ing grace and poise.uh. Committees weî'e read and ap- Mrs. A H. Clemens won the ners: session closed wîth the sing- if Preliminarv Figures and Dutch Very hcaî'tily she thankuthe 0 the $5,5O.() ubsribd1o proved. The visit of Miss Anna prizes for the best aggregatc at- ing of -The Qucen". Waltz; Miss Beverlv Cowling, Pre- members of the board for their Wednesclay of last week, $4,600.00 Lewis with coloedpctures of tendance and also for introducing g The first parte o f th e osoc ialvpro- liminary Figures and Dutch Waltz-, 1lovat n adwr.adtak a ahdntoswt the re-1 her European tour was votcd the four new members. ~ rmwsmd po eea Miss Judy Goodman, Preliminary ed ail those \vho had worked so maining $950.00 being plcdged. 1Most popular programme with The xinnei' of the Keiodflsson yM.Hrîg n- Figures; Miss Donna Herne. Pre- hard to make the carnival a suc- l'le commnittce in charge believes the address bv Miss L. Taylor, blankets was Mrs. Gatchell andj cluding two C.N.R. films, The liminary Figures and Duc ces that total will come up somiewhat honorabhie mention. 1 the cup and saucer, Mrs. E. Pas- Gaspe and Our Canadian ei Waltz: Miss Carolyn Msn Pre- Mr, C. R. Goodman acted as amii for- this puipose the books Mrs. C. Gatcheil pî'escnted this sant.j tape. both excellent. These werc limnar Fhres Ms^ Gwcn nmnîn hira:MsVcor xvii renain open. siate of officers for' 953-954:- Refreshments were served by ollowcd bv a film of local inter- -es;nomiatig chirrnn; rs. ietest photographed by Mr. Harding. Murdoch, Preliminarv Figures and Jeffery and Mis. Lloyd Ellis a1s The Finance Coiiittee [or h aîP'sdn r. .Jjn,,mmeso the excuix. iis xxas most enjoyable because Dutch Waltz; Miss 'Faye Piper. scrutineers. Building FLnd wishes tu extend'o tray c lprosadsee Dutch Waltz. i her ppeition tthe memrbers p. U mayloa-idpeso fndsee Not present to receive the cci'- and c1 aderents of the Orono Un- oarians Quzz d n eirH b ie ie plhotography. The last film tificates they had carned vweîe: Young Mac: "Father, l'Il hac uter1 Cbirch for their co-opera br.Lgtd, h os-acr Mr.Sur aePeiiavtac e a niew atlas for the schooll." tion, and also to canvassers and R bi1zrnKoLiht ldown they bouse" Figures, Dutch Waltz and Swing udMc:'v cl.v'de- noewo epdi avxa isnermanFr n Jamiesonl Films then gave way to games, 9Mrs. Mc:tuarteelJames, Preliminaryheled i ageta Waltz; Miss Patricia Mason, Dutch ter wait tli the world's mairl to make thc campaign the succes a carpet bowling for the young Waltz; Miss Darla Marie Palmer, settled!" it~ was. 1n cie ad o hs h Dutch Waltz.j Dui'ing the cvening a numrber An întercsting and timely talk- erty. He xiii also make suie that prcfei'red cards. If the above di- Mrs. Mason pointcd ouIta snt th isagodcic o r f nmembers and adhcrent gth- since it came on the opcning day bi0iei u e~ch evsi visions are accrt oeo h Patricia Mason, Darla Marie Fei'guson?" said the la ndlady. ered at the churchi for the final of the trout fishing season-was When arriving at a trout strearn bowlcrs who are grandparcnts, Paler nd ay Pierha ai 'Mbb itwasmoall. bt oun. Ashrt rogamof enter- given by Rotarian Frank Jamies- h le will always give any f isher- wil be most flattercd. ready passed their Preliminarv physically it's naething but an un- tainment was pi'ovided by a brass on to the Bowmanville Rotary man who bas arrivedbeoeim Finally the keenest sport of the Figure tests, and that Lynne Bafr'- happy wreck." quret fMsr.Crlos Tam- Club at lits mceting-Friday, on the choice of whethcr to go up or evening came along - a game __________________________________________________ Iblyn, Glenn Allun, Eanl Browvn the fine art of trout fishing. down the streani, and xiii then known as "The Disappearing and Geî'ald Bnown. Mr. Carlos Rotarian Frank asked the Club take the opposite direction. Sandwiches". Cake followed sand- Tamblyn also ncndered a cornet members "What Is Your Hobby?" In closing hie urged the Rotar- wicbcs and coffee, expertly brcw- solo followed by a sing-sonig. and then told them that his was ians to givetotfiin atycby r.M tyGstcc- ILunch Of ice crcami- and cak ihn for brook trout and gave and felt sure ttthebaith panicd botb. Su thespngsan xvas scrved tu the people rsn teraos why hie considered it would benefit f rom it. 