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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1953, p. 4

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_ TOUR T!!~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLL~. OWTAWTfI M,ýAY 7th, 1953 and is, a huge, square proportion- Since it was onlv a short time ed, red brick house known as ago that we mentioned Mazo de "Benares." Most people feel little la Roche's Jaina books in this, doubt that it is the .lalna of Miss column, after seeing her ati de la Roche's books, though the Smith'm Literary Luncheon inl present owner, Mrs. Arthur Har- Toronto celebrating Book Week, ris, a 94 vear aid daughter-in-law we were particularly interested toi of the original owner, only says read in Saturday's Telegram Of that "she might have been writ- the house which provided the in- ing about this bouse." The orig- ipiration for the "Jaina" of the inal owner was a miiary officer izavels. who served xith the British Miss de la Roche lived in a forces in India. The connection cottage at Clarkson, 17 miles west with Iridia seernis rather signifi- of Toronto. some 've-ars ago when cant too, though Mrs. Harris says the first Jalna books were wvrit- that Miss de la Roche certainly ten. North of this cottage was. wasn't writing about the people Saiad., and qandwi(-ip s teir me aq roo<l with M I BA f L E V H I P S a l d lre g . T h t e t e famoms aod popidar alad drrcsng that Camiiies the satmnv textiire of mo.ionaime wiih the fang of old-fasbionped hoîled drea--ing. That, spillsine- bod" will love ii. And no woîîuler' Mirarle Wh*lips lively, yef delicate fihvourir qî u~il.Inci- dentaliv, Miracle Whjp is made from a secret re-ope knownonoov ta K~raft. It cnt be copied. And it i.s delieiotis. NI-iiinim ! Dlot wait a day longer te try this superb salad dressing! (At, omîr grocer s 00w!) SÇpriogg Specka 0Ol Otd.or Living ... in the park. on picnicsq, at holi- day reeArtsý-and ail that niitdloor livmn'g apeakS of valuables left Unguarded arotind the lîouse-and thaat aituation whimpers of burgians and -iloiit2s a reminder teo rent, a SaJety Deposit Box- at the BANK 0F ___ MONTREAL! Al of which lae me a bit out of ý1 breath but with the satisfaction of having delvered nome gond advicel 1 epeak fromi experience. loo- having had my own home broken inoa one inhappy apringtime. Thats when 1 resýolved neyer ta leave my preiouis possession@ at, the rnercy of bîirglara againl And rather than face the riský of carrying valuables with me o« my travels. I put. them in a Bof IM Safety Deposit Box.. . and leave xny worries in thfre with t hem! So wlîv not take a tip that, cao gave yoli much grief? flent, yourself a B of M Safetv Deposit, Box at your neighbor-hood branch tomorrow. ('04eý lesChan two cents a day! Feeling Go.d becauise the suin je shining and Spring is in the Rir? Yoîi'd like te go for a walk-but ' voîr iteet are hurt înz vou? Weil don't leltatt spoil yoîîr qentjovýmet of Springt Try new BLTE-JAY Corn Plasivrs with Piornplîurn. frTh aCs the new medication that, gete inder youir omn and helps push il out froîn îuîîhrnenth... the firet, meaill- new mediration for eorns and vallîîses in over aeventy years! Inaracual temté, Phenvlîîîm went to work 33% fa8ter. worked 2,5% more Purelv than ar?îy othef Ieadîng 'v. So tqke mv lý,p-ek for Blue-Jayq wth Phcnylium at~ your favorite drug counter todayl HIOGONELECTRIC ILECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION AUTHORIZED 42 KING ST.E.GENERALO ELECTRIC ,.ox'360 Phone 438wmanville, Phoe 38 HOME APPLIANCE DEALER Ontario * * ~Why Wi SOld and Grey? i Get started on those NEW HOME Dreanis NOW ..while you are Young. The Oshawa Wood Products Limited has everything you'Il need to build: plans, experience and top-quality materials. We wilI help you build a home that wilI give you a lifetime of happiness. Corneini - talk ever your plans with us. SERVICE - GUALJTY - DEPENDAEILITY VOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR SUCCESS Oshawa Wood Products Ltdu Yard and Mill ai Courlice (Dial 2130 Dowmaavilie or 3-4661 Oshawa) Current 1: and e Con fidential y By Elsie Carruthers Lunney ta uis we could cultivate a littIe aI that Eastern tranquility and lave af beauty. The Easem-n rus- tam 100, ai cbaosing ane llower, one vase, one painting, rather than a wbolc garden or pan- orama, and drinking in the beauty ai that one abject, has great menit. Many of us in Ibis rountry find expression for lov'e ai beauty in decoralhng and Iurnisbing a room. When il le Iinished. tbe colors, textures, lines ai furniture, books and arnaments cause us great pleasmîre and satisfaction. We r:ao lvinhothat room. Il fille us witb content. Just sa wîth the forsythia. If you i-e interested ia sucb Ihings you would pro- bably enjoy a book wbicb we read a number af years ago. Il is a wonderîul book ta own and dmp ino. Name, "The Impor- tance ai Living," by Lin Yutang. SHERLOCK FINDS A CLUE We are apt ta see almost any kind oI bird from aur kitchen jwindaw naw. since migration nortb is in full swing. Tbe I aller day we saw a pair af Biue- birds, and the colon was so brul- liant and so beautilul we faiî-lv gasped. It is years sioce we liave seen Bluebirds. Thev secm ï o be retreating farîher and fat'- ther mto the country, away fram Ipeople and trahfir. Yet Bluebirds are not suppased ta be shy ai civilîzation. They do, however. like ta nest in bollow trees and especially fence posts. Witb as mucb zest as Sherlack Holmes. we seizedj upon Ibis chie. There are no Iece posîs any mare wherei j ome-loving Bluebirds cao bang their bats. Most fence posts now are thin, metal afiairs,aofn use wbatsoex-er ta Bluebirds. Hence the retreat ino the hinterland. Soumods reasonable, docsnt it? Tbev will apparentlv nest in bix-d bouses thaugb, accarding Ici omr bird Bibie, -Birds oI Canada" by P. A. Taverner. Soalal wc bird la vers had better get bîsy on a j uttle housing development. The flash of Ibose hîmme wings would be a constant rewý%ard. jThe Red Cross an a wbite back- 'grotmnd is the ane emblem recag- n ized by aIl peaples ever -ywhere. Il stands for mercy and belp. Your belp. Every dollar af your money--- spent through Red Cross---buys approxhmatelx- 10 dollars wortb aI good'm and ser-vices through tbe Society's volunteer arganization. Last '.-ear the Canadian Red Crosse Societys,;Enqumrv Bureau smmcersîuiv., trared 46à miasinp person.ç for relati\,es or friends j in cna"anci otha ScuntrM&a Masonic sernict! at Pontypoal Peterborough, Kinmounî and oth. Cemetery. er place. Deceased is survived by his 1 Pontypool lost one o4 its best widow and two children and one; citizens and thev extend moElt sister, Mrs. Howard Bayd of Ken- sincere sympathy ta the bereaved. da]. Palibearers were close pals of "Anguis," said Mrs. MacSporran. the deceased, Scotty" Mof fatt,. as her good man looked tbrough Chas. Chapman. AUf Mitchell.,! the magazines on the bookstall. Llo 'yd