'T'hene is of the meni's club closed in an en- _________________ the bcst hobby that anyone could no reason wby a trout fisl'manjoabe manner. We hope 10 se I ~orin ~ ibav. Hc satcd tht withthe shuditlv 0b ipe old von ail on the first Tuesday in ha e H t/.ed t a w t s o ld ' lv oOct er a o b er m n Moo ciet n strecss and tension that business age,' hie declaned. coemn Moo cidnsO pots on cvcryone durfAîg these Mr. Jamieson was introduced bectimes, cveryonc should and tbanked by Past Pncsident ST. JOHN'S AGAIN TO HIAVE Increase i hsDsrc Dave Higgon, who occupied the SEDAD OLSRVC i chair in the absence of President WITUAccrdig t SttîsicsGarnet Rickard. Mn. Higgon stat- Prayers for Divine tlessing up- cd that he had also been in charge I nthcrp are as old as mari. ~f ' *Statisties on motor accidents of the program and that bis first Rogation-tide" days set aside by duig15 nthe Province of arrangements had fallen through. tecuc o ekn uhbes S Otaro released i'eeently by the Mr. Jamieson had shown the truc ___ Motor Vebicles Bi'anch, Toronto, Rotary spirit in offering to fill in. show that tbem'e was a 15.1 per hie declared, and hie was most Stafford Bros. cent inci'ease in District 8 oven grateful to bim for it. 1951 Ditric 8 s mae u ofRotanian Ben Kitson remninde d CHO OL TE 151.Ditrct8 i mdeupofDurham, Northumberland, Vi- 1 members of the Rural and Urban M nm na ok CH C L T Storia, Peterborough and Haliburt- meeting tomorrow (Friday) nigbt M nm na ok uT n Counties. at 7 o'cbock at Newcastle United Phone Whitby 552 ATNumben of accidents in District 'Cburcb and that eacb Rotarian is 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby 8 was 1,987, as compared witb h% expected to bring a rural guest. FINE QUALITY 1,71 in1951 Ths nmbci is3.4Speaker will be Deputy Minister J U R Y U L O V IE L L per cent of the Ontario total of Agriculture, C. D. Graham.MOUET AN Wbe W Tet yes[tIsDon PopelyinThene were 893 fatal acciîdents Members discussed a weekend MARKERS WhnW etEe ti oePoel nOntario during 1952. an in- trip lu Fern Cottage, Athcrley, Precise wVorkmanship and TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE crease of 8.4 pemr cent over 1951. and dccided to bold this on June careful attention to detail V PHONE 778 BOWANVfILE Total accidents in the pr'ovince 12. Secretary O. F. Robson ne- newe wenc 58,515-up 6.5 per cent over ' ported that tbis was an excellent are your assuranewn _______________________________________ 1951. location, with golf, tennis and out- you choose from the wide ------ --- --- --- --- --- - -- -- - - - - - - -- - --door bowling facilities available. selection of împonted and f rom s awa domestie Granites and Thnee guestsfrmo saaMabeintck Rotary Club wcre introduced: Eric abeinsok Costum Jew e lery ranx jamieson Jones, Ed Stonie and Alex Storie - have a hobby to take tbeiî' minds Cost m e ew elery off their business wonî'ies and ai- low them to relax and enjoy Mn. Jamieson statcd that a W L E mnan's hobby should be something FOR OTHE ONclivorced entirely from bis buis- iness or from making money. Il should be some activity that will illow him to becumne entinely ah- 4som'hed in il so that hie can relax :nd forget any anxieties or wor- ries that might be botbeî'ing bim.> Such a hobby for him was trout fisiing, hie declaned, and had beeri .since his fathen first took him fishing as a boy. He told of the tbrill of getting out into the country and bus. EA R IN G Seanly in the morning on some fasL E A R RI GSrunning trout stnearn and oflad trout. "Even if you sptckatcG IThU G a thi ng the exercise and relax- * ELOWation will make youn trip -wortb- wbile, and you will come ak * RHNESONErelaxed and nested," the speaker 1 l' declaned. -ONLY - DOOR GLASS or 45 gauge, 30 denier, Afternoon Sheer $1.35 ISPECIAL! WINDSHIELD 51 gauge, 15 denier, Evening Sheer $1.50 *English Bone China 60 gauge, 15 denier, Luxury Sheer - $1.75 * CUPS AND SAUCERS_____ ________ ASSORTED COLOURS and DESIGNS V * j u W i BOXED, OnIy 9 817~..lU!; 30E COOPER'S MARRS JweleryService Station 218 King St. E. "Truly a Pleascnt 43 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone 463 PHONE 3432 PHONE 451 BOWMAIN hias been observed for cen,-1 the service. With these tokens of sThe present rector of St.1 man's efforts in agriculture pres- Is church rcvived here the ent prayers will be offered to « of a "Seed and Soil" ser- God for His blessing upon the and the third annual service labours of our farmiers and gar- is nature will be held onders g)sipr reivtdI Rogation Sunday this year co- lwith them sîrna11 .s;ampîcs incides with Mother's Day. The ed and of their farm or Qar- annual cliurch parade of St. John's soi. These are to be left in Girls' Auxiliary and Junior Aux- 3tacles at the door and will iliary- will be held next Sunday esented nt the altar ouirin.g morning also. You'll neyer go back to ordinary dry cleaning once you've tried different, better Sanitone Service. Dirt, spots, stains simply vanishl Local Agent- OOPER'S LADIES' WEARI PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 STORES rC"ESTIONS S LIP S Nylon and acetate slips, so easy to wash and iron, lavishly trimmed with lace. In white only. Sizes 34 to 40 $3.98 TOWELS White hath towels with choice of colourfLi floral trim in morning glory, carnation, rose and orchid. $1.29 each GLOVES sizes 6½10t 8 $1.19 Io $1.98 BIRIDGE SETS Embi'oideî'ed br'idge sets and lunchieon s ets c(mlee-ih akins, attractively buxed. $3.69 tIo .~ SILK SQUAIRES Large size sîlk squares in ga.V cuoQurful patterns. $1.57 each TABLE-CLOTHS Culourfast cottun iable-cloths ihiat are sure 10 please mother. 54 x 54 inches $2.98 each Place to Shop' NVILLE ING ST. F. n-,izyTOCT%À&%r 'REAX, '74U inr.-J 35c each