Cain, Ed. Bredin and Rus- here's but one word for what sell Kerr. youj're doing - and tbat's playing Friends were present from To- with fire. Some day you'll buy ronto, West Hill, Niagara Falls, 'one." SITE 0F JALNA who lived in the bouse. Brd H d M e Du Ths s odobttre Nve-Solin a Bid onourediMa y or riZeS u1venOu it edmuse wbole pieces ofayFins wi IC okn c o li o n H l bouse, a setting, one item, one A o k n c o li o nH l facet in a persans character, rnay Show ers and Parties_______ set off a wbole firework's of in- spiration. Houses, old bouses, Miss Greta Weiner. Home Econ-1 Wear, Mrs. El fie M. Slainton-1 bouses large enough ta have sev- Prior ta her marriage on Sal- 1amist. gave many v1aluable tips' Mens prizes, Carter Family, Mr.!t eral people living under their urday, April 25, to James Alan 'ta homemakers in the three-night Colin Taylor. rools. have a great fascination for Muir Taylor af Duncan, B.IC., Miss cooking school held in the Town Coaking Food Prizes-Mrs. 0. the story-teîler. It seems very Ileen Balson, Sauina, was enter- Hall last week. Sponsared. by Club Nicholas, Mrs. C. Bagneil, Mrs. likely indeed that "Benares" was tained at numerous showers and 15, the school drew large crowds' Blake Sbortt, Miss Bernice Milli- used as the pattern for Jaîna. parties. each nmght when many lovelyi gan, Miss Eileen Wray, Miss Greta Mrs. Harris admits that there was A personal shower was given prizes donated bN local merch-1 Jones, Miss Joyce Cox, Mrs. Harry abasement kitchen and bake- by Mrs. Lloyd Preston; kitchen anIs, 3Àere given away. Draw for: Saunders, Mrs. J. Purdon, Mrs. aven in the house as la the Jaîna shower by Mis. Carl Devitt and the grand prize af a Sunbeam T. Turner. af Miss de la Roche's books. It's Mrs. Jack Large at the home of Mixmaster, was wvon by Mrs. Tuea ih Jaîna as far as US. taurists are Mrs. Devitt, Jane St.; aod Mrs. Harry Allin, Centre St. Tusa ih concernied anyway. Tbey are James C. Smales, Hampton, was Wt ice n ikui Grocery Bags - Twenty-four; Wit a itcen nd inkunt! grocerv bags were given out but cantinuall *v dropping in and re- hostess at a linen showei-. set up on stage, and usingth1 names'are ltaalbe questing la be shown around. At a farewell party held at the îatesî model electrical appliances, 'ntaalbe Here is anal ber chance for a home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Miss Weiner demonstrated the art Merchants' Prizes-Yeo's, Mrs. rel auis atacio. s eJames, the bride was presentedaImdm coig Aru ig'R M. Jamieson; Fabric Town, have said many times, and wiîî wîth a silver entree dish and sîl- cammentary, spiced with humor Mrs. D. Taylor; Alex McGregor, say n limes again, Canada 1 anlstcs yth tafo and %vit, was found most enter- Mrs. A. Blanchard; Royal 17heatre, sbould look alive ta such possîbil- The Canadian S t a t e s m a n. Of îaining as weîî as instructive.: Miss M. Couch; Stedman's, Mrs. hlies for twa reasans: ta preserve wbich she was a valued memberj Mrs. Paul Chant was Miss Wein I A. Hickev; Bowmanville Glove historic buildings, and ta give the for Il years. Mrs. George's assistant throughout t h e and Mitt Ca., Mrs. Gea. Graham; tuit oehn olo t e1Graham, Jane St., was hostesis at shi .A. H. Davis, Mrs. J. McKnight; have no idea ta wham Benares'i an afternoon tea when Miss Bal- Prizes were drawn on Tuesday Llt oyd Ell, Ms WinnHrDavre- will passi on the death of the aid tsonl was the recipient of a bath- LHodL Gddd prseaidentdTre lady now living there. but sure lv mat set. At a presentation party ng b' awîn: Weber's Fabrics. Mrs. M. theide aIil ein opn t th giea v M. ad Ms. ohnLe of Lidns Club: on Wednesday by Gallagber; Nortcutt & Smith, Mrs. public at certain limes is worth ger, Oshawa, when a number of1 Gai-net Rickard. presîdient of Ro- Ray Fry: S. Jackman, flowers, t arv, and on Thursday night by Mrs. Harold Christie, Mrs. W. laaking ino Otherwise, it wil the bride's relatives were gîests, A peetn îs Sbtn r.LnW]h prabablv, share the fate of a il the bride received gifîs of an Ail Hmae ereetn is large bouses, and be divided into prirut, alumnnm sandwich tray, men Club. Men's prize-Ken's Men's Wear, romparmens, osig is ienttvrelish dish and arnanental ash Tuesdav' night's pnize winners M.Grhm forever. traN. appcared in last week's States-: l The collage where Miss de la Mis. Bruce Tink. Mrs. Bix'(', man. Prize winners for Wednes-1 Flour Mixes--Mis. H. B. Truil Brovi ad Ms. erc Deeilday nd 'htrsdv nght wee:'Mis. Aubrev Smith, Mrt. Pearl Roche wrote her books is stilîiBonadMs ec'Dwll da1n h rdxngtswr:Farrow. Mrs. G. Graham. Mrs. C. intact also and is accupied to-day. were hostesses at the' home ut lVýednçsday Nighti Ra by. Mrs. R. Hailman, Mrs. H.N. People love ta see where a vvriter Mrs. Tmnk. Solimia, xvhen mans' Grocery bags-Mrs. R. E. Os- Aln i.Ga asal worked. It's just like honey ta a lvi in i'ssdto b o nme, Mrs. Sarah King, Mrs. R. Food Prizes-Mrs. N. J. Allin, bee. What is aur Ontario Govern- room lug were presenîrd ta theCav, Mrs. R. Widdicombe, Mrs.' Mrs. M. Elliatt, Misý. B. Disle,.. -1bride ge ta 'ocMs A .Sel ment doing about these tbings? -t-be. From party geItS,.J. E. Huk'i. .W Sel Mrs. K. Burd, Mrs. T. Westlak'e. Wha ae ot-hisorcalan lier ýMiss Donalda Cîcasser and M is,. MIs . J. Bragg, Mrs. Donald Mrs. Rubv, Colville, Mrs. Jean ai-y organizations doing about 1i nnciiiie%-weie hostesses, gifîs Cari Mis. Fred Battie. Mrs. Allan Fie r.JHgfed r.K lhem? * 'United States road maps i cake irhv ver cth u hi,<.MsW M TreMcGuire, Mrs.B. Buckley. are peppered wilb such attrac- ck rvwi eevd Miss Domeen Bau e, Mis Gemr_________ tians. How cao we Canadians Apîsatou a aomad trude Warrack, Mis-. Dora ur be so slow? About ail we offerIbam Advisowmv CmiîeWestaDuthedon.Mis. S. (lnilMis. C. Americans 10 look at from Nia- b he Bdvion CovieW te ' TDr-, o Mis .McCullocb, Mrs. OBITUARY gara ta Kingston, is Lake Ontario. ..... of which Miss Balson . Frank Jamieson, Miss Mar- Wall--____ It's a nice view. but -- we couldt was secretary foi- sevemal veam-s. a reMs. E. W. Crawford, Mrs HERYCATER stand a lot more of the "Wash- 1The i gft of this group w,%as tuva Norman lrw,ýine, Mrs. Gea. Richi- iogton slept here" idea. Canada ' hand wrouglit copper sel-vmng aids, Mrs. Walter- Reynolds, Mrs. (By Pontvpool Correspondent) abounds in interesting sights and trays. Bryce Bm-9wvn's Sevenaires 1 Norni an A]lin. Aiter speodmng over th re e sites, but we cerîainly arent, Orchestr-a, of \which the bride wa s Merchanîs' Prizes - Downham Imanths mn St. Joseph Hospial. selling the idea. pianust, pesented ber wth a sil- Nurserv, Mrs. H. Osbor-ne; Mc- Peterborough, and spending a Premier Leslie Frost, Toronto; j er cream and sugar, and n.NulsMr.A.CensFir similar time three-ears ago. Hen- i graved tra.y. A lovely bon-bon disb a odMreMs .Bron yCrepsmse tPnv and Mr. Leo Dolan. Travel and was also recei-ed froni the Soli r a i ond'MBarkty a, Ms. Gata;ieareptatraIPny Publicity Director, Ottawa, please Home and School Club, n adsBat aoMs e. pool, passed away on April 2Ist, note. ____________ oodv, Mike Osbarne, Miss Doris'ia bis 501h vear. Starkey; Cowling's Drugss. Known as "Harrv" and loved CONTEMPLATION AND T Wes Werry; Severne's Bakem-y, by ail. be had arquired a hast af Barb. M uoc lu oJutiMis. A. G. Scatt; Marr's Jewel- friends lrom far and rear. Com- APPRECIATION ~~~~~lery, Ruth Aston: Walker Stores, n oCnd rmEgadwe Sitting and contemplating the Studentsof1 Provinces' Mrs. Alma Yellowlees; Landers' ing7 a aadofaefrom Engalanhenm beauty af forsythia brancheso 1H'iariwauie, Mrs. Margaret Lowrie; 'eai-s ayooine,9ta ndaledm did't as ths estrnJaan's Beauty Centre. Mrs, Har- ta Pntyooeho192 ad bs lve dintmae bs eser O tt uawaGuUe5Stof iRotary ad Pte:Aenty, i.teeee ic. Wbile health wbat it is to-day, Ambition,j, o________ . ,thys, r permitted be conducted a barber- energy. and running like the Fl:dMto;Kney aisrshop and for several years oper- dickens, ail attributes of aur fore- flmteiîded for lasI week) ated the Latonia Hotel there. The bears, were largely responsible The thim-d annual Aclventure in ai Ai-t Gallery and Museum, the pasl few years be was the genia] for the privileged place whicb Citizenship sponsored bv' the Ro- Royal Mint, thle Central Experi- postmaster. He was a keen sports- 'Canada holds n the world ta-day. tary Club af Ottawa ino coopera- mental Farm, and other places af man, a former mnember ai the We say af aur lorebears, because lion wvitb clubs throughout the national and historical interest. local bal] club, a good singer and the things which distinguish Dominion brought ta the Capital, As guests oi the Federal District entertainer. He was active in Ira- tbis generation are quite diller- May 4tb. aven 1610 selected Higb Commission the young xisitors ternal cidces, being a member a1 ent: lime and a balf for over- School sîuidents representing ai] were sbown the driveways' and rono Masonic and Oddfellovs time, the Old Age Pension, and ten provinces for four day« s af other beautification developmentS Lodges. He was a member ai the down payments. 1 sighlseeing. Barbara Murdock of in the city and environs. They also Wolfe Lake Hunling Club and But that subject leads up ami- Bowmanx-ille \vas chosen by- the visited "Moorside", the Kings- practicallv al] ils members turned other alley. What we were think- students ta represent the High mere home of the laIe Hon. Mac- nul an Thursday 10 pay their last ing at the moment was tbat Can- School. kenzie King, now a feature ai respects. adians and Amnericans could do The youmng voters af tamorrawi Gatineau Park's 39,000 acres in Nineteen years aga be was mar- with a litIle ai the Eastern rever- visited and observed the Houses the Laurentian HuIs aI Quebec. ried ta Letitia Simpson and they ence for beauty. and we don'l af Parliament in session, and later At one af the several luncheons, had two children, Dennis and mean the Hollywod type. Look- ieceived Certilicates af Canadian Members of Parliament had the Carole, ta whom be was very de- ing at branches ai forsythia drip- Cilizenship 'aIlime bands nI the opporîunmuy af meeting and sitting voîed. ping in yellow fllwers, thrust in Prime Minister, the Hon. Louis St. with Ibeir voung canstituents. The On April 23 one af the lai-geaI a white-vase, silhouetted against Laurent. They also paid a cal] on series of luncheons and dinners , unerals ever lield in Pontypool a blue-green wall. we felt a great Hîs Excellency the Governor Gen- coocluded with a banquet at 'tank place from the United lift af the spirit for the sheer eral, the Hon. Vincent Massey, at which stuidents represenliog each Cburch under Masonic auspices. beauty of it. Rideau Hall, province addressed a gatbering ofj The floral tributes from far and In Communist China therc A Know-Youm-Capital pragram Rotarians and their uives, and!r near were verý' numerous and may no longer be pbilosopheî-s, ncluded visits ta the National prominent figures mn national and beautiful. Service was conducted pnets, and scholars who sit and War Memonmal, the Memormal municipal affairs and the Cap-1 by Rex-. Vogan witb Mis. Lily contemplate tbe beauty af a Chamber in the clark tower af the ital*s business and professional Richardson at the argan. with Ilower, or a îree, or a îapestry, Parliament Buildings, the Nation- life. -IBro. R. E. Logan in charge of the E. $2.25 Q UART CW your FRECOPY "Colo,' Dynomics for the Home" bookiet LANDER HARDWAI Y King St. E. RBE Phone 774 M APE D SNMONDAY TUESDAY WEDNES ONE 0F A SERIES 0F CALENDARS LUESIGNED TO RECALL FOR CANADIANS TODAY SOME 0F THE INTERESTING EVENTS, BOTH GRAVE AND GAY,, IN OUR COUNTRY'S COLOURFUL STORY. Preseutd byl'M&&ong4 ~. ~(f4 - - I CANADIAN CORPS TALKSY RAMITELERHDNE EF- -TAKES FQESNOY, CANADIAN NAVAL SERVICE JEEN MOMI6 ANADIAN TRAIN 1917 - E1 TABLIS HED, 1910 1ANIT5HOMEOFPICE, 19)29 .H L. SETS SALARY L IMIT COLLEGE O PIYS IC A t4S CANADlAn-OWNED OF4+7500 PER PLAYER AND SURGEON< 0F UPPER *S(R BARTON' WIN5 193Z CANADA INCORPORAED, 1839 KEN-IJCKY DERBY, i1919 SU GWAY CANADÀS WM. SHERRWN6WINS GOVERNOR SIMCOE FIM !V1SITS OIYMPIC MARATHON, TOR0NM AND SELECTS SITE AT4EE,1060FEWN 19 '.PLEAE.' - 1 [ FOUNDATION OF' ANDSOME CANADIAN TEAM OF PEDEN BRITIH CAPTURPE S6O, TOWN HALL - LAID AT ANDFIELDIN, WlN 6-DAY BIKE 1814- PRESCOTI, 1874 5V-E « DAY, 1945 PAETORONTO), Iî32 -~~~ 583 MDEFEAT FOUNOATION STNE OF CRICKETCLUe ATO1AWA BEFORE NED 9ANLAN DEFAT PIA15TED - --- TDPOHTO'G FIPST UNION 6OVEPNOR GENERAL AND C}IEFS IN ROWING CmPACE TRONTO STREET RAILWAY DÉPOT LAID, le63 OÇFT4E SIX MATONK, 1974 AT TDRONTD, 878 1 CO,tNCORPORATED, I861 7CANA A'STOMMV BUJRNS-----«r KOsEMROHE N .ZOFFfWrISSUE OFWL.,knZES PRICE 1874. BRF H(NOQCOUAPRT- E V M.RAINVILLE FIRSICANADIAN KINGAND QUEEM WITMESS W. ROt, DULIN,I908.FAST "COLONIAL ADVOcATE: ERs C PER lb. APPE ý2O P EYPEDITION LEAVES 10WIN DAVIS aUP MATCH RUNJNINGOF Ki PLAE NORT WEST MOUNTED TO 11E~NI6TLhE FUGT QUfENSTON, 824, BAREL - PO1AOES 54 SUSHEL 1DRO41, 1870 FROM 74E US., 1931 Ar WOOD43INE, 1939. PLICE ESTABLISHED, 1873 <f FlRTMEETlMAI15T RAoYLOITOCAD SALSIDOCAIN M4A-Tw54P LSSlL WL $AMTTFOJm4RDA utVE5 OiJQOT X ACERONR7 NRwC1 85 1rLi&Rlvos,13 AAL 8Z8 TALT,14 .1 r1UN~IJA Y PITTSBURGH HOUSE PAINT If your house is painted white, you don't want it to look a dingy gray. Sun-Proof Mildew and Fume Resistant Outside White looks w-biter, is wbiter and stavs white longer. To effectively com- bat mildew a special mildew inhibitor bas been buit into Sun-Proof Outside White. It's extra durable and welther resistant. Learn how the two-coat Pittsburgh Sun-Proof House Paint system offers extra protection at mod- IITSBR1 erate cost. Corne in and let us explain tbe superiority of Sun-Proof House Paints. I MAY BIRT 5«r EMERALD -i -L -i -««« rom TIVP CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 4m" Tlà e?% A w 1

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